10 Jan 2025
BN Mentorship: Cycle 4 Sign-ups Open
by Nomination Assessment Team

BN Mentorship: Cycle 4 Sign-ups Open

by Nomination Assessment Team

A new year, a new cycle of BN Mentorship!

For those who aren't in the loop, the BN Mentorship Program is a Nomination Assessment Team–led effort to try and give modders interested in joining the Beatmap Nominators the skills they may be lacking to do so.

Participants get mentored on how to mod in the way a BN is expected to, with tips on how to optimize their workflow and crucial insight for avoiding common modding pitfalls.

Cycles last around 2 months, with this cycle being planned to run from January 25th to March 23rd.


Below you'll find a list of mentors for each game mode, alongside their time zones:

osu! osu! mentors

Mentor Timezone
bite you death UTC+1
Dada UTC-3
Lafayla UTC-4
Mafumafu UTC-5
Mirash & NeKroMan4ik (joint class) UTC+5 & UTC+3
momoyo UTC+3
Noffy UTC-5

osu!taiko osu!taiko mentors

Mentor Timezone
arcpotato & Yasuho (joint class) UTC+8 & UTC+1
BlackBN UTC+8

osu!catch osu!catch mentors

Mentor Timezone
Greaper UTC+1

osu!mania osu!mania mentors

Mentor Timezone
Antalf UTC-4
Maxus UTC+7
Muse Dash UTC+1
RandomeLoL UTC+1
Seiran- UTC+8

Application link

You may apply by smashing that big ol' button above. However, don't brood over it for too long, as sign-ups end on January 24th.

Good luck!

—Nomination Assessment Team


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one catch mentor ruff


Should I...? 🥺

I hope I get in, I wanna start making mania charts

Mentor me strinova @byd


omg it mentorship

Mayano omg it migu

omg it migu

growcanine omg it migu

omg it migu

Pray, most esteemed and noble one, wouldst thou, in thy boundless wisdom and unparalleled grace, deign to bestow upon me the great honor and privilege of thy guidance and mentorship? I humbly beseech thee, with all the reverence my heart can muster, to consider my earnest plea

maybe this time ill get in...

you're already a BN though...

KeyWee yacinehamza111


All for any get ranked quick schemes

maxus pro mentor

maxus pro mentor

ur telling me i HAVE to mod in order to do this? that's like saying u have to map in order to make a map smh

mentor me pls 🥺🥺🥺

smolship SupaV

mentor me pls 🙏

you should mentor him, now!

Yooo what is this

mentor me pls @enneya

enneya 3y3s


gm fellow mentees


who up mentoring they nominators

mentor me pls @momoyo

Lavender nanoya

mentor me pls @momoyo

Spkz Lavender

mentor me pls @momoyo

Hiii mentor me pls

good luck to every applicant

traqqy momoyo

thanks bestie horse sounds

10/10 would recommend :thumbs_up:

Is this going to be the only cycle this year?


checks kudosu
Ah… maybe next time- wait I almost have enough

tilda Utiba

go grind...

this is my chance…


this is my chance…