by Nomination Assessment Team
A new year, a new cycle of BN Mentorship!
For those who aren't in the loop, the BN Mentorship Program is a Nomination Assessment Team–led effort to try and give modders interested in joining the Beatmap Nominators the skills they may be lacking to do so.
Participants get mentored on how to mod in the way a BN is expected to, with tips on how to optimize their workflow and crucial insight for avoiding common modding pitfalls.
Cycles last around 2 months, with this cycle being planned to run from January 25th to March 23rd.
Below you'll find a list of mentors for each game mode, alongside their time zones:
Mentor | Timezone |
bite you death | UTC+1 |
Dada | UTC-3 |
Lafayla | UTC-4 |
Mafumafu | UTC-5 |
Mirash & NeKroMan4ik (joint class) | UTC+5 & UTC+3 |
momoyo | UTC+3 |
Noffy | UTC-5 |
Mentor | Timezone |
Greaper | UTC+1 |
Mentor | Timezone |
Antalf | UTC-4 |
Maxus | UTC+7 |
Muse Dash | UTC+1 |
RandomeLoL | UTC+1 |
Seiran- | UTC+8 |
You may apply by smashing that big ol' button above. However, don't brood over it for too long, as sign-ups end on January 24th.
Good luck!
—Nomination Assessment Team
this is my chance…