
Qrispy Joybox - cloche [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, December 14, 2015 at 1:42:11 PM

Artist: Qrispy Joybox
Title: cloche
Source: jubeat copious APPEND
Tags: plus TRAVEL jukebeat bell Android KONAMI REFLEC BEAT limelight
BPM: 182
Filesize: 3035kb
Play Time: 01:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. EZ - 4Key (1.34 stars, 317 notes)
  2. HD - 4Key (2.79 stars, 880 notes)
  3. NM - 4Key (2.07 stars, 576 notes)
Download: Qrispy Joybox - cloche
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My Second map, and First one for ranked <3

Please Enjoy My map <3

AND by
Kawawa X Julie

Mapset list

EZ By me
NM By me
HD By me

List of Modders
1. NIHIL [HD] + Star :3
2. Eternalie [EZ,NM,HD]
3. _FrEsH_ChICkEn_ [EZ,NM,HD]
4. Steins [EZ,NM,HD]
5. Dellvangel [EZ,NM,HD] + 2 Star >w<
6. erlinadewi- [EZ,NM,HD]
7. Frim4503 [NM]
8. Xenophilius- [HD]
9. Anima-Alumi47 [HD]
10.EdrianFP [IRC HD]
11.Hestia- [EZ,NM,HD]
12.Adinata28 [EZ,NM,HD]
13.Sherrysina [EZ,NM,HD]
14.moni [EZ,NM,HD]
15.arcwinolivirus [EZ,NM,HD]
16.Critical_Star [NM,HD] + Star :3
17.Raediaufar [EZ,NM,HD] + 4 stars (orz o.o, too insane)
18.ExKagii- [EZ,HD]
19.Wind_14 [NM,HD] + star :3
20.-[Hotaru]- [HD]
21.- [ S o r a ] - [EZ,NM,HD]+Star :3
22.Abraxos [EZ,NM,HD]
23.Feerum [EZ,NM,HD]
24.Hikikuman [NM,HD]
25.Verniy_Chan [EZ,NM,HD]
26.KawaEE [EZ,NM,HD]+BN Check
27.Julie [EZ,NM,HD]+BN Check + star :3

My special thanks to:
Dellvangel , He helps me a big deal with the flow of my patterns, and teach me a lot about mapping >w<
00:21:895 - add LN as 00:54:038 (54038|1,54038|2) - ?
00:42:994 - to 00:43:653 - add a LN?
01:31:785 - to 01:32:445 - ^
00:53:873 - add?
01:03:269 (63269|3) - end at 01:06:071 - ?
01:15:137 (75137|3) - ^ 01:16:620 - ?
testplay and IRC

18:14 DixonBlackwing: nihill.. can i ask for a tesplay from you ? :D..
18:14 NlHIL: which map?
18:14 NlHIL: my dl speed is very slow
18:14 *DixonBlackwing is listening to [ Qrispy Joybox - cloche]
18:14 NlHIL: later
18:15 DixonBlackwing: ok, tell me if you ready :3..
18:22 NlHIL: dled
18:22 NlHIL: heart of witch lol
18:22 DixonBlackwing: ok, thx :3
18:22 DixonBlackwing: yeah, ln practice :P
18:25 NlHIL: nice map
18:25 DixonBlackwing: what do you think? is there any uncomfortable pattern for you?
18:25 NlHIL: no
18:25 NlHIL: nothing is bad
18:26 NlHIL: all patterns are good enough
18:27 DixonBlackwing: what about the jack? some people complain because of it @_@
18:27 NlHIL: all of my 200s are on stream
18:27 NlHIL: jack is easy enough
18:28 NlHIL: sorry
18:29 DixonBlackwing: oh, maybe i should repattern the stream?
18:29 NlHIL: 01:38:379 (98379|3,98708|0,99038|3) - i got 200 here
18:29 NlHIL: pattern with these LNs may uncomfortable
18:30 DixonBlackwing: thx for your feedback :3.. i made that pattern so that the end part isn't too motonous :3
18:30 DixonBlackwing: but yeah, i will try to think other possible alternative
Topic Starter

NlHIL wrote:

00:21:895 - add LN as 00:54:038 (54038|1,54038|2) - ? 00:54:038 - is different sound, so no.
00:42:994 - to 00:43:653 - add a LN?Ok.
01:31:785 - to 01:32:445 - ^
00:53:873 - add? No, Not following that sound.
01:03:269 (63269|3) - end at 01:06:071 - No, the sound clearly stop at 01:05:412 - ..
01:15:137 (75137|3) - ^ 01:16:620 - ?end at 01:16:291 - instead.
Wowwww.. staaaarrrr..
Thank you so much Nihil >_<

mod desu~
only suggestion feel free to ignore

Collumn 4K= 1/2/3/4
[HD]00:41:510 (41510|0) - Should be two notes according to previous patterns same sound as 00:40:192 (40192|0,40192|2) -
00:49:423 (49423|3) - ^ same suggestion (note that ,you may consider not changing if it breaks the map's flow)
00:56:016 (56016|3,56016|2) - this one only need 1 note imo
01:02:609 (62609|1) - (optional) add a note to 2
00:10:521 (10521|1) - add a note to 2 (for the emphasis) also you did here : 00:05:247 (5247|3,5247|2) -
00:56:346 (56346|3) - this should looks more like this one imo : 00:58:983 (58983|2,58983|0,59313|3) -
01:02:609 - add note to 3
01:03:104 - add note to 3
00:18:269 (18269|3) - add note to 4 like you did here : 00:12:994 (12994|3) -
01:14:477 - add note
01:14:642 - add note , thoose two follow the instrument you were following before : 01:09:532 (69532|1,69697|2) -
01:37:060 (97060|0) - this Ln should start here : 01:37:142 - and this one 01:36:236 (96236|2) - should ene here : 01:37:142 -

Good Luck , have a nice day ^^/

Topic Starter

Eternalie wrote:


mod desu~
only suggestion feel free to ignore

[box=nyah]Collumn 4K= 1/2/3/4
[HD]00:41:510 (41510|0) - Should be two notes according to previous patterns same sound as 00:40:192 (40192|0,40192|2) - Done
00:49:423 (49423|3) - ^ same suggestion (note that ,you may consider not changing if it breaks the map's flow) ^, and repattern a bit.
00:56:016 (56016|3,56016|2) - this one only need 1 note imo will consider
01:02:609 (62609|1) - (optional) add a note to 2 no sound, so no.
00:10:521 (10521|1) - add a note to 2 (for the emphasis) also you did here : 00:05:247 (5247|3,5247|2) - agree
00:56:346 (56346|3) - this should looks more like this one imo : 00:58:983 (58983|2,58983|0,59313|3) - rearrange
01:02:609 - add note to 3 sure :3
01:03:104 - add note to 3 ^
00:18:269 (18269|3) - add note to 4 like you did here : 00:12:994 (12994|3) - nice ^^
01:14:477 - add note i will consider this.
01:14:642 - add note , thoose two follow the instrument you were following before : 01:09:532 (69532|1,69697|2) - ok
01:37:060 (97060|0) - this Ln should start here : 01:37:142 - and this one 01:36:236 (96236|2) - should ene here : 01:37:142 - but i heard the rising sound started at 01:37:060 (97060|0) - ;_; will look for more opinion about this.

Good Luck , have a nice day ^^/

Thank you so much Eteerrr for the helpful mod ^^

Hi Dixon! Mod from your request!


▶BG: No problem
▶MP3: Your mp3 kbps has been overed 192 kbps. You should change in 128~192
▶Spread: No problem
▶AI mod: Also AI mod catched about your mp3. Please change this.
▶Audio and Hitsound: Told me I didn't add hitsound yet.
▶Timing: wtf I know it's 180BPM on reflec beat lol but seems No problem
▶Etc: on your EZ and NM. Your OD and HP is too low. I just recommend it.
EZ : OD=7 / HP=7 or 6
NM : OD=7 or 7.5 / HP=7 or 7.5
HD : OD=8 / HP=8


  • 00:17:280 (17280|3) - I suggest to move to 1 column this guy. and if you follow this. 00:17:609 (17609|1) - Move to 3. 00:15:796 (15796|2) - This LN is on right hand. and there has a note on 4 column. It also use right hand. It can be hard to some EZ players. so I suggest this for balance. Actually. LN start point + Note is fine like this 00:21:071 (21071|0,21071|1) - It's not hard. but LN finish point + Note is hard for judge and balance.

    00:23:543 (23543|2) - How about move to 2 this note? Seems column 2 empty too long time. also column 3 has two notes on close point. 00:22:554 (22554|2)

    00:26:346 (26346|1) - Move to 1 and 00:27:829 (27829|0) - Move to 3. It also for balance as I said on 00:17:280 - This timing point. maybe I don't have to explain twice XD

    00:50:576 (50576|1,51236|2) - Ctrl + J. It's just for more comfortable for playing. For make some distance with this notes. 00:48:928 (48928|1) - 00:52:554 (52554|2) -

    01:02:445 (62445|0) - How about move to 2 this guy and 01:03:104 (63104|1) - Move to 1? For more comfortable for playing.

    01:05:741 (65741|1) - Recommend to remove this long note. I know it has some starry sound. But it's too awkward due to hitsound. It has not accurate sound. If you fine something good hitsound. It can use I guess but it's too awkward and seems unnecessary for now.

    01:14:807 (74807|2) - Move to 2. 01:14:313 (74313|2,75137|2) - Is it too close right? :>

    01:37:060 (97060|0) - If you want use this long note. You have to make more longer this note 01:36:236 (96236|2) - until 01:37:719 - Here. It's not new melody. just added a new melody with 01:36:236 (96236|2) - What sound you are following this note. If you follow it. 01:37:719 (97719|2,98049|3) - Please re-arrange this.

    01:44:313 - Here has some kick sound also drum symbol sounds. Is it intention? I suggest to add a note in here.


  • 00:15:796 (15796|2) - How about move to 4? For make some distance with this notes. 00:15:466 (15466|2,16620|2) -

    00:22:060 (22060|2,22390|2) - Isn't it too hard...? How about this?

    00:35:247 (35247|1,35412|2) - Ctrl + H for balance. Maybe you can feel if you try this :>

    00:53:543 (53543|3) - This note is too unnecessary. First. You can see your HD diff. HD diff doesn't have any notes on this timing also HD diff has notes in 00:54:038 - This timing. I just want to recommend it. 00:52:719 (52719|0) - Change your start point until 00:54:203 - Here and 00:53:543 (53543|3) - Remove this.

    00:56:346 (56346|3,56675|1) - I want to something to tell about this long notes.
    First. HD diff doesn't use any long note in this timing also seems following same sounds NM also HD. and actually this two sounds should finish in here 00:56:840 - both of us. Change your finish timing points or remove these. and If you remove this notes. 00:56:510 - 00:56:675 - You can add the notes on this timing points too.

    00:58:983 (58983|0,59313|3) - Same as above. Don't have to explain same stuff twice right? <:

    01:00:796 - ~ 01:02:115 - Explain for this pattern.
    Maybe you make this pattern for consistency with this pattern (00:55:357 - ~ 00:56:016) but. It's different sounds. 00:55:357 - This pattern surely have accurate 1/1 powerful sound. But 01:00:796 - It isn't. Just recommend it like 00:59:477 - ~ 01:00:466 - This pattern. It will be more good for playing and will improve your pattern more good quality.

    01:16:126 (76126|0) - Move to 4 more good hand balance. Please don't make weight to only a hand.


  • 00:08:873 - 00:09:203 - I recommend to add the notes in this timings. well... in my point of view. You're using two note in powerful kick sound or powerful melody like these. Powerful kick sound: 00:08:049 - / Powerful melody: 00:07:884 - So I suggest add the notes because there have some powerful melody. For consistency your pattern.

    00:19:093 (19093|2) - Move to 2. 00:18:763 (18763|2,18928|2,19093|2) - It's kinda heavy in my opinion. and if you move to 2. It can be a good pattern! for more balance and some pitch.

    00:21:895 - I didn't say about this part on NM. NM has a long note from 00:21:895 - until 00:22:554 - Here. Why you're using long note on NM. I guess for 1/4 sounds. 1/4 can be hard on NM but HD isn't it because you're using a lot of 1/4 patterns on HD but didn't use on NM diff. so... I recommend it! 00:22:060 - ~ 00:22:390 - Add 1/4 pattern as you wish. Here have 1/4 sound. It would be fun and good for spread balance.

    00:25:192 (25192|2,26346|1) - Why Did you use only finish hitsound only this notes...?

    00:32:527 (32527|3) - I want to tell this snap. First. you can see the snap on your NM diff. It's different right? that means the snap is wrong one of the two.
    I think more correct snap is here. 00:32:527 - But it's not accurate sound. I just want tell this. 'Follow the main snap if snap is not sure.' so I recommend to move to 00:32:445 - This timing.

    00:35:576 - Why empty? Here should have a sound what you're following the sounds.

    00:54:038 - As I said on NM. Choose your self.

    00:59:642 (59642|2) - Move to 4 for balance. It's too heavy on column 3 also column 4 seems lonely right?

    01:02:280 (62280|3) - Same as above. move to 3.

    01:15:961 - For suggest spread with your NM diff.
    You're using a long note on NM diff. also using long note + some notes which are following main melody. I think you don't reference other diffs when you was making diffs. and if you think like this. 'LN + 1/4 snap is too hard'. check again your HD diff. 01:11:016 - A lot of patterns are using long note + 1/4 snap. It's not all. so I suggest this. 01:15:961 - Make a LN until 01:16:620 - Here and 01:16:126 (76126|2,76291|0,76373|1,76456|2,76456|0,76538|3) - Re-arrange this notes.

    01:20:412 (80412|3) - It have to finish here 01:21:236 - and make other long note if you want to keep long note + normal notes pattern.

Before finish my mod. I want to tell you what I'm thinking.
Please consider about consistency on your HD and NM diffs.
Seems following other sounds but long notes are too incorrect.
Too difference inconsistency pattern can make unrankable issue.
You can use this on your editing
File -> Open Difficulty -> For Reference ◀ If you use this. You can improve more your spread!

Good luck with your beat map! :>
Topic Starter

_FrEsH_ChICkEn_ wrote:

Hi Dixon! Mod from your request!


▶BG: No problem
▶MP3: Your mp3 kbps has been overed 192 kbps. You should change in 128~192 Will change it :3
▶Spread: No problem
▶AI mod: Also AI mod catched about your mp3. Please change this. ^
▶Audio and Hitsound: Told me I didn't add hitsound yet.
▶Timing: wtf I know it's 180BPM on reflec beat lol but seems No problem
▶Etc: on your EZ and NM. Your OD and HP is too low. I just recommend it.
EZ : OD=7 / HP=7 or 6 Keep, wanna make different OD and HP with NM
NM : OD=7 or 7.5 / HP=7 or 7.5Keep for a while.
HD : OD=8 / HP=8^


  • 00:17:280 (17280|3) - I suggest to move to 1 column this guy.Move to 2 instead and if you follow this. 00:17:609 (17609|1) -Sure. Move to 3. 00:15:796 (15796|2) - This LN is on right hand. and there has a note on 4 column. It also use right hand. It can be hard to some EZ players. so I suggest this for balance. Actually. LN start point + Note is fine like this 00:21:071 (21071|0,21071|1) - It's not hard. but LN finish point + Note is hard for judge and balance. make the pattern similar with 00:21:071 (21071|0,21071|1) -

    00:23:543 (23543|2) - How about move to 2 this note? Seems column 2 empty too long time. also column 3 has two notes on close point. 00:22:554 (22554|2)Moved.

    00:26:346 (26346|1) - Move to 1 and 00:27:829 (27829|0) - Move to 3. It also for balance as I said on 00:17:280 - This timing point. maybe I don't have to explain twice XDMoved, and repattern a bit.

    00:50:576 (50576|1,51236|2) - Ctrl + J. It's just for more comfortable for playing. For make some distance with this notes. 00:48:928 (48928|1) - 00:52:554 (52554|2) - Moved.

    01:02:445 (62445|0) - How about move to 2 this guy and 01:03:104 (63104|1) - Move to 1? For more comfortable for playing.Moved.

    01:05:741 (65741|1) - Recommend to remove this long note. I know it has some starry sound. But it's too awkward due to hitsound. It has not accurate sound. If you fine something good hitsound. It can use I guess but it's too awkward and seems unnecessary for now. But not add anything until the next notes would be also too awkward for me ;w; I will Consider.

    01:14:807 (74807|2) - Move to 2.Done. 01:14:313 (74313|2,75137|2) - Is it too close right? :>It would change the balance if i moved it, keep for now.

    01:37:060 (97060|0) - If you want use this long note. You have to make more longer this note 01:36:236 (96236|2) - until 01:37:719 - Here. It's not new melody. just added a new melody with 01:36:236 (96236|2) - What sound you are following this note. If you follow it. 01:37:719 (97719|2,98049|3) - Please re-arrange this.Rearrange, didn't realize it is still one melody, how baka of me ;w;

    01:44:313 - Here has some kick sound also drum symbol sounds. Is it intention? I suggest to add a note in here.added.


  • 00:15:796 (15796|2) - How about move to 4? For make some distance with this notes. 00:15:466 (15466|2,16620|2) - moved.

    00:22:060 (22060|2,22390|2) - Isn't it too hard...? How about this?
    Nice :D

    00:35:247 (35247|1,35412|2) - Ctrl + H for balance. Maybe you can feel if you try this :>Ctrl+H'ed :D

    00:53:543 (53543|3) - This note is too unnecessary. First. You can see your HD diff. HD diff doesn't have any notes on this timing also HD diff has notes in 00:54:038 - This timing. I just want to recommend it. 00:52:719 (52719|0) - Change your start point until 00:54:203 - Here and 00:53:543 (53543|3) - Remove this.That LN is for the rising sound, if i remove it, i have to remove all the LN that have those rising sound, keep.

    00:56:346 (56346|3,56675|1) - I want to something to tell about this long notes.
    First. HD diff doesn't use any long note in this timing also seems following same sounds NM also HD. and actually this two sounds should finish in here 00:56:840 - both of us. Change your finish timing points or remove these. and If you remove this notes. 00:56:510 - 00:56:675 - You can add the notes on this timing points too. Hmm, ok, removed, and add additional notes.

    00:58:983 (58983|0,59313|3) - Same as above. Don't have to explain same stuff twice right? <: ^

    01:00:796 - ~ 01:02:115 - Explain for this pattern.
    Maybe you make this pattern for consistency with this pattern (00:55:357 - ~ 00:56:016) but. It's different sounds. 00:55:357 - This pattern surely have accurate 1/1 powerful sound. But 01:00:796 - It isn't. Just recommend it like 00:59:477 - ~ 01:00:466 - This pattern. It will be more good for playing and will improve your pattern more good quality.repatterned.

    01:16:126 (76126|0) - Move to 4 more good hand balance. Please don't make weight to only a hand.ok.


  • 00:08:873 - 00:09:203 - I recommend to add the notes in this timings. well... in my point of view. You're using two note in powerful kick sound or powerful melody like these. Powerful kick sound: 00:08:049 - / Powerful melody: 00:07:884 - So I suggest add the notes because there have some powerful melody. For consistency your pattern.Added.

    00:19:093 (19093|2) - Move to 2. 00:18:763 (18763|2,18928|2,19093|2) - It's kinda heavy in my opinion. and if you move to 2. It can be a good pattern! for more balance and some pitch.Very nice :3

    00:21:895 - I didn't say about this part on NM. NM has a long note from 00:21:895 - until 00:22:554 - Here. Why you're using long note on NM. I guess for 1/4 sounds. 1/4 can be hard on NM but HD isn't it because you're using a lot of 1/4 patterns on HD but didn't use on NM diff. so... I recommend it! 00:22:060 - ~ 00:22:390 - Add 1/4 pattern as you wish. Here have 1/4 sound. It would be fun and good for spread balance.add many notes for them! I didn't realize that 1/4 bell sound until you mentioned it! thank you

    00:25:192 (25192|2,26346|1) - Why Did you use only finish hitsound only this notes...?ngghh, i accidentally add it ;w;

    00:32:527 (32527|3) - I want to tell this snap. First. you can see the snap on your NM diff. It's different right? that means the snap is wrong one of the two.
    I think more correct snap is here. 00:32:527 - But it's not accurate sound. I just want tell this. 'Follow the main snap if snap is not sure.' so I recommend to move to 00:32:445 - This timing. moved.

    00:35:576 - Why empty? Here should have a sound what you're following the sounds.added.

    00:54:038 - As I said on NM. Choose your self.For this, i follow the continuous some kind of drum sound, not the rising sound.

    00:59:642 (59642|2) - Move to 4 for balance. It's too heavy on column 3 also column 4 seems lonely right?moved.

    01:02:280 (62280|3) - Same as above. move to 3. moved.

    01:15:961 - For suggest spread with your NM diff.
    You're using a long note on NM diff. also using long note + some notes which are following main melody. I think you don't reference other diffs when you was making diffs. and if you think like this. 'LN + 1/4 snap is too hard'. check again your HD diff. 01:11:016 - A lot of patterns are using long note + 1/4 snap. It's not all. so I suggest this. 01:15:961 - Make a LN until 01:16:620 - Here and 01:16:126 (76126|2,76291|0,76373|1,76456|2,76456|0,76538|3) - Re-arrange this notes. Rearranged it a bit.

    01:20:412 (80412|3) - It have to finish here 01:21:236 - and make other long note if you want to keep long note + normal notes pattern.also rearranged, and try to construct all the similar sound with this.

Before finish my mod. I want to tell you what I'm thinking.
Please consider about consistency on your HD and NM diffs.
Seems following other sounds but long notes are too incorrect.
Too difference inconsistency pattern can make unrankable issue.
You can use this on your editing
File -> Open Difficulty -> For Reference ◀ If you use this. You can improve more your spread!Great, Thank you

Good luck with your beat map! :> Thank you!
This is really (5x) helpful mod ^_^ I can't thanks enough for this
Thank you sooo much for the mod ^^

* Timing : --
* Kiai : 63269 -> move here 63434 maybe
* AImod : ctrl+shift+a open this (ergg)
* BG/Audio : --
* Metada: Jubeat copious APPEND, Jukebeat in tag
* Diffspread : --
* OD/HP : 7/7 at EZ, 7/7 at NM (F_C noticed also this damnn)

* Column : 0|1|2|3

EZ(old vers i think)
  1. 00:01:456 (1456|2) - move to 3 ?
  2. 00:05:247 (5247|2) - move to 1 ?
  3. 00:06:730 (6730|1) - move to 0 ?
  4. 00:07:060 (7060|0) - move to 2 ?
    try to make perfect balance hands with your patterns
  5. 00:10:357 (10357|3,10521|1) - ctrl + h ?
  6. 00:14:807 (14807|2) - add note pitch
  7. 00:14:972 (14972|3) - add note, drum ~
  8. 00:15:302 (15302|2) - ^
  9. 00:20:082 (20082|0) - / 00:20:576 (20576|0) - same thing as before
  10. 00:20:906 (20906|2,21071|1) - move to 3|2
  11. 00:22:554 (22554|2,22884|3) - ctrl + h ?
  12. 00:22:554 (22554|3) - at this part try to focus sounds on red line ~
  13. 00:27:829 (27829|0) - ^
  14. 00:34:093 (34093|3) - you try to focus high sound like here
  15. 00:36:730 (36730|1) - move to 0 ?
  16. 00:36:895 (36895|3) - finish here 00:38:708 (38708|1) -
  17. 00:39:368 (39368|2) - same thing here you have sound 00:39:532 (39532|0) - / 00:39:862 (39862|1) -
  18. 01:29:313 (89313|3) - here like this
  19. use playback rating 50% for fix LN
try to refix this diff with my advices ~ also don't skip drum even if it's EZ diff you should notice drum "sometimes"

NM (old vers i think)
  1. 00:05:247 (5247|3) - fnish here 00:06:236 (6236|2) -
  2. 00:06:071 (6071|0) - start here 00:06:236 (6236|1) -
  3. 00:10:521 (10521|3,11346|0) - ^
  4. 00:12:005 (12005|2) - move to 1 ?
  5. 00:14:477 (14477|0) - move to 1 ?
  6. 00:14:807 (14807|1,14972|2) - why not ctrl + h ? seems more fun >.<
  7. 00:21:071 (21071|1) - move to 2?
  8. 00:22:060 (22060|2,22390|2) - i don't think it's a good pattern, seems like AC (auto-convert) pattern, so maybe move to 1 ?
  9. 00:35:247 (35247|1,35412|2) - ctrl + h ?
  10. 00:45:796 (45796|3,46291|0,46291|2) - ctrl + h ? and move 00:46:456 (46456|1) - to 2 ?
  11. 00:49:423 (49423|2,49423|0) - high sound is here 00:49:587 (49587|1) -
  12. 00:51:071 (51071|3) - i think notes will be better at this place
  13. 00:52:060 (52060|1,52060|2) - delete and add note here 00:52:225 (52225|0) - ?
  14. 00:54:697 (54697|0) - remove ? sound a bit too much here
  15. 00:56:346 (56346|2,56346|3) - remove and add just pitch here 00:56:510 (56510|2) -
  16. 00:57:664 (57664|1) - delete ?
  17. 00:59:972 (59972|1) - ^ ?
  18. 01:00:631 (60631|2) - you have the same sound than 01:00:302 (60302|2) - at this place
  19. 01:05:741 (65741|1) - delete ?
  20. 01:10:192 (70192|1) - delete high sound start here 01:10:357 (70357|3) -
  21. 01:10:851 (70851|2) - ^ 01:11:016 (71016|1) -
  22. 01:15:137 (75137|1) - move to 0 ?
  23. 01:16:126 (76126|0) - move to 3 ?
  24. 01:27:335 (87335|1) - same sound than 01:27:499 (87499|1) -
  25. 01:31:785 (91785|3) - remove and add just one note here 01:31:785 (91785|2) - ?
  26. 01:35:906 (95906|2) - move to 3 ~
  27. 01:37:060 (97060|0) - LN will be better if you start here 01:37:390 (97390|1) -
  28. 01:39:038 (99038|3) - high sound start here 01:39:203 (99203|1) - so maybe delete ~ also you can add note 01:39:120 (99120|2) -
  29. 01:43:159 (103159|1) - move to 2 ?

  1. 00:06:153 (6153|1) - LN here ~
  2. 00:08:379 (8379|0,8379|2) - delete one note, if you try follow drum and high sound, you should notice "finish" drum first~
  3. 00:10:521 (10521|3,11346|1) - ^ 00:11:428 (11428|2) -
  4. 00:17:197 (17197|1) - delete ~
  5. 00:18:598 (18598|1) - ^
  6. 00:18:928 (18928|1,18928|2) - ^
  7. 00:19:423 (19423|1,19423|2) - ^
  8. between 00:22:884 (22884|2,22884|3) - / 00:25:851 (25851|2,25851|0) - this don't follow the rythme, it's a bit strange imo
  9. 00:27:499 (27499|3,27582|1) - i heard anything here so delete ~
  10. 00:32:527 (32527|1) - LN here ?
  11. 00:38:049 (38049|2) - delete follow only 1 sound at this part
  12. 00:44:148 (44148|2) - i think just one note here will be good
  13. 00:48:269 (48269|0) - my advice here is, remove LN and make your stair properly :)
  14. 00:53:296 (53296|2,53791|1) - a bit strange you have main another sound than this
  15. 00:55:851 (55851|1,55851|0,56016|2,56016|3) - same pattern for different sound ?
  16. 00:57:994 (57994|3,57994|2) - ^
  17. 01:03:269 (63269|3) - start here 01:03:434 (63434|1) - ?
  18. 01:06:236 (66236|1,66401|1,66401|3,66565|0,66730|3,66730|2) - hard to understand wich sound you focus
  19. 01:08:708 (68708|3,68708|0,68873|1) - ^
  20. 01:10:192 (70192|1) - high sound start here 01:10:357 (70357|3) -
  21. 01:13:571 (73571|2) - / 01:13:901 (73901|2) - like here, i think you can add note
  22. 01:15:961 (75961|0) - remove and 01:15:137 (75137|3) - finish here 01:16:126 (76126|2) -
  23. 01:18:598 (78598|2) - delete ~
  24. 01:25:686 (85686|0,86510|3) - here 01:26:593 (86593|1) -
  25. 01:31:456 (91456|1) - add note and LN 01:31:456 (91456|0) - start here 01:31:620 (91620|1) -
it's not bad but, you should use sometimes playback rating 25% for LN or something else, also try to keep same pattern for each sounds, it's a good mapset but can be better :D good luck ~
Topic Starter
I will reply the mod tomorrow
Have some stuff to do right now.

Steins wrote:

* Timing : --
* Kiai : 63269 -> move here 63434 maybe Nope, Too awkward.
* AImod : ctrl+shift+a open this (ergg) I will change the MP3 XD..
* BG/Audio : --
* Metada: Jubeat copious APPEND, Jukebeat in tag Nice.
* Diffspread : --
* OD/HP : 7/7 at EZ, 7/7 at NM (F_C noticed also this damnn) nghhh.. okk.. will change it then.

* Column : 0|1|2|3

EZ(old vers i think)
  1. 00:01:456 (1456|2) - move to 3 ? no.
  2. 00:05:247 (5247|2) - move to 1 ? yes :D
  3. 00:06:730 (6730|1) - move to 0 ? no.
  4. 00:07:060 (7060|0) - move to 2 ? nope.
    try to make perfect balance hands with your patterns
  5. 00:10:357 (10357|3,10521|1) - ctrl + h ? no, The LN will get jacked ;w;
  6. 00:14:807 (14807|2) - add note pitch added.
  7. 00:14:972 (14972|3) - add note, drum ~ But i already add this one ..
  8. 00:15:302 (15302|2) - ^added, and i delete 00:15:466 -
  9. 00:20:082 (20082|0) - / 00:20:576 (20576|0) - same thing as before move to this 00:19:917 - , done.
  10. 00:20:906 (20906|2,21071|1) - move to 3|2 No.
  11. 00:22:554 (22554|2,22884|3) - ctrl + h ? No, jack column again if i do that.
  12. 00:22:554 (22554|3) - at this part try to focus sounds on red line ~
  13. 00:27:829 (27829|0) - ^nah, too awkward in red snap, so no.
  14. 00:34:093 (34093|3) - you try to focus high sound like here consider. but i don't want to add double notes on that.
  15. 00:36:730 (36730|1) - move to 0 ?Will consider.
  16. 00:36:895 (36895|3) - finish here 00:38:708 (38708|1) - I don't know... isn't it only the echo?
  17. 00:39:368 (39368|2) - same thing here you have sound 00:39:532 (39532|0) - / 00:39:862 (39862|1) - I already add on this timing before.
  18. 01:29:313 (89313|3) - here like this Image error.
  19. use playback rating 50% for fix LN
try to refix this diff with my advices ~ also don't skip drum even if it's EZ diff you should notice drum "sometimes"Will reconstruct this.

NM (old vers i think)
  1. 00:05:247 (5247|3) - fnish here 00:06:236 (6236|2) -
  2. 00:06:071 (6071|0) - start here 00:06:236 (6236|1) - ^ and this, It's clear the rising sound started from 00:06:071 -
  3. 00:10:521 (10521|3,11346|0) - ^
  4. 00:12:005 (12005|2) - move to 1 ? Ok.
  5. 00:14:477 (14477|0) - move to 1 ? Nice.
  6. 00:14:807 (14807|1,14972|2) - why not ctrl + h ? seems more fun >.< will break the pattern ;w;
  7. 00:21:071 (21071|1) - move to 2? sure.
  8. 00:22:060 (22060|2,22390|2) - i don't think it's a good pattern, seems like AC (auto-convert) pattern, so maybe move to 1 ? already moved by F_C's mod.
  9. 00:35:247 (35247|1,35412|2) - ctrl + h ? already did this in F_C Mod.
  10. 00:45:796 (45796|3,46291|0,46291|2) - ctrl + h ? and move 00:46:456 (46456|1) - to 2 ? Nice, Ctrl+H'd for variation.
  11. 00:49:423 (49423|2,49423|0) - high sound is here 00:49:587 (49587|1) - Repatterned.
  12. 00:51:071 (51071|3) - i think notes will be better at this place
  13. 00:52:060 (52060|1,52060|2) - delete and add note here 00:52:225 (52225|0) - ?Nope.
  14. 00:54:697 (54697|0) - remove ? sound a bit too much here Nope.
  15. 00:56:346 (56346|2,56346|3) - remove and add just pitch here 00:56:510 (56510|2) - Nope, but i repatterned it a bit.
  16. 00:57:664 (57664|1) - delete ?No.
  17. 00:59:972 (59972|1) - ^ ? ^
  18. 01:00:631 (60631|2) - you have the same sound than 01:00:302 (60302|2) - at this place No change.
  19. 01:05:741 (65741|1) - delete ? Keep, for consistency.
  20. 01:10:192 (70192|1) - delete high sound start here 01:10:357 (70357|3) - this note is for melody.
  21. 01:10:851 (70851|2) - ^ 01:11:016 (71016|1) - ^
  22. 01:15:137 (75137|1) - move to 0 ? Nope.
  23. 01:16:126 (76126|0) - move to 3 ? already at 3 o.o
  24. 01:27:335 (87335|1) - same sound than 01:27:499 (87499|1) - no sound here.
  25. 01:31:785 (91785|3) - remove and add just one note here 01:31:785 (91785|2) - ? I can't do that.
  26. 01:35:906 (95906|2) - move to 3 ~ Will consider.
  27. 01:37:060 (97060|0) - LN will be better if you start here 01:37:390 (97390|1) - The rising sound already started far before that.
  28. 01:39:038 (99038|3) - high sound start here 01:39:203 (99203|1) - so maybe delete ~ also you can add note 01:39:120 (99120|2) - Nope./
  29. 01:43:159 (103159|1) - move to 2 ? Yes, and rearrange some parts.

  1. 00:06:153 (6153|1) - LN here ~ Nope ~
  2. 00:08:379 (8379|0,8379|2) - delete one note, if you try follow drum and high sound, you should notice "finish" drum first~ It is for the kick.
  3. 00:10:521 (10521|3,11346|1) - ^ 00:11:428 (11428|2) - The first one is for the bell, and the second, I didn't add anything.
  4. 00:17:197 (17197|1) - delete ~ It's for the 1/4 starry sound, not the main melody.
  5. 00:18:598 (18598|1) - ^ Will consider.
  6. 00:18:928 (18928|1,18928|2) - ^ It's for the kick.
  7. 00:19:423 (19423|1,19423|2) - ^ loud drum beat here ;w;
  8. between 00:22:884 (22884|2,22884|3) - / 00:25:851 (25851|2,25851|0) - this don't follow the rythme, it's a bit strange imo But all of them follow the sounds that I focused on.
  9. 00:27:499 (27499|3,27582|1) - i heard anything here so delete ~It's a loud starry sound ;w;
  10. 00:32:527 (32527|1) - LN here ? added at 00:32:445 - instead.
  11. 00:38:049 (38049|2) - delete follow only 1 sound at this part wanna keep it consistent.
  12. 00:44:148 (44148|2) - i think just one note here will be good can't do that.
  13. 00:48:269 (48269|0) - my advice here is, remove LN and make your stair properly :) Nope.
  14. 00:53:296 (53296|2,53791|1) - a bit strange you have main another sound than this It's actually the similar sound with the starry sound in the 1/4 stream that i make in conjunction with LN.
  15. 00:55:851 (55851|1,55851|0,56016|2,56016|3) - same pattern for different sound ? Will try to repattern some part.
  16. 00:57:994 (57994|3,57994|2) - ^ ^
  17. 01:03:269 (63269|3) - start here 01:03:434 (63434|1) - ? Nope.
  18. 01:06:236 (66236|1,66401|1,66401|3,66565|0,66730|3,66730|2) - hard to understand wich sound you focus one note is for the melody, and two notes are for the kick or drum beat.
  19. 01:08:708 (68708|3,68708|0,68873|1) - ^
  20. 01:10:192 (70192|1) - high sound start here 01:10:357 (70357|3) - Repattern.
  21. 01:13:571 (73571|2) - / 01:13:901 (73901|2) - like here, i think you can add note I only hear the echo on that part, so no.
  22. 01:15:961 (75961|0) - remove and 01:15:137 (75137|3) - finish here 01:16:126 (76126|2) - Nope.
  23. 01:18:598 (78598|2) - delete ~ It's pretty loud ;w;
  24. 01:25:686 (85686|0,86510|3) - here 01:26:593 (86593|1) - Already discussed that with F_C before, and decided to snap it on white line to prevent confusion because of unclear sound.
  25. 01:31:456 (91456|1) - add note and LN 01:31:456 (91456|0) - start here 01:31:620 (91620|1) - nope.
it's not bad but, you should use sometimes playback rating 25% for LN or something else, also try to keep same pattern for each sounds, it's a good mapset but can be better :D good luck ~
Thank youuu for the moddd :)
Mark for mod, poke me after you apply all previous mod >w<b

Here is my mod :)

Click here
* 00:06:730 (6730|2,7060|0) - swap the col, because 00:06:730 - is loud sound, for better flow.
* 00:07:719 (7719|1,8049|3) - swap this too for better flow and balance.
* 00:12:005 - for better flow and balance.
* 00:20:247 - ^.
* 00:22:554 (22554|2,23543|1) - if you applied above, swap the col.
* 00:24:203 - for balance and flow.
* 00:27:829 - ^.
* 00:34:917 (34917|1) - move to col 4? for balance.
* 00:36:895 (36895|2,37390|0) - swap the col? for note variation, see this 00:36:071 (36071|1,36236|2) - .
* 00:46:620 (46620|2,46785|3,47280|1,47445|2,47445|3) - not balance, do something.
* 00:58:324 - balance and better flow.
* 01:14:807 (74807|2) - move to col 2 for balance.
* 01:19:258 (79258|1,79917|0,80247|1) - swap the col for better flow and balance.
* 01:24:368 (84368|1) - to col 4, 01:24:532 (84532|3) - to col 1, for better flow.
* 01:25:274 (85274|2) - blue line? really?
* 01:27:499 (87499|1) - move to col 2 for balance.
* 01:33:269 (93269|0,93434|1,93598|3,94093|0,94587|2,94752|1) - ctrl + h for balance and better flow.
* 01:39:368 (99368|2,99862|2,100357|2) - hmm, do something.
* 01:45:466 (105466|1) - move to col 4? for balance.

* 00:07:060 (7060|2,7884|1) - swap col, for balance.
* 00:09:862 (9862|1) - to col 1, 00:10:192 (10192|0) - to col 3.
* 00:11:346 (11346|0,12170|0) - too hard for play, try this .
* 00:18:434 - for better flow.
* 00:26:016 (26016|1,26181|2) - swap col for better flow.
* 00:36:071 (36071|1,36401|1,36730|1) - do something about this.
* 00:46:950 - for better flow.
* 00:57:005 (57005|1,57335|1,57664|1,57994|1) - do something.
* 01:02:445 (62445|0) - move to col 2, 01:02:774 (62774|0,62939|3,63104|2) - ctrl + h, 01:02:774 (62774|1) - to col 3.
* 01:15:961 (75961|1,76785|1) - too hard for play, try this .
* 01:30:631 (90631|2,90961|3) - swap col? easier for play.
* ..... to be continue ...

i'll finish this mod tomorrow ..
Topic Starter
I will give a complete reply tommorow then :D..

But, I almost apply All of your mod dell :3

It's a very helpful mod :D, really, thank you ..
Part 2, no kds.

Click here

* 00:08:214 (8214|3) - move to 2, for balance.
* 01:16:126 (76126|3) - move to 1, for balance.

* 00:04:587 (4587|2,4917|3,5247|2) - swap col, 3 to 4, 4 to 3 for balance and better flow imo.
* 00:06:730 (6730|0) - move to 2? for balance.
* 00:08:873 - for better flow.
* 00:39:038 (39038|1) - move to 1, for balance.
* 00:41:510 (41510|2,41675|1) - swap the col, 00:41:840 (41840|3) - move to col 2.
* 00:44:477 (44477|1) - move to 1 for balance.
* 00:56:675 (56675|2,56840|3) - swap the col for balance and better flow.
* 01:06:071 - .
* 01:07:719 (67719|2) - move to 4, 01:07:884 (67884|3) - move to 3 .
* 01:08:708 - for balance and better flow.
* 01:11:346 - .
* 01:16:785 (76785|1) - move to 3 for balance.
* 01:17:609 (77609|0) - move to 3, 01:17:774 (77774|2) - move to 4, 01:17:939 (77939|3) - move to 3.
* 01:18:763 (78763|0,78928|1) - move to right side 1x.
* 01:38:379 - 1/2 thrill for better flow.
* 01:41:016 - .
* 01:42:170 (102170|1,102335|2) - if you applied above, swap the col.
* 01:43:653 - .
* 01:45:466 (105466|2,105631|2,105796|3,105961|3,106126|1,106291|1,106456|2,106620|2) - hmm, do something.

Good luck! :)
Topic Starter

Dellvangel wrote:

Mark for mod, poke me after you apply all previous mod >w<b

Here is my mod :)

Click here
* 00:06:730 (6730|2,7060|0) - swap the col, because 00:06:730 - is loud sound, for better flow.
* 00:07:719 (7719|1,8049|3) - swap this too for better flow and balance.
* 00:12:005 - for better flow and balance.
* 00:20:247 - ^.
* 00:22:554 (22554|2,23543|1) - if you applied above, swap the col.
* 00:24:203 - for balance and flow.
* 00:27:829 - ^.
* 00:34:917 (34917|1) - move to col 4? for balance.
* 00:36:895 (36895|2,37390|0) - swap the col? for note variation, see this 00:36:071 (36071|1,36236|2) - .
* 00:46:620 (46620|2,46785|3,47280|1,47445|2,47445|3) - not balance, do something. Fixed.
* 00:58:324 - balance and better flow.
* 01:14:807 (74807|2) - move to col 2 for balance.
* 01:19:258 (79258|1,79917|0,80247|1) - swap the col for better flow and balance.
* 01:24:368 (84368|1) - to col 4, 01:24:532 (84532|3) - to col 1, for better flow.
* 01:25:274 (85274|2) - blue line? really? It's accidentally placed XD.. thx for pointing it out.
* 01:27:499 (87499|1) - move to col 2 for balance.
* 01:33:269 (93269|0,93434|1,93598|3,94093|0,94587|2,94752|1) - ctrl + h for balance and better flow.
* 01:39:368 (99368|2,99862|2,100357|2) - hmm, do something. Already did :D
* 01:45:466 (105466|1) - move to col 4? for balance.
All Applied! Very helpful mod!

* 00:07:060 (7060|2,7884|1) - swap col, for balance.
* 00:09:862 (9862|1) - to col 1, 00:10:192 (10192|0) - to col 3.
* 00:11:346 (11346|0,12170|0) - too hard for play, try this .
* 00:18:434 - for better flow.
* 00:26:016 (26016|1,26181|2) - swap col for better flow.
* 00:36:071 (36071|1,36401|1,36730|1) - do something about this. Already did :D
* 00:46:950 - for better flow.
* 00:57:005 (57005|1,57335|1,57664|1,57994|1) - do something. It's intentional because of melody.
* 01:02:445 (62445|0) - move to col 2, 01:02:774 (62774|0,62939|3,63104|2) - ctrl + h, 01:02:774 (62774|1) - to col 3.
* 01:15:961 (75961|1,76785|1) - too hard for play, try this .
* 01:30:631 (90631|2,90961|3) - swap col? easier for play.Applied all beside the red noted one.
* ..... to be continue ...

i'll finish this mod tomorrow ..

Dellvangel wrote:

Part 2, no kds.

Click here

* 00:08:214 (8214|3) - move to 2, for balance.
* 01:16:126 (76126|3) - move to 1, for balance.
Applied all!
* 00:04:587 (4587|2,4917|3,5247|2) - swap col, 3 to 4, 4 to 3 for balance and better flow imo.
* 00:06:730 (6730|0) - move to 2? for balance.
* 00:08:873 - for better flow.
* 00:39:038 (39038|1) - move to 1, for balance.
* 00:41:510 (41510|2,41675|1) - swap the col, 00:41:840 (41840|3) - move to col 2.
* 00:44:477 (44477|1) - move to 1 for balance.
* 00:56:675 (56675|2,56840|3) - swap the col for balance and better flow.
* 01:06:071 - .
* 01:07:719 (67719|2) - move to 4, 01:07:884 (67884|3) - move to 3 .
* 01:08:708 - for balance and better flow.
* 01:11:346 - . For this, I rearrange it in my own way because i change the LN before this pattern.
* 01:16:785 (76785|1) - move to 3 for balance.
* 01:17:609 (77609|0) - move to 3, 01:17:774 (77774|2) - move to 4, 01:17:939 (77939|3) - move to 3.
* 01:18:763 (78763|0,78928|1) - move to right side 1x.
* 01:38:379 - 1/2 thrill for better flow.
* 01:41:016 - .
* 01:42:170 (102170|1,102335|2) - if you applied above, swap the col.
* 01:43:653 - .
* 01:45:466 (105466|2,105631|2,105796|3,105961|3,106126|1,106291|1,106456|2,106620|2) - hmm, do something. Changed.All Applied!

Good luck! :)
Thank you so much Dell :D
Hi :)

Mod Requested from Queue

AiMod > change bitrate mp3 to 192

4K Coloum |1|2|3|4|

00:20:906 (20906|2,21071|3) - ctrl j
00:27:829 (27829|2) - move to 4
00:36:730 (36730|2,36895|1) - ctrl j
00:55:027 (55027|2,55192|3) - ^

00:03:928 (3928|0) - move to 3
00:08:873 (8873|3) -
00:20:247 (20247|3) - move to 2
00:20:412 (20412|0) - move to 4
00:24:038 (24038|1) - move to 2
01:02:445 - why not double?
01:03:104 - ^

00:02:939 (2939|2,3269|1) - ctrl j
00:17:774 (17774|1,17939|2) - ^
00:22:554 (22554|0) - move to 4
00:37:719 (37719|2) - move to 4
01:05:741 (65741|0) - ^
01:19:752 (79752|0,79917|1) - ctrl j
01:27:499 (87499|0,87499|3) - jadikan 1 note aja. suaranya gak keras

just my suggest. So, feel free to reject ya :)

GoodLuck >w<)9
Topic Starter

erlinadewi- wrote:

Hi :)

Mod Requested from Queue

AiMod > change bitrate mp3 to 192 Already change.

4K Coloum |1|2|3|4|

00:20:906 (20906|2,21071|3) - ctrl j Alright.
00:27:829 (27829|2) - move to 4 ok..
00:36:730 (36730|2,36895|1) - ctrl j No, for variation
00:55:027 (55027|2,55192|3) - ^ ok.

00:03:928 (3928|0) - move to 3 No, for balance.
00:08:873 (8873|3) - Middle column would be too empty then.
00:20:247 (20247|3) - move to 2 no.
00:20:412 (20412|0) - move to 4 no.
00:24:038 (24038|1) - move to 2 It is already at 2.
01:02:445 - why not double? opps, missed. ok. added.
01:03:104 - ^ ^

00:02:939 (2939|2,3269|1) - ctrl j boleh juga.
00:17:774 (17774|1,17939|2) - ^ ^
00:22:554 (22554|0) - move to 4 jangan.
00:37:719 (37719|2) - move to 4 ok.
01:05:741 (65741|0) - ^ ini ga,
01:19:752 (79752|0,79917|1) - ctrl j Nice.
01:27:499 (87499|0,87499|3) - jadikan 1 note aja. suaranya gak keras Ane pertimbangin lagi.

just my suggest. So, feel free to reject ya :)
Makasih yaa :D
GoodLuck >w<)9

Col : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
m4m (maybe)

-BG : ok
-Mp3 : ok
-Hitsound : no hs
-Difficulty : ok
-AI Mod : ok
-Comments : relax...~

00:03:269 (3269|2) - make double. high pitch
00:25:192 - add note for cymbal
00:34:258 - try this or rearange. first double and last double notes is differ sound
01:39:532 (99532|3,99862|0,100192|2) - make double. cymbal+high picth
01:44:807 (104807|3,105137|2,105466|1) - same^

other diff are fine
good luck
Hi! From M4M from Kama x Findus' modding queue.


4ki: |0|1|2|3|

  1. I think hitsound volume is relly loud. Suggest to make it something like 20~18%
  2. 00:03:598 (3598|0,3763|1,3928|3) - For pitcch I suggest:
    00:03:928 (3928|3) - to 2
    00:03:598 (3598|0,3763|1,3928|3) - Ctrl + H 3 notes
    00:04:093 (4093|2,4093|0) - Move 1 column to rightand 00:04:423 (4423|1) - by 1 column to right to not jack
  3. 00:09:368 - Add in 2, there is an extra sound here. The stong bell.
  4. 00:14:148 (14148|2,14313|2) - This jack is not good. Remove by moving
    00:14:313 (14313|2) - to 3
    00:14:477 (14477|3) - to 2
  5. 00:18:763 (18763|2,18928|1,18928|2,19093|1) - Same, don't jack i.n this way. Choose:
    1) Don't jack and make pattern like (02)(13)(02) <- better imo since this is an HD
    2) Jack all since they represent the same instrument.
  6. 00:19:423 (19423|2,19587|2) - Same, jack.
  7. 00:27:499 (27499|3,27582|1,27664|2) - I suggest 00:27:582 (27582|1,27664|2) - Ctrl + H. I will be more confortable to read.
  8. 00:29:807 (29807|2,29972|2) - Jack.
  9. 00:30:796 (30796|2,30961|2,31126|1,31291|1) - Jack, I suggest:
    00:30:796 (30796|2) - to 3
    00:31:291 (31291|1) - to 0
  10. 00:34:587 (34587|3,34752|3) - Jack
  11. 01:05:741 (65741|0,65824|2,65906|1,65988|2,66071|3) - Not good pattern my suggestions are:
    1) 01:05:741 (65741|0) - to 3
    2) 01:05:824 (65824|2) - to 1
    01:05:906 (65906|1,65988|2) - 1 column to right
    01:06:071 (66071|3) - to 2
  12. 01:08:049 (68049|2,68214|2) - jack
  13. 01:13:324 (73324|1,73488|1) - ^
  14. 01:13:818 (73818|3,73983|3) - ^
  15. 01:23:873 (83873|2,84038|2) -
  16. 01:32:115 - Why not this?
  17. 01:33:434 (93434|1) - Remove, not as load as 01:33:269 (93269|0,93269|3,93598|1,93598|0) -
  18. 01:34:093 (94093|2,94258|2) - Jack
  19. 01:36:071 (96071|2) - remove, this is less louder than 01:35:906 (95906|1,95906|2) - , also move 01:36:236 (96236|0) - to 2.
  20. 01:46:620 (106620|2) - Move to 01:46:785 - This will create a cool pattern (0-3-1-2) with 01:46:291 (106291|0,106456|3,106620|1,106620|2) - and also give 01:46:785 (106785|0,106785|3) - the note it need for cymbal.

Ok, that's all, I've checked only HD bbecause other diffs seems fine to me.
Topic Starter

Frim4503 wrote:

Col : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
m4m (maybe)

-BG : ok
-Mp3 : ok
-Hitsound : no hs Will add soon.
-Difficulty : ok
-AI Mod : ok
-Comments : relax...~

00:03:269 (3269|2) - make double. high pitch Nice.
00:25:192 - add note for cymbal Ok..
00:34:258 - try this or rearange. first double and last double notes is differ sound Rearrange it in my own way.
01:39:532 (99532|3,99862|0,100192|2) - make double. cymbal+high picth Ok.
01:44:807 (104807|3,105137|2,105466|1) - same ^

other diff are fine
good luck Thank you :D

Thank you for your mod :D

Xenophilius wrote:

Hi! From M4M from Kama x Findus' modding queue.


4ki: |0|1|2|3|

  1. I think hitsound volume is relly loud. Suggest to make it something like 20~18% ok, changed.
  2. 00:03:598 (3598|0,3763|1,3928|3) - For pitcch I suggest:
    00:03:928 (3928|3) - to 2
    00:03:598 (3598|0,3763|1,3928|3) - Ctrl + H 3 notes
    00:04:093 (4093|2,4093|0) - Move 1 column to rightand 00:04:423 (4423|1) - by 1 column to right to not jack Sorry, keep for now
  3. 00:09:368 - Add in 2, there is an extra sound here. The stong bell. Ok.
  4. 00:14:148 (14148|2,14313|2) - This jack is not good. Remove by moving
    00:14:313 (14313|2) - to 3
    00:14:477 (14477|3) - to 2 Done.
  5. 00:18:763 (18763|2,18928|1,18928|2,19093|1) - Same, don't jack i.n this way. Choose:
    1) Don't jack and make pattern like (02)(13)(02) <- better imo since this is an HD
    2) Jack all since they represent the same instrument. Some of the jack are unavoidable, i would rather leave it as is so the pattern can flow naturally and without have to repeat the same pattern over and over just for the sake of it.
  6. 00:19:423 (19423|2,19587|2) - Same, jack. For this, i rearrange.
  7. 00:27:499 (27499|3,27582|1,27664|2) - I suggest 00:27:582 (27582|1,27664|2) - Ctrl + H. I will be more confortable to read. Ctrl +H "D.
  8. 00:29:807 (29807|2,29972|2) - Jack. ^
  9. 00:30:796 (30796|2,30961|2,31126|1,31291|1) - Jack, I suggest:
    00:30:796 (30796|2) - to 3
    00:31:291 (31291|1) - to 0 It was firstly intentional, but alright, repattern.
  10. 00:34:587 (34587|3,34752|3) - Jack repattern, this time it can actually come out nicely o.o
  11. 01:05:741 (65741|0,65824|2,65906|1,65988|2,66071|3) - Not good pattern my suggestions are:
    1) 01:05:741 (65741|0) - to 3
    2) 01:05:824 (65824|2) - to 1
    01:05:906 (65906|1,65988|2) - 1 column to right
    01:06:071 (66071|3) - to 2 Not nice for me. but rearrange.
  12. 01:08:049 (68049|2,68214|2) - jack This time, i keep it for variation.
  13. 01:13:324 (73324|1,73488|1) - ^
  14. 01:13:818 (73818|3,73983|3) - ^ ^ and this, there's a pattern that i intend to make here.
  15. 01:23:873 (83873|2,84038|2) - Same.
  16. 01:32:115 - Why not this? Forgot to pattern that 1/4 notes, add many notes and repattern it.
  17. 01:33:434 (93434|1) - Remove, not as load as 01:33:269 (93269|0,93269|3,93598|1,93598|0) - It's a kick sound, would be inconsistent if i remove it.
  18. 01:34:093 (94093|2,94258|2) - Jack ^
  19. 01:36:071 (96071|2) - remove, this is less louder than 01:35:906 (95906|1,95906|2) - , also move 01:36:236 (96236|0) - to 2. also the kick sound, and it is really loud for me.
  20. 01:46:620 (106620|2) - Move to 01:46:785 - This will create a cool pattern (0-3-1-2) with 01:46:291 (106291|0,106456|3,106620|1,106620|2) - and also give 01:46:785 (106785|0,106785|3) - the note it need for cymbal. 2 LN already enough to emphasize the last melody.

Ok, that's all, I've checked only HD bbecause other diffs seems fine to me.
Thank you for the Mod :D

And Thank you for Julie and Dellvangel For the star ^^
Hi! M4M

4K 1|2|3|4|

00:35:247 add note
01:08:049 Change?? 3 :arrow: 4
01:13:488 Change?? 2 :arrow: 3
01:24:038 Change?? 3 :arrow: 4

sorry little mod.
Good luck
Topic Starter

Anima_Alumi-47 wrote:

Hi! M4M

4K 1|2|3|4|

00:35:247 add note
01:08:049 Change?? 3 :arrow: 4 ok.
01:13:488 Change?? 2 :arrow: 3
01:24:038 Change?? 3 :arrow: 4

Not reply= reject.
sorry little mod.
Good luck
Thank you for mod :)
21:09 DixonBlackwing: edri, boleh request mod ente ga? ;w;
21:10 EdrianFP: um
21:10 EdrianFP: link?
21:10 *DixonBlackwing is listening to [ Qrispy Joybox - cloche]
21:11 EdrianFP: ini udah kelar?
21:11 DixonBlackwing: tnggal HS doank, sisanya dah bener2 kelar..
21:12 *EdrianFP is playing [ Qrispy Joybox - cloche [HD]] <osu!mania> |4K|
21:15 DixonBlackwing: astaga .. SS -_-
21:15 EdrianFP: engga ada note tiga nya o.o
21:15 DixonBlackwing: triples? memang ane ga masukin
21:15 EdrianFP: iya, hambar menurutku
21:16 DixonBlackwing: ane bgg triplesnya buat sound yg mana, soalny doublenya rata2 sama loudnya
21:16 DixonBlackwing: kiainy trlalu hmbar ya.. o.o
21:16 EdrianFP: 3 diff doang ini?
21:17 DixonBlackwing: iya, MX kykny susah dibuat klo buat lgu ini.. (kcuali ane buat lg 5k mapset)
21:18 EdrianFP: sebenernya bisa
21:18 EdrianFP: contoh map ini aja
21:18 *EdrianFP is listening to [ Dj Mashiro - Prismatic Lollipops]
21:19 DixonBlackwing: lollilop dia spam LN sama Three chords kan bru dpt skitar star 4-an?
21:20 EdrianFP: stars nya kenapa emang?
21:21 DixonBlackwing: lollipop bnyk suara 1/4 snapny yg bsa dibkin stream, bru dpt diff star 4 nya..
21:21 DixonBlackwing: lgu ane yg 1/4 streamny dh ane habisin smua di HD
21:22 DixonBlackwing: 01:03:269 - skitar daerah LN ini sih bs bikin stream sih
21:23 EdrianFP: ini ngikut kemana? 01:05:741 (65741|2,65824|1,65906|2) -
21:23 DixonBlackwing: suara bintangny
21:24 DixonBlackwing: makanya ane buat stream disitu
21:24 DixonBlackwing: cma patterny memang msh jelek
21:24 EdrianFP: 01:31:291 (91291|2) - ?
21:24 EdrianFP: kosong 01:31:456 - ?
21:25 DixonBlackwing: ampir ga ada suara kan di 01:31:456 - ?
21:25 DixonBlackwing: ane kelupaan tmbh yg di 01:30:466 -
21:25 EdrianFP: di headset sini jelas ada kok
21:26 DixonBlackwing: tp itu kyk lbh ke snare bkan?
21:27 DixonBlackwing: 01:31:373 - dsini juga suaranya serupa yg disitu
21:27 EdrianFP: ini ngikut ke? 01:31:291 (91291|2,91620|1) -
21:27 DixonBlackwing: suara bintang juga, itu pitchnya tinggi bgt, di 100% jg kdengeran, mkany ane isi note
21:28 DixonBlackwing: LN nya buat suara "rising"nya
21:28 EdrianFP: yang tadi dibilang kosong juga masih kedengeran suara
21:29 DixonBlackwing: itu lbh ke suara piano kan?
21:29 EdrianFP: disini juga 00:37:060 -
21:29 EdrianFP: 00:39:697 -
21:30 EdrianFP: 00:40:357 -
21:30 EdrianFP: coba speed ganti ke 50%
21:30 EdrianFP: sama kayak ini suaranya 00:33:763 (33763|0) -
21:31 DixonBlackwing: klo 3 trakhir kykny ane mmang miss smua o.o
21:31 EdrianFP: 00:33:763 (33763|0) -
21:31 DixonBlackwing: sbenernya lebih ke 00:33:763 (33763|0) -
21:31 DixonBlackwing: eh salah
21:31 DixonBlackwing: 00:34:423 (34423|1) -
21:32 DixonBlackwing: ok, ane dh tmbh smua
21:33 DixonBlackwing: suara piano itu ane ragu mw di map juga/ ga
21:33 EdrianFP: terserah itu, kan cuma saran
21:34 DixonBlackwing: 01:02:609 - klo ini mw diisi ga?
21:34 EdrianFP: ya bisa
21:36 EdrianFP: ln ikut gitar atau suara dibelakang 01:35:082 (95082|3) - ?
21:36 EdrianFP: tambah 1 note 01:46:456 -
21:37 DixonBlackwing: suara dibelakang itu, tp krng kedengeran y kykny?
21:38 EdrianFP: atasnya soalnya ke gitar
21:38 EdrianFP: kalo emang ngikut gitar, dipendekin
21:38 DixonBlackwing: 01:46:126 - juga tambah?
21:40 DixonBlackwing: mulainy drmn klo ikt gitar?
21:42 EdrianFP: begini ?
21:42 EdrianFP: kalo ikut gitar end disini 01:35:576 -
21:43 EdrianFP: bisa di lanjut ln lagi dari 01:35:576 - sampe01:36:236 -
21:44 DixonBlackwing: udh ane lnjutin itu buat suara risingnya
21:44 EdrianFP: map kayak gini handalnya si 17va :|
21:44 EdrianFP: masalah ln ln soalnya
21:45 DixonBlackwing: ato mngkin amishici ;w;.. blm cba mnta mod sma dia sih..
21:45 EdrianFP: ya di juga boleh
21:45 EdrianFP: lagi sibuk kayaknya dia
21:45 EdrianFP: disini bisa add note 01:27:335 -
21:45 EdrianFP: ^01:28:818 -
21:46 EdrianFP: ^01:28:159 -
21:46 EdrianFP: ^01:29:972 -
21:46 EdrianFP: ^01:32:609 -
21:47 DixonBlackwing: ane tmpung dlu dah, bagian situ rada calm, klo ane add note smua, jdi ambigu tktnya..
21:48 EdrianFP: bisa tarik ln dari 01:42:170 - end 01:42:994 -
21:48 EdrianFP: ga ambigu sih nanti nya kalo udh kena hs
21:50 DixonBlackwing: patternny jdi rda maksa gra2 bbrp doubleny ;w; tp memang bisa sih
21:50 DixonBlackwing: HS piano x ya buat gituan
21:50 EdrianFP: kayaknya buat kiai's lebih cocok dari sini 01:06:071 -
21:51 EdrianFP: kalo ditaro disitu jadi yang ini bisa ikut kiai's pertama 00:22:554 -
21:52 DixonBlackwing: brarti preview timeny msti mulai dr sana juga donk o.o
21:53 EdrianFP: yop
21:53 EdrianFP: tapi terserah mu
21:54 DixonBlackwing: ane ga tau, rsanya bgg ja, soalnya klo mulai dr situ, suka ada "perhentian LN"nya
21:54 DixonBlackwing: klo ada kiai-in perhentianny, aneh, tapi klo dikit2 pasang, lepas kiai, jg aneh @_2
21:54 DixonBlackwing: 01:09:862 - contohnya ini
21:54 EdrianFP: selama abis ln masih nyambung ya terusin
21:56 DixonBlackwing: ane keep dlu yg itu, rsany ad yg ga beres jdiny x_x
21:57 EdrianFP: ya
Hihi dbw

00:27:747 (27747|3,27829|2) - Ctrl+J

00:12:005 (12005|2,12170|3) - Ctrl+J
questionable changes
Kind of feels like some notes during LN are unnecessary, idk
00:21:071 (21071|0) - end at 00:21:565 -
00:21:895 (21895|3) - Start at 00:21:813 -
00:27:170 (27170|1) - Remove
01:37:225 (97225|1) - Remove
01:31:950 (91950|2) - Remove
00:26:840 (26840|2,27170|1,27335|2,27664|1) - Remove

playing upscroll
00:33:104 - 00:59:477 - this part gives me some troubles the way it's mapped

nicenice gogo dbw!
Hi Dixon >w<)/
M4M as Requested
These mod are just my personal opinion.

  1. 00:08:873 (8873|3,9038|0,9203|3,9368|1) - I think its better to follow only the drum on this part, since this is EZ diff
  2. 00:14:313 (14313|0) - delete ? i think its more enjoyable to follow the rhytm
  3. 00:18:928 (18928|0,19587|1) - ^ its broke the rhytm if you follow synth + clap here. imo
  4. 00:22:884 (22884|2) - move to 2, then 00:23:214 (23214|0) - move to 3, then 00:23:543 (23543|1) - move to 1. better pattern. imo
  5. 00:23:543 (23543|1) - make this 1-3-2-4 ? then make 00:30:796 (30796|3,31126|0,31456|1) - 2-3-1. Try it.
  6. 00:37:225 - feel awkward if you not add note here for the drum, since you follow drum+clap before.
  7. 00:47:774 - ^
  8. 00:55:686 (55686|1) - wut ? no drum sound here
  9. 00:59:477 (59477|1,59807|3) - Ctrl+G
  10. 01:14:807 (74807|1) - how about delete this, only follow the drum
  11. 01:16:620 -
  12. 01:18:605 - here, i personally think, its better not to follow the clap ;w; its feel awkward to me. imo.. or maybe if you will keep that, you can try this pattern
  13. 01:23:543 (83543|3) - move to 2
  14. 01:23:543 (83543|3) -
  15. 01:32:115 - if you followed clap, then you should add note here
  16. 01:45:302 - why you not add note for the clap here, or the drum at 01:45:631 -
  1. 00:03:269 (3269|3) - move to 2, lower pitch than 00:02:609 (2609|3,2609|2) -
  2. 00:04:587 - add note, same as 00:04:093 (4093|3,4093|1) -
  3. 00:20:082 (20082|0) - move to 2
  4. 00:25:192 (25192|2) - delete this ? focus only follow the synth
  5. 00:37:225 - add for the drum
  6. 00:47:774 - ^
  7. 00:54:038 - add ? i still here a melody here. try 25% pb
  8. 01:20:412 (80412|2,80741|1) - CTRL + G
  1. 00:38:543 - add note
  2. 00:43:159 - and 00:43:488 - add note, still hear melody here.
  3. 01:09:697 - add
  4. 01:16:126 - ^ ?
    Sorry i'm bad on modding pattern ;w;
    Why you dont add a note while it has 'tick' sound. such as 00:39:697 - 00:40:357 - 00:42:335 - 00:45:631 - 00:47:609 - 00:50:906 - etc. ?

That's all. Good Luck Dixon :3
No Kudosu

  1. I think the kiai part is suitable at 00:22:554 - 00:33:104 - and 01:06:071 - 01:27:170 -
  2. Preview point is suitable at 01:05:906 -

Lupa x_x
Topic Starter

Hestia- wrote:

Hihi dbw

00:27:747 (27747|3,27829|2) - Ctrl+J

00:12:005 (12005|2,12170|3) - Ctrl+J No, it's already balance as it is, also to avoid jack on column 3.
questionable changes
Kind of feels like some notes during LN are unnecessary, idk
00:21:071 (21071|0) - end at 00:21:565 - the background sound for LN is still there.
00:21:895 (21895|3) - Start at 00:21:813 - for the second LN, i almost always follow the rising sound, which already put in correct snap after discussed with other people.
00:27:170 (27170|1) - Remove the sound is obvious.
01:37:225 (97225|1) - Remove this is loud sound ;w;
01:31:950 (91950|2) - Remove ^
00:26:840 (26840|2,27170|1,27335|2,27664|1) - Remove No.

playing upscroll
00:33:104 - 00:59:477 - this part gives me some troubles the way it's mapped is it that hard, even for Upscroll? XD..

nicenice gogo dbw! Thank you !
Thank you for mod Hestia :D

Adinata28 wrote:

Hi Dixon >w<)/ Hi Adi >w</
M4M as Requested
These mod are just my personal opinion.

  1. 00:08:873 (8873|3,9038|0,9203|3,9368|1) - I think its better to follow only the drum on this part, since this is EZ diff ok, delete couple of notes, also delete some of notes in the beginning.
  2. 00:14:313 (14313|0) - delete ? i think its more enjoyable to follow the rhytm If i delete the clap, it would be inconsistent as i follow clap immediately after that part.
  3. 00:18:928 (18928|0,19587|1) - ^ its broke the rhytm if you follow synth + clap here. imo ^ I repattern, hopefully it is better x_x
  4. 00:22:884 (22884|2) - move to 2, then 00:23:214 (23214|0) - move to 3, then 00:23:543 (23543|1) - move to 1. better pattern. imo very nice !
  5. 00:23:543 (23543|1) - make this 1-3-2-4 ? Also nice!then make 00:30:796 (30796|3,31126|0,31456|1) - 2-3-1. Try it. then it would make 2-3-2-3 pattern combined with two notes below this ;w; will try to change this.
  6. 00:37:225 - feel awkward if you not add note here for the drum, since you follow drum+clap before. added :)
  7. 00:47:774 - ^ ^
  8. 00:55:686 (55686|1) - wut ? no drum sound here deleted.
  9. 00:59:477 (59477|1,59807|3) - Ctrl+G sure :D
  10. 01:14:807 (74807|1) - how about delete this, only follow the drum considered.
  11. 01:16:620 - sure!
  12. 01:18:605 - here, i personally think, its better not to follow the clap ;w; its feel awkward to me. imo.. or maybe if you will keep that, you can try this pattern yeah, but they all have the sound that i follow, so it was added for consistency.. btw, nice pattern suggestion :D
  13. 01:23:543 (83543|3) - move to 2 sure.
  14. 01:23:543 (83543|3) - nice. changed for consistency with previous pattern.
  15. 01:32:115 - if you followed clap, then you should add note here added.
  16. 01:45:302 - why you not add note for the clap here, or the drum at 01:45:631 - added, how can i miss that ;w;
  1. 00:03:269 (3269|3) - move to 2, lower pitch than 00:02:609 (2609|3,2609|2) - moved.
  2. 00:04:587 - add note, same as 00:04:093 (4093|3,4093|1) - added.
  3. 00:20:082 (20082|0) - move to 2 nice.
  4. 00:25:192 (25192|2) - delete this ? focus only follow the synth Ngghh, it was added from frim suggestion because there's drum and cymbal sound here, considered.
  5. 00:37:225 - add for the drum ok.
  6. 00:47:774 - ^ ^
  7. 00:54:038 - add ? i still here a melody here. try 25% pb well, ok.. must rearrange this pattern then XD..
  8. 01:20:412 (80412|2,80741|1) - CTRL + G sure.
  1. 00:38:543 - add note ok, added.
  2. 00:43:159 - and 00:43:488 - add note, still hear melody here. added
  3. 01:09:697 - add added.
  4. 01:16:126 - ^ ? considered, i don't know if that sound is worth for doubles.
    Sorry i'm bad on modding pattern ;w;
    Why you dont add a note while it has 'tick' sound. such as 00:39:697 - 00:40:357 - 00:42:335 - 00:45:631 - 00:47:609 - 00:50:906 - etc. ? one of my friend also suggest that.. (see IRC), but after some thought, i decided to only follow main melody for 1 note, starry sound 1, and crash/drum/kick for 2 notes.

That's all. Good Luck Dixon :3
Thank you very much for you modding adi :D..
That's one damn of very useful mod >.<
About the kiai time, ok, will change it because some people agree that 2 part that you mentioned before should be the kiai.
and the preview, i will change it to the exact same time as second kiai instead.
hi dixon, mod req by chat in game >w<

Uncheck special style for mania
Increase hitsound's volume by 40

4K 1234

mod inside
00:57:664 (57664|1,57994|2) - ctrl+J
00:58:488 (58488|1,59148|2,59477|1) - if you applied mod above, ctrl+H

00:06:071 (6071|0,7060|1,7225|0) - move to 2-1-3 for a better flow
00:23:379 (23379|1,23543|0) - ctrl+J?
00:41:510 (41510|3,41675|1) - move to 3-4?

00:22:554 (22554|2) - move to 4?
00:23:708 (23708|3,23873|2) - ctrl+J
01:05:741 (65741|2) - move to 1

just suggestion anyway, feel free to reject. good luck! >w<)9
Topic Starter

sherrysina wrote:

hi dixon, mod req by chat in game >w< Hi sherry >w<

Uncheck special style for mania Done
Increase hitsound's volume by 40 Consider, since someone say that even 30% is too loud for them.

4K 1234

mod inside
00:57:664 (57664|1,57994|2) - ctrl+J
00:58:488 (58488|1,59148|2,59477|1) - if you applied mod above, ctrl+H Applied all here

00:06:071 (6071|0,7060|1,7225|0) - move to 2-1-3 for a better flow still not sure, but okay.
00:23:379 (23379|1,23543|0) - ctrl+J? No, this pattern works fine 4 me.
00:41:510 (41510|3,41675|1) - move to 3-4? not works for me, keep.

00:22:554 (22554|2) - move to 4? ok, for different pitch.
00:23:708 (23708|3,23873|2) - ctrl+J ok, for variation.
01:05:741 (65741|2) - move to 1 still don't know about this pattern.. i consider to repattern this for now.

just suggestion anyway, feel free to reject. good luck! >w<)9
Thank you for mod sherry :D

DixonBlackwing wrote:

and the preview, i will change it to the exact same time as second kiai instead.
well, you should set it on 01:05:741 - or 01:05:906 - because the preview time on osu has some delay.
Try it when you change to other song, then change again back to your song. And you can hear the preview point.
I know its not too necessary, but it will make your beatmap looks neat.


Topic Starter
Ok then, change it to 01:05:741 - , since 01:05:906 - too "nanggung2" :v (rip my english)
thx for the suggestion.. that starry sound actually makes quite nice additional delay for P.T.
Hi I'm from Thai's Modding Queue

Column |1|2|3|4|
[HD]00:08:708 - add 2 sound there
00:42:335 - add 3
00:42:499 - add 1
00:53:296 (53296|2) - move to 00:53:269
00:53:791 (53791|1) - move to 00:53:763
00:56:016 - delete 4 .. it's snare
01:37:225 - 01:37:719 - just my suggestion
01:46:785 - add 2 drum

[NM]00:05:247 (5247|2) - move to 2
00:23:708 (23708|3) - move to 3
00:24:038 (24038|0) - move to 4
00:25:027 (25027|2) - move to 2
00:29:313 - 00:29:642 - my suggestion
00:33:928 (33928|2) - move to 2
00:37:225 - add 4 drum and then add 3 at 00:37:390
00:47:939 - add 3 drum
00:53:296 (53296|2) - move to 00:53:269
00:53:791 (53791|1) - move to 00:53:763
01:13:488 (73488|1,73653|0,73818|3) - i suggest this

i can't mod ez sorry XD
all of my mod just my suggestion , you can ignore it but please gimme a reason :DD
anyway thx for req ours queue zz
Topic Starter

moni wrote:

Hi I'm from Thai's Modding Queue

Column |1|2|3|4|
[HD]00:08:708 - add 2 sound there No, i didn't follow that tick sound.
00:42:335 - add 3 ^
00:42:499 - add 1 ^
00:53:296 (53296|2) - move to 00:53:269 not really sure about the snap, but okay.
00:53:791 (53791|1) - move to 00:53:763 ^
00:56:016 - delete 4 .. it's snare other people already suggest this, so ok.
01:37:225 - 01:37:719 - just my suggestion no, those jacks are there because of same high pitch sound.
01:46:785 - add 2 drum okay, still not sure though.

[NM]00:05:247 (5247|2) - move to 2 no, i want to avoid 00:06:071 (6071|1) - and 00:04:587 (4587|1) -
00:23:708 (23708|3) - move to 3 keep, stair pattern is too boring imo.
00:24:038 (24038|0) - move to 4 ^
00:25:027 (25027|2) - move to 2 no, wanna avoid jack with 00:25:357 (25357|1) -
00:29:313 - 00:29:642 - my suggestion no, you may wanna make the pattern sync with 00:29:972 (29972|3,30137|1,30302|3) - , but they were arranged like that because of the high pitch, but this timing don't.
00:33:928 (33928|2) - move to 2 move 00:33:598 (33598|0) - to column 2 instead.
00:37:225 - add 4 drum added and then add 3 at 00:37:390 i didn't follow this sound.
00:47:939 - add 3 drum ^
00:53:296 (53296|2) - move to 00:53:269 same as HD diff
00:53:791 (53791|1) - move to 00:53:763 ^
01:13:488 (73488|1,73653|0,73818|3) - i suggest this I prefer my current pattern.

i can't mod ez sorry XD
all of my mod just my suggestion , you can ignore it but please gimme a reason :DD
anyway thx for req ours queue zz
Thank you for mod moniii :D..
Hmm, kalo sempet ane cek lagi ini, sori semalem malah ketiduran owo
"Arcwinolivirus' M4M-only contract"

A contract to be fulfilled as exchange of mod.

Number of difficulty modded in my map: 3 - HD , MX and !!!WARNING!!!

• do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod but please reason them out with sense. I do not bite rawr.
• If I suggest to remove or ctrl function moves on certain note/s, be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note.
• I've been busy in my thesis at college. Sorry for the delay.

Audio: OK!
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!

• No problem!

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

00:04:093 (4093|3) - (optional) you add note to 1 which has the same sound as 00:01:456 (1456|1,1456|2) -

01:03:269 (63269|3) - add note to 3 as you made other long sound with added a note and also similar strength sound like 00:21:071 (21071|2,21071|0) -

01:09:532 (69532|2,69697|3) - switch/swap column so it can be pitch-wise patterned for 01:09:862 (69862|1,69862|0) -

01:16:126 and 01:16:456 - you can add one note in each time mentioned because of the beat sound since you made something like 00:37:225 (37225|0,37390|1,38049|2) - and 01:30:631 (90631|3,90961|2) -

01:42:170 (102170|1) - remove as the sound here is not strong like other cymbalic sound, try to compare it with 01:15:137 (75137|2,75137|3) - (before you compare, turn down your hitsound volume at 0% so you can listen the mp3 well).

00:33:598 - add note to 1 as you add notes in the similar kick sound at 00:38:873 (38873|3,38873|0) -

00:58:983 - add note, kick sound.

01:37:225 (97225|1) - move to 4 to avoid awkward feeling at left hand.

01:39:038 - you can add note to 3 here as you made the similar sound like 01:39:532 (99532|2,99532|3,99862|1,99862|0) - doubles

01:44:313 (104313|0) - ^ to 2

00:11:675 until 00:11:923 - you can add notes here for that 1/4th chime sounds like you did at 00:16:950 (16950|0,17032|1,17115|2,17197|1) -

00:45:796 - suggesting:
• Stair notes signifies the pitch of the melody sound
• hand balance resulting comfortable play.

01:05:741 (65741|2) - move to 1 for pitch.

01:15:631 - add note for the low-volumed melody sound

01:15:796 - ^

01:26:181 - ^

01:26:346 - ^

01:26:675 - ^

01:27:335 - there are consistent hithat sounds here, add note.

01:27:829 - ^

01:28:159 - ^

01:28:818 - melodic sound can be heard here. add note.

01:29:148 - ^

01:29:972 - ^

01:30:137 - ^

01:30:466 - hithats again. Add note.

01:30:796 - ^

01:31:126 - low-volumed clap here. add note.

01:31:456 - melodic sound. add note.

01:31:785 - ^

01:32:609 - ^

Another Qrispy Joybox song and its mappers never failed to amaze me. Great map set! Thank you for the contract~!
Topic Starter

arcwinolivirus wrote:

"Arcwinolivirus' M4M-only contract"

A contract to be fulfilled as exchange of mod.

Number of difficulty modded in my map: 3 - HD , MX and !!!WARNING!!!

• do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod but please reason them out with sense. I do not bite rawr.
• If I suggest to remove or ctrl function moves on certain note/s, be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note.
• I've been busy in my thesis at college. Sorry for the delay.

Audio: OK!
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!

• No problem!

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

00:04:093 (4093|3) - (optional) you add note to 1 which has the same sound as 00:01:456 (1456|1,1456|2) -

01:03:269 (63269|3) - add note to 3 as you made other long sound with added a note and also similar strength sound like 00:21:071 (21071|2,21071|0) -

01:09:532 (69532|2,69697|3) - switch/swap column so it can be pitch-wise patterned for 01:09:862 (69862|1,69862|0) -

01:16:126 and 01:16:456 - you can add one note in each time mentioned because of the beat sound since you made something like 00:37:225 (37225|0,37390|1,38049|2) - and 01:30:631 (90631|3,90961|2) -

01:42:170 (102170|1) - remove as the sound here is not strong like other cymbalic sound, try to compare it with 01:15:137 (75137|2,75137|3) - (before you compare, turn down your hitsound volume at 0% so you can listen the mp3 well). All accepted.

00:33:598 - add note to 1 as you add notes in the similar kick sound at 00:38:873 (38873|3,38873|0) -

00:58:983 - add note, kick sound.

01:37:225 (97225|1) - move to 4 to avoid awkward feeling at left hand.

01:39:038 - you can add note to 3 here as you made the similar sound like 01:39:532 (99532|2,99532|3,99862|1,99862|0) - doubles

01:44:313 (104313|0) - ^ to 2 all accepted.

00:11:675 until 00:11:923 - you can add notes here for that 1/4th chime sounds like you did at 00:16:950 (16950|0,17032|1,17115|2,17197|1) -

00:45:796 - suggesting:
• Stair notes signifies the pitch of the melody sound
• hand balance resulting comfortable play.

01:05:741 (65741|2) - move to 1 for pitch.

01:15:631 - add note for the low-volumed melody sound

01:15:796 - ^

01:26:181 - ^

01:26:346 - ^

01:26:675 - ^

01:27:335 - there are consistent hithat sounds here, add note.

01:27:829 - ^

01:28:159 - ^

01:28:818 - melodic sound can be heard here. add note.

01:29:148 - ^

01:29:972 - ^

01:30:137 - ^

01:30:466 - hithats again. Add note.

01:30:796 - ^

01:31:126 - low-volumed clap here. add note.

01:31:456 - melodic sound. add note.

01:31:785 - ^

01:32:609 - ^ all accepted!

Another Qrispy Joybox song and its mappers never failed to amaze me. Great map set! Thank you for the contract~! Thanks arcwin ~
Thank you so much for your mod, really helps me to look for what i missing! ^^
Hi Dixonn~
mod requested via in-game~
just a mini mod here :s

00:34:093 - add a note for clap like u do at 00:36:730 (36730|1) -
00:34:752 - here too, it play nice :>
00:37:390 - add a note here for clap?
00:39:368 - add?
00:47:939 - seems kinda odd just to leave blank here, clap sound are obvious, better add a note
00:57:335 (57335|1,57499|3) - move to the left by 1? they should'nt be in the same column like 00:57:005 (57005|1,57170|3) - they have different sound
01:19:917 (79917|2,80082|1) - CTRL+G? it really play nice :>

00:15:137 - double here? since u double at 00:14:807 (14807|0,14807|2) -
00:37:884 - make 1/4 stream here? till 00:38:379 - ? since this is the highest diff, i think u should try to catch those 1/4 stream

map are pretty nice already~
good luck~ :3
Topic Starter

Critical_Star wrote:

Hi Dixonn~
mod requested via in-game~
just a mini mod here :s

00:34:093 - add a note for clap like u do at 00:36:730 (36730|1) - delete 00:36:730 (36730|1) -
00:34:752 - here too, it play nice :>
00:37:390 - add a note here for clap?
00:39:368 - add?
00:47:939 - seems kinda odd just to leave blank here, clap sound are obvious, better add a note until here rejected, i didn't map the clap here, as it will increase the difficulty spontaneously and will crumble the balance of each difficulty.
00:57:335 (57335|1,57499|3) - move to the left by 1? they should'nt be in the same column like 00:57:005 (57005|1,57170|3) - they have different sound sure.
01:19:917 (79917|2,80082|1) - CTRL+G? it really play nice :> ok!

00:15:137 - double here? since u double at 00:14:807 (14807|0,14807|2) - delete one of the notes at 00:14:807 -
00:37:884 - make 1/4 stream here? till 00:38:379 - ? since this is the highest diff, i think u should try to catch those 1/4 stream ok.

map are pretty nice already~ Thanks :D
good luck~ :3
Thank you sistar for the mod :D
00:05:082 – add note di 2

00:05:164 – add note di 3

Kalo mau ini 00:04:917 (4917|1,4917|2) - dijadiin 13 biar gk ngejack

00:11:346 (11346|1) – move LN ke 1, terus ini 00:11:675 (11675|3,11758|2,11840|0,11923|2,12005|0,12005|3) – di rearrange lagi kurang lebih yang kayak disini 00:16:950 (16950|0,17032|1,17115|2,17197|1,17280|0,17280|2) – cuma dicerminkan

00:38:214 (38214|3) – move ke 2

00:38:296 (38296|2) – move ke 4

00:38:379 (38379|3,38379|1) – jadiin 23

00:38:543 (38543|2) – move ke 4

00:45:879 (45879|1) – move ke 1

00:12:829 (12829|1) – move ke 1

00:12:994 (12994|2) – move ke 4

00:20:576 (20576|2) – harusnya double sih ini menurutku

01:28:818 – add note di 2

01:34:093 – add note di 3

01:42:170 (102170|1) – move ke 1

01:06:071 – karena kiai part menurutku sih double bagus disini, jadi add note lagi di 3

dat mapping style tho o.o jarang jarang ada yg ngemap kek gini. Good luck, dikit aja lagi ini bisa di req BN kok
Topic Starter

Raediaufar wrote:

00:05:082 – add note di 2 ga.

00:05:164 – add note di 3 ^, ane ga ikut suara ini.

Kalo mau ini 00:04:917 (4917|1,4917|2) - dijadiin 13 biar gk ngejack patternny jd rda aneh sma LN ny etr.

00:11:346 (11346|1) – move LN ke 1, terus ini 00:11:675 (11675|3,11758|2,11840|0,11923|2,12005|0,12005|3) – di rearrange lagi kurang lebih yang kayak disini 00:16:950 (16950|0,17032|1,17115|2,17197|1,17280|0,17280|2) – cuma dicerminkan ngghh, ok.

00:38:214 (38214|3) – move ke 2 bole

00:38:296 (38296|2) – move ke 4

00:38:379 (38379|3,38379|1) – jadiin 23

00:38:543 (38543|2) – move ke 4 ^ patternny jdi pecah

00:45:879 (45879|1) – move ke 1 ngghh, ok

00:12:829 (12829|1) – move ke 1

00:12:994 (12994|2) – move ke 4 ^ ok.

00:20:576 (20576|2) – harusnya double sih ini menurutku ok, dan direarrange

01:28:818 – add note di 2 cuma ikut main melody, bkn back melodynya.

01:34:093 – add note di 3 ^ sama

01:42:170 (102170|1) – move ke 1 ga. Tp direarrange.

01:06:071 – karena kiai part menurutku sih double bagus disini, jadi add note lagi di 3 ane ga emphasis kiai.

dat mapping style tho o.o jarang jarang ada yg ngemap kek gini. Good luck, dikit aja lagi ini bisa di req BN kok o.o".. sip, Thx :D
Mkasih buat modnya raedi :D


00:31:291 - add note ? ada suara cymbal
00:51:071 - mnding samain kek yg tadi
00:55:686 (55686|3) - ke 3
00:55:851 (55851|1) - ke 4
00:58:324 (58324|2) - delete
01:18:928 - add note soal ny di sini 01:24:203 - 2 note juga
01:31:291 (91291|1,91373|0) - Ctrl + G
01:37:390 (97390|3,97554|3) - ini ngikut suara apa yak?
01:39:038 (99038|3) - taro di 01:38:873 - soal ny letak suara LN ny disitu coba denger lgi
^ kalo di accept 01:38:873 (98873|2) - pindah ke 01:39:038 -
01:46:785 (106785|1) - delete , sebelum ny juga gak pake 3 note


01:14:642 (74642|0,74807|2) - Ctrl + H
01:16:950 (76950|3) - ke 3
01:17:609 (77609|2) - ^ 4
01:42:170 - add note? kek sebelum ny

gl~ dixon =w=)b
Topic Starter

ExKagii- wrote:


00:31:291 - add note ? ada suara cymbal ga dulu deh o.o
00:51:071 - mnding samain kek yg tadi nice! (=w=b)
00:55:686 (55686|3) - ke 3
00:55:851 (55851|1) - ke 4 ^. entr 00:55:027 (55027|0,55027|3,55357|0,55357|3) - keulang 3x o.o
00:58:324 (58324|2) - delete ok, rearrange bbrp jg.
01:18:928 - add note soal ny di sini 01:24:203 - 2 note juga oh iya, missed note, tapi ane pikirin dlu patternny XD
01:31:291 (91291|1,91373|0) - Ctrl + G nice~
01:37:390 (97390|3,97554|3) - ini ngikut suara apa yak? Suara bell yang pitchnya tinggi banget o.o
01:39:038 (99038|3) - taro di 01:38:873 - soal ny letak suara LN ny disitu coba denger lgi klo 01:38:873 - itu suara back yang pitchnya rendah, udh direpresent sama 01:38:873 (98873|2) - LN disitu ngepresent Suara yang Pitchnya tinggi.
^ kalo di accept 01:38:873 (98873|2) - pindah ke 01:39:038 -
01:46:785 (106785|1) - delete , sebelum ny juga gak pake 3 note Ane pertimbangin lg, msh blm ykin.

Ntapz Thx >w<

01:14:642 (74642|0,74807|2) - Ctrl + H ane rearrange.
01:16:950 (76950|3) - ke 3 noteny jdi di atas LN o.o ane rearrange.
01:17:609 (77609|2) - ^ 4 entr kedeketan ama 01:18:269 (78269|3) -
01:42:170 - add note? kek sebelum ny ini ada di mod arcwin sblmnya , disini beat suarany tidak kuat

gl~ dixon =w=)b Makasih utk modnya Kagiii( >W<b)
Here's my mods.
Column : 0|1|2|3

  • NM
    00:08:049 - add note 2 buah ?
    00:24:697 (24697|0,24862|3,25027|2) - 0 ke 3, 3 ke 2 , 2 ke 1 ?

    EZ fine

    01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - sebenarnya suaranya ga harus jack, soalnya nadanya itu meninggi bukan berulang.
    01:38:379 (98379|3) - sebenarnya suara LN yang ini mirip sama yang setelahnya, bukan LN yang diatasnya lagi. Yg ini udah di suggest ma exkagii- deny gapapa
    01:39:862 (99862|0) - tambah 1 note lagi ? tapi kalau ngrusak pola, ya ga usah.
    add note di 01:47:554 - 01:47:774 - 01:47:994 - ? kolomnya 1-1-2.

Klo yg NM, di detik 24 itu aku urutin pitchnya, klo di HD ga tau mau mod apa lagi, jadi aku kasih additional note di akhir. Udah bagus kok, semua buat aku.
BG is just like this, lol

How about change it ?
Topic Starter

Wind_14 wrote:

Here's my mods.
Column : 0|1|2|3

  • NM
    00:08:049 - add note 2 buah ? Astaga, kok aku bisa lupa ya >,>.. added.
    00:24:697 (24697|0,24862|3,25027|2) - 0 ke 3, 3 ke 2 , 2 ke 1 ? ini ga yakin, soalny ak ga trlalu ngikutin pitch,etr jdiny ga konsisten.

    EZ fine

    01:37:225 (97225|3,97390|3,97554|3) - sebenarnya suaranya ga harus jack, soalnya nadanya itu meninggi bukan berulang. ane cba dngerin berulang2 x, tp kedengerannya pitchnya sama utk 3 nada jack itu -,-.. jdi keep dlu.
    01:38:379 (98379|3) - sebenarnya suara LN yang ini mirip sama yang setelahnya, bukan LN yang diatasnya lagi. Yg ini udah di suggest ma exkagii- deny gapapa ane memang ada denger suara stelah LN itu, cuma pitchnya lbih rndah, sedangkan LN itu fokus ngehighlight suara pitch tingginya.
    01:39:862 (99862|0) - tambah 1 note lagi ? tapi kalau ngrusak pola, ya ga usah. mngkin hrusnya iya, tp ku consider dlu o.o
    add note di 01:47:554 - 01:47:774 - 01:47:994 - ? kolomnya 1-1-2. kykny aneh, keep dlu.

Klo yg NM, di detik 24 itu aku urutin pitchnya, klo di HD ga tau mau mod apa lagi, jadi aku kasih additional note di akhir. Udah bagus kok, semua buat aku.
Sip, makasih angin buat mod nya :D

Edit : Astaga, ane sma skali ga tau ada yg BG nya serupa -_-"..
msih ga tau mw diganti/ga. cuma nuansany enak ja soalnya kan ini rencananya buat christmas :3
CHRISTMASNYA JUGA BARU 1 1/2 BULAN LAGI !!!, dan klo kerank abis christmas , gimana ?
yang jack, keep jacknya aja, ga ada kolom lagi... lol.
Topic Starter

Wind_14 wrote:

CHRISTMASNYA JUGA BARU 1 1/2 BULAN LAGI !!!, dan klo kerank abis christmas , gimana ?
yang jack, keep jacknya aja, ga ada kolom lagi... lol.
Klo sblm natal keranked, ya nikmati saja BM ane waktu udah natal :v
klo sesudahnya yaa, nasib..
yang penting nuansanya enak buat natal :v..
buat BG coba cari di Google / pixiv , but that's not my problem , which is nice.
hai mas :3
Mod Req from ~||Kuhaku Mania MODHOUSE||~
Mod Ini hanyalah pendapat pribadi saya :D Jika Salah Presepsi/maksud saya minta maaf
Dan maaf Bila ada salah salah kata dari saya :D

Okay Lets we start

Damnn I can't See Any Problem >< Looks Great Senpaii

00:53:214 - di Dekat Situ ada yang nga ke snap dan (snapnya 1/4 apa 1/6??)
00:53:708 - ^
Awww The Rest Of Them Looks Great Senpai ><

beberapa Tempat masih ada yang bisa Di masukkan Note,Knapa nga mas masukin aja?? Boleh tau alasannya :3??

Thats All From Me :D Mengingat sudah banyak Sekali Mod Mod Sebelum Saya :3 Saya Nga bisa ngasih Begitu Banyak
(Hope It will Ranked)
maaf kalo Modnya Nga membantu :"
Sekali Lagi Mohon maaf Bila ada Salah salah kata :D
Topic Starter

-[Hotaru]- wrote:

hai mas :3
Mod Req from ~||Kuhaku Mania MODHOUSE||~
Mod Ini hanyalah pendapat pribadi saya :D Jika Salah Presepsi/maksud saya minta maaf
Dan maaf Bila ada salah salah kata dari saya :D

Okay Lets we start

Damnn I can't See Any Problem >< Looks Great Senpaii

00:53:214 - di Dekat Situ ada yang nga ke snap dan (snapnya 1/4 apa 1/6??) itu memang 1/6, dh dikonfirmasi sama bbrp modder.
00:53:708 - ^ ^
Awww The Rest Of Them Looks Great Senpai ><

beberapa Tempat masih ada yang bisa Di masukkan Note,Knapa nga mas masukin aja?? Boleh tau alasannya :3?? hilang sensasinya klo masuk smua, dan mau kasih jeda juga..

Thats All From Me :D Mengingat sudah banyak Sekali Mod Mod Sebelum Saya :3 Saya Nga bisa ngasih Begitu Banyak
(Hope It will Ranked)
maaf kalo Modnya Nga membantu :"
Sekali Lagi Mohon maaf Bila ada Salah salah kata :D
Sip, Thx 4 the mod Hotaru :3
- [ S o r a ] -
OK Go ahead x3
4K mapset Great!

C o l u m n s : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Simply yeah? :3

OK use easy word OK? x3
00:40:192 (40192|2) - Suggest to move to => | 1 | According to 00:45:137 (45137|2,45302|0,45466|3) Good balance for tapping
00:41:510 (41510|2) - Move to => | 2 | ? Hands balance
00:57:994 (57994|1) - Move to right hand. previous reason
01:29:313 (89313|1) - Move to => 01:29:477 just focus to clap. Accord at the first section of the song. or 01:35:412
01:33:598 (93598|2) - I just noticed. wrong hitsound? different from other

01:32:115 - Add a note for clap sound?
00:55:686 (55686|3,56016|2,56346|2) - Suggest to remove these. Why double for? Also 01:27:994 (87994|3) and 01:33:269 (93269|3)
01:29:313 (89313|3) - I guess, you should move to here => 01:28:983 for cymbal sound instead

00:54:038 (54038|2,54038|1) - Can be short-note? not a bit long sound
I can't noticed any issues. Great job x3

Good luck! <3
Topic Starter

- [ S o r a ] - wrote:

OK Go ahead x3
4K mapset Great!

C o l u m n s : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Simply yeah? :3

OK use easy word OK? x3 o.o
00:40:192 (40192|2) - Suggest to move to => | 1 | According to 00:45:137 (45137|2,45302|0,45466|3) Good balance for tapping okayyy
00:41:510 (41510|2) - Move to => | 2 | ? Hands balance also okay
00:57:994 (57994|1) - Move to right hand. previous reason ok, also repattern for balance
01:29:313 (89313|1) - Move to => 01:29:477 just focus to clap. Accord at the first section of the song. or 01:35:412 it would be inconsistent if i do that. and the clap sound on that timing is weaker than other clap sound that i put note on.
01:33:598 (93598|2) - I just noticed. wrong hitsound? different from other nice catch, fixed.

01:32:115 - Add a note for clap sound? I didn't map the clap sound, in case if there's some cases where it looks like i map clap, i actually map the main melody or other sounds that i follow.
00:55:686 (55686|3,56016|2,56346|2) - Suggest to remove these. Why double for? orz, you're right, removed. except 00:56:346 - , because this is for beat sound. Also 01:27:994 (87994|3) and 01:33:269 (93269|3) this is also for the beat.
01:29:313 (89313|3) - I guess, you should move to here => 01:28:983 for cymbal sound instead well, I use 2 notes for beat like that, and the cymbal sound at 01:28:983 is too weak for 2 notes.

00:54:038 (54038|2,54038|1) - Can be short-note? not a bit long sound after some thought, i repattern this.
I can't noticed any issues. Great job x3

Good luck! <3
Thanks sora for the mod, and also IRC HS mod, really helped me >w</
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