00:47:912 (5,6) - I would also suggest you to increase the stack latency since they are mostly reserved for higher difficulties
I noticed that you mapped a lot in the middle and the edges of the playfield are left empty waiting to be used, I'd suggest you to look at some ranked maps and press ctrl + A, you can see that the circles are placed all over the playfield
01:03:444 (2) - I think this slider is way too fast for the map, I'd suggest replacing the slider with a circle instead to have a momentarily pause or you could slow down the slider speed and extend it to the blue tick since it doesn't end until then
I noticed that you've been using a lot of triangles and fixed rotations, which is fine but they can become repetitive and predictable after some time
02:47:452 (1) - You should deal with all the unsnapped objects that are showing up on Aimod
00:52:819 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I think you can change this part a little. I'd suggest that you reverse both the 1s with ctrl + G, then stack the 5 on the 2 and lastly swap 2 and 3 with each other on the timeline.
01:01:999 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - These overlaps are a bit awkward, I think players could confuse them for this 00:17:999 (3,4) or 00:44:142 (2,3,4) I would consider changing them a bit
01:18:713 (2,3,4,1) - The same goes for here
I would pay attention to these sections, they are for the most part the same but are mapped them differently
00:37:999 - 00:46:570 I would suggest creating a base pattern for this part, nothing too difficult
01:55:713 - 02:04:285 Here, I would recommend modifying the base pattern and making it a bit harder since the kicks are more noticeable around this point
01:57:285 (5) - Also, what's up with this slow slider. This would confuse players, since you haven't done this before. It's a random slow slider in a somewhat fast section and it's also passing through white ticks that have kicks
01:55:713 (1,1,2) - I think the movement into the "Two" slider is a bit uncomfortable, since you have to move back up and then down again. I also think it being curved is unnecessary, because the first one sounds the same and we could emphasise the kick in another way. What I would suggest is making "Two" slider a linear one just like the first and have it go up instead of down, so that we can emphasise the three kicks with each unique direction of their own. Down, up and right
01:49:773 (4,4,4,4) - All of these sliders might start the same but the second and fourth ones 01:52:299 (4,4) end differently, consider changing them
This should fix your timing issues
BPM 140
1st timing point on offset 16
2nd timing point on offset 199370
3rd timing point on 279498
03:18:658 (2) - The music stops abruptly for a single moment, you might want to check the audio file
00:26:884 (5) - This slider goes through a white tick, which has a noticeable kick. I'd suggest shortening it to the white tick and place a circle on the red tick
01:59:405 (3), 02:00:036 (5) - Same here, why not map it like this https://i.imgur.com/j8SRse4.png so we can map the individual kicks and make them clearer instead of passing through them like this https://i.imgur.com/z0xMmNO.png
01:11:244 (1) - The end of this slider is not snapped properly, I would suggest shortening it and make it end on the white tick. There are also other examples like that, you can check it with AiMod in the editor (ctrl + shift + A)
00:48:964 (3,4) - these sliders also pass through red ticks that have percussion sounds, you could make them end on the red ticks and place a circle on white tick at the end of the second slider
01:28:393 (1) - This slider goes through two important sounds. I would suggest making it shorter and add two other sliders for the vocals and drums
01:07:307 (2,3,4,5,6), 01:58:050 (7,8,9,1) The same here. Sounds the same but are mapped differently and also the 1 goes through a red tick, which has a sound.
01:04:907 (1), 01:55:650 (7) I would pay attention to these two. They sound both the same but you mapped them differently.
01:54:793 (1) - The slider passes through a sound on the red tick, I'd suggest making the slider end on the red tick, rotate it by 120° degrees and place it somewhere in the middle.
01:55:136 (2,3,4) - move this burst on the 5 and place a circle on the blue tick, because of a drum in between 4 and 5 to make it look just like this one before 01:04:393 (3,4,5,6,7)
00:54:793 (1,2), 01:56:507 (1,2) I think the 2s are not needed, since there are no instruments to support them. I would suggest removing them and move the 1s elsewhere, just like you did here 01:45:536 (5) and you could also start a new combo on the 5 to make it consistent with the others.
01:57:021 (1,2) - I would suggest placing a circle on the blue tick between 1 and 2, because there is a drum on it and then move the 2 into the burst.
01:05:764 (1,1,1,1) - Strange to place bunch of sliders instead of a burst like before when you are not going to use them like that again.