ich weis nicht ob die map so gut ist wie man denkt. ich finde man sollte aus bestimmten gründen die ich nicht nennen werde diese map nicht ranken. schlechte map!!!!!!
fun dt map :p
cool map
Just to be sure, I'll go 5th 👍
its going for ranked lesgo
02:32:965 (1) - ctrl+g for better play expirience
happy late birthday :p
00:33:484 (3) - missing whistle hitsound on sliderend
00:33:206 (3) - the sliderend of this needs whistle hitsound
yes makes sense, will change that. Are you also suggesting i should place a slider on the first timestamp aswell?
01:13:806 (1) - should i not start the SV increase here though?
will do
will do thanks! i will ask mirai where he got the background from
should be fixed
fixed ig
i downloaded your diff and uploaded it like you sent it to me after applying hitsound.. maybe smth went wrong..