
sweet ARMS - Installation [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mardi 20 mars 2018 at 22:13:00

Artist: sweet ARMS
Title: Installation
Source: デート・ア・ライブ 或守インストール
Tags: arusu ars install compile heart sting playstation visual novel date a live ii 2 shio watanabe go sakabe
BPM: 215
Filesize: 8650kb
Play Time: 05:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Halvanhelev (6,94 stars, 1296 notes)
Download: sweet ARMS - Installation
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st Map ! Hope you will enjoy it !

16/07/2020: Chosen for Project Loved !
26/07/2020: Passed the voting phase with 113 for and 6 against

I hope you will have fun, thanks to everyone who voted to make that possible

BIG Changelog
  • [Changelog]
  1. 18/11: Changed name into "Deluge" 100% done !
  2. 22/11: Remaped some awkward jumps, fixed some impossible dash into Hdash
  3. 24/11: Added Kuki's and [Sc4v4ng3r]'s mod, thanks for cooperating !
  4. 06/12: Changed some jumps and rework of guitar part
  5. 12/12: Changed name to "Halvanhelev" (Ref: Tohka big sword)
  6. 15/12: Metadata Checked by Gamu, "The current metadata is fine!" thx :3
  7. 07/01/16: Added SYAHME mod and accept M4M from -Sh1n1-
  8. 21/01: Added -Sh1n1- mod, very useful help, thanks men !
  9. 23/01: Reworked some jumps, changed pattern at the end
  10. 13/02: Added Kagari mod, almost emphazing the map, great work dude :o
  11. 15/02: Added alienflybot mod
  12. 19/02: Fixed some weird (H)dashs and patterns
  13. 17/03: Added tips of Kyuare's (IG little mod)
  14. 19/03: Added Blind Justice mod / Changed some pattern (most stream) and emphasize parts (6.39* to 6.71* lmao)
  15. 24/03: Added WildOne94 mod / Added and Changed some Hdash/Stream (back to 6.42* enjoy)
  16. 05/04: Added Kurokami mod
  17. 12/04: Changed some circles distance, add & removed HDashes
  18. 16/04: Added - Magic Girl - mod / SelfModding a bit
  19. 16/04: Added Kyuare mod (Awesome mod thanks!)
  20. 20/04: Added Kurokami check/mod
  21. 21/04: Added Zak in-game help
  22. 14/05: Added koliron mod / Fixed some guitar patterns
  23. 28/05: Added Ascendance mod / Fixed some things ~
  24. 29/05: Added Hibari mod
  25. 05/06: Added murutattack mod / Changed some patterns
  26. 07/06: Added -Sh1n1- check(mod?) / Changed streams patterns
  27. 08/06: Added rew0825 mod (Seems like a hitsounding mod, great througt)
  28. 15/06: Added Kurokami check/mod
  29. 19/06: Self mod 3 kiai stream part, changed patterns
  30. 30/07: changed pattern about streams part, hardest and funiest. :)Maybe it'll back to last version..
  31. 02/08: Added [ K a e d e ] mod
  32. 23/08: Small changes
  33. 24/09: Small changes in stream part - Helped by Kyuare a bit[
  34. 01/10: Polishing some notes, nothing big
  35. 04/10: Added Lyaneii-'s blergh blergh
  36. 10/10: Added MMBan's irc mod
  37. 01/12: FINALLY A MOD ! Little help by RoseusJaeger
  38. 15/12: Added BoberOfDarkness m4m
  39. 19/12: Added Emiru babysit on that stream part fucked up thanks a lot
  40. 06/02/17: ???*
  41. 19/02: Added M4M from Deif, really useful thanks !
  42. 30/05: Added Razor Sharp's mod
  43. 26/06: Added -Aerith- hitsound mod
  44. 02/08: Added liuzicheng4732 mod
  45. 08/11: Added Divine Cake mod
  46. 25/11: Added _wwwww mod
  47. 29/01/2018: Added Hareimu check/mod?
  48. 26/02: Added Aqliva mod
  49. 27/02: Added Nelly mod and 34 stars throw o___o"
  50. 20/03: Added -Luminate mod and 20 stars throw o___o"
[My faaaabulous helpers !]Lyaneii- / Got A Staaaaaaar !!BoberOfDarkness / Got A Staaaaaaar !!Ponchiwi / Got A Staaaaaaar !! X2 Nelly / Got A Staaaaaaar !! X34 HOLY WHAT -Luminate / Got A Staaaaaaar !! X20 HOLY WHAT Kyuare /<3/ Huge Help for Modding / Test map <-- This dude is perfect-Sh1n1- / Awesome help for Modding x2Kuki / Help for ModdingSc4v4ng3r / Help for ModdingSYAHME / Little help for ModdingKagari / Help for Emphasing *lol*alienflybot / Help for ModdingBlind Justice / Help for ModdingWildOne94 / Help for ModdingKurokami / Help for Modding x3TylorTheDJ / Little help for Modding- Magic Girl - / Help for ModdingZak / Help for Modding/Test mapkoliron / Help for ModdingAscendance / Help for ModdingHibari / Help for Moddingmurutattack / Help for ModdingLyaneii- / Help for ModdingMMBan / Help for Moddingrew0825 / Help for HitSoundingGamu / Check MetaData[url=]K a e d e[/url:1337] / Help for ModdingBoberOfDarkness / Help for ModdingEmiru / Help for Modding IGDeif / Help for ModdingRazor Sharp Help for Modding-Aerith- Help for HitSoundingliuzicheng4732 Help for ModdingDivine Cake Help for Modding_wwwww Help for ModdingHareimu Help for ModdingAqliva Help for ModdingNelly Help for Modding-Luminate Help for Modding-Ken / Test map224Hyperw7 / Test map224Reol / Test mapForce / Test mapArMa79 / Test mapBadis / Test mapEmiru / Test mapExGon / Test mapHibari /<3/ Test mapHineX / Test mapJBHyperion / Test mapLiilium / Test map a lotLyaneii- / Test mapM a s t e r / Test mapMotion / Test mapmwm / Test mapnoraRcat / Test mapPonchiwi / Test mapPredominador / Test mapRyoko / Test mapSeija / Test mapVincs / Test mapwanjai / Test map

Some people have changed their name so it's normal if you can't find them.

Thanks everyone who have been here to help push this map where it is now, and also you for playing it !
Special thanks to Kyuare who taugh me how to map ctb, and Kurokami for always helping me trying to push this to rank!

Nitsches wrote:

~Remapping for better jumps in work~
Will mod this when that is done.
light mod from kiwi modding queue

you need to set a preview point.

00:10:340 (4) - this ends 1/6 for some reason?
00:10:805 (5) - so like this is mapped to nothing
02:00:014 (1,2) - fix (2)s sliderend stack
02:18:014 (2,3) - perhaps try something like this, same for 02:18:572 (5,6) -.
03:05:875 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - like all of this is overmapped, streams to no sound at all
03:09:712 (1) - overmapped, 1/8 repeat slider to no sound. remove this.

seems alright, you really need to focus more on overmaps though, that seems to be a problem often throughout this map.
NM as requested in my queue~

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Small suggestions/nazi

  1. You need a preview point, set it somewhere before the chorus like 01:13:689 - .
  1. You know, you might as well use a custom name for this difficulty, not deluge. I can't really think of an idea, but you know, something related to the VN or the series itself.
  2. The dashes in this difficulty are mostly bit disoriented, as the disoriented dashes are not landing on any of the strong beats nor loud instruments. Try to make dashes and H-Dashes around those, as making dashes on weaker or softer notes doesn't really make sense as it doesn't represent anything on the song.
  3. 00:08:945 (3) - While the snare does justify the use of a H-Dash, the section itself isn't that intense; therefore any strong beats or loud instruments excluding cymbals should be made as a regular dash instead of a H-Dash to reflect that. There are lots of these before 00:19:549 - , check them.
  4. 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6,1) - Here as well, the increasing of distance is really overdone. As the section isn't that strong enough, and as the electric guitar's pitch is actually decreasing, it is really weird to have a increasing distance, which leads to a H-Dash, which is certainly overdone. Similar like above, you can use regular dashes, but instead try to replace (3,4) with a single 1/2 slider, as well as (5,6), so that the dashes in this part isn't overdone.
  5. 00:19:549 (1,5,6,1) - Remove all hitsounds in this stream and hear the song at 50% playback rate, you will hear the snares are actually landing on 00:19:549 (1,6) - only, not 00:19:898 (5,1) - these. And since the hit-normal is already enough to emphasize the bass kick, you would want to remove all whistles on this stream, remove the claps on 00:19:898 (5,1) - , then add a clap at (6) to correctly emphasize the snares.
  6. 00:20:666 (1,1,1) - NC spam on the second (1) and the third (1) is definitely not needed.
  7. 00:23:177 (2,3,4) - Circles with only small movements to a same direction is usually boring, especially when it is emphasizing the same thing like the other parts. In this case it will be 00:22:061 (2,3) - these and several others, they had movement between them, but these just has a 'monotonous' movement.
  8. 00:26:107 (5) - Since this has the same electric guitar like all other red beats, you would want to NC here for consistency, and also add a finish for consistency as well.
  9. 00:29:317 (4,1) - Be a little bit consistent with your dashes. While all same others had dashes, this doesn't have any dashes, which certainly does feel really weird. On top of that, this has the same electric guitar as well with the others; not making a jump here will not correctly emphasize on that.
  10. 01:10:898 (1,2) - Be careful when making dashes like this, as the players can't drop-off from the movement they had in (1) to (2) halfway, the dash here will be a H-Dash out of the blue and it will not go along with the other parts.
  11. 01:44:386 (2) - Also be careful when the slider goes off-grid. Although it is totally fine as the game will 'push' the droplets inside the playfield, but that may not give you the intended movement.
  12. 02:48:991 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This stream, or some of the streams between 02:48:014 - 04:19:549 - these 2 timestamps are not really justified. As the electric guitar doesn't land on 02:49:061 (2,4,6) - these notes(they are only following a faint sound which is also weird because the other streams are following the prominent electric guitar), it doesn't highlight the use of those notes being there, as doing this is only overmapping the instruments. Try to check over the streams in this part, they can certainly be improved.
  13. 04:57:503 - to 05:05:317 - Man it feels like I am modding a standard difficulty lol
    [b]Asides that, some of the patterns in this part rely on the y-axis(up and down), which doesn't matter in CtB, where the distances only matter with the x-axis(let and right just like the catcher). The only thing that the y-axis does is that it reduces the distances in terms of left and right, which reduces distances with certain notes like 05:04:479 (2,3) - , where in this pattern, from (2) to (3) I don't need to move the catcher at all, and that doesn't represent the song that well.
  14. Well basically the issues are recurring in this difficulty, you could go over the difficulty again and check for those inconsistencies.
That is all from me. GL!
Topic Starter

I will not notice here little mods who's directly ingame PM
Thanks Kyuare for supporting me so hard on this map

Last time edited: 05/04/2016

Kuki's Mod

Kuki wrote:

light mod from kiwi modding queue

you need to set a preview point.

00:10:340 (4) - this ends 1/6 for some reason? Fixed, didn't see ^^
00:10:805 (5) - so like this is mapped to nothing You hear a part of guitar here
02:00:014 (1,2) - fix (2)s sliderend stack Don't really know...
02:18:014 (2,3) - perhaps try something like this, same for 02:18:572 (5,6) -. Yeah nice, i do that with crtl+h / For me it's better :) Thanks for the layout ^^
03:05:875 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - like all of this is overmapped, streams to no sound at all I know right but it's overmapped like 1-3hits + slider so not really so much, and it's a "continuous solo guitar stream" x3
03:09:712 (1) - overmapped, 1/8 repeat slider to no sound. remove this. They sound right on the piercing guitar sond, but i didn't make the stream good, removed the 03:09:503 (5,6,7) - before it, added 03:09:433 (5) - ( slider reverse 1/4 ) and changed 03:09:689 (1) - 1/8 to 1/6 ( 3 reverse arrow ))

seems alright, you really need to focus more on overmaps though, that seems to be a problem often throughout this map.
I'll notice that for further mapping, thanks for mod !
Sc4v4ng3r's Mod

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

NM as requested in my queue~

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Small suggestions/nazi

  1. You need a preview point, set it somewhere before the chorus like 01:13:689 - .
    Didn't really understand that, can you PM me for more explications please ? Thanks ^^
  1. You know, you might as well use a custom name for this difficulty, not deluge. I can't really think of an idea, but you know, something related to the VN or the series itself.
  2. The dashes in this difficulty are mostly bit disoriented, as the disoriented dashes are not landing on any of the strong beats nor loud instruments. Try to make dashes and H-Dashes around those, as making dashes on weaker or softer notes doesn't really make sense as it doesn't represent anything on the song.
  3. 00:08:945 (3) - While the snare does justify the use of a H-Dash, the section itself isn't that intense; therefore any strong beats or loud instruments excluding cymbals should be made as a regular dash instead of a H-Dash to reflect that. There are lots of these before 00:19:549 - , check them.
    Fixed/Checked, changed 2-4 "useless" Hdash :)
  4. 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6,1) - Here as well, the increasing of distance is really overdone. As the section isn't that strong enough, and as the electric guitar's pitch is actually decreasing, it is really weird to have a increasing distance, which leads to a H-Dash, which is certainly overdone. Similar like above, you can use regular dashes, but instead try to replace (3,4) with a single 1/2 slider, as well as (5,6), so that the dashes in this part isn't overdone.
    Great suggest ! I love it ! But i will stay on my HdashJumps on this one :)
  5. 00:19:549 (1,5,6,1) - Remove all hitsounds in this stream and hear the song at 50% playback rate, you will hear the snares are actually landing on 00:19:549 (1,6) - only, not 00:19:898 (5,1) - these. And since the hit-normal is already enough to emphasize the bass kick, you would want to remove all whistles on this stream, remove the claps on 00:19:898 (5,1) - , then add a clap at (6) to correctly emphasize the snares.
    Didn't really know all you ask, but fixed all on what you said.
  6. 00:20:666 (1,1,1) - NC spam on the second (1) and the third (1) is definitely not needed.
    Didn't really know, timing is by CherryBlossom, i didn't touch anythings on, but changed "Simpleset ->Normal to default"
  7. 00:23:177 (2,3,4) - Circles with only small movements to a same direction is usually boring, especially when it is emphasizing the same thing like the other parts. In this case it will be 00:22:061 (2,3) - these and several others, they had movement between them, but these just has a 'monotonous' movement.
    Hmmm, something like that ? ->
  8. 00:26:107 (5) - Since this has the same electric guitar like all other red beats, you would want to NC here for consistency, and also add a finish for consistency as well.
    Huuuuu, what ? ;_;
  9. 00:29:317 (4,1) - Be a little bit consistent with your dashes. While all same others had dashes, this doesn't have any dashes, which certainly does feel really weird. On top of that, this has the same electric guitar as well with the others; not making a jump here will not correctly emphasize on that.
    Fixed, Crlt+G (+ moved a bit for making a Hdash )
  10. 01:10:898 (1,2) - Be careful when making dashes like this, as the players can't drop-off from the movement they had in (1) to (2) halfway, the dash here will be a H-Dash out of the blue and it will not go along with the other parts.
    Fixed, -> Did a 90° rotation, and moved on x:120 y:288 ( no hdash on it )
  11. 01:44:386 (2) - Also be careful when the slider goes off-grid. Although it is totally fine as the game will 'push' the droplets inside the playfield, but that may not give you the intended movement.
    Didn't know that ! Thanks :o ( moved a bit into the grid )
  12. 02:48:991 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This stream, or some of the streams between 02:48:014 - 04:19:549 - these 2 timestamps are not really justified. As the electric guitar doesn't land on 02:49:061 (2,4,6) - these notes(they are only following a faint sound which is also weird because the other streams are following the prominent electric guitar), it doesn't highlight the use of those notes being there, as doing this is only overmapping the instruments. Try to check over the streams in this part, they can certainly be improved.
    Yeah, i know right but i like my way to map those. Just changed the 1st one on that: Seems good ?
  13. 04:57:503 - to 05:05:317 - Man it feels like I am modding a standard difficulty lol
    I KNOW RIGHT XF ! A lot of people say same thing, but i like this part ( I also mapped some map in standard, so i'll do 1 part of it on CtB, it's not really recommended i know but i want to do it. Why ? Don't know :D

    Asides that, some of the patterns in this part rely on the y-axis(up and down), which doesn't matter in CtB, where the distances only matter with the x-axis(let and right just like the catcher). The only thing that the y-axis does is that it reduces the distances in terms of left and right, which reduces distances with certain notes like 05:04:479 (2,3) - , where in this pattern, from (2) to (3) I don't need to move the catcher at all, and that doesn't represent the song that well.
  14. Well basically the issues are recurring in this difficulty, you could go over the difficulty again and check for those inconsistencies.
    [b] You have right, I'll check and modifies those "horribles" things and try to make fun paterns :)
That is all from me. GL!
It's up to me to thank you mate !

SYAHME wrote:

From my modding queue.
  1. None
  1. 00:08:386 (1) - make this slider 180 degree horizontal because it will connect well with the next two hitcircles.
  2. 00:08:805 (2,3) - make it closer to previous slider by move this notes to x:304.
  3. 00:11:735 (1,2) - Move this notes to x: 408.
  4. 00:10:340 (4) - make it closer to previous hitcirle.
  5. 00:12:293 (3,4,5) - Make like *this are more better.
  6. 00:13:968 (1,2,3,4) - Make like *this are more better.
  7. 00:15:363 (2) - hard to catch. Maybe you can make it closer to previous slider.
  8. 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6,1) - Make like *this are more better.
  9. 00:18:154 (5) - make this slider 180 horizontal.
  10. 00:20:666 (1) - too far close to the right a little bit.
  11. 00:21:224 (2) - make this reverse slider horizontal a little bit maybe 45 degree.
  12. 00:21:642 (1) - too far close to the right a little bit.
  13. 00:22:759 (1) - make this slider 45 degree horizontal & closer to previous hitcircle.
  14. 00:23:177 (6,7) - Move this notes to x: 160.
  15. 00:23:875 (1) - move to the left a little bit.
  16. 00:25:828 (3,4) - make this closer to each other.
  17. 00:30:154 (3) - make this reverse slider 180 degree horizontal to the left.
  18. 00:37:968 (1,2,1,2,1) - make like 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6,1) - this.
  19. 00:47:177 (6) - too far make it closer to the right.
  20. 00:53:456 (1) - too far from previous slider make it closer, hard to catch with this kind of jump.
  21. 00:56:386 (1) - same like above.
  22. 00:57:503 (1) - same like above.
  23. 01:02:945 (4,1) - make this closer to previous hitcircle because it too sudden and easy to miss.
Forgot to note all modifications, but i add a lot of them ( >50% i thinks )
-Sh1n1-'s Mod

-Sh1n1- wrote:

Ok, let's start with modding:


  1. lool I can see that you like customized things xD, HP:6 CS:4 please Agree, changed it
  2. Uncheck "Display storyboard in front of combo fire" and "Letterbox during breaks" to follow guidelness propertly. Where did i found that please ?? ,-,


Intense mod, hope to see this map ranked, never give up. OMMMG THX <3<3<3
  1. At first part, you should reduce a bit some spinners to make this part more clean and factible for players:
    - 00:00:642 (1) - finish at 00:02:666 - Agree
    - 00:02:875 (1) - finish at 00:04:898 - Agree
    - 00:05:107 (1) - finish at 00:07:131 - Agree
  2. 00:10:340 (4,5) - I don't know what happen with such sliders, maybe you change slider velocity multiplier? anyways, 00:10:340 (4) - should finish at 00:10:619 - and 00:10:805 (5) - should be placed at 00:10:759 - with reverse arrow at 00:10:898 -. Things changed, for this one: 00:10:759 (5) - i didn't take attention because i start to map on 1/8
  3. 00:09:503 (1) - you forgot to enphasize this note with HDash as you did on 00:11:735 (1) - 00:13:968 (1) - 00:16:200 (1) - right? Agree again, thanks
  4. 00:13:968 (1) - I like how you enphasized this note with HDash but there is a reason to put another HDash between 00:13:968 (1,2) -? it's kinda weird and many players could miss this jump because song doesn't reflect that, in the other hand I'm not saying that you should stack some sliders 'cause I'm not agree about the way of 00:12:293 (3,4) -, it should be changed too imo. You have right, i'll make another patern for them
  5. 00:14:247 (2,3) - here we go again, does it need HDash? if you ask me I'll say no!. ohh but if you fix the previous advice, I'm sure that the distance here is better, I'll leave to you. Same for -^ Changed patern for better feelings
  6. 00:16:200 (1) - too hard to catch, Ok, this diff is like overdose but I suggest you to reduce the distance at 00:15:921 (5,6,1) -, it should be fixed easily moving 00:16:061 (6) - to x:152 Tested and i'm ok with you
  7. 00:22:340 (3,4) - why HDash here?Hu, idk :? I think that HDash should be between 00:22:619 (4,1) - as you did on 00:20:386 (5,1) - 00:21:224 (1,1) -, also I'll give you some patterns with the same problems: Agree, sound better
    1.- 00:23:596 (4,1) - Changed, new patern
    2.- 00:24:852 (4,1) - -^
    3.- 00:27:084 (9,1) - -^
    4.- 00:28:061 (4,1) - -^
    5.- 00:32:666 (5,1) - -^
    6.- 00:36:014 (4,1) - -^
  8. 00:23:456 (3,4) - doesn't follow a good rhythm, I'm std mapper too, so, In my opinion, slider should be first and then a note. I recommend you to press Ctrl+G and replace your notes then. Well, i thinks it was better to make like that by your opinion isn't so bad, reworked
  9. 00:29:038 (3,4) - good, nice jump, why not between 00:28:759 (2,3) - ?Changed too make 2 HDash
  10. 00:31:689 (1) - why slider with reverse? should be only one slider, in the other hand I think that a reverse slider could be good at 00:33:363 (3) -, what do you think? I do slider reverse because i thinks it enphasize great with the rest of, and for the second, i didn't do it because i follow the 3 "Tin hin hin" ( omg i'm so great for simulate sound ,-, ) of this: 00:33:363 (3,4,1) -
  11. from 01:05:038 - to 01:11:735 - is pretty nice with consistency present, sad to say that I'm not agree with part from 00:56:386 - to 01:03:921 - cause there are parts when you did HDashes to enphasize voice ( for example: 00:57:224 (3,1) - 00:59:456 (3,1) - ) and other HDashes to enphasize guitar ( for example: 00:58:619 (1,2) - 01:00:852 (1,2) - ) I recommend you to keep consistency with part from 01:05:038 - to 01:11:735 - I try to do that, idk if it'll be good or no ...
  12. HDash between 01:12:293 (4,5) - should be removed, this jump is unconfortable and unrankeable. I won't delete it, but changed into that:
  13. 01:13:131 (1,2,3) - holly .... :O reduce the distance between such notes Okay sensai
  14. 01:17:038 (3,1) - you forgot to add HDash here, same as 01:17:875 (2,3) - cause is the same sound I'll not make a Hdash here, and i didn't forget to add one after ^^
  15. 01:20:666 (6,1) - funny to play but unrankeable cause distance is too high, you should reduce the distance k thx
  16. I'm surprised because you follow voice high pitch with long slider at 01:20:805 (1) - but not at 01:21:921 (1) - why not consistency? I do a ctrl+G and changed patern, thanks
  17. 01:31:968 (1,2,3) - too straight, try to move some notes and make 01:32:386 (2) - more slant Ctrl+g and moved a bit/color]
  18. 01:33:921 (3,4) - don't you think that the distance between such notes are too long? for example you could reduce at 2.03x same as 01:30:154 (1,2) - or 1.41x same as 01:31:549 (3,4) - it's up to you. [color=#BF8000]I'm ok with you but if prefer let it like naw :3
  19. why HDash between 01:56:386 (5,6) - ? high pitch is on 01:56:666 - right? HDash between 01:56:526 (6,1) - works better. Right, changed this thing, was thinking it will be better like that too ^^p
  20. since 01:56:666 - to 02:04:200 - I don't understand what are you following to make HDashes, for example: 01:57:503 (3) - 02:01:968 (3) - and 01:58:619 (3) - 02:03:084 (3) - where is consistency on similar sounds? I found a nice way to keep consistency with your current patterns, only 3 changes:
    1.- 02:01:968 (3,1) - HDash between such notes should be removed to keep consistency with 01:57:503 (3,1) -
    2.- 02:02:666 (2,3) - HDash should be added, same as 01:58:200 (2,3) -
    3.- 02:03:363 (1,2) - add HDash, consistency with 01:58:898 (1,2) -
    Changed some things, but some of them are already implanted huhu ~
  21. 02:13:410 (1,2) - move a bit to the left to make more clear, x:232y:352, now 02:13:131 (7,1,2) - have similar distance. I don't really take attention to that, but i agree
  22. 02:13:828 (4) - I'll recommend you to delete this note, 'cause I can see enough breaks on your map and is not at all necessary. Agree
  23. 02:14:526 - kiai start here, strong sound... why not HDash to enphasize high pitch? Fixed
  24. 02:14:526 (1,2,3) - too hard mate, only ExGon will be happy with this pattern. Fixed
  25. 02:15:642 (1,2,3) - wtf lool, same as above. Fixed
  26. 02:21:503 (2,3) - HDash here is not necessary, 02:21:921 (3) - move a bit closer to 02:21:503 (2) - and add HDash between 02:21:921 (3,1) - to enphasize high pitch at 02:22:200 - Fixed
  27. 03:00:572 (2,3) - don't you want to add HDash here? OMFG YES !!!
  28. 03:02:107 (3) - ugly, make more straight Okay ... :(
  29. 03:04:479 (6,1) - you miss HDash here, also between 03:04:759 (1,2) - it's like standard mapping O.o Fixed
  30. 03:28:131 (5,1) - move a bit to the left Fixed
  31. 03:57:572 (1,1) - sounds bad, I recoment you to change into 1/4 or you can add a timing section and change the volume to 30 or 25, it's up to you but I recommend you the first advice. Fixed, sound great ofc
  32. 04:13:968 (1,2,3,4) - you are on the most intense part of the song, this patterns don't reflect that. I make a one, seems better
  33. 04:42:991 (1) - what happened with this slider? try to fix it. I reduce the reverses arrow to 1 and make it a little shorter
  34. 04:48:014 (1,2,1) - are you sure about HDash here? because song is decreasing. Yep i'm sure :3
  35. since 04:57:503 - I'll stop with modding because I'm helping to change an std map into a ctb ._., pleaseeee!!! Wut ? Okaaaay i'll change all above this one, didn't see i made like std here srryy ;-; ( I'LL FIX IT LATER THAN THIS MOD THX

You have awesome patterns, there are parts when I feel the song with your patterns but there are parts when I want to delete your map because make me crazy loool, I recommed you to fix some problems about consistency on similar sounds and jumps and it will be closer to rank. Hope to help you, kudosu if it deserve.
I will do all chance when i got some times for... Maybe on 21-22/01 or this week (23-24/01)
Kagari's Mod

Kagari wrote:

placeholder (make sure you update your map first, then I can mod it) :D
this is just a suggestion from me so if it's not helpful at all, dont kd me Ofc i'll kd you, you're dumb ?

  1. 00:20:386 (5,1) - try to reduce the distance between 5 and 1. seems that the hyper to 5 makes it harder to reach back to 1. Agree
  2. 00:48:014 (3) - try rotating this 90 degree clockwise and move it to x: 312, and then move 00:48:852 (1) - to x:160 to retain the previous distance Agree, but not the placement for "x", moved a bit
  3. 00:53:875 (2,3) - make a dash (or a hyperdash) between these two sliders (my suggestion is ctrl+g 00:54:154 (3) - and move it to x: 496)
    you can reduce the distance between 00:53:456 (1,2) - but i dont think that's necessary for now. Agree for the first, and i don't thinks too that need to be reduced for the second ^^
  4. 00:57:921 (2,3) - ctrl+h this and move them to x:352. seems the previous pattern is kinda boring to me q_q TOTALLY agree
  5. 01:01:689 (3) - ctrl+g this and move to the right a bit by one or two grids Agree
  6. 01:02:805 (3,4) - the hyperdash to 4 isnt that good since the hyperdash should start at 4... move 01:02:945 (4) - to x:8 or find a better way to make a hyperdash from 01:02:945 (4) - to 01:03:084 (1) - without damaging the 3 to 4 hyperdash and the hyperdashes afterwards. it's up to you to decide :) After many tries i found one who seems good and fun :)
  7. 01:09:782 (1) - try ctrl+h and move the slider to x:448 Agree
  8. 01:28:619 (1) - how about moving this to the right (x:472) or to the left (x:40) to create a sweet hyperdash before the spinner? And why not TWO HDash ? YEAH ! :D
  9. 01:57:782 (1) - ctrl+g and move this to the left a bit (probably by 2 or 3 grids) Agree
  10. 02:00:014 (1) - ctrl+g Agree
  11. 02:00:433 (2) - make it like this and move it to x:416. after that, move 02:00:852 (3) - to either x:360 or x:472 1st step: I'm okay / 2nd step: I'm not. I moved 02:00:433 (2) - to x:472 but i didn't do the ctrl+g cause i thinks it enphasize right with 02:00:852 (3) - at x:376 for HDash
  12. 02:02:247 (1,2,3) - ctrl+h them 02:00:852 (3) - [b]Agree
  13. 02:10:061 (1) - ctrl+g Agree
  14. 02:52:340 (1) - x:360 Agree
  15. 03:59:875 (2) - ctrl+g and move to x:24 Agree
  16. 04:00:572 (1) - ctrl+h Agree
  17. 04:03:921 (1) - ctrl+h Agree
  18. 04:04:759 (3,1) - for this one, move 04:04:759 (3) - to x:216. after that, ctrl+h this 04:05:038 (1) - and move it to x:24 Agree
  19. 04:06:154 (1,2) - first, ctrl+g this 04:06:154 (1) - . and then, ctrl+g this 04:06:572 (2) - and move the slider to x:440 Agree
  20. 04:21:503 (4) - move to x:16 Agree
  21. 04:28:200 (6,7) - move them to x:504 Agree
  22. 04:29:596 (1,2) - ctrl+h Agree
  23. 04:31:131 (2) - ctrl+h and move to x:296 Agree
  24. 04:32:666 (3) - x:64Agree
  25. 04:33:363 (2,3,4) - ctrl+h and move to x:272 Agree
  26. 04:35:596 (2) - ctrl+g and move to x:264 Agree
  27. 04:37:410 (1) - ctrl+h and move to x:112 Agree
  28. 04:39:642 (1) - ctrl+h Agree
  29. 04:40:759 (1) - ^ Agree
  30. 04:47:457 (1,2,3) - vertical notes aren't that good for this part. it should be emphasized more. for example, 04:47:596 (2) - to x:416 and 04:47:736 (3) - to x:144 Hu, good ! But i prefer 04:47:596 (2) - to x:144 and 04:47:736 (3) - to x:416, i thinks that better
  31. 05:11:875 (1) - move to x:456 Agree
  32. 05:15:084 (4,5) - ctrl+h and move to x:104 Agree
  33. 05:16:479 (1) - move to x:360 Agree
  34. 05:19:689 (1) - x:64 Agree
  35. 05:20:805 (1) - this note should be either left side or right side to create a hyperdash from 05:20:666 (4) - I prefer making 2 Hdash huhu *bastard laugh*
  36. 05:23:038 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - ctrl+h them.Agree
just to let you know, almost all of the suggestion above are to emphasize the parts that you aren't really emphasize properly before. and this is my possible solutions to emphasize that said parts. I saw that, really helpful !
let me know if you're not agree with any of my suggestion(s), we can work out on other solution(s) if possible. I'll notice that
if you have any issue, feel free to PM me in-game if I'm available :)

overall, it's a well-made challenging map for me to enjoy CtB once more. to ctb BNs, pls approve this map :3
Omg of course ! Thanks for the compliment, i'll approve and rank it YEAH !!
good luck~! owo
alienflybot's BN Mod

alienflybot wrote:


█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ Halvanhelev]

  • Preview Point
  1. Your map still lack a preview point where Sc4v4ng3r had pointed it out before. Please add one, I would suggest adding one at 01:13:689 - . (In case you still don't know how to add that: * screenshot) Ok, i thinks i made it but no, added back

    Miscellaneous Toggles
  2. Uncheck 'Display Storyboard in front of Combo Fire', your map doesn't even contain a storyboard.
  3. Uncheck 'Letterbox during Breaks' as well, it doesn't feel good with letterbox at 02:30:154 - and 04:48:572 - . And usually letterbox is used for storyboarding so that's not a good idea to keep it. Fixed for both

    Difficulty Settings
  4. Change the OD to 9.3 as well. AR=OD, as always. Keep it in mind. In fact, I doubt if the AR can be increased slightly to 9.5, since the map is full of jumps and streams, it surely can emphasize the upbeat nature and allow players to read more easily. AR&OD are already to 9.3 ! ;-; but i'll ask peoples for knowing if they prefer 9.3 or 9.5

    Inherited Timing Sections
    Move the following timing sections earlier to a blue tick:
  5. 00:02:735 - Done
  6. 00:04:968 - Done
  7. 00:07:200 - Done

    Remove the following timing sections as they are unused, or just a duplicate of the previous timing section:
  8. 00:08:386 - Done
  9. 01:05:317 - Done
  10. 02:56:945 - Done

  11. 00:11:596 - Why not map this sound with a circle too? There is a sound in the background where you can actually map it. You might have to change the patterning of 00:10:759 (5,6) - if you want to do that, since the HDash will be too intense if you just add a circle. Of course yeah, i added a circle on this pattern and changed it that it can fit with the rest
  12. 00:14:247 (2,3) - Since you are just adding HDashes to emphasize the cymbals, like 00:09:084 (4,1) - and 00:11:177 (6,1) - , what about removing the HDash here? That's not emphasizing anything special and (3) is not a strong, prominent note either. Changed pattern
  13. 00:14:805 (4,1) - ^ Changed pattern
  14. 00:17:596 (2,3) - I guess you might want to add HDash here as you emphasize (5) with a HDash of 00:18:014 (4,5) - , while I think it suits quite well if you add HDash here, and changing the pattern to triplets. Perhaps you may find the following pattern useful: *screenshot. Note that the placement of 00:17:317 (1,2) - is different from the original one, moving to the right slightly. I make a time for knowing what you want to mean lol, i changed to make 2 HDash at 00:17:596 (2,4) -
  15. 00:19:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - This played out strangely. I think it is better to add HDash every 6 circles, just to match the Clap at 00:19:968 (6) - and the sound at 00:20:386 (5) - In addition, add Finish to 00:20:386 (5) - (or any cymbals you find suitable) I thinks you right that it played strangely, but i'm don't really ok with your 2nd part, i just changed the pattern like that: Screen
  16. 00:22:061 (2,3) - Reduce the distance, it is really far away yet the HDash of 00:21:642 (1,2) - draws away players' attention to the next notes. After testing some pattern, i'll found one that fit well with the rest of the pattern
  17. 00:23:177 (2,3) - ^ -^
  18. 00:26:107 (5) - NC? Done
  19. 00:28:759 (2,3,4) - I know it is not an intentional mistake, maybe you want to move (3) a bit to the left, as the distance of 00:28:759 (2,3) - is way larger than 00:29:038 (3,4) - Yeah, didn't make attention to that, fixed
  20. 00:32:107 (2,3) - Reduce the distance as (2) already swiped players away from the next notes, which also requires full dashing (00:32:386 (3,4,5) - ). Reducing the distance here helps players to catch up easily.
  21. 00:32:805 (1,2) - Reduce the distance here too, the pattern of OOO is not so recommended. Maybe you want to move (2) a bit to the right. I also think like that, fixed
  22. 00:33:363 (3,4) - Reduce the distance. Fixed
  23. 00:37:270 (1,1) - ^; In addition, remove the NC at 00:37:689 (1) - Fixed
  24. 00:46:898 (5,6,1) - I suggest removing HDash of (5,6), seriously (6) is not a strong note to be emphasized with a HDash. Instead, 00:47:456 (1) - sounds more prominent and it is a new beginning of combo, so keeping the HDash to this note would be fine while removing the previous one I have mentioned. Fixed, added dash on 00:47:177 (6,1,2) - both of them, seems cool and fun to play
  25. 00:51:503 (3,1) - HDash? Same as the reason above. Fixed -^
  26. 00:53:456 (1,2) - Remove the HDash? (2) is not sounding strong in the audio. Sure, fixed
  27. 00:56:386 - 01:04:061 - This part is so inconsistent, since the HDash allocations are different from one another for each patterns, like you didn't add HDash at 00:56:386 (1,2) - , but then there is one at 00:58:619 (1,2) - ; And there are no HDash between 01:00:572 (3,4) - but there is a very large one at 01:02:805 (3,4) - Please fix this part by having the same, consistent timeline. Note that the note placements can be different but at least the timeline is the same and the same point with HDash. Some Hdash are fixed as you said above, but i didn't move a lot of those patterns
  28. 01:05:317 - 01:09:642 - Aforementioned applies to here, too. Also fixed like above
  29. 01:10:619 (3,1) - Reduce the distance here, it is holy big. Aw ... I thinks that was better with double HDash but well, i reduce it
  30. 01:10:898 (1,2) - Inconsistent with 01:09:782 (1,2) - as there are no HDash. Add one. Fixed and added HDash
  31. 01:12:293 (4,5,6) - I think it is better to add HDash at (5,6) instead of (4,5), it provides a better rhythm. Changed a bit the pattern, seems better
  32. 01:14:805 (3,4) - Reduce the distance. In addition, you may increase the distance of 01:15:084 (4,1) - if you think this part is too easy and need some dashes. Hmm, i'll don't add HDash here, but i reduced the distance
  33. 01:17:038 (3,1) - HDash? You did that later at 01:17:875 (2,3) - and 01:18:433 (4,1) - Anyways, you may move 01:17:875 (2) - and 01:18:433 (4) - a bit closer to the middle, it feels like this part is a bit easy as the part sounds quite intense. I'm totally okay with you, the part seems funniest than before now :D
  34. 01:25:968 (3,4,1) - Move (4) a bit to the left so a HDash at (4,1) can be added. It feels like (3,4) is too static in movement in the current state. Added Hdash and changed a bit the pattern
  35. 01:26:386 (1,2) - As aforementioned, you can change the distance to something similar to 01:26:945 (3,4) - Fixed
  36. 01:30:154 (1,2) - Reduce the distance, (1) swipes players away so the distance can be slightly smaller to cope with the sudden 'blind'. Fixed
  37. 01:37:270 (3,4,1) - Way too cruel here, usually players will try to catch (4). However the distance of (3,4) is fairly huge, if players miss the jump here, it means they are going to miss the rest as well, which may also result in failing. To cope with this problem, reduce the distance of (3,4) while maintaining the HDash at (4,1). That right, fixed
  38. 01:48:014 (2,3) - Reduce the distance. Fixed
  39. 01:48:852 (5,1) - ^ Fixed
  40. 01:49:549 (2,3) - ^ Fixed
  41. 01:52:200 (1,2,3) - The distance here is too large while there are no HDashes. Consider adding one at (2,3), so you may move (2) slightly to the left. I thinks you should take it without but why not
  42. 01:52:759 (3,4) - Gah distance. Gah fixed
  43. 01:54:991 (3,4,1) - ^, that's really unexpected to the players, that it is still a fairly soft part but you have to jump from side to side. Moved (1) to the righ
  44. 01:56:666 - 02:04:340 - Same thing related to the inconsistencies. Fixed
  45. 02:05:038 (1,2) - You had HDash at 01:04:759 (3,4) - but not here, please add one here to keep consistency. In fact remove the NC here too for consistency. Fixed
  46. 02:05:596 - 02:12:154 - Same thing. Fixed
  47. 02:12:433 (2,3,4) - I feel like the flow here is not so well, maybe you want to rotate it 180 degree and place it back to the original place? I think you right but i'll keep it because some players said that a very good part, i like it too.
  48. 02:13:131 (7,1,2,3) - Hmm, I see. I know you want (1,2,3) intense but (7,1) is a fairly large distance, what about reducing the distance of (7,1) while keeping (1,2,3)? You may move (1,2,3) a bit to the right. After fixing, you also have to make 02:13:689 (3,1) - easy-going. Right now it is kind of pixel jump. Fixed :)
  49. 02:21:503 (2) - I guess it is not intentional. Lengthen the slider to 1/1. Sure, didn't make attention to that
  50. 02:23:038 (3,4,5,1) - It feels like the HDash at (3,4) is going to cover all the notes at this point, including (4,5,1) since they also require dashing to FC. What about reducing the distance of (4,5,1)? Also, move (3) a bit to the left instead of being in the same place as the end of the slider, that would make a lot more sense. Changed (4,5) into a mini slider, and moved some slider to make them emphasize with 02:23:317 (1,2) -
  51. 02:25:131 (3,4,1) - HDash at (4,1) would fit more than having one at (3,4), to match the vocal. Sure !
  52. 02:26:526 (5,1) - HDash? You may turn 02:26:666 (1,2) - to inward-pointed sliders, it still plays perfectly. I didn't really know what means "inward-pointed" sliders but i do a ctrl+g on 02:26:666 (1,2) - and reduced distance of (5) from 02:26:247 (4,5) -

    I guess I will stop here since most of the problems are HDash usage, distance spacing, and consistency. Please also check the later parts first before pushing forward. Ok i take note and i'll check theml

    It is also appreciated to have some mods checking the entire map to make sure the jumps are not too timed or cruel. I try, i try but that hard to found people who want to check the whole map because it's a marathon or i don't have enough mods :s

Good luck! Thanks ~~
Blind Justice's Mod

Blind Justice wrote:

Hello! I'm here to mod. Obviously

- 00:11:735 (1) - This hitsound sounds early. I think you meant to put hitsound here 00:11:875 (2) ?Nope, it sound right, ear on 25%
- 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6) I suggest you find another way on mapping this, feels a bit weird. Nope, peoples like this, and it still from the beginning of my map so i will not change it
- 00:37:689 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) ^ Same -^
- 01:22:061 (1) late hitsound Same as before
- 01:22:898 (4,5,1) You have a big finish hitsound on note (1) but note (4,5) are so close it doesn't even feel like a finish. Try adding space between (4,5) and (1,) so note (5) and be a hyper.I ctrl+g 01:23:038 (1) - , seems cool :)
- 01:32:805 ( 3,4) Move these away from note (2) feels awkward (3)(4) ctrl+g and moved a bit 01:32:386 (2) - on the left
- 01:38:805 (1) , You should make this a slider because with the single note, it feels empty Nope, i know that sound like you said, but it's a finish hit, and we didn't ear anything that can fit a slider here
- 00:38:526 (1) ^ -^
- 01:41:038 (1) , Move this to the left more Sure
- 01:42:154 (1,2,3) add some space between note (1,3) Done
- 02:10:061 (1) , this needs to be an HDash, the note is too far to catch. I agree but not, you should Dash here, not Hdash
- 02:17:317 (3) , This feels awkward. Try rotating this a bit. Done
- 02:23:177 (4,1) Again, big finish but no Hdash. Fix the spacing so (4) can be a HD Sure, i did like 01:22:898 (4,5,1) -
Be careful with the use of HD's here. The HD's are so strong here, you literally miss notes.
- 03:25:410 (1,2,3,4,5) This is really hard to read, re-map pls. YOU can't read it, that's all ^^ i feel good with this pattern
- 03:55:200 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) Feels really boring to have a long stream in a straight line, try changing them up. I thinks i do something pretty cool now, check it :3
- 03:55:898 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) ^ Same -^
- 03:56:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) ^ Same -^
- 04:05:456 (4,5,6,7) Too hard, re-map Nope, that good like that. :3
- 04:16:200 (1,2,1,2,1,2) THIS TOTALLY CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD LOL. PLEASE TRY FINDING A NEW WAY OF MAPPING THIS. REALLY REPETITIVE. Didn't ear about this pattern ? It's "bullet rain" and really appreciated by all ctb player, i'll not move it
- 05:09:642 (1,2,3) , (2,3) Too close to note (1) move them apart. Ctrl+g on 05:09:642 (1,2,3) -
- 05:14:526 (1) Move this away from note (1) , feels weird Sure, done.

Good luck with this! Thanks man, little mod but great one ! You make me some ideas for streaming and THE GUITAIR SOLO part :3
WildOne94's Mod

WildOne94 wrote:

Heyooo. Oy.
Here for my part of the m4m :3. Sound nice :3

I'm not the best at modding deluges as I can't play them but will try my best to suggest as many things as possible >w<
This is so hard to test!

Check AI mod. Some notes are not snapped. I forget to check them every time, dang me

[box=Halvanhelev]00:19:549 (1,2,3,4) - In play these would feel better if curved instead of a straight line imo. I'm still thinking my pattern was good, not a lot of people messed up here, but i'll change them into curved one. And yeah, seems better naw

00:39:642 (3) - You follow the vocals here presumably but this does not sound right here. It would be better if the patterns were like this to fit the vocals better in this section. Right, changed as you said

00:48:991 (2) - If you're still following the vocals here it's best to shorten this slider so it ends on 00:49:131 - and make it into a reverse slider. Same as up

00:59:735 (1,2,1,2) - I don't know about you but these sliders going straight up seem to kill the flow imo as it is a deluge and it should be that it makes the player move constantly even if on a peaceful part. You got it, i'll do that for whole map

01:12:154 (2,3,4,5) - the triplets are a bit hard to try jump to (5) after in flow. I would have something like this instead so it's more smoother in flow.You have right, ok i give up my pattern here... Too many people said what you said here, i changed it like the image below, but 01:12:154 (2,3,4) - a bit more on the right

01:27:921 (2,3) - Be better flow if these were slanted outwards slightly so no sudden stop movements kills glide flow. Changed

02:13:410 (1,2) - Double hyper here makes it almost impossible to get the next note. Consider only making (2) a hyper instead. Moved Hdash on (2) instead of (1)(2)

02:23:177 (4) - Just a tip. These sliders facing the other way are so painful to play in anything even for a Deluge. And there are loads of these. Try fixing them ;w;. Wrong. I make it like an other map ( can't remember the name ) and peoples like it (Testplayed by N a k o and Ttobas) So i didn't thinks i need to change them HOWEVER a BN ask me to :3

02:46:898 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This spacing is also torture. Please reduce spacing. Ok ok :'( changed again ! and again ! x)

02:55:270 (3) - You need to move this more to the right. Just DS this next to the previous (2) slider as it's such a flow stopper in where it is right now. Yes Captain' !

02:59:456 (4,1) - Try these jumps for yourself in the stream ;w;... So hard. Try having it all flow the same way and not putting and flips to things that are impossible to catch ;w;. I tried the stairs pattern, should be good ?

03:02:107 (3) - Another straight up flow stopper. This should slider end reverse should slant to the left. Fixed

03:05:596 (3,4) - Mentioned this before Fixed

03:41:875 (2) - I won't mention about these anymore. Fixed again

03:56:457 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I won't even question these streams ;w;.... Just try it for yourself and see what's wrong with it. So much happening here it's hard to explain so you should find out yourself. (somewhat I am repeating stuff) I just throwed my mind on this pattern, and didn't take really attention about it, thanks for remind me that ! :)

04:05:456 (4,5,6) - Really lots of anti flow again. Try make these straight going left instead of reversing some of the notes. Makes it so much better. Changed (2,3) into a slider, and lined up (3,4,5) and HDash on (6)

04:16:200 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - I.... I can't ;w;.... This is even more than deluge... it's like... Impossibru ! (sorry for criticism. what I was meant to say here was please try to make it play better as it's almost impossible here for anyone.) DUDE ! It's a BULLET RAIN ! I will never change it (however asked by BN) by this pattern is so cool ! Kyuare show me it, and say it was really good to make one here.

04:18:991 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - note make you jump the wrong way when the next note are in the other direction is a big no no in my flow book. Try something like this instead I tried what you said, but i didn't feel good with that, i'll keep my pattern but taking note of your flow book and make them more readable

04:28:479 (1) - It feels much nicer here btw :) I don't understand but thanks ! xD

04:37:270 (5,1) - Moving these left 2 grid spaces would make it much nicer to catch previous (4) and still be able to hyper (5) to (1). Applied

05:05:875 (1,2) - Be cool instead of just one of these being a hyper. THat both were hyper jumps for the last kiai build up. ^^" Fixed

05:15:084 (4,5) - These again. This can be fixed easy if selecting them both and Ctrl + G them. Fixed

05:26:247 (5,1) - (5)'s slider end is almost a hyper. Perhaps move (1) a bit to the left more to make (5) a hyper.Sure, that make that good

05:30:712 (4) - Shouldn't this be repeated one more time ? The noise ends on the white tick instead of where it is atm. Yep, right again Captain'

Sorry if I seem a little bit harsh in some points but I think it needs a lot more work. It's hard to make heads or tail of what to suggest but I tried my best.
I think it just needs a a bigger mod response and more practice at mapping. I like what you do, and i'll try to learn more about mapping for sure !

Like Afb said. Most of these hypers and patterns are not deluge but just cruel ;w;. Try to make it flow better. Not just to try get the star rating up I'll keep that in mind, thanks for mod !

Good Luck!
Kurokami's Mod

Kurokami wrote:

Hi. Oi !

You requested me to take a look at this so I will. Huhu ~~


00:00:573 (1,1) - Even if this is the hardest difficulty considering the high bpm do not place notes closer to spinners than 1/2. Even that distance might be too small actually. Using small distance is limiting the players to enjoy the spinner in their full length. I was also thinking that, fixed
00:15:084 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - One hard pattern after another in this section, which shouldn't cause too much problem but your flow is not suited for these kind. If you use Ctrl+H and move it to x:416 the flow will ends up being better. You can even add Hyper between (1,2) but then you should reduce the distance between (3,4) a bit in order to recover the control over the catcher before the next Hypers. I don't really thinks that would be changed, because when people tested it, there was no problems on thoses HDash, but i thinks change it like you said because there's another one later
00:20:247 (3) - Move this a little bit right in order to reduce that ugly edge of the stream plus with the current placement its easy to miss this one. :c Fixed c:
00:22:340 (3,4) - I get that you want a Hyper to the next slider, which fits well but you shouldn't make this distance too big in order to achieve that. Moving it one grid to right will solve this problem. Aw, i didn't saw that the distance needed to HDash was not really big (i thinks it's about the bpm?). Fixed
00:28:340 (1) - After a Hyper a strong counter direction movement is not recommended. Its not because it can't be handled but its easy to miss a few droplet on it because of the high approach rate and bpm. Just rotate this a bit if you can and do not forget to change the next few pattern as well. Okay, changed it and added HDash on 00:28:340 (1,2) - it's good ?
00:28:759 (2,3) - This is again a really high distance. Around 1.5x-1.7x plays just fine for an average jump, using 2.0x results a jump which requires high accuracy and really good timing, which at this speed could end up being annoying. Right, moved 00:28:759 (2) - to get 1.63x
00:33:363 (3) - I know this is unique and blabla but it would be better if you could curve this a little to left to allow players to be less precise with their stop. Sure, that better
00:40:759 (5,6) - Ugh, definitely no. The distance is too sudden and easy to miss. I would recommend x:408 for it, which actually makes the distance equal in 00:41:177 (6,7,8) - as well. Okay, fixed
00:47:177 (6,1,2,3) - This pattern is bleeding at two point. The first is that sudden backwards movement on (1) which is not pleasant to play after the Hyper considering that the sliderend is also a Hyper where you need to move left again. And then comes the second part where there is another similar slider with the similar movement. I would consider changing both but just changing (1) should correct the flow pretty much. Just move it's middlepoint to the right side of it. Well, i tried something "new" if i can call this like that, but it's like i moved 00:47:456 (1) - on the left, and changed 00:48:014 (3) - of position to make a better flow, BUT i deleted the HDash on 00:47:177 (6,1) - before but not on 00:47:875 (2) - because i thinks this one is cool to catch
00:56:107 (4,5) - The distance between this is really high and actually even if you catch 'em all, the next slider is just cruel. Consider moving (3,4) a bit to left to shorten this distance and then try to rotate the next slider a bit. Actually, i thinks that was a good pattern, but when i realize what you said, yeah, that one is really cruel x3
01:12:154 (2,3,4) - The hell! Do not counter the Hyper's direction with a triplet. >.< Something similar would be better: K then followed your tip (screen)
01:20:805 (1) - Ayy please. Ayy fixed.
01:22:898 (4,5,1) - This pattern is unrankable on its own as you have an 1/4 Hyper then a backwards movement on the slider which just plays awfully. If you want to keep the Hyper (and I know you want) then use Ctrl+H on (1) and move it back to x:312. Well, you will need to redo the next patterns but this will results the flow to be much better.Ok, i'll change it what you said and found something cool for 01:23:456 (2,3,4) -
01:34:340 (1,2) - This distance again really high and even (2) being a Hyper does help nothing and actually that Hyper is not even fit there. Its just there for pure love I guess. I suggest you to remove it as it follows nothing extraordinary. I know there isn't something for fitting that hyper, but i speak of it with Afb and i thinks this pattern is cool and people don't have so many difficulties to catch it
01:40:759 (4,1) - When you have a chance to place a jump or even Hyper you leave it without any movement? I don't really get it. :c I thinks that isn't a big necessary here because we're on the slow part, and i want people rest a bit here because of difficulty after it. A part without Hdash is also good to calm down :3
01:45:224 (3,1) - Again no movement at all. Turned (3) to the left
01:49:549 (2,3) - Do not use too high distances after Hyper as it might be really hard and annoying to catch them. I suggest 1.5x in these cases as thats still a jump but much friendier. Fixed
02:17:317 (3,1) - Ugh, this flow is awful. Actually removing the repeat from (3) and just add a circle them with a little bit better placement would solve this. I thinks i found a good pattern with it
02:23:177 (4,1) - Same case as I already told you before. Moved 02:23:177 (4) - on x:472 and Ctrl+G ( also i changed a bit 02:23:317 (1) - to make the jump don't stop too straight
02:56:945 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why this stream has Hypers in it? There are no finisher or anything strong just the pure quitar which is the same during the whole 4 seconds. Simple jumps could be accepted but not anything beyond that at this point.
[] We speak IG about this :3

Well yea, I only modded half of it and even though this map is near to be done, there are a few thing which needs to be done first. I tried to cover the first two minutes in this mod but 3 more is still ahead. Actually, I don't want to tell you in every 3-5 second that a distance is high, I hate repeating myself. If you can at least take a look and fix anything higher than 1.8x which is not a Hyper to be smaller that would be nice. If you willing to do these changes I will be ready at another time to go and point out where the flow breaks although from the above mentioned stuff you should already have a grasps on it. Well, feel free to contact me if anything comes up or needs explanation. I will be available at every day on this week after 16:00 UTC+2 although I will be tired as hell. :c Good luck for now. Thanks :3

Also, I see no answers to the last two mod although you gave kudosu. Do not forget to answer them as well. >.< I already did it, watch on the main page, after sc4v4ng3r mod

Here for clarification~ This colour = me

Nitsches wrote:

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

  1. You need a preview point, set it somewhere before the chorus like 01:13:689 - .
    Didn't really understand that, can you PM me for more explications please ? Thanks ^^

    In the editor, under the timing tab, there will be a option called 'Set Current Position as Preview Point'. This is the position where the music will play out in the menu. You can place the preview point on the timestamp that I've given you, as that is the beginning of the stanza of the chorus.
  2. 00:20:666 (1,1,1) - NC spam on the second (1) and the third (1) is definitely not needed.
    Didn't really know, timing is by CherryBlossom, i didn't touch anythings on, but changed "Simpleset ->Normal to default"

    NC = new combos. You don't need to spam NCs here without a solid reason, and it doesn't really represent anything in the song.
  3. 00:26:107 (5) - Since this has the same electric guitar like all other red beats, you would want to NC here for consistency, and also add a finish for consistency as well.
    Huuuuu, what ? ;_;

    Well again, NC = new combos. Since missing out on a NC here makes the whole combo inconsistent with others, you would want to add it in here.
Topic Starter

Nitsches wrote:

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

  1. You need a preview point, set it somewhere before the chorus like 01:13:689 - .
    Didn't really understand that, can you PM me for more explications please ? Thanks ^^

    In the editor, under the timing tab, there will be a option called 'Set Current Position as Preview Point'. This is the position where the music will play out in the menu. You can place the preview point on the timestamp that I've given you, as that is the beginning of the stanza of the chorus.
  2. 00:20:666 (1,1,1) - NC spam on the second (1) and the third (1) is definitely not needed.
    Didn't really know, timing is by CherryBlossom, i didn't touch anythings on, but changed "Simpleset ->Normal to default"

    NC = new combos. You don't need to spam NCs here without a solid reason, and it doesn't really represent anything in the song.
  3. 00:26:107 (5) - Since this has the same electric guitar like all other red beats, you would want to NC here for consistency, and also add a finish for consistency as well.
    Huuuuu, what ? ;_;

    Well again, NC = new combos. Since missing out on a NC here makes the whole combo inconsistent with others, you would want to add it in here.

Thanks for helping mate, didn't know those things ! :o :o
From my modding queue.
  1. None
  1. 00:08:386 (1) - make this slider 180 degree horizontal because it will connect well with the next two hitcircles.
  2. 00:08:805 (2,3) - make it closer to previous slider by move this notes to x:304.
  3. 00:11:735 (1,2) - Move this notes to x: 408.
  4. 00:10:340 (4) - make it closer to previous hitcirle.
  5. 00:12:293 (3,4,5) - Make like *this are more better.
  6. 00:13:968 (1,2,3,4) - Make like *this are more better.
  7. 00:15:363 (2) - hard to catch. Maybe you can make it closer to previous slider.
  8. 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6,1) - Make like *this are more better.
  9. 00:18:154 (5) - make this slider 180 horizontal.
  10. 00:20:666 (1) - too far close to the right a little bit.
  11. 00:21:224 (2) - make this reverse slider horizontal a little bit maybe 45 degree.
  12. 00:21:642 (1) - too far close to the right a little bit.
  13. 00:22:759 (1) - make this slider 45 degree horizontal & closer to previous hitcircle.
  14. 00:23:177 (6,7) - Move this notes to x: 160.
  15. 00:23:875 (1) - move to the left a little bit.
  16. 00:25:828 (3,4) - make this closer to each other.
  17. 00:30:154 (3) - make this reverse slider 180 degree horizontal to the left.
  18. 00:37:968 (1,2,1,2,1) - make like 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6,1) - this.
  19. 00:47:177 (6) - too far make it closer to the right.
  20. 00:53:456 (1) - too far from previous slider make it closer, hard to catch with this kind of jump.
  21. 00:56:386 (1) - same like above.
  22. 00:57:503 (1) - same like above.
  23. 01:02:945 (4,1) - make this closer to previous hitcircle because it too sudden and easy to miss.
  24. I will end here, I hope you can apply it on next part regarding jumps & suitable hyperdashes. Example like above.
Sorry, double post.
Well after test I'm a hundred percent certain that you should chenge your current AR to 9.3 also as you know OD should be 9.3 too. There is an other issue, Slider Tick Rate should be 2, you can find it at timing section. Now you can test your map after that changes and compare. I can mod4mod, send me a forum PM if you want.

Ok, let's start with modding:


  1. lool I can see that you like customized things xD, HP:6 CS:4 please
  2. Uncheck "Display storyboard in front of combo fire" and "Letterbox during breaks" to follow guidelness propertly.


Intense mod, hope to see this map ranked, never give up.
  1. At first part, you should reduce a bit some spinners to make this part more clean and factible for players:
    - 00:00:642 (1) - finish at 00:02:666 -
    - 00:02:875 (1) - finish at 00:04:898 -
    - 00:05:107 (1) - finish at 00:07:131 -
  2. 00:10:340 (4,5) - I don't know what happen with such sliders, maybe you change slider velocity multiplier? anyways, 00:10:340 (4) - should finish at 00:10:619 - and 00:10:805 (5) - should be placed at 00:10:759 - with reverse arrow at 00:10:898 -.
  3. 00:09:503 (1) - you forgot to enphasize this note with HDash as you did on 00:11:735 (1) - 00:13:968 (1) - 00:16:200 (1) - right?
  4. 00:13:968 (1) - I like how you enphasized this note with HDash but there is a reason to put another HDash between 00:13:968 (1,2) -? it's kinda weird and many players could miss this jump because song doesn't reflect that, in the other hand I'm not saying that you should stack some sliders 'cause I'm not agree about the way of 00:12:293 (3,4) -, it should be changed too imo.
  5. 00:14:247 (2,3) - here we go again, does it need HDash? if you ask me I'll say no!. ohh but if you fix the previous advice, I'm sure that the distance here is better, I'll leave to you.
  6. 00:16:200 (1) - too hard to catch, Ok, this diff is like overdose but I suggest you to reduce the distance at 00:15:921 (5,6,1) -, it should be fixed easily moving 00:16:061 (6) - to x:152
  7. 00:22:340 (3,4) - why HDash here? I think that HDash should be between 00:22:619 (4,1) - as you did on 00:20:386 (5,1) - 00:21:224 (1,1) -, also I'll give you some patterns with the same problems:
    1.- 00:23:596 (4,1) -
    2.- 00:24:852 (4,1) -
    3.- 00:27:084 (9,1) -
    4.- 00:28:061 (4,1) -
    5.- 00:32:666 (5,1) -
    6.- 00:36:014 (4,1) -
  8. 00:23:456 (3,4) - doesn't follow a good rhythm, I'm std mapper too, so, In my opinion, slider should be first and then a note. I recommend you to press Ctrl+G and replace your notes then.
  9. 00:29:038 (3,4) - good, nice jump, why not between 00:28:759 (2,3) - ?
  10. 00:31:689 (1) - why slider with reverse? should be only one slider, in the other hand I think that a reverse slider could be good at 00:33:363 (3) -, what do you think?
  11. from 01:05:038 - to 01:11:735 - is pretty nice with consistency present, sad to say that I'm not agree with part from 00:56:386 - to 01:03:921 - cause there are parts when you did HDashes to enphasize voice ( for example: 00:57:224 (3,1) - 00:59:456 (3,1) - ) and other HDashes to enphasize guitar ( for example: 00:58:619 (1,2) - 01:00:852 (1,2) - ) I recommend you to keep consistency with part from 01:05:038 - to 01:11:735 -
  12. HDash between 01:12:293 (4,5) - should be removed, this jump is unconfortable and unrankeable.
  13. 01:13:131 (1,2,3) - holly .... :O reduce the distance between such notes
  14. 01:17:038 (3,1) - you forgot to add HDash here, same as 01:17:875 (2,3) - cause is the same sound
  15. 01:20:666 (6,1) - funny to play but unrankeable cause distance is too high, you should reduce the distance
  16. I'm surprised because you follow voice high pitch with long slider at 01:20:805 (1) - but not at 01:21:921 (1) - why not consistency?
  17. 01:31:968 (1,2,3) - too straight, try to move some notes and make 01:32:386 (2) - more slant
  18. 01:33:921 (3,4) - don't you think that the distance between such notes are too long? for example you could reduce at 2.03x same as 01:30:154 (1,2) - or 1.41x same as 01:31:549 (3,4) - it's up to you.
  19. why HDash between 01:56:386 (5,6) - ? high pitch is on 01:56:666 - right? HDash between 01:56:526 (6,1) - works better.
  20. since 01:56:666 - to 02:04:200 - I don't understand what are you following to make HDashes, for example: 01:57:503 (3) - 02:01:968 (3) - and 01:58:619 (3) - 02:03:084 (3) - where is consistency on similar sounds? I found a nice way to keep consistency with your current patterns, only 3 changes:
    1.- 02:01:968 (3,1) - HDash between such notes should be removed to keep consistency with 01:57:503 (3,1) -
    2.- 02:02:666 (2,3) - HDash should be added, same as 01:58:200 (2,3) -
    3.- 02:03:363 (1,2) - add HDash, consistency with 01:58:898 (1,2) -
  21. 02:13:410 (1,2) - move a bit to the left to make more clear, x:232y:352, now 02:13:131 (7,1,2) - have similar distance.
  22. 02:13:828 (4) - I'll recommend you to delete this note, 'cause I can see enough breaks on your map and is not at all necessary.
  23. 02:14:526 - kiai start here, strong sound... why not HDash to enphasize high pitch?
  24. 02:14:526 (1,2,3) - too hard mate, only ExGon will be happy with this pattern.
  25. 02:15:642 (1,2,3) - wtf lool, same as above.
  26. 02:21:503 (2,3) - HDash here is not necessary, 02:21:921 (3) - move a bit closer to 02:21:503 (2) - and add HDash between 02:21:921 (3,1) - to enphasize high pitch at 02:22:200 -
  27. 03:00:572 (2,3) - don't you want to add HDash here?
  28. 03:02:107 (3) - ugly, make more straight
  29. 03:04:479 (6,1) - you miss HDash here, also between 03:04:759 (1,2) - it's like standard mapping O.o
  30. 03:28:131 (5,1) - move a bit to the left
  31. 03:57:572 (1,1) - sounds bad, I recoment you to change into 1/4 or you can add a timing section and change the volume to 30 or 25, it's up to you but I recommend you the first advice.
  32. 04:13:968 (1,2,3,4) - you are on the most intense part of the song, this patterns don't reflect that.
  33. 04:42:991 (1) - what happened with this slider? try to fix it.
  34. 04:48:014 (1,2,1) - are you sure about HDash here? because song is decreasing.
  35. since 04:57:503 - I'll stop with modding because I'm helping to change an std map into a ctb ._., pleaseeee!!!

You have awesome patterns, there are parts when I feel the song with your patterns but there are parts when I want to delete your map because make me crazy loool, I recommed you to fix some problems about consistency on similar sounds and jumps and it will be closer to rank. Hope to help you, kudosu if it deserve.
placeholder (make sure you update your map first, then I can mod it) :D
this is just a suggestion from me so if it's not helpful at all, dont kd me
  1. 00:20:386 (5,1) - try to reduce the distance between 5 and 1. seems that the hyper to 5 makes it harder to reach back to 1.
  2. 00:48:014 (3) - try rotating this 90 degree clockwise and move it to x: 312, and then move 00:48:852 (1) - to x:160 to retain the previous distance
  3. 00:53:875 (2,3) - make a dash (or a hyperdash) between these two sliders (my suggestion is ctrl+g 00:54:154 (3) - and move it to x: 496)
    you can reduce the distance between 00:53:456 (1,2) - but i dont think that's necessary for now.
  4. 00:57:921 (2,3) - ctrl+h this and move them to x:352. seems the previous pattern is kinda boring to me q_q
  5. 01:01:689 (3) - ctrl+g this and move to the right a bit by one or two grids
  6. 01:02:805 (3,4) - the hyperdash to 4 isnt that good since the hyperdash should start at 4... move 01:02:945 (4) - to x:8 or find a better way to make a hyperdash from 01:02:945 (4) - to 01:03:084 (1) - without damaging the 3 to 4 hyperdash and the hyperdashes afterwards. it's up to you to decide :)
  7. 01:09:782 (1) - try ctrl+h and move the slider to x:448
  8. 01:28:619 (1) - how about moving this to the right (x:472) or to the left (x:40) to create a sweet hyperdash before the spinner?
  9. 01:57:782 (1) - ctrl+g and move this to the left a bit (probably by 2 or 3 grids)
  10. 02:00:014 (1) - ctrl+g
  11. 02:00:433 (2) - make it like this and move it to x:416. after that, move 02:00:852 (3) - to either x:360 or x:472
  12. 02:02:247 (1,2,3) - ctrl+h them
  13. 02:10:061 (1) - ctrl+g
  14. 02:52:340 (1) - x:360
  15. 03:59:875 (2) - ctrl+g and move to x:24
  16. 04:00:572 (1) - ctrl+h
  17. 04:03:921 (1) - ctrl+h
  18. 04:04:759 (3,1) - for this one, move 04:04:759 (3) - to x:216. after that, ctrl+h this 04:05:038 (1) - and move it to x:24
  19. 04:06:154 (1,2) - first, ctrl+g this 04:06:154 (1) - . and then, ctrl+g this 04:06:572 (2) - and move the slider to x:440
  20. 04:21:503 (4) - move to x:16
  21. 04:28:200 (6,7) - move them to x:504
  22. 04:29:596 (1,2) - ctrl+h
  23. 04:31:131 (2) - ctrl+h and move to x:296
  24. 04:32:666 (3) - x:64
  25. 04:33:363 (2,3,4) - ctrl+h and move to x:272
  26. 04:35:596 (2) - ctrl+g and move to x:264
  27. 04:37:410 (1) - ctrl+h and move to x:112
  28. 04:39:642 (1) - ctrl+h
  29. 04:40:759 (1) - ^
  30. 04:47:457 (1,2,3) - vertical notes aren't that good for this part. it should be emphasized more. for example, 04:47:596 (2) - to x:416 and 04:47:736 (3) - to x:144
  31. 05:11:875 (1) - move to x:456
  32. 05:15:084 (4,5) - ctrl+h and move to x:104
  33. 05:16:479 (1) - move to x:360
  34. 05:19:689 (1) - x:64
  35. 05:20:805 (1) - this note should be either left side or right side to create a hyperdash from 05:20:666 (4) -
  36. 05:23:038 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - ctrl+h them.
just to let you know, almost all of the suggestion above are to emphasize the parts that you aren't really emphasize properly before. and this is my possible solutions to emphasize that said parts.
let me know if you're not agree with any of my suggestion(s), we can work out on other solution(s) if possible.
if you have any issue, feel free to PM me in-game if I'm available :)

overall, it's a well-made challenging map for me to enjoy CtB once more. to ctb BNs, pls approve this map :3

good luck~! owo

█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ Halvanhelev]

  • Preview Point
  1. Your map still lack a preview point where Sc4v4ng3r had pointed it out before. Please add one, I would suggest adding one at 01:13:689 - . (In case you still don't know how to add that: * screenshot)

    Miscellaneous Toggles
  2. Uncheck 'Display Storyboard in front of Combo Fire', your map doesn't even contain a storyboard.
  3. Uncheck 'Letterbox during Breaks' as well, it doesn't feel good with letterbox at 02:30:154 - and 04:48:572 - . And usually letterbox is used for storyboarding so that's not a good idea to keep it.

    Difficulty Settings
  4. Change the OD to 9.3 as well. AR=OD, as always. Keep it in mind. In fact, I doubt if the AR can be increased slightly to 9.5, since the map is full of jumps and streams, it surely can emphasize the upbeat nature and allow players to read more easily.

    Inherited Timing Sections
    Move the following timing sections earlier to a blue tick:
  5. 00:02:735 -
  6. 00:04:968 -
  7. 00:07:200 -

    Remove the following timing sections as they are unused, or just a duplicate of the previous timing section:
  8. 00:08:386 -
  9. 01:05:317 -
  10. 02:56:945 -

  11. 00:11:596 - Why not map this sound with a circle too? There is a sound in the background where you can actually map it. You might have to change the patterning of 00:10:759 (5,6) - if you want to do that, since the HDash will be too intense if you just add a circle.
  12. 00:14:247 (2,3) - Since you are just adding HDashes to emphasize the cymbals, like 00:09:084 (4,1) - and 00:11:177 (6,1) - , what about removing the HDash here? That's not emphasizing anything special and (3) is not a strong, prominent note either.
  13. 00:14:805 (4,1) - ^
  14. 00:17:596 (2,3) - I guess you might want to add HDash here as you emphasize (5) with a HDash of 00:18:014 (4,5) - , while I think it suits quite well if you add HDash here, and changing the pattern to triplets. Perhaps you may find the following pattern useful: *screenshot. Note that the placement of 00:17:317 (1,2) - is different from the original one, moving to the right slightly.
  15. 00:19:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - This played out strangely. I think it is better to add HDash every 6 circles, just to match the Clap at 00:19:968 (6) - and the sound at 00:20:386 (5) - In addition, add Finish to 00:20:386 (5) - (or any cymbals you find suitable)
  16. 00:22:061 (2,3) - Reduce the distance, it is really far away yet the HDash of 00:21:642 (1,2) - draws away players' attention to the next notes.
  17. 00:23:177 (2,3) - ^
  18. 00:26:107 (5) - NC?
  19. 00:28:759 (2,3,4) - I know it is not an intentional mistake, maybe you want to move (3) a bit to the left, as the distance of 00:28:759 (2,3) - is way larger than 00:29:038 (3,4) -
  20. 00:32:107 (2,3) - Reduce the distance as (2) already swiped players away from the next notes, which also requires full dashing (00:32:386 (3,4,5) - ). Reducing the distance here helps players to catch up easily.
  21. 00:32:805 (1,2) - Reduce the distance here too, the pattern of OOO is not so recommended. Maybe you want to move (2) a bit to the right.
  22. 00:33:363 (3,4) - Reduce the distance.
  23. 00:37:270 (1,1) - ^; In addition, remove the NC at 00:37:689 (1) -
  24. 00:46:898 (5,6,1) - I suggest removing HDash of (5,6), seriously (6) is not a strong note to be emphasized with a HDash. Instead, 00:47:456 (1) - sounds more prominent and it is a new beginning of combo, so keeping the HDash to this note would be fine while removing the previous one I have mentioned.
  25. 00:51:503 (3,1) - HDash? Same as the reason above.
  26. 00:53:456 (1,2) - Remove the HDash? (2) is not sounding strong in the audio.
  27. 00:56:386 - 01:04:061 - This part is so inconsistent, since the HDash allocations are different from one another for each patterns, like you didn't add HDash at 00:56:386 (1,2) - , but then there is one at 00:58:619 (1,2) - ; And there are no HDash between 01:00:572 (3,4) - but there is a very large one at 01:02:805 (3,4) - Please fix this part by having the same, consistent timeline. Note that the note placements can be different but at least the timeline is the same and the same point with HDash.
  28. 01:05:317 - 01:09:642 - Aforementioned applies to here, too.
  29. 01:10:619 (3,1) - Reduce the distance here, it is holy big.
  30. 01:10:898 (1,2) - Inconsistent with 01:09:782 (1,2) - as there are no HDash. Add one.
  31. 01:12:293 (4,5,6) - I think it is better to add HDash at (5,6) instead of (4,5), it provides a better rhythm.
  32. 01:14:805 (3,4) - Reduce the distance. In addition, you may increase the distance of 01:15:084 (4,1) - if you think this part is too easy and need some dashes.
  33. 01:17:038 (3,1) - HDash? You did that later at 01:17:875 (2,3) - and 01:18:433 (4,1) - Anyways, you may move 01:17:875 (2) - and 01:18:433 (4) - a bit closer to the middle, it feels like this part is a bit easy as the part sounds quite intense.
  34. 01:25:968 (3,4,1) - Move (4) a bit to the left so a HDash at (4,1) can be added. It feels like (3,4) is too static in movement in the current state.
  35. 01:26:386 (1,2) - As aforementioned, you can change the distance to something similar to 01:26:945 (3,4) -
  36. 01:30:154 (1,2) - Reduce the distance, (1) swipes players away so the distance can be slightly smaller to cope with the sudden 'blind'.
  37. 01:37:270 (3,4,1) - Way too cruel here, usually players will try to catch (4). However the distance of (3,4) is fairly huge, if players miss the jump here, it means they are going to miss the rest as well, which may also result in failing. To cope with this problem, reduce the distance of (3,4) while maintaining the HDash at (4,1).
  38. 01:48:014 (2,3) - Reduce the distance.
  39. 01:48:852 (5,1) - ^
  40. 01:49:549 (2,3) - ^
  41. 01:52:200 (1,2,3) - The distance here is too large while there are no HDashes. Consider adding one at (2,3), so you may move (2) slightly to the left.
  42. 01:52:759 (3,4) - Gah distance.
  43. 01:54:991 (3,4,1) - ^, that's really unexpected to the players, that it is still a fairly soft part but you have to jump from side to side.
  44. 01:56:666 - 02:04:340 - Same thing related to the inconsistencies.
  45. 02:05:038 (1,2) - You had HDash at 01:04:759 (3,4) - but not here, please add one here to keep consistency. In fact remove the NC here too for consistency.
  46. 02:05:596 - 02:12:154 - Same thing.
  47. 02:12:433 (2,3,4) - I feel like the flow here is not so well, maybe you want to rotate it 180 degree and place it back to the original place?
  48. 02:13:131 (7,1,2,3) - Hmm, I see. I know you want (1,2,3) intense but (7,1) is a fairly large distance, what about reducing the distance of (7,1) while keeping (1,2,3)? You may move (1,2,3) a bit to the right. After fixing, you also have to make 02:13:689 (3,1) - easy-going. Right now it is kind of pixel jump.
  49. 02:21:503 (2) - I guess it is not intentional. Lengthen the slider to 1/1.
  50. 02:23:038 (3,4,5,1) - It feels like the HDash at (3,4) is going to cover all the notes at this point, including (4,5,1) since they also require dashing to FC. What about reducing the distance of (4,5,1)? Also, move (3) a bit to the left instead of being in the same place as the end of the slider, that would make a lot more sense.
  51. 02:25:131 (3,4,1) - HDash at (4,1) would fit more than having one at (3,4), to match the vocal.
  52. 02:26:526 (5,1) - HDash? You may turn 02:26:666 (1,2) - to inward-pointed sliders, it still plays perfectly.

    I guess I will stop here since most of the problems are HDash usage, distance spacing, and consistency. Please also check the later parts first before pushing forward.

    It is also appreciated to have some mods checking the entire map to make sure the jumps are not too timed or cruel.

Good luck!
Hello! I'm here to mod. Obviously

- 00:11:735 (1) - This hitsound sounds early. I think you meant to put hitsound here 00:11:875 (2) ?
- 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6) I suggest you find another way on mapping this, feels a bit weird.
- 00:37:689 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) ^
- 01:22:061 (1) late hitsound
- 01:22:898 (4,5,1) You have a big finish hitsound on note (1) but note (4,5) are so close it doesn't even feel like a finish. Try adding space between (4,5) and (1,) so note (5) and be a hyper.
- 01:32:805 ( 3,4) Move these away from note (2) feels awkward
- 01:38:805 (1) , You should make this a slider because with the single note, it feels empty
- 00:38:526 (1) ^
- 01:41:038 (1) , Move this to the left more
- 01:42:154 (1,2,3) add some space between note (1,3)
- 02:10:061 (1) , this needs to be an HDash, the note is too far to catch.
- 02:17:317 (3) , This feels awkward. Try rotating this a bit.
- 02:23:177 (4,1) Again, big finish but no Hdash. Fix the spacing so (4) can be a HD
Be careful with the use of HD's here. The HD's are so strong here, you literally miss notes.
- 03:25:410 (1,2,3,4,5) This is really hard to read, re-map pls.
- 03:55:200 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) Feels really boring to have a long stream in a straight line, try changing them up.
- 03:55:898 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) ^
- 03:56:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) ^
- 04:05:456 (4,5,6,7) Too hard, re-map
- 05:09:642 (1,2,3) , (2,3) Too close to note (1) move them apart.
- 05:14:526 (1) Move this away from note (1) , feels weird

Good luck with this!
Here for my part of the m4m :3.

I'm not the best at modding deluges as I can't play them but will try my best to suggest as many things as possible >w<
This is so hard to test!

Check AI mod. Some notes are not snapped.

00:19:549 (1,2,3,4) - In play these would feel better if curved instead of a straight line imo.

00:39:642 (3) - You follow the vocals here presumably but this does not sound right here. It would be better if the patterns were like this to fit the vocals better in this section.

00:48:991 (2) - If you're still following the vocals here it's best to shorten this slider so it ends on 00:49:131 - and make it into a reverse slider.

00:59:735 (1,2,1,2) - I don't know about you but these sliders going straight up seem to kill the flow imo as it is a deluge and it should be that it makes the player move constantly even if on a peaceful part.

01:12:154 (2,3,4,5) - the triplets are a bit hard to try jump to (5) after in flow. I would have something like this instead so it's more smoother in flow.

01:27:921 (2,3) - Be better flow if these were slanted outwards slightly so no sudden stop movements kills glide flow.

02:13:410 (1,2) - Double hyper here makes it almost impossible to get the next note. Consider only making (2) a hyper instead.

02:23:177 (4) - Just a tip. These sliders facing the other way are so painful to play in anything even for a Deluge. And there are loads of these. Try fixing them ;w;.

02:46:898 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This spacing is also torture. Please reduce spacing.

02:55:270 (3) - You need to move this more to the right. Just DS this next to the previous (2) slider as it's such a flow stopper in where it is right now.

02:59:456 (4,1) - Try these jumps for yourself in the stream ;w;... So hard. Try having it all flow the same way and not putting and flips to things that are impossible to catch ;w;.

03:02:107 (3) - Another straight up flow stopper. This should slider end reverse should slant to the left.

03:05:596 (3,4) - Mentioned this before

03:41:875 (2) - I won't mention about these anymore.

03:56:457 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I won't even question these streams ;w;.... Just try it for yourself and see what's wrong with it. So much happening here it's hard to explain so you should find out yourself. (somewhat I am repeating stuff)

04:05:456 (4,5,6) - Really lots of anti flow again. Try make these straight going left instead of reversing some of the notes. Makes it so much better.

04:16:200 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - I.... I can't ;w;.... This is even more than deluge... it's like... Impossibru ! (sorry for criticism. what I was meant to say here was please try to make it play better as it's almost impossible here for anyone.)

04:18:991 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - note make you jump the wrong way when the next note are in the other direction is a big no no in my flow book. Try something like this instead

04:28:479 (1) - It feels much nicer here btw :)

04:37:270 (5,1) - Moving these left 2 grid spaces would make it much nicer to catch previous (4) and still be able to hyper (5) to (1).

05:05:875 (1,2) - Be cool instead of just one of these being a hyper. THat both were hyper jumps for the last kiai build up.

05:15:084 (4,5) - These again. This can be fixed easy if selecting them both and Ctrl + G them.

05:26:247 (5,1) - (5)'s slider end is almost a hyper. Perhaps move (1) a bit to the left more to make (5) a hyper.

05:30:712 (4) - Shouldn't this be repeated one more time ? The noise ends on the white tick instead of where it is atm.

Sorry if I seem a little bit harsh in some points but I think it needs a lot more work. It's hard to make heads or tail of what to suggest but I tried my best.
I think it just needs a a bigger mod response and more practise at mapping.

Like Afb said. Most of these hypers and patterns are not deluge but just cruel ;w;. Try to make it flow better. Not just to try get the star rating up

Good Luck!

You requested me to take a look at this so I will.


00:00:573 (1,1) - Even if this is the hardest difficulty considering the high bpm do not place notes closer to spinners than 1/2. Even that distance might be too small actually. Using small distance is limiting the players to enjoy the spinner in their full length.
00:15:084 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - One hard pattern after another in this section, which shouldn't cause too much problem but your flow is not suited for these kind. If you use Ctrl+H and move it to x:416 the flow will ends up being better. You can even add Hyper between (1,2) but then you should reduce the distance between (3,4) a bit in order to recover the control over the catcher before the next Hypers.
00:20:247 (3) - Move this a little bit right in order to reduce that ugly edge of the stream plus with the current placement its easy to miss this one. :c
00:22:340 (3,4) - I get that you want a Hyper to the next slider, which fits well but you shouldn't make this distance too big in order to achieve that. Moving it one grid to right will solve this problem.
00:28:340 (1) - After a Hyper a strong counter direction movement is not recommended. Its not because it can't be handled but its easy to miss a few droplet on it because of the high approach rate and bpm. Just rotate this a bit if you can and do not forget to change the next few pattern as well.
00:28:759 (2,3) - This is again a really high distance. Around 1.5x-1.7x plays just fine for an average jump, using 2.0x results a jump which requires high accuracy and really good timing, which at this speed could end up being annoying.
00:33:363 (3) - I know this is unique and blabla but it would be better if you could curve this a little to left to allow players to be less precise with their stop.
00:40:759 (5,6) - Ugh, definitely no. The distance is too sudden and easy to miss. I would recommend x:408 for it, which actually makes the distance equal in 00:41:177 (6,7,8) - as well.
00:47:177 (6,1,2,3) - This pattern is bleeding at two point. The first is that sudden backwards movement on (1) which is not pleasant to play after the Hyper considering that the sliderend is also a Hyper where you need to move left again. And then comes the second part where there is another similar slider with the similar movement. I would consider changing both but just changing (1) should correct the flow pretty much. Just move it's middlepoint to the right side of it.
00:56:107 (4,5) - The distance between this is really high and actually even if you catch 'em all, the next slider is just cruel. Consider moving (3,4) a bit to left to shorten this distance and then try to rotate the next slider a bit.
01:12:154 (2,3,4) - The hell! Do not counter the Hyper's direction with a triplet. >.< Something similar would be better:
01:20:805 (1) - Ayy please.
01:22:898 (4,5,1) - This pattern is unrankable on its own as you have an 1/4 Hyper then a backwards movement on the slider which just plays awfully. If you want to keep the Hyper (and I know you want) then use Ctrl+H on (1) and move it back to x:312. Well, you will need to redo the next patterns but this will results the flow to be much better.
01:34:340 (1,2) - This distance again really high and even (2) being a Hyper does help nothing and actually that Hyper is not even fit there. Its just there for pure love I guess. I suggest you to remove it as it follows nothing extraordinary.
01:40:759 (4,1) - When you have a chance to place a jump or even Hyper you leave it without any movement? I don't really get it. :c
01:45:224 (3,1) - Again no movement at all.
01:49:549 (2,3) - Do not use too high distances after Hyper as it might be really hard and annoying to catch them. I suggest 1.5x in these cases as thats still a jump but much friendier.
02:17:317 (3,1) - Ugh, this flow is awful. Actually removing the repeat from (3) and just add a circle them with a little bit better placement would solve this.
02:23:177 (4,1) - Same case as I already told you before.
02:56:945 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why this stream has Hypers in it? There are no finisher or anything strong just the pure quitar which is the same during the whole 4 seconds. Simple jumps could be accepted but not anything beyond that at this point.

Well yea, I only modded half of it and even though this map is near to be done, there are a few thing which needs to be done first. I tried to cover the first two minutes in this mod but 3 more is still ahead. Actually, I don't want to tell you in every 3-5 second that a distance is high, I hate repeating myself. If you can at least take a look and fix anything higher than 1.8x which is not a Hyper to be smaller that would be nice. If you willing to do these changes I will be ready at another time to go and point out where the flow breaks although from the above mentioned stuff you should already have a grasps on it. Well, feel free to contact me if anything comes up or needs explanation. I will be available at every day on this week after 16:00 UTC+2 although I will be tired as hell. :c Good luck for now.

Also, I see no answers to the last two mod although you gave kudosu. Do not forget to answer them as well. >.<
Topic Starter
All mods aren't ignored or not answered to suggestions, just i don't know you receive an e-mail of it...


For all mods before Kurokami's one include, refer to the post i do after Sc4v4ng3r's and Kuki's mod
Until now and forever, (as Kurokami explain to me IG) i'll notice the feedback's directly after the mod
Thanks and sorry :3
02:28:014 remove kiai
02:48:642 add inherited point, soft for the audio - 02:48:782 inherited point to return normal for audio, these sound weird without this mod
02:53:875 and 02:53:875 remove these beats, dont belong
02:57:572 move to x:126
02:57:642 move to x:181
02:57:712 move to x:244
02:57:782 move to x:302
03:09:695 to 03:09:921 stream isnt timed well plus doesnt belong
03:13:689 make this slider diagonal or sideways, ctb upstraigt makes it harder
That is all i could find past 50% :/
Topic Starter

TylorTheDJ wrote:

02:28:014 remove kiai Nope, but i'll decal it to 02:28:898 (1) - for finish
02:48:642 add inherited point, soft for the audio - 02:48:782 inherited point to return normal for audio, these sound weird without this mod Done
02:53:875 and 02:53:875 remove these beats, dont belong ????????????
02:57:572 move to x:126 No, i'll not change streaming part
02:57:642 move to x:181 -^
02:57:712 move to x:244 -^
02:57:782 move to x:302 -^
03:09:695 to 03:09:921 stream isnt timed well plus doesnt belongIt belong to the music, that part is on 1/6 timing
03:13:689 make this slider diagonal or sideways, ctb upstraigt makes it harder Sure, that seems better :)
That is all i could find past 50% :/
Well, i thinks you tried your best for 3 month player, so i'll give you a kudosu for this to help you to go ahead on this game :)
Professor Gila
waiting for bubble!?!?!?!?!??!

i think i better don't mod this map ;w;

just a suggestion to add some more hypers on the map

don't gimme kudos for this ;w;
Bubble? Where? Do not be afraid of the icons. Just because there is an icon that not means the map is flawless. You can check it and might find something to point out.
Magic Girl
Alright here we go let's get this over with.

M4M is here \o / I won't be thoroughly intensely modding this but I'll try my best. I'm also modding this in editor which gives me lag so some points might be worhtless.

  1. 01:05:038 (5,6) - 2.12x distance (from the last note) is pretty uncomfortable, I noticed you use it a lot so be careful.
  2. 01:21:224 (2,3,4) - With this, I find myself having to hold down dash, from the (2,3) to the end of (4) takes me from one end of the screen to the next which is kinda annoying to do.
  3. 01:47:456 (4) - Any reason for a hyper to here? The vocal is strong enough for a strong hyper here imo, maybe weaken or remove the hyper?
  4. 02:28:759 (4) - 3.21x distance for a hyper is pretty strong, and found a lot throughout the map I feel. Maybe weaken the hyper, my suggestion is x:192.
  5. 02:29:247 (1) - This slider ends on the 1/4 tick when the drum sounds at the 1/1 tick.
  6. 03:14:619 (1) - I noticed this was on the 1/6 tick. But possibly remove the normal hitsound? It really throws me off. And possibly decreasing the volume throughout the guitar solo.
  7. 04:48:014 (1,2,1) - These are on fairly weak vocals. perhaps remove the hypers?
  8. 03:00:572 (2) - Really strong hyper, I understand it's a difficult part of the song but the transition here is uncomfortable to play and there is not significantly strong sound. It's also right against the wall which correct me if I'm wrong is unrankable because it causes the catcher to be more difficult to control. (Unsure about this point but I do still suggest you weaken the hyper and possibly make the slider at 03:00:712 (3) - not so sharp)
  9. 03:01:270 (1) - 4.82x distance is kinda insane at this point. There is a strong guitar however so I suggest just weakening the hyper.
  10. 03:05:875 (1) - The stream that starts here is 3.99x distancing, again consider reducing.
    Ok well I'm skimming over any more distance stuff from now. Do revise the distancing though as some of it unnecessarily difficult imo
  11. 03:23:735 (1) - Maybe tilt this a little so it's not such a strong slider?
  12. 03:25:410 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Not really a good suggestion but these patterns don't really go with the music well...
  13. 03:58:131 (2,3) - Here, the (2) ends on a 1/4 tick when the drum is at the 1/2 tick. So the transition to (3) here is awkward.
Guess I'll end the mod here. Sorry for the constant back and forth times in the mod. General issue is distancing though so be careful about that.
Topic Starter

- Magic Girl - wrote:

Alright here we go let's get this over with.

M4M is here \o / I won't be thoroughly intensely modding this but I'll try my best. I'm also modding this in editor which gives me lag so some points might be worhtless. That not a problem, a mod is always (or maybe) a good one !

  1. 01:05:038 (5,6) - 2.12x distance (from the last note) is pretty uncomfortable, I noticed you use it a lot so be careful. Ok thanks, that should not be a pixel jump here, i do ctrl+g on 01:05:038 (5,6) - and changed 01:05:317 (1) - to keep the flow
  2. 01:21:224 (2,3,4) - With this, I find myself having to hold down dash, from the (2,3) to the end of (4) takes me from one end of the screen to the next which is kinda annoying to do. Should i make a Hdash here ?I that case, i just do ctrl+g on 01:21:224 (2,3) -
  3. 01:47:456 (4) - Any reason for a hyper to here? The vocal is strong enough for a strong hyper here imo, maybe weaken or remove the hyper? Well, was thinking that should be good, but peoples don't really like it. So i moved notes 01:46:340 (2) - to 01:47:456 (4) - to making that enjoyable to play
  4. 02:28:759 (4) - 3.21x distance for a hyper is pretty strong, and found a lot throughout the map I feel. Maybe weaken the hyper, my suggestion is x:192. Right, i thinks you missed the note, that (1) not (4). Changed but moved (1) to x:168 to make a back-to-back Hdash
  5. 02:29:247 (1) - This slider ends on the 1/4 tick when the drum sounds at the 1/1 tick.My bad, i thinks it was changed, reduced slider by 2 ticks
  6. 03:14:619 (1) - I noticed this was on the 1/6 tick. But possibly remove the normal hitsound? It really throws me off. And possibly decreasing the volume throughout the guitar solo. Adjusted slider to 1/4 tick.I don't want to decrease more the volume of solo guitar, that make me feeling so good to play that in ! You didn't feel anything with that ?
  7. 04:48:014 (1,2,1) - These are on fairly weak vocals. perhaps remove the hypers? That right, I think changed them but never found any good pattern, finally found one *^*
  8. 03:00:572 (2) - Really strong hyper, I understand it's a difficult part of the song but the transition here is uncomfortable to play and there is not significantly strong sound. It's also right against the wall which correct me if I'm wrong is unrankable because it causes the catcher to be more difficult to control. (Unsure about this point but I do still suggest you weaken the hyper and possibly make the slider at 03:00:712 (3) - not so sharp) I'll ask for that if that can be rankable or not, if that don't i'll reduce the HDash at (2) and (3)
  9. 03:01:270 (1) - 4.82x distance is kinda insane at this point. There is a strong guitar however so I suggest just weakening the hyper. Sure, changed slider
  10. 03:05:875 (1) - The stream that starts here is 3.99x distancing, again consider reducing. Urg, took me a bit to found solution about that, finally decide to change some stream direction, and that thinks that not bad at all !
    Ok well I'm skimming over any more distance stuff from now. Do revise the distancing though as some of it unnecessarily difficult imo
  11. 03:23:735 (1) - Maybe tilt this a little so it's not such a strong slider? Yup, fixed
  12. 03:25:410 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Not really a good suggestion but these patterns don't really go with the music well... It does, and the music do exactly those pattern: 1 long & 4 little, three times
  13. 03:58:131 (2,3) - Here, the (2) ends on a 1/4 tick when the drum is at the 1/2 tick. So the transition to (3) here is awkward.HA ! I KNOWED IT ! Always thinking that slider was weird, but never found how >_>" thanks
Guess I'll end the mod here. Sorry for the constant back and forth times in the mod. General issue is distancing though so be careful about that.
No problem, was good one. I modded a bit by myself with that mod, thanks !


  1. Je te conseille d'utiliser une couleur sombre somme un rouge pourpre ou un violet pour les fruits.
  1. 00:00:712 (1,1,1) - Ces 3 spinners doivent s'arrêter au tic rouge, les arrêter au tic bleu colle pas du tout avec la musique je trouve.
  2. 00:08:386 (1,2) - Tu mets un spacing énorme alors qu'il n'y a aucun strong beat, fais attention a que tout tes jumps soient justifiés, c'est la base.
    Pour régler ce problème je te propose de déplacer 00:08:805 (2,3) - vers la gauche, environ x:256
  3. 00:09:782 (2,3,4) - Centre ces 3 objets en déplacant 00:10:340 (4) - vers x:448, ça rendra la structure plus propre et moins shitmissable
  4. 00:13:968 (1,2) - Enorme spacing, et encore injustifié selon moi, Ctrl + G 00:14:247 (2) - plese.
  5. 00:19:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Ce stream ne colle vraiment pas avec la musique, voici ma suggestion:
  6. 00:22:340 (3,4) - Cancer spacing, rapproche beaucoup 00:22:619 (4) - vers la droite, déplace aussi 00:22:759 (1) - pour garder un HyperDash.
  7. 00:23:177 (2,3) - Cancer spacing encore, déplace 00:23:456 (3) - vers x:120 pour faciliter la transition.
  8. 00:46:898 (5,6) - lol, pourquoi 00:47:177 (6) - est aussi loin ? déplace le vers x:144 pour faire une symétrie avec 00:46:898 (5) -
  9. 00:54:712 (4) - Courbe le vers la gauche, un slider droit ici est pas très conseillé.
  10. 01:01:968 (1,2) - Réduit la distance, ou augmente la jusqu'à l'hyperdash please, c'est juste trop shitmissable sinon
  11. 01:03:084 (1,2) - Pareil
  12. 01:43:270 (1,2) - Courbe plus ces 2 sliders, ça permet d'améliorer le flow, je t'ai fait un exemple en images si tu veux:
  13. 01:51:642 (2) - Ce slider est juste trop éloigné, déplace le vers la droite, vers x:168
  14. 02:00:433 (2) - Ce slider est aussi trop éloigné, rapproche le vers la gauche cette fois-ci, vers x:184
  15. 02:00:852 (3) - ...'^' Il est juste trop loin, rapproche le vers x:400
  16. 02:11:596 (2) - Trop loin, déplace le vers x:40
  17. 02:17:735 (1,2,3) - Ce pattern est pas assez exploité, voici une suggestion en images que je te conseille d'appliquer:
  18. 03:09:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pourquoi tu met du 1/6 burst ici ? D'accord la guitare fait un son assez puissant mais le 1/6 ne colle pas du tout avec, place plutôt un stream 1/4 ou un slider.
  19. 03:14:038 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - C'est très mal placé, déja il n'y a pas d'hyperdash séparant les 2 patterns, ce qui rend ça très facilement shitmissable, mais en plus la courbe rend le flow très mauvais, et c'est moche. Commence déja par les éloigner pour créer un hyperdash, et trouve un meilleur design pour ces courbes, je t'ai fait un exemple:
    L'idée du mouvement reste néanmoins bien pensé.
  20. 03:14:596 (1) - Ce slider ne suit juste pas la timeline, il doit commencer sur le tic rouge juste après.
  21. 03:14:945 (2,3) - Ici c'est pas un jump injustifié mais un jump a justifier, augmente la distance en déplacant 03:15:084 (3) - vers la droite, genre x:256.
    Ensuite Ctrl+H 03:15:363 (4) - et déplace 03:15:642 (5) - vers x:288 pour que le flow ne soit pas cassé, en plus ça rend super bien.
  22. 03:38:107 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - La forme de cette courbe est juste bizarre...t'as un écart vers 03:38:317 (4,5) - qui rend le gameplay destabilisant, rend cette courbe plus fluide et propre comme tu l'as fait pour 03:38:945 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
  23. 03:38:526 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Je vois l'idée, mais ça colle juste pas avec la musique, je te conseille de faire quelque chose comme ça:
  24. 03:40:479 (1,2) - Crée un hyperdash entre ces 2 sliders, ça colle 100x mieux avec la musique, surtout qu'on est dans un moment badass là.
  25. 03:43:549 (4,5,6,7) - Ce stream part trop loin, n'hésite pas a changer de direction quand ça s'approche trop du mur, déplace 03:43:759 (7) - vers x:376 et 03:43:828 (1) - vers x:304, déplace ensuite 03:44:107 (2) - vers x:328 en le mettant horizontal pointé vers la droite, ça permettra un meilleur flow, et c'est beaucoup plus fun.
  26. 03:55:200 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Jamais vu un stream aussi cancer de ma vie, désolé pour ces mots assez violents mais placer des antiflow a chaque triplets horizontaux j'appelle pas ça un pattern fun, c'est très sale de mettre ça surtout vers la fin d'une marathon. Efface cette partie et crée un autre pattern, plus fluide et fun, je t'aide avec quelques idées:

  27. 04:17:317 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - L'idée est bonne, allonge juste les streams pour rendre ça plus amusant et pour qu'ils collent mieux avec la musique, un exemple en images:
  28. 04:19:549 (1,2) - Pixel jump troll juste après le solo guitare.. réduit la distance please.
  29. 05:13:410 (2,3,4) - C'est propre, j'aime ça, par contre 05:13:968 (4) - est juste trop loin, déplace le vers x:400
  30. 05:30:712 (4) - Pourquoi tu finis par un burst 1/8 ? Tu veux peut être représenter le bruit d'air en fond mais il est pas assez fort pour être représenté par un burst 1/8. Je pense qu'un simple slider 1/2 vertical fera l'affaire.
Avis personnel
Depuis la première fois, je trouve que la map a vachement changé, les patterns font plus CtB. Le problème c'est qu'il reste toujours trop d'erreur de placements, avec des spacings parfois abusés, des jumps injustifiés qui sont très présents, je trouve que la musique n'est pas assez exploitée, les streams dans le solo guitare sont parfois trop clichés comme 03:05:875 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - et d'autres sont quasi-injouables comme 03:55:200 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
La principale raison de toutes ces erreurs est que tu peux pas les fixer toi même, parce que tu n'as pas encore le niveau pour jouer des overdoses.
C'est pour ça que je te conseille vraiment de mapper des platters/rains pour commencer a t'améliorer niveau structure et créativité, et ensuite continuer a mapper des overdoses que tu pourras corriger toi même.
Je sais que mes mots peuvent être vexants mais je n'ai pas envie d'être hypocrite et je préfère que tu progresses <3
Bon courage !
Topic Starter

Kyuare wrote:



  1. Je te conseille d'utiliser une couleur sombre somme un rouge pourpre ou un violet pour les fruits. Sa marche ;)
  1. 00:00:712 (1,1,1) - Ces 3 spinners doivent s'arrêter au tic rouge, les arrêter au tic bleu colle pas du tout avec la musique je trouve. On m'avais de laisser 2 ticks pour bien les voir mais comme tu le dis sa fais bizzard un peu ^^
  2. 00:08:386 (1,2) - Tu mets un spacing énorme alors qu'il n'y a aucun strong beat, fais attention a que tout tes jumps soient justifiés, c'est la base. Pour la, je pense que tu à moitié tort / raison, car on peux entendre un bon beat sur 00:08:945 (3) - mais comme tu le dis pas sur (1) et (2). J'ai donc changer la position du pattern pour faire en sorte que (2) fasse un Hyper vers (3). Si c'est pas bon dis le moi IG
    Pour régler ce problème je te propose de déplacer 00:08:805 (2,3) - vers la gauche, environ x:256
  3. 00:09:782 (2,3,4) - Centre ces 3 objets en déplacant 00:10:340 (4) - vers x:448, ça rendra la structure plus propre et moins shitmissable Fixé
  4. 00:13:968 (1,2) - Enorme spacing, et encore injustifié selon moi, Ctrl + G 00:14:247 (2) - plese. Fixé
  5. 00:19:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Ce stream ne colle vraiment pas avec la musique, voici ma suggestion: Hmpf j'voulais le garder mais bon, j'avoue que le tien reste vachement plus jouable :)
  6. 00:22:340 (3,4) - Cancer spacing, rapproche beaucoup 00:22:619 (4) - vers la droite, déplace aussi 00:22:759 (1) - pour garder un HyperDash. Fais!
  7. 00:23:177 (2,3) - Cancer spacing encore, déplace 00:23:456 (3) - vers x:120 pour faciliter la transition. Fixé, j'ai aussi bougé 00:23:735 (4) - vers x:48
  8. 00:46:898 (5,6) - lol, pourquoi 00:47:177 (6) - est aussi loin ? déplace le vers x:144 pour faire une symétrie avec 00:46:898 (5) - J'voulais que ça suivent les paroles et que sa fasse genre petit moyen grand jump mais bon ^^"
  9. 00:54:712 (4) - Courbe le vers la gauche, un slider droit ici est pas très conseillé. Fixé
  10. 01:01:968 (1,2) - Réduit la distance, ou augmente la jusqu'à l'hyperdash please, c'est juste trop shitmissable sinon J'ai réduit la distance pour garder le même pattern que les autres sliders
  11. 01:03:084 (1,2) - Pareil Au contraire, celui la passe mieux si on garde le Dash enfoncé, contrairement aux autres ou c'est très dur. Pour moi celui la reste correct
  12. 01:43:270 (1,2) - Courbe plus ces 2 sliders, ça permet d'améliorer le flow, je t'ai fait un exemple en images si tu veux: Fais !
  13. 01:51:642 (2) - Ce slider est juste trop éloigné, déplace le vers la droite, vers x:168 C'est fais exprès, je souhaites avoir deux HDash ici, mais comme le dis j'ai réduit un peu la distance de (2) et (3) pour éviter le pixel jump
  14. 02:00:433 (2) - Ce slider est aussi trop éloigné, rapproche le vers la gauche cette fois-ci, vers x:184 Fixé
  15. 02:00:852 (3) - ...'^' Il est juste trop loin, rapproche le vers x:400 '^' Ouki
  16. 02:11:596 (2) - Trop loin, déplace le vers x:40 Fixé
  17. 02:17:735 (1,2,3) - Ce pattern est pas assez exploité, voici une suggestion en images que je te conseille d'appliquer: Carrément ! Sa rend beaucoup mieux :)
  18. 03:09:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pourquoi tu met du 1/6 burst ici ? D'accord la guitare fait un son assez puissant mais le 1/6 ne colle pas du tout avec, place plutôt un stream 1/4 ou un slider. Fixé
  19. 03:14:038 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - C'est très mal placé, déja il n'y a pas d'hyperdash séparant les 2 patterns, ce qui rend ça très facilement shitmissable, mais en plus la courbe rend le flow très mauvais, et c'est moche. Commence déja par les éloigner pour créer un hyperdash, et trouve un meilleur design pour ces courbes, je t'ai fait un exemple: Bas beaucoup de gens se sont plaint ici mais je vais quand même suivre tes conseils ;)
    L'idée du mouvement reste néanmoins bien pensé.
  20. 03:14:596 (1) - Ce slider ne suit juste pas la timeline, il doit commencer sur le tic rouge juste après. D'accord, mais je fais quoi pour 03:14:945 (2) - car il me semble assez bizzard si on le bouge pas ? Voir unrankable
  21. 03:14:945 (2,3) - Ici c'est pas un jump injustifié mais un jump a justifier, augmente la distance en déplacant 03:15:084 (3) - vers la droite, genre x:256.
    Ensuite Ctrl+H 03:15:363 (4) - et déplace 03:15:642 (5) - vers x:288 pour que le flow ne soit pas cassé, en plus ça rend super bien. Tout changé comme que ta dis :D
  22. 03:38:107 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - La forme de cette courbe est juste bizarre...t'as un écart vers 03:38:317 (4,5) - qui rend le gameplay destabilisant, rend cette courbe plus fluide et propre comme tu l'as fait pour 03:38:945 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Merci je trouvais pas comment le changer ^^
  23. 03:38:526 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Je vois l'idée, mais ça colle juste pas avec la musique, je te conseille de faire quelque chose comme ça: Fais !
  24. 03:40:479 (1,2) - Crée un hyperdash entre ces 2 sliders, ça colle 100x mieux avec la musique, surtout qu'on est dans un moment badass là. Fais, j'ai juste déplacer (1) d'une case a gauche lol. Badassitude ~~
  25. 03:43:549 (4,5,6,7) - Ce stream part trop loin, n'hésite pas a changer de direction quand ça s'approche trop du mur, déplace 03:43:759 (7) - vers x:376 et 03:43:828 (1) - vers x:304, déplace ensuite 03:44:107 (2) - vers x:328 en le mettant horizontal pointé vers la droite, ça permettra un meilleur flow, et c'est beaucoup plus fun. Tout fixé comme que ta dis (again lol)
  26. 03:55:200 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Jamais vu un stream aussi cancer de ma vie, désolé pour ces mots assez violents mais placer des antiflow a chaque triplets horizontaux j'appelle pas ça un pattern fun, c'est très sale de mettre ça surtout vers la fin d'une marathon. Efface cette partie et crée un autre pattern, plus fluide et fun, je t'aide avec quelques idées: Après avoir regarder tes patterns, j'en ait essayer quelque-uns et je pense en avoir trouver un qui est presque parfais :D

  27. 04:17:317 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - L'idée est bonne, allonge juste les streams pour rendre ça plus amusant et pour qu'ils collent mieux avec la musique, un exemple en images: Fais exactement comme tu l'as montrer sur l'image :)
  28. 04:19:549 (1,2) - Pixel jump troll juste après le solo guitare.. réduit la distance please. Je pense que tu t'es trompé, ici c'est un HDash dude :3
  29. 05:13:410 (2,3,4) - C'est propre, j'aime ça, par contre 05:13:968 (4) - est juste trop loin, déplace le vers x:400 Fixé
  30. 05:30:712 (4) - Pourquoi tu finis par un burst 1/8 ? Tu veux peut être représenter le bruit d'air en fond mais il est pas assez fort pour être représenté par un burst 1/8. Je pense qu'un simple slider 1/2 vertical fera l'affaire. ça marche, j'aimais bien le fais de finir par un petit stream mais bon ^^'
Avis personnel
Depuis la première fois, je trouve que la map a vachement changé, les patterns font plus CtB. Le problème c'est qu'il reste toujours trop d'erreur de placements, avec des spacings parfois abusés, des jumps injustifiés qui sont très présents, je trouve que la musique n'est pas assez exploitée, les streams dans le solo guitare sont parfois trop clichés comme 03:05:875 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - et d'autres sont quasi-injouables comme 03:55:200 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
La principale raison de toutes ces erreurs est que tu peux pas les fixer toi même, parce que tu n'as pas encore le niveau pour jouer des overdoses.
C'est pour ça que je te conseille vraiment de mapper des platters/rains pour commencer a t'améliorer niveau structure et créativité, et ensuite continuer a mapper des overdoses que tu pourras corriger toi même.
Je sais que mes mots peuvent être vexants mais je n'ai pas envie d'être hypocrite et je préfère que tu progresses <3
J'ai bien tout compris tout ça, mais je souhaites vraiment rester sur les maps overdose/deluge marathon, j'aime vraiment ça, sentir la musique a 200% dans la beatmap que l'on joue, contrairement aux rain/platter/salad/cup. Et je pense pouvoir m'améliorer petit à petit avec tout les conseils de la communauté CTB ainsi que toi :o
Bon courage !
Merci pour ce mod enrichissant Kyuare-senpaï !! :D


00:47:456 (1,2) - I know I said that you can keep this Hyper here but its weird to play actually. This one is after a weak sound from the music which is not suited for this kind of jumps. If I investigate the song at this point further (2) is still part of the first part of the vocal which is not requires such a strong movement at all. Something similar would be better: However if you accept this, you need to change 00:48:852 (1,2,3) - a bit as well:
01:05:317 (1) - I would like to see something different shape here. Getting that tick is rather difficult at the moment.
02:06:433 (3,4) - This Hyper follows nothing to be honest. If somewhere then it should be between (4,1) where there is a much stronger instrument.
03:00:293 (1,2) - There is no need for this Hyper here but you can use a simple jump instead. Its better to only highlight strong beat with Hypers.
03:14:666 (1,2,3) - What?! Just use the same rhythm here as later at 03:16:898 (1) -
03:35:735 (6,1) - Why there is no Hyper here though the beat is strong?
03:37:061 (5,1) - Same here, the instrument changes so it would be nice to highlight it with something.
03:39:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The sudden direction change at this part makes it really hard to play which should be avoided even if this is the hardest difficulty. It would be better if the second part of this combo could have the same pattern as the first.
03:50:386 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,1) - Not really fun to play. Actually there is nothing eyecatching in these streams. You should try to make patterns which requires more movement instead of just standing on either left or right. There is no need to have jumps in it but a stream where you need to move more will always gives more fun.

Well this map made quite a progress since the last time I saw. Though I think its still early to give an icon but its close.
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:


[asd] asd ? wut?

00:47:456 (1,2) - I know I said that you can keep this Hyper here but its weird to play actually. This one is after a weak sound from the music which is not suited for this kind of jumps. If I investigate the song at this point further (2) is still part of the first part of the vocal which is not requires such a strong movement at all. Something similar would be better: However if you accept this, you need to change 00:48:852 (1,2,3) - a bit as well: Well, afterthought i'll take a bit of the first one, but keeping the (3) (i mean, how it's actually made) and keep your pattern for the second one
01:05:317 (1) - I would like to see something different shape here. Getting that tick is rather difficult at the moment. Fixed a bit for better ticking (lol)
02:06:433 (3,4) - This Hyper follows nothing to be honest. If somewhere then it should be between (4,1) where there is a much stronger instrument. Ajusted 02:06:433 (3,4) - for making HDash between (4,1) as you said, and modified a bit the slider (1)
03:00:293 (1,2) - There is no need for this Hyper here but you can use a simple jump instead. Its better to only highlight strong beat with Hypers. Fixed, moved (2) a bit on the left and Ctrl+g (1)
03:14:666 (1,2,3) - What?! Just use the same rhythm here as later at 03:16:898 (1) - Sure, I didn't know what to do for this one, thanks ^^"
03:35:735 (6,1) - Why there is no Hyper here though the beat is strong? Fixed by moving 03:35:666 (5,6) - (5) moved a bit on the left and (6) on ctrl+g
03:37:061 (5,1) - Same here, the instrument changes so it would be nice to highlight it with something. Fixed with HDash on (5,1)
03:39:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The sudden direction change at this part makes it really hard to play which should be avoided even if this is the hardest difficulty. It would be better if the second part of this combo could have the same pattern as the first. Well, you right. But after testing many and many position with the 1st pattern, i can't found anyone who could fit well with it so i just changed the current pattern, tell me if that good or not
03:50:386 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,1) - Not really fun to play. Actually there is nothing eyecatching in these streams. You should try to make patterns which requires more movement instead of just standing on either left or right. There is no need to have jumps in it but a stream where you need to move more will always gives more fun. Tried something new (maybe?) tell me again if it's wrong or not

Well this map made quite a progress since the last time I saw. Though I think its still early to give an icon but its close. I hope so !
Unplanned IRC mod
2016-04-20 20:19 Zak: the stream that starts 03:38:107 (1) -
2016-04-20 20:19 Nitsches: yeah ?
2016-04-20 20:19 Zak: 03:39:642 (1,2,3,4) - this is way too hard
2016-04-20 20:20 Nitsches: Hmm
2016-04-20 20:20 Nitsches: maybe i reduce distance between them ?
2016-04-20 20:20 Nitsches: like 1.01x ?
2016-04-20 20:20 Zak: you're basically forced into going back and forth
2016-04-20 20:20 Zak: i'd make them almost overlapping considering there's a hyper slamming you into them
2016-04-20 20:21 Nitsches: I see
2016-04-20 20:21 Zak: okay so uh
2016-04-20 20:22 Zak: move 1 and 3 one grid point left
2016-04-20 20:22 Nitsches: Fixed :3
2016-04-20 20:22 Zak: and 2 and 4 one point right
2016-04-20 20:22 Zak: then make the jump right after a bit easier
2016-04-20 20:22 Nitsches: Already did x3
2016-04-20 20:22 Nitsches: I thinks i reading your mind
2016-04-20 20:22 Zak: lol
2016-04-20 20:22 Nitsches: i just*
2016-04-20 20:22 Zak: now to try and find the next one
2016-04-20 20:23 Nitsches: 03:53:247 (1,1) - thoses ones ?
2016-04-20 20:23 Zak: i think those are fine
2016-04-20 20:24 Zak: it's rather obvious while playing through that you don't need movement
2016-04-20 20:24 Nitsches: You thinks that need more or that good ?
2016-04-20 20:24 Zak: that's good as it is
2016-04-20 20:24 Zak: 03:57:572 (1) -
2016-04-20 20:24 Zak: maybe make this one more vertical
2016-04-20 20:25 Nitsches: Done
2016-04-20 20:25 Zak: 04:09:503 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
2016-04-20 20:25 Zak: jump from 3 to 4 is a bit harsh
2016-04-20 20:25 Nitsches: Btw, did have you some problem with spacing while playing ?
2016-04-20 20:25 Zak: very few places had spacing problems
2016-04-20 20:26 Zak: 04:12:154 (4,5,6) -
2016-04-20 20:26 Zak: this is a bit hard too
2016-04-20 20:27 Zak: 04:18:991 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is also a bit evil but i can't find anything truly wrong with it lol
2016-04-20 20:28 Nitsches: I thinks that fit very well the music, and that might also be a "finisher" for the stream part
2016-04-20 20:29 Nitsches: And yes, it's really evil, made by me >:D
2016-04-20 20:29 Zak: 02:12:293 (1) -
2016-04-20 20:29 Zak: this section going into the 2nd kiai is really rough
2016-04-20 20:29 Zak: i'd nerf it a little
2016-04-20 20:30 Nitsches: Hmm
2016-04-20 20:31 Zak: most of it comes from 02:12:293 (1,2,3,4,5) -
2016-04-20 20:31 Nitsches: I know, but idk why i like this pattern
2016-04-20 20:31 Nitsches: and don't see a lot of people miss here
2016-04-20 20:32 Zak: i think you can keep it and just make it a little easier
2016-04-20 20:33 Nitsches: I already reduced at the minimum for keeping HDash jumps here
2016-04-20 20:33 Zak: well i think maybe moving 2 and 3 closer to 4
2016-04-20 20:33 Zak: so there's less movement required to get the 2nd hyper of the pattern
2016-04-20 20:33 Nitsches: And i do'nt really want to do exactly like 01:11:735 (3,1,2,3,4,5) -
2016-04-20 20:34 Zak: i moved it like [ this] and it felt a bit better
2016-04-20 20:35 Zak: if that would be acceptable
2016-04-20 20:35 Nitsches: did that keep the hdash betwwen 1 and 2 ?
2016-04-20 20:35 Zak: yes
2016-04-20 20:35 Zak: and the hyper between 4 and 5
2016-04-20 20:35 Nitsches: lemme try it so
2016-04-20 20:35 Zak: x277
2016-04-20 20:35 Zak: for 2
2016-04-20 20:35 Zak: x246 for 3
2016-04-20 20:35 Zak: x196 for 4
2016-04-20 20:36 Nitsches: lol
2016-04-20 20:36 Nitsches: can't reach them
2016-04-20 20:36 Nitsches: x:276 for 2
2016-04-20 20:36 Nitsches: x:248 for 3
2016-04-20 20:36 Nitsches: hu
2016-04-20 20:37 Nitsches: that make the triplet weird on watch
2016-04-20 20:37 Zak: is a bit weird but also flows better
2016-04-20 20:38 Nitsches: maybe 2 on x:280 and 4 on x:200 is better ( keep 3 on 0,98x )
2016-04-20 20:38 Zak: i think that's about everything though
2016-04-20 20:38 Zak: that works too
2016-04-20 20:39 Zak: (just tried it)
2016-04-20 20:39 Nitsches: well, also moved 02:12:851 (6,7) - a bit into center
2016-04-20 20:39 Zak: still hyper?
2016-04-20 20:39 Nitsches: like 2-4 square right & left
2016-04-20 20:39 Zak: on both
2016-04-20 20:39 Nitsches: still
2016-04-20 20:39 Nitsches: yup
2016-04-20 20:39 Zak: alright good
2016-04-20 20:40 Nitsches: I was thinking also
2016-04-20 20:40 Nitsches: 02:29:317 (1) - this slider
2016-04-20 20:41 Nitsches: should i make it longer to follow voice or .. ?
2016-04-20 20:41 Zak: hmmm
2016-04-20 20:41 Zak: that is a bit weird
2016-04-20 20:42 Nitsches: well, i'll not change it so x3
2016-04-20 20:42 Nitsches: ho nevermind, forget this is another one after the break
2016-04-20 20:42 Nitsches: ACTION run
2016-04-20 20:42 Zak: lol
2016-04-20 20:42 Zak: if you're about to update
2016-04-20 20:42 Zak: i can play it again
2016-04-20 20:43 Nitsches: Sure, let me update it
2016-04-20 20:44 Nitsches: Done !
2016-04-20 20:44 Zak: alright i'll give it another go
2016-04-20 20:44 Nitsches: Btw, you can copy/paste discussion on forum if you want kud-osu!s
2016-04-20 20:44 Nitsches: Niceeee ~
2016-04-20 20:49 Too many shitmiss omfg *^*
2016-04-20 20:50 Zak: yeah i just did bad that time lol
2016-04-20 20:50 Nitsches: huhu
2016-04-20 20:52 Zak: 03:39:642 (1,2,3,4,5) - this part still feels so hard for some reason
2016-04-20 20:52 Nitsches:
2016-04-20 20:52 Nitsches: Hmm
2016-04-20 20:53 Nitsches: and something like [ this] ?
2016-04-20 20:54 Zak: that would probably work a lot better
2016-04-20 20:55 Zak: and 04:11:735 (1,2,3,4) - is still really hard to catch
2016-04-20 20:56 Nitsches: 1.35x is good for a jump ?
2016-04-20 20:57 Nitsches: 04:11:735 (1,2,3) - i thinks thoses one didn't need HDash
2016-04-20 20:57 Nitsches: 04:12:154 (4,5) - only this
2016-04-20 20:57 Zak: yeah keep the first 3 as non-hypers
2016-04-20 20:57 Nitsches: Uploaded
2016-04-20 20:58 Zak: but reduce distance a bit
2016-04-20 20:58 Nitsches: Already done mate o/
2016-04-20 20:58 Zak: and the stream looks great :D
2016-04-20 20:58 Zak: that should be everything
2016-04-20 21:00 Zak: oh and just 1 more thing but it's more of a personal matter
2016-04-20 21:00 Zak: the spinners in the intro are really quiet D:
2016-04-20 21:00 Nitsches: Hu
2016-04-20 21:00 Nitsches: why ?
2016-04-20 21:00 Zak: the ending of them being 5% volume is fine
2016-04-20 21:00 Zak: but 25% for the duration makes it hard to hear if i'm catching bananas
2016-04-20 21:01 Zak: #HiddenProblems
2016-04-20 21:01 Nitsches: XDD
2016-04-20 21:01 Nitsches: Should i reduce a bit ? like 20% or 15% ?
2016-04-20 21:01 Zak: no increase
2016-04-20 21:01 Nitsches: how many
2016-04-20 21:02 Zak: playing with it a bit
2016-04-20 21:02 Zak: i think 45-50 would be good
2016-04-20 21:03 Nitsches: 47.5%
2016-04-20 21:03 Zak: still overpowered by the music but loud enough to at least hear
2016-04-20 21:03 Nitsches: ACTION run
2016-04-20 21:03 Nitsches: 50% is good
2016-04-20 21:03 Zak: alright :D
2016-04-20 21:04 Nitsches: Uploaded again and again :D
2016-04-20 21:05 Zak: well playing yet again is a bit much, but i think it should all be fine now

Really nice map here, hope to see it Qualified/Ranked soon!

Hi, im here to give some suggestions, is not like a normal mod because i have not enough time huehue but anyway i will do it n.n

  1. About combocolours, i'd suggest to make them more interesting, 100% black and 100% looks bad, try to do them more like purple/red as the background, here is an example (you could put it in the .osu)
    Combo1 : 255,43,43
    Combo2 : 175,85,255
    Combo3 : 130,0,0
    Combo4 : 107,0,130
  2. 00:00:573 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Huh, this is not recommendable, players could be in the wall when they see the next circles and miss it easily, i'd suggest to just remove these spinners, also to not keep this obvious inconsistency with 00:07:410 -
  3. 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6,1) - You used many patterns like this, this one have 2 things which i want to explain:
    1. The movement in 00:15:782 (4,5,6) - , this is weird when you play it, because is like you will catch (5) with the edge of the ryuuta, even if is not that case, i mean is for aesthetics
    2. Is better to use hyperdash only to strong sounds, not in, 00:16:061 (6) - in my opinion this note is not strong enough for this, if you want to keep an hyper could be to 00:15:921 - and 00:16:200 - , here is a pattern example
    So thats my suggestion here, there are some patterns like this, keep some of them would be fine but in my opinion you could change them, btw why didnt you map 00:16:340 - this section? 00:17:317 - this note has enough potential to add a strong hyper, and that would be pretty appreciable ingame \:D/
  4. 00:24:572 - Why didnt you add a note here? the rhythm sounds weird without it in my opinion, in overdose sometimes you could remove some notes for the flow or something like that, but this note wouldnt change how it plays
  5. 00:25:968 (4,1) - Movements like this could kill many players, is like you need stop in 00:26:107 - and walk it until 00:26:247 - , then dash again, thats not comfortable :/ try to do it like 00:25:410 (2) - , thats much better, same in 02:19:549 (3) -
  6. 00:49:689 (1,2) - Try to avoid movements like this, where you need stop and then a strong dash, if oyu want to keep this, i'd suggest to make a hyper to (2)
  7. 01:22:968 (5) - This note is overmapped, do not forget that you cant add a note if there is not a sound
  8. 01:28:828 (1) - This spinner would fit better in 01:29:875 - as the end of this kiai
  9. 01:41:456 (2,3,4) - I understand why you used this rhythm here, but i noticed the sound in 01:41:596 - which have not a note o.o i htink you could make an interesting pattern with this
  10. 01:48:293 (3,4,5) - Wow this pattern is a bit hard D: try to put (4) some grids to the left, btw i think the hyper in 01:49:131 (1,2,3) - would be better to (3) following that strong sound
  11. 02:22:619 (2,3,4) - I feel like they could have hypers, the drum and vocal is pretty strong here, same in 02:26:945 (2,3) -
  12. 03:05:875 - Oh well, this sections needs work, the guitar i strong, yes, but that dont means you can make a stream ): i have a nice idea for this, you could make long sliders and finish them following the drum, that would feels much better, the current pattern is overmapped and is pretty obvious ingame ljfdjkl if you need help for this you can catch me when im online and i could help you n.n
  13. 03:14:038 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Mh this feels a bit weird for this ^ reason ^, here is a better way to follow the guitar (btw probably without an hyper in 03:14:596 - to (1) )
  14. 03:34:340 (3,1) - Why no movement here? even a hyper could fit with that sound, movements like this feels weird because you need stop the dash when there are a lot of movements in an intense section like this
  15. 03:37:828 - Oh bad lcuk ): this section is overmapped as well, you could map it in 1/2, the only 1/4 note which you could keep is 03:38:735 -
  16. 03:53:247 (1,1) - Sliders like these could be really hard, specially when there is a hyper, because you could miss some notes if you jump incorrectly, i'd suggest to make them more vertical
  17. 04:11:735 (1,2,3,4,5) - Here is another example of the movement which i suggested in the beginning
  18. 04:40:479 (3,1) - aaa so close, in my opinion these could have more distance, the vocal is enoguh strong for it
  19. 05:04:759 (3,4) - I think would be better fi you replace these sldier with a long slider to follow better the vocal
  20. 05:23:456 (2,3) - aaa so close again x.x why not ctrl+g 05:23:875 (3,4) - ? that plays better

Good luck :P
Topic Starter

koliron wrote:

Hi, im here to give some suggestions, is not like a normal mod because i have not enough time huehue but anyway i will do it n.n

  1. About combocolours, i'd suggest to make them more interesting, 100% black and 100% looks bad, try to do them more like purple/red as the background, here is an example (you could put it in the .osu)
    Combo1 : 255,43,43
    Combo2 : 175,85,255
    Combo3 : 130,0,0
    Combo4 : 107,0,130
    Added all colors
  2. 00:00:573 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Huh, this is not recommendable, players could be in the wall when they see the next circles and miss it easily, i'd suggest to just remove these spinners, also to not keep this obvious inconsistency with 00:07:410 - I don't see any difficulties about that, all player can just replay it ( that a waste of ~5s ? ) And added spinner at 00:07:410 (1) - to keep consistency for 00:07:270 (1) -
  3. 00:15:642 (3,4,5,6,1) - You used many patterns like this, this one have 2 things which i want to explain:
    1. The movement in 00:15:782 (4,5,6) - , this is weird when you play it, because is like you will catch (5) with the edge of the ryuuta, even if is not that case, i mean is for aesthetics
    2. Is better to use hyperdash only to strong sounds, not in, 00:16:061 (6) - in my opinion this note is not strong enough for this, if you want to keep an hyper could be to 00:15:921 - and 00:16:200 - , here is a pattern example
    So thats my suggestion here, there are some patterns like this, keep some of them would be fine but in my opinion you could change them, btw why didnt you map 00:16:340 - this section? 00:17:317 - this note has enough potential to add a strong hyper, and that would be pretty appreciable ingame \:D/
    Well, i will not change those pattern because i thinks it fit well to the part. I want a "slow" starting before the real map start. For the 2 strong beats here: 00:16:200 (1,1) - i can explain: just like the 1st one is for a "close" and the 2nd one a "open" for the map (tell me if you didn't understand that ;-;)
  4. 00:24:572 - Why didnt you add a note here? the rhythm sounds weird without it in my opinion, in overdose sometimes you could remove some notes for the flow or something like that, but this note wouldnt change how it plays I just follow the guitar here.
  5. 00:25:968 (4,1) - Movements like this could kill many players, is like you need stop in 00:26:107 - and walk it until 00:26:247 - , then dash again, thats not comfortable :/ try to do it like 00:25:410 (2) - , thats much better, same in 02:19:549 (3) - Sure, changed those 2 sliders.
  6. 00:49:689 (1,2) - Try to avoid movements like this, where you need stop and then a strong dash, if oyu want to keep this, i'd suggest to make a hyper to (2) Just changed the slider, i'll not add a dash on (2). I keep my pattern.
  7. 01:22:968 (5) - This note is overmapped, do not forget that you cant add a note if there is not a sound Fixed
  8. 01:28:828 (1) - This spinner would fit better in 01:29:875 - as the end of this kiai It was, but i thinks that bugged. I just changed it back
  9. 01:41:456 (2,3,4) - I understand why you used this rhythm here, but i noticed the sound in 01:41:596 - which have not a note o.o i htink you could make an interesting pattern with this After trying some pattern, i thinks the rythm will fit, but not the map. I prefer keep mine :3
  10. 01:48:293 (3,4,5) - Wow this pattern is a bit hard D: try to put (4) some grids to the left, btw i think the hyper in 01:49:131 (1,2,3) - would be better to (3) following that strong sound I thinks you missed the pattern because i can't see it when i click the hyperlink
  11. 02:22:619 (2,3,4) - I feel like they could have hypers, the drum and vocal is pretty strong here, same in 02:26:945 (2,3) - I'm okay with the 1st because i follow vocals and i want to keep the pattern of 02:23:177 (4) -
  12. 03:05:875 - Oh well, this sections needs work, the guitar i strong, yes, but that dont means you can make a stream ): i have a nice idea for this, you could make long sliders and finish them following the drum, that would feels much better, the current pattern is overmapped and is pretty obvious ingame ljfdjkl if you need help for this you can catch me when im online and i could help you n.n Sure i'll do because i don't see what you want to mean, IRL mod should be good for this ;)
  13. 03:14:038 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Mh this feels a bit weird for this ^ reason ^, here is a better way to follow the guitar (btw probably without an hyper in 03:14:596 - to (1) ) I keep the pattern and fixed the hyper at (4) to (1)
  14. 03:34:340 (3,1) - Why no movement here? even a hyper could fit with that sound, movements like this feels weird because you need stop the dash when there are a lot of movements in an intense section like this Fixed
  15. 03:37:828 - Oh bad lcuk ): this section is overmapped as well, you could map it in 1/2, the only 1/4 note which you could keep is 03:38:735 - 1/2 ?? Really ???? I need more explain for this, i really don't understand why, that totally broke ALL the stream for the guitar, there's still only little sh*t jump on this section in 1/2. I keep it for the moment and i want you to explain it please :) Btw i re-arranged it.
  16. 03:53:247 (1,1) - Sliders like these could be really hard, specially when there is a hyper, because you could miss some notes if you jump incorrectly, i'd suggest to make them more vertical Fixed
  17. 04:11:735 (1,2,3,4,5) - Here is another example of the movement which i suggested in the beginning I'll not change this pattern D:
  18. 04:40:479 (3,1) - aaa so close, in my opinion these could have more distance, the vocal is enoguh strong for it Huhuhu, fixed
  19. 05:04:759 (3,4) - I think would be better fi you replace these sldier with a long slider to follow better the vocal I thinks it's good like i did
  20. 05:23:456 (2,3) - aaa so close again x.x why not ctrl+g 05:23:875 (3,4) - ? that plays better Sure, i placed then close to make HDash on (4)

Good luck :P
Thanks for modding ! I'll put the mod when i get my pc back ( get a problem with CPU and hard disk ) this week ! ( maybe the 13 or 14/05) All done !
Alright I'm here. Basically, I don't feel the diff is quite ready yet. I'm going to point out a few instances of where some issues can be found, and hopefully more modders, as well as yourself, can adjust the problems you see further in this map along the same lines.


  1. Ok~
  1. Fine to me
  1. I'd consider dropping AR to 9.3 but it's not that important
  1. You have a hitsound, normal-hitfinish3.wav, which has over 5ms of delay, making it unrankable. Be sure to cut the delay off or find someone to help you do so.
  2. You also have an unused hitsound file, normal-hitclap2.wav, which is unrankable. Remove it from your folder if you don't plan on using it.


  1. Your rhythm starting at 00:08:386 - is really inconsistent, for example you emphasized this sound at 00:14:107 - before, but seems like now you've decided to leave it completely empty, etc.
  2. 00:10:898 (2,3) - Pretty strong wiggle into antiflow here, try to reduce the distance
  3. 00:15:642 (3,4,5) - Really high distance here, especially between 4,5 if you exit 3 a bit late. Reducing it a bit should help.
  4. 00:22:619 (4) - A few grid to the left here should help for a more consistent distance after the slider
  5. 00:25:131 (1,2) - This rhythm is flipped from before??? Why not ctrl+g these then rearrange the pattern so you maintain your consistency.
  6. 00:29:596 (1,2) - and 00:30:572 (1,2) - both have stacked notes on slider ends, which I'm not a big fan of. Try moving the (2)'s both to the right by a bit to improve that pattern.
  7. 00:34:479 (2,3) - Same aspect here, you're breaking flow since the notes are stacked which is cutting off movement.
  8. 01:25:828 (2,3) - Really high distance here, borderline pixeljump, either reduce by a lot or force a hyperdash.
  9. 02:26:247 (4,5) - This kind of pattern forces a sort of stop-dash which can be a bit confusing, especially in the kiai. I'd use one of the more horizontal movements you've been doing before to remedy this.
  10. 02:30:433 - You should really map something here. Even if it's an overdose, a slow part won't kill you to map :V
  11. 02:49:200 (2,3) - this is a really harsh jump especially since it's a right facing repeat slider, forcing a sharp antiflow wiggle. Potentially, you could make 02:48:991 (1,2) - into 1 curve perhaps?
  12. 02:56:945 - There's not much wrong with the streams, but they're pretty much all left right. You should really try to do some direction changes and alter the flow a bit, since it could be quite boring just going left right at a really intense section.
  13. 03:36:433 (2,3,4,5) - Really harsh distances that basically force dashing, as well as 03:37:061 (5) - not having an actual supported sound in my opinion. Lowering the distance here and deleting that unnecessary note should be better here.
  14. From 03:38:107 (1) - to 03:39:851 (6) - , you should really rework the streams. Not only are they inconsistent (some having 5 some having 3) but they're really bad to play due to the awkward angles that they're at (03:39:224 (4,5,6,7) - example).
  15. 03:49:410 (1,2,3) - Awkward flow here, vertical slider forces a stop and then makes the flow between 03:49:689 (2,3) - really weird (lower the distance between them)! I'd suggest making (2) a more horizontal slider somehow and going from there.
  16. Basically, past this point, the same issues tend to repeat themselves. There's distances that are quite close to becoming pixeldashes, stacked notes or sliders that interrupt flow, or stream patterns that are repetitive or lackluster pattern-wise. In short, I'd like to see some more mods before I come back and do a more detailed mod on this, considering there's a lot of issues that will keep people, including me, from bubbling this map.

The map isn't bad though. Theoretically, it could be okay, it just needs a lot of fixes that I'm not prepared to write about, since they would be repeated constantly throughout the map. The beginning of the map has similar issues that I had pointed out already previously or later, so just because I modded the beginning, doesnt mean you should skip over checking it yourself entirely.

Hopefully this helped a bit, if you have some more questions, let me know.
Topic Starter

Ascendance wrote:

Alright I'm here. Basically, I don't feel the diff is quite ready yet. I'm going to point out a few instances of where some issues can be found, and hopefully more modders, as well as yourself, can adjust the problems you see further in this map along the same lines.


  1. Ok~
  1. Fine to me
  1. I'd consider dropping AR to 9.3 but it's not that importantAlready done.

  1. You have a hitsound, normal-hitfinish3.wav, which has over 5ms of delay, making it unrankable. Be sure to cut the delay off or find someone to help you do so.
  2. You also have an unused hitsound file, normal-hitclap2.wav, which is unrankable. Remove it from your folder if you don't plan on using it. All fixed ( thanks irl friend ! )


  1. Your rhythm starting at 00:08:386 - is really inconsistent, for example you emphasized this sound at 00:14:107 - before, but seems like now you've decided to leave it completely empty, etc. I don't really know what you want to point out ... i'll ask you later for that
  2. 00:10:898 (2,3) - Pretty strong wiggle into antiflow here, try to reduce the distance Fixed
  3. 00:15:642 (3,4,5) - Really high distance here, especially between 4,5 if you exit 3 a bit late. Reducing it a bit should help. Fixed :3
  4. 00:22:619 (4) - A few grid to the left here should help for a more consistent distance after the slider Done
  5. 00:25:131 (1,2) - This rhythm is flipped from before??? Why not ctrl+g these then rearrange the pattern so you maintain your consistency. Fixed pattern
  6. 00:29:596 (1,2) - and 00:30:572 (1,2) - both have stacked notes on slider ends, which I'm not a big fan of. Try moving the (2)'s both to the right by a bit to improve that pattern. Sure, changed pattern ^^
  7. 00:34:479 (2,3) - Same aspect here, you're breaking flow since the notes are stacked which is cutting off movement. Hum, sure ^^ changed them
  8. 01:25:828 (2,3) - Really high distance here, borderline pixeljump, either reduce by a lot or force a hyperdash. Hu.. Changed by a hyper :)
  9. 02:26:247 (4,5) - This kind of pattern forces a sort of stop-dash which can be a bit confusing, especially in the kiai. I'd use one of the more horizontal movements you've been doing before to remedy this. Changed, i thinks that do a better flow now
  10. 02:30:433 - You should really map something here. Even if it's an overdose, a slow part won't kill you to map :V Yep, that should be a option, but i don't like that. Even it's an overdose, i want that break. For what you'll ask ? Because the rest of the map is really intense, and i don't want a marathon with only a break at the end only. I thinks the break here should be here :)
  11. 02:49:200 (2,3) - this is a really harsh jump especially since it's a right facing repeat slider, forcing a sharp antiflow wiggle. Potentially, you could make 02:48:991 (1,2) - into 1 curve perhaps? Hmm, after testing you're right. I changed thoses sliders into 6 hit streams.
  12. 02:56:945 - There's not much wrong with the streams, but they're pretty much all left right. You should really try to do some direction changes and alter the flow a bit, since it could be quite boring just going left right at a really intense section. Hu... I'm not really good with streams part, so i'll take any suggestion of pattern i could insert here !! :)
  13. 03:36:433 (2,3,4,5) - Really harsh distances that basically force dashing, as well as 03:37:061 (5) - not having an actual supported sound in my opinion. Lowering the distance here and deleting that unnecessary note should be better here. Fixed, and deleted (5)
  14. From 03:38:107 (1) - to 03:39:851 (6) - , you should really rework the streams. Not only are they inconsistent (some having 5 some having 3) but they're really bad to play due to the awkward angles that they're at (03:39:224 (4,5,6,7) - example). Changed a bit, but as i said earlier, i'm open too all suggestion of stream-pattern
  15. 03:49:410 (1,2,3) - Awkward flow here, vertical slider forces a stop and then makes the flow between 03:49:689 (2,3) - really weird (lower the distance between them)! I'd suggest making (2) a more horizontal slider somehow and going from there.
  16. Basically, past this point, the same issues tend to repeat themselves. There's distances that are quite close to becoming pixeldashes, stacked notes or sliders that interrupt flow, or stream patterns that are repetitive or lackluster pattern-wise. In short, I'd like to see some more mods before I come back and do a more detailed mod on this, considering there's a lot of issues that will keep people, including me, from bubbling this map.I'll watch out for that, and push this map to the first bubble ! Thanks :)

The map isn't bad though. Theoretically, it could be okay, it just needs a lot of fixes that I'm not prepared to write about, since they would be repeated constantly throughout the map. The beginning of the map has similar issues that I had pointed out already previously or later, so just because I modded the beginning, doesnt mean you should skip over checking it yourself entirely.

Hopefully this helped a bit, if you have some more questions, let me know. Sure mate ! :)
sweet ARMS - Installation


Les suggestions

00:38:387 (7,1) - peut être légèrement réduire la distance du jump, en gardant l'hyper
02:48:852 (4) - spacing beaucoup trop méchant
00:31:131 (3,4) - réduire la distance entre le 3 et le 4, quelque chose comme sa passe bien
02:22:619 (2) - le grain dans l'autre sens serais mieux comme ceci
02:59:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - le stream est deformé et cette déformation est pas vraiment agréable a toi de voir si tu veut le fix, bonne idée de l'avoir place contre le mur de l'ecran
03:41:596 (1,2) - Tu peut créer un pattern plus homogène et qui demande plus de mouvement ici exemple :
03:49:689 (2) - spacing beaucoup trop mechant
03:57:293 (1,1) - l'hyper est beaucoup trop proche du slider-retour se qui le rend pas du tout agréable et rend facilement shitmissable le slider-retour
04:02:247 (3) - spacing injustifié et méchant vois si tu veut le décalé légèrement vers la gauche pour créer un hyper comme ceci :
04:06:572 (2,3,4) - peut être rapproche un peu tout sa des un des autres comme ceci, le pattern est un peu trop horizontal je trouve
04:47:596 (2,3,1) - se fruit 04:47:736 (3) - rend le retour sur le 04:48:014 (1) - vraiment méchant, je te conseille de réduire la distance qui sépare le 2 du 3 ( sans supprimer l'hyper dans se cas) ou du 3 au 1

La map a BEAUCOUP progresser depuis le debut, c'est sur le bon chemin ! Don't give up !!! :)
Topic Starter

Hibari wrote:

sweet ARMS - Installation


Les suggestions

00:38:387 (7,1) - peut être légèrement réduire la distance du jump, en gardant l'hyper Done, j'ai nerf un peu les jumps en passant
02:48:852 (4) - spacing beaucoup trop méchant Un ptit Hdash est partis ici o/
00:31:131 (3,4) - réduire la distance entre le 3 et le 4, quelque chose comme sa passe bien En effet, mais je trouve ça un peu stagnant donc j'ai ctrl+g 00:31:410 (5) -
02:22:619 (2) - le grain dans l'autre sens serais mieux comme ceci Done
02:59:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - le stream est deformé et cette déformation est pas vraiment agréable a toi de voir si tu veut le fix, bonne idée de l'avoir place contre le mur de l'ecran Fixé, je pense avoir trouver un truc pas mal
03:41:596 (1,2) - Tu peut créer un pattern plus homogène et qui demande plus de mouvement ici exemple : Sa marche pour moi, modifié
03:49:689 (2) - spacing beaucoup trop mechant J'aime être méchant *MOUAHAHA* j'ai juste décaler de 2 carreaux à droite :)
03:57:293 (1,1) - l'hyper est beaucoup trop proche du slider-retour se qui le rend pas du tout agréable et rend facilement shitmissable le slider-retour J'ai enlever le dash du slider :)
04:02:247 (3) - spacing injustifié et méchant vois si tu veut le décalé légèrement vers la gauche pour créer un hyper comme ceci : J'ai suivis ta proposition ( pervers. )
04:06:572 (2,3,4) - peut être rapproche un peu tout sa des un des autres comme ceci, le pattern est un peu trop horizontal je trouve Sa me vas
04:47:596 (2,3,1) - se fruit 04:47:736 (3) - rend le retour sur le 04:48:014 (1) - vraiment méchant, je te conseille de réduire la distance qui sépare le 2 du 3 ( sans supprimer l'hyper dans se cas) ou du 3 au 1 J'ai modifié un peu le pattern pour donner un hyper a 04:47:178 (7) - ainsi je décale 04:47:457 (1,2) - et je garde l'hyper du (2) sur le (3) qui vas beaucoup mieux pour le 04:48:014 (1) - qui suis juste aprés

La map a BEAUCOUP progresser depuis le debut, c'est sur le bon chemin ! Don't give up !!! :) Merci pour ce mod improvisé Hiba-senpaï ! I'll not give up ! ;)
#modreqs on request

sweet ARMS - Installation


+AR 9.3 seems slow for that BPM and its Deluge diff .AR9.4 seems fits for it but its seems that its your decision I guess.

00:24:433 (3) - Prefer if you slang this slider into more like this so make it more towards sound base, move the first point slider to x:408 y:112 and end point to x:240 y:240, refer to this image : here

00:42:293 (2) - Add more distance on this note like other similar soundings. Move to x:128 seems ok too.

00:52:479 (3) - I like if this one is CTRL+H and then move it to x:32, just to make flow movement between 00:52:340 (2) and this.

01:00:572 (3) - Kinda a bit hard when try catching (4) while h-dashing the (2), try move this one to x:152.

01:30:433 (2) - A bit too straight slider in here, try set the end slider point to x:384 y:128 to make some pattern here.

01:57:084 (2) - Try move the end point slider to x:256 y:64 if you like this pattern :)

02:05:456 (3) - I don`t know about this notes but that I prefer if you move the 02:05:456 (3) to x:272 instead, means to ready for the next Combo and stance of the sounding.

02:28:898 (1,1) - About this, try this out. Move the spinner on 02:29:177 and ends on 02:30:014. Add notes on 02:30:154. And lastly add Spinner on 02:30:293 and ends to 02:34:619. Because I think you can try do this like the previous spinner like you did in here : 00:02:805 (1,1).

02:59:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 02:59:805 (1) Kinda overkills the stream flows, but moving to x:176 makes anti-climatic :c, try select all of this 02:59:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6), move to x:160. Then move the (1) to x:127, (2) to x:40, (3) to x:8, (4) to x:18 (5) to x:80 and (6) to x:152. Makes a curved stream pattern. It will turn like this.

03:33:224 (3) - Ctrl+H and move to x:448, patterns way a bit forceful in here.

03:53:247 (1,1) - A bit way too straight and easy to miss in this section. Make this one 03:53:247 (1) move the the end slider point to x:344 y:144 and 03:53:526 (1) move the end point to x:192 y:232

03:57:572 (1,2,1) - In this section, pattern like (2) to catch the next (1) and after that catching the 03:58:131 (1) is too hard to catch. Try move (2) to x:168 while make the 03:57:572 (1,1) - a bit more like ^ here.

03:58:131 (1) - This slider more better if it started in 03:58:200 (1) instead since there`s drum in this section, 03:58:131 doesn`t.

04:19:549 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - I just thinking, this is better if its mapped into Spinner instead of Notes and sliders because I think players need a "Break" after clearing hard pattern on previous kiai. If wanna apply this one, add notes on 04:19:549, then put Spinners on 04:19:689 and ends on 04:23:177. And don`t count the break on 04:48:572 for this one.

04:48:572 - I think better map this one but using 2/1 slider instead on 04:48:572 till 04:51:363. Other use 1/2 notes instead. No need H-Dash in this section since there`s no upbeat in songs.

04:58:061 (3) - Move to x:136 instead since no upbeat in the song.

05:00:154 (2) - Move to x:312 to fix anti-flow pattern.

05:09:921 (2) - Patterns might be flow out well if move to x:96.

05:30:712 (4) - This slider ends better in 05:30:921 instead. And making straight lines kinda weird. Try this one instead but use notes.

Overall Its ok, just need a bit more mod about this map through, streams are really controversial one but then again,
Good luck with ranking :)
Topic Starter

murutattack wrote:

#modreqs on request

sweet ARMS - Installation


+AR 9.3 seems slow for that BPM and its Deluge diff .AR9.4 seems fits for it but its seems that its your decision I guess. Hmm someone tell me also that, changed !

00:24:433 (3) - Prefer if you slang this slider into more like this so make it more towards sound base, move the first point slider to x:408 y:112 and end point to x:240 y:240, refer to this image : here Done

00:42:293 (2) - Add more distance on this note like other similar soundings. Move to x:128 seems ok too. Done

00:52:479 (3) - I like if this one is CTRL+H and then move it to x:32, just to make flow movement between 00:52:340 (2) and this. Done

01:00:572 (3) - Kinda a bit hard when try catching (4) while h-dashing the (2), try move this one to x:152. Done

01:30:433 (2) - A bit too straight slider in here, try set the end slider point to x:384 y:128 to make some pattern here. Done

01:57:084 (2) - Try move the end point slider to x:256 y:64 if you like this pattern :) Done

02:05:456 (3) - I don`t know about this notes but that I prefer if you move the 02:05:456 (3) to x:272 instead, means to ready for the next Combo and stance of the sounding. No i want to make a "follow dash" what that mean you stay on dash after this one to catch the incoming slider

02:28:898 (1,1) - About this, try this out. Move the spinner on 02:29:177 and ends on 02:30:014. Add notes on 02:30:154. And lastly add Spinner on 02:30:293 and ends to 02:34:619. Because I think you can try do this like the previous spinner like you did in here : 00:02:805 (1,1). Sound really great ! Never thinks about this pattern here ! :o

02:59:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 02:59:805 (1) Kinda overkills the stream flows, but moving to x:176 makes anti-climatic :c, try select all of this 02:59:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6), move to x:160. Then move the (1) to x:127, (2) to x:40, (3) to x:8, (4) to x:18 (5) to x:80 and (6) to x:152. Makes a curved stream pattern. It will turn like this. Seems a bit easy but okay

03:33:224 (3) - Ctrl+H and move to x:448, patterns way a bit forceful in here. huuuu, okay done

03:53:247 (1,1) - A bit way too straight and easy to miss in this section. Make this one 03:53:247 (1) move the the end slider point to x:344 y:144 and 03:53:526 (1) move the end point to x:192 y:232 I like the curved style on this one: 03:53:526 (1) - so i'll it a bit

03:57:572 (1,2,1) - In this section, pattern like (2) to catch the next (1) and after that catching the 03:58:131 (1) is too hard to catch. Try move (2) to x:168 while make the 03:57:572 (1,1) - a bit more like ^ here. I just totally reworked this pattern, and changed those by bullet rain, seems pretty good here

03:58:131 (1) - This slider more better if it started in 03:58:200 (1) instead since there`s drum in this section, 03:58:131 doesn`t. I make this slider before the drum of 03:58:619 (2) - because you can hear a mini-solo-guitar before the drum, and this slider is here for that. 03:58:759 (3) - This one is for the second drum and this one 03:59:177 (4) - to "restart" the solo

04:19:549 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - I just thinking, this is better if its mapped into Spinner instead of Notes and sliders because I think players need a "Break" after clearing hard pattern on previous kiai. If wanna apply this one, add notes on 04:19:549, then put Spinners on 04:19:689 and ends on 04:23:177. And don`t count the break on 04:48:572 for this one. I don't really know what you want to do but i don't really like the idea, i thinks player need to continue after kiai because THAT the hard part, and stop directly after the kiai seems too sudden for me. I'll not change those part :)

04:48:572 - I think better map this one but using 2/1 slider instead on 04:48:572 till 04:51:363. Other use 1/2 notes instead. No need H-Dash in this section since there`s no upbeat in songs. As i said earlier, i'll not change this part because that the last pause players can have before the "finish" and i don't like what you said

04:58:061 (3) - Move to x:136 instead since no upbeat in the song. Done

05:00:154 (2) - Move to x:312 to fix anti-flow pattern. Done

05:09:921 (2) - Patterns might be flow out well if move to x:96. Done

05:30:712 (4) - This slider ends better in 05:30:921 instead. And making straight lines kinda weird. Try this one instead but use notes. Hu... Other people told me the slider is a better finish than a stream, i'll speak with someone about that and maybe change it ^^

Overall Its ok, just need a bit more mod about this map through, streams are really controversial one but then again,
Good luck with ranking :) Thanks for helping ! :)

Ok I'm the worst friend :'( sorry for long delay and hope to help you bro


  1. 00:08:945 (3,4) - the distance between such notes should be increased a bit, I know that 0.10x more is ridiculousness but feels amazing at testing, so to avoid changes on the next part I suggest to move 00:08:386 (1,2,3) - to x:112.
  2. 00:14:247 (2,3) - is there a reason to add a huge jump here? ohh wait... I'll change my question, is there a reason to add hyperdash here? following your previous patterns I'll say: no, take a look at 00:09:782 (2,3) - 00:11:875 (2,3) -, well I'll give you some suggestions to fix it, keep in mind that I'm trying to keep your distances:
    1.- 00:14:247 (2) - hold Ctrl+G and move to x:280 to contrast the strong beat on 00:13:968 (1) -
    2.- 00:14:666 (3) - move to x:304 to avoid unnecessary big jumps.
    3.- 00:14:805 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - as I said before, I'm doing my best to keep your patterns so, move to x:424
  3. 00:14:805 (4,1) - Idk if you followed my previous advice but I feel that this kind of distances without hyperdash could be a bit unconfortable, I know that this kind of jumps are fun on overdoses/deluge but I'm a hundred percent certain that 00:15:084 - and 00:15:363 - have the same strength, I recommend you to add a hyperdash here, one more time Idk if you followed my previous advice but you can fix it moving 00:15:084 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - to the left.
  4. 00:17:317 (1,2) - too straight imo, would be better if you do something mirrored with 00:17:735 (3,4) -, but the screen space doesn't help... keep in mind, this is only a mini suggestion, consider if you want, is irrelevant at ranking.
  5. 00:20:386 (1,1) - Did you miss a hyperdash here? 1. Is the beginning of a new section 2. Strong sound 3.Cymbal sound enphazising wih finish hitsound. Do you need more reasons to add a hyperdash? would be better if you do, hopefully you have a hyperdash at 00:21:224 (3,1) - and is irrelevant if you add more distance or not cuz is a really strong sound, so you should move 00:20:666 (1,2,3) - to x:160 to fix it.
  6. 00:23:735 (4,1) - wow nobody cares about the distance but the movement is very very unconfortable, also you are breaking your consistency with previous patterns, I recommend you to follow the song propertly and change 00:23:875 (1) - into a slider like 00:22:759 (1) -, in this case I strongly recommend you to copy 00:22:759 (1) - with Ctrl+c and paste at 00:23:875 - with Ctrl+v, then when you are done, select such new slider and press Ctrl+Shift+R, Search "Origin" and check "Selection Centre", in the small white box write -90 or try to find -90 moving the bar to the left, that's should be all, hope you like my short cuts :3
  7. 00:29:317 (4) - try to make it more straight to catch a better movements with 00:28:759 (2,3) -, my suggestion: select 00:29:317 (4) - and find the point on the end of the slider, move such point to x:400
  8. 00:31:689 (1) - don't break your consistency on structure, follow this kind of sounds with long sliders as were doing with 00:25:131 (1) - 00:26:107 (1) - 00:27:224 (1) - 00:28:340 (1) - etc, etc. Also there is a strong sound, why you skipped the hyperdash?
  9. 00:34:061 (1) - one more time the movement here is unncesary, I recommend you to change it into 1 slider, you can copy 00:33:363 (3) - and press Ctrl+H
  10. 00:35:456 (2) - add curve or something, this slider is too boring, also I don't recommend you a suddenly stop.
  11. 01:13:131 (1,2,3) - why not something like 00:38:247 (6,7,1) -, feels better if you increase the distance between each note gradually to make it more interesting, keep your previous patterns.
  12. 01:15:084 (4,1) - Did you miss a hyperdash here? is not the same strength as 01:16:200 (4,1) - ? I can give you more examples if you don't trust in me: 01:17:456 - 01:18:014 - 01:19:270 - 01:20:805 - etc etc.
  13. 01:28:200 (3,4,5) - there is no sense if 01:28:200 (3,4) - have more distance than 01:28:479 (4,5) - when the strongest sound is on 01:28:619 -, try to reduce the distance between (3,4) and increasse at (4,5), as I said before, try to keep your previous patterns to make this map cleanner, increasing the distance gradually like 00:37:968 (4,5,6,7,1) - feels much better.
  14. 01:54:433 (1,2) - the current hyperdash doesn't follow the song propertly, the main reason is cuz 01:54:991 - is more strong than 01:54:852 -, so hyperdash should be between 01:54:852 (2,3) -, I'll give you my suggestions to fix this part:
    1.- 01:54:991 (3) - press Ctrl+H to make something mirrored with 01:54:433 (1) -
    2.- 01:54:433 (1) - move to x:320 to find the enough space to add a hyperdash between 01:54:852 (2,3) -
    3.- 01:54:852 (2) - move to x:388 to keep consistency with your previous patterns about distance.
    4.- 01:55:410 (4) - should be mirrored with 01:54:852 (2) -, so try to move to x:112
    5.- 01:55:689 (1,2) - they look too closer, in this case feels better with hyperdash, Don't you think that 01:55:689 (1) - might looks nicer at x:288?
  15. 02:05:456 (3,1) - I feel that you forgot the hyperdash between such notes, don't you? anyways, there is a quick way to fix it, 02:05:317 (2,3) - change into 1 slider as you were doing with 02:04:479 (1,2,1) -, copy 02:04:759 (2) - with ctrl+c, remove 02:05:456 (3) - and paste with ctrl+v at the same position of 02:05:317 (2) -, also don't forget to add clap to the end of the slider, I'm paying attention to everything to push it forward.
  16. 02:23:177 (4) - I didn't see this kind of pattern before, is breaking your consistency, furthermore isn't at all necessary, change into 1 note.
  17. 02:29:177 (1) - should start at 02:29:038 - as you did on 01:28:619 (5,1) -, also it should finish at 02:29:875 -, so moving the current spinner to 02:29:038 - will fix it.
  18. 02:59:456 (4,1) - reduce the distance, the jump isn't necessary here, 02:59:526 (1,2,3,4) - move to x:456 to fix it.
  19. from 03:05:875 - mmm now I understand why all modders say that streams are really controversial, I want to point out some unnecesaries hyperdashes, when I saw this part, I was trying to understand such hyperdashes, I know that this diff it's supposed to be overdose/deluge but it doesn't mean overenphasize everywhere, also you are adding hyperdashes on blue ticks, it means, you are not following the song propertly, so it'll be a strong reason of DQ.
    1.- first of all at 03:06:293 (7,1) - I can't hear a strong sound or something similar, you should remove the current hyperdash/jump, so 03:06:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - move to x:352.
    2.- 03:06:782 (1,1) - this part is a bit confusing and some modders doesn't detect it for the velocity of such stream, but I recommend you to change 03:06:782 (1) - into notes because the hyperdash is between 03:06:782 - and 03:06:852 -, so as I said before change into 1 note at 03:06:782 - then add a note at 03:06:852 - (x:32).
    3.- 03:07:270 (6,1) - doesn't need hyperdash too, Idk if you decided to follow my previous advice, if you did, select 03:06:852 (8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - and press Ctrl+Shift+R, Search "Origin" and check "Selection Centre", in the small white box write -15 or try to find -15 moving the bar to the left, then move the whole stream to x:32, then 03:07:340 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - move to x:208
    4.- 03:07:897 (8,1) - one more time, you choose the wrong place to add a hyperdash, high guitar pitch is on 03:08:107 -, I recommend you to move 03:07:968 (1) - to x:48, 03:08:038 (2) - to x:96, then 03:08:107 (3,4,5,6,7) - press Ctrl+H and move to x:270.
    I'm trying to work with your patterns, but if you can make beautiful streams with nice curves, please try to inprove it.
  20. 03:22:340 (4,1) - don't you feel that a hyperdash here will follow the song better? 03:22:619 - and 03:23:038 - have similar sounds.
  21. 03:27:503 (2) - I rather something mirrored with 03:27:084 (1) - for two reasons, first of all 03:27:503 (2) - sounds/plays/looks better as a slider, second reason is cause 03:27:084 - and 03:27:503 - are too similar, so you can add a hyperdash between 03:27:084 (1,2) -.
  22. 03:29:317 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I have a doubt with such pattern:
    1.- 03:29:666 (5) - there isn't a sound, I can't hear something relevant.
    2.- Idk if you want to remove 03:29:666 (5) - as I told you before, but 03:29:735 (6) - deserve a hyperdash with the previous note cause is a strong sound.
    3.- for structure and consistency with previous patterns, will be better if 03:29:666 (5) - is moved to 03:29:386 -
    I gave you my reasons of my doubt, now my suggestion is the following: As I said before, 03:29:666 (5) - should be moved to 03:29:386 - (x:88), then 03:29:456 (3,4,5) - should be moved to x:144.
  23. 03:36:991 (4,1) - I don't understand what are you trying to follow here, 03:36:991 - strong sound, also you enphasized with finish hitsound, why not hyperdash between 03:36:852 (3,4) -? furthermore 03:36:991 (4,1) - should be changed into 1 slider. I'll leave the possition to you.
  24. 03:42:572 (6,7,1) - one more time 03:42:642 (7) - isn't at all necessary, also 03:42:712 (1) - deserve a hyperdash with previous note, there is a strong sound here.
  25. from 03:50:386 - to 03:53:177 - I don't know when you add hyperdashes and when not, it's very confusing, I can say only one thing to you as an advice, the first note of every stream should start on white or red tick, not blue, it doesn't follow the song and looks messy, I'll leave it to you as a homework :3
  26. 03:54:991 (5) - change into 1 note, I'll give you my reason, from 03:55:200 - your stream is off, you have the same problem as I said on my previous point, so if you change the current slider into one note, you should move 03:55:200 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - to 03:55:131 - (1 tick back), don't forget to finish 03:58:061 (1) - at 03:58:479 -, one more time, I'm trying to work with your patterns, but if you can inprove some parts, please do it, for example, (I imagine that you apply my advice) I like 03:57:503 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - but 03:57:922 (1,2,1) -, this movement is a bit weird, so 03:57:503 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - could be moved to the left, around x:328 looks fine, then 03:58:061 (1) - press Ctrl+H and move it around x:376, also if you can make a normal curve like 03:40:898 (2) - will be more than good.
  27. 04:05:038 (1,2) - wrong position of hyperdash, would be better if you add hyperdash between 04:04:759 (3,1) -, so reduce the distance between 04:05:038 (1,2) - and increase between 04:04:759 (3,1) -
  28. 04:58:340 (4,1) - what do you think about a adding a hyperdash here? take 04:59:456 (4,1) - as a reference cause I can hear the same sound between 04:59:735 - and 04:58:619 -
  29. 05:01:828 (8,1) - 05:04:061 (4,1) - same as above, consistency please.
  30. 05:16:340 (6,1) - you were following this kind of sounds with hyperdash, why skipped this one? examples: 05:06:154 (2,1) - 05:07:270 (4,1) - 05:08:386 (4,1) - 05:10:619 (5,1) - 05:11:735 (4,1) - 05:12:852 (6,1) - 05:13:968 (4,1) - 05:17:317 (4,1) - etc etc etc...
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:

Ok I'm the worst friend :'( sorry for long delay and hope to help you bro Ho god dude ! I should wait more for a mod like that ! THAT TOO LONG o_o how many hours did you take omg ? GOOD JOB


  1. 00:08:945 (3,4) - the distance between such notes should be increased a bit, I know that 0.10x more is ridiculousness but feels amazing at testing, so to avoid changes on the next part I suggest to move 00:08:386 (1,2,3) - to x:112. Done :)
  2. 00:14:247 (2,3) - is there a reason to add a huge jump here? ohh wait... I'll change my question, is there a reason to add hyperdash here? following your previous patterns I'll say: no, take a look at 00:09:782 (2,3) - 00:11:875 (2,3) -, well I'll give you some suggestions to fix it, keep in mind that I'm trying to keep your distances:
    1.- 00:14:247 (2) - hold Ctrl+G and move to x:280 to contrast the strong beat on 00:13:968 (1) -
    2.- 00:14:666 (3) - move to x:304 to avoid unnecessary big jumps.
    3.- 00:14:805 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - as I said before, I'm doing my best to keep your patterns so, move to x:424 Well, why not, added all
  3. 00:14:805 (4,1) - Idk if you followed my previous advice but I feel that this kind of distances without hyperdash could be a bit uncomfortable, I know that this kind of jumps are fun on overdoses/deluge but I'm a hundred percent certain that 00:15:084 - and 00:15:363 - have the same strength, I recommend you to add a hyperdash here, one more time Idk if you followed my previous advice but you can fix it moving 00:15:084 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - to the left. Well idk why you say that, because you just told me to move the pattern to x:424 and here you said to back to the left, the fuck dude xD ?
  4. 00:17:317 (1,2) - too straight imo, would be better if you do something mirrored with 00:17:735 (3,4) -, but the screen space doesn't help... keep in mind, this is only a mini suggestion, consider if you want, is irrelevant at ranking. Yep, i'll choose to trust you here, added the "mirror pattern"
  5. 00:20:386 (1,1) - Did you miss a hyperdash here? 1. Is the beginning of a new section 2. Strong sound 3.Cymbal sound emphazising wih finish hitsound. Do you need more reasons to add a hyperdash? would be better if you do, hopefully you have a hyperdash at 00:21:224 (3,1) - and is irrelevant if you add more distance or not cuz is a really strong sound, so you should move 00:20:666 (1,2,3) - to x:160 to fix it. Fixed.
  6. 00:23:735 (4,1) - wow nobody cares about the distance but the movement is very very uncomfortable, also you are breaking your consistency with previous patterns, I recommend you to follow the song properly and change 00:23:875 (1) - into a slider like 00:22:759 (1) -, in this case I strongly recommend you to copy 00:22:759 (1) - with Ctrl+c and paste at 00:23:875 - with Ctrl+v, then when you are done, select such new slider and press Ctrl+Shift+R, Search "Origin" and check "Selection Centre", in the small white box write -90 or try to find -90 moving the bar to the left, that's should be all, hope you like my short cuts :3 Yay ! I like how you maked that for still getting my pattern :3
  7. 00:29:317 (4) - try to make it more straight to catch a better movements with 00:28:759 (2,3) -, my suggestion: select 00:29:317 (4) - and find the point on the end of the slider, move such point to x:400 Done
  8. 00:31:689 (1) - don't break your consistency on structure, follow this kind of sounds with long sliders as were doing with 00:25:131 (1) - 00:26:107 (1) - 00:27:224 (1) - 00:28:340 (1) - etc, etc. Also there is a strong sound, why you skipped the hyperdash? My bad, didn't notice that
  9. 00:34:061 (1) - one more time the movement here is unnecessary, I recommend you to change it into 1 slider, you can copy 00:33:363 (3) - and press Ctrl+H Fixed
  10. 00:35:456 (2) - add curve or something, this slider is too boring, also I don't recommend you a suddenly stop. Changed before i saw that, lmao.
  11. 01:13:131 (1,2,3) - why not something like 00:38:247 (6,7,1) -, feels better if you increase the distance between each note gradually to make it more interesting, keep your previous patterns. Sure, seems funny '^'
  12. 01:15:084 (4,1) - Did you miss a hyperdash here? is not the same strength as 01:16:200 (4,1) - ? I can give you more examples if you don't trust in me: 01:17:456 - 01:18:014 - 01:19:270 - 01:20:805 - etc etc. Yep i miss it like others one >< changed pattern a bit to make a hdash on 01:15:084 (4,1) - as you said :3
  13. 01:28:200 (3,4,5) - there is no sense if 01:28:200 (3,4) - have more distance than 01:28:479 (4,5) - when the strongest sound is on 01:28:619 -, try to reduce the distance between (3,4) and increases at (4,5), as I said before, try to keep your previous patterns to make this map cleanner, increasing the distance gradually like 00:37:968 (4,5,6,7,1) - feels much better. Understand, fixed
  14. 01:54:433 (1,2) - the current hyperdash doesn't follow the song properly, the main reason is cuz 01:54:991 - is more strong than 01:54:852 -, so hyperdash should be between 01:54:852 (2,3) -, I'll give you my suggestions to fix this part:
    1.- 01:54:991 (3) - press Ctrl+H to make something mirrored with 01:54:433 (1) -
    2.- 01:54:433 (1) - move to x:320 to find the enough space to add a hyperdash between 01:54:852 (2,3) -
    3.- 01:54:852 (2) - move to x:388 to keep consistency with your previous patterns about distance.
    4.- 01:55:410 (4) - should be mirrored with 01:54:852 (2) -, so try to move to x:112 All added :3
    5.- 01:55:689 (1,2) - they look too closer, in this case feels better with hyperdash, Don't you think that 01:55:689 (1) - might looks nicer at x:288? Sure
  15. 02:05:456 (3,1) - I feel that you forgot the hyperdash between such notes, don't you? anyways, there is a quick way to fix it, 02:05:317 (2,3) - change into 1 slider as you were doing with 02:04:479 (1,2,1) -, copy 02:04:759 (2) - with ctrl+c, remove 02:05:456 (3) - and paste with ctrl+v at the same position of 02:05:317 (2) -, also don't forget to add clap to the end of the slider, I'm paying attention to everything to push it forward. Well, i saw you try to make something really cool but i don't like it, i made this pattern because i thinks i fit good here, i explain: HDash is on 02:05:317 (2,3) - because you can hear strong beat from the music / 02:05:596 (1) - Don't act like a "finisher" but more lie than a "re-starter" because 02:05:596 (1,2) - follow the vocals and not the beat
  16. 02:23:177 (4) - I didn't see this kind of pattern before, is breaking your consistency, furthermore isn't at all necessary, change into 1 note. I don't thinks news pattern getting from nowhere isn't really bad, i asked Kuro for that and it's okay with the ranking criteria and fit good with the music here.
  17. 02:29:177 (1) - should start at 02:29:038 - as you did on 01:28:619 (5,1) -, also it should finish at 02:29:875 -, so moving the current spinner to 02:29:038 - will fix it. Fixed
  18. 02:59:456 (4,1) - reduce the distance, the jump isn't necessary here, 02:59:526 (1,2,3,4) - move to x:456 to fix it. Fixed
  19. from 03:05:875 - mmm now I understand why all modders say that streams are really controversial, I want to point out some unnecessarily hyperdashes, when I saw this part, I was trying to understand such hyperdashes, I know that this diff it's supposed to be overdose/deluge but it doesn't mean overemphasize everywhere, also you are adding hyperdashes on blue ticks, it means, you are not following the song properly, so it'll be a strong reason of DQ.
    1.- first of all at 03:06:293 (7,1) - I can't hear a strong sound or something similar, you should remove the current hyperdash/jump, so 03:06:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - move to x:352.
    2.- 03:06:782 (1,1) - this part is a bit confusing and some modders doesn't detect it for the velocity of such stream, but I recommend you to change 03:06:782 (1) - into notes because the hyperdash is between 03:06:782 - and 03:06:852 -, so as I said before change into 1 note at 03:06:782 - then add a note at 03:06:852 - (x:32).
    3.- 03:07:270 (6,1) - doesn't need hyperdash too, Idk if you decided to follow my previous advice, if you did, select 03:06:852 (8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - and press Ctrl+Shift+R, Search "Origin" and check "Selection Centre", in the small white box write -15 or try to find -15 moving the bar to the left, then move the whole stream to x:32, then 03:07:340 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - move to x:208
    4.- 03:07:897 (8,1) - one more time, you choose the wrong place to add a hyperdash, high guitar pitch is on 03:08:107 -, I recommend you to move 03:07:968 (1) - to x:48, 03:08:038 (2) - to x:96, then 03:08:107 (3,4,5,6,7) - press Ctrl+H and move to x:270.
    I'm trying to work with your patterns, but if you can make beautiful streams with nice curves, please try to improve it.
    Well, i followed your recommendations but i like the dash between stream cuz of length that should maybe be boring, so i just reduced distance to make a simple dash with some good curves ( i thinks '^' ) and finally make the whole part better ( i thinks '^' ) tell me if something is wrong or something like that :3
  20. 03:22:340 (4,1) - don't you feel that a hyperdash here will follow the song better? 03:22:619 - and 03:23:038 - have similar sounds. Fixed
  21. 03:27:503 (2) - I rather something mirrored with 03:27:084 (1) - for two reasons, first of all 03:27:503 (2) - sounds/plays/looks better as a slider, second reason is cause 03:27:084 - and 03:27:503 - are too similar, so you can add a hyperdash between 03:27:084 (1,2) -. Done o/
  22. 03:29:317 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I have a doubt with such pattern:
    1.- 03:29:666 (5) - there isn't a sound, I can't hear something relevant.
    2.- Idk if you want to remove 03:29:666 (5) - as I told you before, but 03:29:735 (6) - deserve a hyperdash with the previous note cause is a strong sound.
    3.- for structure and consistency with previous patterns, will be better if 03:29:666 (5) - is moved to 03:29:386 -
    I gave you my reasons of my doubt, now my suggestion is the following: As I said before, 03:29:666 (5) - should be moved to 03:29:386 - (x:88), then 03:29:456 (3,4,5) - should be moved to x:144. Done o/
  23. 03:36:991 (4,1) - I don't understand what are you trying to follow here, 03:36:991 - strong sound, also you emphasized with finish hitsound, why not hyperdash between 03:36:852 (3,4) -? furthermore 03:36:991 (4,1) - should be changed into 1 slider. I'll leave the position to you. I'll take notes of what you said and try to make something cool
  24. 03:42:572 (6,7,1) - one more time 03:42:642 (7) - isn't at all necessary, also 03:42:712 (1) - deserve a hyperdash with previous note, there is a strong sound here. Fixed
  25. from 03:50:386 - to 03:53:177 - I don't know when you add hyperdashes and when not, it's very confusing, I can say only one thing to you as an advice, the first note of every stream should start on white or red tick, not blue, it doesn't follow the song and looks messy, I'll leave it to you as a homework :3 You bastard ! Ok it took me 1h to found new patterns and fix the problem with blue ticks ~ Let me have your impressions about this new one :3
  26. 03:54:991 (5) - change into 1 note, I'll give you my reason, from 03:55:200 - your stream is off, you have the same problem as I said on my previous point, so if you change the current slider into one note, you should move 03:55:200 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - to 03:55:131 - (1 tick back), don't forget to finish 03:58:061 (1) - at 03:58:479 -, one more time, I'm trying to work with your patterns, but if you can inprove some parts, please do it, for example, (I imagine that you apply my advice) I like 03:57:503 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - but 03:57:922 (1,2,1) -, this movement is a bit weird, so 03:57:503 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - could be moved to the left, around x:328 looks fine, then 03:58:061 (1) - press Ctrl+H and move it around x:376, also if you can make a normal curve like 03:40:898 (2) - will be more than good. All fixed !
  27. 04:05:038 (1,2) - wrong position of hyperdash, would be better if you add hyperdash between 04:04:759 (3,1) -, so reduce the distance between 04:05:038 (1,2) - and increase between 04:04:759 (3,1) - Nah i wouldn't because i follow the "boum" here 04:04:759 (3) - / exemple of: 04:03:921 (1) - / 04:05:177 (2) - / 04:05:875 (7) -
  28. 04:58:340 (4,1) - what do you think about a adding a hyperdash here? take 04:59:456 (4,1) - as a reference cause I can hear the same sound between 04:59:735 - and 04:58:619 - Seems good, added
  29. 05:01:828 (8,1) - 05:04:061 (4,1) - same as above, consistency please. Sorry sorry, fixed !
  30. 05:16:340 (6,1) - you were following this kind of sounds with hyperdash, why skipped this one? examples: 05:06:154 (2,1) - 05:07:270 (4,1) - 05:08:386 (4,1) - 05:10:619 (5,1) - 05:11:735 (4,1) - 05:12:852 (6,1) - 05:13:968 (4,1) - 05:17:317 (4,1) - etc etc etc... Fixed
Was a really great mod ! Took me ~2h-3h to make it ! Awesome as i expected !
Get 0.06* up x3
and where is my kudosu? :P my last mod were 5 months ago ;w;
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:

and where is my kudosu? :P my last mod were 5 months ago ;w;
Oops o/ sorry i'm a bad friend too ~
Hi from my Modding Queue


  1. 00:07:410 (1) - I think this spinner is should delete for catch the start note it too easy.
  2. 00:12:852 (4) - Move the curve of this slider to right.
  3. 00:23:875 (1) - Same as ^
  4. 01:35:735 (2) - How about change this slider to horizontal (start-left,end-right).
  5. 01:39:921 (3) - ctrl+g and move it to left a bit, I suggestion x:360.
  6. 03:20:945 (3) - How about move return of this slider to right ?
  7. 03:51:084 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think on this stream notes is should change. Change that to same 03:50:804 (1,2,3,4) - ?

W = Whistle
F = Finish
C = Clap

  1. 00:11:735 (1) - Add W + F
  2. 00:11:875 (2) - Delete F
  3. 00:19:549 (1) - Add C
  4. 00:19:898 (6) - Delete C
  5. 00:19:968 (1) - Add C
  6. 00:20:386 (1) - Add C (Start slider)
  7. 00:25:131 (1) - Delete C and Add F (Start slider) and Add C (End slider)
  8. 00:25:828 (3) - Delete C
  9. 00:25:968 (4) - Add C
  10. 00:26:107 (1) - Add F (Start slider)
  11. 00:31:410 (5) - Add C (End slider)
  12. 00:34:061 (1) - Add F (Start slider)
  13. 00:35:456 (2) - Add C (Start slider)
  14. 01:14:805 (3) - Delete C (Start slider)
  15. 01:15:084 (4) - Add C (Start slider)
  16. 01:21:921 (5) - Add F
  17. 01:22:061 (1) - Delete F (Start slider)
  18. 02:06:433 (3) - Add C
  19. 02:06:572 (4) - Delete C
  20. 02:26:666 (1) - Add F (Start slider) Delete C (End slider)
  21. 02:53:875 (2) - Add C
  22. 02:54:293 (6) - Delete C
  23. 02:54:433 (7) - Add C
  24. 02:57:224 (2) - Add C
  25. 02:57:782 (4) - Add C
  26. 02:58:340 (4) - Add C
  27. 02:58:899 (4) - Add C
  28. 02:59:456 (4) - Add C
  29. 03:00:014 (3) - Add C
  30. 03:02:107 (3) - Add C (End slider)
  31. 03:06:154 (5,6,7,4,5) - Add C
  32. 03:14:526 (4) - Add C
  33. 03:15:084 (2) - Add C (Start)
  34. 03:15:642 (4) - Add C
  35. 03:16:200 (1) - Add C (Start)
  36. 03:16:619 (3) - Add C (End)
  37. 03:25:689 (3,3,2) - Add C
  38. 03:30:154 (7) - Add C
  39. 03:38:526 (7,2,3) - Add C
  40. 03:40:200 (8) - Add C (Start)
  41. 03:44:107 (2) - Add C
  42. 03:44:666 (6) - Add C
  43. 03:50:805 (1,1,1,1,1) - Add C
  44. 03:53:596 - Add C
  45. 03:55:270 (3,5,1,3) - Add C
  46. 03:57:502 (1) - Add C
  47. 03:58:061 (1) - Add C (Start)
  48. 04:00:293 (3) - Add C
  49. 04:01:410 (4) - Add C
  50. 04:02:526 (4) - Add C
  51. 04:03:642 (3) - Add C
  52. 04:05:177 (2) - Add C (End)
  53. 04:05:875 (7) - Add C
  54. 04:07:549 (2,5) - Add C
  55. 04:07:828 (4) - Delete C (start)
  56. 05:16:200 (5) - Add C
  57. 05:17:317 (4) - Add C (Start)
  58. 05:17:875 (3) - Add C
  59. 05:26:805 (2) - Add C

Good luck Fucking with Hitsound :)
Topic Starter

rew0825 wrote:

Hi from my Modding Queue


  1. 00:07:410 (1) - I think this spinner is should delete for catch the start note it too easy. Was thinking about it all the time, deleted. :)
  2. 00:12:852 (4) - Move the curve of this slider to right. Done, added HDash
  3. 00:23:875 (1) - Same as ^ Fixed
  4. 01:35:735 (2) - How about change this slider to horizontal (start-left,end-right). Nope, i thinks it's good
  5. 01:39:921 (3) - ctrl+g and move it to left a bit, I suggestion x:360. Sure, great idea
  6. 03:20:945 (3) - How about move return of this slider to right ? Nope, but i changed the pattern direction
  7. 03:51:084 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think on this stream notes is should change. Change that to same 03:50:804 (1,2,3,4) - ? Hmm, changed but keep that in mind (self note)

W = Whistle
F = Finish
C = Clap

  1. 00:11:735 (1) - Add W + F
  2. 00:11:875 (2) - Delete F
  3. 00:19:549 (1) - Add C
  4. 00:19:898 (6) - Delete C
  5. 00:19:968 (1) - Add C
  6. 00:20:386 (1) - Add C (Start slider)
  7. 00:25:131 (1) - Delete C and Add F (Start slider) and Add C (End slider)
  8. 00:25:828 (3) - Delete C
  9. 00:25:968 (4) - Add C
  10. 00:26:107 (1) - Add F (Start slider)
  11. 00:31:410 (5) - Add C (End slider)
  12. 00:34:061 (1) - Add F (Start slider)
  13. 00:35:456 (2) - Add C (Start slider)
  14. 01:14:805 (3) - Delete C (Start slider)
  15. 01:15:084 (4) - Add C (Start slider)
  16. 01:21:921 (5) - Add F
  17. 01:22:061 (1) - Delete F (Start slider)
  18. 02:06:433 (3) - Add C
  19. 02:06:572 (4) - Delete C
  20. 02:26:666 (1) - Add F (Start slider) Delete C (End slider)
  21. 02:53:875 (2) - Add C
  22. 02:54:293 (6) - Delete C
  23. 02:54:433 (7) - Add C
  24. 02:57:224 (2) - Add C
  25. 02:57:782 (4) - Add C
  26. 02:58:340 (4) - Add C
  27. 02:58:899 (4) - Add C
  28. 02:59:456 (4) - Add C
  29. 03:00:014 (3) - Add C
  30. 03:02:107 (3) - Add C (End slider)
  31. 03:06:154 (5,6,7,4,5) - Add C
  32. 03:14:526 (4) - Add C
  33. 03:15:084 (2) - Add C (Start)
  34. 03:15:642 (4) - Add C
  35. 03:16:200 (1) - Add C (Start)
  36. 03:16:619 (3) - Add C (End)
  37. 03:25:689 (3,3,2) - Add C
  38. 03:30:154 (7) - Add C
  39. 03:38:526 (7,2,3) - Add C
  40. 03:40:200 (8) - Add C (Start)
  41. 03:44:107 (2) - Add C
  42. 03:44:666 (6) - Add C
  43. 03:50:805 (1,1,1,1,1) - Add C
  44. 03:53:596 - Add C
  45. 03:55:270 (3,5,1,3) - Add C
  46. 03:57:502 (1) - Add C
  47. 03:58:061 (1) - Add C (Start)
  48. 04:00:293 (3) - Add C
  49. 04:01:410 (4) - Add C
  50. 04:02:526 (4) - Add C
  51. 04:03:642 (3) - Add C
  52. 04:05:177 (2) - Add C (End)
  53. 04:05:875 (7) - Add C
  54. 04:07:549 (2,5) - Add C
  55. 04:07:828 (4) - Delete C (start)
  56. 05:16:200 (5) - Add C
  57. 05:17:317 (4) - Add C (Start)
  58. 05:17:875 (3) - Add C
  59. 05:26:805 (2) - Add C
    All hit sounding added and fixed, so much @_@ !!! Hope players will enjoy them :3

Good luck Fucking with Hitsound :) Thanks mate ~


00:08:386 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Here I suggest you to rethink both your patterns and the timeline. Your timeline tries to follow the music but that barely works. Basically the whole part can be mapped as 1/2. Your patterns are bad because this part contains a very intense intro but your patterns lack movement. You shouldn't place hypers everywhere but some jump would be nice at higher pitched sounds.
00:19:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - At this part its good to use hyperdashes but it would be nice if those are after the music. Now you have dashes between (4,5) in both combo put it represents nothing from the music. It would be better if you could put more movement to (1,2,3) and only put Hypers at both (6,1).
00:22:340 (3,4) - Its good to have these as slider+note pair but sounds much better as a triple curcle.This and the next few one with the same sounds.
00:38:526 (1) - I'm not really sure if the best choice here is a single note as the vocal goes on. I would say end a slider at 00:38:945
00:42:991 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why this part has different timeline than the previous?
00:48:014 (3) - Please do not end sliders on big white tick (main beat). Its very weird to hear and play it.
00:50:107 (2) - Slider please.
00:52:479 (3) - Again a slider+circle pair would be better.
01:00:852 (1,2) - Okay, same sound should have the same distance as well. Currently you are using at least 3 different one. This is a very bad way to represent something from the song.
01:04:759 (4,5,6,1) - You are making a high star map but you left something as strong as these untouched? Please, you can have a chained Hyper between at least 3 if not 4 notes.
01:05:317 (1,2) - Same rhythm starts again and you again used different distances.
01:13:689 - Are you sure you don't want to map this part? It would be nice to have emphasize at the start of the kiai. :c
01:14:666 (2,3) - This distance is too short for a Hyper although it would be nice to have one.
01:14:805 (3,4) - The distance here although too high for a comfortable jump. Please shorten it around 1.7x if possible.
01:16:200 (3,4) - Again high distance.
01:17:456 (1,2,3) - If you want to emphasize this part more I suggest you to make (1) 1/2 then put a circle to 01:17:735. Do not forget to make some Hyper chain with these 3(4) note to follow the vocal.
01:18:852 (2,3) - I personally think a Hyper would be nice here too.
01:21:503 (4,5,1) - There shouldn't be a Hyper between (4,5) but (5,1) must contain one.
01:30:433 (2,3,4) - You again started to mix your timeline although the music is the same. This shouldn't cause too much problem on its own but the patterns are also have too much difference.
01:49:131 (1,2) - I would say, two 1/2 slider would be better.
02:20:666 (4,5) - This Hyper follows nothing. The sound which might be Hypered is at the white tick 1/2 later where the slider ends.
02:21:084 (1,2) - I wonder what this Hyper represents. There is nothing to be followed with it.
02:22:200 (1,2) - Again something which follows nothing.
02:23:177 (4) - I don't get this 1/2 at all. In terms of rhythm this kiai is the same as the first so it should use the same timeline as well.

And still so on. Rest said in-game.
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:



00:08:386 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Here I suggest you to rethink both your patterns and the timeline. Your timeline tries to follow the music but that barely works. Basically the whole part can be mapped as 1/2. Your patterns are bad because this part contains a very intense intro but your patterns lack movement. You shouldn't place hypers everywhere but some jump would be nice at higher pitched sounds. Okay, i just barely changed pattern from that, but i really want to keep the timeline
00:19:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - At this part its good to use hyperdashes but it would be nice if those are after the music. Now you have dashes between (4,5) in both combo put it represents nothing from the music. It would be better if you could put more movement to (1,2,3) and only put Hypers at both (6,1). After speak with you, i'll stay on actual pattern
00:22:340 (3,4) - Its good to have these as slider+note pair but sounds much better as a triple curcle.This and the next few one with the same sounds. Donce
00:38:526 (1) - I'm not really sure if the best choice here is a single note as the vocal goes on. I would say end a slider at 00:38:945 Alright, seems better
00:42:991 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why this part has different timeline than the previous? Idk, but i just followed vocals as before, but differently, like that's the really start of the music of something else,but i want to keep it anyway
00:48:014 (3) - Please do not end sliders on big white tick (main beat). Its very weird to hear and play it. Okay, changed it. Removed reverse arrow and added 3 CURCLES
00:50:107 (2) - Slider please. Added
00:52:479 (3) - Again a slider+circle pair would be better. Fixed
01:00:852 (1,2) - Okay, same sound should have the same distance as well. Currently you are using at least 3 different one. This is a very bad way to represent something from the song. Fixed at ~1.80x to make consistency with 01:56:666 (1,2) -
01:04:759 (4,5,6,1) - You are making a high star map but you left something as strong as these untouched? Please, you can have a chained Hyper between at least 3 if not 4 notes.
01:05:317 (1,2) - Same rhythm starts again and you again used different distances. Already fixed before you wrote it :3
01:13:689 - Are you sure you don't want to map this part? It would be nice to have emphasize at the start of the kiai. :c Okay, okay, okay. i'll do it. And i did it like 30s later i wrote that, rofl.
01:14:666 (2,3) - This distance is too short for a Hyper although it would be nice to have one. I found the way for. Added :)
01:14:805 (3,4) - The distance here although too high for a comfortable jump. Please shorten it around 1.7x if possible. I prefer to have an HDash here
01:16:200 (3,4) - Again high distance. There's already an HDash on that, ooooor i didn't know what you mean
01:17:456 (1,2,3) - If you want to emphasize this part more I suggest you to make (1) 1/2 then put a circle to 01:17:735. Do not forget to make some Hyper chain with these 3(4) note to follow the vocal. Done, added dash on 01:17:456 (1,3,4,6) -
01:18:852 (2,3) - I personally think a Hyper would be nice here too. Sure, done
01:21:503 (4,5,1) - There shouldn't be a Hyper between (4,5) but (5,1) must contain one. Fixed
01:30:433 (2,3,4) - You again started to mix your timeline although the music is the same. This shouldn't cause too much problem on its own but the patterns are also have too much difference. Fixed consistency
01:49:131 (1,2) - I would say, two 1/2 slider would be better. Don't like it
02:20:666 (4,5) - This Hyper follows nothing. The sound which might be Hypered is at the white tick 1/2 later where the slider ends. Fixed
02:21:084 (1,2) - I wonder what this Hyper represents. There is nothing to be followed with it.Idk, that fit well with the music unless there's nothing to fit at
02:22:200 (1,2) - Again something which follows nothing. -^
02:23:177 (4) - I don't get this 1/2 at all. In terms of rhythm this kiai is the same as the first so it should use the same timeline as well. Fixed

And still so on. Rest said in-game. Sure

01:13:828 (2) - Move to X88
01:13:968 (3) - Move to X312
01:14:107 (4) - Move to X144
01:14:247 (1) - Move X408
01:14:666 (2) - Same :V X280
01:14:805 (3) - And same all time :V X120
01:17:735 (2) - X352
01:17:875 (3) - X160
02:13:968 (1) - X104
02:14:247 (2) - X408
02:14:945 (2) - X56
02:15:084 (3) - X288
02:46:200 (2) - X320
02:47:038 (2) - X312
02:47:177 (3) - X192
02:47:317 (4) - X64
02:47:456 (5) - X256
02:47:596 (6) - X384
02:47:735 (7) - X384
02:47:875 (8) - X256
02:48:014 (1) - X360
02:48:293 (2) - X296
02:56:945 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Insane, so insane ;w; Nerf a little
03:05:875 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Same here :___:

05:05:875 - Start last Kiai, maybe can be more harder than all
05:05:875 (1) - X136
05:06:154 (2) - X376
05:06:433 (1) - End in Y328, move to Y232
05:06:991 (3) - X208
05:07:270 (4) - X112
05:08:107 (3) - X408
05:08:386 (4) - X104
05:09:084 (2) - X168
05:09:921 (2) - X368
05:10:061 (3) - X224
05:10:200 (4) - Ctrl + G and X416
Topic Starter

[ K a e d e ] wrote:


01:13:828 (2) - Move to X88 Fixed
01:13:968 (3) - Move to X312 Fixed
01:14:107 (4) - Move to X144 Fixed
01:14:247 (1) - Move X408 Fixed
01:14:666 (2) - Same :V X280 Fixed
01:14:805 (3) - And same all time :V X120 Fixed
01:17:735 (2) - X352 Fixed
01:17:875 (3) - X160 Fixed
02:13:968 (1) - X104 Fixed
02:14:247 (2) - X408 Fixed
02:14:945 (2) - X56 Fixed
02:15:084 (3) - X288 Fixed
02:46:200 (2) - X320 Fixed
02:47:038 (2) - X312 I don't change that
02:47:177 (3) - X192 Same -^
02:47:317 (4) - X64 Same -^
02:47:456 (5) - X256 Same -^
02:47:596 (6) - X384 Same -^
02:47:735 (7) - X384 Same -^
02:47:875 (8) - X256 Same -^
02:48:014 (1) - X360 Same -^
02:48:293 (2) - X296 Fixed
02:56:945 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Insane, so insane ;w; Nerf a little
03:05:875 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Same here :___:
Nerf a bit stream part, need testplays for it pls xd
05:05:875 - Start last Kiai, maybe can be more harder than all Fixed
05:05:875 (1) - X136 Fixed
05:06:154 (2) - X376 Fixed
05:06:433 (1) - End in Y328, move to Y232 Fixed
05:06:991 (3) - X208 Fixed
05:07:270 (4) - X112 Fixed
05:08:107 (3) - X408 Fixed
05:08:386 (4) - X104 Fixed
05:09:084 (2) - X168 Fixed
05:09:921 (2) - X368 Fixed
05:10:061 (3) - X224 Fixed
05:10:200 (4) - Ctrl + G and X416 Fixed
Nitsches in the house
Mod from Blergh's modding queue

Blergh is blergh
Blergh is blergh

02:24:991 (2) - Blergh note blergh a bit blergh blerghed, like blergh after the blergh, would blergh it someblergh blergh.
02:30:293 (1,1) - Blergh too much blergh or blergh your spinner blergh is.
04:34:479 (2) - Blergh don't see blergh reason blergh blergh a repeat blergh at blergh instead of a blergh blergh like the blergh blerghfore.
04:48:572 (1) - Would blergh this a blergh to blergh that blergh switch in blergh as it doesn't blergh any blergh because it is blergh before a blergh.
Blergh like this ->
(Actual mod)
This colour is for things that seem a bit risky for ranking the map
This colour is for personal preference

02:24:991 (2) - This note seems a bit dull placed, like right after the slider, would move it somewhere else, maybe to space.
02:30:293 (1,1) - Maybe too much banana's or whatever your spinner skin is.
04:34:479 (2) - I don't see any reason to pick a repeat slider at that point instead of a normal slider like the ones before.
04:48:572 (1) - Would make this a hyper to match that strong switch in the voice as it doesn't create any trouble because it is just before a break. Something like this ->
Topic Starter

Calibus wrote:

Mod from Blergh's modding queue

Blergh is blergh
Blergh is blergh

02:24:991 (2) - Blergh note blergh a bit blergh blerghed, like blergh after the blergh, would blergh it someblergh blergh.
I'm blergh with blergh, more blerghs seems blerghing blergh
02:30:293 (1,1) - Blergh too much blergh or blergh your spinner blergh is.
Nah, blerghs are blergh and blergh, i blergh blergh you can blergh blergh that, dude.
04:34:479 (2) - Blergh don't see blergh reason blergh blergh a repeat blergh at blergh instead of a blergh blergh like the blergh blerghfore.
I don't blergh why blergh, but i blergh i blergh blergh it blergh "It's blergh a blergh'ning for blergh 04:37:410 (1,2) -
04:48:572 (1) - Would blergh this a blergh to blergh that blergh switch in blergh as it doesn't blergh any blergh because it is blergh before a blergh.
I don't blergh any blerghs with blergh
Blergh like this ->

Blergh for blergh ! Like i blergh, a blergh is a blergh and I'll blergh all blergh of blergh.
(Actual mod)
This colour is for things that seem a bit risky for ranking the map
This colour is for personal preference

02:24:991 (2) - This note seems a bit dull placed, like right after the slider, would move it somewhere else, maybe to space.
I'm okay with that, more space seems actually better
02:30:293 (1,1) - Maybe too much banana's or whatever your spinner skin is.
Nah, bananas are cool and yummy, i don't believe you can actually thinks that, dude.
04:34:479 (2) - I don't see any reason to pick a repeat slider at that point instead of a normal slider like the ones before.
I don't know why too, but i thinks i can describe it like "It's like a beginning for 04:37:410 (1,2) -
04:48:572 (1) - Would make this a hyper to match that strong switch in the voice as it doesn't create any trouble because it is just before a break.
I don't see any problem with that
Something like this ->
Thanks for mod ! Like i said, a mod is a mod and I'll take all of them.
Modded through irc.
18:16 MMBan: Let's return to your map
18:17 MMBan: your map is 7*
18:17 Nitsches: yup
18:17 MMBan: and won't say is easy. to my map i use.. strange style
18:17 Nitsches: i saw that lel
18:17 Nitsches: but it's funny though
18:18 MMBan: Still i wonder why it have 10 favs
18:18 Nitsches: 11*
18:19 Nitsches: :D
18:19 MMBan: Meah
18:19 MMBan: 01:13:689 (1,2,3,4) Why not make those hdash to each other?
18:20 Nitsches: Hmm
18:21 MMBan: 1/2 hdash start at 2.40 distance on this map
18:21 Nitsches: I thinks this way will be less appreciated by players
18:21 MMBan: But at least those won't be near pixel jumps
18:21 Nitsches: wat ? .8.
18:22 Nitsches: maybe i should reduce them ?
18:22 MMBan: Idk or reduce or make them hdash or do nothing. Your choice
18:22 Nitsches: i reduced them to 1.85x
18:23 MMBan: Ai
18:23 Nitsches: still Hdash :)
18:23 Nitsches: brb
18:24 MMBan: Hdash to from 2 to 3 and 4 to slider can stay
18:24 Nitsches: back
18:24 Nitsches: yeah ikr
18:27 MMBan: That stream at 03:06:624
18:27 MMBan: 03:06:624 -
18:28 Nitsches: yep
18:28 Nitsches: (same here:03:07:968 - )
18:28 MMBan: 1 x168 2 x224
18:29 MMBan: What do you think about this small change?
18:30 Nitsches: that a good one yep
18:31 MMBan: Cheers
18:31 Nitsches: i changed the 03:06:363 (1,2,3,4) - before it
18:31 MMBan: This one you can keep as it is
18:31 Nitsches: and i'll made the same for 03:07:688 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
18:31 Nitsches: it feels weird
18:31 Nitsches: :')
18:31 MMBan: Not really.
18:32 Nitsches: really ?
18:32 MMBan: Reminds a bit onoken
18:32 Nitsches: but i need to do the same for 03:07:967 (1,2,3,4) - ( of 03:06:642 (1,2,3,4) - )
18:32 MMBan: 03:14:666 (1) - Make Hdash to it and next slider
18:32 Nitsches: yeah sure
18:32 Nitsches: xD
18:33 Nitsches: done
18:35 MMBan: 03:57:503 - those jumps are doomish
18:35 Nitsches: there're for that :)
18:36 Nitsches: there totally possible for advanced player
18:36 Nitsches: it's like a fast reversed bullet rain
18:37 MMBan: 04:15:363 - Missing hdash?
18:38 Nitsches: Nope
18:38 Nitsches: look at 04:09:224 (4,4) -
18:39 Nitsches: 04:11:457 (4) - & 04:09:224 (4) -
18:39 MMBan: Meah nvm
18:39 Nitsches: :)
18:40 MMBan: Everything else looks good
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