
fhana - RHAPSODY OF BLUE SKY (TV size)

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CoLouRed GlaZeE
i really love this map!
Topic Starter

CoLouRed GlaZeE wrote:

i really love this map!
thx~ :)
Frozen Chicken
ugh hope it goes ranked

  1. ARとODのバランスが悪く感じます。そもそもAR9.5が非常に高く感じたのでARを9.3程度にしてODも8にしちゃっていいと思います
  2. 00:15:322 - 音がずれちゃってるのでメロディに合わせてここから2連打の音取りにして00:16:655 - からキックを2つ置く音取りが無難だし叩いてて気持ちいいと思います。てか要するに00:13:544 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - と一緒です
  3. 00:27:099 (1,2,3) - ここだけやけに遠いような・・・。一例として
    00:27:099 (1) - の頭を00:25:766 (4) - の尻尾
    00:27:322 (2) - をCtrl+G
    00:27:544 (3) - の尻尾を00:25:544 (3) - の尻尾に って感じです(これでも若干遠いですが)
  4. 00:32:433 (1,2,3,4,5) - おれならボーカルに合わせてキック3つを結構スペーシング広めに起きます。いかが?
  5. 00:33:099 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - イマイチなんの音とってるのかよくわかりませんでした :? ボーカルフォローでこんな感じとかどうでしょう
  6. 00:36:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ここだと00:41:211 (4) - がやけに浮いちゃってます
  7. 00:40:211 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
  8. 00:43:988 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - 青線から3連が始まる非常に難解な音取りになってしまっているので赤線から3連打を置くことで白線にあるスネアの音をキックの頭にしてクリアな音取りにできます
  9. 00:45:433 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここもキックの尻尾にスネアが鳴っていてリズムを取りづらい音取りになってしまっています。上記と同じくスネアがキックの頭にくるようにしてあげれば綺麗な2連リズムになります
  10. 00:47:211 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
  11. 00:57:988 (1) - シンバルも鳴ってるしもう少し前のキックから離して強調させてはどうでしょうか。このスライダーをいじるより00:57:544 (1,2,3) - を移動させたほうが楽かも?
  12. 01:13:099 (1) - ここも個人的には遠ざけたいです
  13. 01:13:988 (1) - ^
  14. 01:16:211 (3,4) - ここは01:17:988 (3,4,5) - と同じように3つサークルを置いて4連打にした方がリズムが取りやすいと思います。もし違う音取りで表現したいというのであればこのままでも問題ありません
  15. 01:19:766 (3,4) - ^
Topic Starter

Meg wrote:


  1. ARとODのバランスが悪く感じます。そもそもAR9.5が非常に高く感じたのでARを9.3程度にしてODも8にしちゃっていいと思います
  2. 00:15:322 - 音がずれちゃってるのでメロディに合わせてここから2連打の音取りにして00:16:655 - からキックを2つ置く音取りが無難だし叩いてて気持ちいいと思います。てか要するに00:13:544 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - と一緒です
  3. 00:27:099 (1,2,3) - ここだけやけに遠いような・・・。一例として
    00:27:099 (1) - の頭を00:25:766 (4) - の尻尾 00:27:766 (1) - をずらして頭に00:27:099 (1) - を置いて近くなるようにしました
    00:27:322 (2) - をCtrl+G
    00:27:544 (3) - の尻尾を00:25:544 (3) - の尻尾に って感じです(これでも若干遠いですが)
  4. 00:32:433 (1,2,3,4,5) - おれならボーカルに合わせてキック3つを結構スペーシング広めに起きます。いかが?
  5. 00:33:099 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - イマイチなんの音とってるのかよくわかりませんでした :? ボーカルフォローでこんな感じとかどうでしょう 音取り下手なのでよく分からないけど自分なりに修正
  6. 00:36:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ここだと00:41:211 (4) - がやけに浮いちゃってます
  7. 00:40:211 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
  8. 00:43:988 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - 青線から3連が始まる非常に難解な音取りになってしまっているので赤線から3連打を置くことで白線にあるスネアの音をキックの頭にしてクリアな音取りにできます
  9. 00:45:433 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここもキックの尻尾にスネアが鳴っていてリズムを取りづらい音取りになってしまっています。上記と同じくスネアがキックの頭にくるようにしてあげれば綺麗な2連リズムになります
  10. 00:47:211 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
  11. 00:57:988 (1) - シンバルも鳴ってるしもう少し前のキックから離して強調させてはどうでしょうか。このスライダーをいじるより00:57:544 (1,2,3) - を移動させたほうが楽かも?
  12. 01:13:099 (1) - ここも個人的には遠ざけたいです
  13. 01:13:988 (1) - ^
  14. 01:16:211 (3,4) - ここは01:17:988 (3,4,5) - と同じように3つサークルを置いて4連打にした方がリズムが取りやすいと思います。もし違う音取りで表現したいというのであればこのままでも問題ありません
  15. 01:19:766 (3,4) - ^ ここは01:19:877 (4,5,6,1) - この流れが気に入っているのでこのままで
未記入 - 修正
- 手を加えて修正
- このままで
細かいところまで助かりました!MODありがとうございました :)
i like the song!
Topic Starter

Sotarks wrote:

i like the song!
GOD fhana
Just remember... DON'T LEWD THE DRAGON LOLI!!!!!!
Good map Dude :D , Hope Going Ranked :D
Taneda Risa
ranked plz~ w
Topic Starter

Taneda Risa wrote:

ranked plz~ w
I really want to help this map get ranked. I hope my mod is not too hard to understand.

  1. If you want to get ranked, normal-hitnormal.wav cannot be silent. It needs to have some sound.
  1. 00:13:544 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think these are too hard for Easy diff. The rhythm is dense and hard to understand for beginner players, and the overlapping sliders make it hard to read. I think it will be better to simplify the rhythm here. Maybe try something like this instead:
  2. 00:05:099 (5,1) - I think combo should be swapped here since the phrase actually starts at 00:04:655
  3. 00:33:544 - If you want to use slider tick hitsounds like this, then try to make it lower volume, because there is no click or release there in the map. Having loud sound in the middle of the slider can be confusing for the player, so try to lower the volume of hitsounds for timing section at 00:33:433 to about 60%. Same suggestion for all other uses of slider tick hitsound.
  4. 00:45:544 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - Same as 00:13:544 (1,2,3,1,2,3) or you can try some rhythms with repeat sliders, just try to make it less dense. Also add new combo at 00:45:544 (3)
  5. 00:49:211 (1,1) - The slider is too soon after the spinner for Easy diff. After spinner, beginner players need time to recover. osu! Ranking Criteria guidelines recommend having 4 beats between end of a spinner and the next object (but since this is low bpm, 2 or 3 beats would probably be enough). Anyway, I think it's better to replace this spinner with a 3/2 beat repeat slider:
  6. 01:03:322 (1,1) - Same problem as 00:49:211 (1,1)
  7. 01:15:766 (1) - It may look better if it doesn't overlap with (3).
  8. 01:16:544 (2,3) - I think it's too complicated for Easy. Try simplifying the rhythm like or Same for 01:18:322 (2,3) and 01:20:099 (2,3)
  9. 01:20:655 (3,4) - Distance spacing is larger here. Make it consistent?
  1. 00:08:211 (7,1) - Swap combo to start on 00:08:211
  2. 00:43:322 (3) - I think it may actually be better to map this as 1/2 beat slider or two circles so it contrasts against 00:43:988 (2,3,4)
  3. 00:48:099 (2,1) - This overlap looks messy in my opinion. I think it will look better if you avoid overlapping it.
  4. 00:56:211 (1) - I think it's really weird that you used spinner here since it's the same part of the song as 01:10:433 (5) but you mapped there with sliders. I think it will be better to use sliders here.
  5. 01:05:766 (2,4) - It will look cleaner if these are stacked.
  6. 01:12:211 (2,3) - Distance here is too big.
  7. 01:13:544 (1) - Slider makes rhythm hard to understand here. Consider changing to circle at 01:13:766
  8. 01:15:766 (1,2) - Avoid overlapping slider repeat. This makes it confusing to read.
  9. 01:17:544 (1,3) - This looks cool, but I think it will be confusing for player since they can already see 01:18:322 (3) when they are supposed to click (2), so they might click the wrong object. It's difficult to read, so I suggest avoiding overlap between (1,3).
  10. 01:25:433 (3) - I think it's better to have click at 01:25:544 since the sound is more obvious there.
  11. 01:27:322 (4,5) - It's better to avoid multiple repeats on short slider for Normal diff since the player doesn't know how many repeat there are. Reduce it?
  12. 01:28:655 (1) - Spinner might be too short for Normal diff. Consider making it circle like in Easy.
  1. 00:31:655 (4,5) - Maybe swap the rhythm to put more emphasis on vocal note at 00:31:655
  2. 00:37:322 (3,5) - It may look better if these are not so close together:
  3. 00:49:988 (4) - I think this should be part of the next combo.
  1. 00:45:544 (7,1) - I think it's better to start combo at 00:45:544 Same for 00:47:322 (5,1)
  2. I love this diff.
  1. 00:45:656 (2) - Slider end is unsnapped.
If there's anything you don't understand, please ask me.
Topic Starter
all fixed. thank you Little!
Grim Rapper
do you accept english mod?

if yes, than stakeholder
if no, then too bad
完成されている譜面( *´艸`)なので、できるだけ壊さないようにmodします。(質の良いmodができない)




00:10:877 (3,4) - easyでこういうoverlapは避けたほうがいいです。
00:20:655 (1) - 個人的に(3)の終点の左上に配置して上げたほうが初心者には優しいと思います。(調整したらギリギリhpbarかからずに置けるはず)
01:05:433 - kiai切れてまs
01:29:211 - 緑線外しておきましょう


01:26:877 (3) - 下向きに曲げたほうが流れ的に良いかな

00:48:099 (5) - 1/1sliderに変えませんか? 完全に同じ曲調の00:46:322 (4) - が1/1sliderで取ってあるので統一すべきだと思います。


00:15:322 (3) - 曲調的にここにNC置いた方がいいかな
00:24:211 (6) - ここもおなじ
00:27:766 (5) - ここも
00:36:655 (3) - ここ   (ここは同じ曲調の00:40:211 (1) - がNCです。 統一したほうがいいとおもいます)
00:59:766 (7) - こ
01:08:211 (5,1) -  00:53:988 (5,6) - のように変更してみてもいいかもしれません。


01:18:988 (5) - 前後のdsキープさせたいです。 (4)をほんの少し近づけてみたらどでしょ?(地味だけど結構変わる)

Good Luck!!
Topic Starter

Asuka_- wrote:

完成されている譜面( *´艸`)なので、できるだけ壊さないようにmodします。(質の良いmodができない)




00:10:877 (3,4) - easyでこういうoverlapは避けたほうがいいです。
00:20:655 (1) - 個人的に(3)の終点の左上に配置して上げたほうが初心者には優しいと思います。(調整したらギリギリhpbarかからずに置けるはず)
01:05:433 - kiai切れてまs
01:29:211 - 緑線外しておきましょう


01:26:877 (3) - 下向きに曲げたほうが流れ的に良いかな

00:48:099 (5) - 1/1sliderに変えませんか? 完全に同じ曲調の00:46:322 (4) - が1/1sliderで取ってあるので統一すべきだと思います。


00:15:322 (3) - 曲調的にここにNC置いた方がいいかな
00:24:211 (6) - ここもおなじ
00:27:766 (5) - ここも
00:36:655 (3) - ここ   (ここは同じ曲調の00:40:211 (1) - がNCです。 統一したほうがいいとおもいます)
00:59:766 (7) - こ
01:08:211 (5,1) -  00:53:988 (5,6) - のように変更してみてもいいかもしれません。 このままで!


01:18:988 (5) - 前後のdsキープさせたいです。 (4)をほんの少し近づけてみたらどでしょ?(地味だけど結構変わる)

Good Luck!!
I love the beatmap for the hard difficulty but the health drain seems too harsh...
this is obviously the tv size version so no tv size in title and video ?
Topic Starter

Kotori-Chan wrote:

this is obviously the tv size version so no tv size in title and video ?
video added.
It's very good patern is hard and I like IT
i love this map, is my favorite currently
Nice map. You earn one star for the mapping and also a fav xd
00:39:322 (4,1) - hmm a bit too close
cant see that much mistakes
00:05:544 (2,3,4) - also a bit too close fix it just slightly make a little bit away from each other and you're good
00:07:322 (5,6,1) - ^
00:09:988 (3,4,5,6) - ^
00:21:988 (3) - move this a bit downward
00:39:099 (6) - ^
00:30:877 (3) - move this a bit upward
00:34:433 (3) - move it a bit more to the left
soo cleaaaannn
Also clean aaaaaaaaaa
Its also clean wtf
Looking forward to seeing this ranked Goodluck!
Topic Starter

JeirYagtama wrote:

Nice map. You earn one star for the mapping and also a fav xd
00:39:322 (4,1) - hmm a bit too close
cant see that much mistakes
00:05:544 (2,3,4) - also a bit too close fix it just slightly make a little bit away from each other and you're good
00:07:322 (5,6,1) - ^
00:09:988 (3,4,5,6) - ^
00:21:988 (3) - move this a bit downward
00:39:099 (6) - ^
00:30:877 (3) - move this a bit upward
00:34:433 (3) - move it a bit more to the left
soo cleaaaannn
Also clean aaaaaaaaaa
Its also clean wtf
Looking forward to seeing this ranked Goodluck!

all fixed. thx~

RepL4y wrote:

JeirYagtama wrote:

Nice map. You earn one star for the mapping and also a fav xd
00:39:322 (4,1) - hmm a bit too close
cant see that much mistakes
00:05:544 (2,3,4) - also a bit too close fix it just slightly make a little bit away from each other and you're good
00:07:322 (5,6,1) - ^
00:09:988 (3,4,5,6) - ^
00:21:988 (3) - move this a bit downward
00:39:099 (6) - ^
00:30:877 (3) - move this a bit upward
00:34:433 (3) - move it a bit more to the left
soo cleaaaannn
Also clean aaaaaaaaaa
Its also clean wtf
Looking forward to seeing this ranked Goodluck!

all fixed. thx~
also mutual pls thx
Really good map, I hope it gets ranked!!!
mod and some proposal


00:16:655 (3) - nc (bcz 00:14:877 (1) - have nc)
00:45:878 (3) - nc (bcz 00:13:877 (1) - have nc)
01:04:211 (5) - ^

k. I think HP=7.2 is too high for 135BPM. Players(2k noobs like me) clicks 100 on sliders and died on first sliderbreak because of low HP regen(bcs of low bpm).
U can get low HP or put some NC's for regen. Here, i propose to put here:

00:32:655 (2) - nc
00:32:877 (3) - ^
00:22:877 (3) - ^
00:29:988 (3) - ^
main idea is when vocal and music intense get down player's hp should be regened

HP=7 is too hard for 4.12*. Put HP=6
Diff seems good.But maybe little bit flow correction gonna be good.

01:13:099 (3,4) - bad overlap
00:58:877 (4,5) - ^

I recommend do White-Red rhythm ticks on this diff(1/2 rhythm)

00:10:655 (4) - try to not abond Square arena in low diffs. This confusing newbies.
00:40:211 (1) - ^
00:17:877 (2,1) - overlap
00:22:433 (4,1,2) - ^
00:53:544 (5,2) - ^
00:56:211 (1,3) - ^
01:11:322 (7,2) - ^
01:12:877 (3,4) - ^
01:25:433 (3,1,2) - ^
00:48:099 (2,1) - ^ and 00:48:099 (2,3,1) - too spiky
00:30:877 (3) - dont change flow so sharp here. Too spiky
00:41:322 (3,4,5) - pattern is too spiky.
00:43:988 (2,3,4) - i think this is too confusing reverses. Maybe sliders?
00:49:099 (1,2,3) - dont sure about parts like these..
01:18:877 (4,1,2,3,4) - spiky and too hard
ok. The main problem with this diff is you pick too hard rhythm style for Normal. So u have many overlaps, hard flow and patterns for "normal" AR and SV.
Maybe rename this diff to "Advance" and create new easier "normal"?

Same problems: Spiky patterns. Abond playfield square zone. A trifle overlaps
ok. Tbh this is very funny to play and good mapset. But for rank u need a lot of work with low diffs.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

m3gB3g wrote:

mod and some proposal


00:16:655 (3) - nc (bcz 00:14:877 (1) - have nc) 
00:45:878 (3) - nc (bcz 00:13:877 (1) - have nc)
01:04:211 (5) - ^ fixed

k. I think HP=7.2 is too high for 135BPM. Players(2k noobs like me) clicks 100 on sliders and died on first sliderbreak because of low HP regen(bcs of low bpm).
U can get low HP or put some NC's for regen. Here, i propose to put here:

00:32:655 (2) - nc no change
00:32:877 (3) - ^ no change
00:22:877 (3) - ^ fixed
00:29:988 (3) - ^ fixed
main idea is when vocal and music intense get down player's hp should be regened

HP=7 is too hard for 4.12*. Put HP=6
Diff seems good.But maybe little bit flow correction gonna be good.
HP 7→6.5

01:13:099 (3,4) - bad overlap  fixed
00:58:877 (4,5) - ^  fixed

I recommend do White-Red rhythm ticks on this diff(1/2 rhythm)

00:10:655 (4) - try to not abond Square arena in low diffs. This confusing newbies. no change
00:40:211 (1) - ^ no change
00:17:877 (2,1) - overlap no change
00:22:433 (4,1,2) - ^ fixed
00:53:544 (5,2) - ^ fixed
00:56:211 (1,3) - ^ fixed
01:11:322 (7,2) - ^ no change
01:12:877 (3,4) - ^ fixed
01:25:433 (3,1,2) - ^ fixed 
00:48:099 (2,1) - ^ and 00:48:099 (2,3,1) - too spiky fixed 
00:30:877 (3) - dont change flow so sharp here. Too spiky no change
00:41:322 (3,4,5) - pattern is too spiky. no change
00:43:988 (2,3,4) - i think this is too confusing reverses. Maybe sliders? no change
00:49:099 (1,2,3) - dont sure about parts like these.. no change
01:18:877 (4,1,2,3,4) - spiky and too hard no change
ok. The main problem with this diff is you pick too hard rhythm style for Normal. So u have many overlaps, hard flow and patterns for "normal" AR and SV.
Maybe rename this diff to "Advance" and create new easier "normal"?

Same problems: Spiky patterns. Abond playfield square zone. A trifle overlaps
ok. Tbh this is very funny to play and good mapset. But for rank u need a lot of work with low diffs.
Good luck!
thx mod~


00:04:211 (4) - I don't really understand what it should follow what about this Rythm ?
00:39:322 (4) - Make it curved like 3.
01:14:433 (3,1) overlap

sry for little mod you don't have to give me kds but you can if the Mod was Helpful
and Mutual pls
Topic Starter

nextplay wrote:



00:04:211 (4) - I don't really understand what it should follow what about this Rythm ?
00:39:322 (4) - Make it curved like 3.
01:14:433 (3,1) overlap

sry for little mod you don't have to give me kds but you can if the Mod was Helpful
and Mutual pls
i fixed only 01:14:433 (3,1)

I Must Decrease
:) 日本語でModしてみたい
01:25:544 (2) - Clapを足してください。

00:16:655 (5) - ブランケット
00:21:433 (2,3,4) - ちょっと近く過ぎると思います。
00:18:433 (3,4) - これはここで1/2しか使わない。そのパターンは一回に使ったのでRemoveかAdjustをしてください。
00:34:433 (3,4) - Spacingは違いますか?なぜ?直してください。00:34:877 (4,5) - これも
00:45:544 - This unplayed gap is a little awkward. It might be a good idea to make 00:45:322 (5) - a 1/2 slider.

Rest is ok!~

video link:

Topic Starter

Xexxar wrote:

01:25:544 (2) - Clapを足してください。

00:16:655 (5) - ブランケット
00:21:433 (2,3,4) - ちょっと近く過ぎると思います。
00:18:433 (3,4) - これはここで1/2しか使わない。そのパターンは一回に使ったのでRemoveかAdjustをしてください。
00:34:433 (3,4) - Spacingは違いますか?なぜ?直してください。00:34:877 (4,5) - これも
00:45:544 - This unplayed gap is a little awkward. It might be a good idea to make 00:45:322 (5) - a 1/2 slider.

Rest is ok!~
all fixed. thanks!
I Must Decrease

Topic Starter

I Must Decrease

oops, fixed :^)
  1. 00:16:877 (7) - might consider making this a circle only as you did for 00:15:099 (6) - (same beat within the same rhythm)
  2. 00:23:766 (5) - this is the only slider with this number of repeats on this diff, hence it is misleading (and no one can actually predict this is 4 beats and not three because you have 00:19:322 (2) - 00:21:988 (6) - 00:06:655 (5) - and so on)
  3. 01:01:099 (5,6) - why the sudden space increasing?
  4. 01:08:211 (3,4) - what about a 1/2 slider and circle instead?
  5. 01:19:099 (7) - why not circle as you did for 01:17:322 (6) - :p
  1. 00:07:322 (3) - I checked and your Extra doesn't have this. I personally think it's too hard for this diff yet, so maybe make it a normal 1/4 repeat slider instead?
  2. 00:16:099 (2,3) - i'd increase spacing between these, more or less what you did between 00:15:433 (2,3) -
  3. 00:45:544 (1,2) - stack? I mean, it's the same as 00:45:877 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - so why not?
  4. 00:47:322 (5,1) - NC goes on 5 and you should do the same as above ^ imo
  5. 01:16:877 (1,2,3) - I mean, ok to increase spacing on an intense part, but isn't this a bit too much for the map's average DS? .-.
    Less trauma on players:
  6. 01:17:988 (3,4) - this one is a bit too big too, maybe ?
  7. 01:22:766 (4) - but the strong beat ins on tail D:
    Since you also screw up emphasis with 01:23:099 (5,1) - , what do you think of ?
  1. 00:04:655 (1) - please ctrl G this lol, the circular movement is completely wasted xD
  2. 00:25:766 (4) - circles work probably better
  3. 00:33:099 - from here on the song calms down, so I was expecting lower spacing in the next section =w=
    From 00:45:655 - onwards you can go back to bigger spacings, but having that part so high spaced is just meh considering the song :v
  4. 00:50:099 (3) - forgot a whistle?
  5. 01:03:322 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - I wonder why this part isn't similar to 00:13:544 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - in rhythm .-.
    or even 00:45:545 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) -
  6. 01:26:322 (5) - please unstack this. I played it and it was really hard to follow since you completely turn back.
    Move it to x360 y264?
  7. 01:27:544 (2,3) - well, I could explain you why, but it's a bit long, so instead I'll tell you that doing this express better that sort of rhythm since you don't have to go back and forth between each slider
  8. 01:28:655 (1) - Ctrl H and Ctrl J?
  1. 00:35:544 (5,6) - stacking after a slider is a bit hard for new players, so maybe unstack this? (I'm saying this because I had a newbie player testplay for me this sort of stuff actually)
  2. 00:41:544 (4,5) - maybe turn these into a slider so you avoid that cluster of circles (it might be confusing as to what circle must be clicked first, second, third...)
  3. 00:44:877 (4,5,1) - this jump is too sudden: 4 -> 5 is really small, while 5 -> 1 is pretty big, even if they are the same snap.
  4. 01:10:433 (5) - the tail works better with a clap instead of a whistle
  5. 01:27:322 (4,5) - try to avoid that overlap please, it's hard to read and I doubt players of this level can actually understand it
  6. 01:28:655 (6) - maybe add a NC :p
  1. 00:06:433 (2,3,4) - this is still the intro of the map, so all these circles are a bit too much of a cluster. Repeat slider instead?
  2. 00:19:322 (3,2) - you should try to avoid overlaps and stacks like this, above all when the player has to go back and forth (due to reading problems for newbie players)
  3. 01:05:099 (1,3) - speaking of that ^, this is a clear example of what not to do on lower diffs. Don't completely change the direction like that because it's hard to predict and not so visible either since it is stacked under another object.
    Try this instead: You can fix the next objects anyway if you don't have enough space
  4. 01:15:766 (1,2) - this snap looks identical to any other 1/2 snap you used so far tbh and might be misread, but I can't really find a solution so rip, but still... what is the difference between 01:18:322 (2,1) - and 01:17:544 (1,2) - ???
    This is really misleading and you also keep changing snaps with 01:19:322 (1,2,3) - , which adds even more questions .-.
    Pick a solid 1/2 rhythm and try to stick to it instead of using different snaps. It is confusing for new players
  5. 01:19:322 (1,2,3) - let me at least suggest something for this, since it's just too confusing:
  6. 01:28:655 (5) - NC and don't stack please

I know a t2 BN bubbled this, but imo there are also other things that need improvement before pushing for rank. These things aren't something I can fix right away with a mod. They require time and mapping knowledge.
Anyway, good luck with the set~

PS: blame Xexxar for sending me this and telling me to give it a look
Title : 青空のラプソディ (Aozora no Rhapsody)

surely it is written "RHAPSODY OF BLUE SKY" on the CD cover.
however, main title of this song is above.
we can know it on this anime's website and fhana's official website.
and this is JAPANESE SONG. japanese title should be given priority imo.
so it should be used "青空のラプソディ (Aozora no Rhapsody)".
I Must Decrease

Meg wrote:

Title : 青空のラプソディ (Aozora no Rhapsody)

surely it is written "RHAPSODY OF BLUE SKY" on the CD cover.
however, main title of this song is above.
we can know it on this anime's website and fhana's official website.
and this is JAPANESE SONG. japanese title should be given priority imo.
so it should be used "青空のラプソディ (Aozora no Rhapsody)".
I personally agree but the english title, since it is on the CD cover, is being considered and used as official romanization. Please talk to IamKwan if you have any issues regarding this.

In response to MrSergio: While I'm sure some of your points are legitimate, I believe this map has reached a level of quality that is suitable for someones first rank. Looking for perfection is good and all but there is a point where a mapper should be rewarded for their efforts.
o lol anime war 3 rhapsody maps bubbled xd
also IamKwaN checked my full ver and it's the good romanisation

add this to tags too : aozora no junichi sato yuxuki waga kevin mitsunaga tv size anime
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

  1. 00:16:877 (7) - might consider making this a circle only as you did for 00:15:099 (6) - (same beat within the same rhythm)
  2. 00:23:766 (5) - this is the only slider with this number of repeats on this diff, hence it is misleading (and no one can actually predict this is 4 beats and not three because you have 00:19:322 (2) - 00:21:988 (6) - 00:06:655 (5) - and so on)
  3. 01:01:099 (5,6) - why the sudden space increasing?
  4. 01:08:211 (3,4) - what about a 1/2 slider and circle instead?
  5. 01:19:099 (7) - why not circle as you did for 01:17:322 (6) - :p
  1. 00:07:322 (3) - I checked and your Extra doesn't have this. I personally think it's too hard for this diff yet, so maybe make it a normal 1/4 repeat slider instead?
  2. 00:16:099 (2,3) - i'd increase spacing between these, more or less what you did between 00:15:433 (2,3) -
  3. 00:45:544 (1,2) - stack? I mean, it's the same as 00:45:877 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - so why not?
  4. 00:47:322 (5,1) - NC goes on 5 and you should do the same as above ^ imo
  5. 01:16:877 (1,2,3) - I mean, ok to increase spacing on an intense part, but isn't this a bit too much for the map's average DS? .-. no change
    Less trauma on players:
  6. 01:17:988 (3,4) - this one is a bit too big too, maybe ?
  7. 01:22:766 (4) - but the strong beat ins on tail D:
    Since you also screw up emphasis with 01:23:099 (5,1) - , what do you think of ?
  1. 00:04:655 (1) - please ctrl G this lol, the circular movement is completely wasted xD no change
  2. 00:25:766 (4) - circles work probably better
  3. 00:33:099 - from here on the song calms down, so I was expecting lower spacing in the next section =w= no change
    From 00:45:655 - onwards you can go back to bigger spacings, but having that part so high spaced is just meh considering the song :v
  4. 00:50:099 (3) - forgot a whistle?
  5. 01:03:322 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - I wonder why this part isn't similar to 00:13:544 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - in rhythm .-.
    or even 00:45:545 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) -  
  6. 01:26:322 (5) - please unstack this. I played it and it was really hard to follow since you completely turn back.
    Move it to x360 y264?
  7. 01:27:544 (2,3) - well, I could explain you why, but it's a bit long, so instead I'll tell you that doing this express better that sort of rhythm since you don't have to go back and forth between each slider no change
  8. 01:28:655 (1) - Ctrl H and Ctrl J?
  1. 00:35:544 (5,6) - stacking after a slider is a bit hard for new players, so maybe unstack this? (I'm saying this because I had a newbie player testplay for me this sort of stuff actually)
  2. 00:41:544 (4,5) - maybe turn these into a slider so you avoid that cluster of circles (it might be confusing as to what circle must be clicked first, second, third...)
  3. 00:44:877 (4,5,1) - this jump is too sudden: 4 -> 5 is really small, while 5 -> 1 is pretty big, even if they are the same snap.
  4. 01:10:433 (5) - the tail works better with a clap instead of a whistle
  5. 01:27:322 (4,5) - try to avoid that overlap please, it's hard to read and I doubt players of this level can actually understand it
  6. 01:28:655 (6) - maybe add a NC :p
  1. 00:06:433 (2,3,4) - this is still the intro of the map, so all these circles are a bit too much of a cluster. Repeat slider instead?
  2. 00:19:322 (3,2) - you should try to avoid overlaps and stacks like this, above all when the player has to go back and forth (due to reading problems for newbie players)
  3. 01:05:099 (1,3) - speaking of that ^, this is a clear example of what not to do on lower diffs. Don't completely change the direction like that because it's hard to predict and not so visible either since it is stacked under another object.
    Try this instead: You can fix the next objects anyway if you don't have enough space
  4. 01:15:766 (1,2) - this snap looks identical to any other 1/2 snap you used so far tbh and might be misread, but I can't really find a solution so rip, but still... what is the difference between 01:18:322 (2,1) - and 01:17:544 (1,2) - ???
    This is really misleading and you also keep changing snaps with 01:19:322 (1,2,3) - , which adds even more questions .-.
    Pick a solid 1/2 rhythm and try to stick to it instead of using different snaps. It is confusing for new players
  5. 01:19:322 (1,2,3) - let me at least suggest something for this, since it's just too confusing:
  6. 01:28:655 (5) - NC and don't stack please

I know a t2 BN bubbled this, but imo there are also other things that need improvement before pushing for rank. These things aren't something I can fix right away with a mod. They require time and mapping knowledge.
Anyway, good luck with the set~

PS: blame Xexxar for sending me this and telling me to give it a look

I fixed the blank place. thx~!

Sotarks wrote:

o lol anime war 3 rhapsody maps bubbled xd
also IamKwaN checked my full ver and it's the good romanisation

add this to tags too : aozora no junichi sato yuxuki waga kevin mitsunaga tv size anime

what is Romanised LMAO
i agree with Meg, having an english translation as the romanized title for an obvious Japanese title just seems unbefitting
unless there's a rule about this that i don't know about i really think the original title is much more suitable

Gaia wrote:

i agree with Meg
Taneda Risa

Gaia wrote:

i agree with Meg
It would be better to confirm with alacat instead of Kwan for such romanisation issues as Kwan herself said she was bad at it.
Asahina Momoko
since when is romanized synonymous with translated lul

SadiStick wrote:

since when is romanized synonymous with translated lul
Yeah but it's the official title, and even if you type aozora no Rhapsody you can find the map, since it's on tags.
But I can agree that it would be better with the actual romanized title lol
Asahina Momoko

Sotarks wrote:

SadiStick wrote:

since when is romanized synonymous with translated lul
Yeah but it's the official title, and even if you type aozora no Rhapsody you can find the map, since it's on tags.
But I can agree that it would be better with the actual romanized title lol
I do understand your point and why Kwan and Xexxar found "RHAPSODY OF BLUE SKY" is adequate to the metadata but in my opinion, "official title" must be defined as a state of how it's described on an official website of the record company, or something related to it.
I went over once but apparently there's no descriptions like that, so I think using a romanized name makes more sense here.
btw how to search a map is not the matter, that's how tags system works and not how metadata does.

gl anyways

fun fact

official missing "of" in the url lo
I Must Decrease
The title of the song is still "青空のラプソディ", but the romanization (which is the title used for the website) comes from the CD-cover which is being treated as the official romanization of the song. In cases where preferred romanizations exist, they are used.

As you can read on the CD cover, RHAPSODY OF BLUE SKY is used. This is what Kwan used to justify that this is official romanization. If you can find other instances of different, OFFICIAL romanizations, please link them.

Edit: Rebubbled since I saw it was popped for updating of Mrsergio's points.
dropping my two cents on metadata:

it should use "Aozora no Rhapsody" instead of the English translation. the editor says to provide the Romanised title, not the English title, so i don't see how this should be acceptable. even if we consider the preferred romanisation rule into account, an english translation isn't a romanisation. to clarify, 青空 translates to "blue sky," but is romanised as "aozora."

i'd like to present a previous discussion regarding the use of an official English title vs. the Romanisation title from a previous mapset; for convenience, here's the actual post that Kwan makes regarding whether to use the English title or the Romanised title: t/467414/start=131

in this case, the Romanised title is being used over the English title, so why is that not the case here? because the English title was on the cd cover?????

there needs to be consistency regarding metadata cases like this.

obviously this should apply to all the other mapsets as well
I Must Decrease
Again, according to IamKwan, when there exists an official romanization of the song, that is what is used. The same is true for prefered romanizations of artists. (hence why Kawada Mami became Mami Kawada). The whole argument is that RHAPSODY OF BLUE SKY is the official romanization of the song because it is used for the official album cover.

I will try to contact Kwan about this because I think this is incorrect as well but, she is metadata daddy.
That example is still a bit different though, Kawada Mami and Mami Kawada are both the romanised form of 川田 まみ, it's just catered differently to an asian audience vs a western audience

the dispute here is regarding romanised (japanese romaji) vs english translation
since the client asks for the romanised title, i strongly believe we shouldn't be using the translation of the japanese title, even if it is on the cd cover

just wanted to point that out so we can be confirming the right thing here :d

also kwan is a girl /slapped by kwan
instead of having xexxar bubbling this set since it's hard to get t2 bns zzz try and find a t1 bn to bubble and get xexxar to qualify lol
You guys fighting but forget something, how so embarassing you guys

青空のラプソディ(TV size)

Title: 青空のラプソディ(TV size)
Romaji title: RHAPSODY OF BLUE SKY(TV size) or Rhapsody of Blue Sky(TV size) since fhana official Facebook say Rhapsody of Blue Sky, so it's fine to used both but it's up to you

No kudosu and good luck! :3
can we end this metadata war one day?

Sotarks wrote:

can we end this metadata war one day?
This case is closed. We following from fhana's CD-cover with say RHAPSODY OF BLUE SKY as Romaji title. Just waiting RepL4y to add (TV size) to title since the original soundtrack is released and the metadata war is over now

  1. you need to fix the metadata
  2. The video's audio track must be removed from the video file although video is silenced, it still contains an audio track, which should be removed
  1. 00:11:322 (3,4,5) - as the sound on 00:11:655 - is weaker than the others, i think this rhythm would fit the song better
  2. 00:31:655 - isn't this supposed to be a clap?
  3. 00:47:323 (1,2) - i think they look too close each other compared to the rest (really nazi lol)
  1. 00:21:433 (5) - the slider whistle sounds kinda weird, i believe it's a mistake lol
  2. 00:32:877 (3) - maybe you could move this slider somewhere to the upside so that 00:33:099 (1) - gets more emphasis. it's just a suggestion tho
  1. 00:21:433 (4,5,7,1) - i wouldn't recommend to use different rhythms in just one stack, it's confusing, especially for this level of difficulty
  1. you have a lot of spacing inconsistencies, stuff like 00:17:877 (2,3) - is too difficult for newbies because they're not yet accustomed to move the cursor lol. besides, you have combos where the distance suddenly decreases (this one 01:05:099 (1,2,3) - for example) so please check the map carefully
  2. 01:03:322 - i think you shouldn't be changing the sv, although music is more intense, the song's pace stays the same so it might be too confusing for beginners
  3. 01:14:877 (7,1) - i kinda mentioned this already, but time distance equality should be used, using a stack is confusing because you're already using stacks to represent 1/2 gaps
  4. 00:59:766 (5) - same whistle as insane lol
i can rebubble after you fix the bold points
Topic Starter

all fixed. thx :D
So that one TV Size already ranked is not written (TV Size) but this one is? How about making this consistent...
Because the original soundtrack is not released after the opening is released first

no kudosu

  1. 00:01:100 - make the green and red lines hitsounding consistent
  2. delete the space in between 青空のラプソディ and (TV size) (only in the unicode title)
  3. replace the spinner 01:28:766 (1) - for something else, auto can't reach 1k with hr so i doubt it's doable
  1. i don't think tick rate 2 is appropiate for this diff, tick rate 1 is enough imo
  2. 00:13:544 - rhythms here are kinda confusing, you could try something easier by deleting this circle 00:14:877 (2) -
  3. 00:31:322 (3,4,1) - balance the spacing so people don't recognize them as different time gaps
  4. 01:03:322 (3) - sv change is too sudden, you should be keeping constant sv
  5. 01:06:877 (3,4) - spacing mistake
  1. 00:24:988 (2,3) - spacing mistake
  2. 00:32:099 (5,6,1) - could balance the spacing as well
  3. 00:59:766 (5) - whistle didn't get fixed
let me know
Topic Starter

all fixed~!
thx :)
osu needs more senya
hello, i saw a bubble
trigger alert

kiai times across difficulties is inconsistent

for the next couple of lines i'm going to complain about the highest difficulty:

following lists are only examples of a /major/ problem within the mapset

  1. your rhythm is questionable. no, not even questionable; it actually goes against the idea of "strong sounds get clicked, weaker sounds get passively hitsounded".

    when talking about mapping, we have two type of rhythms/actions: active and passive
    -active hitsounding refers to everything players click, that is circles and sliderheads (could also argue that players also click spinners, but that's for later). now, these notes are supposed to represent the most prominent beats in the music thus creating some kind of pressure for the players. unlike sliderends, for example, players get more feedback from the clicking action rather than the non-clicking one. it should be obvious by now, though.
    -passive hitsounding refers to everything that have a passive functionality. examples being slidertails, reverse arrows, sliderbodies, sliderticks and spinnerends. these don’t generate any kind of pressure; these are only mapped for the purpose of emphasizing certain objects over others and/or when extending certain sounds. if you are going to silence the tails (which you should in most cases), it should sound natural to the player.

    throughout the whole map, there are a lot of instances where you prioritize non-existent beats over very audible notes:

    1. 00:17:433 (2) - if you are following the drums or the vocals during this section, there's no way this note is being mapped. the sound this object holds is completely different from what you're following. it lands on the guitar. from here you could argue that "well, there's a guitar sound (even if it's really, really, really quiet) so i placed a circle", but it doesn't work like that. if you were to map the guitar, you would place objects like this . but that'd be inconsistent with everything else, so let's avoid guitars.
    2. 00:19:211 (2) - same occurs here; this follows a different rhythm
    3. 00:20:988 (2) - and here, etc. etc.
    4. 00:29:099 (3,4,5,6) - nothing landing on 00:29:211 (4) - so it ruins the emphasis on vocals 00:29:322 (5) - :(
    5. 00:54:099 (4) - etc. etc.
    you get the point, there are overmapped sounds following a complete different layer. your rhythm isn't consistent. you are /trying/ to follow pretty much everything in the song, but you are not prioritizing anything, so what are you exactly following?
    i strongly suggest you to stick to vocals, they are very prominent on fhána songs

  2. 00:19:211 (2,3,4,5,1,2) - three different patterns for three different sounds, yet the emphasis is not executed properly;
    00:20:988 (2,3,4,5,1,2) - this patterning works way better, even if the rhythm is really unclear (because as i told you above, you are following 48092 sounds at the same time)
  3. 00:22:433 (1,2,1) - weird way of NCing, it should be placed 00:23:211 (3) - there
  4. 00:33:099 - this whole section as a whole doesn't feel special at all. it's the most calm section of the whole song, but it contains the same slider velocity, density and spacing that everywhere else. for calm parts, you always want to make a clear distinctiveness so there's a noticeable contrast between different sections of the song.
    this section feels the exact same as the whole rest of the map
  5. the whole map looks and plays the exact same throughout different sections. there's no build-up into the chorus, there's no calm section, there's no difference between non-kiai and kiai
  6. 00:41:099 (1,2,3,4) - there is no consistency whatsoever (as i said before) for stronger beats over weaker ones. if you are not planning to space them out consistently, in a way that they make sense with the song, then don't space them at all because it plays really baddd
  7. 00:43:988 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this one is a personal one, but a build-up into the kiai would be more appreciated, spacing the notes out every triplet plays and looks better
  8. 01:01:544 (1,2,3,4,5) - again, you swap from vocal mapping to... whatever this rhythm is following
  9. 01:04:544 (1) - you are almost never supposed to start a stream on the blue tick. why not? because stronger beats tend to land on whites/reds, so the emphasis should be put there; in this case would work better because there's a full stream starting on 01:04:211 (1) - and there's nothing landing on 01:04:988 (5) - other than extended vocals from the previous tick.
  10. 01:07:211 (2,3) - not spaced vs 01:08:099 (2,3) - spaced vs 01:08:544 (4,1,2,3) - spaced spaced spaced
the list goes on and on. this map contains mistakes, a lot of mistakes. issues that we, as bns, cannot allow to get through because they go against the principles of mapping: rhythm, patterning, consistency. some maps may lack of one of these aspects in one or another sense, but when these three aspects are questionable, map becomes unrankable immediately

01:13:988 - this whole section onwards is really cool though, good job!

tl;dr: you need to remap it - strongest beats land on slidertails, overmapped notes (by overmapped i mean, there's nothing in the music to support such notes), overdone calm sections


i will come back after you have remapped/applied everything you can
for the time being, good luck!
i dont get this bubble pop most of the changes proposed would make the map more boring for the sake of making more sense?

like the individual patterns pointed out as suggstions make sense but the conclusion that the entire thing needs to be completely scrapped from that seems ???
Do you think ALL emphasized(means you said "active"?) points must be clickable?
It's wrong. Maps should have originality and personality.
If changed like your opinions, almost maps will be similar rhythms, I guess so at least.

From below, I wrote counter to your mod.

Yuii- wrote:

throughout the whole map, there are a lot of instances where you prioritize non-existent beats over very audible notes:

  1. 00:17:433 (2) - if you are following the drums or the vocals during this section, there's no way this note is being mapped. the sound this object holds is completely different from what you're following. it lands on the guitar. from here you could argue that "well, there's a guitar sound (even if it's really, really, really quiet) so i placed a circle", but it doesn't work like that. if you were to map the guitar, you would place objects like this . but that'd be inconsistent with everything else, so let's avoid guitars.
    :arrow: 00:17:433 (2) - this circle followed vocal so clear. It plays a very important role for following vocals in playing, and it makes playable. If remove this note, players will feel boring and weird, since this part is generally called "alternating"(we can know from snare drum sounds). So I don't think it appropriate to delete this circle.
you get the point, there are overmapped sounds following a complete different layer. your rhythm isn't consistent. you are /trying/ to follow pretty much everything in the song, but you are not prioritizing anything, so what are you exactly following?
i strongly suggest you to stick to vocals, they are very prominent on fhána songs
:arrow: I wanna just say, consistency is not important in mapping. To make big one makes boring. If a map could be followed the songs at minimum, it is unnecessary.
I just agreed with Okorin's post.

Meg wrote:

Do you think ALL emphasized(means you said "active"?) points must be clickable?
Yes. It is music theory.

Also, you completely misunderstood what Okorin said. And if anything, if he meant that maps are supposed to be different (which I would agree to a certain extent; because we map to the song, following a certain rhythm) in a way that they can follow whatever the mapper wants, then that is a very wrong mentality.

You follow the song and you emphasize certain sounds. Try mapping anything where all the relevant sounds land on slidertails and the non-important/non-existent notes are the circles/sliderheads and get some feedback. You would be surprised by how the community receives it.
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:

Yes. It is music theory.

nice meme

Firis Mistlud wrote:

Yuii- wrote:

Yes. It is music theory.

nice meme
its not subjective
I Must Decrease
This map is fine in my eyes (in fact its better than most maps and has a nice older style to it). I'll let you guys come to a conclusion but I plan to rebubble / qualify this depending on what Repl4y wants to do regarding this mod. Come to an agreement or agree to disagree and call me back.

Xexxar wrote:

This map is fine in my eyes (in fact its better than most maps and has a nice older style to it). I'll let you guys come to a conclusion but I plan to rebubble / qualify this depending on what Repl4y wants to do regarding this mod. Come to an agreement or agree to disagree and call me back.
I can help re-bubbling this later.


Yuii- wrote:

Meg wrote:

Do you think ALL emphasized(means you said "active"?) points must be clickable?
Yes. It is music theory.
This is... just not true

Yuii- wrote:

Yes. It is music theory.

actually it is not music theory, but your own idea of beatmapping, which makes map boringly standardized rather than making more sense

anyway this map seems fine imo

Yuii- wrote:

Yes. It is music theory.
No, it's not music theory. It's mapping theory, and it's your mapping theory. Music theory says nothing about how other art forms should interact with music.
This is one of the best beatmaps I've seen in the last year. It's fun, it's original, and it feels good with the music.
Why do you have to take down anything that doesn't fit in your narrow personal idea of mapping?
The mapper's creative choices are not mistakes as you describe them. They are conscious choices that allow the map to express the music.
Just because you limit the creativity of your own maps with rules you invented for yourself, doesn't mean others have to do the same.

Yuii- wrote:

Yes. It is music theory.
never heard of mapping need music theory
Meme is kinda dead at this point. Keep your thoughts and stick to them. Map has its mistakes regardless and the pop will remain until the mod gets properly replied.

For the time being, if you have nothing else to add other that "o m g you trynna to put your mapping theories into other people's maps!! how mean of you, i cri" (or other less smart messages, let's not address them, let's keep it cool), then you can leave.
Also, @Little: calmest section of the song being the exact same as everything else IS indeed an issue. You probably are saying "it is not", but even you are aware that a map is not supposed to be done that way. That's not even subjective, it is reality. Not even a theory, it's contrast between sections.

I will come back after the mod gets replied and applied.

Not a good place to meme, peace.
No, it is not meme. We were discussing how unfair it is to mark mapper's choices as "mistakes". The problem is, you are sticking to your own principles, thus taking what other think of as, "wow, fantastic and fun!", as "mistakes".

The second thing is that your mod is "unfixable". Trying to fix your mod here equals to a total remapping in a totally different style of choices of rhythm, choices of patterns, etc. Yeah, you are forcing the mapper to map in the way you want to see, just because there's nothing in the world is right other than your theory of mapping? That's UNFAIR.

In addition, it is variety, not a standardized rulesets of mapping, or so-called "music theory", that makes mapping such a fun thing.

Back to topic, since discussion to a map is always open, is discussion to your mod open?
Nevertheless, this map is awesome to play!

Good Luck on pushing this forward :D
Nao Tomori
variety should not include placing rhythm backwards and missing strong beats and putting clicks on weak ones. it isnt even like there are special patterns being made, the entire map is just one long distance snapped string of notes; you could easily switch up the rhythm a bit and improve it while maintaining the same type of cursor movement ideas...

also please guys, yes you don't need to follow the song with the map, but generally speaking doing that is a good idea in this game =)

also saying yuii has developmental disorders is rude, we call that "mental challenge" here in the west :c please reconsider your word choice to avoid being offensive!!
disregarding the song so you can make your map more generic is not creativity

Yuii- wrote:

That's not even subjective, it is reality.
the map is enough to rank, it is reality.

modder should follow mapper‘s mind, .. i just agreed with Little's post.
so what's happening here now?

Delis-chon please
Hello! how may I help you?

I also have no idea what's going on lol
me too
by the way, you can overmap for sake of emphasising intensivity of the song, it's like what people do since 1734

idk for a reason i don't know people these days think that you should have every w h i t e t i c k mapped by clickable object and if you want to map something on offbeats, making it main theme of the map making your map trash in people opinions (it's not the case of this map, but i see all this coming from the same place)

So yeah, idk if my opinion counts, but consistency of the rhythm (read emphasising things with the same rhythm patterns) > "music theory" (even while thing people call music theory is a nice thing to follow you don't have to pray on it). So, in case of this map, if mapper deicded to overmap the song because it being somehow intensive, it's fine thing to go with, removing these objects on blueticks will make the map worse, because of sudden intensivity changes which are usually cockblocking people.

In conclusion: While the map isn't my cup of tea, i don't really see why the concept can be a reason to not rank the map. I'd say it need some polishing because some of patterns like ew, but again, thats about my tastes.
I have some concerns on rhythm in easier difficulties, especially how some objects are placed on blue ticks.
Let me post some of them below. /me lazy to mention all _(:3 」∠)_

  1. 00:13:544 (1,2) - I wonder why these sliders are made with different length. (They follow exact same sounds, right..?) How no one noticed this during modding process before the map got bubbled.. Fix this by extending (2)'s end to 00:16:099 - .
  2. 00:45:544 (1,2,1) - Are these gaps between objects acceptable? (5/4 vs 1/1) It'd be much better to simplify 00:45:544 (1,2) - by turning them into a slider in my opinion. (start// 00:45:544 - end//00:46:877 - ) The current rhythm is definitely unsuitable for the easiest difficulty.
  3. 00:47:322 (1,2,3) - Exactly same as above.
  4. etc.

There are more things that could be improved in my eyes. Check Easy/Normal difficulties once again. (Sorry for my laziness _(:3 」∠)_ )
Also I don't mean to be rude/aggressive, but you guys should carefully take a look at not only higher difficulties but also easier ones. Recent ranked maps always make me think so.. :/

Rank when?
rank when ?

00:27:322 (2,3) - here i think little bit overspaced..
HP drain in extra still feels weird and idk how fix that ;_;
Very well made m8
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