If you have any mapping related questions, don't hesitate to DM me on osu or discord. Really, I mean it! I may not be a good mapper but at least I have some basics I'm willing to share with you (especially if you're starting out as a new mapper)
Crezz, Im a fancy lad, Vaxei, Ceress, Zoneeox, Lifeline, Umbre, RyuK, Fuma, Deeto, Rizer, Shield-, Badeu, Spare, Xootynator, and everyone who is mutuals with me <3
If you're in my mutuals there's a good chance I'd accept it, only insane or higher diffs though, can't map low diffs ^w^. Prefer something that's 180-210bpm, anything lower I might consider on special cases. If you're not a mutual, feel free to ask me anyways, might accept if song is a banger!
Hosted: -Lifeline's Farmers Cup (LFC) 2v2 Winter 2020 -Osu! Indonesian AllStars -Raids' Weekend Blitz #1 -Osu! Asia Oceania Tournament 3 -Osu! Indonesia Auction Cup #1 -Osu! Indonesia Tournament #12
Referee: -Lifeline's Farmers Cup (LFC) 2v2 Winter 2020 -Osu! SB Tournament 5k-1k -Osu! Indonesia Tournament #11 -Osu! Indonesian AllStars -Osu! Mercenary Shop #2
Commentated: -Osu! Asia Oceania Tournament 3 -Ulat Cup 2021 -Osu! Indonesia Auction Cup #1 -Osu! Indonesia Tournament #12
-Fryl who introduced me to a group of people who I'll always cherish as a part of my life
-Zoneeox professional retard, would do anything for money
-Fre Bandar gacha, big boss of the Indonesian tournament community, helped me to run some tournaments
-Sho For being the kindest and chillest person I've ever talked to online, I am forever grateful for your help.
-Deorum Who was the very first people to be the kindest and most caring towards me, never saw the bad side of me, and never stops supporting me in everything I do. I am forever grateful to have a friend like you.
-Lifeline My kitten :3
-Caviar For being an overall funny guy and a chill guy to talk to and hang out with.
-Thatnoobguy Chill guy and super laid back as well, would love to hang out sometime irl
-Fuma Amazing person to rant to, the only one capable enough to deal with my bullshit
-Splacten Among the few people who I was nervous to approach but turned out to be a very helpful person and would always help me with anything and is a very chill guy to talk to.
-Venta For being my inspiration to do better in every aspect and put more effort to becoming the best I can be.
-F4UZ4N for being the friendliest mf in this planet and overall a funny guy, humors me to extents I never would've thought was possible .
-OXYDEOLOGIST for being someone who'd constantly cheer my day up, your antics and bullshit will always have a special place in my heart.
-Atsudan for being such a fun person to hang out with, who introduced me to people who I'll cherish for the rest of my life.
-Sakuragi FanBoy AKA Duarte for being the most thoughtful and caring person, I can't ask for a better friend in my life.
-Deeto For being an absolute crackhead at the game and being an overall fun and caring person to talk to, will always have your back when no one does.
of course, there are a lot more people who I cherish and hold dearly, they don't play the game though (looking at you maris)