
Qrispy Joybox - cloche [OsuMania]

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00:05:082 – add note di 2

00:05:164 – add note di 3

Kalo mau ini 00:04:917 (4917|1,4917|2) - dijadiin 13 biar gk ngejack

00:11:346 (11346|1) – move LN ke 1, terus ini 00:11:675 (11675|3,11758|2,11840|0,11923|2,12005|0,12005|3) – di rearrange lagi kurang lebih yang kayak disini 00:16:950 (16950|0,17032|1,17115|2,17197|1,17280|0,17280|2) – cuma dicerminkan

00:38:214 (38214|3) – move ke 2

00:38:296 (38296|2) – move ke 4

00:38:379 (38379|3,38379|1) – jadiin 23

00:38:543 (38543|2) – move ke 4

00:45:879 (45879|1) – move ke 1

00:12:829 (12829|1) – move ke 1

00:12:994 (12994|2) – move ke 4

00:20:576 (20576|2) – harusnya double sih ini menurutku

01:28:818 – add note di 2

01:34:093 – add note di 3

01:42:170 (102170|1) – move ke 1

01:06:071 – karena kiai part menurutku sih double bagus disini, jadi add note lagi di 3

dat mapping style tho o.o jarang jarang ada yg ngemap kek gini. Good luck, dikit aja lagi ini bisa di req BN kok
Topic Starter

Raediaufar wrote:

00:05:082 – add note di 2 ga.

00:05:164 – add note di 3 ^, ane ga ikut suara ini.

Kalo mau ini 00:04:917 (4917|1,4917|2) - dijadiin 13 biar gk ngejack patternny jd rda aneh sma LN ny etr.

00:11:346 (11346|1) – move LN ke 1, terus ini 00:11:675 (11675|3,11758|2,11840|0,11923|2,12005|0,12005|3) – di rearrange lagi kurang lebih yang kayak disini 00:16:950 (16950|0,17032|1,17115|2,17197|1,17280|0,17280|2) – cuma dicerminkan ngghh, ok.

00:38:214 (38214|3) – move ke 2 bole

00:38:296 (38296|2) – move ke 4

00:38:379 (38379|3,38379|1) – jadiin 23

00:38:543 (38543|2) – move ke 4 ^ patternny jdi pecah

00:45:879 (45879|1) – move ke 1 ngghh, ok

00:12:829 (12829|1) – move ke 1

00:12:994 (12994|2) – move ke 4 ^ ok.

00:20:576 (20576|2) – harusnya double sih ini menurutku ok, dan direarrange

01:28:818 – add note di 2 cuma ikut main melody, bkn back melodynya.

01:34:093 – add note di 3 ^ sama

01:42:170 (102170|1) – move ke 1 ga. Tp direarrange.

01:06:071 – karena kiai part menurutku sih double bagus disini, jadi add note lagi di 3 ane ga emphasis kiai.

dat mapping style tho o.o jarang jarang ada yg ngemap kek gini. Good luck, dikit aja lagi ini bisa di req BN kok o.o".. sip, Thx :D
Mkasih buat modnya raedi :D


00:31:291 - add note ? ada suara cymbal
00:51:071 - mnding samain kek yg tadi
00:55:686 (55686|3) - ke 3
00:55:851 (55851|1) - ke 4
00:58:324 (58324|2) - delete
01:18:928 - add note soal ny di sini 01:24:203 - 2 note juga
01:31:291 (91291|1,91373|0) - Ctrl + G
01:37:390 (97390|3,97554|3) - ini ngikut suara apa yak?
01:39:038 (99038|3) - taro di 01:38:873 - soal ny letak suara LN ny disitu coba denger lgi
^ kalo di accept 01:38:873 (98873|2) - pindah ke 01:39:038 -
01:46:785 (106785|1) - delete , sebelum ny juga gak pake 3 note


01:14:642 (74642|0,74807|2) - Ctrl + H
01:16:950 (76950|3) - ke 3
01:17:609 (77609|2) - ^ 4
01:42:170 - add note? kek sebelum ny

gl~ dixon =w=)b
Topic Starter

ExKagii- wrote:


00:31:291 - add note ? ada suara cymbal ga dulu deh o.o
00:51:071 - mnding samain kek yg tadi nice! (=w=b)
00:55:686 (55686|3) - ke 3
00:55:851 (55851|1) - ke 4 ^. entr 00:55:027 (55027|0,55027|3,55357|0,55357|3) - keulang 3x o.o
00:58:324 (58324|2) - delete ok, rearrange bbrp jg.
01:18:928 - add note soal ny di sini 01:24:203 - 2 note juga oh iya, missed note, tapi ane pikirin dlu patternny XD
01:31:291 (91291|1,91373|0) - Ctrl + G nice~
01:37:390 (97390|3,97554|3) - ini ngikut suara apa yak? Suara bell yang pitchnya tinggi banget o.o
01:39:038 (99038|3) - taro di 01:38:873 - soal ny letak suara LN ny disitu coba denger lgi klo 01:38:873 - itu suara back yang pitchnya rendah, udh direpresent sama 01:38:873 (98873|2) - LN disitu ngepresent Suara yang Pitchnya tinggi.
^ kalo di accept 01:38:873 (98873|2) - pindah ke 01:39:038 -
01:46:785 (106785|1) - delete , sebelum ny juga gak pake 3 note Ane pertimbangin lg, msh blm ykin.

Ntapz Thx >w<

01:14:642 (74642|0,74807|2) - Ctrl + H ane rearrange.
01:16:950 (76950|3) - ke 3 noteny jdi di atas LN o.o ane rearrange.
01:17:609 (77609|2) - ^ 4 entr kedeketan ama 01:18:269 (78269|3) -
01:42:170 - add note? kek sebelum ny ini ada di mod arcwin sblmnya , disini beat suarany tidak kuat

gl~ dixon =w=)b Makasih utk modnya Kagiii( >W<b)
Here's my mods.
Column : 0|1|2|3

  • NM
    00:08:049 - add note 2 buah ?
    00:24:697 (24697|0,24862|3,25027|2) - 0 ke 3, 3 ke 2 , 2 ke 1 ?

    EZ fine

    01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - sebenarnya suaranya ga harus jack, soalnya nadanya itu meninggi bukan berulang.
    01:38:379 (98379|3) - sebenarnya suara LN yang ini mirip sama yang setelahnya, bukan LN yang diatasnya lagi. Yg ini udah di suggest ma exkagii- deny gapapa
    01:39:862 (99862|0) - tambah 1 note lagi ? tapi kalau ngrusak pola, ya ga usah.
    add note di 01:47:554 - 01:47:774 - 01:47:994 - ? kolomnya 1-1-2.

Klo yg NM, di detik 24 itu aku urutin pitchnya, klo di HD ga tau mau mod apa lagi, jadi aku kasih additional note di akhir. Udah bagus kok, semua buat aku.
BG is just like this, lol

How about change it ?
Topic Starter

Wind_14 wrote:

Here's my mods.
Column : 0|1|2|3

  • NM
    00:08:049 - add note 2 buah ? Astaga, kok aku bisa lupa ya >,>.. added.
    00:24:697 (24697|0,24862|3,25027|2) - 0 ke 3, 3 ke 2 , 2 ke 1 ? ini ga yakin, soalny ak ga trlalu ngikutin pitch,etr jdiny ga konsisten.

    EZ fine

    01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - sebenarnya suaranya ga harus jack, soalnya nadanya itu meninggi bukan berulang. ane cba dngerin berulang2 x, tp kedengerannya pitchnya sama utk 3 nada jack itu -,-.. jdi keep dlu.
    01:38:379 (98379|3) - sebenarnya suara LN yang ini mirip sama yang setelahnya, bukan LN yang diatasnya lagi. Yg ini udah di suggest ma exkagii- deny gapapa ane memang ada denger suara stelah LN itu, cuma pitchnya lbih rndah, sedangkan LN itu fokus ngehighlight suara pitch tingginya.
    01:39:862 (99862|0) - tambah 1 note lagi ? tapi kalau ngrusak pola, ya ga usah. mngkin hrusnya iya, tp ku consider dlu o.o
    add note di 01:47:554 - 01:47:774 - 01:47:994 - ? kolomnya 1-1-2. kykny aneh, keep dlu.

Klo yg NM, di detik 24 itu aku urutin pitchnya, klo di HD ga tau mau mod apa lagi, jadi aku kasih additional note di akhir. Udah bagus kok, semua buat aku.
Sip, makasih angin buat mod nya :D

Edit : Astaga, ane sma skali ga tau ada yg BG nya serupa -_-"..
msih ga tau mw diganti/ga. cuma nuansany enak ja soalnya kan ini rencananya buat christmas :3
CHRISTMASNYA JUGA BARU 1 1/2 BULAN LAGI !!!, dan klo kerank abis christmas , gimana ?
yang jack, keep jacknya aja, ga ada kolom lagi... lol.
Topic Starter

Wind_14 wrote:

CHRISTMASNYA JUGA BARU 1 1/2 BULAN LAGI !!!, dan klo kerank abis christmas , gimana ?
yang jack, keep jacknya aja, ga ada kolom lagi... lol.
Klo sblm natal keranked, ya nikmati saja BM ane waktu udah natal :v
klo sesudahnya yaa, nasib..
yang penting nuansanya enak buat natal :v..
buat BG coba cari di Google / pixiv , but that's not my problem , which is nice.
hai mas :3
Mod Req from ~||Kuhaku Mania MODHOUSE||~
Mod Ini hanyalah pendapat pribadi saya :D Jika Salah Presepsi/maksud saya minta maaf
Dan maaf Bila ada salah salah kata dari saya :D

Okay Lets we start

Damnn I can't See Any Problem >< Looks Great Senpaii

00:53:214 - di Dekat Situ ada yang nga ke snap dan (snapnya 1/4 apa 1/6??)
00:53:708 - ^
Awww The Rest Of Them Looks Great Senpai ><

beberapa Tempat masih ada yang bisa Di masukkan Note,Knapa nga mas masukin aja?? Boleh tau alasannya :3??

Thats All From Me :D Mengingat sudah banyak Sekali Mod Mod Sebelum Saya :3 Saya Nga bisa ngasih Begitu Banyak
(Hope It will Ranked)
maaf kalo Modnya Nga membantu :"
Sekali Lagi Mohon maaf Bila ada Salah salah kata :D
Topic Starter

-[Hotaru]- wrote:

hai mas :3
Mod Req from ~||Kuhaku Mania MODHOUSE||~
Mod Ini hanyalah pendapat pribadi saya :D Jika Salah Presepsi/maksud saya minta maaf
Dan maaf Bila ada salah salah kata dari saya :D

Okay Lets we start

Damnn I can't See Any Problem >< Looks Great Senpaii

00:53:214 - di Dekat Situ ada yang nga ke snap dan (snapnya 1/4 apa 1/6??) itu memang 1/6, dh dikonfirmasi sama bbrp modder.
00:53:708 - ^ ^
Awww The Rest Of Them Looks Great Senpai ><

beberapa Tempat masih ada yang bisa Di masukkan Note,Knapa nga mas masukin aja?? Boleh tau alasannya :3?? hilang sensasinya klo masuk smua, dan mau kasih jeda juga..

Thats All From Me :D Mengingat sudah banyak Sekali Mod Mod Sebelum Saya :3 Saya Nga bisa ngasih Begitu Banyak
(Hope It will Ranked)
maaf kalo Modnya Nga membantu :"
Sekali Lagi Mohon maaf Bila ada Salah salah kata :D
Sip, Thx 4 the mod Hotaru :3
- [ S o r a ] -
OK Go ahead x3
4K mapset Great!

C o l u m n s : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Simply yeah? :3

OK use easy word OK? x3
00:40:192 (40192|2) - Suggest to move to => | 1 | According to 00:45:137 (45137|2,45302|0,45466|3) Good balance for tapping
00:41:510 (41510|2) - Move to => | 2 | ? Hands balance
00:57:994 (57994|1) - Move to right hand. previous reason
01:29:313 (89313|1) - Move to => 01:29:477 just focus to clap. Accord at the first section of the song. or 01:35:412
01:33:598 (93598|2) - I just noticed. wrong hitsound? different from other

01:32:115 - Add a note for clap sound?
00:55:686 (55686|3,56016|2,56346|2) - Suggest to remove these. Why double for? Also 01:27:994 (87994|3) and 01:33:269 (93269|3)
01:29:313 (89313|3) - I guess, you should move to here => 01:28:983 for cymbal sound instead

00:54:038 (54038|2,54038|1) - Can be short-note? not a bit long sound
I can't noticed any issues. Great job x3

Good luck! <3
Topic Starter

- [ S o r a ] - wrote:

OK Go ahead x3
4K mapset Great!

C o l u m n s : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Simply yeah? :3

OK use easy word OK? x3 o.o
00:40:192 (40192|2) - Suggest to move to => | 1 | According to 00:45:137 (45137|2,45302|0,45466|3) Good balance for tapping okayyy
00:41:510 (41510|2) - Move to => | 2 | ? Hands balance also okay
00:57:994 (57994|1) - Move to right hand. previous reason ok, also repattern for balance
01:29:313 (89313|1) - Move to => 01:29:477 just focus to clap. Accord at the first section of the song. or 01:35:412 it would be inconsistent if i do that. and the clap sound on that timing is weaker than other clap sound that i put note on.
01:33:598 (93598|2) - I just noticed. wrong hitsound? different from other nice catch, fixed.

01:32:115 - Add a note for clap sound? I didn't map the clap sound, in case if there's some cases where it looks like i map clap, i actually map the main melody or other sounds that i follow.
00:55:686 (55686|3,56016|2,56346|2) - Suggest to remove these. Why double for? orz, you're right, removed. except 00:56:346 - , because this is for beat sound. Also 01:27:994 (87994|3) and 01:33:269 (93269|3) this is also for the beat.
01:29:313 (89313|3) - I guess, you should move to here => 01:28:983 for cymbal sound instead well, I use 2 notes for beat like that, and the cymbal sound at 01:28:983 is too weak for 2 notes.

00:54:038 (54038|2,54038|1) - Can be short-note? not a bit long sound after some thought, i repattern this.
I can't noticed any issues. Great job x3

Good luck! <3
Thanks sora for the mod, and also IRC HS mod, really helped me >w</
Hi! From my modding Q --->

you requested for EZ, NM, HD, which is practically the whole mapset u cheeky bastard



  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ )



  1. 00:30:466 (30466|3,30796|2) - and 00:31:126 (31126|0,31456|1) - both crlt-g to avoid same patterns as 00:29:148 (29148|3,29477|2,29807|0,30137|1) -
  2. 00:52:719 (52719|0) - hand feels empty on the right here. why not this to follow the jingle in the music. (they're in 1/6 snaps as i checked your NM so yeah dont trust the picture)
  3. yeah nothing more to say here gd jb



  1. 00:01:456 (1456|1) - you can visualize the bzzt sound here with a LN. Same goes for this part 00:04:917 (4917|0) - might wanna keep the LN on the right hand cuz the sounds from the right.
  2. 00:47:774 (47774|0) -note here? On second thought the 00:47:774 (47774|0) - note here seems weird cuz there isn't really any audible unlike these notes 00:49:093 (49093|2,49258|1,49423|0,49423|2) -
  3. 01:37:884 (97884|1,98049|2,98214|0) - above - changed to this so the repeats are more intuitive. The original one had this note 01:38:214 (98214|0) - being in the same column as these two 01:38:543 (98543|0,98873|0) - even though they're different pitches
  4. 01:41:510 (101510|2) - move to 4, follow same pattern as ^^^



  1. same fare as NM, 00:01:456 (1456|1) - you can visualize the bzzt sound here with a LN. Same goes for this part 00:04:917 (4917|0) - might wanna keep the LN on the right hand cuz the sounds from the right.
  2. 00:48:269 (48269|2,48269|0) - and above - change to this? 00:48:269 (48269|1,48434|2,48598|3) - have the same sound
  3. 00:52:719 (52719|0,52719|3,53543|2,53543|1) - why change LN?
  4. 01:26:510 (86510|2,86593|1,86675|0) - why is this here? the hold sound is signified by the LN, but this isnt really following anything particularly obvious


  1. Pretty solid map, not much to point out/scrutinize.
  2. There easily can be a MX if you wanted to make one. This song is built to be MX
  3. Hope my mod has helped, even if it's small af. Good luck with ranking~
Topic Starter

Abraxos wrote:

Hi! From my modding Q --->

you requested for EZ, NM, HD, which is practically the whole mapset u cheeky bastard gomen mastah -/\-



  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ )



  1. 00:30:466 (30466|3,30796|2) - and 00:31:126 (31126|0,31456|1) - both crlt-g to avoid same patterns as 00:29:148 (29148|3,29477|2,29807|0,30137|1) - Accepted!
  2. 00:52:719 (52719|0) - hand feels empty on the right here. why not this to follow the jingle in the music. (they're in 1/6 snaps as i checked your NM so yeah dont trust the picture) Consider, but keep for now.
  3. yeah nothing more to say here gd jb



  1. 00:01:456 (1456|1) - you can visualize the bzzt sound here with a LN. Same goes for this part 00:04:917 (4917|0) - might wanna keep the LN on the right hand cuz the sounds from the right. Nope, it's still the beginning, wanna keep it calm first.
  2. 00:47:774 (47774|0) -note here? On second thought the 00:47:774 (47774|0) - note here seems weird cuz there isn't really any audible unlike these notes 00:49:093 (49093|2,49258|1,49423|0,49423|2) - I also thought the same too, but still don't have any idea to change it, because if i delete it, i must delete other similar sound as that, which leads to confusion, and if i add for clap, also make it Not consistent due to my intend to not add note for clap in NM, will look for more opinion.
  3. 01:37:884 (97884|1,98049|2,98214|0) - above - changed to this so the repeats are more intuitive. The original one had this note 01:38:214 (98214|0) - being in the same column as these two 01:38:543 (98543|0,98873|0) - even though they're different pitches Repattern.
  4. 01:41:510 (101510|2) - move to 4, follow same pattern as ^^^ ok, and repattern.



  1. same fare as NM, 00:01:456 (1456|1) - you can visualize the bzzt sound here with a LN. Same goes for this part 00:04:917 (4917|0) - might wanna keep the LN on the right hand cuz the sounds from the right. Same as NM difficulty.
  2. 00:48:269 (48269|2,48269|0) - and above - change to this? 00:48:269 (48269|1,48434|2,48598|3) - have the same sound Column 3 would be very heavy then, and beside, the moment i follow the stream, i don't follow the consistent pitch anymore.
  3. 00:52:719 (52719|0,52719|3,53543|2,53543|1) - why change LN? the First 2 LN are for back sound, and the Next 2 LN are for Rising sound, I make that transition all the time in this diff...
  4. 01:26:510 (86510|2,86593|1,86675|0) - why is this here? the hold sound is signified by the LN, but this isnt really following anything particularly obvious Low pitch melody, you can hear it at 25-50% PR. and i follow that low sound almost all the time in this diff too. like 01:15:466 (75466|2,75631|0,75796|1) -


  1. Pretty solid map, not much to point out/scrutinize.
  2. There easily can be a MX if you wanted to make one. This song is built to be MX Well, I only intend to rank simple Mapset for my first time in mapping XD
  3. Hope my mod has helped, even if it's small af. Good luck with ranking~
Thank you For the mod Abraxos, Quite helping to catch issues that I missing.
Random Mod

Column: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Red means Unrankable stuff
Big means Important stuff
Normal are Suggestions
// means comments

Hello DixonBlackwing! Mod like requested. I like this Song and i really like this Picture. Who is this Girl? Or is this just Fanart :o
Please tell meee :c


Artist: Right
Title: Right
Source: Right
Tags: Optional: You could Add the Tag "bell" because cloche is french for bell. Also its Winter related so.. why not c:
AiMod: Right
Background: Right // i LOVE this Background. I know i saw this Girl somewhere... >w<
BPM/Offset: Right
Other: --


00:14:972 - I suggest you to add here a Note. I hear what you follow here but all these notes 00:14:807 (14807|0,15137|1,15302|3,15466|0,15631|2,15796|1) - are connected in the Melody, also you should connect them with your Pattern for better feeling.
01:28:653 - Why not add here a note on 2? Very audible music here and follows great the 1/1 Beat!
Awesome diff. Nothing else found :o


00:30:631 - How about this? It fir really great for Pitch
00:36:730 - Add note for Consistency with 00:42:005 (42005|2) - ? :x same sound. Different pattern.
00:52:554 (52554|2,52719|3) - CTRL + G for nice pitch catch? :3
Oh my.. again not much. Also a awesome diff! Great Job!


01:31:950 - here you have Chord while LN for Drum but here not 01:16:126 - :o just mention this you could fix this for consistency c:

That was a really short Mod q_q I'm so sorry..
But your Map is awesome. I really like your style here and i think this Map is ready for Rank. You should contact a Beatmap Nominator!
Good luck!

Feerum wrote:

I really like your style here and i think this Map is ready for Rank. You should contact a Beatmap Nominator!
Just call Julie and bubble this, Dixon, go go! *throw 1 star again >w<
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:

Random Mod

Column: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Red means Unrankable stuff
Big means Important stuff
Normal are Suggestions
// means comments

Hello DixonBlackwing! Mod like requested. I like this Song and i really like this Picture. Who is this Girl? Or is this just Fanart :o
Please tell meee :c I found this randomly actually, but this is Ruri gokou from oreimo >w</


Artist: Right
Title: Right
Source: Right
Tags: Optional: You could Add the Tag "bell" because cloche is french for bell. Also its Winter related so.. why not c: ok, added
AiMod: Right
Background: Right // i LOVE this Background. I know i saw this Girl somewhere... >w< Oreimo o/
BPM/Offset: Right
Other: --


00:14:972 - I suggest you to add here a Note. I hear what you follow here but all these notes 00:14:807 you're correct. I forget about it o.o added.(14807|0,15137|1,15302|3,15466|0,15631|2,15796|1) - are connected in the Melody, also you should connect them with your Pattern for better feeling. I will try to repattern this, hope it's better :D
01:28:653 - Why not add here a note on 2? Very audible music here and follows great the 1/1 Beat! hmm, ok added :3
Awesome diff. Nothing else found :o


00:30:631 - How about this? It fir really great for Pitch
nice pattern, followed.
00:36:730 - Add note for Consistency with 00:42:005 (42005|2) - ? :x same sound. Different pattern. i delete 00:42:005 (42005|2) - . since i don't follow the clap.
00:52:554 (52554|2,52719|3) - CTRL + G for nice pitch catch? :3 kinda hesitate on this at first, but changed because it makes the symettrical pattern with 00:53:763 (53763|1,54203|1) -
Oh my.. again not much. Also a awesome diff! Great Job!


01:31:950 - here you have Chord while LN for Drum but here not 01:16:126 - :o just mention this you could fix this for consistency c: ok, i delete it.

That was a really short Mod q_q I'm so sorry..
But your Map is awesome. I really like your style here and i think this Map is ready for Rank. You should contact a Beatmap Nominator!
Good luck!
Thank you so much for the mod feerum! :D

Dellvangel wrote:

Feerum wrote:

I really like your style here and i think this Map is ready for Rank. You should contact a Beatmap Nominator!
Just call Julie and bubble this, Dixon, go go! *throw 1 star again >w<

uah, another star >w<
Thank you dell :D
Column: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

No mod here. Your diff is good enough for me:3

00:34:917 (34917|0) - move to 2
00:40:192 (40192|1) - move to 4
01:18:434 (78434|0) - move to 3
01:18:763 (78763|1,78763|2,79093|0,79093|3) - ctrl J
01:19:423 (79423|1) - move to 1
01:19:587 (79587|3,79752|2) - ctrl J
01:19:752 (79752|2,79917|1) - ^
01:20:082 (80082|2) - move to 1
01:20:247 (80247|0,80412|1) - move 1 to right
01:25:686 (85686|3) - move to 2
01:44:807 (104807|2) - move to 1
01:45:137 (105137|3) - move to 3
01:45:466 (105466|1) - move to 1

00:45:796 (45796|3) - move to 1
00:45:879 (45879|0) - move to 2
00:51:071 (51071|0) - move to 4
00:51:153 (51153|3) - move to 3
01:32:115 (92115|3) - delete. make it looks like 01:26:840 (86840|0,86923|1,87005|2,87087|1,87170|0,87170|2) -
01:42:664 (102664|2,102664|1,102747|0,102912|2,102994|1,102994|0) - ctrl J

Good Luck :3
Topic Starter

hikikuman wrote:

Column: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

No mod here. Your diff is good enough for me:3

00:34:917 (34917|0) - move to 2 nope, it would be too much on column 2 bcause of 00:34:258 (34258|1,35412|1) -
00:40:192 (40192|1) - move to 4 it's actually a bit different with 00:39:532 (39532|2,39532|3) - , hence why i put it in different column.
01:18:434 (78434|0) - move to 3 nope, for balance.
01:18:763 (78763|1,78763|2,79093|0,79093|3) - ctrl J no, because i reject former suggestion.
01:19:423 (79423|1) - move to 1 ^
01:19:587 (79587|3,79752|2) - ctrl J ^
01:19:752 (79752|2,79917|1) - ^ sorry, it would change my ideal flow if it changed.
01:20:082 (80082|2) - move to 1 too close to LN, no.
01:20:247 (80247|0,80412|1) - move 1 to right would be jack with 01:20:741 (80741|2,81071|2) - , so no.
01:25:686 (85686|3) - move to 2 will consider.
01:44:807 (104807|2) - move to 1 no, don't wanna make the doubles in the same column as the previous one.
01:45:137 (105137|3) - move to 3 nope.
01:45:466 (105466|1) - move to 1 i don't wanna jack

00:45:796 (45796|3) - move to 1
00:45:879 (45879|0) - move to 2 it's not a bad idea, might consider it.
00:51:071 (51071|0) - move to 4 ^
00:51:153 (51153|3) - move to 3 ^
01:32:115 (92115|3) - delete. make it looks like 01:26:840 (86840|0,86923|1,87005|2,87087|1,87170|0,87170|2) - This one has a clap sound that i use for doubles.
01:42:664 (102664|2,102664|1,102747|0,102912|2,102994|1,102994|0) - ctrl J very nice! accepted.

Good Luck :3
Thank you for the mod kuman :D

Dellvangel wrote:

Just call Julie and bubble this, Dixon, go go! *throw 1 star again >w<
The day I saw that post, few minutes later I see dixon pm me!! So nice timing haha xD!!!

Got it dixon, good job for not rushing thing, being patient, helping other, kawa and me will reserve icon spot here and help you out! :D!!! So don't need to search BN >w<.
-[ AmiShici ]-

Julie wrote:

The day I saw that post, few minutes later I see dixon pm me!! So nice timing haha xD!!!

Got it dixon, good job for not rushing thing, being patient, helping other, kawa and me will reserve icon spot here and help you out! :D!!! So don't need to search BN >w<.
Damn, such Luck


I'm Jelous :o

Julie wrote:

Dellvangel wrote:

Just call Julie and bubble this, Dixon, go go! *throw 1 star again >w<
The day I saw that post, few minutes later I see dixon pm me!! So nice timing haha xD!!!

Got it dixon, good job for not rushing thing, being patient, helping other, kawa and me will reserve icon spot here and help you out! :D!!! So don't need to search BN >w<.
lol, i know you will check this map sooner or later :P

The BG, uhh, i like this one, don't change it again pls xD

Hi Dixon

Mod Via ★☭ Верный Mania Queue ★☭

4K = |1|2|3|4|

(Focus : Pattern , Pitch, Hitsounds)
  1. Check Red & Green Timing Volume each diff is different, Make sure you fix that :

OD : 7
HP : 6
  1. For Hitsounds Mod, don't forget apply to all diff
  2. 00:14:642 (14642|1) - Missing F here for high bell sound or sound like Hat synth/cimbal, also check here :
    00:30:466 (30466|2) -
    01:19:258 (79258|0) -
    01:24:532 (84532|3) -
  3. 00:17:939 (17939|3) - wrong hitsound, i can't hear clap here, C must here 00:18:269 (18269|2) - , same reason like :
    00:31:126 (31126|1,31456|0) -
  4. 00:21:071 (21071|1,22554|1) - seem pattern a bit hard for hand balance, since LN + normal note start with left hand and finish with left hand too, try to arrange note to collum 3 or 4, make it different
  5. 00:34:752 (34752|2) - move to 4, 00:34:917 (34917|3) - move to 2, and 00:35:412 (35412|1) - move to 3, for pattern balance and variety pattern like 00:45:137 (45137|2,45302|0,45466|3,45961|1) -
  6. 00:56:016 (56016|2) - i think better delete it, since you only focus kick sounds and not piano sound like this for consistency rhytim
  7. 00:57:994 (57994|2) - remove F, can't hear cimbal or maybe still low pitch. since only hear kick sounds here
  8. 00:58:983 (58983|0) - add F for cimbal sound, same reason like
    01:40:192 (100192|0) -
  9. 01:06:071 (66071|0) - move to 3, then 01:06:730 (66730|2) - move to 2 for hand and pattern balance
  10. 01:18:928 (78928|3) - missing Clap here, also check here :
    01:24:203 (84203|0) -
    01:32:115 (92115|3) -
    01:35:412 (95412|0) -
  11. 01:41:840 (101840|1,102005|2) - Ctrl + G for variety pattern and look good for hand play
  12. 01:46:785 (106785|3) - better change into normal note, make it different & easy to play
  13. 01:46:785 (106785|0,106785|3) - no need 2 soft-hitwhistle here, change 1 note to F for cimbal sounds

OD : 7
HP : 7
  1. 00:20:906 (20906|2,21071|1) - Ctrl + H for pattern balance and variety
  2. 01:09:203 (69203|2) - move to 1, then 01:09:532 (69532|0) - move to 2 for pitch

OD : 8
HP : 8
  1. 00:36:730 - missing clap here
  2. 00:45:796 - until 00:46:456 - try like this for variety and pitch :

    I'am sure, pattern will be fun like this, also you can try in here 00:51:071 - 00:51:730 -
  3. 00:54:038 - still hear piano sounds here
  4. 00:57:664 (57664|1,57829|1) - this 1/2 jack, i think not suitable for pitch, try re;arrange pattern
  5. 00:58:983 - add F here for cimbal sounds, same reason like :
    01:41:675 (101675|0) -
  6. 01:05:741 (65741|0,65824|1,65906|2,65988|3) - add soft-hitwhistle? since you also put in EZ diff, also check here :
    01:29:807 (89807|3,90302|1,90961|0) -
    01:35:082 (95082|1,95576|0) -
  7. 01:18:763 (78763|2,78763|3,78928|0,78928|1,79093|1,79093|0,79258|3,79258|2) - seem pattern look awkward, my reason : 01:18:763 (78763|3,78763|2,79093|0,79093|1) - same pitch, but you sync with 01:18:928 (78928|0,78928|1,79093|1,79093|0) - try arrange pattern, maybe simmiliar like this 01:24:038 (84038|1,84038|3,84203|2,84203|0,84368|2,84368|1,84532|3,84532|0) -
  8. 01:26:675 (86675|0,86840|0) - avoid this pattern, because different pitch
  9. 01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - ???
  10. 01:41:840 (101840|2,102170|2,102335|2) - unbalanced hand ;w;

Verniy_Chan wrote:

My Rating


please ignore it, just for fun only
Хорошо~Good Luck..
Topic Starter

Verniy_Chan wrote:

Hi Dixon hai :D

Mod Via ★☭ Верный Mania Queue ★☭

4K = |1|2|3|4|

(Focus : Pattern , Pitch, Hitsounds)
  1. Check Red & Green Timing Volume each diff is different, Make sure you fix that :

OD : 7
HP : 6
  1. For Hitsounds Mod, don't forget apply to all diff
  2. 00:14:642 (14642|1) - Missing F here for high bell sound or sound like Hat synth/cimbal, also check here :
    00:30:466 (30466|2) -
    01:19:258 (79258|0) -
    01:24:532 (84532|3) -
  3. 00:17:939 (17939|3) - wrong hitsound, i can't hear clap here, C must here 00:18:269 (18269|2) - , same reason like :
    00:31:126 (31126|1,31456|0) -
  4. 00:21:071 (21071|1,22554|1) - seem pattern a bit hard for hand balance, since LN + normal note start with left hand and finish with left hand too, try to arrange note to collum 3 or 4, make it different
  5. 00:34:752 (34752|2) - move to 4, 00:34:917 (34917|3) - move to 2, and 00:35:412 (35412|1) - move to 3, for pattern balance and variety pattern like 00:45:137 (45137|2,45302|0,45466|3,45961|1) -
  6. 00:56:016 (56016|2) - i think better delete it, since you only focus kick sounds and not piano sound like this for consistency rhytim
  7. 00:57:994 (57994|2) - remove F, can't hear cimbal or maybe still low pitch. since only hear kick sounds here
  8. 00:58:983 (58983|0) - add F for cimbal sound, same reason like
    01:40:192 (100192|0) -
  9. 01:06:071 (66071|0) - move to 3, then 01:06:730 (66730|2) - move to 2 for hand and pattern balance
  10. 01:18:928 (78928|3) - missing Clap here, also check here :
    01:24:203 (84203|0) -
    01:32:115 (92115|3) -
    01:35:412 (95412|0) -
  11. 01:41:840 (101840|1,102005|2) - Ctrl + G for variety pattern and look good for hand play
  12. 01:46:785 (106785|3) - better change into normal note, make it different & easy to play
  13. 01:46:785 (106785|0,106785|3) - no need 2 soft-hitwhistle here, change 1 note to F for cimbal sounds accepted all.

OD : 7
HP : 7
  1. 00:20:906 (20906|2,21071|1) - Ctrl + H for pattern balance and variety
  2. 01:09:203 (69203|2) - move to 1, then 01:09:532 (69532|0) - move to 2 for pitch also accepted all.

OD : 8
HP : 8
  1. 00:36:730 - missing clap here but already add here before.
  2. 00:45:796 - until 00:46:456 - try like this for variety and pitch :
    hmm, ok, followed.. still like the previous one though ;w;
    I'am sure, pattern will be fun like this, also you can try in here 00:51:071 - 00:51:730 -
  3. 00:54:038 - still hear piano sounds here isn't it more like synth? and i decide to ignore that.
  4. 00:57:664 (57664|1,57829|1) - this 1/2 jack, i think not suitable for pitch, try re;arrange pattern already did, hope it's better
  5. 00:58:983 - add F here for cimbal sounds, same reason like :
    01:41:675 (101675|0) - ok.
  6. 01:05:741 (65741|0,65824|1,65906|2,65988|3) - add soft-hitwhistle? since you also put in EZ diff, also check here :
    01:29:807 (89807|3,90302|1,90961|0) -
    01:35:082 (95082|1,95576|0) - nice :D
  7. 01:18:763 (78763|2,78763|3,78928|0,78928|1,79093|1,79093|0,79258|3,79258|2) - seem pattern look awkward, my reason : 01:18:763 (78763|3,78763|2,79093|0,79093|1) - same pitch, but you sync with 01:18:928 (78928|0,78928|1,79093|1,79093|0) - try arrange pattern, maybe simmiliar like this 01:24:038 (84038|1,84038|3,84203|2,84203|0,84368|2,84368|1,84532|3,84532|0) - Don't have any idea for this ;w;
  8. 01:26:675 (86675|0,86840|0) - avoid this pattern, because different pitch moved.
  9. 01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - ??? isn't it same pitch? i always think it like that, kinda confusing for me ;w;
  10. 01:41:840 (101840|2,102170|2,102335|2) - unbalanced hand ;w; can't think of pattern, and it seems there's nothing i can do considering moving it will just result in more unbalance hand ;w;

Verniy_Chan wrote:

My Rating


please ignore it, just for fun only
Хорошо~Good Luck..
Thank you so much verniy for the mod >.<
Very useful and Хорошо mod for me..
finally someone mod my HS ;w;

4K |1|2|3|4|

※ I recommend this
EZ HP 6 -> 7
NM HP 7 -> 7.5, OD 7 -> 7.5

※ Please disable this ▽ in soft-hitwhistle applied note.(like these note 00:10:521 (10521|3) - 00:15:796 (15796|0) - on "NM")
like ::,
It does not provide the multi sound. so it's no need option. Please re-check and fix it! all diff.
all should be :: like

※ Please re-check once again about the hitsound relevancy.
We had a modding about this, but you need to check again.

00:10:521 (10521|1) - Hitsound missing "F"
you can compare with "NM, HD diff" or like 00:15:796 (15796|2) - 00:21:071 (21071|2) -

00:30:796 (30796|3) - Hitsound change F -> C
you can compare with 00:25:192 (25192|2,25521|1) - 00:19:917 (19917|2,20247|1) - 00:14:642 (14642|1,14972|0) -
I could see Hitsound relation from this

00:36:895 (36895|1) - Hitsound missing "F" same modding with above 00:10:521 (10521|1) - Hitsound missing "F"

00:27:499 - add at 1. I could feel beat rhythm at here. there is a string sound.
If add at here, will be more smooth pattern for playable.
yes. you can compare with 00:38:049 (38049|0) -
but 00:27:499 - there is no clap sound. so you don't need add the hitsound.

00:37:390 - I recommend you that add at 3 for clap. here is end part of drum. so keeping beat rhthm.
and If you add it, should be put in hitsound "C"

00:42:664 - 00:43:324 - add a note. for clap sound. there is need a note.(and hitsound should be C)
here is a bit empty feeling than EZ diff pattern. compare with your "EZ diff"

00:47:939 - add a note. same reason with this modding reason 00:27:499 -

01:03:269 (63269|3) - Hit sound missing "F" compare with EZ diff.

01:32:115 - add a note for clap. you had to note on EZ DIFF
01:35:412 - add a note for clap. same reason with above
01:35:906 (95906|0) - move to 4 and 01:36:071 - add at 1 for clap. same reason with above

Good luck :)!

4K |1|2|3|4|


00:05:247 (5247|0) - 00:10:521 (10521|3) - 00:15:796 (15796|0) - 00:21:071 (21071|0) - 00:26:346 (26346|3) - 00:31:620 (31620|1) - 00:52:719 (52719|3) - 01:03:269 (63269|1) - 01:15:137 (75137|3) - 01:18:763 (78763|2) - Remove these icon on the left please . Since mania is a bit of a special case on hitsound. The thing is those note currently have a sample hitsound, and those cannot be stack, but the note have only one specific sound in play. Mania is a bit special, since usually when people want to add more sample hitsound, but don't have enough note, they have to put it in the sample side instead of the note.
If you listen closely, you won't be able to hear those hitsound you try to add on top of your sample hitsound. Example, keysound map that is all keysounded with sample hitsound (not clap, whistle or finish), they don't have any hitnormal hitsound on them, because each note have one sample hitsound, and those sample hitsound cannot stack, unlike the standard one (clap, whistle and finish).

00:37:719 - Hmm no more the long LN like these 00:16:620 (16620|3) - 00:27:170 (27170|0) - ?

00:42:664 (42664|0,42664|3,42994|0,42994|3) - Try to avoid same column here xD, still have enought spot, and they should feel different tapping spot.

00:46:043 (46043|3) - Shouldn't this sound follow these 00:45:796 (45796|3,45879|2,45961|0,45961|1) - . You should try making a stair here 00:45:796 - to 00:46:043 - , instead of 00:45:796 - to 00:46:043 - if you listen to the song more closely x3.

00:51:318 (51318|0) - Same reason as 00:46:043 (46043|3) -, can hear it clear, even if it might look fast.

01:36:730 - Map this sound, since is supose to follow this sound 01:36:565 - , and this sound 01:36:895 - should follow this 01:36:730 - . Just like this part 01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) -

01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - Hmm why is there suddendly like 3 note in the same column? The instrument might be the same, but the pitch is clearly different for 01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3) - xD. These 2 01:37:390 (97390|3,97554|3) - can stay in the same column.

01:39:532 (99532|3,99697|0,99697|2) - This is a bit weird, 01:39:532 - this should have more note then this 01:39:697 - . Is way more important as well.

01:46:620 (106620|0) - Hmm forgot your clap here? XD

Good luck :)!
Topic Starter

KawaEE wrote:

4K |1|2|3|4|

※ I recommend this
EZ HP 6 -> 7
NM HP 7 -> 7.5, OD 7 -> 7.5 actually, because there's many EZ that have 6 HP or even lower in the past BM, i thought that the HP rate is allowed, but ok, changed.

※ Please disable this ▽ in soft-hitwhistle applied note.(like these note 00:10:521 (10521|3) - 00:15:796 (15796|0) - on "NM")
like ::,
It does not provide the multi sound. so it's no need option. Please re-check and fix it! all diff.
all should be :: like Already disable that.

※ Please re-check once again about the hitsound relevancy.
We had a modding about this, but you need to check again.

00:10:521 (10521|1) - Hitsound missing "F" added
you can compare with "NM, HD diff" or like 00:15:796 (15796|2) - 00:21:071 (21071|2) -

00:30:796 (30796|3) - Hitsound change F -> C added
you can compare with 00:25:192 (25192|2,25521|1) - 00:19:917 (19917|2,20247|1) - 00:14:642 (14642|1,14972|0) -
I could see Hitsound relation from this

00:36:895 (36895|1) - Hitsound missing "F" same modding with above 00:10:521 (10521|1) - Hitsound missing "F" added.

00:27:499 - add at 1. I could feel beat rhythm at here. there is a string sound.
If add at here, will be more smooth pattern for playable. hmm, ok, added.
yes. you can compare with 00:38:049 (38049|0) -
but 00:27:499 - there is no clap sound. so you don't need add the hitsound.

00:37:390 - I recommend you that add at 3 for clap. here is end part of drum. so keeping beat rhthm.
and If you add it, should be put in hitsound "C" i need to talk to you regarding this.

00:42:664 - 00:43:324 - add a note. for clap sound. there is need a note.(and hitsound should be C)
here is a bit empty feeling than EZ diff pattern. compare with your "EZ diff" ^

00:47:939 - add a note. same reason with this modding reason 00:27:499 - ^

01:03:269 (63269|3) - Hit sound missing "F" compare with EZ diff. added.

01:32:115 - add a note for clap. you had to note on EZ DIFF ^
01:35:412 - add a note for clap. same reason with above ^
01:35:906 (95906|0) - move to 4 and 01:36:071 - add at 1 for clap. same reason with above ^

Good luck :)!

Julie wrote:

4K |1|2|3|4|


00:05:247 (5247|0) - 00:10:521 (10521|3) - 00:15:796 (15796|0) - 00:21:071 (21071|0) - 00:26:346 (26346|3) - 00:31:620 (31620|1) - 00:52:719 (52719|3) - 01:03:269 (63269|1) - 01:15:137 (75137|3) - 01:18:763 (78763|2) - Remove these icon on the left please . Since mania is a bit of a special case on hitsound. The thing is those note currently have a sample hitsound, and those cannot be stack, but the note have only one specific sound in play. Mania is a bit special, since usually when people want to add more sample hitsound, but don't have enough note, they have to put it in the sample side instead of the note.
If you listen closely, you won't be able to hear those hitsound you try to add on top of your sample hitsound. Example, keysound map that is all keysounded with sample hitsound (not clap, whistle or finish), they don't have any hitnormal hitsound on them, because each note have one sample hitsound, and those sample hitsound cannot stack, unlike the standard one (clap, whistle and finish). sorry for that, changed all ;w;

00:37:719 - Hmm no more the long LN like these 00:16:620 (16620|3) - 00:27:170 (27170|0) - ? it's actually the same as 00:22:060 (22060|3,22060|0,22142|2,22225|1,22307|3,22390|0,22390|2,22472|1,22554|3,22554|0) - , i intended make it that way because it contain more doubles compares to the timing that you mentioned.

00:42:664 (42664|0,42664|3,42994|0,42994|3) - Try to avoid same column here xD, still have enought spot, and they should feel different tapping spot. ok, changed.

00:46:043 (46043|3) - Shouldn't this sound follow these 00:45:796 (45796|3,45879|2,45961|0,45961|1) - . You should try making a stair here 00:45:796 - to 00:46:043 - , instead of 00:45:796 - to 00:46:043 - if you listen to the song more closely x3. didn't realize that, changed xd

00:51:318 (51318|0) - Same reason as 00:46:043 (46043|3) -, can hear it clear, even if it might look fast. same as above.

01:36:730 - Map this sound, since is supose to follow this sound 01:36:565 - , and this sound 01:36:895 - should follow this 01:36:730 - . Just like this part 01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - nggh, is it the right timing? because i really can't hear anything on that timing.

01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - Hmm why is there suddendly like 3 note in the same column? The instrument might be the same, but the pitch is clearly different for 01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3) - xD. These 2 01:37:390 (97390|3,97554|3) - can stay in the same column. ok, changed.

01:39:532 (99532|3,99697|0,99697|2) - This is a bit weird, 01:39:532 - this should have more note then this 01:39:697 - . Is way more important as well. actually, 01:39:532 - doesn't have "hard beat" that i use for double notes, while 01:39:697 (99697|2,99697|0,99862|3,99862|1,100192|1,100192|2,100357|3,100357|0) - does have that "hard" beat. if i use double notes for the bell, i would only make doubles on 01:39:862 (99862|1,99862|3,100192|1,100192|2) - instead, but i'm not.

01:46:620 (106620|0) - Hmm forgot your clap here? XD added.

Good luck :)!
Thank you so much for the mod, kawaee and julie xd
Hype ?
Just one more step --> waiting for KawaEE and Julie qualify this.
Anyway, grats! >w<
I just realised that the bg changed again lol.

Ambil bintangnya chuuu~~


Eeh wait, should be the source is jubeat copious APPEND ?

Confirmed by these source ... index.html

But you should recheck these again and maybe talked with the bns, good luck
Topic Starter

Raediaufar wrote:

I just realised that the bg changed again lol.

Ambil bintangnya chuuu~~


Eeh wait, should be the source is jubeat copious APPEND ?

Confirmed by these source ... index.html

But you should recheck these again and maybe talked with the bns, good luck
Before i reply...

Thank youuuu for the 4 stars.... ;w;
you're insane dudeeee :3

and, as for the source, according to what kwan said to me, , it's better if i put jubeat copious as source instead.
I asked julie earlier, and he said that i have 4 choices for the metadata source, so i think i will stick with this ;w;

DixonBlackwing wrote:

Raediaufar wrote:

I just realised that the bg changed again lol.

Ambil bintangnya chuuu~~


Eeh wait, should be the source is jubeat copious APPEND ?

Confirmed by these source ... index.html

But you should recheck these again and maybe talked with the bns, good luck
Before i reply...

Thank youuuu for the 4 stars.... ;w;
you're insane dudeeee :3

and, as for the source, according to what kwan said to me, , it's better if i put jubeat copious as source instead.
I asked julie earlier, and he said that i have 4 choices for the metadata source, so i think i will stick with this ;w;
Ahh ok, since this song is also available in lot of games and metadata now is a really sensitive thing, so I post it here to avoid dq because of metadata. Like I said before that you should recheck this again to make sure is your source is right, or me. I have also search to make sure that this song is also available of jubeat copious but from all I web that I check this song is only available on APPEND and reflect beat limelight x.x

Good luck on qualification and julie is a girl lol
Topic Starter

Raediaufar wrote:

Ahh ok, since this song is also available in lot of games and metadata now is a really sensitive thing, so I post it here to avoid dq because of metadata. Like I said before that you should recheck this again to make sure is your source is right, or me. I have also search to make sure that this song is also available of jubeat copious but from all I web that I check this song is only available on APPEND and reflect beat limelight x.x
Yeah, thank you for your recheck in this map's metadata, really appreciate it.
I will try to ask some other QAT just to be sure, i also have my own doubt towards the metadata actually, i hope this doesn't get DQ just because of metadata ;w;

and julie is a girl lol
nghh.. oo. y-y-yeahh, sure, ^^"..

EDIT: and, as i got confirmation from starry- : , so i will change it to "jubeat copious APPEND". will upload a few days from now due to error in uploading BM.

Next Check
4K |1|2|3|4|


Metadata : Yeah like I told you, you can either put the jubeat name like people putting beatmania IIDX, without putting the version of IIDX. So yeah, like I told you APPEND was fine x3. Don't forget to fix it.


00:09:038 - Keep it one note like you did here 00:07:060 - 00:09:697 - . Also because to give way more impact hitting this 00:09:368 - .

00:12:664 - Keep this part one note, it should be like 00:15:302 -

01:28:983 - and 01:31:785 (91785|3) - Isn't this supose to be 2 notes due to that drum sound being kinda loud.

01:44:313 - Should be the same amount of note as here 01:41:675 - .

Good luck! o.O

Next Check
4K |1|2|3|4|

00:05:247 (5247|0) - Please disable this.

01:44:642 - ~ 01:45:631 - I think that this part requires a more obvious expression.
01:44:972 - remove one, one is enough. when I saw around pattern, here only has a wek strcture(not clap sounds and not string)
so You can consider like this this ::
explaination △ each focus on.. col 1,2 chord is clap and base beat. col 3,4 chord is string sounds.

Good luck! O.o
Topic Starter

Julie wrote:

Next Check
4K |1|2|3|4|


Metadata : Yeah like I told you, you can either put the jubeat name like people putting beatmania IIDX, without putting the version of IIDX. So yeah, like I told you APPEND was fine x3. Don't forget to fix it. already fixed <3


00:09:038 - Keep it one note like you did here 00:07:060 - 00:09:697 - . Also because to give way more impact hitting this 00:09:368 - . Done.

00:12:664 - Keep this part one note, it should be like 00:15:302 - add note at 00:15:302 - . because i also add 2 notes at 00:20:576 -

01:28:983 - and 01:31:785 (91785|3) - Isn't this supose to be 2 notes due to that drum sound being kinda loud. add at 01:28:983 - not add at 01:31:785 (91785|3) - , only hear a faint melody here, and at this part i don't think it worth a note.

01:44:313 - Should be the same amount of note as here 01:41:675 - . okay, also delete at 01:39:038 - to keep it consistent.

Good luck! o.O

Kawawa wrote:

Next Check
4K |1|2|3|4|

00:05:247 (5247|0) - Please disable this. fixed, i missed this.

01:44:642 - ~ 01:45:631 - I think that this part requires a more obvious expression.
01:44:972 - remove one, one is enough. when I saw around pattern, here only has a wek strcture(not clap sounds and not string)
so You can consider like this this ::
explaination △ each focus on.. col 1,2 chord is clap and base beat. col 3,4 chord is string sounds. apply your suggestion at 01:39:532 - 01:40:357 - , and i reverse it at 01:44:642 - ~ 01:45:631 - , i do not move doubles at 01:39:368 - 01:44:642 - , because it has different melody compares to the doubles after those timing, so i want to make it different.

Good luck! O.o
Thank you otakawaaai and julie for the recheck ^^
Hello. As per your request:

  1. Artist: Qrispy Joybox
  2. Title: cloche
  3. Source: jubeat copious
    "APPEND" is part of album name and it is not included in the game name.

Good luck~ :3
Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:

Hello. As per your request:

  1. Artist: Qrispy Joybox
  2. Title: cloche
  3. Source: jubeat copious
    "APPEND" is part of album name.

Good luck~ :3
Thank you for the check Gamu! :D
EDIT: Oh, so better put APPEND on tags? o.o
Oh well, since kwan also said so, will change it later.

DixonBlackwing wrote:

Thank you for the check Gamu! :D
EDIT: Oh, so better put APPEND on tags? o.o
Oh well, since kwan also said so, will change it later.
Yeah you can add "APPEND SOUNDTRACK" to Tags.


Topic Starter
Thank you so much Juwawaaaa! XDD
fjdksfkdsfjkdsfk ;w;
Gratz, Dixon! >w<b
RIP my map, too many things happened to my map orz
Congratulations. You deserve it :)
[ A v a l o n ]
Your first qualified map, Congratulations !
i hope this can be ranked

nice song and beatmap
<3 dat bungaku shoujo bg XD
qualify! hyyype!
congratulations! >w<
Grats! :)
woh good luck on qualification..

also some sauce : as for HD diff, in the main part of this song, you could just simply layer the synthesizer with different structure rather than repeating same structure everywhere, good thing some ln for last 3-4 beat make it vary, though it doesn't feels vary enough.. just in my opinion ;3

Gamu wrote:

Hello. As per your request:

  1. Artist: Qrispy Joybox
  2. Title: cloche
  3. Source: jubeat copious
    "APPEND" is part of album name and it is not included in the game name.

Good luck~ :3
jubeat copious is 4
and jubeat copious APPEND is 4.5, I'm not sure if you know my point.
It same as jubeat knit, and jubeat knit APPEND. Different series, but used same website address and didn't rename the title.
Search result is not the correct answer for referring. Because KONAMI always replace new contents into old website if not totally change to next series.
So, jubeat copious APPEND is actually exist, not part of album's name. There are 2 solutions for this source, one is writing jubeat for source and copious APPEND move to tags. Because the game is actually jubeat. And copious APPEND is the name of No.4.5 series. Second is writing jubeat copious APPEND into source. But it is totally wrong if you only write jubeat copious to source.
Acordding to the post aboved
This map's source should be: jubeat copious APPEND or REFLECT BEAT limelight
It does explained well by Spy
More: it's an unofficial website ( But it does correct
Anyway, good luck!

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Acordding to the post aboved
This map's source should be: jubeat copious APPEND or REFLECT BEAT limelight
It does explained well by Spy
More: it's an unofficial website ( But it does correct
Anyway, good luck!
i think it's REFLEC BEAT, not reflect .w.
I deeply apologize for mistaking that source. Spy is right: p/4732048
Source must be jubeat copious APPEND or jubeat

I rechecked about source in some sites.
jubeat copious was released in September 15, 2011.
jubeat copious APPEND was released in March 14, 2012.
So, jubeat copious APPEND is actually exist, not part of album name. I was wrong.

The following links are all unofficial site, but they are reliable source because all information are the same.

feel free to call me for rebubble/requalify if you need me.

sherrysina wrote:

i think it's REFLEC BEAT, not reflect .w.
oops ... ramdon "t", sorry
anyway, good luck

Gamu wrote:

I deeply apologize for mistaking that source. Spy is right: p/4732048
Source must be jubeat copious APPEND or jubeat

I rechecked about source in some sites.
jubeat copious was released in September 15, 2011.
jubeat copious APPEND was released in March 14, 2012.
So, jubeat copious APPEND is actually exist, not part of album name. I was wrong.

The following links are all unofficial site, but they are reliable source because all information are the same.

feel free to call me for rebubble/requalify if you need me.
Don't worry gamu, please don't feel like this is your fault, we got this! x3!!! We are already REALLY greatful that you acted fast! :D

And I gave dixon many choice so probably got him confuse with RB or jb! so yeah x3
IRC with Dixon
2015-12-13 23:47 Blocko: okay so
2015-12-13 23:47 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Qrispy Joybox - cloche [HD]]
2015-12-13 23:47 Blocko: 00:53:269 - i've been thinking, this note just might be a bit early compared to the xylophone
2015-12-13 23:47 Blocko: i could be wrong though
2015-12-13 23:48 DixonBlackwing: so it should be at 1/4 snap? but many people that i asked say that it is 1/6.
2015-12-13 23:49 Blocko: that's what i also initially thought
2015-12-13 23:50 Blocko: that could also be at 00:53:317 -
2015-12-13 23:50 Blocko: as 1/16
2015-12-13 23:51 Blocko: oops i mean 00:53:276 -
2015-12-13 23:51 DixonBlackwing: how do you check that snap anyway? the time gap is very thin.
2015-12-13 23:51 Blocko: i have a secret to that
2015-12-13 23:51 Blocko: wanna hear it
2015-12-13 23:51 DixonBlackwing: Sure, more knowledge, better.
2015-12-13 23:52 Blocko: guessing and checking, unfortunately
2015-12-13 23:52 Blocko: if that doesn't work i usually go to ddream
2015-12-13 23:52 DixonBlackwing: ever heard it once, about ddream, my friend said that it could even check 1/192 snap (oh my)
2015-12-13 23:53 DixonBlackwing: so, what is the recommended snap?
2015-12-13 23:55 Blocko: 00:53:276 - right here, as 1/16
2015-12-13 23:56 DixonBlackwing: what about the other "ting" note? at 00:53:770 - ?
2015-12-13 23:56 Blocko: then 00:53:763 (53763|0) - should be on 00:53:770 -
2015-12-13 23:56 Blocko: NM also has that snapping so make sure both of them are the same
2015-12-13 23:57 DixonBlackwing: changed at both difficulty.
2015-12-13 23:58 Blocko: one more thing
2015-12-13 23:59 Blocko: 01:26:593 (86593|1,86675|2) - i think these are 1/16th early
2015-12-14 00:00 DixonBlackwing: 01:26:572 - 01:26:655 - then?
2015-12-14 00:00 Blocko: yeah
2015-12-14 00:00 Blocko: and if other people object then they can poke me/starry
2015-12-14 00:01 DixonBlackwing: how about 01:26:181 (86181|2,86346|1) - ? is this also 1/16th early? i hear it that way, but not sure.
2015-12-14 00:01 Blocko: i don't think so
2015-12-14 00:03 DixonBlackwing: owh, ok then. btw, Usagi said that my patterns are too monotonous, did he mean 00:26:346 (26346|3,27170|0) - ?
2015-12-14 00:03 DixonBlackwing: I use it many times in my diff, maybe it is what he mean?
2015-12-14 00:04 Blocko: most likely
2015-12-14 00:04 Blocko: if it's monotonous, the map can become boring
2015-12-14 00:05 DixonBlackwing: so better change the LN pattern into 2 3 , and makes stream and other notes based on it?
2015-12-14 00:06 Blocko: yep
2015-12-14 00:07 DixonBlackwing: only moves few things
2015-12-14 00:08 Blocko: moving around a couple of lns should be fine imo
2015-12-14 00:10 DixonBlackwing:
2015-12-14 00:12 DixonBlackwing: some LN if i change it into column 2 or 3, the pattern is kinda awkward
2015-12-14 00:14 DixonBlackwing:
2015-12-14 00:14 Blocko: if it makes it awkward, you don't have to change it
2015-12-14 00:14 Blocko: prioritize playability imo
2015-12-14 00:15 Blocko: and that pattern doesn't seem awkward to me
2015-12-14 00:17 DixonBlackwing: only that 3 SS that i change so far, do i need to change more?
2015-12-14 00:18 DixonBlackwing: Also, is there any more suggestion from you?
2015-12-14 00:19 Blocko: not really
2015-12-14 00:19 Blocko: that's all i could find
2015-12-14 00:20 DixonBlackwing: is there any unrankable issues?
2015-12-14 00:20 DixonBlackwing: already check it throughout before, but asked you just to be sure.
2015-12-14 00:22 Blocko: not really
2015-12-14 00:22 Blocko: checked the hitsounds, bg, aimod
2015-12-14 00:22 Blocko: you should be fine
2015-12-14 00:22 DixonBlackwing: ok, i will update all of this, can you recheck once more? sorry.
2015-12-14 00:23 Blocko: ye sure
2015-12-14 00:23 Blocko: just be sure to double double double double double check
2015-12-14 00:23 DixonBlackwing: already update all.
2015-12-14 00:23 DixonBlackwing: yeah, i become paranoid now.
2015-12-14 00:24 Blocko: naw don't be
2015-12-14 00:24 DixonBlackwing: oh my, aimod catch problem
2015-12-14 00:24 DixonBlackwing: wait, will fix it
2015-12-14 00:24 Blocko: gogogo
2015-12-14 00:25 DixonBlackwing: already fixed, how foolish of me, almost makes unrankable issue
2015-12-14 00:26 Blocko: don't worry about it
2015-12-14 00:31 DixonBlackwing: it should be fine by now , please mention it if there's some errors.
2015-12-14 00:32 Blocko: one more thing, it might not be as important but imma say it anyways
2015-12-14 00:32 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Qrispy Joybox - cloche [EZ]]
2015-12-14 00:32 Blocko: 01:35:082 (95082|3,95576|1) - might be a bit complicated for newbies to handle, change those to regular notes instead?
2015-12-14 00:33 DixonBlackwing: it means i have to change these too right? 01:29:807 (89807|2,90302|1) -
2015-12-14 00:34 Blocko: yeah, for consistency's sake
2015-12-14 00:34 DixonBlackwing: If i change those, it means that only NM diff that have those LN
2015-12-14 00:35 Blocko: yeah, but NM is a step up from EZ
2015-12-14 00:35 DixonBlackwing: because i also didn't add those LN in HD
2015-12-14 00:37 Blocko: hmm
2015-12-14 00:38 Blocko: personally, from the looks of it right now, your map should be good to go
2015-12-14 00:38 DixonBlackwing:
2015-12-14 00:39 Blocko: yeah that's fine
2015-12-14 00:40 DixonBlackwing:
2015-12-14 00:40 DixonBlackwing: the other one
2015-12-14 00:41 Blocko: is that NM?
2015-12-14 00:41 DixonBlackwing: still EZ
2015-12-14 00:41 Blocko: ah
2015-12-14 00:41 Blocko: that's fine too
2015-12-14 00:42 DixonBlackwing: well, NM still harder on that timing
2015-12-14 00:44 DixonBlackwing: already update again
2015-12-14 00:46 Blocko: it should be good to go noooow
Basically, we went over a couple of snaps and other patterns that could be changed to something easier in terms of playability.

Good luck on getting this ranked!
Aww well, I've told you earlier :c


Topic Starter
Thank you once again for the requalif Juwawa >w<

Raediaufar wrote:

Aww well, I've told you earlier :c
well, nothing i can do about it XD
-[ AmiShici ]-
wow so fast

Congru senpi >w<)b
Topic Starter

Dellvangel wrote:

Gratz, Dixon! >w<b
RIP my map, too many things happened to my map orz
Thank you dell, hope your map will get Qualif soon.

Feerum wrote:

Congratulations. You deserve it :)
Thank you feeruuu :D

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

Your first qualified map, Congratulations !
i hope this can be ranked

nice song and beatmap
<3 dat bungaku shoujo bg XD
Thank you avaloonn :D
kbtulan ktmu, dan ane suka :P

sherrysina wrote:

qualify! hyyype!
congratulations! >w<
Thanks sherry :D

Critical_Star wrote:

Grats! :)
Thank you C_S :D Counter Strike

ExUsagi wrote:

woh good luck on qualification..

also some sauce : as for HD diff, in the main part of this song, you could just simply layer the synthesizer with different structure rather than repeating same structure everywhere, good thing some ln for last 3-4 beat make it vary, though it doesn't feels vary enough.. just in my opinion ;3
Thank you kelinci :D
I already change some of the LN structure now, does it feel better? >w<

-[ AmiShici ]- wrote:

wow so fast

Congru senpi >w<)b
Mkasih amiiii >w<)b
Woh fast.. The ln was fine in the 1st place, but the generic 2121212121 pattern in main part could be better.. dang shoulda point out before requlifu.. Q.Q
[ A v a l o n ]

ExUsagi wrote:

Woh fast.. The ln was fine in the 1st place, but the generic 2121212121 pattern in main part could be better.. dang shoulda point out before requlifu.. Q.Q
ssstt Q.Q
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