Current Status: Semi-Active Semester break's over, time to lock in again (will still play lazer for daily challenge but that should be 99% of my playing activity in osu! during this period.)
Mostly-kind-of retired tournament player as I divert towards other modes and also to my university studies, still trying to staff whatever tournaments I can though (mainly refereeing and commentating)! (Malaysian tournaments will always be the top priority, but I'm open to staff anywhere else as long as I'm available)
3rd Endless Mirage Megacollab that I have participated! Gotta admit this iteration was a tiny bit scuffed compared to the previous iterations, but it is still very much understandable considering it's like one person doing all the materials for 1000+ people for free. Once again, huge props to XegC and the Endless Mirage staff for organizing this megacollab!
Here's a few quick tidbits about me (most of it is probably oversharing personal information but eh whatever): 1) 161718192021 22 year old boi 2) A very proud not so proud graduated CLHS boi (because I suck) 3) Awkward irl and weird in online chats 4) Aiming to enter the League of Legends esports scene while taking some time off with osu! and other games This is probably overdue now sigh 5) I suck at everything (Yes,even pp farming) 6) A boi with a brain that no one can predict cuz i do the dumbest shit in game 7) Likes having friends but can sometimes be a hypocrite cuz hanging out with friends too much can make me "lose my own true self"
Feel free to join the osu!Malaysia Discord serverespecially if you are a Malaysian but players from other countries are welcome to join the server as well! Just click the banner below (Banner might take awhile to load)
Bo Burnham(doesn't just make you laugh,he makes you THINK about life), Tim Minchin(his songs are really good and funny ofc), Ronny Chieng(local comedian pog), Vir Das(if you're racist and you know it clap your hands)
well tbf I try to build everyone that I have to a "playable" level so I can enjoy all varieties of gameplay instead of sticking to one but there's one character that's always appealed to me since the very first time I saw him.
4/1/2022 - Very huge thanks to acti#5489(or better known as Activision) for the 1-month Blessing of the Welkin Moon gift! I- I just don't know what to say, I was having a rough couple of days but this caught me completely off guard, all I can say is thank you so much for the kind gift! <3
Pre-October-2022 PP Rebalance 1) Zan'ei by kakichoco [Illusion] 430ppnot exactly my proudest top play but yeah... 2) KIZUNA MUSIC by Poppin' Party [Trust] 425ppfinally an actual 400pp I am content with 3) Unhappy End World by Naoki Miki (CV: Takahashi Rie) & Ebisuzawa Kurumi (CV: Ozawa Ari) [kotachi's Happiness] 391pp
Post-October-2022 PP Rebalance (Updated 19/2/2023) 1) brave climber by Inori Minase [believe] 470pp okay now this is just insane 2) Bluenation by yaseta [Grace] 447pp unexpected but I'm definitely happy with this being my top play 3) Seijouki no Pierrot ~ The MadPiero Laughs by Demetori [Extra Stage] 436pp
Not a good tournament player in the slightest, but I try my best :') Racers03's Tournament History (Had to move it to google sheets cuz I almost used up the maximum length in my me! section LOL)
Tournament Banners:
1. osu! Bazaar Lelong Malaysia (o!BLM) 2nd Place
2. Konoha Cup Winter 2021 - Referee (thank you so much chels ily)
3. The HKttyCup 2 2022 Incident
4. Konoha Cup 3: Splash Season - Referee (thank you so much chels yet again Prayge)
5. Konoha Cup 4 - Referee/Commentator (thank you chels for what might be the very last time :') )
Changed (so sorry I didn't actually come up to you x( )
[ - Scarlet - ]
takehirotei (another missed opportunity ;-;)
King Hong
Its Not Marvin This is about the amount of people I can remember :skull:, do let me know if I missed your name~
As time goes, all of us will most likely go our separate ways to chase our desired path, but I will never forget you guys and the memories we made together through this brief period of time! <3 More coming soon ;w;
Get better at HD(5075 100 Silver SS + 7008001000110012001300140015001600170018002000 3000 Silver S)
Learn HR and DT (in a tournament setting) Update(1/9/2021): currently going pretty well for HR as I'm at least able to combo game after a few retries now, DT still has a lot to improve on.
Get better at mapping(this is a little far-fetched unless I actually have the time and passion to do it)
An actual 400 pp play that I can be proud of (Achieved 22/8/2022)
Pass my first ranked 9* (Achieved 24/8/2023) miracles happen when you try to farm medals, mfw I get 10* pass before 9* pass YEPCOCK
Overall accuracy 99% above (Achieved 31/1/2022)
1000 hours of playtime(Achieved 13/3/2021)
Get better at aiming with tablet (just got my veikk S640 in 14/6/2021) Update(20/9/2021): managed to somehow hold an SS for the first 30 seconds or so on a tech map (mostly by luck I would assume) and overall did hold better combo than I would've with mouse. Update(3/3/2022): I've pretty much gotten used to using the tablet. Just that I still shake a lot sometimes in very high bpm/slightly high bpm streams/wide (mostly horizontal) jumps.
10k/4 Digit [/] 25/10/2022 This is such a memorable moment
9k [/] 10/12/2022 don't think I'll be hitting this this time for real LOL haha guess who lied
8k [/] 21/12/2022 nah no way I get to 8k... at least not before next year april I need to fucking stop this rampage holy shit what the fuck
7k [/] 30/12/2022 okay this is definitely 2023 already at least I figured if I'm already on a rampage why not go for 7k before I go on hiatus :tf:
6k [/] 12/2/2023 2023 for real
5k [ ]
Performance Points
Peak: 8,740 (10/3/2023)
1000pp [/] 4/9/2018
2000pp [/] December 2018
3000pp [/] 3/4/2019
4000pp [/] Around End of August 2019
5000pp [/] 6/7/2020
6000pp [/] 27/11/2021 (hardstuck in 5k pp for more than a year wtf)
6500pp [/] 26/1/2022
7000pp [/] 19/3/2022
7500pp [/] 1/9/2022 actually got to this before I got to 4 digit KEKL
8000pp [/] 13/12/2022 man
8500pp [/] 5/2/2023 yes. well unfortunately lost some steam in the past month but I'm still surprised I got here before my exams LOL
9000pp [ ] Hmmge
Personal Anecdotes
First 300pp play - Kanpeki Gu~no ne (TV Size) by Watarirouka Hashiritai [Taeyang's Perfect Partner] 304pp (got nerfed to 280pp awhile back)
Highest pp play set with mouse + keyboard - GATE~Sore wa Akatsuki no you ni~ by KISIDA KYODAN & THE AKEBOSI ROCKETS [Nino's Extra] 316pp Video -
First official 400pp play - Zan'ei by kakichoco [Illusion] 430ppnerfed to 347pp after pp rework at the beginning of October 2022 KIZUNA MUSIC by Poppin' Party [Trust] 425pp
First actual 400pp play - KIZUNA MUSIC by Poppin' Party [Trust] 425pp
FIrst o!mr upload - Link just in case the video doesn't play: if you told me when I first discovered o!mr that I would get my own plays uploaded, I would have done a very bold bet that I wouldn't be able to have that happen in 5 years... and now here I am, this year has honestly been such a breakthrough for me in my osu! career and I hope better days are yet to come! Of course, I'm going to enjoy this moment as much as I can before the inevitable drop off~
2nd avatar collab based on Hololive(I don't really watch it that much but I know some things about it here and there)
Special Thanks to Chiew and the WaifuHub discord server for the amazing avatars!
3rd Avatar Collab - WaifuHub x BakaZone Padoru Collab!
Huge thanks to Chiew for pulling together so many players for this huge collab! PS: The Padoru in my profile avatar is actually Xingqiu from Genshin Impact... I just DIY'ed him myself because I couldn't find any available Xingqiu Padorus from the Internet at the time.
Project Shrine Maiden Collab(one of the biggest collabs I have participated up to date!)
Special Thanks to Chiew and the WaifuHub discord server for the amazing avatars yet again!
Genshin Impact Collab with WaifuHub 2.0
Special Thanks to Chiew and the WaifuHub discord server for the amazing avatars yet again(for the third time heheh, decided to go with aether because I like his aesthetics the most out of all the available ones)! The avatars above are drawn by the author QuAn_, be sure to support his art in the link below! Pixiv :
5WC 2022 Malaysia Team B TUYU Collab
Credits to iraozm for suggesting this collab and Kizuna for making the collab happen! To be honest I'm just so happy that I got to do a TUYU collab out of so many possible options for my first 5WC debut!
Blue Archive Rabbits Collab
(featuring two trees in the background)
This is so troll LOLLLL
Credits to TequilaWolf for suggesting this collab and lous for making the collab happen(seriously you're crazy to oblige to the fact that 2 randoms decided that they wanted to be an object in your collab's background LMFAOOOOO)
Genshin X Arknights Avatar Collab
Special Thanks to GodKnows for hosting this collab and Wish_ for designing the collab! Extra credits to NekoPavel for making the BBCode for this! Once again, The avatars above are drawn by the author QuAn_, be sure to support his art in the link below! Pixiv : PS: I chose Yunjin this time just because I like her and I didn't want to pick Aether again KEKW
The Three Susketeers
Credits to Makise Kurisu for the very suspicious amazing collab :tf: This was in conjunction of our participation as Susamogus in HKtty Cup 2
Endless Mirage VII Avatar Megacollab
Huge shoutout to XegC and the Endless Mirage staff for putting up this amazing collab, really loved the materials received and I hope I can be part of the next one! I've heard about it since like 2021 or so and I've always dreamed of participating in one some day, now I can confidently check that off my bucket list :3c
Takt op. Symphony Megacollab
Massive props to Wish_ and Lunasa for hosting this collab (yes I participated in a Wish-hosted collab again). The elephant in the room obviously being the deadline issue which got the previous collab delayed by quite a bit from the projected date but I'm pleasantly surprised with the punctuality this time! I appreciate the materials I got (it pales slightly in comparison compared to other "higher quality" collabs but I genuinely like the materials this time)
KNC4 Staff Nahida Collab :3c
Huge thanks to Timper for inviting me to this collab and dinonesie for making the imagemap (it's actually so convenient to do single picture collabs now damn)
Endless Mirage VIII Avatar Megacollab
Once again, huge props to XegC and the Endless Mirage staff for organizing this megacollab! Really loved the materials as expected (and I actually got Xingqiu this time lfg)
Last but not least, Huge shoutout to [ Akeno ] for giving me a 1 month osu! supporter as a gift! Huge shoutout to old geezer for giving me a 1 month osu! supporter as a gift! Huge shoutout to 1chimaru for giving me a 1 month osu! supporter as a gift!