I stop playing this game reason : (You can check my public diary below) When I will play this game again? answer : idk so yeah... see you guys in future
Welcome To My Userpage
Hello, I'm Cekdu .. if you wanna know more about me take a look down below ❥
-Hello, You can call me Cekdu, Che Due, and actually you can call me as food (Cekodok) -Still studying in high school -I actually play several games but not always plays ehek because you know cannot play many games on this laptop and I'm not playing games on phone ( too potato ) -Always listening music
[ I have a few of my friends on discord playing osu asked me questions ] 1. My friend : Why you create this acc in 2021 and started play this game in 2022 and so why you not play this game at that time?
Answer = I don't really remember how I created this acc cuz I don't have laptop or pc at that time and yeah you need to download osu! to create acc ... felling weird right? but I remember someone talking about osu in somewhere server on discord .. so I decided to search osu on Youtube and I'm still not interested about this game cuz...don't have laptop or pc to play it ..so it is what I remember and so when I wanna register on this game in June 2022.. I had already made???? .. that time I fell confuse so I decided to try log in and when I take a look I already saved this acc so I just log in as usual... I'm so so so confuse at that time.. ( imagine you created this acc in 4 A.M. and don't remember how you make this acc :< )
2. My friend : Why you can't play osu!lazer on phone if you don't have laptop or pc to play osu!
Answer = I just know about this game can play on phone in 2023 ... yea sad..........
[ if you have more questions just dm me .. i will try to answer your questions as much as i know ]
Answer = Not quit but just stop because I promise by someone to stop using that app until I achieved my dreams (already unistalled that app).. yeah I'll back after I achieved my dreams... it may take a few years from now ( Don't worry, if I got 200pp play .. I'll back to tell about this to someone just for a moments and then I stop using it again ).. also rn I still upgrading my own bot on discord .. so if I wanna test some commands .. I will asking my friends to test it :im_genius: ..and sometimes I will give some news to you guys about this bot and other things if you guys already have my bot .. so that's it I can tell for now.
(8/10/23) Tomorrow.. I gonna try each maps on difficult hard or insane ( 3 stars maps ) with DTHD or HRHD until I can get good acc Why : Beacuse I still sucks play 5 stars maps above( I don't want to be a guy like got more PP with bad acc ) .. so I hope its worth it for me because It'll make my fingers more comfortable to play and not always shaking all the time and also not to get sb or miss on 5 stars maps above ( just my thought \-w-/ )
Farming stream maps, jump maps, finger control maps, tech maps, score, leaderboard in country, S, old maps, new maps and PP
Wanna be SS farmer on difficult easy, and normal and maybe hard but i guess not now to be SS farmer .. need more training on normal and hard .... idk if i get ss in other difficulty .. i think its my lucky OwO
Grinding 4* stars above .. if i can handle this 5* (maybe 3 or 4 months).. i can move foward to 6* stars and so on UwU
maybe im gonna be FLHDHRDT farmer on difficult ez (probably) so i need training my brain ( training my brain .. huh like how ....... ohh play more........) to remember all circle and slider :blurr:
(Currently) Still using 2009 old laptop (ngl) Cpu - Intel Pentium Dual-Core T4200 Ram - 4gb Ddr2 800MHz Hdd - 256gb Gpu - Mobile Intel Graphic Media -yea Sadge (But it runs osu! and others pretty well .. i guess) (In future) Pc - i need to have RM800 to buy new pc: Pc i5 gen6 rm 500 Gt730 4gb rm 300 ( I guess I can get this before new year :yeppi:...... )
(Is Gone) Old Keyboard - Armaggeddon AK-6770 Kalashnikov Keyboard (Currently) Keyboard - Leaven K620 (red switch) Tablet - VEIKK S640 Mouse - Armaggeddon AK-6770 Kalashnikov Mouse ( so silence :l ) Keypad - SayoDevice O3C (In future) Tablet - my friends suggest me to buy Wacom One ( for budget ) or Wacom Intuos ( recommend ) [ i guess i can get in 2/3 years ]
^-^ -Top 10K in Malaysia (/)>10/4/23< -Top 5K in Malaysia (/)>19/8/23< -Top 1K in Malaysia?? -reach 1000pp (/)>4/4/23< -reach 1500pp (/)>23/5/23< -reach 2000pp (/)>26/6/23< -reach 3000pp () -reach 4000pp () -reach 5000pp () // if i achieve this ... i can join OMT // ( i guess it takes a few years to achieve it but i will doing it >-< ) -50pp plays (/)>5/4/23< -100pp plays (/)>22/6/23< -150pp plays (/)>15/9/23< -200pp plays () -300pp plays () // if i can make this 300pp in 1.5/2.5 years of playing this game.. mybe i'm too powerful at that time .. idk just my imagination OwO // -Top 500k in Global (/)>12/5/2023< -Top 5 digit () -Top 4 digit ?? -Pass 5* maps (/) -Pass 6* maps (/)>14/8/23< -Pass 7* maps ???? -Pass 8* maps ??????... -Pass 9* maps ???????... -Pass 10* maps ?????????.... -FC 5* maps (/)>28/7/2023< -FC 6* maps () -FC 7* maps ????? -FC 8* maps ???????... -FC 9* maps ?????????... -FC 10* maps ???????????..... -500 SS (/)>21/9/23< -1000 SS () -1500 SS () -2000 SS () -2500 SS () -3000 SS ??? Maps -HRHDDT FC + Linkin Park - Living Things(Marathon Lite)()(one day .. i will fc this map) -HRDTHD FC + yukkedoluce - Ringo Uri no Utakata Shoujo(Agaffy's Normal)() -HRDTHDFL FC + Kana-Chan: Farucon Pan!(sm2164009)()\\What if I SS this map with 4 mods.. what will happend next??\\ .. (to get this FC or SS on this map.. I need to training my finger control more & more).. I have more goals to achieve but nah .. i will add later
Berasa letih selepas melakukan ujian SEGAK hari ni.. tangan terasa lenguh dan kaki terasa berat. Selepas balik sekolah, saya bermain osu! tetapi dalam masa yang sama.. tangan belah kanan berasa sangat sakit tapi saya tetap teruskan bermain sehingga malam. Selepas memainkan satu lagi beatmaps, tangan kanan terasa amat sakit sehinggakan saya terpaksa berhenti dan rehat sebentar.. dan saya telah memutuskan untuk berehat daripada bermain osu! selama seminggu..( saya tak nak tangan saya makin teruk kalau saya teruskan gak bermain game ni -_- ..saya sedar .. saya telah memaksa sangat tangan saya bermain game ni .. )
----- 14/10/2023
Semalam, lepas tgk video lain .. ternampak thumbnail sst3w ... accolibed dpt 1.7k pp play.. I was like "Huhhhhhhhh????? .. ril ke ni?????" lps tgk video tu dan tgk profile accolibed .. damnn this guy is crazy .. he skip 1.6k pp play ... wooooooah .. dah boleh nampak masa depan osu macam mana new era UwU
----- 28/10/2023
Minggu depan .. dah start busy sampai tahun depan.. banyak benda saya kena buat .. study & lain2 ... I guess memang saya kena stop main osu! buat sementara waktu.......fikir balik kebelakangan ni ..saya taknak bazirkan masa sebab periksa pun dh nak dekat.. banyak kena ulangkaji... hahhhhh.. yea rasanya kena stop dulu ...... uhhhh......
----- 3/12/2023
Sudah sebulan tak main Osu!..saya fikir untuk main balik and yes Saya ambil drawing tablet dan sayodevice dari kotak.. lepastu plug kat laptop and cuba main balik.. main dua lagu pun cukup la.. lepas main satu lagu saya tengok skill saya masih ok kot... rasanya.... and yes dh makin lambat .. that's okay.. sebulan tak main memang kesan macam ni.. lepas main saya cabut semua barang dan simpan balik dalam kotak .. yea.. sambung balik studyyyyy...
----- 20/12/2023
Dah pukul 3:24 pagi dan saya masih tak tidur lagi .. saya scroll youtube dan tertengok thumbnail 1553470665499594756 - frxgxd. Kemudian, saya baca caption dan lepas baca.. saya termenung atas siling sambil berfikir macam mana diri saya pada tahun 2021... Kebanyakkan memori pada tahun tu saya tak dapat ingat sangat even tengok balik chat dan gambar pada tahun tu pun dapat memulihkan sedikit ingatan saya .. kesan ni pun buat saya lupa kadang2 pada sesuatu perkataan dan membuatkan saya kadang2 lambat berfikir...hurmm... Punca ni mungkin terjadi dari diri lama saya..hmmmmm... entahlah mungkin ada benda lain yang terjadi dan membuatkan saya lupa banyak perkara pada tahun tu ... Hmm rasa ngantuk .....
------ 14/1/24
Hasilnya tidak seperti yang saya fikirkan ... Entahlah ... Boleh ke capai impian saya dengan keadaan saya sekarang ni dan saya sedar .. ini ke jalan yang nak saya capai .... atau sebaliknya ..... hurmm.. masih banyak pilihan pahit yang perlu saya tentukan untuk capai tapi persoalannya .. menjadi ke?.. atau masih tetap sama tiada peningkatan pada diri saya .. hmphh.....
----- 22/1/2024
pukul 1:07 pagi, saya melihat ke tepi tingkap memandang pantulan diri lama saya yang masih tersenyum gembira kat saya ... dan yeah .. saya masih takleh lepaskan masa lalu saya yang riang gembira, ceria, suka bergaul, ramai kawan, peramah, pandai manipulasikan orang, pandai menipu, cari perhatian dan sebagainya .. now look at me .... I'm just a guy who wants peace in his life, , who learns from his mistakes, who wants to just achieve in his life, who wants to try to leave his past behind and etc ....... saya masih ingat kawan saya pernah berkata .. jika terjadi sesuatu yang buruk .. pasti selepasnya ada perkara yang baik akan terjadi .. yeah betul kata dia ..........pasti ada perkara yang baik akan terjadi pada diri saya.............
------- 28/1/2024
Saya merasakan ada pilihan lain untuk mengubah hidup saya but it cost what I have right now termasuk game ni sekali ... mungkin saya akan berhenti bermain game ni dalam masa yang agak lama atau takkan kembali main game ni lepas ni ... yea there's something I need to stop to doing it just to achieves my life ... adakah pilihan ini teruk ? .. mungkin betul tapi ia akan memberi dampak yang baik kepada saya pada masa hadapan ... ada tak pilihan lain yang lebih baik daripada ni? .. ada, tapi peluang untuk berjaya sangatlah tipis ....... (ada orang yang menyesal dengan hidup mereka dan berkata kalau dia tak main main masa dia kat sekolah, mungkin dia hidup dengan tenang tanpa tekanan kerja dan segalanya, so that's why saya mungkin pilih pilihan ni untuk mencapai impian saya.)
------- 9/2/2024
Walking while looking at the sky .. Suddenly, a door appeared in front of me.. All my friends are behind me, waving their hands near me as a sign of farewell. I guess its time to make a step into that door to achieve my dreams.. Thanks for everything guys One day, I will come back.