hi! this is a veto for catch
"Beginner" being a really unnecessary diff
you might think that's haha funny cuz you are trying to rank the lowest SR of the catch mode ever and creating history but I don't really think we actually need a diff that's even easier than pi, it's requires really really slight catcher control and that's not something a Cup player would struggle on.
"Cup" is a content bloat with MBomb calm diff
although you have some different settings like AR or changing some slider shapes comparing with MBomb's "Calm" diff, it still doesn't change the fact that the Cup diff here plays quite similar with MBomb's, causing content bloat issue.
to solve this veto:
please remove both "Beginner" and "Cup" diff. although personally still not really happy about this song being ranked for a second time in catch but at least I can feel some sufficient differences between your top diff and MBomb's "Relaxing" or "Frozen in Time"
Agree mostly but I don't think any difficulty on this set can be added that isn't content bloat. The song just doesn't allow for it. We already have a set for this song that suits what it can do.
Sorry if I don't have full context since I don't play catch, but wouldn't the solution to this veto cause a lot of problems with RC? Catch is the only mode mapped by the host so they'll have the least number of difficulties if two are gone.
"A beatmap host must have beatmapped equal or more difficulties than any guest difficulty creator."
Maybe a solution could be formed that would avoid such a big disruption?
ohhhh didn't look at the diff counts sorry
but we can't really do much besides of nuking the diffs since they are just solely content bloat and can't really just have some changes to avoid this.
what we can do here is just switch the host to others or ask ArthurEdikovich to map some diffs in std/mania.
Since I got THIS much backlash for just mapping an easy set with a simple tune and since I have to delete both of the gamemodes I've put my hand on I have no other way but to transfer the host
The newest host of the set is Herta, with the gamemodes of the set being only osu!mania and osu!standard
AR6 for salad and AR7 for top diff? the AR gap between cup and salad felt a bit too far imo
i am extremely depressed! i dream of the day i will finally die! i fucking hate my life there is no point in living if i can't have my fucking quiet water. i hope your life is as shitty as mine is
Entire mania diff need to have specific keys on each diff for differentiate keys that used per diff
4K // Herta's Easy
5K // AndreyChomik's Easy
All of the [*K]s are included in the diffnames themself, these are not automatically-put ones
For 4K and 6K, progression from Easy diff into Normal diff is very very similar that I'd really suggest to nerf all double into single on Easy diff at this point to provide more linear progression
Why are the std diffs based on weight? It just seems odd to have that progression into Quiet as the top diff
In fact, the diffnames of std set were not/are not supposed to be based on weight, we'll discuss what we can do to them with the mappers of those and give the reply as soon as possible
Fair, I just don't want to make a decision immediately and want it to be discussed with everyone involved in std set, as they can suggest their own idea too
Sorry for the late response, after some discussion we came up with other diffnames which are more connected with volume/sound; These are [Silent] -> [Tranquil] -> [Serene] -> [Placid] -> [Quiet]
They still need to show some sort of progression in the naming, many of them are similar or are just a different way to say each other.
Starting with Silent/Silence is fair enough, beginning with basically the least presence of sound, but the rest up until the top diff has to show some sort of progression, even if it is minor due to the SR of them.
By having Quiet as the top diff and the naming scheme being sound also means that any other name before it must not represent a volume higher than the top diff, if not it would be a point of confusion.
Brah I was triple-checking everything, how would I miss this
Will be fixed when I'm back from uni
wanna mute the slidertick for standard diffs, sounds way better when you don't interrupt the fading notes with these ticking sounds.
(i think it should be fine to mute both the tick and the slide, pls doublecheck)
Removing all ticks would technically work but I refuse to do it just on my own difficulties. The fading ticks match the vibe/tune very well and it's cute as it is.
Currently, setting the tick value to 0.5 sounds wrong to me. I've tried to see how it would work right now. The only way I would agree on that would be if we had the bpm halved and then changed the ticks to 0.5 but I don't think that's wise having 4 different modes in the mapset, especially with 1/16 notes being present in the mania mode.
Not sure about Regular
-> Medium
tbh, they seem about the same. Could do Light
-> Medium
or Light
-> Regular
, delicate to light seems more explanable imo
Yeah there's like 3-4 maps with this tag but no one really knows toby fox under this alias (unless you dig deep enough, literally the first time I hear this name lmao) and yesterday we got his pokemon song ranked without this one so nah ig