mapped by nike22
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 14 May 2021 so it was graveyarded...
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Hi, thanks for mapping this amazing song!
just a reminder:
BPM is actually 150, 75 is only half of it
that's why your rhythms are snapped to blue ticks,
which cause mapping well to be very difficult


Indeed, I used the site to determine the bpm, but then I checked it through the program and there were 150 bpm.

Marked as resolved by nike22

It can be seen you used different SV for different sections
However, the audio volume is fixed at 100%,
consider to lower them, like 20% for calm part while 60% for kiai part


Oh, my God, it turns out I was thinking about mapping so easily. Thank you for telling me about the timing, I also looked for guides on this topic and watched the pishfit videos. When I get home, I'll try to rуcreate the map. Again, thank you for explaining.

Marked as resolved by nike22