Where is this art from? it looks pretty cool
wallhaven if I remember
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/59179936 found XD
it's too hard but i love it
this is hands down the best map ive seen, THANK YOU for doing this incredible song justice with an equally incredible map
Had 10000 IQ forum irc, looks good!
REEEEEEEE thank you !!!
from nm reqest~
Thank for the mod!!
Where is SB? @W@
Soon Soon ! xP (i'll start this friday!)
PoNo is cute w
Pono chan Daisuki <3
when u map the exact same song but with higher sr
10 000 IQ.
10 000 Hz.
Full Restore
Wandering through corpses, harboring suffering, sorrow and rage, I told my brethren, living with pain–.