mapped by ArthurEdikovich
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 15 February 2025 so it was graveyarded...
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could probably bump AR to 1 or 1.5, that'll match the velocity of sliders and generally feel a tad bit smoother


TBH all values from 0 to 2.5 match very well and I like how it works now. The map is peaceful enough for AR0 so I am keeping it as it is.

Marked as resolved by Krfawy

Yeah but AR1 would make your whole diff settings with 1 so would be cool


i'm not sure how accurately "delicate" or "regular" indicate the actual difficulties. i'd personally suggest going for something more staightforward like beginner and light


Haven't noticed your post and you were first. XD

Names are being changed as stated in my response to this post: #4703046

Marked as resolved by Krfawy

btw, CS=0 is a thing, you might wanna try it if you feel like making things even easier


IK it's a thing, that's why I used CS1. I am keeping it as CS0 is visually worse with my patterning. Sorry!

Marked as resolved by Krfawy