MAPPING ARC!!! if you need me for something and want a quick answer, reach me on discord, i don't check osu pms too often currently accepting pooling (preferably below 7*) & playtesting requests for tournaments only accepting sheeting requests for tournaments from people i know or friends
PC Monitor: Lenovo C20-00 F0BB09ULD Processor: Intel Celeron CPU N3050 1.60GHz RAM: 4GB Since November 2016
Mouse Mouse: Cooler Master MM311 DPI: 1200 Grip: Claw Since November 2023
Keyboard Keyboard: Trust Ziva 21954 Tapstyle: Click+KB Keys: Left click / Z / X Since May 2019
In-game settings Resolution: 1366x768 (Fullscreen) Sensitivity: 0.95x (Raw input on) Cursor size: 0.5x Cursor ripples: Off Skin Yes I've been using the same skin since december 2016 with very minor edits each year
Old peripherals Dates indicated by dd/mm/yy. First mouse: Lenovo C20-00 USB wired mouse. (??/11/2016 - 24/12/2017) Second mouse: Logitech Wireless M280. (24/12/2017 - 04/10/2021) Old keyboard: Lenovo C20-00 USB wired keyboard. (??/11/2016 - 01/05/2019) Tablet: Veikk S640. (Got it on 23/02/2022 but gave up after a few weeks of playing with it, sticking with mouse) Third mouse: Logitech M190. (04/10/2021 - 06/11/2023)
THANK YOU SSPARNNIF OSU FOR GIVING ME YOUR TWO MONTHS SUPP PRIZE OF CHINCHOO'S TOURNEY WTF <3 , thanks Chinchoo aswell for hosting it and giving the prize directly to me - december 13 2020
Thank you anonymous person for giving me one extra month of supporter, you are amazing c: - december 27 2020
thank you big chad vursti for giving one month of supp - december 27 2020
thank you so much Noether for giving me 6 MONTHS OF OSU SUPPORTER WTF really unexpected - january 16 2021
thanks XENON (ELMICK25) for giving me 1 month of supp for defeating you, you are chad gamer - february 8th 2021
thanks KINGBAXTER for giving 1 month of supporter for being in the winning team of WOC Showmatch - march 27ish 2021
thank you RosayBear for gifting 1 month of supporter as a birthday present, you're the best❤️ - may 1st 2021
thank you camahe pana for giving me 1 month of supporter as a result of that epic sorteo gamer - may 19th 2021
Thank you Acclaiming for 1 month supporter for helping in Circle Cup 2! very appreciated <3 - december 29th 2021
joa mi vale alguienosu muchas gracias por 1 mes de supp por ayudarte en matemáticas - march 4th 2022
thank you so much EthanTC for 2 month supporter for helping in Two Taiwanese Tournament 2 pooling! very appreciated - march 20th 2022
Thanks ZenthiusEscalus for 2 month supporter for helping in Zen's Multi Tourney (6-Digit: Speed) pooling! - june 13th 2022
thanks yolosoloyolo for L42EMRTT3 2nd place 2 month supporter prize! - july 31st 2022
gracias MICK TREINTA Y TRES OSU por donarme 3 dolarucos pa poder comprarme los 4 meses de supp agardecidísimo vida salvada - october 14th 2022
thanks flag korea for one month supporter amigo - november 28th 2022
thanks akari for one month supporter from epic gambling - february 2023 or something
submit scores on every ranked of the following themes: - hatsune miku - ^and every vocaloid map if possible learn how to aim uragirarete fc learn how to aim this masterpiece dt fc and maybe 4.9* diff hd fc learn how to aim get pp with scores i like learn how to aim keep enjoying game and many more goals i'm missing.
hey, if you're reading this, this is my old scuffed userpage which i am too lazy to update so i keep it here for archive purposes, most of this has been written from 2016 to 2020 tourney sheet osu! availability working on a proper userpage someday
tournament enjoyer i don't like asking for mutual so i may have mutualed you in secret, stalker if you have added me and i haven't added you, let me know some people say im nice and wholesome, i guess i am i don't like generic zoomer maps and farm, please dont flex me or request me to play that, i dont care (wtf toxic) not a big fan of multis but feel free to invite i may join i deeply apologize if something i did/said offended you, i'm usually very autistic ty for watching my replays and being amazing <3
current main goals: get as much country #1s as i can improve aim, consistency and mechanics win a tournament (forum post based) get pp with scores im proud of be a well-known tournament player be a well-known referee or mappooler in the tournament community host a badged tournament someday play an american-only tournament
cringe old text i don't delete cuz nostalgia: I'll write here all my performance as a player in tournaments, I won't include cancelled tournaments and tournaments I couldn't qualify. All dates indicate the match date when I got eliminated or won, they're also in "dd/mm/yy" format. As you can see I suck a lot! 8) old text, gonna replace with something cooler whenever i want There is a full list of every tournament I have played (there may be some missing), have fun stalking my experience.
And here is a list of tournaments in which I have participated as staff member, feel free to PM me if you need mappool/referee help.
Pokémon Collab Tournament: Referee (after getting eliminated as player lmao)
Discord: Halevoi#6136 (don't get scared, I accept all kind of friends! c:) Discord ID (in case of required): 195674644966014977 YouTube Twitter Twitch (I never use this lmao)
Hello! I'm Ale, a 18 years old american-colombian osu! player who enjoys playing for fun and chilling. My main goal in the game is improving and being a recognized user in this community (either as player or as something else i don't care). I'm actually a limited mouse player due to my shitty PC (check "Style & peripherals") and my small setup, however I like the way I'm trying to improve in this game by this way.
About my personal life, my real name is Alejandro and I live in Barranquilla, Colombia (but i was born in Fort Lauderdale, USA). I'm a student who likes maths, sciences, languages and learning about grammar stuff. I don't have a defined future but I'll do my best to get a lifestyle I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy. I also love shitpost and asian related stuff (i'm not a weeb, pls don't send me anime and any kind of weeb shit, i may like it but i have a dignity to protect ok, send me goOd memes instead).
August 29-2016: osu! downloaded. The beggining of a bad consistency player. 8) December 6-2016: First std 4* pass. January 4-2017: First std +50pp play. January 29-2017: First std 5* pass (5,37*). January 31-2017: First taiko +50pp play (58pp). February 03-2017: Std national top 500. February 22-2017: Achieved 1.000pp in std. February 24-2017: First std 4* FC (3* without DT). April 2-2017: Achieved top 50k in taiko. April 9-2017: First std 4* non-DT FC (4,31*) April 18-2017: First std 3* SS (3,69*) April 22-2017: First std 4* Silver S FC (4,11*) and std 99pp play. (pp rework made it 100pp) May 1-2017: Got osu!Supporter for 1 year. May 7-2017: First std 100pp play. May 9-2017: Achieved 1.500pp in std. May 27-2017: First non-DT 100pp play in std! May 27-2017: Achieved 1000pp in taiko. June 1-2017: Achieved top 100k in std. June 2-2017: First ranked 6* pass. June 14-2017: Achieved 2000pp in std and achieved Colombia top 50 in taiko. June 15-2017: First taiko 100pp play. July 13-2017: First 5* (5,40*) FC and +150pp play (192pp) [actually 199pp lmaoo] July 29-2017: Achieved 2500pp in std. August 7-2017: First ranked 7* pass. September 14-2017: First +150pp play in taiko (farm map :c). November 30-2017: First #1 in a map (for two hours but who cares). December 25-2017: New mouse! March 10-2018: "First 200pp play" (at that time it was 193pp, but pp rework made it 200pp) March 11-2018: Achieved 3000pp (without 200pp play :c) [EDIT: rework made a previous play 200pp] May 7-2018: First ranked/loved 8* pass! July 5-2018: My top 100 is now full of >100pp plays. July 13-2018: Turned 1 year after my first 5* FC! August 29-2018: Turned two years in osu! September 1-2018: Bought osu!Supporter for two months. October 29-2018: First 200pp play! (before pp rework) November 27-2018: BEAUTIFUL 199PP NOMOD! (pp rework made it 200pp) January 30-2019: 3500pp. February 3-2019: First place in a tournament. February 7-2019: pp rework made me have a decent 200pp play. February 24-2019: Achieve 50000 playcount. May 1st-2019: New keyboard. July 6th-2019: First 6* "FC"! (not medal got) July 21th-2019: 4000pp! August 29th-2019: First nomod 6* "FC" (not medal got again) September 18th-2019: Level 100! September 21-2019: First HR 200pp play. October 12-2019: 6* FC medal got! November 7-2019: My top 100 is now full of >150pp plays. December 25th-2019: Getting 2000x combo medal setting a 4000x combo play January 15th-2020: 4500pp! March 24th-2020: 10B ranked score! April 6th-2020: +250pp play! (267pp in a singletapped 300bpm map!) April 19th-2020: 200pp SS! May 22nd-2020: TOP 100 COLOMBIA FINALLY (with actually CHAD farm (: ) July 15th-2020: 5000pp pog. July 26th-2020: Reached 100 tournament matches (including forfeits) outdated
Done - 6* FC - >2 minutes map 6* FC - >3 minutes map 5* FC - 5* SS - 5* FC in a tournament match. - Getting A rank in a 7* map. - Getting A rank in Cycle Hit. - Getting A rank in Scarlet Rose. - Pass Happppy Song (the 8* one). - Pass Seni's Foreground Eclipse Songs Compilation. - 200pp play. - 200pp play SS - 200pp play in a stream based map - 200pp play in a jump based map. - 200pp play in "semi-tech" styled map. - 200pp play in AR10.33 map. - 200pp play in CS7 map. how???? - 200pp play in a HOLLOW WINGS map. how??????? - 200pp nomod - 200pp DT only - 200pp HDHR - 200pp in a +3 minutes map - +250pp in a 300bpm burst map - Being able to stream 160-220bpm consistently. - Being able to burst 8note 220-300bpm with good accuracy - Being able to read low AR. - Being able to read AR5-9 with HD. - Being able to get 1000x combo in a long 5* map. - COLOMBIA TOP 100 WITH CHAD FARMING
To-do: - Be the first colombian to get a tournament badge. (not possible anymore, congrats Ninther4) - Be the first colombian to get a tournament badge in an INTERNATIONAL tournament. - Win a tournament (only counting ones with forum posts). - Level 101. - 100k playcount. - Be the player with most country #1 scores in Colombia. - Snipe every Jesss' score. - 200pp play with FL. - 200pp play with EZ. - 300pp play. - Be consistent in 6* mappools. - Appear in a "Colombian top players of the year" video. - Host a badged tournament. - Improve my HR consistency. - Improve DT skill. - Improve AR<5 reading with HD. - Improve stamina. - Improve acc. - Improve general consistency. - Be the best 5 digit in Colombia. - Play more. - Keep my promise of being a mouse player forever as long as possible.