
Shawn Mendes - Something Big

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on April 17, 2017 at 6:32:37 PM

Artist: Shawn Mendes
Title: Something Big
Tags: [-Aphobias-]
BPM: 112
Filesize: 9162kb
Play Time: 02:36
Difficulties Available:
  1. [[-Aphobias-]]'s Something Big (4.94 stars, 563 notes)
  2. Hard (2.74 stars, 278 notes)
  3. Insane (3.73 stars, 407 notes)
  4. Normal (1.8 stars, 186 notes)
Download: Shawn Mendes - Something Big
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This is my first map that I have made/finished, any contributions and suggestions would be helpful for me :)

PLEASE RE-DOWNLOAD AS OF FEB 28 2017 for SB changes :)

[Difficulties ready for Modding:]
  1. Normal
  2. Hard
  3. Insane
  4. -Aphobias-'s Something Big
If you'd like to make a GD (Guest Difficulty), let me know in my PM cause i'd be more than happy to have a GD for my mapset!

Available to do M4M, just let me know :)
To begin there are a good amount of problems in insane but since its a first map its fine :^)

00:10:889 try to not skip loud beats // most of the time (if a song is timed correctly) and loud beat will land on the big white ticks.

*This doesn't mean always but its a good rule to follow when first starting out.
00:12:362 (5) - There isn't a beat here I would remove.
I kinda redid the rhythm here starting from 00:09:818 (4) - and ending 00:13:032 (1) -

*rhythm is the note placement on the actual timeline. (what most mappers call note placement they mean by location on playfield)
I didn't know that when I first started :)

00:14:103 (3,4,5,6) - Rhythmically its ok but when a player comes across this the may become confused

General Tip while I'm looking through the map it seems you kinda just randomly made slider shapes, which is ok but it makes the map seem "ugly" and "unorganized" This basically means copy (ctrl +c) sliders, and try to keep sliders consistent. inverness made a pretty lengthy guide on making neat sliders. It's a bit dated but its a very helpful read Making common sliders neat

00:36:603 - There is a very loud beat here I say add a 1/4 slider** and shorten the first slider so it ends 00:36:335 -

Little Slider Lesson
**1/4 sliders are
**1/2 sliders are
**1/1 Sliders are

00:42:228 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rhythmically wise ok but when you make the jump from 00:42:630 (4) - to 00:42:764 (5) - it feels weird because every jump prior is bigger.
00:43:032 (1) - This rhythmically wise is perfect but 00:45:175 (3) - is the same noise and thus should be the same slider shape
00:49:460 (5) - try to avoid sliders that go into each other it's hard for a player to tell whats happening.
refering to this slider

00:51:068 - There's a beat here so i suggest shortening the slider.
00:59:639 (3) - the flow here can be improved

if you see the red line the flow of the sliders is counter clockwise then on the three it switches, then goes back to counter which can slider break a player.

Easy fix would be to click on 00:59:639 (3) - and press ctrl + g which replaces slider head with slider tail.
Ends up looking like

01:03:389 (2,3,4) - this is good :^)
01:06:068 (6) - try to not have sliders overlap objects like this.
01:14:103 (1,2,3) - Mentioned earlier but same thing, when you overlap like this it can be confusing for players.
01:14:907 (4,5,1) - try to keep spacing the same.
01:15:175 (1) - and 00:30:175 (1) - try to not have such a huge sv (slider velocity) difference it's unexpected.
01:28:568 (1) - there's a lot of beats in this sliders I recommend mapping them.
01:30:710 (4) - same thing that white tick in the middle should be a clickable object too.
02:06:068 (2) - fix the over lap
02:16:916 (2) - same
02:19:996 (6) - beats in the slider 02:22:139 (1) - this one does it right
02:28:032 (5) - same

Now that we're through the extreme obvious things lets get a little bit more technical :^)
The map has ONE extreme flaw and that's its overall structure.

Structure consist of many things such as:
- Flow
- Aesthetics
- Rhythm Consistency
There's prob more but that's how I see it

Flow in beatmapping is a concept that doesn't have a true definition - many mappers have varying opinions on what flow is and how it should be.
- Charles445
In my eyes flow is how does each object "flow" into the next as shown in my picture from before

Here when transfering from the 2 to the 3 the "flow" of a players movement is broken because they have to switch directions to hit the slider
(It is a very short slider so most people wont break but it's the easiest example)
The guide Charles445 made is actually really good and I would recommend reading.
Analyzing Flow in Beatmaps

If you rather watch a video Pishifat has a excellent flow video that explains this concept much better than I can.
also he's smarter than me. flow+sliders
and flow + circles

Aesthetics in a beatmap are what I find challenging to explain because in my eyes it means "Does your map look good?"
Which "Good" is very subjective a general rule I follow is if it plays like a map from 2008 it needs work
Pishifat explains Aesthetics A lot better in his video

Rhythm Consistency
Ok this can be hard to understand but to keep it EXTREMELY simple
Do the same exact sounds look the same in the editor.

The End
Now I'm not exactly a good mapper but these are somethings that thought me a lot.
Beatmapping/Modding: Guide Compendium

Pishifats' YouTube Channel

I recommend to map more and don't give up.

As for this difficulty I recommend honestly remapping as it has many flaws that if I pointed out would take a lot more space.
I can't mod normals so I'll leave that for someone else.

This is my longest mod BY FAR
Don't give up on mapping it may seem hard at first but you'll get it eventually
m4m map -
Topic Starter

Nevo wrote:

To begin there are a good amount of problems in insane but since its a first map its fine :^)

00:10:889 try to not skip loud beats // most of the time (if a song is timed correctly) and loud beat will land on the big white ticks.

*This doesn't mean always but its a good rule to follow when first starting out.
00:12:362 (5) - There isn't a beat here I would remove.
I kinda redid the rhythm here starting from 00:09:818 (4) - and ending 00:13:032 (1) -

*rhythm is the note placement on the actual timeline. (what most mappers call note placement they mean by location on playfield)
I didn't know that when I first started :)

00:14:103 (3,4,5,6) - Rhythmically its ok but when a player comes across this the may become confused

General Tip while I'm looking through the map it seems you kinda just randomly made slider shapes, which is ok but it makes the map seem "ugly" and "unorganized" This basically means copy (ctrl +c) sliders, and try to keep sliders consistent. inverness made a pretty lengthy guide on making neat sliders. It's a bit dated but its a very helpful read Making common sliders neat

00:36:603 - There is a very loud beat here I say add a 1/4 slider** and shorten the first slider so it ends 00:36:335 -

Little Slider Lesson
**1/4 sliders are
**1/2 sliders are
**1/1 Sliders are

00:42:228 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rhythmically wise ok but when you make the jump from 00:42:630 (4) - to 00:42:764 (5) - it feels weird because every jump prior is bigger.
00:43:032 (1) - This rhythmically wise is perfect but 00:45:175 (3) - is the same noise and thus should be the same slider shape
00:49:460 (5) - try to avoid sliders that go into each other it's hard for a player to tell whats happening.
refering to this slider

00:51:068 - There's a beat here so i suggest shortening the slider.
00:59:639 (3) - the flow here can be improved

if you see the red line the flow of the sliders is counter clockwise then on the three it switches, then goes back to counter which can slider break a player.

Easy fix would be to click on 00:59:639 (3) - and press ctrl + g which replaces slider head with slider tail.
Ends up looking like

01:03:389 (2,3,4) - this is good :^)
01:06:068 (6) - try to not have sliders overlap objects like this.
01:14:103 (1,2,3) - Mentioned earlier but same thing, when you overlap like this it can be confusing for players.
01:14:907 (4,5,1) - try to keep spacing the same.
01:15:175 (1) - and 00:30:175 (1) - try to not have such a huge sv (slider velocity) difference it's unexpected.
01:28:568 (1) - there's a lot of beats in this sliders I recommend mapping them.
01:30:710 (4) - same thing that white tick in the middle should be a clickable object too.
02:06:068 (2) - fix the over lap
02:16:916 (2) - same
02:19:996 (6) - beats in the slider 02:22:139 (1) - this one does it right
02:28:032 (5) - same

Now that we're through the extreme obvious things lets get a little bit more technical :^)
The map has ONE extreme flaw and that's its overall structure.

Structure consist of many things such as:
- Flow
- Aesthetics
- Rhythm Consistency
There's prob more but that's how I see it

Flow in beatmapping is a concept that doesn't have a true definition - many mappers have varying opinions on what flow is and how it should be.
- Charles445
In my eyes flow is how does each object "flow" into the next as shown in my picture from before

Here when transfering from the 2 to the 3 the "flow" of a players movement is broken because they have to switch directions to hit the slider
(It is a very short slider so most people wont break but it's the easiest example)
The guide Charles445 made is actually really good and I would recommend reading.
Analyzing Flow in Beatmaps

If you rather watch a video Pishifat has a excellent flow video that explains this concept much better than I can.
also he's smarter than me. flow+sliders
and flow + circles

Aesthetics in a beatmap are what I find challenging to explain because in my eyes it means "Does your map look good?"
Which "Good" is very subjective a general rule I follow is if it plays like a map from 2008 it needs work
Pishifat explains Aesthetics A lot better in his video

Rhythm Consistency
Ok this can be hard to understand but to keep it EXTREMELY simple
Do the same exact sounds look the same in the editor.

The End
Now I'm not exactly a good mapper but these are somethings that thought me a lot.
Beatmapping/Modding: Guide Compendium

Pishifats' YouTube Channel

I recommend to map more and don't give up.

As for this difficulty I recommend honestly remapping as it has many flaws that if I pointed out would take a lot more space.
I can't mod normals so I'll leave that for someone else.

This is my longest mod BY FAR
Don't give up on mapping it may seem hard at first but you'll get it eventually
m4m map -
Thanks for the mod :) I'll mod your map when I am home and I'll implement the changes that you pointed out also thanks for teaching me some new things <3 I might plan on redoing the whole map. I'll see how it goes, thanks again!
Doin my half of the M4M


AR and SV feel a bit high for a normal

00:08:210 (4) - sliders should never end on loud sounds like they do here, since clicking a button has more impact than releasing a bu

00:10:889 to 00:13:032 - there are a ton of prominent sounds on white and blue ticks that you aren't expressing here

01:02:853 (1,2,3) - long sliders don't fit the intensity of the section here, the whole map prior and after is based around 1/1 sliders preceded/followed by 1/2 singles or 1/4 stacks, so having these long sliders doesn't really fit in

01:25:889 (2) - I'm not sure why you chose to shape the slider like this, and it doesn't look like the red nodes are meant to emphasize any particular sounds
you do this with a couple sliders

02:21:068 (6) - there is a very strong sound in the middle of the slider which could be better expressed than a with red node by halfing the sliders length and making it a repeating slider

Most of what i talked about applies to the insane as well (And i'm lazy) so i won't bother. Overall, i feel like you need to focus on the rhythm of the map. As it stands, i can't really make out any discernible patterns. For example, imagine there were some places where i would normally expect there to be a 1/1 slider, because all the previous times that the sound that the slider is expressing showed up in the music, it has a 1/1 slider on it, so it would feel jarring if suddenly there were a 1/2 repeating slider on it instead without any justification. If you haven't already, i would strongly suggest watching these two videos basic spacing and basic rhythm. these do an amazing job at explaining the basics of rhythm and spacing and I personally learned from these videos when i started out

Good luck ;)
Topic Starter

Smolboi wrote:

Doin my half of the M4M


AR and SV feel a bit high for a normal

00:08:210 (4) - sliders should never end on loud sounds like they do here, since clicking a button has more impact than releasing a bu

00:10:889 to 00:13:032 - there are a ton of prominent sounds on white and blue ticks that you aren't expressing here

01:02:853 (1,2,3) - long sliders don't fit the intensity of the section here, the whole map prior and after is based around 1/1 sliders preceded/followed by 1/2 singles or 1/4 stacks, so having these long sliders doesn't really fit in

01:25:889 (2) - I'm not sure why you chose to shape the slider like this, and it doesn't look like the red nodes are meant to emphasize any particular sounds
you do this with a couple sliders

02:21:068 (6) - there is a very strong sound in the middle of the slider which could be better expressed than a with red node by halfing the sliders length and making it a repeating slider

Most of what i talked about applies to the insane as well (And i'm lazy) so i won't bother. Overall, i feel like you need to focus on the rhythm of the map. As it stands, i can't really make out any discernible patterns. For example, imagine there were some places where i would normally expect there to be a 1/1 slider, because all the previous times that the sound that the slider is expressing showed up in the music, it has a 1/1 slider on it, so it would feel jarring if suddenly there were a 1/2 repeating slider on it instead without any justification. If you haven't already, i would strongly suggest watching these two videos basic spacing and basic rhythm. these do an amazing job at explaining the basics of rhythm and spacing and I personally learned from these videos when i started out

Good luck ;)
Thanks for your mod <3
Lower the AR from 6 to 5
Used most of the suggestions you gave me and implemented them
Thanks for your help :)
poor english lul, sorry if my grammar is bad

  1. You need an Easy and Hard diff for the spread, (Lowest diff must be lower that 2*)
  1. as you're mapping Low diff, you'll need to turn on this for consistency on the spacing to not confuse the players.

    Example, your spacing aren't equal on 00:02:853 (2) - (Prev: 1.44x | Next:1.54x) in case you're wondering where we can find those spacing between prev. and next notes.
  2. CS4 or higher settings isn't recommended as normal, please decrease them at least 3.5 i guess
  3. Also Reduce OD and HP by 4.
  4. 00:00:978 (2,4) - stack (they should be on same area)
  5. 00:02:050 (4,2) - please avoid overlaps as it's low diff, these can be confusing for new players.
  6. 00:09:282 (5,6,7) - sure bpm is pretty low, but don't use 1/4 rhythm... it's still way too extreme, (you're doing it many times so uhm...)
  7. 00:12:496 (6) - avoid multiple reverse, since you're using such 1/4 chains (but 1/4 chains are not rly recommended as normal diff too)
  8. 00:14:103 (9,2) - avoid overlap
  9. 00:54:550 (2) - avoid multiple reverse too, it's still 1/2 so might confusing the new players (and also all other multiple reverses on the diff cuz you did it a lot)
  10. 00:58:568 (2,4) - this is still overlap, avoid them please. (maybe you can find other overlaps so ye i won't point them anymore.)

  1. OD 7 as the diff is Insane, OD 6 is for hard diff tbh
  2. 00:03:389 (1,1) - remove New combo as I heard something "One two three four" on 00:02:317 (1,2,1,1) -
  3. 00:04:460 (1,3) - messy overlap, might can be avoided (reverse on 00:05:532 (3) - is hard to see cuz 00:04:460 (1) - is covering them)
  4. 00:08:746 (3,4) - ok so many modders wants to point blanket (this includes me) so here's a tip : turn off Grid Snap and reshape your sliders, so you can perform an almost perfect blankets, sample >
  5. 00:32:318 (2) - 01:17:318 (2) - add new combo as you entered the kiai section.
  6. maybe i will put some quick guide for adding new combo with consistency (since I don't want my bullets become wall of Add/Remove New combo), it can be useful or idk, im bad at explaining things lol :arrow:
also, I would like to share the non-final result of ruleset towards the mapping, this can help you a lot! :D t/517731

good luck~

  1. Check distance snap at AiMod. Also distance spacing on normal should be between 0.8x to 1.2x
  2. Normal diff cs should be CS3-4 but id suggest to make it less than 4.
  3. 00:11:425 (2,3,4,5,6) - i feel like this is too much for normal. Nerf it maybe?
  4. 00:13:032 (7) - New Combo
  5. 00:14:103 (9,2) - hard to read
  6. 00:40:085 (6,7,8,2,3,4) - same thing being too much for normal.
  7. 00:48:925 (3,4,5) - ^
  8. 00:49:460 (6) - NC
  9. 00:54:550 (2) - the sound here is the same on the previous section so why a reverse slider suddenly?
  10. 00:56:960 (5,6,7,8) - not gonna mention all of them now since i feel like you use it to the rest of the map. What you could do with these 1/4 stacks is to make them 1/2.
  11. 01:15:175 (1,1) - Spinner recovery time should be at least 2 beats so the next note should be at 01:17:853 - . What you could do is put a nc note to where the slider starts and have a small pause.
  12. 01:18:389 (1) - remove NC
  13. 01:28:032 (4) - NC
  14. 01:33:389 (2) - um.. also this section has too much slider. consider putting notes.
  15. 01:21:603 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - same about too much slider
  16. 01:38:746 (7) - NC
  17. 01:40:889 (1) - remove NC
  18. 02:00:175 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - sliders too much i think.
  19. 02:08:746 (1,1) - same thing above about the spinner recover. My suggestion would also work here.
  1. 00:11:424 (2) - not snapped
  2. 00:03:389 (1,1) - i dont think nc is necessary here or atleast remove just 00:03:925 (1) -.
  3. 00:05:532 (3) - move this somewhere where the sliderend doesnt overlap to other object
  4. 00:14:103 (3,4,5,6) - really hard to read. spread them out
  5. 00:18:121 - you can try something like this
  6. 00:34:996 (1,4) - messy overlap. move 4 somewhere
  7. 01:30:175 (7) - NC
  8. 01:33:925 (2) - move this to where the previous slider is pointing. its too close to the slider imo.
  9. 02:19:996 (6,7,8,9) - messy overlap.
  10. 02:20:532 (7) - NC
  11. 02:36:603 (5) - end on white line
Are you using distance snap at all? i feel like you dont. If so please do especially on close objects. you hold ctl while placing the object and you can change the distance spacing on upper right corner. The NC placings confused me too and i dont know where exactly to tell you where to nc except for the obvious parts where the number is over (9).
Topic Starter

Finshie wrote:


  1. Check distance snap at AiMod. Also distance spacing on normal should be between 0.8x to 1.2x
  2. Normal diff cs should be CS3-4 but id suggest to make it less than 4. Done
  3. 00:11:425 (2,3,4,5,6) - i feel like this is too much for normal. Nerf it maybe? Done
  4. 00:13:032 (7) - New Combo Done
  5. 00:14:103 (9,2) - hard to read Done
  6. 00:40:085 (6,7,8,2,3,4) - same thing being too much for normal. Done
  7. 00:48:925 (3,4,5) - ^ Done
  8. 00:49:460 (6) - NC Done
  9. 00:54:550 (2) - the sound here is the same on the previous section so why a reverse slider suddenly? Because personally it would look repetitive if I didn't if I just made another long slider.
  10. 00:56:960 (5,6,7,8) - not gonna mention all of them now since i feel like you use it to the rest of the map. What you could do with these 1/4 stacks is to make them 1/2. Fixed
  11. 01:15:175 (1,1) - Spinner recovery time should be at least 2 beats so the next note should be at 01:17:853 - . What you could do is put a nc note to where the slider starts and have a small pause. I just removed the slider
  12. 01:18:389 (1) - remove NC Done
  13. 01:28:032 (4) - NC Done
  14. 01:33:389 (2) - um.. also this section has too much slider. consider putting notes. Done
  15. 01:21:603 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - same about too much slider Fixed a few of them
  16. 01:38:746 (7) - NC Done
  17. 01:40:889 (1) - remove NC Done
  18. 02:00:175 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - sliders too much i think. Personally I think the sliders fit the difficulty since some new players have a hard time hitting normal notes imo
  19. 02:08:746 (1,1) - same thing above about the spinner recover. My suggestion would also work here.
Didn't exactly understand what you wanted me to do with the sliders so I just added a quick little break :P

  1. 00:11:424 (2) - not snapped Fixed
  2. 00:03:389 (1,1) - i dont think nc is necessary here or atleast remove just 00:03:925 (1) -. Didnt realize, I wish editing this map before and making changes to the patterns and must've hit the NC button accidentally. Fixed
  3. 00:05:532 (3) - move this somewhere where the sliderend doesnt overlap to other object Fixed!
  4. 00:14:103 (3,4,5,6) - really hard to read. spread them out Fixed
  5. 00:18:121 - you can try something like this Done
  6. 00:34:996 (1,4) - messy overlap. move 4 somewhere Done
  7. 01:30:175 (7) - NC Done
  8. 01:33:925 (2) - move this to where the previous slider is pointing. its too close to the slider imo. Done
  9. 02:19:996 (6,7,8,9) - messy overlap. Done
  10. 02:20:532 (7) - NC Done
  11. 02:36:603 (5) - end on white line

Are you using distance snap at all? i feel like you dont. If so please do especially on close objects. you hold ctl while placing the object and you can change the distance spacing on upper right corner. The NC placings confused me too and i dont know where exactly to tell you where to nc except for the obvious parts where the number is over (9).
Sorry all the NC were just mistakes from previous edits, they weren't intended to be there, thanks for pointing them out though! I was using a distance snapping for normal and Insane, for normal it is 1.2x and for Insane I used 1.5 and for some jumpy notes I switched to 2.0x

Thanks again for the mod! I really appreciate it!
Topic Starter

Akitoshi wrote:

poor english lul, sorry if my grammar is bad

  1. You need an Easy and Hard diff for the spread, (Lowest diff must be lower that 2*)
  1. as you're mapping Low diff, you'll need to turn on this for consistency on the spacing to not confuse the players.

    Example, your spacing aren't equal on 00:02:853 (2) - (Prev: 1.44x | Next:1.54x) in case you're wondering where we can find those spacing between prev. and next notes.
  2. CS4 or higher settings isn't recommended as normal, please decrease them at least 3.5 i guess
  3. Also Reduce OD and HP by 4.
  4. 00:00:978 (2,4) - stack (they should be on same area)
  5. 00:02:050 (4,2) - please avoid overlaps as it's low diff, these can be confusing for new players.
  6. 00:09:282 (5,6,7) - sure bpm is pretty low, but don't use 1/4 rhythm... it's still way too extreme, (you're doing it many times so uhm...)
  7. 00:12:496 (6) - avoid multiple reverse, since you're using such 1/4 chains (but 1/4 chains are not rly recommended as normal diff too)
  8. 00:14:103 (9,2) - avoid overlap
  9. 00:54:550 (2) - avoid multiple reverse too, it's still 1/2 so might confusing the new players (and also all other multiple reverses on the diff cuz you did it a lot)
  10. 00:58:568 (2,4) - this is still overlap, avoid them please. (maybe you can find other overlaps so ye i won't point them anymore.)

  1. OD 7 as the diff is Insane, OD 6 is for hard diff tbh
  2. 00:03:389 (1,1) - remove New combo as I heard something "One two three four" on 00:02:317 (1,2,1,1) -
  3. 00:04:460 (1,3) - messy overlap, might can be avoided (reverse on 00:05:532 (3) - is hard to see cuz 00:04:460 (1) - is covering them)
  4. 00:08:746 (3,4) - ok so many modders wants to point blanket (this includes me) so here's a tip : turn off Grid Snap and reshape your sliders, so you can perform an almost perfect blankets, sample >
  5. 00:32:318 (2) - 01:17:318 (2) - add new combo as you entered the kiai section.
  6. maybe i will put some quick guide for adding new combo with consistency (since I don't want my bullets become wall of Add/Remove New combo), it can be useful or idk, im bad at explaining things lol :arrow:
also, I would like to share the non-final result of ruleset towards the mapping, this can help you a lot! :D t/517731

good luck~
Thank you! All things fixed!
not good english.

00:14:639 - add circle?
00:42:362 - remove it. too hard for Normal diff.
00:47:318 - please notes!
01:05:934 (5) - remove it.
01:08:076 (2) - ^
01:26:960 (3,2) - bad overlap
01:34:460 - change slider? → 01:38:746 (5) - bad overlap. move x40 y127??
02:04:460 (4) - NC
02:19:460 (5,6) - 02:35:934 (7) - start in 02:36:068 -

00:30:175 (9) - NC
00:33:121 - circle?
00:37:139 (6,7,1,2,3) -
same part 01-22-675 (2,3,4,5,6) -

00:39:550 - circle?
00:40:353 (1,3) - switch NC
01:06:871 - circle?
01:20:532 (4,5,6) -
01:43:032 (1,2,3) - 01:51:603 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 01:58:032 (5,6,7,8,9) - 02:00:175 (2,4,6) - stack?
02:04:862 (7,8,9) - start in 02:04:726 -
02:07:005 (4,5,6) - start in 02:06:871 -
02:20:532 (1,2,3,4,5) -

  1. The diff should be named Hard, it's only 3*
  2. 00:12:362 (5) - There isn't any sound here
  3. 00:30:175 (9) - NC (SV change)
  4. 00:48:925 (2,3,4) - This is overlapping the slider
  5. 01:02:318 (1) - remove the nc here and add one here 01:03:389 (2) -
  6. 01:17:318 (2) - NC
  7. 01:22:005 (7) - this circle overlap the following slider, it looks bad
  8. 01:39:818 (1,2,3) - don't stack this
  9. 01:47:853 (6) - overlap the slider
00:02:050 - missing beat
00:05:532 (3) - does not really need a reverse
00:11:023 - missing something
00:17:719 - missing
00:26:826 - could fill
00:58:032 (7) - nc
01:34:059 - missing
01:55:219 - missing
02:17:318 (4) - nc
02:27:630 - missing
your NC pattern is broken in general, it is better to nc on every downbeat.
your rhythm choice is also problematic. map more and you will get the idea.
Topic Starter

xNyamx wrote:

not good english.

00:14:639 - add circle? Done
00:42:362 - remove it. too hard for Normal diff. Done
00:47:318 - please notes! Done
01:05:934 (5) - remove it. Done
01:08:076 (2) - ^ Done
01:26:960 (3,2) - bad overlap Done
01:34:460 - change slider? →  Done
01:38:746 (5) - bad overlap. move x40 y127?? Done
02:04:460 (4) - NC Done
02:19:460 (5,6) - Done
02:35:934 (7) - start in 02:36:068 - Done

00:30:175 (9) - NC Done
00:33:121 - circle? Added, however there wasnt a beat there but I guess you could use the vocal that is there
00:37:139 (6,7,1,2,3) -
same part 01-22-675 (2,3,4,5,6) -
00:39:550 - circle? Done
00:40:353 (1,3) - switch NC I dont know what you mean by swift NC for those two notes?
01:06:871 - circle? Done
01:20:532 (4,5,6) - Done
01:43:032 (1,2,3) - Done
01:51:603 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Done
01:58:032 (5,6,7,8,9) - Done
02:00:175 (2,4,6) - stack? I moved some notes around so no need to stack
02:04:862 (7,8,9) - start in 02:04:726 - I dont hear anything beat on the red tick and also its 728 not 726 :P
02:07:005 (4,5,6) - start in 02:06:871 - Fixed sort of :D
02:20:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - Done

Thank you for the mod! <3
Topic Starter

Gokateigo wrote:


  1. The diff should be named Hard, it's only 3* I mean there are some difficulties that are 3* but still called Insane and also I want this AR to be high so I made it Insane :)
  2. 00:12:362 (5) - There isn't any sound here There actually is a sound :P
  3. 00:30:175 (9) - NC (SV change) Done
  4. 00:48:925 (2,3,4) - This is overlapping the slider Done
  5. 01:02:318 (1) - remove the nc here and add one here 01:03:389 (2) - Done
  6. 01:17:318 (2) - NC Done
  7. 01:22:005 (7) - this circle overlap the following slider, it looks bad Done
  8. 01:39:818 (1,2,3) - don't stack this Done
  9. 01:47:853 (6) - overlap the slider Done
Thank you for the mod :)
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

00:02:050 - missing beat Fixed
00:05:532 (3) - does not really need a reverse It looks good that way imo
00:11:023 - missing something Done
00:17:719 - missing Done
00:26:826 - could fill Done
00:58:032 (7) - nc Done
01:34:059 - missing Done
01:55:219 - missing Done
02:17:318 (4) - nc Done
02:27:630 - missing Done
your NC pattern is broken in general, it is better to nc on every downbeat.
your rhythm choice is also problematic. map more and you will get the idea. Thanks for the tip :) My NC pattern broke because I forgot to pay attention to the Combos when I was taking suggestions from some mods xD I'm trying to fix it as much as I can and anyways ty for the Mod!
Insane Mod:

Increase slider velocity and distance snap since it feels like a hard or normal difficulty.
A lot of what i'd say has already been said by others.
Add jumps, this'll come out of the bigger distance snap, but the song is upbeat and "jumpish" so portray that in the spacing.

I like the style that you're going for and feel like it can be a really fun map :D
heyo m4m!

General (for mapset) - you may wanna include tags and maybe make some custom combo colors. also the bg choice isn't really fitting, but considering you're making an sb for your map i wouldn't want you to have to change everything lmao. that would totally suck.

-Aphobias-'s Something Big
General - the ncing seems really random and doesn't make sense. usually you would nc at any sv changes and every downbeat, but the ncing in this diff is spastic and isn't warranted in any way that i could see/hear. not only that but there are many instances of slider shaped that do not work structurally. a lot of the slider shapes use varying degree angles and random curves in an in-cohesive manner (meaning not warranting the placement). this is bad because not only does it not provide any real sense of structure throughout the map, but it can cause unnecessarily awkward reading, differing forms of flow (which do not fit this song in my opinion), unpleasant aesthetics that don't fit the song, etc. so please take note of that and try to fix any spots like that. speaking of differing flow, this diff has a lot of it. when making certain aim patterns or the such, keeping a consistent flow throughout similar sounding parts is key.

i've decided to break some of the parts that showcase some of these errors pretty evidently (note: these are all near the beginning, but they are still able to show mostly everything that should be fixed):

00:00:978 (3,4) - the slider shape does not support how the jump flows into it. not only that but the slider shape doesn't provide anything structural wise.
00:04:460 (5) - there could be more emphasis on this beat considering it is fairly heavy compared to the previous bit. maybe a more spaced circle or a slider with higher sv and/or a more rough slider shape would fit that beat better.
00:07:139 (2,3,4,5,6) - the transition from the circle pattern into the sliders are unnecessarily awkward and rough (appearance wise and aim wise). also, the use of different angled sliders in most cases do not work mainly because it provides little structure to any pattern and does not look good aesthetically. i would recommend changing that.
00:10:889 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the previous note flows very strangely to this pattern because of its placement in general. in addition, the pattern itself contradicts the type of flow you've been building for the whole map until now, so it's a harsh change in flow that is unwarranted and does not make sense.
00:30:175 (1) - this choice of rhythm does not go with the music. the music's rhythm changes to 1/3 but you used a 1/4 repeating kick slider to represent that part. please correct this.

General - this map has a lot of the same mistakes that -Aphobias-'s has. the biggest one i see are the slider shaped. the sliders are really really random and use differing shapes to represent similar parts of the song. some use an unnecessary amount of nodes, and others are too intensely shaped for what they are portraying. note how the song does not break away from its usual tone, and try to realize how you can keep a consistent slider pattern throughout this diff. it may seem trivial, but it's actually really important to a maps structure. luckily, this maps flow does not break away too terribly much, but sometimes it does and it plays strangely. not only that but be wary about spacing because you wanna make sure the spacing of certain parts represents the song well. there ARE certain styles that have contradicting spacing but considering this map does not seem to have a developed style yet, it's best to learn to space things accordingly first. i genuinely did not find it necessary to point out anything specific, because there are a lot of errors that can be found quite evidently all around the map.

alrighty! i tried to mod this by being very direct and more so pointing out the general errors that could all be fixed rather than just nitpicking certain parts of each diff and i hope it worked. i really hope i didn't come across as rude or harsh :[ that seriously would never in a million years be my intention. i'm really glad you're deciding to map a western pop song too, haha. so many of those are overshadowed on osu. good luck with mapping and i seriously hope this was able to help in any way!

Togetic wrote:

-Aphobias-'s Something Big
General - the ncing seems really random and doesn't make sense. usually you would nc at any sv changes and every downbeat, but the ncing in this diff is spastic and isn't warranted in any way that i could see/hear. not only that but there are many instances of slider shaped that do not work structurally. a lot of the slider shapes use varying degree angles and random curves in an in-cohesive manner (meaning not warranting the placement). this is bad because not only does it not provide any real sense of structure throughout the map, but it can cause unnecessarily awkward reading, differing forms of flow (which do not fit this song in my opinion), unpleasant aesthetics that don't fit the song, etc. so please take note of that and try to fix any spots like that. speaking of differing flow, this diff has a lot of it. when making certain aim patterns or the such, keeping a consistent flow throughout similar sounding parts is key. I think the flow is a bit awkward, but i like the awkwardness of it as it differentiates from the other maps as well as maps that are similar to this song. It's fairly unique, however i do understand that uniqueness still needs to be correct and good. I have a lot of different flows because just going in figure eights and circles the entire map is boring. And as an insane/expert/another difficulty i think having star jumps, square jumps, and back and forth jumps is fun and exciting. I tried making the jumps big - as i wanted it to in reference to the tilted "something big".

i've decided to break some of the parts that showcase some of these errors pretty evidently (note: these are all near the beginning, but they are still able to show mostly everything that should be fixed):

00:00:978 (3,4) - the slider shape does not support how the jump flows into it. not only that but the slider shape doesn't provide anything structural wise. Can you elaborate a little bit more on this? Just say doesn't provide anything structural wise is a bit vague. As it's a triangle ending with a curved slider going into another triangle jump into some more sliders.
00:04:460 (5) - there could be more emphasis on this beat considering it is fairly heavy compared to the previous bit. maybe a more spaced circle or a slider with higher sv and/or a more rough slider shape would fit that beat better. Added a faster SV to give more emphasis
00:07:139 (2,3,4,5,6) - the transition from the circle pattern into the sliders are unnecessarily awkward and rough (appearance wise and aim wise). also, the use of different angled sliders in most cases do not work mainly because it provides little structure to any pattern and does not look good aesthetically. i would recommend changing that. I can see how this part in particular looks unpleasant aesthetically, however aim wise i don't think it's awkward at all. Most people don't follow short sliders all the way through, especially at this slider tick rate. (Blue being general cursor movement, red following center of notes. I did however change the note after the 5th slider (in the picture) to be on the left and follow the curvature of the other notes behind it.
00:10:889 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the previous note flows very strangely to this pattern because of its placement in general. in addition, the pattern itself contradicts the type of flow you've been building for the whole map until now, so it's a harsh change in flow that is unwarranted and does not make sense. A lot of the flow is a curve that switches unexpectedly. I purposly try not to make the switches in the similar parts of the song because i don't want it to become expectable like "oh it's the intro to the chorus, there's gonna be a switch/star jump coming up. I did change the last note leading into it as said in the previous timing above.
00:30:175 (1) - this choice of rhythm does not go with the music. the music's rhythm changes to 1/3 but you used a 1/4 repeating kick slider to represent that part. please correct this. Fixed to singles where the distance snap lowers as the notes draw out and get quieter.
I appreaciate the mod, and made some adjustments as mentioned above and am working on fixing the combos. Though, the combos were matching to the sentances of the lyrics. Though now i'm just doing every big white tick/new bar and in the middle if the combo is too long (keeping notes around 4-8 combos.
Hey o/ M4M from PM

Aphobia's Insane

00:00:175 (1,2) - i think you could stack these two, pretty personal but prob they could fit better
00:06:603 (1,2) - ^

00:02:318 (1,2,3,4) - what if you try to raise slider vel each note?

00:04:996 (2) - try nerfing this a bit
00:06:603 (1) - ^

00:05:532 (5,6) - you could make this a nice blanket, distance is too high for a 1/4 imo

00:09:148 - you miss a sound

00:10:889 (1,2,3,4,5) - i recommend you to put some sliders too, 00:11:023 (2,5,7) - i.e.

00:12:496 (4,5,6,7) - this is a pretty big "drop", try to increase distance

00:14:639 (3) - overlap
00:14:907 (5) - ^ try to stack slider tails
00:18:925 (2,1) - ^ overlap

00:17:585 (2,1) - try to make them blanket

00:21:335 (8,9) - ctrl+g for flow maybe?

00:22:005 (2) - move this up a bit, it's touching 00:21:469 (9) -

00:22:809 (6,7) - here, vocals started at 6, not 7, ignore this if you're mapping instruments

00:24:550 (5,1) - these overlap
00:24:014 (2) - ^
00:24:684 (6,3) - ^
I'll not point at these anymore since i think you got what i'm trying to say, just try to stack them or use other patterns to move more over the playfield

00:30:175 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - please don't start this so suddenly, put some sliders at the beginning to mark the 1/4 to 1/3 transition, it's hard to notice

00:30:710 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - try to make their distance decrease equal

00:32:318 - i think kiai should have a slider vel increase

01:01:782 (4) - try to replace this with a circle and a 1/4 slider, i think it fits better with vocals and also follow instruments

01:05:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - try to start this section 01:05:666 (2) - here, follows flow better imo and maybe following the same circular flow could be nice

01:25:353 (8) - i think you should end this at blue tick and finish on white tick with a circle, it will emphasize a lot this strong sound

01:35:264 (2,3) - just follow same pattern as before, no need to stack these

01:42:362 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - try to increase their distance little by little, those big jumps break consistency

01:54:550 (5,1) - switch these, circle first, slider second

01:59:505 (7) - vocals start here

02:05:666 (2,3) - make them the same distance as the other objects

02:07:943 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i like this a lot, just try to don't overlap them

02:15:041 (1) - this doesn't fit, a circle and a slider fits better

02:17:853 (3,4) - maybe ctrl+g, flow

02:18:791 - you miss a big beat

02:20:130 (2) - move this to last white tick and fill with a circle on red tick

02:26:425 (4) - slider emphasizes better with the song
02:26:693 (6) - same as above, remove this and make it circles

02:30:710 - you miss a sound


Diff name should be Light Insane, it's not even 4* :p

00:00:710 (2) - these should be just 2 circles

00:02:317 (1,2,3,4) - just make them 1/2, unless you're mapping that other sound

00:05:532 (3,4) - maybe make them blanket

00:07:407 - a 1/4 slider maybe
00:08:478 - a circle

00:12:228 (4) - a 1/4 slider fits better here

00:24:014 - miss a sound
00:26:157 - ^
00:27:898 - ^

00:42:228 (1,5) - just stack them

00:49:460 (5) - i recommend to cut it to the white tick
00:50:532 (6) - ^

00:54:550 - miss a sound as well as the next tick

01:03:657 (2,5) - stack

01:06:871 (1,2,3) - fix their distance

01:08:612 - a circle

01:10:487 (6,7) - decrease their distance, 01:10:487 (6,7,1) - they seem like if they were at the same distance on the timeline

01:19:996 (2,5) - stack them

01:29:237 (4) - move it to the last white tick and make it 1/4

01:30:175 (1,2) - they overlap pretty bad, make them blanket

01:40:353 (4) - this is too close, double it distance as least

01:39:818 (1,5) - stack

01:47:585 (4,5,6,7) - put this section somewhere else, it looks messy

01:47:853 (6,7) - blanket

02:14:505 (2,3,4,5) - fix their distance

02:17:318 (1) - same as above, double it distance at least

02:17:853 (2) - cut it to blue tick and fill with a circle on white

02:19:460 (5) - make it the same distance as others

02:23:478 (2) - two circles fit better

02:28:032 (6) - same as above, distance

02:29:103 (8,9) - separate them a bit

Overall, don't make that much slider shapes, they end looking bad and kills consistency
Focus more on aesthetics, make more blankets, make prettier patterns
Also, try to make your map consistent, you don't follow any clear pattern like vocals or instruments, you mix them every time and that ends on a bad rhythm overall, that's just practice tho

Sorry if i'm too annoying at these last things but pointing at bad things is the best way to make you notice them^^
Also sorry if my english is too bad!lul

Good luck!
Gloria Guard


The tag is inconsistent to [-Aphobias-]'s Something big diffiuculty.


■ 00:02:318 (1,2,3,4) - Really harder 3/4 rhythms here. I don't think to begginer players reading it. Actually, this 3/4 rhythm is good rhythm but it's maybe hard or insane is better. but this normal difficulty, right? You have to change the rhythm here to 1/2 and You need to think about the basics.
■ 00:06:603 (3) - Hmm, I don't like the overlap patterns here. I think you can organize the overlap pattern more neatly
■ 00:13:032 ~ 00:19:996 - The same point by 00:02:318 (1,2,3,4) here. You used 3/4 rhythm this part, but 00:20:532 ~ 00:29:639 this part used rhythm 1/2. I can think of consistency here. because there is a different rhythm in the same part. Even if you say you expressed it different, it can affect the difficulty.
■ 01:07:943 (1,2,3) ??? - I don't think the notes and slider spacing. You should be need to stack in this part. so hard to reading this pattern.


■ 00:02:318 (1,2,3,4) - You should be consistent spacing this slider patterns.
■ 00:16:112 (4,5,6,7) - idk, What does rhythm this pattern follow? Is this really a sure rhythm? If you don't know, where is follow this part rhythm. I recommend this rhythm.

I don't mod insane and normal, hard and GDs difficulty. Actually You have no basic element. (spacing, rhythm, difficulty spread check, slider make sense, flow, etc.) You have to learn the basics before you try the ranking. but I am not telling you badly, If you are willing to improve, please hear this advice. Anyways Good luck for ranking.
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