MP3 is a more quantized version of the original E1M1 obtained from the post at:
The place it was originally from (Bobby Prince's website) is no longer up so here's a link to the wayback machine version of the page:
00:26:252 (33,36,39) - these could be k's instead to keep the kiai varied instead of going dkd kdk dkd again and risk sending the player into a boredom-induced coma from which they'll never wake up from
00:07:502 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - I feel like for variety's sake you should change all these to k's , otherwise the intro is pretty monotonous and doesn't really change with the song at all
01:24:752 (195) - Listen I know you hate 1/3 but hear me out here - you have 0 transition from your futsuu to your muzu with 1/3 so I feel like putting 1/3 on the emphasized beats (01:24:502 - and 01:25:002 - ) instead of having the 1/1 notes that don't really fit makes a lot more sense in both terms of playability and fluidity with the music
00:31:877 (66,67) - i think this is a bit fucky-wucky for a futsuu as a Kk
If it were meeeee I'd suggest deleting 00:31:314 (64) - and moving 00:31:877 (66) - to 00:31:689 - so it's a KK with a 3/4 break on either side giving the player more time to pause before, and after hitting the finishers