I really love Nanahira. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea. I love her so much that it is inexplicable, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I have an unhealthy obsession. I will never get tired of listening that sweet, angelic voice of hers. It is my life goal to meet up her with her in real life and just say hello to her.
02:09:996 (7,8,9) - i just noticed but rhythm lines up more accurate when the slider breakup starts on red than white tick
multiple other sliders throughout the map [eg. 01:03:068 (1) - 01:04:387 (1) - 01:14:936 (1) - 01:24:497 (1) ] w/ more complex shapes have higher SVs and are atleast awkward to play/cheese but i haven't seen anyone make an argument to those yet
What about something like this for the main bg? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/49218698
1920x1200 crop upscaled with waifu2x: https://i.postimg.cc/XYVQWZnB/49218698.png
^ follows the same melody as 02:37:555 (1,1,1) - 02:38:412 (1,1,1) - but this rhythm isn't even loosely related, much less accurate {eg. 02:41:769 (2) - not mapped to anything prominent/audible}
This reddit post seems to also confirm they're the official artist: https://www.reddit.com/r/rule34/comments/jf4f9f/st_louis_and_honolulu_azur_lane_yukiaka1109/