mapped by Lno
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01:23:627 (348) - where's the 1/6 you coward, it's the end of the solo and a pretty hefty crescendo so I feel like missing it out makes it fall flat on its face


For the same reason as the other not being 1/6, I don't want to end a 1/6 stream with a finisher but I did add a 1/6 quad which I think feels okay. Will have to see if others think it feels out of place.

Marked as resolved by Lno

01:11:439 (257) - to 01:12:002 - is wildy under-mapped in comparison to the rest of this section, I think you forgot to fill notes here in for the piano


Filled some in.

Marked as resolved by Lno

01:13:220 - missed a note here too, slap one in there pls


Hmmm, no to this one. I think it makes it sound and feel weird.

Marked as resolved by Lno

00:54:752 (123) - I feel like making this part a stream and not making 00:56:814 (140) - 1/6 puts emphasis in a really weird place here? You could easily delete 00:54:845 (124,126,128,130) - these notes and it would still fit perfectly with the music but skipping the 1/6 at 00:56:814 (140) - feels iffy as hell


The reason I didn't make it 1/6 is because 1. It's a finisher at the end and 2. To map it to the music it would be a 1/8 triplet. No change here for now.

Marked as resolved by Lno

01:12:002 (260) - I feel like if 01:12:283 (261) - is a finisher then this one deserves to be one too


Placement shows it was meant to be a finisher.

Marked as resolved by Lno