я тут чисто на рандоме пробегал
01:27:507 (87507|5) - конец тут 01:29:723 - ???
01:32:962 (92962|0) - 01:35:178 - ^
01:35:519 (95519|5) - 01:36:541 - ^
01:51:200 (111200|1) - 01:51:541 -
01:53:928 (113928|4) - 01:54:269 -
01:55:803 (115803|6) - начало тут 01:55:973 -
01:57:166 (117166|2,117166|1) - 01:57:337 -
01:59:894 (119894|0,119894|3) - 02:00:064 -
ну и так далее, может это мода такая или бны на поуизме чекали, мде
а так да, карта приятная
Ник замаппал 7к офигеть
00:47:073 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17944564/c2a4 I think it will be better, because the sound changes compared to the previous 1 2
00:22:369 - I see that you are using a different variation of jacks https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17944553/4547
how about using this variation of jacks too? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17944557/35e5 as an example
01:47:988 - judging by the rhythm of the piano, jacks should roughly look like this due to the variation in sound
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17944519/1f33 as an example
same here 01:55:988 -
00:10:988 - I think that such patterns are suitable for this part https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17944498/c054 or https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17944502/7aef