0 degrees angle gimmick is a bit cool, but it feels quite forced as there's almost nothing that backup it and as a result it feels so out of place. U should try on improve on contrast and variety, as the map in the current state might feel as a quite dull experience to play, as the same angles and patterns are repeated over and over. Hitsounds, although basic they seem to work.
rankable diff.有些排列感觉稍显僵硬不过打起来flow还可以,节奏方面00:53:046 (1) - 以及kiai的连跳等节奏选取让我感觉到你的懒,但也没有什么明显问题,整体上来说作为赛图表现力还是较为有限.不知道你是熟练工糊图随便交上来玩的还是新人,要真是新人做成这样倒是不错,之后慢慢试着使用更复杂一些的梗并提高对曲子的表现力就好了.