В целом карта неплохая, мне нравится.
Совет: Попробуй придать твоей карте больше структуры: старайся строить различные паттерны и менее хаотично расставлять ноты. +- Соблюдать спейсинги и ритм.
I would pay attention to these sections, they are for the most part the same but are mapped them differently
00:37:999 - 00:46:570 I would suggest creating a base pattern for this part, nothing too difficult
01:55:713 - 02:04:285 Here, I would recommend modifying the base pattern and making it a bit harder since the kicks are more noticeable around this point
01:57:285 (5) - Also, what's up with this slow slider. This would confuse players, since you haven't done this before. It's a random slow slider in a somewhat fast section and it's also passing through white ticks that have kicks