mapped by [Kagamine Rin]
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At 00:16:865, a big don is slower than voice, resnap it at 00:16:657 is better
Another at 00:20:199 and 00:23:532


i currently have the note on that spot for Visuals / loud beat, i feel like having it on the redtick might be a bit confusing, i will leave this open for now to get more opinions about it


Hmmm, I think u need resnap an timing again, drop it a front of a bit , take red tick at big notes become white tick


will leave it as it is for now

Marked as resolved by [Kagamine Rin]



00:46:449 Maybe add a don to follow the drums?
In that case it would be better to remove this note 00:47:282 (2) or move it here 00:48:949 (probably the best option)


did the 3/1 for needed break after certain amount of notes, i will not move the object since it will be inconsistent to the rest of the section

Marked as resolved by [Kagamine Rin]