00:00:509 (1,2) - stack them on 00:01:157 (3) - because it have the same rhythm gap. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17810356/11eb
00:02:204 (7,1) - this spacing is prettyyy overdone, i get the idea of trying to increase spacing since it's a 1/1 gap but this is still a bit excessive
maybe move 00:02:528 (1,2) - to x:263 y:270? it also blankets 00:03:015 (3) -
00:06:995 (6,1) - make it way more further
because this spacing are the same 00:06:995 (6,1,2) - despite having different gap
00:07:393 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - pattern is kinda repetitive. It's the same motion all the way through something like shown below have more mixed up movement which is a bit more interesting to play
00:11:610 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern should probably just be 4 circles -> kickslider w/ 2 reverses like this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/774061357330333707/979993347542376509/unknown.png
the violin or whatever instrument that is plays in 2 groups of 4 so this would emphasize that better, even if the claps land on weird ticks, having a quad in this type of mapping/song too is kinda out of place
00:12:907 (3) - seems like you were trying to map the guitar here but the slider end lands on a pretty strong guitar sound which makes it awkward to play since it's on a passive rhythm
i would recommend utilizing a 3/4 rhythm here so that you can still use a held slider to represent how the guitar note on 00:12:907 is held but also still catch the strong guitar sound on 00:13:231 and map it actively
00:15:664 (1,2,3,4) - I like where you are going with this but preferably at 00:15:988 - you should replace your circle 3 for a slider (long) because you decided to follow the guitar sound thing at 00:14:204 (3,4,5). So its best to keep it consistent.
This should also be considerate throughout the song as well. For example, your very next part should stay consistent at 00:16:799 - keep following the guitar sound. So i recommend sliders at 00:16:799 & 00:17:123 because those are the bigger sounds.
00:18:582 - then here again should be a long slider.
Watch out for more through out your map.
00:16:725 (1,2) - this burst supposed to be here 00:16:644 - (1/4 notes before)
this 00:45:671 (7,8) - supposed to be here 00:45:752 - (1/4 notes ahead)
this 00:53:373 (5,6) - supposed to be here 00:53:292 - (1/4 notes before)
this 01:15:508 (2,3) - supposed to be here 01:15:590 - (1/4 notes ahead)
00:19:393 (1,2,3) - This is done well because it is okay to switch to the secondary sound when the first one is not as interesting. Very nice.
00:25:718 (3,4) - большой спейсинг здесь не нужен. также 00:25:880 (4) - можно немного изменить, примерно так: https://imgur.com/zCtHoAe будет играться чуть приятнее, как по мне
00:39:988 (4,1) - for a 1/4 rhythm this gap is pretty huge, makes for some strange readability since it looks like 1/2 rhythm gaps (e.g. 00:38:853 (5,6) - )
00:50:366 (2,3,2,3) - также не нужный большой спейс, при этом 00:52:960 (2,3,4,5,6) - здесь ты это игнорируешь
эти триплы ( 00:54:420 (2,3,4) - ) не ранкабельны (по крайней мере, я таких раньше в ранкеде не встречал) и их неудобно играть. В этом случае лучше будет просто стакнуть их
00:54:906 (1) - ngl these waves look kinda nice, quite interesting shape u went for with them (^_^)b
00:56:204 (4,2,4) - эти оверлапы не ранкабельны. я бы сделал так на твоём месте https://imgur.com/TJPOzL0 , в противном случае этот момент будет неранкабелен
01:03:175 (2) This reverse isn't supporting anything, change into normal slider. Also place circles 01:03:175 and maybe a slider on 01:03:500. Remove 01:03:744 (4) As it's not supporting anything.
01:09:824 (2) Place circle here instead of slider and place a slider on 01:09:987 and let it end on 01:10:149 (Remove 01:10:149 (3) ) Also Circle 01:10:554 for triple
01:26:284 (1) - spinner should end on 01:28:717 since that's where the instrument that's being held (violin? idk i'm not good with this stuff XD) ends