00:55:394 (1) - literally jumpspam :/ Completely ignores the lyrics (which is also a more interesting rhythm to follow) which if put at the end of this section is forgivable but 80% of the Kiai is just this. It also makes the jumps at the end of this section less special.
00:41:710 (1) - Section could have more interesting buildup imo - keep following the lyrics since they have more impact than the drum beats
00:23:640 (2) - I feel like this circle could be replaced with a slider and the slider after that can be replaced into a circle because when the lyrics land on a slider end which imo doesn't reflect it that well
00:16:096 (2) - starting at this point there can be more intensity variation in this pattern (first set starts relatively nearer to each other but next set is farther apart and so on).