mapped by Emimy
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If you're going to add whistle instead of starting from 02:00:846 (1) - 02:04:033 (6). You should actually start at 01:58:971 (2) - 02:06:283 (6) -


got it! thank you!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

from what i can see your downtimes are a lot more intense compared to the kiais. if you want your kiais to stand out it makes no sense for the low intensity portions to be so much more intense than the kiai

00:37:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this in general i dont really recommend because its too difficult to be justified as buildup. and the kiai that follows after is much easier to play

in comparison i think 01:56:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is fine because its within the kiai and its intention can be better understood


This was a game changer of my whole map. It took me a while to change everything, but fingers crossed that it is better now! Thank you so much!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

gotcha! makes sense!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:01:596 ~ 00:10:033 I can hear the scale more clearly in these early notes than in the middle. So you can change the intervals to express the scale better.


Thanks! I didn't realize it before, i was too concentrated on the aesthetics! Fixed thanks!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

01:49:596 - I love everything beyond this point, perfect :)


Thank you so much!


01:39:658 - if u would place to this circle closer to the slider it would go in a triangle only pattern with the same movement


i think its unnecessary


01:43:971 - 01:45:471 underexplored idea of yours sadly


got it

Marked as resolved by Emimy

01:38:346 01:38:721 - technically nothing wrong with it right? but It's kinda a grid style mapping, and u're mixing it with the rotateing sliders on some degrees and stuff on the same section / kinda was earlier the same on the map


got it!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

01:33:183 - rotate to the left instead? if u do place this 01:33:658 closer to the 01:33:846 of circles not that far, but no that close either as it represents something diffrent


I want to keep the clock rotation which is why i placed it like that!


01:12:471 - another wasted buildup, could've been 01:12:658 01:12:846 here instead connecting with the 3 other circles to create a pentagon of some kind


got it! i tried something else



Marked as resolved by Emimy

01:08:158 - generally I think u wanna avoid too much sharp angles as they don't look that good like for example those triangle patterns earlier


I changed the whole thing ty !

Marked as resolved by Emimy

rotateing example!
01:06:846 - rotate by 5 degrees
01:07:221 - by 20 degrees and put it a little more down
see how it looks and if something like that fits u better


I changed the entire thing so your suggestion doesnt fit anymore :( rip but thanks !

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:45:846 - 00:46:502 i'd place 1/4 sliders here too instead


got it! funny, i changed it before i read this xD

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:37:596 - when makeing stars like this (I don't know how to call the thing so I'll say what circles do I mean)
4, 5 circles in this case should be centered if u know what I mean, it would look better imo. (applies to some other on the map another example: 01:29:346 (1,2,3,4,5)


gotcha fixed <3

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:36:471 - 00:37:596 this part is the final build up to the kiai, and yet it is not as representive as it could've been
I would use some cool pattern (up to u) with 1/4 sliders


I thought of a different idea thanks !

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:19:596 to 00:36:471 - I generally think that u should use more sliders than jumps on that section cause it would fill the rhythm more
for example 00:24:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 1, 3, 5 portray more important sounds than 2,4,6 yet they have almost the same spaceing as if they were the same, they're not. and later that's why I have a problem with kiai, it doesn't feel like a climax or something harder than the rest of the map. (applies to the rest not only to this particular one)


I tried changing to sliders but that just makes it look weird. So I'm keeping it the same. I think it works well because the song goes up high while the notes do as well. I changed the 1, 3, 5 part. you were right. thank you! im still not sure about the kiai part. But we will see! thanks!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:34:689 - I personally don't like the straight line here as u were going much more by an angle on the jumps


I didn't like it either, but I just never bothered to change it because it made sense, I guess it really just is a personal preference, but i fixed it xD It compliments my entire map a whole as well. thank you!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:34:221 - try ctrl + h? and than move it so it fits


Nope, it doesn't work well because of 00:34:033 (5) - if the slider ctrl + h (flipped to the other side) it would be a wide angle from 00:33:846 (4,5,1). Maybe what you meant by "move it so it fits" would make sense, but I don't know how to make sense out of it LOL


00:31:408 - I'd put this circle to create another triangle but in a diffrent way, it goes in a straight line from the slider end so u can move it up a little and closer to the slider end, it will will better when moveing ur mouse, instead of just doing a slide to the right


Gotcha! xD i was always iffy about that part, thanks for the idea! works great! thank you!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:30:846 - propose to rotate by 5 degrees


like many other things on the map, I like rotated by 5 or more :D


Fixed done. I try to utilize it but idk, I'm too distracted by symmetric stuff xD Thank you!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:30:471 - I'd put this a little bit higher to create this more "perfect triangle"


Honestly, kinda funny, it was my very first original idea. I had it up there to make a "triangle" but I was thinking about the wide angles of 00:30:471 (4,5,1) - so I hesitated because wide angles look nasty to me at times xD But fixed! No more doubts about that! It looked better as a triangle as well! Thank you!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:28:221 00:28:408 - u can maybe rethink this part as there are sounds in there that are ignored, and maybe more interesting if u didn't ignore them


Omg, you're right! I was paying so much attention to the flute instrument, I didn't realized it. Thank you!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

00:23:533 - I think that this circle is spaced too much, it doesn't portray any sound that is so much important


You're absolutely correct, I guess at that moment I was thing more of visual than sound :(. Fixed, big thanks!

Marked as resolved by Emimy

thinking* woops.


00:20:721 - beware of sliders like that, someone may read it wrong and break for no reason


I had a lot of play testers before I requested the mods and none misread it. I think for now it should be okay! Thank you! <3

Marked as resolved by Emimy