
t.A.T.u. - Malchik Gay

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on giovedì 18 marzo 2010 at 12:03:37

Artist: t.A.T.u.
Title: Malchik Gay
Tags: Starrodkirby86 xxheroxx
BPM: 133
Filesize: 4071kb
Play Time: 03:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,98 stars, 444 notes)
  2. Kirby's Easy (1,84 stars, 96 notes)
  3. xxheroxx's Normal (2,58 stars, 159 notes)
Download: t.A.T.u. - Malchik Gay
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Remapping the old version of nullPointLOL.

I have used his old Hard difficulty but with different spacing. Hope you like it~

I love this song <3


Difficulties info:

Easy - Mapped by Starrodkirby86.
Normal - Mapped by xxheroxx.
Hard - Beats Placement/Hitsounds by nullPointLOL. - Beats Spacing/Additional Adjustments by osuplayer111.
Andrew baka and Kirby <333 Go go (*^^*)
wheeeeeeeee ^_~
Мальчик гей, мальчик гей, положись на друзей, мальчик гей, мальчик гей, от меня не красней, мальчик гей, мальчик гей, от меня отъебись, мальчик гей~ star~
Cyril Scarlet
go go ^^b

my chiken ! my chiken !

I'll make a normal :P
Oh why would you remap nullpoint's map?
I kinda don't get it
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Because his map get into graveyard and not ranked :<

So I wanna map it for rank :D
waaahhhhh~ Andrea's 60th (hopefully) ranked beatmap! Go go go!

Download: RAPE RAPE.rar

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Finished and moved to pending :D

  • • Arrotonda l'offset: metti 14720
    • Elimina l'osb e fai una full submission

  • • Abbassa il volume degli sb hitsounds e rendili dello stesso volume degli hitsounds normali

  • • Certi slider sono orrendi (esempio: 01:59:380 (1) o 02:36:147 (1)) :lol:
    • 00:43:703 (1,1) - Non ti consiglio di mettere le note a 1/4 dopo gli spinner, suonano abbastanza male
Andrew and kirby <3
/me loves t.A.T.u
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Thanks xxheroxx for modding & Breeze for the star :3
See no issues. Offset sounds fine too. Good job guys~

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Thank you for checking and for pubble :3 ~
Card N'FoRcE
To andre:

Always gotta go fast~

EDIT: also, too similiar to nullpoint's, so why not ranking that one since it was perfect?
Yeah andre, this time i really don't understand ._.
fantastic map
Malchik Gay
You just stoled my map........ ?!

You haven't only "used my style", u used absolutely every beat of it.
And all you did was just change the spacing.
Topic Starter
Did you even read my first post? :?

Also, you're saying this a bit late D:

osuplayer111 wrote:

Did you even read my first post? :?
Also, you're saying this a bit late D:
Yes, I've read it. That's why I quote "used his style". You haven't just used my style, you used my map. Just changed some beats here and there (I can count them with just one hand.)

That's stealing.

Besides, you asked me first, before stealing it, and I said No because I wanned to get it ranked by myself. Like I wanted to do it now. And you just ignored all that.

Changing someone elses map doesn't make it yours. You have to start it from scratch.
But you already know all that, you just don't care.
No wonder why you're on the top of the Mapper Ranking.

You won't find that background image anywhere cause I edited it.
You won't find the song with that duration, cause I cutted it.
You won't find that skin, cause it's mine.

nullPointLOL wrote:

osuplayer111 wrote:

Did you even read my first post? :?
Also, you're saying this a bit late D:
Yes, I've read it. That's why I quote "used his style". You haven't just used my style, you used my map. Just changed some beats here and there (I can count them with just one hand.)

That's stealing.

Besides, you asked me first, before stealing it, and I said No because I wanned to get it ranked by myself. Like I wanted to do it now. And you just ignored all that.

Changing someone elses map doesn't make it yours. You have to start it from scratch.
But you already know all that, you just don't care.
No wonder why you're on the top of the Mapper Ranking.

You won't find that background image anywhere cause I edited it.
You won't find the song with that duration, cause I cutted it.
You won't find that skin, cause it's mine.

nullPointLOL wrote:

osuplayer111 wrote:

Did you even read my first post? :?
Also, you're saying this a bit late D:
Yes, I've read it. That's why I quote "used his style". You haven't just used my style, you used my map. Just changed some beats here and there (I can count them with just one hand.)

That's stealing.

Besides, you asked me first, before stealing it, and I said No because I wanned to get it ranked by myself. Like I wanted to do it now. And you just ignored all that.

Changing someone elses map doesn't make it yours. You have to start it from scratch.
But you already know all that, you just don't care.
No wonder why you're on the top of the Mapper Ranking.

You won't find that background image anywhere cause I edited it.
You won't find the song with that duration, cause I cutted it.
You won't find that skin, cause it's mine.
This needs more attention if it's true.
If he said no... and well it doesn't matter what he said back then.
If he doesn't want it now this map should be unranked.
Old news are old, this has already been dealt with
Brb re-mapping old maps with new spacing. loljk
Raging Bull
What? If Andrea did steal it why isn't that a problem for you Sakura?
As i said, this already got taken care of.

Edit: For clarification nullpointlol got added to online tags, creator's words got edited to credit nullpointlol, we cant touch the map, nullpointlol is ok with this.
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