Another weird hitsound at 01:39:429
Change kat at 01:10:629 into big note, I think it's better when u end a kiai.
Can u delete weird hitsound of DON at 00:50:629?? Why evry big note at another pos b4 have same hitsound but it have another?
Add a big note (maybe don) at 00:26:629 bcz that sound here is hearable.
Kiai at 03:18:629 need change to 03:19:229 bcz it's louder&higher.
Stack 1st&2nd kiai into one and 3rd&4th too, change 2 notes at 00:57:829 & 02:08:229 into big notes if u want.
I think the Kat at 00:43:429 need to be a don, SE is better.
Change the don at 01:08:370 into kat & delete kat at next snap Last drumroll need to be a swell too
The don& drumroll at 00:53:562 isn't suitable, think u need replace the don to 00:52:985 & add 3 notes kdk at 00:53:370, 00:53:562&00:53:754. Add 2 notes kd at 00:54:716 & 00:55:100. Replace last drumroll into drumswell is better
Maybe u need add an don at 00:58:740 bcz the vocal is hearable
UwU thks for ur encourage
Hmmm, I think its good, but kantan sometimes still have 1/2 so I just notice ít.
Yea this is another misses
Hmmm, I think u need resnap an timing again, drop it a front of a bit , take red tick at big notes become white tick
It's fine now
Ok, no problem, its rlly good after u fixed
o/ is this a good map?