31 Jan 2025
by mango, Matrix, and a bunch of other people


by mango, Matrix, and a bunch of other people

The osu! team is proud to unveil its most ambitious community project to date: Locus — an all-new original song and beatmap contest.

Derived from Latin, a locus can be described as "a particular place or position where something of interest occurs". Locus was conceived as an event that would bring the creative circles in osu! closer together. Beyond simply being a contest, Locus aims to foster positive relationships and champion the communities that shape the very foundation of osu!.

What is Locus?

Locus is an original song and beatmap contest hosted for the osu! game mode only. Teams of up to five creators will create an original beatmap experience from scratch: this means entries will be judged on song quality, map quality, and visual presentation. This is similar to previous contests such as A Labour of Love, except there is more freedom in choice.

To be specific, all entries are expected to showcase:

  • An original song of length 1:30–3:00.
  • A full beatmap spread on the osu! game mode that satisfies the ranking criteria.
  • Visual assets (e.g. background/storyboarding/video).

The full list of rules and operational procedures can be found here, but we felt that the following points deserved particular attention and highlighting:

  • All entries must remain anonymous until the contest concludes. Groups will be able to choose a team name and enter under that pseudonym, and must not share anything related to their creation via social media or other spaces — this is to help ensure each entry is judged by the community solely on its merit, and not by the fame of its creators.
  • Incomplete entries are still considered valid for submission. They will undergo the same voting process as every other entry. We want to encourage all creators to participate, even if the full scope of their creation isn't achieved.
  • The ranking of the entries will be determined by a new form of community voting (elo system). Voters will be required to compare a set number of entries across 3 criteria and the results will be fed into an elo rating system to determine the final rankings.
    • The process is similar to a round-robin tournament where every player is matched against each other multiple times, except the match outcomes are decided by the voters, essentially taken as "wins" or "losses" and fed into an elo rating system.
    • This is, in spirit, similar to ranking systems used by games like chess or League of Legends, and was constructed to make the voting more accessible to the general community (by not having to go through every single entry to participate in voting), and to help prevent bandwagoning.

Schedule and registration

Event Date
Entry submission deadline 1 June 2025
Community voting period June 2025
Results stream Early July 2025

Teams must be registered in order to submit an entry, so we recommend doing that once your team is formed in order for us to contact you with updates throughout the competition.

Click here to register for this contest!


For a contest at this level and scope, we have decided to offer equal rewards for the top entries:

  • The beatmap will be bundled as part of the default osu! installation as "recommended beatmaps" for at least 1 year.
  • Team members will receive a unique profile badge themed around their entry.
  • Team members will be awarded a Locus user title befitting of their role.

For any complete entry submitted before the entry submission deadline, team members will be awarded a profile badge if they are able to rank the set before the next iteration of the contest.

How do I get involved?

We understand that finding and coordinating a team for events like this can be quite difficult, but we would like to encourage people to have a go, and try to have a good time.

To help get things started, we've constructed a site affectionately dubbed as the Nexus to assist in linking mappers, composers and visual designers looking to participate together. Using this site is NOT a requirement — you are welcome to form teams on your own if you are able!

To get started, visit the Nexus via the Mappers' Guild website and register your details today!

For the full list of rules, operational procedures, and support available to you, please refer to the wiki page.

Announcements for the contest will be coordinated through the #osu-locus channel on the osu! Discord server

Good luck.

—mango, Matrix, and a bunch of other people


mangomizer pinned

The Locus clock is not real and it cannot hurt you. (credit Tanza)

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close enough this is osu!eurovision

hype lets goo

"(...) hosted for the osu! gamemode only."

Oh okay. Why notify everyone? Please place a banner or something smh

why just 1 year?

"beatmap experience"

that's an interesting way of putting it.

cool contest and idea. im surprised something like this took so long to happen ( correct me if im wrong and this isnt the first osu contest like this ) considering how big a similar thing is and has been in bms for over 20 years.


This is so cool! I love how osu! is constantly holding events to foster community. It makes me smile :)

btmc of fighters


song that might play when you fight sans





can we enter the contest completely solo?

this is like bms contests

Hollow Wings should go solo vs squads

unironically true lol


i cant wait to see what mappers make this is so hype


So hyped


For everyone who think there should be more game modes,

There's two problems with that.

  1. How many staff members who are involved with a certain gamemode. Think about how many of you guys would have sent yours in, plus, i'm sure there's gonna be more updates for different game modes! Also, there's only 35-37 people in the osu!team that are working there CURRENTLY(correct me if i'm wrong)
  2. The number that ups by 3 because 3 more game modes are gonna be added. That's gonna be a lot of time and work for 35+ people.


aspire was shot and killed and buried

Wutever Theedoo

this is better tbh. there isnt really anywhere else for aspire to go at this point aside from sliderator stuff

This is really epic, I can't wait to see the submissions!
The My Love contest was really cool, and I imagine this one will be even cooler!

if anyone wants a mapper chat me :3

If anyone need a artist to make a track for their map, please add me at deepdiveintomymind on discord. I'm interested in creating music for a map but not interested in map making.


i kinda wanna join but i cant map nor make art nor make music

kyoku 2: electric boogaloo

nuh uh 🦈🕺🚜🚬

O_o interesting

there's not much more i love than the creative spirit of the osu community - i'd like to take the comments here as a way of expressing my appreciation for osu! artists and mappers, everywhere, no matter what they do <3
i don't have much to offer in my portfolio (a bit of mapping and drawing here and there) so i'll pass on entering unless i'm encouraged but i'm so heckin excited to experience everyone's creations
update: i'm entering with a musician friend :D

Why is it only standard 💔 i dont map that

osu of fighters

If only I had any talent... Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the submissions!

Super hyped for this! Time to get creative! 🎶✨

More of these events in the future please

bof inspired event
no mania

Alty -Kori

this is actually huge

me like

kinda tempted to enter but i dont know my skills all that well :p

mangomizer Leviathan

You should definitely give it a shot! All entries will be treated the same, and at the end of the day even if you submit something incomplete you can still have a lot of fun in the process.

Lemme cook

I am SO ready to see what people cook for this.

This feels very much in spirit of what THE BMS OF FIGHTERS would be like if it were integrated in osu!. An event that brings together talented people from the osu! community, creating collaborations driven by passion and creativity to create something truly special for the game. I really hope this event turns out to be a success and becomes a recurring tradition.

The osu! team could even expand on this for the other three game modes if they ever do another iteration, it would especially make sense for osu!mania considering BMS is originating from a vertically scrolling rhythm game. I'm in love with the concept of this already and its collaboration with Mappers' Guild. This is extremely awesome <3

xNPx Ucitysm

bmc of fighters

kageminori Ucitysm

100% agree

Oh my god, this is such a cool idea, I would love to be involved as an artist


Oh my god, this is such a cool idea, I would love to be involved as an artist