As of right now, the Muzukashii has three major things I'm concerned about. I'll put them in one general post, since that'll be easier to go through than post three different issues.
The SV is quite extreme for this level of difficulty. I'm just assuming you've copied them off of the Oni, but on a Muzukashii, things should be a tad more tame, as players at this level might have trouble reading significant changes. They may be noticeable, but not too severe, so I'd highly recommend to tone it down accordingly but NOT remove it entirely, or else the progression towards the Oni will be gone.
A lot of this map is lacking reasonable rest moments. As stated per Guideline, you should place a rest moment of 3/2 every 4th to 5th barline (16/1 or 20/1), unless you have a particular reason to not do so.
While a chain of 1/1 breaks can work as a subtitute for a singular 3/2 break, it is often not recommended to do so, so long as the song provides a reasonable spot to place a 3/2 break on without interrupting the pacing too forcefully.
Personally, I do believe that spots like 00:44:949 - , 00:50:466 - , 00:55:638 - , 01:01:156 - (and the same deal for the repetition) provide a feasible opportunity for a rest moment, as the kick + snare pattern within the song does just that as well.
I only pointed out half of these occurences, as the overall dynamic of the map would be disturbed too much if all those notes got removed, so with only removing half of them there should be an overall more comfortable flow to the Kiai parts.
Some of the 1/2 chains are pretty much the same as the ones in Oni, especially in the latter halves of each Kiai, making the progression in terms of density (as not only the amount of 1/4 patterns matters, but the 1/2 density does too) kind of lacking. This should be an easy fix, since there's a few spots that provide room for notes to be removed, such as 01:02:362 - and 01:02:707 - , which would also give the melody more impact, as there are no "filler"-ish rhythms mixed into it.
2 and 3. Applied your suggestions for both kiais and also changed a little bit part before both kiais
i'm pretty sure you have to remove the second timing point. they're both on the same sot, doing exactly the same thing
you have to make more breaks (1/1 or 2/1) and less triplets for this diff, to make a good spread with oni diff, also you can apply some of my suggestion on oni diff to this diff as well
tbh current diff is a bit overmap for muzukashii
I think this diff should have more 3/2 breaks, since the beatmap as-is is breaking the "You should insert at least 1 rest moment that is 3/2 or longer after 16/1 to 20/1 of continuous mapping." guideline, specially in the intro & Kiais
I guess, but where do I put them? It's not that dense to begin with. In the intro 00:11:156 - there is 2 1/1 after a 2/1 long dense part. 00:22:190 - this part is even less dense overall and has some 3/2+ breaks. 00:33:224 - I guess this is quite dense buildup. Then first kiai is not dense at all, I think it's should be fine as-is. Then second kiai is dense again, but still has some 1/1 breaks. And then song kinda repeats.