00:10:976 (8) - Turn this into a 1/2 slider from the white tick to the red tick
00:05:226 (4,5) - Based on the melody, this would be more fitting to the song; https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19463497/c9f4
A slow long slider from 00:05:976 - 00:07:601 fits the vocals better than a single circle.
00:04:476 (3) - This should be a reverse slider assuming you are mapping to the vocal; https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19463480/dd2f
There are many things prevalent in this map just like any other beginner. Make sure to watch some tutorials on YouTube for a better understanding of mapping.
Lots of things that can be improved on as you learn. Try mapping this song alongside a video so you get the hands-on experience and don't just sit there soaking in information that you'll forget when you start mapping again.
00:05:120 (1) - This slider ends on a strong note; do something more like this:
00:03:406 (3) - Don't be afraid to map to vocal here. The vocal increases volume, so make a new combo appropriately.