
gmtn. vs. kozato (fw. LUZE) - squartatrice

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Len wrote:

  1. 전체적으로 스펙트럼의 반응속도가 느립니다. 큰비트가 먼저 나오고 그 뒤에 스펙트럼이 커집니다. playback rate를 100%로 해도 확실히 느리다는게 보일정도면 전체적으로 문제가 있다는건데 확인 부탁드립니다. (그런데 뒤에 키아이부분은 맞는거같기도하고.. 뭔가 이상하네요) 엨 프로그램으로 돌려가지고 제가 손볼수있는게 아니네요..
  2. 01:26:074 - 이부분에 1/3간격으로 무슨 터지는 효과같은거 넣고 01:26:740 - 에는 하늘색 배경으로 바뀌었으면 조금 더 좋았을거같다는 생각이드네요. 굿 좋네용
  3. 01:45:406 - 여기 잘 보시면 bg가 사라지는동안에도 스펙트럼이 계속 움직이는데 여기서 움직이고있는 스펙트럼을 조금씩 Y축으로 커지는 크기를 줄여서 조금 잔잔하게 03:21:739 - 또는 03:24:406 - 여기에 나오는 스펙트럼같이 바꿔도 괜찮다싶은데 이 부분에 대해서는 엄청 생각해보셔야할것같습니다. 아니면 움직이지 않는 상태 이렇게 모아만 주셔도 꽤나 괜찮을것같은데.. 지금 상태로는 엄청 거슬립니다. 꼭 수정을 해주시면 좋을것같네요. 음..새로운 표현을 하기위해서 스펙트럼을 bg로 가렸습니다. Y축크기 줄이는 것은 제가 아까 말했다시피 불가능합니다. 일단 의도는 스펙트럼을 가린다는 것을 알아주셨으면 합니다.
  4. 01:45:406 - 이부분 파란색 동그라미 올라오는게 너무 빠르다는 생각이듭니다. 조금만 속도가 느렸다면 조용한 부분인 이 파트를 조금 더 살릴수있었지 않았을까 라는 생각입니다. 조용하지만 연타스트림 부분도 있기에 느리게 할 필요까지는 없어보입니다.
  5. 01:51:739 - 이부분을 포함한 나머지 심장박동부분 너무 뜬금없이 나오지않나 라고 생각이듭니다. 게다가 scale도 너무 커요. 그냥 다른걸로 대체해보시는게 좋을것같네요. 뜬금없지 않고 음악안에 심장소리가 들리길레 한번 넣어봤습니다. 이부분에 대해서는 여러 의견들을 더 받아보겠습니다. 저는 제 의도대로 잘 나온듯해서 빼기 아깝다고 생각합니다.
  6. 03:25:406 - 마찬가지로 조금 빠른거같다는 생각이듭니다. 조금 속도를 낮췄습니다.
  7. 03:36:072 - 여기는 회색의 배경이 조금 더 밝아지는것보단 하늘색 배경을 조금 어두운상태로 넣는게 좋을것같네요. fix
  8. 04:42:739 - 여기서 원 나오는거 04:42:739 (1) - 노트의 시작지점에서 나왔다면 더 어울렸을텐데 라는 생각이있네요. fix
  9. 마지막 스핀이 끝나는 부분인 05:01:405 - (수정하면 바뀔지도 모름) 에서 bg가 갑자기 없어져서 검은화면으로 바뀌면 좀더 멋졌을거같다 라는 생각이 있네요. 이부분은 참고해뒀다가 나중에 수정이 거의 끝날때 쯤에 넣어보겠습니다.

osb :
Nerova Riuz GX
welp though i don't accept mod requests before exams but this is really interesting

  1. personally I prefer ar 9.5 instead of 9.6, which makes objects like 00:01:410 (1,2,3,4) - appear not that suddenly
  2. unsnapped notes: 00:46:244 (2) - 00:47:242 (4) -
  3. according to RC, your mp3's bitrate must be 192kbps maximum. the current one is 320kbps, you have to remake it for your map.
  4. 00:54:742 - the beats are still based on 3/4 here, 4/4 is incorrect. you should delete this timing point.
  5. seems like your storyboard is made by Down. though it's not a rule, i suggest you to add "Down" in tags.
  6. can't find the correct metadata of this song. you should better find someone to confirm it.
  7. I'll be glad if you can make the difference between your two gray combo color bigger. it will help on some stacked patterns like 00:53:409 (5,6,1,2,3) - this kind of stacked stream transition.
  1. 00:19:743 (1,2) - I think (2) need the NC more to clarify the stack. maybe switch NC?
  2. 00:40:909 (4) - if i were you I would add an NC on it to specify this stream, so it would be more similar to 00:48:742 (1,2) - , which has a totally different color on the stream itself.
  3. 00:54:742 - the beats are based on 3/4 here, which means after the timing change you should change those NCs as well.
  4. 01:50:073 (1,2,3,4,1) - there's a slight spacing difference between (3)~(1), it will be good if you can adjust it, since this kind of straight line is hard to be played well.
  5. 02:17:073 (3) - to be honest, i hope you can make this hold end on 02:17:323 - , so the hit window will be bigger and players won't lose their combo easily here
  6. 02:21:406 (1,2) - personally i'll suggest you to make their distance shorter, so it won't make people confused and correctly recognize the slider is a part of the stream
  7. 02:25:739 (5,6,7) - don't you think this kind of speed up should be specified by NCs and colors?
  8. 02:28:573 - maybe you can try to end the slider here. lots of the notes are based on piano samples here, but 02:28:656 - this one is not emphasized well. I think it will be better if you can place a circle at that place.
  9. 02:36:906 (4,5,6) - (pattern suggestion) ummm i think this straight line is not really good to play, and the burst on (6) is not really emphasized. I'll suggest you to reduce the distance between (4) and (5).
  10. 02:39:073 (1) - same on the length reducing as above.
  11. 03:19:906 (2,3) - (pattern suggestion) if this double is spaced and added a back'n'forth, this pattern can be good, and the spacing can also be a warning for the following high spaced notes. maybe?
  12. 03:51:405 (7) - NC for clear piano sound emphasizing? and 04:02:072 (6) - ?
  13. 04:02:072 (6) - this one is a strange ignorance on piano, because most of the objects are following the piano here, like 04:15:239 (5,7,8,9) -
  14. 04:25:405 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - this kind of stream is really dangerous, it has a high chance to cause problem on reading. especially 04:25:405 (1,1) - is shorter than others, the speed change on this stream is questionable too.
  15. 04:42:739 (1) - yeah, this slider art can be improved because it's almost like a finisher...
Because of your sprite usage, your SB load is skyrocketing...That's not a good thing.
  1. use sayakaBG.jpg instead of sb\bg.jpg so the background will become black when there's no sprite, and your SB load will reduce by 1.33x. if you're using SGL for this SB, it will be easy to change.
  2. To reduce the SB load, start these particle sprites when you need them:

nice, solid and fun.
Topic Starter
I'll fix the last silder and then check the mod!


jieusieu wrote:

2016-01-23 15:11 Reol: 렉이 심하다면 BG와 osb파일을 지우고 보는것은 어덜가욧????
2016-01-23 15:12 Reol: 저도몰믐
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu: fd
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu: ㄹㅇ
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu:
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu: ㅋㅋ
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu: 님
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: 161,191,282739,6,0,B|103:223|23:192|23:192|74:214|102:235|136:279|192:352|98:437|29:390|-11:366|-38:213|97:232|175:300|185:352|185:352|217:260|217:260|239:325|298:311|298:311|339:340|383:312|383:312|419:321|458:311|506:294|521:216|499:156|440:130|393:125|340:170|340:170|250:186|209:127|205:55|249:8|313:-2|366:16|394:70|370:122,1,1684.80005655762
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: 이부분만
2016-01-23 15:14 Reol: 넵
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: 한번보고
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: 버리셈
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: ㅋㅋ
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: 님아
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: ㄹㅇ
2016-01-23 15:15 jieusieu: ㄹㅇ
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: 깔끔해보이네
2016-01-23 15:15 jieusieu: 님그게
2016-01-23 15:15 jieusieu: 정말ㅇ미??
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: 로그 올리면
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: 제가 특별히 쿠도스 드림
2016-01-23 15:15 jieusieu: wow~~xDDDDDD
he repaired slider's shape
Thank you for helping me!

previous slider

I'll check the Nerova Riuz GX's mod as soon as I can!

@Down 마지막 슬라 위치가 바뀌었기때문에 제가 모딩 고친 뒤에 SB 수정 부탁드려욧!
2016-01-23 15:11 Reol: 렉이 심하다면 BG와 osb파일을 지우고 보는것은 어덜가욧????
2016-01-23 15:12 Reol: 저도몰믐
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu: fd
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu: ㄹㅇ
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu:
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu: ㅋㅋ
2016-01-23 15:13 jieusieu: 님
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: 161,191,282739,6,0,B|103:223|23:192|23:192|74:214|102:235|136:279|192:352|98:437|29:390|-11:366|-38:213|97:232|175:300|185:352|185:352|217:260|217:260|239:325|298:311|298:311|339:340|383:312|383:312|419:321|458:311|506:294|521:216|499:156|440:130|393:125|340:170|340:170|250:186|209:127|205:55|249:8|313:-2|366:16|394:70|370:122,1,1684.80005655762
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: 이부분만
2016-01-23 15:14 Reol: 넵
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: 한번보고
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: 버리셈
2016-01-23 15:14 jieusieu: ㅋㅋ
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: 님아
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: ㄹㅇ
2016-01-23 15:15 jieusieu: ㄹㅇ
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: 깔끔해보이네
2016-01-23 15:15 jieusieu: 님그게
2016-01-23 15:15 jieusieu: 정말ㅇ미??
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: 로그 올리면
2016-01-23 15:15 Reol: 제가 특별히 쿠도스 드림
2016-01-23 15:15 jieusieu: wow~~xDDDDDD
  • ascension
  1. 00:19:909 (2,3,1) - 각도 약간 틀어서 00:18:909 (1) - 요놈이랑 일직선 구성하게 하면 ㄱㅊ을듯
  2. 01:05:075 (6,1) - 모양같게
  3. 02:05:406 (1) - 뚜루루루 / 뚜루루루 / 뚜루루루 / 뚜루루루 뚜에 뉴콤
  4. 03:17:739 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 약간 틀어진거 대칭구조로 바꿔주면 ㄱㅊ을듯
  5. 03:20:406 (1) - 나라면 03:20:739 - 여까지 가는 느린슬라이더 넣었을거같은데 몰겠다 냅둬도될듯 아이디어참고만
  6. 04:08:072 (1) - 스토리보드 바뀜? 여기 왜 빨간색으로 보이는데 파랑노트나오지

Sorry for the delay ;w;

Nerova Riuz GX wrote:

welp though i don't accept mod requests before exams but this is really interesting

Because of your sprite usage, your SB load is skyrocketing...That's not a good thing.
  1. use sayakaBG.jpg instead of sb\bg.jpg so the background will become black when there's no sprite, and your SB load will reduce by 1.33x. if you're using SGL for this SB, it will be easy to change. Bg1 deleted.
  2. To reduce the SB load, start these particle sprites when you need them:Erased the effect of snow. XD

nice, solid and fun.
You were a great help to me! Thanks :)

Reol wrote:

@Down 마지막 슬라 위치가 바뀌었기때문에 제가 모딩 고친 뒤에 SB 수정 부탁드려욧!
넵 수정했습니다!

아 그리고 sb폴더에있는 bg파일 삭제해주세요.
This map is masterpiece
Topic Starter

Nerova Riuz GX wrote:

welp though i don't accept mod requests before exams but this is really interesting

  1. personally I prefer ar 9.5 instead of 9.6, which makes objects like 00:01:410 (1,2,3,4) - appear not that suddenly
  2. unsnapped notes: 00:46:244 (2) - 00:47:242 (4) -
  3. according to RC, your mp3's bitrate must be 192kbps maximum. the current one is 320kbps, you have to remake it for your map.
  4. 00:54:742 - the beats are still based on 3/4 here, 4/4 is incorrect. you should delete this timing point.
  5. seems like your storyboard is made by Down. though it's not a rule, i suggest you to add "Down" in tags.
  6. can't find the correct metadata of this song. you should better find someone to confirm it.
  7. I'll be glad if you can make the difference between your two gray combo color bigger. it will help on some stacked patterns like 00:53:409 (5,6,1,2,3) - this kind of stacked stream transition.
  1. 00:19:743 (1,2) - I think (2) need the NC more to clarify the stack. maybe switch NC?
  2. 00:40:909 (4) - if i were you I would add an NC on it to specify this stream, so it would be more similar to 00:48:742 (1,2) - , which has a totally different color on the stream itself.
  3. 00:54:742 - the beats are based on 3/4 here, which means after the timing change you should change those NCs as well.
  4. 01:50:073 (1,2,3,4,1) - there's a slight spacing difference between (3)~(1), it will be good if you can adjust it, since this kind of straight line is hard to be played well.
  5. 02:17:073 (3) - to be honest, i hope you can make this hold end on 02:17:323 - , so the hit window will be bigger and players won't lose their combo easily here
  6. 02:21:406 (1,2) - personally i'll suggest you to make their distance shorter, so it won't make people confused and correctly recognize the slider is a part of the stream
  7. 02:25:739 (5,6,7) - don't you think this kind of speed up should be specified by NCs and colors?
  8. 02:28:573 - maybe you can try to end the slider here. lots of the notes are based on piano samples here, but 02:28:656 - this one is not emphasized well. I think it will be better if you can place a circle at that place.
  9. 02:36:906 (4,5,6) - (pattern suggestion) ummm i think this straight line is not really good to play, and the burst on (6) is not really emphasized. I'll suggest you to reduce the distance between (4) and (5).
  10. 02:39:073 (1) - same on the length reducing as above.
  11. 03:19:906 (2,3) - (pattern suggestion) if this double is spaced and added a back'n'forth, this pattern can be good, and the spacing can also be a warning for the following high spaced notes. maybe?
  12. 03:51:405 (7) - NC for clear piano sound emphasizing? and 04:02:072 (6) - ?
  13. 04:02:072 (6) - this one is a strange ignorance on piano, because most of the objects are following the piano here, like 04:15:239 (5,7,8,9) -
  14. 04:25:405 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - this kind of stream is really dangerous, it has a high chance to cause problem on reading. especially 04:25:405 (1,1) - is shorter than others, the speed change on this stream is questionable too.
  15. 04:42:739 (1) - yeah, this slider art can be improved because it's almost like a finisher...
nice, solid and fun.


Kloyd wrote:

  • ascension
  1. 00:19:909 (2,3,1) - 각도 약간 틀어서 00:18:909 (1) - 요놈이랑 일직선 구성하게 하면 ㄱㅊ을듯
  2. 01:05:075 (6,1) - 모양같게
  3. 02:05:406 (1) - 뚜루루루 / 뚜루루루 / 뚜루루루 / 뚜루루루 뚜에 뉴콤
  4. 03:17:739 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 약간 틀어진거 대칭구조로 바꿔주면 ㄱㅊ을듯
  5. 03:20:406 (1) - 나라면 03:20:739 - 여까지 가는 느린슬라이더 넣었을거같은데 몰겠다 냅둬도될듯 아이디어참고만
  6. 04:08:072 (1) - 스토리보드 바뀜? 여기 왜 빨간색으로 보이는데 파랑노트나오지


almost fixed
Thanks for your modding guys
와 이것도 종합예술이네
이거 압축풀어서 안에있는 스포트라이트 파일을 추가해주시고

osb파일 이걸로 대체해주세요.

Sonnyc wrote:

SB궁극적인목적 : BN유도
를 달성했다.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

Topic Starter
mp3 change ( 320 -> 192 )
offset + 23

re-download it plz

  1. 01:10:764 - the red/green lines on this point conflict in volume
  2. 03:25:429 - sampleset conflict
  3. 03:14:679 (4,1) - this is the very first 1/4 jump in the entire map; it's pretty unexpected with no setup 3 minutes in and it's also going into a lower spaced stream which makes it pretty weird to play
  4. 03:54:095 (1,2,3,4,5) - pretty much the same thing as above
  5. 03:18:429 (1) and 03:18:762 (1) - both have a crash yet they're lacking emphasis since they don't really stand out within the entire pattern... also 03:18:762 (1) - is missing a finish on the head
really cool map
obviously the red/green line thing is unrankable now, but you'll also have to get rid of the 1/4 jumps if you want me to icon
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:


  1. 01:10:764 - the red/green lines on this point conflict in volume
  2. 03:25:429 - sampleset conflict
  3. 03:14:679 (4,1) - this is the very first 1/4 jump in the entire map; it's pretty unexpected with no setup 3 minutes in and it's also going into a lower spaced stream which makes it pretty weird to play
  4. 03:54:095 (1,2,3,4,5) - pretty much the same thing as above
  5. 03:18:429 (1) and 03:18:762 (1) - both have a crash yet they're lacking emphasis since they don't really stand out within the entire pattern... also 03:18:762 (1) - is missing a finish on the head
really cool map
obviously the red/green line thing is unrankable now, but you'll also have to get rid of the 1/4 jumps if you want me to icon
all fixed

waiting for storyboard
storyboard updated
waiting for skystar's gd
sujinatjan -_

02:42:762 (2,3) - why not blanket
04:14:928 (2) - this jump feels forced; the piano note that the circle is mapped to isn't nearly as intense as anything within 04:13:428 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2)
check aimod too
크... 2차원을 통해 또다시 하늘 별이
갓맵 중 갓맵이구만요

Topic Starter

Skystar wrote:

fixed cya


waiting storyboard fix
Topic Starter

Down wrote:

need to fix bg3 files
i'll fix it soon


Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

offset +11

in the case of 2 diffs for approval, doesnt the lower difficulty one need to have some indicator of difficulty? ascension and descent don't give that indicator, so reol's diff name should be changed

Ascendance wrote:

in the case of 2 diffs for approval, doesnt the lower difficulty one need to have some indicator of difficulty? ascension and descent don't give that indicator, so reol's diff name should be changed
imo i dont htink so, theyre both pretty high extras that are both marathon approval time, that each could've just been a separate diff for rank
but they aren't on a separate set. they're on the same one. example: the lower diff uses "lunatic" while the highest one keeps its own diff name.
Nerova Riuz GX
Though this has already been discussed for years, it's still not allowed under the current RC.
Changing the diff name might be the best choice for now.
Topic Starter

Ascendance wrote:

in the case of 2 diffs for approval, doesnt the lower difficulty one need to have some indicator of difficulty? ascension and descent don't give that indicator, so reol's diff name should be changed
change it. thx.
this diffsystem is shit becoz it was for the older stardifficulty which makes it difficult to discern whether its insane or extra becoz all of them were shown as 5-stars. but the system has changed and we can know how difficult a map is , RELATIVELY, and we dont need that rule anymore.

just imo
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

omg thanks!
i love you
I agree with Kloyd.

The rule is just destroying creative of mapping imo.
lol nothing in the map changed, don't overreact. how can it "destroy creativity" when the difficulty name is the same besides the addition of the word "extra"? relax a bit and bring it to ranking criteria if you think there's a discussion to be held
i didn't overreact, just said my opinion since i thought choosing difficulty name is also kinda creative of mapping.

in my opinion, putting only "Ascension" seems better than adding "Extra" in my opinion because "Extra" seems
i don't know how to explain it.

it was my little complain so please nevermind it (if you felt bad for me, i will apologize you)
Sorry, I didn't mean to direct that at you, I mainly used it as a generalization. Apologies!
could consider muting sectionfail.wav and sectionpass.wav
also you can skin section-fail.png and section-pass.png to transparency because they aren't elements showing up while there's actual gameplay so they are allowed to be transparent, basically consider running the same setup file-wise as

i think lower AR like 9.2 on ascension extra would work too, i don't see the need for 9.5 but that's just my opinion
Topic Starter

Okorin wrote:

could consider muting sectionfail.wav and sectionpass.wav
also you can skin section-fail.png and section-pass.png to transparency because they aren't elements showing up while there's actual gameplay so they are allowed to be transparent, basically consider running the same setup file-wise as

i think lower AR like 9.2 on ascension extra would work too, i don't see the need for 9.5 but that's just my opinion
ehh... I just want deleted break time like a Skystar's diff. Thanks for your suggestion.
and... I'll consider about AR change.
I'll decide that on the next bubble or mod. Thank you! :)
if you are pushing back this again can please adjust offset to 1436?? it is just slightly late >o<
like this map a lot~
Topic Starter
Self poped because
  1. Changed offset
  2. Changed ar 9.5 -> 9.2
  3. Deleted break time 04:46:856 - here (Extra diff)

changed some patterns so need to check storyboard before it gets ranked
Found this on the offline #modreqs thread.

You were waiting for a BN, so thought I'd just make the set's life a bit easier by helping with the storyboard.
  • Storyboard

  1. There are some unused files within the SB folder, unused files will take up excessive space and are unnecessary for the mapset, consider removing them if they're not going to be used.
    1. bg.jpg (You're using sayakaBG.jpg)
    2. burst.png
    3. Flare.png

    Ranking Criteria - Skinning wrote:

    There must not be any unused files in the map's folder except for the map's .osb file. Unused files add extra file size which is unnecessary.

  2. White.png could be converted to .jpg format, in order to save file size, since it doesn't use the transparency layer.

  3. The main cause of SB load seems to be the near-transparency around ray.png and ray2.png. You'll notice they take up a lot of screen space if you go into the design tab and try clicking on one of them. If you could somehow crop the image while still retaining the smooth edges, then your SB load would go down considerably around the relevant parts, due to the way the sprites currently overlap multiple times.

Since I noticed some things within the difficulty I was looking at, I might as well point them out as well.

Ascension Extra

  1. 03:36:764 - This feels very weird, in my opinion, to skip this sound completely when all the other ones of these are mapped in this section, especially when 03:36:097 - was the same sound and used as an initiation to the phase. Having a sudden pause on a sound mapped just a one or two beats ago like this would be quite counter intuitive, don't you think? I'd suggest doing it like was done at 03:39:431 - .


  1. 00:42:767 - Wouldn't this beat have all hitsounds on it, just like 00:46:767 - , since a new hypermeasure begins here?
    ^ 00:50:767 -

  2. 00:56:767 - Looks like whistle and soft addition was missed here, due to the previously enforced pattern. Straying from said pattern randomly like this would make no sense, or am I wrong? Is it not random? Because I can't see the pattern.
    ^ 00:58:101 -
    ^ 01:04:767 -
    ^ 01:06:101 -

  3. 01:08:767 - Looks like this is missing a whistle when looking at 01:09:101 -

  4. 01:10:267 - 01:08:934 - Again, these don't look intentional. The second one for example, has a soft addition but no hitsound for said addition to apply on. There are multiple instances of this appearing throughout the map.

  5. 01:21:599 - I feel like some hitsounds are being forgotten in this section, namely finishes. The hitsounds currently placed do not seem to fully reflect what the song is suggesting.
    ^ 01:44:598 -

  6. Well, I'll stop here since the set is already supposed to be ready. If the above were actually mistakes or did not receive sufficient explanations and arguments, then perhaps asking for some hitsound mods before ranking it would be a good idea.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Naxess wrote:

Found this on the offline #modreqs thread.

Since I noticed some things within the difficulty I was looking at, I might as well point them out as well.

Ascension Extra

  1. 03:36:764 - This feels very weird, in my opinion, to skip this sound completely when all the other ones of these are mapped in this section, especially when 03:36:097 - was the same sound and used as an initiation to the phase. Having a sudden pause on a sound mapped just a one or two beats ago like this would be quite counter intuitive, don't you think? I'd suggest doing it like was done at 03:39:431 - . I'll consider about it, because I think more fits well now.


  1. 00:42:767 - Wouldn't this beat have all hitsounds on it, just like 00:46:767 - , since a new hypermeasure begins here?
    ^ 00:50:767 - nah, i don't think so.

  2. 00:56:767 - Looks like whistle and soft addition was missed here, due to the previously enforced pattern. Straying from said pattern randomly like this would make no sense, or am I wrong? Is it not random? Because I can't see the pattern. it's not random. your misunderstanding here.
    ^ 00:58:101 -
    ^ 01:04:767 -
    ^ 01:06:101 -

  3. 01:08:767 - Looks like this is missing a whistle when looking at 01:09:101 - ok

  4. 01:10:267 - 01:08:934 - Again, these don't look intentional. The second one for example, has a soft addition but no hitsound for said addition to apply on. There are multiple instances of this appearing throughout the map. 01:08:934 - miss added addition. you can hear piano or something else here? no, i don't think so. you are completely misunderstanding this. 01:10:267 - fixed.

  5. 01:21:599 - I feel like some hitsounds are being forgotten in this section, namely finishes. The hitsounds currently placed do not seem to fully reflect what the song is suggesting. I'm not forgotten here. I just don't added. because not so fits.
    ^ 01:44:598 -

  6. Well, I'll stop here since the set is already supposed to be ready. If the above were actually mistakes or did not receive sufficient explanations and arguments, then perhaps asking for some hitsound mods before ranking it would be a good idea.

Good luck!
I'll update it later.
some unrankable issues were changed so #1
01:00:767 (1,2,1,2,1) - why the nc spam when you never do it for similar patterns here?
01:09:017 (3,4,5,6) - really awkward to play cause of how forced movement here feels, how about mobing 2-3-4 a bit like or even rotating it a bit ?
01:45:431 (1) - shouuldnt this be placed higher to match the sb?
judging from skystar's diff it's not supposed to do so, but because it's so close, why not adjust the pattern a bit?
02:04:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - just feels too much rhythm+spacing wise for what the song offers and makes 02:05:098 (13,14,15,16) - stand out much less, reducing spacing or rhythm (something with less 1/4 clicking like on skystar's diff) both would work better for that
Right now it's like the same as 02:05:764 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - which stands out much more in the song...
02:26:098 (7) - transition into this is really weird and at this sv I always feel like a have to follow these a bit, maybe try something more like
02:39:098 (1) - buffer?
03:18:931 (2) - can you just map this as 1/4 slider? the 1/8 doesnt even stand out much and it becomes stupid to play because this has to held longer than the 1/4 sliders before, but it's in the same pattern, so people will expect similar tapping
04:26:264 (2,3,4) - do you really need a burst that plays like 270 bpm 1/4 90% into the map lol

02:05:098 (2,3,4) - I get what you want to do here, but the 4 note piano pattern stands out so much that I hope you can reconsider mapping a more spaced + 4 note stream here. right now it feels completely the same as 02:04:431 (2,3,4) - but the music is so different -_
04:42:597 - ~40% S timing point to reduce volume of slidertick while keeping the slide as it is would be great cause it seems too loud here

pop cause of this:
there seems to be a problem with the map caused by the sb
whenever I change something and want to update to latest (no matter which diff) I becomes a 0* map and opening it does

video of the problem:

if I delete the map and redownload it then doesn't even show up anymore and forces me to process all beatmaps again to get it to appear

confirmed with several other people so it's not just me

let me know once this issue has been fixed
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

01:00:767 (1,2,1,2,1) - why the nc spam when you never do it for similar patterns here?
01:09:017 (3,4,5,6) - really awkward to play cause of how forced movement here feels, how about mobing 2-3-4 a bit like or even rotating it a bit ?
01:45:431 (1) - shouuldnt this be placed higher to match the sb?
judging from skystar's diff it's not supposed to do so, but because it's so close, why not adjust the pattern a bit?
02:04:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - just feels too much rhythm+spacing wise for what the song offers and makes 02:05:098 (13,14,15,16) - stand out much less, reducing spacing or rhythm (something with less 1/4 clicking like on skystar's diff) both would work better for that
Right now it's like the same as 02:05:764 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - which stands out much more in the song...
02:26:098 (7) - transition into this is really weird and at this sv I always feel like a have to follow these a bit, maybe try something more like
02:39:098 (1) - buffer? xD
03:18:931 (2) - can you just map this as 1/4 slider? the 1/8 doesnt even stand out much and it becomes stupid to play because this has to held longer than the 1/4 sliders before, but it's in the same pattern, so people will expect similar tapping I think it's really fit for song. I want to keep it. sorry.
04:26:264 (2,3,4) - do you really need a burst that plays like 270 bpm 1/4 90% into the map lol

pop cause of this:
there seems to be a problem with the map caused by the sb
whenever I change something and want to update to latest (no matter which diff) I becomes a 0* map and opening it does

video of the problem:

if I delete the map and redownload it then doesn't even show up anymore and forces me to process all beatmaps again to get it to appear

confirmed with several other people so it's not just me

let me know once this issue has been fixed
no comment -> fixed
@Down sb문ㄴ제 해결좀 부탇드립니다 내ㅎ
I'm trying to get some clarification on the sb thing right now since apparently it happend on a few other (now ranked) maps too and is caused by the difficulty specific SBs making the .osu files so big
Topic Starter
sb problem fixed i guess.

waiting for skystar's response :D
yes, sb thing works fine now for me
changes on your diff are okay, just wondering about one thing
01:00:767 (1,2,1,2,1) - why the nc spam when you never do it for similar patterns here?
you didn't reply to this but kept it. It's not a big deal to me so I'm fine if you dont change it. though it seems like you just missed it?
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

yes, sb thing works fine now for me
changes on your diff are okay, just wondering about one thing
01:00:767 (1,2,1,2,1) - why the nc spam when you never do it for similar patterns here?
you didn't reply to this but kept it. It's not a big deal to me so I'm fine if you dont change it. though it seems like you just missed it?
oh my, i missed that. sorry.
i'll fix that as soon as possible

edit: fixed!
Removed some unused sb sources. Thank you for confirming it but the rest of the opinions are not unrankable issue. First, between png and jpg file size is very small but it is hard to fix, and I can't crop ray.png and ray2.png. Actually, there is no transparency part in these. You can find when you crop transparency part.

Oh I found the problem and fix it. Unfortunately, I can't use dot particles in hitlightning, because these particles cause osu file much bigger approximately 7~8 times. Anyway, thanks!

I gave the fixed osz file to Reol. Thanks everyone!! :)
re #1
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

re #1
Thank you !!
talked with SBer about sb issues and something opinions
and he rejected things with gud reasons so no need to say more about this maps sb

also, i checked both diffs again which changed after lasses mod so seems fine imo

Topic Starter
tyty :) :)
01:59:098 (2,3,4) - 이거 다 1픽셀 올려서 (1,2) 사이에 follow point 소거합시다. 그게 더 깔금해보이네요.
02:37:098 (5) - 여기 뉴콤 넣으시는게 더 피니시 소리 강조가 좋을거 같네요. (뉴콤 모딩이라니 무슨소리요!)
04:21:430 (1) - 어중간하게 희색 2개 섞느니 차라리 싱글 콤보 깨지더라도 동일한 색상 사용하는게 더 나아보이네요.
04:42:764 (1) - 슬라 멋지네요. 근데 첫번째 루프 구멍 조금 더 둥글게 처리 가능할듯요.

00:52:767 (1,2,3) - Even the music is slightly weaker here, there is an existing piano sound. Consider adding a whistle according to that.
01:22:182 - Leaving this clear beat in the song empty didn't felt to be reflecting the song nicely. Consider adding a rhythm here.
02:00:848 (2,5) - According to the instruments you are following, there isn't an existent beat here. Removing these would follow your rhythm better.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

01:59:098 (2,3,4) - 이거 다 1픽셀 올려서 (1,2) 사이에 follow point 소거합시다. 그게 더 깔금해보이네요.
02:37:098 (5) - 여기 뉴콤 넣으시는게 더 피니시 소리 강조가 좋을거 같네요. (뉴콤 모딩이라니 무슨소리요!)
04:21:430 (1) - 어중간하게 희색 2개 섞느니 차라리 싱글 콤보 깨지더라도 동일한 색상 사용하는게 더 나아보이네요.
04:42:764 (1) - 슬라 멋지네요. 근데 첫번째 루프 구멍 조금 더 둥글게 처리 가능할듯요.저가 노력ㅎ해봤어요,,,
all fixed!
Thanks for your modding!
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now waiting for the storyboard fix :D

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Sonnyc wrote:



Down wrote:

Thank you!
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Sonnyc wrote:

THANK YOU !!! :) :) :)

Finally got QF before I go to army loll
now, i don't want to be a spoilsport or a debbie downer, but isn't artificially extending the length of a track by adding a literally thrown in chunk of sound patently unrankable? The entire ending past 4:50 or so is artificially added on and seems to be just a simple soundbyte that isn't even timed or has a beat at all.

It's literally just to push the drain past 5 minutes and is pretty blatantly "I'll do this and try to push the map for approval instead of bothering with getting a full set". I'm all for skirting the rules for the sake of immersion and fun, but this is pretty obviously a "less effort" choice. I'm guilty of doing this in the far past, but emphasis is on guilty in this respect.

Other people who try to push a slightly-below-five-minute track could do something like repeating a small section here or there in a calmer section, where it's nearly unnoticeable if done well.

I'm rather astonished that this didn't come up a single time in the entire thread, I could have sworn I saw something about this map before. Hell, I've kept an eye on this map because I like it a lot but figured it would never be qualified due to the mp3 thing and just kept it as a nice track to check out now and then.

Neat as shit SB though.
pretty weird to see that the song got qualified but there's no any rank leaderboard o_o. nvm i got it.
Hi guys! Seems like there is some uncertainty about the lenght of the mp3 as Shiirn mentioned, about rather it got extended for the sake of getting this set approved or not. To avoid any further complications we will disqualify the set for now and make sure if mentioned concern is valid. We apologize for any inconvenience during this time and will revert the approval state if the concern proves to be false.

Edit: byby ninja
apparently that shittily thrown in weird ass noise that isn't timed is legitimately part of the actual track in the album, so i'm wrong

proceed as usual

EDIT: okay they actually injected literal silence between the end of the track and the weirdo noise which is a big no no
Except it isn't even extended?
are you serious?
free dqs lul
there is a silent 5 second break that should have a breaktime inserted, the original version ends on 4:57 after the noise while the song starts at 00:02, which means the song ends after 4 minutes and 55 seconds. The original silence is 2,5 seconds long. In this map, it magically increased to 4,6 seconds, so I assume you stretched the silence part.
On top of that, you deliberately didn't place a break, so it does count to the drain time.

Shiirn's point remains valid. Stretching happened.
On top of that, even if we're working with this edited mp3, the spinner at 04:51:430 (1) - ends in absolutely no sound. The sound ends at 05:01:430 - , but as the song starts at 00:01:435 - it'd be less than 5 min drain time anyway.
hey this isn't the first time this has happened in regards to minor stretching, why is it suddenly an issue. can you get some fucking consistency
getting away with it isn't a sudden free pass for it to happen all the time.

to overkill an analogy, almost one third of all american murders go unsolved - that doesn't mean murder is allowed.
so, in a case like this, what must the mapper do to have this be eligible for re-qualification? i assume they'll have to remove the edited mp3 and a map a full spread to the authentic one
but it's not a murder, it's not even a crime or anything disallowed by rules?
I think extending mp3 is bad... but I don't agree with double standards, if we allow something to happen then we need to be fair to everyone.

Mmmm some maps didn't get away with it, we actually allowed it to happen, there was a discussion about forbid extending a mp3: t/417977&start=0
But most of the community disagree with it, so I don't see any reason to disallow it that suddenly after the mapper worked hard on this. If the problem is the quality of the edition then is fine tho..
but afaik extending mp3 isn't directly disallowed as long as it isn't done badly. (there've been quite a few threads about this topic in the old RC forum) in this case the edited mp3 sounds even better and more natural to me than the original track where the sound gets cut suddenly for no reason
Shortening mp3's to get a "TV Size" set is fine, so why is doing the opposite any different anyways? I don't see a huge issue with this, and it's something that's been done plenty of times. It brings no drawbacks, and it's not like he's extending a 3:50 song to 5:00. I have to take the mapper's side on this one and agree with captin. This needs some consistency.
if I've not misunderstood, it's got disqualified because the mp3 was extended even though that is not any problem according to ranking criteria rules?

I know disqualifying is not happen by following only ranking criteria rules. but I wonder why it's happend.
There have been lots of discussion about extending mp3's in order to fit the approval length. Like Natsu's pointed out, the general consensus is that people support extending the mp3, and object to making this a rule that mp3's cannot be extended. It's been well established that mp3 editing, stretching etc... are acceptable, so lets move away from that argument, or discuss it in the Ranking Criteria section. Please redirect your focus to getting this map back into a rankable state.

From what I gather, the argument here really boils down to the fact that a 5 second section of the song that is complete silence is not mapped to a break. Therefore, those 5 seconds of silence are considered part of the drain. If this is the case, then there is some merit to that argument. If HP continues to drain when there is absolutely no sound, it can feel jarring to the mapper. Of course, this can be done for effect, like an extended pause, but since this occurs between two spinners I think the effect of the pause is lost.

One possible solution is to edit the mp3 tastefully, as Shiirn suggested, so that the mp3 becomes 5 minutes long without having to take advantage of silence. I can provide this mp3, just let me know.
Alright I feel like I should make a post to clarify all this mess because apparently there's too much misunderstanding and assumption going on here.

Shiirn wrote:

EDIT: okay they actually injected literal silence between the end of the track and the weirdo noise which is a big no no

Loctav wrote:

there is a silent 5 second break that should have a breaktime inserted, the original version ends on 4:57 after the noise while the song starts at 00:02, which means the song ends after 4 minutes and 55 seconds. The original silence is 2,5 seconds long. In this map, it magically increased to 4,6 seconds, so I assume you stretched the silence part.
First of all, the 'silence' between the end of track and the noise was NOT artificially stretched.

Here's a screenshot of the ending of original version and edit version in FL Studio:

The above one is the original and the next one is edited. As you can see, the silence of two version turns out to be of a same length. Yes, the original silence is not 2.5 seconds long, but 4.6 seconds too. So Shiirn's assumption that the silence was artificially injected turns out to be invalid here, as that's not the case at all.

Secondly, what's stretched then? It's the noise itself. The only section that's different between both versions is the weird noise at the end, which is weird enough in the original track, where it sounds like the composer forgot to highlight the later parts before rendering the song so it got cut out of nowhere. In the edited version, the noise was looped and flipped by the mapper, let's say, in order to make this over 5 mins. But to me, if I didn't know which is the original and were to guess which is, I'd definitely pick the extended one, as it definitely sounds more natural than the other one that makes it sound like your music player crashes at the end. As I said above, if an edit mp3 turns out to be even better than its original version, why not?

As for Deif's post:

Deif wrote:

On top of that, even if we're working with this edited mp3, the spinner at 04:51:430 (1) - ends in absolutely no sound. The sound ends at 05:01:430 - , but as the song starts at 00:01:435 - it'd be less than 5 min drain time anyway.
Indeed. One possible solution of this is to fade in and out the ending better, so the head and the tail of the spinner is snapped to the start and the end of the noise respectively. I'll see if I can try to make a mp3 to solve this.

Edit: Made a new mp3. Now the last spinner starts at 04:51:264 (1) - and ends at - 05:01:930 -, snapped to where the sound starts and ends.
???: I have no time for games

Ascendance wrote:

Shortening mp3's to get a "TV Size" set is fine, so why is doing the opposite any different anyways? I don't see a huge issue with this, and it's something that's been done plenty of times. It brings no drawbacks, and it's not like he's extending a 3:50 song to 5:00. I have to take the mapper's side on this one and agree with captin. This needs some consistency.
If you "Un-shortened" a "TV-Size", you'd re-add the content that was removed, no? That'd be tastefully extending the content by mimicking or duplicating portions of the already-existing song, not messing with a weird noise at the end that is musically irrelevant to the track.

There's a chunk near the end that repeats 3 times (or so Krah told me, I haven't actually sat down and listened to the music in a while), repeat it another and it's over 5 minutes cleanly and even musically makes sense. I don't see why we're screwing with semantics about the dumb static when there's a more elegant solution right there that would easily make everyone happy.

You can even cut the entire weirdo static at the end out entirely.

It sucks anyway.
I mean I'd rather touch the weirdo noise at the end that doesn't even matter in the song structure than the actual parts of the song, especially when the thing we're doing here is to make the ending even better
Akiyama Mizuki

Shiirn wrote:

I don't see why we're screwing with semantics about the dumb static when there's a more elegant solution right there that would easily make everyone happy.
everyone's happy once you're happy with it aha

skystar's reply seems good for me
even if the extended mp3 is fine (which i personally think it is) both diffs' spinners should still probably end at 05:01:430 - since thats where the sound cut off, as opposed to at 05:01:930 - , at which they currently end at
Akiyama Mizuki
i want to die 😋🔫
why i can't see this in ranked
so sad
Anemic Witch
Beautiful song with two awesome diffs graveyarded because "oh noes they increased weird noise duration by 2.5 seconds"
show more
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