
NCT DREAM - My First and Last

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 29 Maret 2018 at 17:44:43

Title: My First and Last
Tags: The First Single 마크 리 이민형 黄仁俊 런쥔 이제노 이동혁 해찬 나재민 钟辰乐 천러 박지성 Mark Lee Min Hyung Huang Ren Jun Moomin Lee Je No JeNo-Jam Lee Dong Hyuk Haechan Dongsookie Na Jae Min Zhong Chen Le Park Ji Sung SM Entertaintment K-pop Kpop 2017 ulfanirahmi
BPM: 108
Filesize: 20714kb
Play Time: 03:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,39 stars, 192 notes)
  2. Normal (2,13 stars, 343 notes)
  3. You.. You.. You! (2,82 stars, 499 notes)
Download: NCT DREAM - My First and Last
Download: NCT DREAM - My First and Last (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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This is My First Submited Beatmap
All of Difficulties & Hitsounding is made by me

I want it, You..You..You!

The Maknae on Top
Topic Starter
You asked me for mod)
I do not know what to say in order not to upset you....(
You should learn many things about mapping)
It's good that you almost don't use stacks, but your overlaps are very ugly, in all diffs...
I understand that it's your first work. It's very good that you finished it) But if you want to rank this, you have to situate objects not so.
And if you can't play diff, don't map it, because you can't understand, good it or not. I see that you begginer.... And now you haven't got much experience and skills. You understand music, and it's great!!! So now i advise you to read osu wiki about mapping, about all diffs, it will not spend much time. And also try to play modern maps. Because now i see map, that fits old criterias, and earlier maps was like your map. But not now!
If now i try to tell you all mistakes, i will need to write 1000 points or more....
Hitsounds seems good ;)
So... FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter

elena2705 wrote:

You asked me for mod)
I do not know what to say in order not to upset you....(
You should learn many things about mapping)
It's good that you almost don't use stacks, but your overlaps are very ugly, in all diffs...
I understand that it's your first work. It's very good that you finished it) But if you want to rank this, you have to situate objects not so.
And if you can't play diff, don't map it, because you can't understand, good it or not. I see that you begginer.... And now you haven't got much experience and skills. You understand music, and it's great!!! So now i advise you to read osu wiki about mapping, about all diffs, it will not spend much time. And also try to play modern maps. Because now i see map, that fits old criterias, and earlier maps was like your map. But not now!
If now i try to tell you all mistakes, i will need to write 1000 points or more....
Hitsounds seems good ;)
So... FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!
Yeah... I must learn it too much and I repair my fault. Again... again.... again until my maps can set up in Ranked Map. Thanks for your suggestion. It's useful for me. See you Again :D
Hi , Saya guna bahasa malaysia ya ? Masih ngerti kan ?

My First and Last
  1. 00:09:644 (7,1) - Jarak terlalu jauh , dekatkan sikit boleh ? sebab gap dia dekat so kena dekatkan antara slider untuk mudah click ^^
  2. 00:18:394 (3) - slider ini tidak sesuai saya rasa , sebab dekat sliderend tu ada bunyi kuat kan ?
  3. 00:25:338 (1,2,3) - Saya tak rasa triple ni sesuai dekat sini . Maybe slider sesuai :)
  4. 00:29:783 (1,2) - Jauhnya jarak ~ dekatkan sikit
  5. 00:34:783 (3,5) - Ni kena stacked baru sesuai , tapi gak papa kalau fani mau macam ini
  6. 00:37:283 (2) - Bad flow la , cuba letak circle dekat line merah pastu letak slider dekat line putih
  7. 00:42:283 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Pelik , patutnya stream mulai dekat 00:42:561 (3) -
  8. 00:47:561 (1,2) - Ni kena stacked ataupun jarakkan , sebab gap dia jauh
  9. 01:44:644 (2) - Remove circle ini , stream start dekat sebelah nya :)
  10. 02:07:838 (2,3,4,5,6) - hmm , rasa pelik , cuba buat pattern lain
  11. 02:10:616 (3,4) - saya tak pasti ni player bole nampak
  12. 03:07:005 (5,1,2) - Stacked please

  1. Setiap difficult mesti ada Easy , Normal , Hard & Insane . Nama macam tu tak bisa rank kok
  2. Kamu perlu guna 1/4 untuk 1st map . Seperti yang kamu tahu , 1/8 adalah untuk experience mapper sahaja .
  3. Kamu perlu banyak lihat pattern daripada map orang , saya sarankan Map dari Monstrata atau Kibbleru .
  4. Kamu perlu juga banyak tahu tentang overlap , overlap adalah slider bersentuhan antara 1 sama lain , ya gak papa kalau ianya cantik dan kemas tetapi dalam hal ini , saya harap kamu faham ^^
  5. Sound jangan sampai 100% di timing tab , rendahkan sedikit , terlalu kuat orang dengarin
  6. Saya rasa kamu patut mapping dalam 1 min sahaja , untuk belajar dahulu .
  7. Bila mapping , check dekat AIMod , (Ctrl+Shift+A) di editor untuk kesalahan yang ada , tetapi ada kesalahan yang tidak salah , macam timing ataupun lain lain ^^
  8. Kalau ada masalah , kamu chat aja atau PM di osu , saya akan bantuin kamu ^^
  9. Lastly , Saya minta maaf tidak dapat mod kesemua diff , Kamu perlu belajar untuk mapping , saya sarankan tengok video Pishifat di youtube , ni linknya
    Here !!!

    Goodluck ya Fani ! ><

Topic Starter
Thank you for your modding :D

what's this? owo

also, hi there. ewe

pengalaman kurang lebih hampir 2 tahun mungkin, tapi cuman di bidang taiko sepenuhnya dan iseng iseng nyoba ctb dan mania. sekarang lebih condong buat iseng ke mania.

yah jadi maaf deh, kalau buat bantuin map kamu keknya ga bisa karena saya blum paham konsep/meta di std.

happy mapping ya
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

what's this? owo

also, hi there. ewe

pengalaman kurang lebih hampir 2 tahun mungkin, tapi cuman di bidang taiko sepenuhnya dan iseng iseng nyoba ctb dan mania. sekarang lebih condong buat iseng ke mania.

yah jadi maaf deh, kalau buat bantuin map kamu keknya ga bisa karena saya blum paham konsep/meta di std.

happy mapping ya
Thank you Kakak, nggak apa2 kok ^_^

It's me from the mod queue

Overall Problems
The Kiai section in 02:40:894 to 02:47:561 is not necessary. Kiai is more for the climax or chorus where the main lyrics burst out!

This is more of a cool down where the song goes low. Also this empty space between 02:56:449 and 02:58:672 needs Kiai

You need to overlap your notes whenever there is no tick of space between them (especially in the easier difficulties). And work on spacing notes that ticks between them should be far apart, and ones that have no ticks have to be close. When the player is playing the space is a judge of how fast or slow the beat is.

01:21:727 (2) Since the singer is holding the note the circle seems off. I think it would be better to extend the (1) slider into a return slider ending at 01:22:005

01:25:338 A note should be here. Try taking the (1) slider make it a return slider and start it from there.

01:41:449 (1,2) Extend them into return sliders

03:15:338 (1) Extend spinner to 03:17:005

00:18:116 A note should be here, it's just dead space

01:13:394 (3,4,5,6,7,8) Circles should be stacked in 3 since they are grouped in 3. The way you put them the player thinks there's a tic of space between (4) and (5), and (7) and (8). So they won't hit it fast

01:19:088 (2,1) Let the (2) and (1) circles switch places. Because the return slider will make the mouse go up then down it will make a zig zag pattern

How you did it

How it should look

01:20:061 Space is too short to have a spinner

01:29:783 (1) Slider is too far from previous circles

01:31:449 (1,2,3) Try to keep the stream in the direction the slider is exiting

01:48:949 Space is too short for spinner

02:26:449 (1,2,3) Don't place the circles so angled, try placing them more in curves or straight lines. (Also you can overlap them a bit on each other

02:38:116 (2,3,4) Circles are too close to the end of the (1) slider, since there is a tick of space between (1) and (2). The way you did it makes the player think that they get tapped as soon as the slider finishes.

02:50:061 (1) Should be stacked on top of (2) and (3) circle (Was really hard to read while playing

03:11:449 (1,2,3,4,5) Stream should be less angled, use corners or straight lines (Overlap your streams more)

I accidentally started modding your insane first (It was morning and I was sleepy :o), but I didn't do all of it.
Might as well not let these notes go to waste tho!

00:26:588 (4) Circle should be under the end of the (3) slider

00:26:866 (5,6,7,8) The (5) has ticks of space between (4) and (6), so it should be spaced out. And the (6) (7) and (8) circles should overlap more to let the player know they need to be clicked fast

Feel free to give me feedback on how well I modded

Anyway I hope this mod was helpful, and hope you get ranked! :D
From my modding queue!

00:02:561 (3,4) - Overlap. Blanket the ends of the sliders
00:12:005 (4) - Doesn't fit the music
Try playing around with something like this rhythm.
If you dont plan on playing around with it 00:12:005 (4,1) - Overlap
00:16:449 (5,6) - Overlap
00:36:449 (4,5) - ^
00:43:672 (2,3) - ^
00:52:005 (1,2,1) - ^
00:54:227 (1,2) - ^
00:55:338 (2,3,4) - Also whay too hard to hit for an easy player. Reverse slider would be better here.
00:58:116 (6,1) - Overlap
00:58:672 (1,2) - Blanket the 2
01:01:449 (3,4) - Overlap
01:05:894 (3,4) - ^
01:25:338 (5,1) - ^
01:38:672 (4,1) - ^
01:42:005 (2,3) - ^
01:43:116 (3,4) - Empty sounds to fill. I suggest a slider from the white tick after 3 to the next white tick where 4 is.
01:45:338 (1,2,3) - Overlap
01:48:672 (5,1) - ^
01:51:449 (3,4,1) - Overlap
01:58:672 (3,1) - ^
02:05:338 (1,2) - ^
02:27:005 (2,1) - ^
02:27:561 (1,2,3) - ^
02:33:672 (3,1) - ^
02:34:227 (1,1) - ^
02:36:449 (1,1) - ^
02:38:116 (1,2) -
02:53:672 (5,1) -
02:54:227 (1) - Dont use this shape any diff. Easy players dont know how to deal with it.
02:54:227 (1,1,2) - Overlap
02:57:005 (2,3) - Blanket the two on 3's sliderend
03:02:005 (4) - Don't do this either
03:03:116 (1,2) - Overlap

00:02:005 (2,3) - Stack it properly
00:11:449 (2,3) - Do something different slider shape wise
00:11:449 (3,1) - Overlap
00:26:449 (4,1) - ^
00:42:283 (3,4,1,2) - Overlap
00:44:227 (4,1) - Sound on the red tick also your stack is slightly off
00:44:783 (1,2) - Overlap
00:52:561 (2,3) - ^
01:04:227 (2,3) - Blanket the ends
01:05:338 (3,1) - Overlap
01:30:894 (3,1) - ^
01:35:894 (3,6,7) - ^
01:37:005 (6,8) - ^
01:38:672 (1,2) - ^
01:42:283 (3,1) - Stack is a little off
01:44:783 (3,1) - ^
01:46:449 (2,3,4) - Overlap
01:52:005 (1,3,1) - Overlap
01:58:116 (4,1) - Blanket the 4 on the end of the slider
02:07:005 (1,3) - Overlap
02:09:783 (1,2) - Sliderend is a little bit off of its stack
02:15:338 (3) - 1 Reverse then a note on the red tick
02:25:616 (2,4) - Stack is off
02:26:727 (4,1) - Blanket is slightly off
02:28:672 (3,4) - Overlap
02:32:005 (4,6) - Blanket is off
02:34:227 (1,2) - Overlap
02:37:005 (2,4) - ^
02:38:116 (3,4,1) - ^
02:39:227 (1,1) - ^
02:59:227 (1,2) - Blanket is off
03:05:894 (5,1) - Overlap
03:09:227 (3,4) - Blanket is off

00:04:505 (4,1) - Overlap
00:15:061 (2) - Blanket it or move it from the overlap
00:15:338 (1,2,3,4) - This is a no
00:20:338 (2,1) - Overlap
00:22:005 (4,1,2) - ^
00:24:783 (4,1) - ^
00:28:949 (3,4) - ^
00:30:755 (4,5,6,1) - ^
00:34:227 (1) - Make it circle outwards
00:34:227 (1,2,3) - Overlap
00:37:838 (2,1) - ^
00:39:227 (3,4,5,6) - ^
00:45:894 (1,1,1) - ^
00:48:394 (2,3) - ^
00:48:672 (3,1) - ^
00:50:338 (3,4) - Overlap. Also use one reverse and a note on the red tick.
00:52:283 (2,3,4) - ^ Overlap
00:55:894 (4,1) - ^
00:56:172 (5,3) - ^
01:00:894 (1,2,3,4,1) - Overlap
01:03:949 (2,5) - ^
01:06:727 (4,1) - ^
01:14:783 (2,5) - Stack it
01:19:366 (2) - One reverse than red note on red tick
01:20:061 (1) - Spinner is wayyyy to short just put a slider
01:22:005 (3,4,1,2) - Not a rankable placement
01:24:366 (3,4,5,1) - Placement looks like a mess.
01:26:727 (5,1,2) - Overlap. Also stack 1 on 2 better
01:28:255 (4,1) - Overlap
01:33:116 (3,1) - ^
01:35:061 (2,1) - ^
01:35:338 (1,1) - ^
01:36:172 (1,3) - Blanket 3 better on either end of 1
01:37:561 (4,5,1) - Overlap
01:39:227 (2,4) - ^
01:42:838 (5,1,2) - Overlap
01:43:394 (2,3) - ^
01:45:894 (2,3,1) - Stacking could be better also one reverse and a note on the big white tick
01:47:838 (1,2,3) - Overlap
01:48:949 (1) - Spinner again too short replace it with something else
01:50:338 (1,2,3,4,1) - Fix the rhythm here. Example
01:53:116 (1,2) - Overlap
01:56:449 (1,3) - ^
01:58:672 (1,2) - ^
01:59:783 (1,4) - ^
02:00:338 (2,3,4,1) - ^
02:00:894 (1,3) - ^
02:03:116 (3,1) - ^
02:03:949 (1,2) - ^
02:05:616 (1,2) - ^
02:07:005 (3,4,5) - ^
02:07:561 (5,2) - ^
02:20:894 (1,2) - ^
02:21:866 (2,3) - ^
02:23:116 (1,2,1) - ^
02:25:616 (2,1,2) - ^
02:27:283 (5,1) - ^
02:28:116 (1,1) - ^
02:29:227 (1,3) - ^
02:30:061 (2,3,1) - ^
02:32:005 (1,1,1,1) - ^
02:34:227 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:37:561 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:43:672 (3,4,1) - ^
02:44:227 (4,2) - Blanket
02:52:283 (1,2) - You know what to do about these
02:55:061 (4,1) - Overlap
02:56:449 (1,1) - ^
02:59:783 (3,4) - ^
03:01:727 (1,2) - ^
03:03:394 (1,2) - ^
03:05:338 (1,3) - ^
03:05:894 (2,4) - ^
03:07:005 (4,1) - ^
03:08:949 (3,1,2,3) - Overlap
03:13:672 (4,1) - ^

Personally I'm not going to bother modding the insane cause it has he same issues as all the rest and you should know what to look for.

Make sure reverse sliders go once and then fill it with either a slider or a note(s)
Make sure you blanket and or stack notes to avoid overlaps
Make to not overlap ever lol.
Also be sure to review with AIMod. It will help you if you hit the check box that says "Check distance snap". A lot of you objects have different spacings so I'd clean that up if I were you.

Good luck on ranking and other mods.
Topic Starter

Mistaken wrote:

From my modding queue!

00:02:561 (3,4) - Overlap. Blanket the ends of the sliders
00:12:005 (4) - Doesn't fit the music
Try playing around with something like this rhythm.
If you dont plan on playing around with it 00:12:005 (4,1) - Overlap
00:16:449 (5,6) - Overlap
00:36:449 (4,5) - ^
00:43:672 (2,3) - ^
00:52:005 (1,2,1) - ^
00:54:227 (1,2) - ^
00:55:338 (2,3,4) - Also whay too hard to hit for an easy player. Reverse slider would be better here.
00:58:116 (6,1) - Overlap
00:58:672 (1,2) - Blanket the 2
01:01:449 (3,4) - Overlap
01:05:894 (3,4) - ^
01:25:338 (5,1) - ^
01:38:672 (4,1) - ^
01:42:005 (2,3) - ^
01:43:116 (3,4) - Empty sounds to fill. I suggest a slider from the white tick after 3 to the next white tick where 4 is.
01:45:338 (1,2,3) - Overlap
01:48:672 (5,1) - ^
01:51:449 (3,4,1) - Overlap
01:58:672 (3,1) - ^
02:05:338 (1,2) - ^
02:27:005 (2,1) - ^
02:27:561 (1,2,3) - ^
02:33:672 (3,1) - ^
02:34:227 (1,1) - ^
02:36:449 (1,1) - ^
02:38:116 (1,2) -
02:53:672 (5,1) -
02:54:227 (1) - Dont use this shape any diff. Easy players dont know how to deal with it.
02:54:227 (1,1,2) - Overlap
02:57:005 (2,3) - Blanket the two on 3's sliderend
03:02:005 (4) - Don't do this either
03:03:116 (1,2) - Overlap

00:02:005 (2,3) - Stack it properly
00:11:449 (2,3) - Do something different slider shape wise
00:11:449 (3,1) - Overlap
00:26:449 (4,1) - ^
00:42:283 (3,4,1,2) - Overlap
00:44:227 (4,1) - Sound on the red tick also your stack is slightly off
00:44:783 (1,2) - Overlap
00:52:561 (2,3) - ^
01:04:227 (2,3) - Blanket the ends
01:05:338 (3,1) - Overlap
01:30:894 (3,1) - ^
01:35:894 (3,6,7) - ^
01:37:005 (6,8) - ^
01:38:672 (1,2) - ^
01:42:283 (3,1) - Stack is a little off
01:44:783 (3,1) - ^
01:46:449 (2,3,4) - Overlap
01:52:005 (1,3,1) - Overlap
01:58:116 (4,1) - Blanket the 4 on the end of the slider
02:07:005 (1,3) - Overlap
02:09:783 (1,2) - Sliderend is a little bit off of its stack
02:15:338 (3) - 1 Reverse then a note on the red tick
02:25:616 (2,4) - Stack is off
02:26:727 (4,1) - Blanket is slightly off
02:28:672 (3,4) - Overlap
02:32:005 (4,6) - Blanket is off
02:34:227 (1,2) - Overlap
02:37:005 (2,4) - ^
02:38:116 (3,4,1) - ^
02:39:227 (1,1) - ^
02:59:227 (1,2) - Blanket is off
03:05:894 (5,1) - Overlap
03:09:227 (3,4) - Blanket is off

00:04:505 (4,1) - Overlap
00:15:061 (2) - Blanket it or move it from the overlap
00:15:338 (1,2,3,4) - This is a no
00:20:338 (2,1) - Overlap
00:22:005 (4,1,2) - ^
00:24:783 (4,1) - ^
00:28:949 (3,4) - ^
00:30:755 (4,5,6,1) - ^
00:34:227 (1) - Make it circle outwards
00:34:227 (1,2,3) - Overlap
00:37:838 (2,1) - ^
00:39:227 (3,4,5,6) - ^
00:45:894 (1,1,1) - ^
00:48:394 (2,3) - ^
00:48:672 (3,1) - ^
00:50:338 (3,4) - Overlap. Also use one reverse and a note on the red tick.
00:52:283 (2,3,4) - ^ Overlap
00:55:894 (4,1) - ^
00:56:172 (5,3) - ^
01:00:894 (1,2,3,4,1) - Overlap
01:03:949 (2,5) - ^
01:06:727 (4,1) - ^
01:14:783 (2,5) - Stack it
01:19:366 (2) - One reverse than red note on red tick
01:20:061 (1) - Spinner is wayyyy to short just put a slider
01:22:005 (3,4,1,2) - Not a rankable placement
01:24:366 (3,4,5,1) - Placement looks like a mess.
01:26:727 (5,1,2) - Overlap. Also stack 1 on 2 better
01:28:255 (4,1) - Overlap
01:33:116 (3,1) - ^
01:35:061 (2,1) - ^
01:35:338 (1,1) - ^
01:36:172 (1,3) - Blanket 3 better on either end of 1
01:37:561 (4,5,1) - Overlap
01:39:227 (2,4) - ^
01:42:838 (5,1,2) - Overlap
01:43:394 (2,3) - ^
01:45:894 (2,3,1) - Stacking could be better also one reverse and a note on the big white tick
01:47:838 (1,2,3) - Overlap
01:48:949 (1) - Spinner again too short replace it with something else
01:50:338 (1,2,3,4,1) - Fix the rhythm here. Example
01:53:116 (1,2) - Overlap
01:56:449 (1,3) - ^
01:58:672 (1,2) - ^
01:59:783 (1,4) - ^
02:00:338 (2,3,4,1) - ^
02:00:894 (1,3) - ^
02:03:116 (3,1) - ^
02:03:949 (1,2) - ^
02:05:616 (1,2) - ^
02:07:005 (3,4,5) - ^
02:07:561 (5,2) - ^
02:20:894 (1,2) - ^
02:21:866 (2,3) - ^
02:23:116 (1,2,1) - ^
02:25:616 (2,1,2) - ^
02:27:283 (5,1) - ^
02:28:116 (1,1) - ^
02:29:227 (1,3) - ^
02:30:061 (2,3,1) - ^
02:32:005 (1,1,1,1) - ^
02:34:227 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:37:561 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:43:672 (3,4,1) - ^
02:44:227 (4,2) - Blanket
02:52:283 (1,2) - You know what to do about these
02:55:061 (4,1) - Overlap
02:56:449 (1,1) - ^
02:59:783 (3,4) - ^
03:01:727 (1,2) - ^
03:03:394 (1,2) - ^
03:05:338 (1,3) - ^
03:05:894 (2,4) - ^
03:07:005 (4,1) - ^
03:08:949 (3,1,2,3) - Overlap
03:13:672 (4,1) - ^

Personally I'm not going to bother modding the insane cause it has he same issues as all the rest and you should know what to look for.

Make sure reverse sliders go once and then fill it with either a slider or a note(s)
Make sure you blanket and or stack notes to avoid overlaps
Make to not overlap ever lol.
Also be sure to review with AIMod. It will help you if you hit the check box that says "Check distance snap". A lot of you objects have different spacings so I'd clean that up if I were you.

Good luck on ranking and other mods.
Thank you so much for modd :)
Hello from my queue.


00:06:449 (3,4) - It doesn't hurt to avoid sharp slider angles on lower difficulties.

00:52:005 (1) - This is pretty sharp for example :p

02:54:227 (1,3) - These complex shapes are pretty hard for an Easy diff.

00:58:672 (1,2) - Avoid slider body overlaps on lower difficulties. They are often avoided on higher difficulties as well because they look bad.


00:12:005 (3) - Avoid these shapes on lower difficulties, they are not easy to read for newer players.

00:17:838 (3,4,1,2) - This pattern is kinda hard to read for newer players.

02:12:005 (1) - There should be a 2 beat gap between the spinner and the next note on Normal diffs.


Regarding your rythm choice, you shouldn't throw away percussion or other instruments, especially on intense parts such as Kiai. They can be skipped on calmer parts to lower the note density. The transition between mapped instruments should be clear and easy to read.

Spacing in general is inconsistent, especially on 1/4 s.

Regarding your spacing, it can help with emphasizing certain sounds by increasing the spacing. However, same spacing between different timely gapped objects should be avoided as they can be misinterpreted. Also try to keep the same distance on similar parts of the song. If the song is intense, higher spacing is nice, if the song is calm, lower spacing is good, opposite is bad.

00:26:588 (4,5,6,7,8) - These have the same spacing but have different time gaps, and they are in the same combo, so no way an average player could read that.

02:57:005 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

00:47:561 (1,2) - Too close to be read as a 1/2

00:52:422 (2) - Slider ends at a clap, thus having a more important sound than its head.

01:06:449 (3,4,5) - 4 shouldn't be spaced as theres noting to emphasize there.

02:25:616 (5) - This slider doesn't cover the sounds well, a circle then a 1/2 reverse slider could do the trick.

02:55:061 (4) - Slider is a bit awkward, the shape doesn't represent the sound. On most vocals simple curved shapes work.

02:52:144 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Avoid these long linear shapes because at this bpm people mostly single tap these, and the pattern is not good to play.

Good luck on your mapping career!
Requested via Forum PM ^^

(also ini bukan mod dalam arti yang sesungguhnya sih, gw mungkin jatuhnya lebih akan memberikan bimbingan mengenai apa-apa saja yang sekiranya kurang tepat guna di sini... gw tadi cek map-nya sekilas dan jujur masih lumayan banyak kesalahan yang bisa dibilang cukup mendasar hehe xD)


  1. First and foremost, this song is actually based on 1/6 beats, not 1/4. You might want to take this to further consideration when applying further changes.
  2. Consider using offset of 881ms (-13ms)
  3. There are some overlaps on the lower difficulties that may potentially confuse the newer players, such as Easy's 00:02:561 (3,4), 00:12:005 (4,1), 00:36:449 (4,5), and Normal's 02:39:227 (1,1). Consider not putting too much overlap on the lower difficulties, as overlaps tend to be counter-intuitive to the newer players ^^
  4. On constructing blanket patterns such as Easy's (00:47:561 (1)), you can actually use the previous object's follow circle/approach circle as a guide for a neater blanket xD
  5. On constructing a wave slider, there are alternative techniques that you can use in order to construct a neat shape from it. Try to use the following one for example, in which the (3) one looks sleeke compared with the (4) that you're currently using :

  1. 00:02:561 (3) - Looking at the timeline bar at the top of the editor, this slider is cutting over a strong beat from the song on the downbeat (the long white line) located at 00:03:116. Try to convert this into a circle + 1/1 slider perhaps? xD
  2. 00:06:449 (3,4) - Similar with above - although not particularly cutting over a downbeat, it just feels unnatural to skip the distinct beats on 00:07:005 and 00:08:672.
  3. 00:09:783 (1) - Take care of your spacing here. Aside from that, considering that you're putting a slider-whistle on 00:12:005 (4), imo it would be better to put a slider-whistle here as well and to move the normal-hitfinish to the end of the previous slider (00:09:227) as the song's clap is located there hehe
  4. 00:19:227 (2,3) - It's actually best to refrain from putting a hit circle directly below the end of a slider on easier difficulties as this pattern is counter-intuitive for beginner players (:
  5. 00:43:672 (2,3) - Take care of these two's spacing.
  6. 00:54:227 (1,2,3,4) - Hmm, try to rearrange this part's pattern usage perhaps? Under the current formation, there's a good chance beginner players will be misinterpreting (1,2) as 1/2 apart due to the previous 00:52:005 (1,2)'s spacing. Something simple like this works good already btw, but feel free to experiment with other pattern(s) as well if you may ofc hehe ^^
  7. 00:58:672 (1) - I get the idea here very much, but due to the slider's end and start overlapping each other this may very much confuse the newer players. Try to reshape this one in a way that the slider's start and end are separated such as like this :
  8. 01:09:227 (5) - A mere suggestion - considering that the next object is a spinner, perhaps you can arrange this circle to be located exactly in the center / (x = 256 y =192) rather than in (x = 265 y =207) for aesthetics xD
  9. 01:29:783 (3) - A portion of this slider is off-screen) during playthrough. You can easily adjust this slider's angle to fix this issue though~
  10. 01:43:116 (3,4) - Considering your past rhythm usage, this 3/2 spacing between these two feels like it's coming out of nowhere orz - I'd recommend to either add an additional circle at 01:44:227 or extend the previous slider to a 2/1 slider for coherency.
  11. 01:52:005 (1) - A portion of this slider's reverse arrow is covered by 01:51:449 (3) during the playthrough, which is very much not recommended for beginners. Try to avert this slider's direction elsewhere not overlapping, such as to a downward direction.
  12. 02:04:505 (3,4) - This is also regarding rhythm coherency - although I get what you're trying to do here (there are vocals here as well), this two 1/2 objects feels like they're coming from nowhere imo as there's no other 1/2 objects anywhere nearby. I'd recommend to use a simpler 1/1 rhythms here instead or (at least) convert these two into a 1/2 slider for beginner player's intuitivity.
  13. 02:11:449 (2) - Same as 01:09:227 (5).
  14. 02:17:561 (5,1) - Be careful about the spacing between these two (:
  15. 02:54:227 (1) - This slider can be very confusing even for experienced players as there's no clear indication on where this slider would initially move. I'd suggest to implement something like 00:58:672 (1) or other slider shape that doesn't overlap itself in an abrupt fashion~
  16. 03:02:005 (4,1,2) - The way (2)'s repeat is placed creates an unnecessary cluster that may confuse players here. Again, something simple like this actually works well already here :
  17. 03:09:227 (4) - I'd recommend to shorten this slider into a 1/1 slider to make the rhythm a lot more intuitive.

  1. 00:08:394 (2) - I'd suggest to break this down to a circle + 1/2 slider as the song's defining beat actually lies on 00:08:672.
  2. 00:17:838 (3,4) - Although the idea is very much understandable here, the sudden change in rhythm combined with the pattern here may confuse some players. Perhaps try to alter these two into a 1/1 slider for intuitivity, or (at least) put a new combo on (3) so that players can tell there's a sudden transition to red-line beats here xD
  3. 00:24:227 (5) - A portion of this slider is off-screen during playthrough. This can be easily fixed by changing the pattern or rotating (3,4,5) a bit like this though :
  4. 00:26:449 (4,1) - Try not to overlap these two for intuitivity (:
  5. 00:42:283 (3,4,5,1,2) - The way this pattern is done provides an unnecessary convolution that is very hard to read (especially for players who used a non-transparent hit300.png). I'd alter this into something simpler and much more readable like this for example :
  6. 00:49:227 (1) - Again, there's a strong beat from the song coming at 00:49:783 in which you skipped. Perhaps change this into a circle + 1/2 slider with the new combo being placed on 00:49:783 (the downbeat) instead?
  7. 01:05:338 (3) - Split this into a 1/1 slider + circle so that this slider doesn't overlap 01:07:005 (1) in an abrupt way? This rhythm also feels a lot more natural here imo hehe ^^
  8. 01:34:783 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is more of a personal opinion but the sudden increase in rhythm density here just feels off compared to the other parts of the song. I'd delete (4) here so that it would flow better with the rest of the song, but it's your call really~
  9. 01:39:783 (2) - As mentioned in Easy, having a slider's repeat arrow covered underneath other object is not recommended in lower difficulties (this can easily be averted by reshaping this slider though)
  10. 01:53:394 (1) - Yet again, the most defining point of the song here is on the downbeat (01:54:227), and your rhythm just doesn't feel like providing a justified accompaniment to the song's rhythm. I'd recommend to alter the rhythm here into something like this :
  11. 01:58:672 (1) - Same as 01:39:783
  12. 02:15:338 (3) - The second repeat here comes out of nowhere and totally caught me off-guard. Perhaps remove one repeat from this slider for a better rhythm and intuitivity?
  13. 02:25:894 (3) - I'd strongly suggest to add a repeat here - this is due to the fact that you've been following the vocals faithfully since the beginning of this section, and having 02:26:449 unmapped sounds really off.
  14. 02:39:227 (1,1) - Take care of these two's spacing here.
  15. 02:47:561 (1,2,3) - The shape of (3) here is very, very hard to guess due to it heavily being stacked underneath (2) - perhaps try to de-cluster this part into something simpler like this?

  1. 00:00:894 (1) - It's very uncommon to have a first object of the map being a slider in such a risky position like this (well, it's not off-screen but it's very nearly off-screen in the game) - imo you should really consider relocating this somewhere more in the middle to avoid trouble in the future (:
  2. 00:14:227 (1,2) - Hmm, are there any particular reason(s) to put (2) completely underneath (1)'s body? I'd place (2) beneath the beginning of (1) instead for better playability o.o
  3. 00:16:158 (2,3,4) - Another risky stack in which should be best avoided really. I'd convert (2,3) to a single slider and then add a small jump to (4) like this personally :
  4. 00:36:449 (1) - Consider splitting this into a 1/1 slider + circle, since there's a distinct cheer from the song coming at 00:37:283.
  5. 00:38:672 (1) - This one is also another risky stack. Considering your notes' placement here, perhaps stack this to (2)'s end instead and add some horizontal back-and-forth jumps like this?
  6. 00:45:061 (4,1,1,1,1,1) - The new combo spam here is unnecessary really, as there's nothing coming from the song that calls for such new combo usage. Also here if you take a quick insight actually you'll find that the most distinct beat (in which the new combo should be placed) is located at the downbeat (00:45:338) - taking that into mind, consider using this rhythm instead :
  7. 00:50:338 (3) - Having two repeats here would confuse most players really, as it's not something that intuitively follows a common rhythm. Consider removing one repeat and add a circle at 00:51:172 xD
  8. 00:53:672 (5) - Consider adding a jump between (4) and (5) here to emphasize the cheers coming from the song?
  9. 00:57:838 (1,2,3,4) - Umm, what are you trying to follow here with this rhythm actually? o.o - Consider using a rhythm that would faithfully follow either the vocals or other distinct sound instead such as this one :
  10. 01:13:394 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Having two circles stacked and then followed by a big 1/4 jump is very hard and awkward to read (and play), really. Consider changing this into a repeating slider instead?
  11. 01:18:672 (1,2,1,2) - This rhythm is also very, very hard and complicated to read (having two repeats on the last (2) doesn't help much either). Perhaps simplify the rhythm into four sliders with a small jump like this instead? It plays really well and doesn't convolute the playfield much~
  12. 01:22:005 (3,4,1,2) - Consider putting these two sequences apart as (1,2) may not be readable at all for players who doesn't use a transparent hit-300.png.
  13. 01:47:005 (1) - Consider flipping this slider (CTRL + G) in order to make the slider's repeat arrow more visible to the players.
  14. 01:50:061 - Add a circle here to emphasize the coming vocals. Also, in regard to this
  15. 01:50:616 (3) - Remove the repeats from this slider and add a note on 01:51:033. This rhythm would better suit the song's distinct sounds much more xD
  16. 02:05:616 (1,2) - The spacing here is counter-intuitive, really - when I first saw this I thought they were 1/2 apart (not 1/1). Perhaps consider altering (1)'s direction so that it would flow more naturally to (2)?
  17. 02:24:644 (2) - This slider should be on 02:24:783 instead as the vocals are kicking out at that point instead of here. Also, perhaps try to implement something that doesn't cluster out too much such as this :
  18. 02:27:561 (1,1,1,1) - This new-combo spam is also not required as there's nothing coming from the song which would justify the usage of such new combo, really ._.
  19. 02:32:005 (1,1,1,1) - Same as above
  20. 02:38:116 (2,3,4) - Another very much unintuitive spacing. Placing these three further from (1) should do the trick already.
  21. 02:50:061 (1,2,3) - Same as 01:13:394, although in this case removing (2) might would be an easier and better solution here.

-> Consider using Tick Rate 2 here (as you already did with your other difficulties), as Tick Rate 4 is quite excessive for this song (especially in long sliders such as 01:01:727 (6)) in my opinion.
-> The main issue here I believe is the highly inconsistent spacing on the 1/4s (as mentioned by Fursum already) - I'm not going to cover it in detail here, but I'll try to help you pointing out several examples in order to help you fixing out the map ^^

  1. 00:16:449 (1,2,3) - Consider putting these three apart from 00:15:894 (3) and stacking the (2) perfectly with 00:15:616 (2) to make this part play better (having a sudden freeze from (3) to (1) like this breaks the flow while playing hehe ^^)
  2. 00:17:838 (1,2,3) - Try to deconvolute this part to increase readablity. Something like this might work here :
  3. 00:21:727 (3,4,5,6) - The sudden spacing change from (4) to (5) here, accompanied with normal spacing from (5) to (6) - although readable - may caught many players off guard. Perhaps try to make them all equally spaced here?
  4. 00:26:588 (4,5,6,7,8) - Also a spacing issue here. Although the concept is very much there, (6,7,8)'s spacing bursts out of nowhere and ruins the flow here. Perhaps try putting (4) and (5) somewhere afar from (6,7,8) so that (6,7,8)' spacing difference could be more intuitively portrayed?
  5. 00:34:783 (3,5.7) - Perhaps put a new combo on these three so that the jump and the pattern can be emphasized more?
  6. 00:40:755 (3) - This sudden 1/8 comes out of nowhere when there's nothing coming from the song that is 1/8 orz ._.
  7. 00:52:005 (1) - Consider changing this into a 1/2 slider instead to emphasize the beat at 00:52:144, and then
  8. 00:52:977 - add circle here for the reason same as above.
  9. 01:07:005 (1) - This slider is very much unrankable as there's no way for the players to tell the initial direction of the slider. In order to make this slider rankable, the slider's start and end should at least not being stacked perfectly over each other so that the player could tell where the slider would go first.
  10. 01:11:172 (1) - Same as above (:
  11. 01:32:005 (1,1,1,1) - Another unnecessary usage of a new combo barrage here (for the same reason I mentioned on Hard diff)
  12. 01:53:116 (3,4,5,6) - On creating patterns like this, actually all you need to do is to only create a single slider and then copy it and rotate it multiple times hehe (no need to create each slider individually xD)
  13. 02:12:977 - Consider adding a circle here in order to emphasize the drum beat as you already did in 02:12:561.
  14. 02:21:311 (2) - Due to the slider speed change and this slider being visually similar to 02:20:894 (1), it's very hard to tell that this slider is actually a 1/1 slider instead of a 1/2 one. Consider to add a new combo for a visual cue at least.
  15. 02:57:561 (4,5,6,7) - This jump is incredibly wide and unexpected imo. Perhaps consider swapping (5) and (6)'s position?
  16. 03:03:672 - Consider adding a circle here as you've been following the vocals here very much and there's a bit of singing that you skipped in this part.
...well, as you can see, this mod post focuses more on fixing the fundamental errors on this map rather than providing potential improvements (I'm not going that much on pattern suggestions and such here as the map still contains a lot of basic mistakes hehe xD). Frankly speaking the mapset itself is far from unplayable or so, but it sure requires a lot of further effort and work in order to get this map ranked.

Also, as a reminder, it's not a bad idea to consult with AIMod (File -> Open AIMod) actually ^^

I hope I provided a handful amount of insight through this mod post. Good luck Fani (:
As requested.

(Please take a note this is mostly my opinion, that means, you dont really needs to apply everything, also its a NAZI mod.)


Tags: Remove "NCT Dream" karena udah ada di Artist, sama halnya dengan "My First and Last"


00:02:561 (3) - It seems to doesn't really perfect to blanket 00:03:672 (4) - due to the red anchor, this probaly a lil problem, so just use the white anchor instead for best result in blanket.

IMO, stacking seperti 00:04:227 (5) - mungkin harus dihindari, karena dapat menyebabkan missread untuk newbie.

Guidelines wrote:

And try to avoid these:
- stacked notes
- overlapping notes
Even its a Guideline, its highly recommended to follow it.
I dont mention about stacks again.

00:07:561 (3) - sedikit overlap dibagian tail dengan 00:05:894 (2) - serta tidak sejajar.
00:09:783 (1) - Overlap dengan 00:07:561 (3) - , hindari hal ini untuk diff Easy. Serta doesn't looks good imo
00:12:005 (4) - Probaly a straight slider after the red anchor or blanket 00:11:449 (3) -
00:16:449 (5) - Posibble blanket, but if you don't want it, move it.
00:20:338 (3) - doesn't flow good with 00:19:227 (2) - , consider move it, also this can create a triangle with 00:20:894 (4,5) -
00:22:005 (1) - Getting outside of playfield (probaly), remove and create a new one.
00:22:005 (1,2,3,4,5) - I dont really sure about 1/2 things in an Easy diff.. Also they somehow doesnt look good, so change them a lil' bit
00:25:338 (1,2) - unnecessary finish, also they seems to sharp imo
00:26:449 (2,1) - Posibble blanket
00:27:561 (1,2) - ^
00:30:894 (3) - No dont do this, instead, blanket 00:30:338 (2,4) -
00:39:227 (2) - better shape, so it looks good while blanketing 00:38:672 (1) -
00:42:561 (4,1,2) - They doesn't looks good (again) and the flow is too sharp imo
00:43:672 (2,3) - anti flow seems doesnt work here, especially in easy diff, also the sound and condition seems doesn't support it, even so, if you still want to keep it, blanket with 00:45:338 (4) -
00:45:338 (4) - Hmm, why slow SV? you seems to slow it 00:47:561 (1) - here
Well I dont want this to be long, but will do a quick check from here
00:55:894 (3,4) - Fix blanket
01:01:727 (10) - Again, this doesn't looks good
01:21:449 (2,3) - Posibble blanket
01:25:338 (5) - Unnecessary finish
01:29:783 (3) -
01:29:783 (3,1) - Overlap
01:38:672 (4) - a 2/2 slider and 1 circle instead, to emphasize other pattern before, and after.
01:40:894 (1,2) - Unperfect parallel
01:43:116 (3) - one anchor is enough for a curve, even that looks better.
01:45:338 (1,3) - Overlap
01:53:672 (2) - Anti flow doesn't work here
02:00:894 (1) - Again, an anchor is enough.
02:03:116 (2,3) - Fix blanket
02:03:116 (2,1) - Overlap
02:05:338 (1,2) - ^
02:27:561 (1,2) - ^
02:54:227 (1) - What are you trying to create? .-.
02:54:227 (1,1) - Small overlap
02:57:561 (3,2) - Overlap
03:03:672 (2,3) - ^

Will not mod other diff, couse the problem mostly the same.
Anyway gl
Topic Starter
Thank you for modding :)
Topic Starter

StarMatsu wrote:


It's me from the mod queue

Overall Problems
The Kiai section in 02:40:894 to 02:47:561 is not necessary. Kiai is more for the climax or chorus where the main lyrics burst out!

This is more of a cool down where the song goes low. Also this empty space between 02:56:449 and 02:58:672 needs Kiai

You need to overlap your notes whenever there is no tick of space between them (especially in the easier difficulties). And work on spacing notes that ticks between them should be far apart, and ones that have no ticks have to be close. When the player is playing the space is a judge of how fast or slow the beat is.

01:21:727 (2) Since the singer is holding the note the circle seems off. I think it would be better to extend the (1) slider into a return slider ending at 01:22:005

01:25:338 A note should be here. Try taking the (1) slider make it a return slider and start it from there.

01:41:449 (1,2) Extend them into return sliders

03:15:338 (1) Extend spinner to 03:17:005

00:18:116 A note should be here, it's just dead space

01:13:394 (3,4,5,6,7,8) Circles should be stacked in 3 since they are grouped in 3. The way you put them the player thinks there's a tic of space between (4) and (5), and (7) and (8). So they won't hit it fast

01:19:088 (2,1) Let the (2) and (1) circles switch places. Because the return slider will make the mouse go up then down it will make a zig zag pattern

How you did it

How it should look

01:20:061 Space is too short to have a spinner

01:29:783 (1) Slider is too far from previous circles

01:31:449 (1,2,3) Try to keep the stream in the direction the slider is exiting

01:48:949 Space is too short for spinner

02:26:449 (1,2,3) Don't place the circles so angled, try placing them more in curves or straight lines. (Also you can overlap them a bit on each other

02:38:116 (2,3,4) Circles are too close to the end of the (1) slider, since there is a tick of space between (1) and (2). The way you did it makes the player think that they get tapped as soon as the slider finishes.

02:50:061 (1) Should be stacked on top of (2) and (3) circle (Was really hard to read while playing

03:11:449 (1,2,3,4,5) Stream should be less angled, use corners or straight lines (Overlap your streams more)

I accidentally started modding your insane first (It was morning and I was sleepy :o), but I didn't do all of it.
Might as well not let these notes go to waste tho!

00:26:588 (4) Circle should be under the end of the (3) slider

00:26:866 (5,6,7,8) The (5) has ticks of space between (4) and (6), so it should be spaced out. And the (6) (7) and (8) circles should overlap more to let the player know they need to be clicked fast

Feel free to give me feedback on how well I modded

Anyway I hope this mod was helpful, and hope you get ranked! :D
Thank you for giving kudos & modding :D
HI from my queue xD
is like few weeks after u request lol i'm sorry
I like the skin that you also put on your map, it was really nice :)
sorry for only a few advice :(
00:16:449 (5) - suggested end in the white tick
00:23:394 (2) - 00:24:505 (4) - a bit overmapped,suggested delete them, cause if for easy (plus there are no strong beats on there)
00:52:005 (1) - is nice but maybe..... correct your shape...? is a bit confused for beginners
01:01:727 (10) - start from the white tick would be better
01:19:505 (2) - no strong beat there, cause is a easy difficulty, suggested to delete it
01:35:616 (4) - suggested to delete it reason same as ^
00:12:005 (3) - confusing pattern
00:18:394 (2) - put on the white tick, I tried, it sounds better
02:33:949 (6) - suggested don't stack with (4)
maybe add more patterns??? Hard is usually about 3 stars to 3.99 stars
00:25:755 (2,1,2,3,4) - u are following the vocals, try follow the song instead, put these slides and circle to red tick or white tick
00:30:199 (2,3,4,5,6) - same ^, put on white or red ticks
00:48:672 (3,1) - delete (1) and (3) end on the white tick ( sounds better)
01:13:394 (3,4,5) - better to stack them up, they should put in the same distance
01:13:949 (6,7,8) - same question as ^ (stack them up)
01:20:061 (1) - shouldn't put a spinner here, is too short for a spinner, put a slide or blank it
01:22:561 (1,2) - don't stack them, is hard to see , try to put next to them
01:23:533 (2,3,4,5) - same, put them on the white or red ticks, u are following the vocals
01:27:561 (1,2) - stack them would be better
01:28:255 (4) - better put this on the red ticks
01:33:116 (3) - suggested end on the white tick
01:48:949 (1) - too short for a spinner
01:51:311 (4,1) - put them on white or red ticks, follow the music
02:47:561 (1) - I don't suggest to put a spinner here, maybe put slides
02:50:199 (2,3) - (2) suggested start (2) on the white tick
I may mod insane later..
going to mod this some time, but you should take a few notes.

you need to be replying to the mods by indicating what you did change and what you didn't. When you do not change something indicate why you did not change it, this way the modder gets good feedback and can communicate their ideas more clearly if need be and you can learn more if people see you declining some changes for inadequate reasons.

what some people do is, they quote the mod, then in blue they say fix by the things fixed, and in red give reasons why things aren't changed (or just respond in bold or something like that lol)
Topic Starter
You're right! Maybe during this time, I do not know what to do after modder gives me insert or fix for my beatmap.
And I will do better than ever.
And you can give your advice after 1 or two week later because my map has many mistaken, so i am still repairing them (It's not already for modding my maps)

Thank you for your advice :)
Topic Starter

My beatmap has not been fixed yet, so if you find a lot of errors in this folder, please postpone your modding or do not modd. And I'll tidy up and be ready for modding after 1 week later (because I'm busy doing some things I have to do). After that, you can to modify my map.
chatlog zzz
16:57 Hytex: hey u online lol
16:58 ulfanirahmi: Hey ^^
16:58 Hytex: irc mod
16:58 ulfanirahmi: nice to meet you~
16:58 *Hytex is editing [ NCT DREAM - My First and Last [Easy]]
16:58 Hytex: so
16:58 ulfanirahmi: Aww... thank you~ but i am still make normal until hard diff ^^
16:59 ulfanirahmi: you just modd easy diff only
16:59 Hytex: 00:00:894 (1,2,3,4,5) - try using the rhythm you used on 00:05:338 (1,2,3,4,5) -
16:59 Hytex: ye this is easy diff
17:00 Hytex: 00:17:005 (4,5,1) - not sure if 1/2 is allowed in easy
17:00 ulfanirahmi: Hmm how about kudos
17:01 Hytex: yes I will post this chat on forums and you give me kudosu
17:01 ulfanirahmi: Hmm thank you ^^
17:01 Hytex: 00:39:783 (2) - the slider tail is slightly louder than the head
17:01 ulfanirahmi: and now i add you to my friend ^^
17:01 Hytex: so I would recommend doing slider + circle
17:01 Hytex: yay thx
17:02 Hytex: are you applying my mods tho
17:02 Hytex: 00:45:338 (4) - fix this slider
17:02 Hytex: like proper shape
17:02 ulfanirahmi: Hmm it's up to you if you make the example of delicious slider or circle ^^
17:03 Hytex: 00:52:005 (3) - I think this is unrankable and confusing for beginners
17:03 ulfanirahmi: Hmm and don't forget to add me.. Yay ~
17:03 Hytex: I did
17:03 ulfanirahmi: are you always playing osu?
17:03 Hytex: yes
17:04 Hytex: 01:00:894 (4) - I think 1/2 reverses are forbidden in easy
17:04 Hytex: because it confuse players
17:04 Hytex: 01:18:672 (1,2,3) - 1/2 is not allowed
17:06 Hytex: 01:42:561 (2) - Slider tail is alot louder than the slider head so I prefer doing circle + slider, or anything you can do to fix it
17:06 Hytex: Hello?
17:06 Hytex: Are you applying my mods?
17:06 ulfanirahmi: Hmm my ask to you about something? hihihihi
17:06 Hytex: sure
17:06 ulfanirahmi: Hai~
17:06 ulfanirahmi: Yes...
17:06 Hytex: Oh
17:06 ulfanirahmi: next time
17:07 ulfanirahmi: i will do praying~
17:07 ulfanirahmi: hihihihihi
17:07 Hytex: Okay I just post chat and you give me kudosu ok?
17:07 ulfanirahmi: Siiip ^^
17:07 ulfanirahmi: Hmmm are you female or male?
17:07 ulfanirahmi: i guest you are man.. right?
17:07 ulfanirahmi: OK
17:07 Hytex: 01:46:449 (2) - Slider tail is alot louder than head again, so I prefer doing slider + circle
17:08 Hytex: im male
17:08 Hytex: or make 01:46:449 (2) - a non reverse slider and move 01:48:116 (3) - there
17:08 ulfanirahmi: Oh...
17:08 ulfanirahmi: hihihihi
17:09 ulfanirahmi: but i am female > <
17:09 Hytex: cool
17:09 Hytex: i have female indo friend too
17:09 ulfanirahmi: and you can mod my normal diff if you have many times ^^ and lastly thank you ^^
17:09 Hytex: 02:00:338 (1) - Slider tail is alot louder than head too so you need to fix this
17:10 Hytex: Same thing applies to all the slider that end with a loud sound
17:10 Hytex: So I don't have to explain it all over again
17:10 ulfanirahmi: can you speak english fluently?
17:10 Hytex: Yes
17:11 ulfanirahmi: wow.. that wonderful.. but i can understand what are you say (fewly)
17:11 ulfanirahmi: No problem ^^
17:11 Hytex: 02:20:894 (5,6) - 1/2 is not allowed again
17:12 Hytex: Same thing also applies to all the objects that are 1/2
17:12 Hytex: 02:34:227 (4) - Maybe make this have a proper shape
17:14 Hytex: 02:47:561 (1) - If you want a spinner to end here 02:49:783 - you should give recovery time, like 3-4 ticks, so that the player won't "rush".
17:14 ulfanirahmi: When and where did you learn about modding maps? i think you are excelent to modding map~
17:14 Hytex: I don't learn how to mod
17:14 Hytex: It's just from experience
17:14 Hytex: Thanks too
17:15 Hytex: That's all
17:15 Hytex: Done modding it
17:15 Hytex: I will post to forums and u give me kudos
17:15 Hytex: k?
From the queue:

First, you might want to tweak the Offest 894 to 888 it seems a bit late.


Not sure if you want to map each beat to me it's kinda boring.

00:20:332 (3) - this section is not as intense as kiai so say if you choose to only map the vocal then this circle is unnescessary.
00:24:777 (3) - ^
00:34:221 (1,2,3) - here I would actually map the drum using 4 circles since 1.vocal volume drops 2.the following shaped slider is enough as an emphasis. adding another shaped slider before it kinda competes with it.

Same goes with the rest of the map.


01:43:949 (6) - I wouldn't stress the "whoo" with a slider end.
01:54:227 (1) - uh the length of this slider is probably a mistake.
01:55:338 (3) - this "whoo" I think is better stressed due to the clearance following it.
02:06:999 (4) - if you intend to map vocal here, add a circle 1/2 beat after this one.
02:09:777 (1) - probably a hitsound mistake.
02:49:777 (1) - try to keep combo lengths even through out for example this combo lasts 2 measures...
03:03:110 (1) - ...starting from here this combo only 1 measure.
Topic Starter

josh1024 wrote:

From the queue:

First, you might want to tweak the Offest 894 to 888 it seems a bit late.


Not sure if you want to map each beat to me it's kinda boring.

00:20:332 (3) - this section is not as intense as kiai so say if you choose to only map the vocal then this circle is unnescessary. I do not think this is necessary because this is perfect for me
00:24:777 (3) - ^
00:34:221 (1,2,3) - here I would actually map the drum using 4 circles since 1.vocal volume drops 2.the following shaped slider is enough as an emphasis. adding another shaped slider before it kinda competes with it.

Same goes with the rest of the map.


01:43:949 (6) - I wouldn't stress the "whoo" with a slider end.
01:54:227 (1) - uh the length of this slider is probably a mistake. I've fixed it
01:55:338 (3) - this "whoo" I think is better stressed due to the clearance following it. I do not think... it's okay
02:06:999 (4) - if you intend to map vocal here, add a circle 1/2 beat after this one. Later I consider this object
02:09:777 (1) - probably a hitsound mistake. I've fixed it
02:49:777 (1) - try to keep combo lengths even through out for example this combo lasts 2 measures...
03:03:110 (1) - ...starting from here this combo only 1 measure.
Thanks for modding :)
As promised I really miss Jaemin..


  1. Korean Song, 2017, and Ulfani Rahmi should be removed from the tags as Korean song is already identified as K-pop, 2017 doesn't really have anything to do with the song other than the fact that it was released this year, but still makes no sense, and Ulfani Rahmi is your name which is already in the creator.

  1. 00:00:888 (1) - Slider's red anchor seems a bit too close to slider end which could lead to beginners having trouble reading such sliders, moving the red anchor to the middle of the slider would work.
  2. 00:04:221 (5) - Minor, but would be nice to give this a different shape as there's a weird sound here, and you tend to emphasise uncommon sounds in the song with a different slider shape instead of using a curvey slider.
  3. 00:03:110 - Should probably be clickable as the entire part in here have clickable downbeats, but this is a slider end which seemed rhythmically inconsistent.
  4. 00:14:776 (2,3) - How about moving (3) a bit to the middle of (2)'s slider shape? Would look visually better.
  5. 00:17:554 - I know that you want to emphasise the vocal after, but this is still from the previous part which emphasised beats mostly, so it's kinda of questionable skipping this even though you want to emphasise the vocals. How about giving this rhythm a shot?
  6. 00:42:276 - You seem to emphasise both vocals and beats in here.. the "woo" sound here sounds fairly strong, so this being a slider body puts me on tilt. How about making this a slider end and then put a note afterwards?
  7. 00:46:721 - If you fixed the previous point I just mentioned, then better do it here too for consistency.
  8. 00:48:665 (2) - What I said in the first point except it's a slider head.
  9. 01:18:665 (1,2,3) - Okay, I get that you're emphasising the rap here. But here at 01:20:054 - vocal starts here, and it was emphasised at 00:17:832 - while the two of them are the same, it's questionable how the two of them are emphasised differently (IMO the two of them should be emphasised in the same away since the two of them are the start of a new section). I'd go with this rhythm to emphasise both rap and vocals.
  10. 01:23:943 - The reverse here is kinda of awkward as people could not be aware that there's a low drum sound here, they could think that you're trying to emphasise a vocal. Spliting the two into 1/1 sliders would work better.
  11. 01:36:443 (1,2,3,4) - Rhythm inconsistency here. At a previous part like this (Haechan's part to avoid confusion) the first two circles are emphasised by a slider, but these two here are two circles, so to make it easier it'd be better to make the first two circles into a 1/1 slider.
  12. 01:38:665 (5) - Again, at Haechan's part, the slider ends on where he ends his high note, but here you extended it.
  13. From this part 00:36:443 - You seem to emphasise beats more than vocals, but from this part 01:38:665 - You emphasise vocals more than beats. Could be an issue for an easy diff as there're inconsistent rhythms despite the fact that the two parts are identical, so would be better to rework on rhythm here.
  14. 02:11:999 (1,1) - There should at least be a gap between spinner and slider in easy diffs, 1 or 2 white ticks gaps I'd say.
  15. 02:20:888 (5) - The reverse here doesn't really emphasise something.. the "ya" sound doesn't even land on that blue tick, and there's a strong beat on the white tick after the reverse and it's skipped. Either just make this a 1/1 slider because like I said before, the reverse doesn't seem to emphasise anything at all.
  16. 02:34:221 (4) - Kinda questionable why is this a long slider while the rest of the rap parts were emphasised properly..
  17. 02:47:554 (1,1) - Like I said about the spinner thing, you can just remove this spinner, that IMO would be better.
  18. 02:52:554 (3) - Pretty much what I said about rhythm inconsistency, this part here was emphasised by a 1/1 slider and a circle, and this one is emphasised by a long slider.
  19. 03:16:443 (4) - Avoid clickable objects with 5% volume, especially in easy diffs.

  1. Some rhythm inconsistency just like I mentioned in Easy. And you should make both Easy and Normal rhythmitcally same (not exactly same, but there should at least be some similarities) as the two diffs are made by you, same goes with Hard.
  2. 00:00:888 (1,2) - DS issue.
  3. 00:14:221 (1,2) - Could aesthetically be better if you ctrl C + V (1) into (2) and then ctrl+H+J+G (2).
  4. 00:19:499 - Accidental clap?
  5. 00:21:999 (2) - Reverse doesn't really land on anything, clap is on the white tick if you wanted to emphasise that.
  6. 00:23:110 (3) - Slider end is clickable on Easy but this is a slider end on Normal, while I believe that this should be clickable on Normal since the clap sound sounds strong, and Easy is easier than Normal so it makes no sense that this is not clickable on Normal.
  7. 00:32:832 - Probably an accidental clap here.
  8. 00:33:665 - Same issue here.
  9. Well further more, there're some strong beats that end as a slider end while on Easy they're clickable objects, it's really questionable since 1. Easy is easier than Normal, yet the strong beats are clickable 2. Normal is a bit harder than Easy and the strong beats are slider ends / and since the two diffs are made by you this is a rhythm problem as there should be some consistency in rhythms.
  10. 00:37:832 - What I said in Easy. 00:46:721 - this too.
  11. 00:46:443 (2) - This one is very questionable as the slider end of this slider ends on nothing, and there's a strong clap sound on the white tick but it's emphasised as a slider body when that sound is stronger and where currently the slider end ends on nothing.
  12. 01:05:054 - You seem to emphasise vocals more on kiai, so why not emphasise this vocal here since it sounds quite strong.
  13. 01:08:665 (3,4) - Minor, but would ctrl+G (4) for a smoother flow.
  14. 01:24:221 (3,4) - This overlap could be a bit random as there're no such overlaps throughout the diff.
  15. 01:27:554 (1) - I think you should not put a reverse on the blue tick to emphasise vocals. As the rest of the vocals mainly continue on the blue tick, it'd be weird not to emphasise those but emphasise the one.
  16. 01:29:776 (4,5) - A very small overlap here.
  17. 01:47:832 (1) - Why add a spinner here when in Easy there wasn't any?
  18. 01:51:999 (1,2) - These look way too identical as straight sliders, people would probably read these as straight sliders and realize that there's a red anchor, so why not just remove it?
  19. 02:28:943 - He continues his rap from this part, so better start a slider here.
  20. 02:31:165 - Same.
  21. 02:56:443 (5,6) - Slider end and start are a bit too close from each other, and could possibly cause readablity issues, making these straight or curvey sliders would just work fine.
  22. 03:14:638 (2,3,4) - The sounds here were emphasised in a simpler way, why would you suddenly make it hard here?
Well, that's about it.. my problem here in the map other than visuals is rhythm, you should probably work on those and try to make it consistent throughout the set. Good luck!
Topic Starter
Thank you for modding :) and i will post about my response to your suggestion (5 days later)
this reverse 02:34:221 (4) - not suitable with the sound , make it like 02:31:999 (1) -
this slider too 02:57:554 (5) - is not suitable with the sound imo . should make it like 02:34:221 (4) - 'cause of the double bass at there

not stacked properly 00:06:443 (3) -
01:27:554 (1) - should not reverse on blue tick i think , got a big loud sound on white tick
not suitable 02:28:665 (2) - i think , 2 slider would be nice tho

would be nice this 00:39:221 (2) - and 00:40:332 (4) - ctrl + g
how about these circle 00:40:888 (1,2) - stacked on 00:42:276 (4) -
01:00:054 (3) - purposely or not properly ?
not stacked properly on the end slider i think 01:21:721 (3) -
this too ? 01:39:499 (2) -
wondering why these two 01:51:443 (1,1) - must be nc ~
overmap 02:39:776 (1,2,3,4) - , should be 1/4 slider at there
02:57:554 (4,5,6,7,8) - here too , with 1/4 slider like 02:21:721 (3,4,5) -
there's no sound at 03:15:470 (2,4) -

gl get this ranked ~ :)
Topic Starter
this reverse 02:34:221 (4) - not suitable with the sound , make it like 02:31:999 (1) -
this slider too 02:57:554 (5) - is not suitable with the sound imo . should make it like 02:34:221 (4) - 'cause of the double bass at there

not stacked properly 00:06:443 (3) -
01:27:554 (1) - should not reverse on blue tick i think , got a big loud sound on white tick
not suitable 02:28:665 (2) - i think , 2 slider would be nice tho

would be nice this 00:39:221 (2) - and 00:40:332 (4) - ctrl + g
how about these circle 00:40:888 (1,2) - stacked on 00:42:276 (4) -
01:00:054 (3) - purposely or not properly ?
not stacked properly on the end slider i think 01:21:721 (3) -
this too ? 01:39:499 (2) -
wondering why these two 01:51:443 (1,1) - must be nc ~
overmap 02:39:776 (1,2,3,4) - , should be 1/4 slider at there
02:57:554 (4,5,6,7,8) - here too , with 1/4 slider like 02:21:721 (3,4,5) -
there's no sound at 03:15:470 (2,4) -

gl get this ranked ~ :)

Thanks For Mood :)
Great map and good luck getting it ranked! c:
03:16:443 (1) - maybe remove since not mapped to anything?
02:18:943 (2) - maybe make into a triple? kicksliders might be too hard for 1.9 stars
02:25:888 (2,3) - make these into short repeating sliders example
02:02:276 (3,4) - this should be have less spacing since only 2.8 stars
02:39:776 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:57:554 (4,5,6,7,8) - ^
03:15:332 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:25:610 (2) - change this into a circle on the red tick and at 02:26:026 (3) - make it repeat and put on white tick example
01:00:054 (3,4) - these shouldn't be perfectly stacked, makes it hard to read
02:28:665 (3) - remove the repeat on the slider and make 02:29:360 (4) repeat and put on white tick example
02:37:554 (3) - remove repeat and add slider at 02:38:110 and add cicle at 02:38:665 example
Topic Starter

Splaszor wrote:

Great map and good luck getting it ranked! c:
03:16:443 (1) - maybe remove since not mapped to anything? I think it's better to add the notes
02:18:943 (2) - maybe make into a triple? kicksliders might be too hard for 1.9 stars FIXED
02:25:888 (2,3) - make these into short repeating sliders FIXEDexample
02:02:276 (3,4) - this should be have less spacing since only 2.8 stars
02:39:776 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:57:554 (4,5,6,7,8) - ^
03:15:332 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:25:610 (2) - change this into a circle on the red tick and at 02:26:026 (3) - make it repeat and put on white tick example
01:00:054 (3,4) - these shouldn't be perfectly stacked, makes it hard to read
02:28:665 (3) - remove the repeat on the slider and make 02:29:360 (4) repeat and put on white tick example
02:37:554 (3) - remove repeat and add slider at 02:38:110 and add cicle at 02:38:665 example
Thank you for modd :)
hello from q sorry for late mod xd

fix the green lines on the timeline pls

00:08:665 (5) - it's better to NC slider here cus u did it on 00:04:221 (1) - so mayb be consistent with ur NCs ye
00:35:054 (1) - just adjust this slider a bit its quite unbalanced with the others
00:45:888 (2) - not accurately overlapped xdd
00:46:443 (1,2) - adjust the ds pls done let it touch 00:45:888 (2) - looks neater imo
01:09:221 (4) - to be consistent with ur ncs i'd suggest just nc this cus its the last note before break anyway so its ok
01:23:665 (2) - ye adjust ds a bit quite touching 1
01:38:665 (1,2,3) - ye maybe lower em a bit theyre quite too high imo
01:51:443 (2) - NC this cus i dont see a reason to continue the combo for this. its a new beat anyway
01:55:332 (4,5,6) - dont u think these are quite too low idk maybe adjust em a bit
02:07:832 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - i suggest u follow the NCs here like 01:05:610 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
02:19:776 (6) - nC this perhaps
02:25:332 (1) - ds pls
02:28:665 - i'd suggest do something like this insted, it fits more rhytmically and more comfortable imo
02:39:776 (1,2,3,4) - u could imrpove this more imo also ds
02:44:776 (6) - fix blanket
02:57:554 (4) - nc this to be consistent with 02:39:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - also id adjust ds a bit too the spacing between 02:58:665 (1,2) - needs more emphasis/spacing imo
03:16:165 (1) - id replace this with a spinner insted cus the slider is unnesscary and doesnt fit imo and the vocal is still not finsh yet so maybe end the spin on 03:17:832 - if u will consider ty

ye das all goodluck~
Topic Starter

AJamez wrote:

hello from q sorry for late mod xd

fix the green lines on the timeline pls What do you mean it, and where the place of the green line? Can you explain to me, hihihi

00:08:665 (5) - it's better to NC slider here cus u did it on 00:04:221 (1) - so mayb be consistent with ur NCs ye FIXXED
00:35:054 (1) - just adjust this slider a bit its quite unbalanced with the others FIXXED
00:45:888 (2) - not accurately overlapped xdd FIXXED
00:46:443 (1,2) - adjust the ds pls done let it touch 00:45:888 (2) - looks neater imo FIXXED
01:09:221 (4) - to be consistent with ur ncs i'd suggest just nc this cus its the last note before break anyway so its ok FIXXED
01:23:665 (2) - ye adjust ds a bit quite touching 1 It is OK
01:38:665 (1,2,3) - ye maybe lower em a bit theyre quite too high imo
01:51:443 (2) - NC this cus i dont see a reason to continue the combo for this. its a new beat anyway FIXXED
01:55:332 (4,5,6) - dont u think these are quite too low idk maybe adjust em a bit FIXXED
02:07:832 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - i suggest u follow the NCs here like 01:05:610 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1FIXXED,2,3) - FIXXED
02:19:776 (6) - nC this perhaps FIXXED
02:25:332 (1) - ds pls
02:28:665 - i'd suggest do something like this insted, it fits more rhytmically and more comfortable imo FIXXED
02:39:776 (1,2,3,4) - u could imrpove this more imo also ds FIXXED
02:44:776 (6) - fix blanket FIXXED
02:57:554 (4) - nc this to be consistent with 02:39:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - also id adjust ds a bit too the spacing between 02:58:665 (1,2) - needs more emphasis/spacing imo FIXXED
03:16:165 (1) - id replace this with a spinner insted cus the slider is unnesscary and doesnt fit imo and the vocal is still not finsh yet so maybe end the spin on 03:17:832 - if u will consider ty If this adds spinner, I think it's not connected. Because I make it according to the rhythm of the music, do not depend on the vocals

ye das all goodluck~
From queue - This mod is not KD worthy-

You You You 3

  1. 00:20:471 - I tried very carefully but there isn't no sound on this blue tick - the sound you may hear isn't on the blue tick and it be better just to remove the circle than to keep it - I believe this isn't the only 1 that is like this but i'll leave that to you to pay attention to this
Hello! Your mapset has been chosen from my Queue!


  1. Remove pause-replay.png from the folder, it doesn't work
  2. The custom sliderborder colour should be SliderBorder : 254,230,120 on the last diff and it's actually SliderBorder : 254,230,170
  3. I think the offset is offtime: I have 873(-15) (try to catch it with 25% playback rate). If you agree do not forget to resnap all elements and green lines after timing change.

  1. 00:11:999 (3) - I would set NC on this slider to warn about the different slider lenght and due to the new instrumental you are actually following
  2. 00:26:443 (4) - I think this slider's shape ruins the flow you created: it would flow smoother if it was just parallel with the previous 00:25:332 (3) - : If you do so you could blanket the next 00:28:110 (2) - with the new (4)'s tail because it will be covered by it with this new pattern:
  3. 00:47:554 (5) - Same of 00:11:999 (3) -? This applies to 01:49:776 (5) - an next ones as well (I won't mention them again xP)
  4. 00:58:665 (1) - Move this slider till the y parameter is set to 136 so it will be linear with the previous 00:58:110 (5). This little change of linearity is easily perceivable while playing the easiest diff of the mapset imo
  5. 02:09:776 (5) - This slider needs NC to be consistent with previous 01:07:554 (1) and due to the new vocal section
  6. 02:14:221 (1) - Due to RC this circle is set too early from the previous spinner's end, and it's not permitted. But I have no idea how to fix this since you are mapping with a constant 1/1 rhythm: maybe you could extend the previous spinner till this downbeat and then remove the next slider with just adding a circle at 02:15:332 to give enough recovery time to the player after the spinner has been played
  7. 02:20:888 (5) - Since the symmetric pattern ends here, what about adding NC on this slider to have 2 elements in the combo like you did for the previous pattern at 02:15:888 (1,2) - before the symmetric pattern starts?
  8. 02:49:776 (1) - Same of 02:14:221 (1) - You cannot set an element so close to the previous spinner's end for the easiest diff of the mapset unluckly

  1. 00:11:999 (4) - Same of Easy. I guess this applies to next ones too (that I won't mention again and again xP) like 00:47:554 (4) - and so on
  2. 01:32:554 (2) - (just a tip) Consider to move this slider a bit upward because it's actually covered by accuracy bar :< Same for 02:10:888 (3,4) - move the whole pattern some grid upward keeping the distance snap activated
  3. Well, just small suggestions, this map is perfect actually
~You You You~

  1. 00:04:776 (7) - Well, I see what you did here and I understand your intention but I would avoid this antijump considering the spacing you used between elements on previous and next parts. This slider should be moved further from the previous circle like you did for 00:09:221 (3) -
  2. 00:07:832 (2) - Check the stack with 00:06:999 (4) : it isn't stacked perfecly actually and it looks ugly during gameplay
  3. 00:08:665 (1) - Remove NC like you did for 00:03:943 (4) -
  4. 00:22:554 (4,5,6) - Unstacked triple
  5. 00:34:221 (1) - Wrong and confusing spacing here. This slider should be moved further from previous slider's tail
  6. 01:35:331 (1) - This NC setting is a bit weird on this section honestly. I would suggest you these instead: remove NC from 01:35:331 (1) - and from 01:36:721 (1) - and 01:37:276 (1,1) - (the idea is nice but it's inconsistent with all other 1/4 sliders you used actually :\)
  7. 01:39:776 (3) - I feel this slider a little awkward to play honestly due to its placement. I would set the whole pattern like this with unstacking the previous (2) as well: If you don't like it just find a smoother pattern structure for this section please >.<
  8. 01:56:443 (1) - Why is the second waypoint red? It should be normal to make the slider symmetric with the second part of its body:
  9. 01:58:665 (1) - Improve the stack between this slider's curve and previous 01:58:110 (4) 's tail by disabling the gridsnap (or you can't do it)
  10. 02:07:276 (6) - What about making a triangle with 02:06:721 (4,5) - by moving this circle at x: 92 y: 364? It flows nice
  11. 02:39:638 - I actually hear a sound on this tick so I think the stream should start from here, same for 03:15:193 ? btw I am not sure about this because the real sound is 1/6 and not 1/4. Well, your choice, you can even keep this like it is actually
Good and simple mapset. It remembers me the old beatmaps :3 Good luck!
Hi, from queue

• offset 874 sounds more accurate, and then check ai mod and fix what shows up

• Big snapping issue here: some of your patterns should be snapped to 1/6 instead of 1/4. This pattern in the top diff for example:01:43:943 (2,3) - the sliderend should be snapped to the last purple tick to be more accurate to the sound. It's more noticable at 01:36:721 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - though with the kick drum where the sliderend should be. You'll have to sort through which patterns should be resnapped, since some you might not need to fix because they work with vocals. I noticed this when i got to this pattern specifically 02:39:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - so you might want to try doing something with sliders or something more simple in place of streams like this. --- Also in normal diff: 00:16:999 (2) - 00:35:610 (5) - might want to replace these with single sliders?

I modded this map as if it were mapped to 1/4 so apply this after^^

• 00:11:151 (2) - 00:13:374 (2) - theres a strong snare on these slidertails, maybe try ctrl+g on each of these?

• 00:17:540 (3,4) - space these closer currently reads as a 1 beat gap because of spacing at 00:16:429 (1,2) -

• 00:33:651 (3,1) - space these more, since this is overlapping this reads as a 1/4 gap

• 00:47:540 (1) - The way you mapped this reverse slider is just confusing, there's nothing noticeable on the reverse arrow at 00:48:165 - , just make this a 1/1 repeat instead. also why did you leave 00:49:207 - unmapped?

• 00:54:207 (1,2) - you mapped a 1/4 rhythm but this looks like a 1/2 gap wtf. if you want a 1/4 gap make this noticeable, but i think you already have a good foundation for this pattern if you shorten 1 like this. Same thing for 01:56:429 (1,2) -

• 01:36:707 (1) - i would remove this nc so that 01:36:429 (1) - isn't in its own combo, 1 note combos are generally not good for hard diffs

• 01:43:929 (2) - would recommend not overlapping on that reverse slider, that makes the back and forth motion with 01:43:096 (1,2) - confusing

• 01:51:429 (2) - unsnapped sliderend, and also doesn't feel structured in this pattern because of the different curvature from 01:51:985 (1,2) - , try using one of those sliders to replace what you have

• 01:59:485 (2,3,4) - this overlap looks pretty confusing for a hard diff, if you want to keep this pattern i would suggest doing something like this but otherwise i really suggest you remove those because it causes reading problems

• 02:17:262 (3) - would sound better as a single 1/2 slider, since there's no noticeable beat on 02:17:401 -

• 02:57:970 (4) - this note sounds overmapped, don't hear a note in music under it

• 03:09:221 (5) - try a ctrl+j on this? it would work well with flow

• 00:51:999 (1,2) - would sound better with ctrl+g rhythm, because it places the strong kick on a circle rather than a sliderend. same for 01:54:221 (1,2) -

• 02:17:554 (4) - reverse slider doesn't sound applicable here again because there's nothing under the reverse arrow. You could put one at 02:18:110 (5) - if you wanted because of the record scratching sound, so ctrl+g would actually work

seems good

• 1 unsnapped object in ai mod

• 00:14:221 (1) - maybe adjust the slidertail to be parallel with 00:11:999 (3) - ?

• 00:36:443 - until 00:47:554 - looks like you messed up nc patterns. Combos are 4, 8, and 12 beats long. Would suggest moving this nc 00:38:665 (1) - to 00:40:888 (3) - and then this nc 00:43:110 (1) - to 00:45:332 (3) - . this'll even out your combo lengths

• 01:18:665 (1,2) - dont like the aesthetic of these sliders, they look really crunched up. A more narrow, less wavy shape like this would fit in with the map a lot better

• 01:45:332 (1,2,3,4,5) - this feels exactly like the pattern at the beginning ( 00:09:776 (1,2,3,1,2) - ) but flipped horizontally. Can you change the pattern a little bit somehow? Also same thing about 01:49:776 (5,1) - being parallel

• 02:11:999 (1) - You need to give the player more time to recover after the spinner. I'd suggest removing 02:14:221 (1) - to do this

• 02:18:665 (1,2,3,4) - 02:23:110 (1,2,3,4) - for both patterns, it's not good to have too many circles in a row like this because it's stressful and more dense for easy players. I would recommend turning either 1,2 or 3,4 into sliders to help with this

• 02:47:276 (1) - Same thing about spinner recovery time, i would suggest extending the spinner to where the first note is right now, like this

• 03:09:776 (3) - Putting this up and to the right of the sliderend at 03:08:665 (2) - will make this pattern flow a lot better

• 03:11:998 (1) - ctrl+h would work well for this because it creates a smoother flow between these objects 03:10:331 (4,5,1) -

The map has issues that need to be addressed, but the quality of mapping is just fine so I'll give you a star for now. Poke me when you reply to this and maybe we can talk about the snapping :) :)
Topic Starter

DJ Lucky wrote:

From queue - This mod is not KD worthy-

You You You 3

  1. 00:20:471 - I tried very carefully but there isn't no sound on this blue tick - the sound you may hear isn't on the blue tick and it be better just to remove the circle than to keep it - I believe this isn't the only 1 that is like this but i'll leave that to you to pay attention to this
Your opinion is also correct, and I will consider this.

Thanks for your advice :)
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Hello! Your mapset has been chosen from my Queue!


  1. Remove pause-replay.png from the folder, it doesn't work FIXXED
  2. The custom sliderborder colour should be SliderBorder : 254,230,120 on the last diff and it's actually SliderBorder : 254,230,170 FIXXED
  3. I think the offset is offtime: I have 873(-15) (try to catch it with 25% playback rate). If you agree do not forget to resnap all elements and green lines after timing change.

  1. 00:11:999 (3) - I would set NC on this slider to warn about the different slider lenght and due to the new instrumental you are actually following FIXXED
  2. 00:26:443 (4) - I think this slider's shape ruins the flow you created: it would flow smoother if it was just parallel with the previous 00:25:332 (3) - : If you do so you could blanket the next 00:28:110 (2) - with the new (4)'s tail because it will be covered by it with this new pattern: FIXXED
  3. 00:47:554 (5) - Same of 00:11:999 (3) -? This applies to 01:49:776 (5) - an next ones as well (I won't mention them again xP) FIXXED
  4. 00:58:665 (1) - Move this slider till the y parameter is set to 136 so it will be linear with the previous 00:58:110 (5). This little change of linearity is easily perceivable while playing the easiest diff of the mapset imo FIXXED
  5. 02:09:776 (5) - This slider needs NC to be consistent with previous 01:07:554 (1) and due to the new vocal section FIXXED
  6. 02:14:221 (1) - Due to RC this circle is set too early from the previous spinner's end, and it's not permitted. But I have no idea how to fix this since you are mapping with a constant 1/1 rhythm: maybe you could extend the previous spinner till this downbeat and then remove the next slider with just adding a circle at 02:15:332 to give enough recovery time to the player after the spinner has been played FIXXED
  7. 02:20:888 (5) - Since the symmetric pattern ends here, what about adding NC on this slider to have 2 elements in the combo like you did for the previous pattern at 02:15:888 (1,2) - before the symmetric pattern starts? FIXXED
  8. 02:49:776 (1) - Same of 02:14:221 (1) - You cannot set an element so close to the previous spinner's end for the easiest diff of the mapset unluckly FIXXED

  1. 00:11:999 (4) - Same of Easy. I guess this applies to next ones too (that I won't mention again and again xP) like 00:47:554 (4) - and so on
  2. 01:32:554 (2) - (just a tip) Consider to move this slider a bit upward because it's actually covered by accuracy bar :< Same for 02:10:888 (3,4) - move the whole pattern some grid upward keeping the distance snap activated
  3. Well, just small suggestions, this map is perfect actually

~You You You~

  1. 00:04:776 (7) - Well, I see what you did here and I understand your intention but I would avoid this antijump considering the spacing you used between elements on previous and next parts. This slider should be moved further from the previous circle like you did for 00:09:221 (3) -
  2. 00:07:832 (2) - Check the stack with 00:06:999 (4) : it isn't stacked perfecly actually and it looks ugly during gameplay
  3. 00:08:665 (1) - Remove NC like you did for 00:03:943 (4) -
  4. 00:22:554 (4,5,6) - Unstacked triple
  5. 00:34:221 (1) - Wrong and confusing spacing here. This slider should be moved further from previous slider's tail
  6. 01:35:331 (1) - This NC setting is a bit weird on this section honestly. I would suggest you these instead: remove NC from 01:35:331 (1) - and from 01:36:721 (1) - and 01:37:276 (1,1) - (the idea is nice but it's inconsistent with all other 1/4 sliders you used actually :\)
  7. 01:39:776 (3) - I feel this slider a little awkward to play honestly due to its placement. I would set the whole pattern like this with unstacking the previous (2) as well: If you don't like it just find a smoother pattern structure for this section please >.<
  8. 01:56:443 (1) - Why is the second waypoint red? It should be normal to make the slider symmetric with the second part of its body:
  9. 01:58:665 (1) - Improve the stack between this slider's curve and previous 01:58:110 (4) 's tail by disabling the gridsnap (or you can't do it)
  10. 02:07:276 (6) - What about making a triangle with 02:06:721 (4,5) - by moving this circle at x: 92 y: 364? It flows nice
  11. 02:39:638 - I actually hear a sound on this tick so I think the stream should start from here, same for 03:15:193 ? btw I am not sure about this because the real sound is 1/6 and not 1/4. Well, your choice, you can even keep this like it is actually
Good and simple mapset. It remembers me the old beatmaps :3 Good luck!
Thank you for modding :)
Topic Starter

squirrelpascals wrote:

Hi, from queue

• offset 874 sounds more accurate, and then check ai mod and fix what shows up FIXXED

• Big snapping issue here: some of your patterns should be snapped to 1/6 instead of 1/4. This pattern in the top diff for example:01:43:943 (2,3) - the sliderend should be snapped to the last purple tick to be more accurate to the sound. It's more noticable at 01:36:721 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - though with the kick drum where the sliderend should be. You'll have to sort through which patterns should be resnapped, since some you might not need to fix because they work with vocals. I noticed this when i got to this pattern specifically 02:39:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - so you might want to try doing something with sliders or something more simple in place of streams like this. --- Also in normal diff: 00:16:999 (2) - 00:35:610 (5) - might want to replace these with single sliders?

I modded this map as if it were mapped to 1/4 so apply this after^^
OK hihihi actually now..... i know how to different the kind of that snap between 1/4 and 1/6. Also i have fixxed this distance snap and slider what i make based on 1/6 snap :)

• 00:11:151 (2) - 00:13:374 (2) - theres a strong snare on these slidertails, maybe try ctrl+g on each of these? FIXXED

• 00:17:540 (3,4) - space these closer currently reads as a 1 beat gap because of spacing at 00:16:429 (1,2) - FIXXED
• 00:33:651 (3,1) - space these more, since this is overlapping this reads as a 1/4 gap FIXXED

• 00:47:540 (1) - The way you mapped this reverse slider is just confusing, there's nothing noticeable on the reverse arrow at 00:48:165 - , just make this a 1/1 repeat instead. also why did you leave 00:49:207 - unmapped? FIXXED

• 00:54:207 (1,2) - you mapped a 1/4 rhythm but this looks like a 1/2 gap wtf. if you want a 1/4 gap make this noticeable, but i think you already have a good foundation for this pattern if you shorten 1 like this. Same thing for 01:56:429 (1,2) - FIXXED

• 01:36:707 (1) - i would remove this nc so that 01:36:429 (1) - isn't in its own combo, 1 note combos are generally not good for hard diffs FIXXED

• 01:43:929 (2) - would recommend not overlapping on that reverse slider, that makes the back and forth motion with 01:43:096 (1,2) - confusing FIXXED

• 01:51:429 (2) - unsnapped sliderend, and also doesn't feel structured in this pattern because of the different curvature from 01:51:985 (1,2) - , try using one of those sliders to replace what you have FIXXED

• 01:59:485 (2,3,4) - this overlap looks pretty confusing for a hard diff, if you want to keep this pattern i would suggest doing something like this but otherwise i really suggest you remove those because it causes reading problems FIXXED

• 02:17:262 (3) - would sound better as a single 1/2 slider, since there's no noticeable beat on 02:17:401 - FIXXED

• 02:57:970 (4) - this note sounds overmapped, don't hear a note in music under it FIXXED

• 03:09:221 (5) - try a ctrl+j on this? it would work well with flow

• 00:51:999 (1,2) - would sound better with ctrl+g rhythm, because it places the strong kick on a circle rather than a sliderend. same for 01:54:221 (1,2) - FIXXED

• 02:17:554 (4) - reverse slider doesn't sound applicable here again because there's nothing under the reverse arrow. You could put one at 02:18:110 (5) - if you wanted because of the record scratching sound, so ctrl+g would actually work FIXXED

seems good
Your idea is very good, and I'm just now to find out. I'll be me this one ^^

• 1 unsnapped object in ai mod FIXXED

• 00:14:221 (1) - maybe adjust the slidertail to be parallel with 00:11:999 (3) - ? FIXXED

• 00:36:443 - until 00:47:554 - looks like you messed up nc patterns. Combos are 4, 8, and 12 beats long. Would suggest moving this nc 00:38:665 (1) - to 00:40:888 (3) - and then this nc 00:43:110 (1) - to 00:45:332 (3) - . this'll even out your combo lengths FIXXED

• 01:18:665 (1,2) - dont like the aesthetic of these sliders, they look really crunched up. A more narrow, less wavy shape like this would fit in with the map a lot better FIXXED

• 01:45:332 (1,2,3,4,5) - this feels exactly like the pattern at the beginning ( 00:09:776 (1,2,3,1,2) - ) but flipped horizontally. Can you change the pattern a little bit somehow? Also same thing about 01:49:776 (5,1) - being parallel FIXXED

• 02:11:999 (1) - You need to give the player more time to recover after the spinner. I'd suggest removing 02:14:221 (1) - to do this hihihihi, i know that it's my big mistaken. OK, now FIXXED

• 02:18:665 (1,2,3,4) - 02:23:110 (1,2,3,4) - for both patterns, it's not good to have too many circles in a row like this because it's stressful and more dense for easy players. I would recommend turning either 1,2 or 3,4 into sliders to help with this It's good idea, OK. FIXXED

• 02:47:276 (1) - Same thing about spinner recovery time, i would suggest extending the spinner to where the first note is right now, like this FIXXED

• 03:09:776 (3) - Putting this up and to the right of the sliderend at 03:08:665 (2) - will make this pattern flow a lot better Hmm well, i will considering this notes

• 03:11:998 (1) - ctrl+h would work well for this because it creates a smoother flow between these objects 03:10:331 (4,5,1) - FIXXED

The map has issues that need to be addressed, but the quality of mapping is just fine so I'll give you a star for now. Poke me when you reply to this and maybe we can talk about the snapping :) :)
Thank you so much. Actually, I am sorry for my late posting because I am very busy doing my homework, so i almost forget to fix this map :) :D
Hollow Delta

real slow m4m from my queue
very pretty skin

You You You <3

00:27:539 (1,2) - The distance between the head of 2 and the end of a are very far and stick out compared to the surrounding patterns. Compare the distance of 3-4 and 1-2 and it's very obvious. A quick fix would be this:

00:29:761 (1,2,3,4) - The spacing here seems random as well. Look at the heads of 2 & 4 and you'll see compared to the vibe of the song, the spacing fluctuates quite a bit. ctrl+g on 2 and then on 4 would be an easy fix.

00:37:539 (3,4) - Another good example of spacing. Here the large spacing fits because it fits the increase in intensity.

00:46:984 (4) - This one isn't as bad as the other situations of unjustified spacing I pointed out, but it still could be better. I think curving this slider more will allow you to bring it closer to 3 while still keeping the same idea. Ex.

01:46:428 (3) - This looks like another spot where the spacing drastically increases randomly. A good example of where you had good spacing is at 01:47:539 (1,2) - where it compliments that downbeat. For the simplistic style you're mapping this in, if the spacing isn't consistent it's very obvious.

I'll stop here after the first chorus, because the song stays consistent with itself from here, so I think it should be easy for you to look for similar problems with the rest of the map.


01:59:206 (2,3,4,5,6) - Here it looks like you mapped off your grid a bit, which makes this part look a bit messy cause of the slight offsets. How I map these kinds of patterns is I copy 01:59:761 (3,4) - I paste and rotate 60 and snap one of the ends to the previous pair. That creates a triangle. From there I can repeat this technique until I get the shape I want; for this case it's a diamond.


Normally I would criticize this diff, but I think the exception makes sense. A lot of mappers have this idea of increasing the tick rate to the point where the ticks aren't even on beats just for the sake of keeping the combo up. While that isn't a flawed logic, it does prevent one thing. It doesn't properly teach players how to handle sliders. There's a technique called cheesing which means the player only needs to aim at the head and end of the slider. The only time the player has to actually aim within the slider is if there was a tick they must aim at. Think of the ticks and slider tails as hit circles you don't have to click. While in diffs like these players don't need to cheese sliders, it does leave more room for mistakes on the players part and may teach them the technique faster.

Anyways, my exception here is since you have a custom tick texture you want to be able to show that off in all diffs, so while in most cases I encourage accurate tick rates, here it's okay because you're giving the player more content with the custom tick.

Not much to say. It's simplistic, but the quality is okay. gl for ranking.

and mod my map pls
Topic Starter

Bubblun wrote:


real slow m4m from my queue
very pretty skin

You You You <3

00:27:539 (1,2) - The distance between the head of 2 and the end of a are very far and stick out compared to the surrounding patterns. Compare the distance of 3-4 and 1-2 and it's very obvious. A quick fix would be this:

00:29:761 (1,2,3,4) - The spacing here seems random as well. Look at the heads of 2 & 4 and you'll see compared to the vibe of the song, the spacing fluctuates quite a bit. ctrl+g on 2 and then on 4 would be an easy fix.

00:37:539 (3,4) - Another good example of spacing. Here the large spacing fits because it fits the increase in intensity.

00:46:984 (4) - This one isn't as bad as the other situations of unjustified spacing I pointed out, but it still could be better. I think curving this slider more will allow you to bring it closer to 3 while still keeping the same idea. Ex.

01:46:428 (3) - This looks like another spot where the spacing drastically increases randomly. A good example of where you had good spacing is at 01:47:539 (1,2) - where it compliments that downbeat. For the simplistic style you're mapping this in, if the spacing isn't consistent it's very obvious.

I'll stop here after the first chorus, because the song stays consistent with itself from here, so I think it should be easy for you to look for similar problems with the rest of the map.


01:59:206 (2,3,4,5,6) - Here it looks like you mapped off your grid a bit, which makes this part look a bit messy cause of the slight offsets. How I map these kinds of patterns is I copy 01:59:761 (3,4) - I paste and rotate 60 and snap one of the ends to the previous pair. That creates a triangle. From there I can repeat this technique until I get the shape I want; for this case it's a diamond.


Normally I would criticize this diff, but I think the exception makes sense. A lot of mappers have this idea of increasing the tick rate to the point where the ticks aren't even on beats just for the sake of keeping the combo up. While that isn't a flawed logic, it does prevent one thing. It doesn't properly teach players how to handle sliders. There's a technique called cheesing which means the player only needs to aim at the head and end of the slider. The only time the player has to actually aim within the slider is if there was a tick they must aim at. Think of the ticks and slider tails as hit circles you don't have to click. While in diffs like these players don't need to cheese sliders, it does leave more room for mistakes on the players part and may teach them the technique faster.

Anyways, my exception here is since you have a custom tick texture you want to be able to show that off in all diffs, so while in most cases I encourage accurate tick rates, here it's okay because you're giving the player more content with the custom tick.

Not much to say. It's simplistic, but the quality is okay. gl for ranking.

and mod my map pls
Thank you so much for modding. OK next time i will comment and consider on your post here
respond to my mods and ill come back to this
err random mod bcz kita sama2 dari sumbar :>

ok, the gap between easy and normal kinda too far i suggest to nerf it to 1.9 ~ 2*

02:47:261 (1) - ini spinner nya dimulai di 02:47:539 - aja kak, soalnya buyi ramenya mulai dari sana
solid diff, cant find anything

00:02:539 (5) - 00:04:761 (5) - 00:06:984 (5) - 00:09:206 (5) - hmm, mungkin bagusan dituker jadi cirle aja? soalnya baru intro map udah maksa bgt, kasih break dikit lha
00:10:595 (2) - delete?
00:13:650 (3) - change to circle?
00:16:150 (4) - delete? and replace 00:16:428 (1) - in X:96 Y:344 ?
02:47:261 (1) - ya same thing like easy

cool, how to make perfect blanket azzz

[You.. You.. You!]
kok bagusan yg dulu ya
00:15:317 (3) - ok 2 reverse looks not good for this condition so just use one and add circle in 00:16:150 -
00:26:428 (3) - blanket?
00:56:428 (1) - bad slider i guees, just use like 00:56:984 (2) -
00:59:761 (3) - ok this one tho
01:10:873 (1) - remove NC?
01:19:761 (1) - ^
01:37:540 (1) - ^
02:13:094 (1) - ^
02:21:984 (1) - ^
03:15:316 (1) - ^

agiah qualified kali kak
good luck~
Topic Starter

AchsanLovers wrote:

err random mod bcz kita sama2 dari sumbar :>

ok, the gap between easy and normal kinda too far i suggest to nerf it to 1.9 ~ 2* Yang ini nggak jadi masalah IMO. Kaka emang sengaja kasih gap jauh2 entah alasannya kenapa ><

02:47:261 (1) - ini spinner nya dimulai di 02:47:539 - aja kak, soalnya buyi ramenya mulai dari sana
solid diff, cant find anything 02:47:261 (1) bagian ini yang paling kuat bunyinya soalnya kan ada bunyi piano ama si Vokal

00:02:539 (5) - 00:04:761 (5) - 00:06:984 (5) - 00:09:206 (5) - hmm, mungkin bagusan dituker jadi cirle aja? soalnya baru intro map udah maksa bgt, kasih break dikit lha Hehe kak dah terlanjur bikin ini, ya dah males kak ngeditnya, tapi kalau dimainin bagi kak nggak masalah ^^
00:10:595 (2) - delete? FIXXED
00:13:650 (3) - change to circle? FIXXED
00:16:150 (4) - delete? and replace 00:16:428 (1) - in X:96 Y:344 ? FIXXED
02:47:261 (1) - ya same thing like easy bagian ini yang paling kuat bunyinya soalnya kan ada bunyi piano ama si Vokal

cool, how to make perfect blanket azzz

[You.. You.. You!]
kok bagusan yg dulu ya
00:15:317 (3) - ok 2 reverse looks not good for this condition so just use one and add circle in 00:16:150 - FIXXED
00:26:428 (3) - blanket? FIXXED
00:56:428 (1) - bad slider i guees, just use like 00:56:984 (2) - Ini nggak masalah sih buat kak yang penting senang dimainin wkwkw
00:59:761 (3) - ok this one tho Ini nggak masalah sih buat kak yang penting senang dimainin wkwkw
01:10:873 (1) - remove NC? FIXXED
01:19:761 (1) - ^ FIXXED
01:37:540 (1) - ^ FIXXED
02:13:094 (1) - ^ FIXXED
02:21:984 (1) - ^ FIXXED
03:15:316 (1) - ^ FIXXED

agiah qualified kali kak
good luck~
Makasih banyak dik~
easy is okay, since it uses slow rhytm. problems are on Normal and mostly on Hard difficulty
This song uses 1/6 rhytm, not 1/4, listen closely to the beat

Here are some examples i did found

I suggest to use only 1/2 rhytm and removeall sliders using 1/4
00:16:984 (2) - make it just 1/2 slider without reverse
01:36:706 (2) - same
01:37:817 (2) - same
Look over the map, to make sure i didn't miss anything

00:20:317 (4,5,6) - sound goes later after 5 here is the actual rhytm:
00:51:428 (4,5,6) - this pattern is not following the rhytm. example: maybe better is to just remove 5, or u can do it like it's on the picture

00:55:317 (3) - I don't hear any sound on blue tick suggest to remove reverse, Ctrl+G and make it 1/2 slider
00:56:011 (5) -, 00:58:234 (5) - again I don't hear any sound on blue tick. just remove it

I think it's enough, so you can understand what's the problem and fix all the same issues. Please, try to find all the same patterns by yourself
Topic Starter

TmacBoris wrote:

easy is okay, since it uses slow rhytm. problems are on Normal and mostly on Hard difficulty
This song uses 1/6 rhytm, not 1/4, listen closely to the beat FIXED

Here are some examples i did found

I suggest to use only 1/2 rhytm and removeall sliders using 1/4 FIXED
00:16:984 (2) - make it just 1/2 slider without reverse FIXED
01:36:706 (2) - same FIXED
01:37:817 (2) - same FIXED
Look over the map, to make sure i didn't miss anything

00:20:317 (4,5,6) - sound goes later after 5 here is the actual rhytm: FIXED
00:51:428 (4,5,6) - this pattern is not following the rhytm. example: maybe better is to just remove 5, or u can do it like it's on the picture FIXED

00:55:317 (3) - I don't hear any sound on blue tick suggest to remove reverse, Ctrl+G and make it 1/2 slider FIXED
00:56:011 (5) -, 00:58:234 (5) - again I don't hear any sound on blue tick. just remove it FIXED

I think it's enough, so you can understand what's the problem and fix all the same issues. Please, try to find all the same patterns by yourself
Thank you for modding~
BN where r u
Topic Starter
Wkwkwkwkw... dia lagi sibuk
Sabar aja ><
Here are the last things to fix from the end of last nights chat

2018-02-15 23:31 squirrelpascals: 01:50:595 (2) - you should also change the rhythm here
2018-02-15 23:34 squirrelpascals: 01:59:761 (3,4) - i would suggest that you make these two a slider, because this is a lot of circles in a row for a normal v
2018-02-15 23:34 squirrelpascals: 01:59:484 (2,3,4,5,6) -
2018-02-15 23:38 squirrelpascals: okay easy difficulty now
2018-02-15 23:40 squirrelpascals: 00:11:984 (3) - i dont think the reverse arrow should be on a red tick
2018-02-15 23:40 squirrelpascals: 00:47:539 (3) - same thing here
2018-02-15 23:41 squirrelpascals: here too xS
2018-02-15 23:41 squirrelpascals: xD*
2018-02-15 23:43 squirrelpascals: 02:55:317 (2) - this slider should point at this one 02:56:428 (3) -
2018-02-15 23:43 squirrelpascals: because it doesnt flow well right now
2018-02-15 23:46 squirrelpascals: thats all, tell me when you fixed or if you have questions :)

Here is the full irc

full chat
2018-02-15 22:27 squirrelpascals: hi
2018-02-15 22:27 squirrelpascals: omg
2018-02-15 22:27 squirrelpascals: i forgot you changed your name xD
2018-02-15 22:27 squirrelpascals: i was literally opening your map
2018-02-15 22:27 FunnyA: Hehehe never mind~
2018-02-15 22:28 squirrelpascals: brb, I'll come back and look at your map
2018-02-15 22:29 FunnyA: okay squirell :) thank you so much~
2018-02-15 22:38 squirrelpascals: back
2018-02-15 22:38 FunnyA: what is back?
2018-02-15 22:40 squirrelpascals: me
2018-02-15 22:40 squirrelpascals: i was gone for a little bit xD
2018-02-15 22:40 FunnyA: hohoho XD
2018-02-15 22:40 squirrelpascals: can you lower the approach rate on the top diff to 7?
2018-02-15 22:42 FunnyA: Sure~
2018-02-15 22:42 FunnyA: anything else?
2018-02-15 22:43 squirrelpascals: 00:48:095 (3,4,5) - can you change this to look more like this?
2018-02-15 22:44 squirrelpascals: it looks a bit nicer
2018-02-15 22:45 squirrelpascals: 00:53:373 (6) -
2018-02-15 22:46 squirrelpascals: i would recommend changing that into a circle because the vocals stop before it
2018-02-15 22:46 squirrelpascals: 00:53:650 (7) - this has to end on a 1/6 tick
2018-02-15 22:54 FunnyA: Hello~
2018-02-15 22:54 squirrelpascals: hi hi
2018-02-15 22:54 FunnyA: sorry i was logout suddenly because my laptop has low batery ><
2018-02-15 22:54 squirrelpascals: its okay :)
2018-02-15 22:54 squirrelpascals: i'll write down what you should change again
2018-02-15 22:54 squirrelpascals: ACTION is editing [ NCT DREAM - My First and Last [You.. You.. You!]]
2018-02-15 22:54 squirrelpascals: opps
2018-02-15 22:55 FunnyA: can you send your modd again?
2018-02-15 22:55 squirrelpascals: sure
2018-02-15 22:55 FunnyA: it's missing :'(
2018-02-15 22:55 squirrelpascals: 00:53:373 (6) - i would recommend changing that into a circle because the vocals stop before it
2018-02-15 22:55 squirrelpascals: 00:53:650 (7) - this has to end on a 1/6 tick
2018-02-15 22:55 squirrelpascals: i think you should change the hp to 5
2018-02-15 22:57 FunnyA: 00:53:373 (6) - i think it's okay if i add slider like this because i alway follow the trumpet's sound hihi
2018-02-15 22:57 FunnyA: *alwaya
2018-02-15 22:58 FunnyA: *always.. sorry for typo ><
2018-02-15 22:58 squirrelpascals: its okay :D
2018-02-15 22:58 squirrelpascals: and i'm okay with that
2018-02-15 22:58 squirrelpascals: just be sure this 00:53:650 (7) - ends on purple
2018-02-15 22:58 squirrelpascals: purple tick*
2018-02-15 22:59 FunnyA: 00:48:095 (3,4,5) - How about this?
2018-02-15 22:59 squirrelpascals: you should move 00:48:373 (4,5) - more to the right
2018-02-15 22:59 FunnyA: same like this object? 01:55:873 (7)
2018-02-15 22:59 squirrelpascals:
2018-02-15 22:59 squirrelpascals: like that^
2018-02-15 23:00 squirrelpascals: 01:48:650 (4) - also move this one further away from the start of this slider 01:48:373 (3) -
2018-02-15 23:00 squirrelpascals: like that
2018-02-15 23:02 FunnyA: 00:49:206 (7) - Is it should ends on purple.. right?
2018-02-15 23:03 squirrelpascals: that one's okay because the vocal sound is eearlier than the purple :)
2018-02-15 23:04 FunnyA: 02:40:317 (7) - what about this slider?
2018-02-15 23:04 FunnyA: Okay~
2018-02-15 23:04 squirrelpascals: that should end on a purple
2018-02-15 23:05 squirrelpascals: 01:51:150 (6) - curving this the other way will look nicer
2018-02-15 23:05 squirrelpascals: 01:51:428 (7) - this should also end on a purple
2018-02-15 23:07 FunnyA: but if i change that... this slider end on 01:51:428 (7) is not consistent with 00:49:206 (7)
2018-02-15 23:07 FunnyA: 00:49:206 (7)
2018-02-15 23:08 FunnyA: and i don't know why ><
2018-02-15 23:08 squirrelpascals: its okay because this vocal note is later than the last one
2018-02-15 23:09 squirrelpascals: 01:55:873 (7) - this should also end on purple
2018-02-15 23:09 FunnyA: Okay.. FIXED!
2018-02-15 23:09 squirrelpascals: :D
2018-02-15 23:09 FunnyA: That's it?
2018-02-15 23:10 FunnyA: anything else?
2018-02-15 23:10 squirrelpascals: yep
2018-02-15 23:10 squirrelpascals: 02:13:002 - you should put a circle here to be consistent with 01:09:761 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
2018-02-15 23:11 FunnyA: and how about that skin?
2018-02-15 23:11 squirrelpascals: i will check the skin after im done checking the map
2018-02-15 23:12 squirrelpascals: 02:21:984 (5,6,7) - you should move these notes down more so it looks less crowded
2018-02-15 23:13 squirrelpascals: 02:26:984 (6,7) - this one should be the same as these 02:25:873 (2,3,4,5) - because the song has the same rhythm
2018-02-15 23:13 squirrelpascals: 02:32:817 (3) - this would look nice if it were curved the other way
2018-02-15 23:16 squirrelpascals: thats all for the top difficulty
2018-02-15 23:19 FunnyA: Thank you for kindness :D
2018-02-15 23:19 squirrelpascals: no problem!
2018-02-15 23:19 squirrelpascals: im going to check the other difficulties now
2018-02-15 23:20 FunnyA: 00:49:206 (7) - This slider end is better to put on blue tick or purple tick?
2018-02-15 23:21 FunnyA: See at the top diff~
2018-02-15 23:21 squirrelpascals: the blue tick
2018-02-15 23:21 squirrelpascals: i think that will be the only slider on the blue tick, and thats okay
2018-02-15 23:21 FunnyA: FIXED~
2018-02-15 23:22 squirrelpascals: im on normal diff
2018-02-15 23:22 squirrelpascals: 00:12:817 (2) -
2018-02-15 23:22 squirrelpascals: i dont think thats a good rhythm because it skips the note on 00:13:095 -
2018-02-15 23:22 squirrelpascals: white ticks are more important in normal difficulties
2018-02-15 23:23 squirrelpascals: 00:48:373 (2) - same thing here
2018-02-15 23:26 FunnyA: FIXED~
2018-02-15 23:30 squirrelpascals: .
2018-02-15 23:30 squirrelpascals: sorry i went offline for a little bit
2018-02-15 23:31 FunnyA: hihih no problem~
2018-02-15 23:31 squirrelpascals: 01:50:595 (2) - you should also change the rhythm here
2018-02-15 23:34 squirrelpascals: 01:59:761 (3,4) - i would suggest that you make these two a slider, because this is a lot of circles in a row for a normal v
2018-02-15 23:34 squirrelpascals: 01:59:484 (2,3,4,5,6) -
2018-02-15 23:38 squirrelpascals: okay easy difficulty now
2018-02-15 23:40 squirrelpascals: 00:11:984 (3) - i dont think the reverse arrow should be on a red tick
2018-02-15 23:40 squirrelpascals: 00:47:539 (3) - same thing here
2018-02-15 23:41 squirrelpascals: here too xS
2018-02-15 23:41 squirrelpascals: xD*
2018-02-15 23:43 squirrelpascals: 02:55:317 (2) - this slider should point at this one 02:56:428 (3) -
2018-02-15 23:43 squirrelpascals: because it doesnt flow well right now
2018-02-15 23:46 squirrelpascals: thats all, tell me when you fixed or if you have questions :)
2018-02-15 23:47 FunnyA: Okay squirell hihi thank you :)

Let me know when you've fixed everything :)
Topic Starter
The map is okay now, just a couple things left

00:53:650 (7,1) - 01:55:873 (7,1) - 02:40:317 (7,1) - You should move these circles away from the slider ends a little bit so it looks the same as all the other purple tick snaps. Like this:

Your skin is missing some files that it needs :o Here's a list of files that you need for skinning different parts of your map. You don't need to have all of these sets of skin files in the map, you cant have any partial sets in the map though.

Here's a list of the skin elements you need:
• followpoint.png
• sliderendcircle.png and sliderendcircleoverlay.png
• sliderstartcircle.png and sliderstartcircleoverlay.png
• sliderb(n).png and sliderfollowcircle(-n).png (or you can just delete sliderscorepoint.png )

You have two .avi files in the beatmap file, so you need to delete the unused one

After this stuff is fixed i can bubble :)
Topic Starter
Last time.. i have remove all skin because the skin what i wear isn't unrankable. Yeah.. i see it now~
finally :)
Topic Starter
Thank you <3
Cerulean Veyron
ok, via pm trash song, trash artist
pop for some general hs stuff

normal-hitfinish2.wav is not used in any particular section in any diff, better to delete or make a gud use of it.
the soft-hitwhisle2.wav sounds p delaying tho, but it can be adjusted in soundwave, u cud try this tho
on ez diff, you have the samples macth playback rate unchecked on audio tab song setup.

top diff
00:32:817 (4,5,6) - tis ones quite not blanced in spacing out the 1/3 snapped sliders, and for the next one 5 and 6 is kinda a little more further than the previous ones. so maybe jus simply use 1x spacing or do sth with it. just a personal suggestion ok dont take it too seriously
00:36:150 - maybe add a note here to comprehend the the song track here much neater, or maybe u cud remove and add a slider that cud end the tail on 00:36:335 (8) - .
00:56:428 (1) - the slider shape here isnt rlly that good tho, or i shud say it doesnt appeal much in visuals cuz the red nodes are barely use, which means its less noticeable and p steep by the looks of it. so either way, u cud at least try to redo the slider shape here or just simply adjust it back to a casual curve slider or sth.
01:01:984 (3) - the circle's placement here is somehow not the best one in structure, its prob cuz it overlapped the slider 1 or maybe spaced out a little low. idk but, it just kinda feels a little wrong in this part with a quirky flowing in between sliders.
02:42:539 (3,1) - hmm cudve spaced this one out a little more for the downbeat. but currently, it looks way too close in between notes with regular 1/2 snapping, and it might be a little out of emphasis too. so ya, move out slider 1 further out from the previous sliders. or in alt way, u cud make a 2x jump here similar to 02:41:984 (2,3) -

get squir to rebub after u dealt wit some of the technical hs issues ok
lmk when ur done, might quali or not depending on the changes and how u respond
Topic Starter

Cerulean Veyron wrote:

ok, via pm trash song, trash artist
pop for some general hs stuff

normal-hitfinish2.wav is not used in any particular section in any diff, better to delete or make a gud use of it.
the soft-hitwhisle2.wav sounds p delaying tho, but it can be adjusted in soundwave, u cud try this tho
on ez diff, you have the samples macth playback rate unchecked on audio tab song setup. FIXED

top diff
00:32:817 (4,5,6) - tis ones quite not blanced in spacing out the 1/3 snapped sliders, and for the next one 5 and 6 is kinda a little more further than the previous ones. so maybe jus simply use 1x spacing or do sth with it. just a personal suggestion ok dont take it too seriously - FIXED
00:36:150 - maybe add a note here to comprehend the the song track here much neater, or maybe u cud remove and add a slider that cud end the tail on 00:36:335 (8) - . - i don't think so, because at this section.. i always follow drum rhythm.. so i ignore it
00:56:428 (1) - the slider shape here isnt rlly that good tho, or i shud say it doesnt appeal much in visuals cuz the red nodes are barely use, which means its less noticeable and p steep by the looks of it. so either way, u cud at least try to redo the slider shape here or just simply adjust it back to a casual curve slider or sth. - FIXED
01:01:984 (3) - the circle's placement here is somehow not the best one in structure, its prob cuz it overlapped the slider 1 or maybe spaced out a little low. idk but, it just kinda feels a little wrong in this part with a quirky flowing in between sliders. - Okay~
02:42:539 (3,1) - hmm cudve spaced this one out a little more for the downbeat. but currently, it looks way too close in between notes with regular 1/2 snapping, and it might be a little out of emphasis too. so ya, move out slider 1 further out from the previous sliders. or in alt way, u cud make a 2x jump here similar to 02:41:984 (2,3) - FIXED

get squir to rebub after u dealt wit some of the technical hs issues ok
lmk when ur done, might quali or not depending on the changes and how u respond
Thank you for modding~
turn off "samples match playback rate" for normal diff

after that I'll rebubble :)
Topic Starter
Heheh.. i forgot it,

:!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
Topic Starter
:) :) :) :) :)
Hi! nice mapset, but I think it still has room for improvement~

Gap between Easy and Normal
The Normal difficulty uses a lot of 1/2 rhythm throughout the whole song. It's a fact that the 1/2 usage is very high in Normal, but it is acceptable because it doesn't go too far for a Normal diff due the bpm being very low. However, the Easy diff uses almost exclusively 1/1 rhythm with no variations, and you introduced 1/2 rhythm until 02:14:761 (2) - which is past the half of the map. The difference in playability feels pretty big between your Easy and Normal diffs and I think that can be improved.

Aside from spread, I have a big concern about this difficulty, which I kind of mentioned above. The thing is that in this difficulty you give exclusive use of 1/1 rhythm from 00:00:873 - until 02:14:761 - . The map is pretty much the mapping of the metronome and nothing feels especially represented or emphasized due to the lack of rhythm variation, which also makes it a boring difficulty to play :c

I have some suggestions that can improve the music representation and make the spread better than it is right now:

  1. 00:01:984 (2) - Make this slider a 1/2 slider with a repetition, then remove the repetition from 00:03:095 (3) - and add a 1/2 slider with a repetition at 00:04:206 - . The result will be this. This suggestion doesn't make the map any harder, but helps to make the map feel more unique and represents the song with more accuracy. Your current patterns could simply be applied to any song of the same bpm and fit, since is just mapped to the metronome and nothing else feels specially mapped for this specific song. The same suggestion applies to 00:05:317 (1,2,3,4) - this part because it is identical.
  2. 00:10:873 (2) - & 00:15:317 (2) - Make these sliders 1/2 with a repetition.
  3. 00:19:761 (2) - Make this 1/2 with repeat and then make 00:22:539 (4) - this into a 1/2 slider like this without a repeat (to give more representation to the vocals and add more challenge, plus it is a nice variation for the patterns) (note: using a single 1/2 slider without repeat this way is not too hard for an easy at this bpm). The whole rhythm suggested will look like this. The suggestion applies to 00:23:095 (1,2,3,4) - and the following sections before the first kiai and between the first and second kiais.
  4. Moving on to kiai section. 00:56:150 - You could add a circle here and then make 00:58:095 (4) - a 1/2 slider without a repeat. The whole suggested rhythm would look like this.
  5. 01:00:317 (2) - make 1/2 slider and add circle at 01:02:817 - . The rhythm would look like this.
  6. 01:05:039 - Add circle and make 01:06:984 (4) - this into a 1/2 slider~ rhythm. The suggestions in this kiai also apply to the other two kiais.

  1. 00:23:095 (1) - Right now this feels like part of just 1/2 rhythm spam. I suggest to remove the repeat and make this a 1/1 slider to represent the extended vocal. This suggestion also applies to 00:27:539 (1) - , 00:36:428 (1) - , 01:25:317 (1) - , 01:29:761 (1) - and 01:38:650 (1) - .
  2. 02:15:317 (3) - I suggest to delete this slider and leave a circle to represent the pause in the vocals. Then you could continue with a slider at 02:15:873 - . The suggested rhythm would look like this.
  3. 02:17:539 (3) - The vocal in the middle of the slider is very prevalent and feels weird to leave it there ignored imo. I suggest to delete the slider and add a 1/2 slider at 02:17:817 - to follow it, and it also represents the pause in the vocals just as in the previous suggestion. The suggested rhythm would be this.
I don't agree with the map in its current state, but I'm not vetoing it, which means that I let you call squirrelp to rebubble even if you don't agree with me. Just think what is best for your map.
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