00:00:772 (772|2) - You can see the pitch is absolutely different from 00:01:414 so you need to change the col of it (better col 3) to get consistenct with 00:02:486 (2486|1,3129|0) - the two
00:07:629 (7629|1) - 这段的思路感觉有点奇怪,看的出来是想用三押强调钢琴,但是有些明显弱的地方00:08:700 (8700|2,8700|3) - 用了双押,反而比较强的地方00:08:914 (8914|1) - 用了单押
看来是听错了,我把00:08:700 (8700|3) - 改成单押了,双压和三压是钢琴低声部也有的,00:08:914 (8914|1) - 这里也是只有高声部,那现在就是31231111,应该这样没问题了
00:08:272 (8272|0,8486|0) - 00:10:843 (10843|0,11057|0) - 00:11:914 (11914|2,12129|2) - 注意一下note之间的关系,不能类似的地方一处没叠另一处却叠了,这没有一致性
假设:你想把这里 00:08:272 (8272|0,8486|0) - 写成叠,那么在一致性方面考虑,00:09:986 (9986|1,10200|0) - 00:11:700 (11700|0,11914|2) - 这些地方也应该写成叠。要么就都不要叠。
00:08:057 (8057|2,8057|3,8272|3,8272|2) - 00:11:486 (11486|2,11486|3,11700|3) - 同理
00:12:772 here the double is on the same col with 00:13:414, which is different from several places like 00:06:557, 00:08:272, 00:09:986, etc. And there's a double right after this double on the same col. It's better to avoid them so I think you need to do some rearrangements.
Combined with #3069599, the arrangement in Hard diff is ok and you can hear the prominent high-pitch piano sound at 00:13:200. So for this arrangement, you need to do some changes for 00:13:200 (13200|2) -
So basically, the music gets changed from 00:07:629 so you can change your mind about mapping there. For the double piano sounds, you can add one more LN to highlight them like 00:09:772
omg the limitation of character numbers.
Here's the screenshot about it https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17791546/3dfc.
And for the arrangement in the Hard diff (The one suggested to be the top diff): if you apply #3069599 then you'd better add some short LNs as well
00:14:486 - 这段听起来有些地方旋律的LN长度不太对
00:16:414 (16414|1) - 1/4
00:18:129 (18129|1) - 1/4
00:25:843 (25843|1) - 1/2
关于整体 - 你这堆双LN是拿来强调啥的,写太迷了。
00:14:807 (14807|0) - 这里没啥好用LN强调的,倒是 00:14:700 (14700|3) - 这里适合用个LN。
00:15:022 - 这里有1/8旋律音,要不要做点1/8 note 来强调一下?这时候 00:14:914 (14914|1) - 这个LN 可以被缩短1/4以腾出地方给后面的东西
00:15:129 (15129|3) - 这个LN时值什么鬼
00:15:343 - 这个地方声音足够强值得double
00:15:450 (15450|3) - 没有声
00:15:557 - LN
00:16:200 - double
00:16:307 (16307|3) - 没啥·好强调的,建议删了
00:16:414 (16414|2,16629|2) - 这里更应该强调鼓点,鼓点却single了,双LN也没看出有啥意义,建议旋律single 鼓点double。
00:16:843 - 这triple 是什么鬼。另外,00:16:843 (16843|2) - 滑条尾应该在这里 00:17:057 - ,这个旋律音在这里已经结束了。
00:17:057 (17057|0) - 同 00:15:343 - 这个地方声音足够强值得double,l另外没有啥好写LN的声音,建议换成note.
00:17:164 (17164|3) - 没有声
00:17:593 (17593|3) - 同 00:15:022 - 这里有1/8旋律音,要不要做点1/8 note 来强调一下?原LN也可以缩短1/4以腾出地方给后面的东西
00:17:807 (17807|3) - 没有声
00:15:236 (15236|2) - 这种地方有个很明显的音没有抓,虽然可能是因为排列原因,并且和其他地方也保持了一致,但是00:16:200 (16200|0,16200|1,16522|0,16522|1) - 这种我认为比较轻的地方你也用了双押,这个不抓就感觉有点不太合适。其实我觉得类似00:16:200 (16200|0,16200|1,16522|0,16522|1)这种的放单押就可以,比如你后面00:21:664 (21664|0) - 就因为排列把这种用单押处理了,那不如全都单押
00:16:200 (16200|1,16200|0,16522|0,16522|1) - 这里是鼓所以双压了,00:15:343 (15343|3) - 这里的clap我就改成单押吧,之后也这么改了
00:17:914 (17914|3) - 这里有明显的旋律,按道理是要有LN的00:23:057 (23057|3) - 这里一样
00:18:129 (18129|2) - Better to remove it. In my view, I think it's useless double, only using long LNs for melody sound being good. If there's any other intention to do that, please let me know
00:18:557 (18557|0) - LN时值,另外这个应该是double
00:18:772 (18772|2) - 同 00:15:343 -
00:19:522 (19522|0) - 没有声
00:19:629 - double
00:19:950 - double
00:20:272 - double
00:20:379 (20379|3) - 关于这个声音,你前面都没对这个音,要不都对上要不就删了吧
00:21:022 (21022|0) - 移到 00:20:914 -
00:21:664 (21664|0) - 这里并没有旋律音,改成note
00:22:093 (22093|1) - 同 00:20:379 (20379|3) - 关于这个声音,你前面都没对这个音,要不都对上要不就删了吧
00:22:200 - 同 00:15:343 -
00:22:736 (22736|2,22950|2) - 这俩音都不值得加note还塞叠去强调,倒是 00:22:843 (22843|1) - 这个鼓点应该double
00:23:057 (23057|2) - 这里应该是旋律音断掉了,00:22:843 (22843|1) - LN也在这里断掉再在这里拉一个吧 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17121705/088b
00:23:700 - 强度还不至于用triple
00:23:914 - 此处应有double
00:26:164 (26164|2) - 没有声,
00:26:057 (26057|1,27129|2,27129|1) - 由于音高不一样,建议跟前面两个不同列。
00:20:914 (20914|0) - 这个应该是抓bass?那感觉就是停在红线上的
00:21:986 (21986|3) - 这个感觉应该改1/2,对比前面00:16:843 (16843|3) - ,00:18:557 (18557|0) - 等等
00:21:557 (21557|2,21772|1,21986|2) - 1/4的ln吧,实在没想出1/2的理由,如果后面的背景音的话,那应该00:22:200 (22200|1) - 也ln,但是乐器只有1/4却写成了1/2挺奇怪的
00:24:343 (24343|1,24343|2,24504|0,24557|1,24611|2,24772|3,24772|2,25093|2,25093|3) - 这里感觉ln思路好乱啊,又想抓背景音的强弱变化还想抓到乐器音,感觉可以舍弃一些只要乐器音会比较好,而且yysy这个ln摆的不是很好看 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17242351/0e9d
00:24:343 I may not completely understand these LNs. Maybe you're following some kind of noise like 00:23:379 00:23:700? (I don't know what it's called) If so, it's not consistent.
If not, I don't know what are these two 00:24:504 (24504|0,24611|2) - for, and seem to be useless, need removing.
00:27:557 (27557|2,27557|3,27772|1,27772|2,27772|3) - 感觉这个up的趋势没表现出来,ln用的有点散,比较分散 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17242356/276c
00:34:093 (34093|3) - 这个听起来没有断开啊,可以拉到下一个的头
00:33:343 (33343|1) - 然后这个似乎该提前1/2断开,因为你其他地方都这么干的
顺便00:41:914 - 这里开始所有的bass LN都比前面长了1/4,我确认一下是不是故意的
00:38:914 (38914|3) - 后面这里和00:38:486 (38486|3) - 是相同音高,我试了下如果放在00:38:486 (38486|0) - 感觉蛮怪的,后面3个长条都遵循了从高到低第一个没有遵循就有点奇奇怪怪的感觉,放在第四轨倒是没有太大的手感问题
00:59:057 (59057|0,59057|1,59164|1,59164|3,59272|3,59272|2,59379|1,59379|0,59486|1,59486|3) - 这段明显不是均匀的强度,我觉得还是应该把强弱体现出来,个人觉得可以写成31323或者31223
01:01:843 (61843|1) - 写成拍了。后面考虑很久了,包括01:02:272 (62272|0) - 也有一个喊声,主要是01:02:057 (62057|0) - 这里喊得比较大声,包括后面是非常有节奏感的地方,如果压这些音会显得太紧凑了,手感也不好,所以选择了只压了01:02:057 (62057|0) - 这里的音,后面选择性忽视
01:02:486 - 还是LN长度的问题,有几个地方听起来明显是跳音
01:03:664 (63664|1) - 1/8
01:05:379 (65379|2) - 1/8
01:07:093 (67093|1) - 1/8
01:10:093 (70093|3) - 1/8
01:06:343 (66343|3,66343|0,66450|3,66450|1,66557|2,66664|1,66772|3,66772|0) - 前面两段ln还比较复杂,为什么这里就变得突然简单了,我觉得应该和前面保持一致,这里难度分配不是很合理
01:06:450 This almost mislead me. You can hear there're two different sounds but you used double lns at 01:06:450. Meanwhile, 01:06:343 (66343|0,66450|1) - the two have mirrored shape of 01:06:450 (66450|3,66557|2) - . You know when the sounds are regular and there're regular shape for every two sounds...hmmm. So the important thing is about 01:06:450.
01:06:664 (66664|1) - You can delete this one and move 01:06:450 (66450|3,66557|2) - one 1/8 slot up
01:08:486 (68486|3,68486|1,68593|0,68593|2,68700|1,68700|2,68807|3,68807|0,68914|1,68914|3)
这个LN 01:08:700 (68700|2) - 没看出来是对应什么的,如果和前面01:08:486 (68486|1) - 一样那应该是后一个音01:08:807 (68807|0) -
01:13:307 I don't know the meaning of the jack. I can only hear the melody sound like 01:13:200 (73200|1) - so better to change it into an LN
01:14:057 (74057|2,74057|1,74057|3) - 这也太短了吧,听起来和前面00:27:772 (27772|2,27772|1,27772|3) - 基本一样
01:17:272 (77272|0,77379|0,77486|0) - 以及01:20:700 (80700|0,80807|0,80914|0) - 不太适合用子弹,用楼梯个人觉得比较合适
01:17:914 for the double note and double LNs, better to rearrange. I may know what you want to do but just a little weird for the ghost double LNs. Or another idea: You might use double LNs for drum sounds and double notes for melody sounds, which is fine for me but weird to play.
So somehow, I'd like to see you change your mind -> doubles for drum, shorter double LNs for melody
01:18:129 (78129|2,78129|3,78236|3,78236|2,78450|2,78450|1,78557|2,78557|1) - 这里的子弹往前移1/4格才是对上连音的
01:19:629 (79629|1) - end in 01:19:736 - 01:19:950 (79950|1) - end in 01:20:057 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17242406/38c0 我看不懂了,就自己摆了一段当个参考叭(
01:21:557 (81557|3,81557|2,81664|1,81772|1,81772|0,81879|2,81986|3) - 这里的连续5个鼓点只给1个子弹感觉不太表现得出来
01:26:486 (86486|2,86486|3,86700|3,86700|2,86914|2,86914|3,87129|2,87129|3) - 这里没有那么明显分开的音,我觉得用长面代替好一点
01:24:772 (84772|1,84772|0,84986|2,84986|3,85200|2,85200|3,85414|3,85414|2,86486|2,86486|3,86700|2,86700|3,86914|3,86914|2,87129|3,87129|2) - 和他们一伙的,没有明显分开的音是因为主旋律够响,这个bass的节奏感还是存在的,需要保留
考虑很久了,和01:02:057 (62057|0) - 一样,唯一不同的是这里的旋律要谈开始地方可能是在01:27:986 (87986|3) - 一直延续到01:29:914 (89914|2) - 一是前面的节奏型隔开(放手隔开),二是这里的pad实在是没有必要多交出一个轨来写
01:37:307 (97307|2) - You can hear there's a same melody sound as 01:36:772 (96772|2,97093|2) - and they're both LNs so better to change it into an LN to better express these sounds
01:38:057 (98057|3,98057|0) - 这一段我觉得有主旋律的地方最好就统一抓旋律,比如01:39:557 (99557|2,99557|0,99772|3,99772|0,99772|1,99986|2,99986|1) - 。只有装饰音就把装饰音抓全,比如01:41:486 (101486|1,101486|2,101914|2,101914|1,101914|0,102236|1,102236|2,102236|3,102557|2,102557|0,102557|1) - ,在01:41:700 (101700|3) - 漏了一个音
01:38:807 almost opposite #3092655, here the sound is kinda different from 01:38:486 (98486|2) - . not only for the pitch but also the type of the sound. Need to change it on the other col
01:39:986 (99986|3) - move it to col 1 to well follow the pitch of these melody sounds. It's weird while playing for 01:39:986 (99986|3,100414|3) -
01:42:557 I don't understand why this double is special. It's different from the previous doubles containing one single and one short LN. Also I can hear there're 2 kinds of sounds for the three places, normally should being same.
01:47:414 (107414|2) - → 01:47:425 - (1/7) (顺便我觉得取消掉这个小叠好一点,因为你后面同样的地方没有写叠
01:48:700 (108700|3) - → 01:48:718 - (1/8)
01:49:129 (109129|1) - → 01:49:139 - (1/7)
01:49:343 (109343|0) - →01:49:361 - (1/8)
01:49:139 should be 1/8 for consistency
And this part, some triples can be overmapped since the sounds there are not strong. Also I think there're some snare sounds for some places where you need to use double. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17824390/0e75 it should be like this
01:51:129 (111129|2,111129|0) - 和01:57:986 (117986|2,117986|0) - 是不是该triple
01:53:700 (113700|1,113700|3,113700|2,113700|0) - 然后这种地方四押感觉是不是有点太过分了,三押足够了吧
02:06:629 (126629|2,126700|0) - These two should be 1/4. That's being said, the singles after 02:06:557 should be 1/4, before it should be 1/3 or 1/6
02:11:057 (131057|2,131057|3,131379|2,131379|1) - 和前面一样的问题,02:11:700 (131700|2) - 这个我觉得也应该拉到白线就停
02:11:057 (131057|0) - 确定要留一个1/8尾在这吗,这个实际上听起来和前面02:07:629 (127629|3) - 基本上一样的,当然你前面也有地方用了1/8尾,所以全改1/8尾应该也行
02:22:200 (142200|1,142200|0,142307|2,142307|3,142414|1,142414|3,142522|1,142522|0) - 这里鼓点和前面相比没有太大变化,我觉得没必要叠
02:25:200 (145200|0,145200|2,145200|1,145307|3,145414|0,145414|3,145522|1,145629|3,145736|1,145736|2,145736|0,145950|2,145950|1,145950|3,146057|1,146057|0) - 押数我觉得可以再考虑一下,比如02:25:736 (145736|0,145736|2,145736|1,145950|2,145950|3,145950|1) - 这两个用了三押,02:25:307 (145307|3,145522|1) - 但是这两个地方的音应该和前面那两个三押的地方是一样的,我觉得可以统一用双押,把三押给02:26:057 (146057|1,146057|0) -
02:25:522 (145522|1) - 如果要特意写这种1/8短面,我觉得尽量只突出一种乐器,02:29:164 (149164|1,149379|2,149593|0) - 比如这三个我就不知道是想要表达什么
02:25:522 - 不太清楚这里为啥不double,有一个和02:25:307 (145307|1,145307|0) - 类似的鼓
但是你在02:27:129 (147129|3,147129|2) - 把double给了红线,都有道理,但是你要确定一下到底哪个double,然后所有地方都要一样,如果是和你下一段的写法保持一致,我是倾向于都在蓝线上double
02:25:736 There's a same sound as 02:25:307 (145307|2,145522|1) - so 1/8 LN here is also needed
However, I can't see too many places where the arrangements should be like this so please check them all for this kind fo sound and make them similar for the consistency
02:26:164 (146164|2,146272|2) - 这段有些子弹感觉有点滥用,我觉得没有明显连音的地方最好不要用子弹,类似的还有02:25:307 (145307|3,145414|3) - ,02:27:772 (147772|3,147879|3) - ,02:29:593 (149593|2,149700|2) - 02:32:593 (152593|3,152700|3) - ,02:36:022 (156022|3,156129|3) -
03:01:522 - to 03:05:914 - ,前面几个double给我的感觉是你这里只有kick double,但是03:03:986 (183986|2,183986|3,183986|0) - ,03:04:950 (184950|2,184950|0) - 和这个是矛盾的,你需要确认一下其他鼓到底要不要double
顺便03:02:914 (182914|1,182914|3,182914|0) - snare的一致性也要检查
03:16:843 (196843|1,196843|3,196843|0) - inconsistent with 03:06:557 - , 03:13:414 - (都是有1/4bass的,和03:09:986 (189986|2,189986|3,189986|0) - 不一样)
03:18:557 (198557|2,198557|3,198664|1) - 同理,至少我感觉不应该double