00:37:574 (1) - This would sound more shrexy if ended on that 00:38:530 - "mop-" vocal stem when she's going "moppy doo/durr". Perhaps an additional whistle would stress the shrexiness.
Any ideas how to transfer the host from Andrea to nullPointLOL?
https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/posts/998215 & https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/posts/1071071
01:11:880 (1) - 01:30:382 - 01:34:346 - missing normal claps and normal hits
01:43:928 (1) - Now this is also missing a clap but I believe this note should be deleted to give a proper break for normal players
02:07:056 (1) - 02:26:219 (2) - 02:32:166 (1) - missing finishes
01:19:479 (1) - I am sure this is missing a normal hit
Basically the whole section from 02:28:202 (1) - is not hitsounded except for the last spinner.
01:18:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - As much as I love playing it, this is a difficulty spike since this is the only moment and the only difficulty to have such a stream. Any difficulty above doesn't have any streams like those (triples at max and 4 consecutive clickable notes in the top diff 00:18:438 (5,6,7,1) - ) and the BPM is 181, so it exceeds the limits set by the guidelines for hard difficulties.
I would suggest to make reversing sliders or two triples instead.
IG having a very good weekend and finding that you remapped the old nostalgic remix of an old song made me feel old and nostalgic, then I played the set and randomly felt and recalled Caren. As I said, I can't put my finger on it, it's just vibing in my mind RN and I can't explain it.
Weird, isn't it?
Well, that was my choice and intention to use the overlaps as they are not hard to read and they do not interfere with the readability of the map. Also, that would be weird to have no overlaps whatsoever and then have the medium difficulty which has overlaps.
I am more than sure my overlaps are structured very well and do not cause any harm at all.
That creates a great dramatic pause + it stresses the most important sounds perfectly and it's very musical/rhythmical to the cause (imo)/shrexy so I don't find it offensive at all. Sure, it gives quite a lot of time to breathe but I don't find it offensive either + it matches the vibe. I don't find this 'the more notes, the better' idea appropriate in this case, at all.
Haven't noticed your post and you were first. XD
Names are being changed as stated in my response to this post: 2264289#4703046