I think overall, this song is pretty nice! Your rhythm is not that bad, however, I think you struggle a bit with consistency mapping vocals or drums (or whatever background sound). I suggest choosing one and stay focused on mapping either or unless its inevitable. I think your slider velocity is going the right track, you seem to realize when the song slows down and goes faster. That's very good! However, sometimes the jumps are in the wrong spot but that's okay! Try to really listen to the song and mostly listen to the background (drums) that's where the triples and streams come in play. Slowing down the song can help you figure out where and when you should input triples and streams. Consistency also includes being able to repeat the same patterns and same slider shapes (I notice the some of the same patterns don't get me wrong) however, through your whole map, I wanna be able to recognize the same slider shapes. Special sliders only during special sounds. Other that that, you are on the right track. Keep practicing and I'm sure you will become an amazing mapper in no time! Good luck mapper!
04:41:965 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hmm, i think the jumps are better at 04:43:314 - as the music gets more intense!
03:15:673 (1) - Id have to agree with some of the modders here. But i think this slider should not be a reverse slider but a slider just like 01:58:819 (1)!