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still an underrated shige play overall
Good stuff
thx for free 9 star pass on leader's DT, thanks matt for sending me map
wtf chocomit
Galactic Gladiators
i love this map :D
i have new difficuties
they are SILLY (normal) SILLYIST (ultra and spelled wrong) THE REAL HAVOC (edit) GOD (ULTAMATE) TRUE GOD (IMPOSSABLE)
i wanna send these diffucuties to havox
Cookiezi... noob
Really cool map :D
cookiezi -0.5% rage spot
Cookiezi getting pp? wtf
He usually plays loved maps so its rare to see him get any pp xd
Cookiezi wtf FC with HDHR LOL
speedrank smh
Just a HDHR farmer walking by
This games scoring system wants to make me vomit. 85% B HD > 99% S HDHR according to osu.
yea but like cookie's 200 combo off fc lol, score v2 might remedy that in the future
cookiezi tryharding :D
I like trains but not this map
Finally! It's ranked!
BlackY vs. Yooh - HAVOX
I can get 970K in Sound Voltex but can't pass HAVOC :thinking:
good map, timo :D
hhit olys
ayy nice!~
good patterns for ctb
Yea i agree
yo timorisu, that last diff is spicy af. really different from other 7* wowo
is it just me or is top diff not really that good
it has ok flow and really nice streams but the jump patterns look like 2014, and there could be sliders on 1/3 doubles
surprise its my mapping style
should've modded nerd
guess who did it with HD HR
i'm waiting
lol nice score tbh
psych watch this get disqualified for the fourth time
youre crezy
wat an skrube
good for you
my favorite anime tbh
I'm having war flashbacks right now... T_T plz no more arrows
Even ones in the knee?
Mania When???!!?!?!?!?!? Taiko and Standard Ranked :<
never :^
i still don`t like the ducky right now .
Y o u d i r t y a r r o w s t o m p e r
Let me guess... . . . . . . 743pp from Cookiezi inc?
693 I guess?
should be 727.exe
743 pp is impossible .3. cookiezi can get a 700pp play with HDHR if he had 99.06 acc or above and a 742 pp play if SS with HDHR
no hdhr, flhr Kappa
Maybe if he come =)