00:47:912 (5,6) - I would also suggest you to increase the stack latency since they are mostly reserved for higher difficulties
I noticed that you mapped a lot in the middle and the edges of the playfield are left empty waiting to be used, I'd suggest you to look at some ranked maps and press ctrl + A, you can see that the circles are placed all over the playfield
01:03:444 (2) - I think this slider is way too fast for the map, I'd suggest replacing the slider with a circle instead to have a momentarily pause or you could slow down the slider speed and extend it to the blue tick since it doesn't end until then
I noticed that you've been using a lot of triangles and fixed rotations, which is fine but they can become repetitive and predictable after some time
02:47:452 (1) - You should deal with all the unsnapped objects that are showing up on Aimod
00:52:819 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I think you can change this part a little. I'd suggest that you reverse both the 1s with ctrl + G, then stack the 5 on the 2 and lastly swap 2 and 3 with each other on the timeline.
01:01:999 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - These overlaps are a bit awkward, I think players could confuse them for this 00:17:999 (3,4) or 00:44:142 (2,3,4) I would consider changing them a bit
01:18:713 (2,3,4,1) - The same goes for here
I would pay attention to these sections, they are for the most part the same but are mapped them differently
00:37:999 - 00:46:570 I would suggest creating a base pattern for this part, nothing too difficult
01:55:713 - 02:04:285 Here, I would recommend modifying the base pattern and making it a bit harder since the kicks are more noticeable around this point
01:57:285 (5) - Also, what's up with this slow slider. This would confuse players, since you haven't done this before. It's a random slow slider in a somewhat fast section and it's also passing through white ticks that have kicks