
CtB Modding Group

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BoberOfDarkness wrote:

Great idea Magic Bomb!

How about making another CTB modding group on Facebook or other social something o/ ? :idea: :idea:
Whilst I do like this idea, I don't think everyone would be up to it, as it's adding more of a personal level. However, a possible plan would be a skype group with all members (Or at least those that want to be added), trying to avoid a lot of drama with this could be difficult though, as I can't be looking at the group all the time. I'll try to plan something before the 1st of June though.

Edit: Just an update on this, our new Community Manager, Kingkevin30, might be trying to work on something akin to this. No promises yet though ;)

Edit 2: We have actually organised something quite like this, on a not so personal level, in the form of a website. Members will be added to the website upon arrival after a request of an email address for invitation. Here, the modders and mappers can request mods, talk about modding, and even just talk about off topic stuff with other members of the group.
Razor Sharp
Count me in!
Topic Starter
Just to clarify, all applicants who have mentioned signing up here have messaged me either in game or on the forum. Signing up here alone does not ensure you in the group. You must message me either in game or on the forum as an application.
I guess I'll go get that 10 kudosu soon. Once I get that I'll give this group a shot.
well, i poked mb right in the teeth and im part of it. for stand-alone difficulties i will probably not be able to give much feedback on and more focused on how the map looks like/sounds rather than "should this be moved over to the next line on the grid 4" type modder (as most of you guys probably have seen)
Great idea, osu! needs more CtB modders.

Hm, I'll consider doing this, as this might help me with my CtB modding. (And also with my CtB mapping.)

(Don't add me yet tho, I'm still thinking about it. I'll PM if I'm ready)

Maybe make a banner for this? This can be put on a mod post or on the user's userpages.

osu_gangster wrote:

Maybe make a banner for this? This can be put on a mod post or on the user's userpages.
This is a great idea to raise the group's profile - it has way more impact than a line of text that says - "Join the CtB Modding Group" (:
Topic Starter

osu_gangster wrote:

Maybe make a banner for this? This can be put on a mod post or on the user's userpages.
I was considering this, but I'm not good with design stuff, so I was gonna try and find a better designer to do it.
The post looks like this, lol.

Anyway count me in the group. However I am not really active in modding nowadays (and maybe more active later idk?)

Good luck keeping this group alive
since this group is sorta growing, why not add things like:
  • *the genre of music someone likes (some people only map/mod a specific genre)
    *what they are comfortable modding (lower diffs, higher diffs, only marathons, etc)
    *timezone/when to expect them on (some people are only on say before school/work or a random hour or two)
    *what type of mods do they do (only testplays, only editor, hitsounds, timing, etc) to better help us find what type of modder we are looking for
    *having a color to the name to show how active someone is (i dont want this as a way to be used to punish each other, but to offer help if they are struggling with modding. without a way to help see who is struggling how can a more experienced modder help?)
    *a ranked/approve section for our maps so we can see what our hard work actually has accomplised (also gives incentive to map because that could be one of the things people click on and tries a beatmap or two from it)

also - since either a BN is bound to join or one of us becomes one - shouldn't there be a few rules for them too? They just really can't camp here and just bubble/rank only our maps because that in-and-of itself will create issues for mappers who aren't part of this group and they try to get their maps ranked (if enough active mappers are here, they could do that and keep the title of BN fairly easy). That will just cause people to join and - in the end - we are back to where we were before the group

there is probably more things to add/improve on that no one has thought of yet. for some of these, you might think is dumb, but i am thinking if this gets to be like 20+ people having things like i mentioned would be nice

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

since this group is sorta growing, why not add things like:
  • *the genre of music someone likes (some people only map/mod a specific genre)
    *what they are comfortable modding (lower diffs, higher diffs, only marathons, etc)
    *timezone/when to expect them on (some people are only on say before school/work or a random hour or two)
    *what type of mods do they do (only testplays, only editor, hitsounds, timing, etc) to better help us find what type of modder we are looking for
    *having a color to the name to show how active someone is (i dont want this as a way to be used to punish each other, but to offer help if they are struggling with modding. without a way to help see who is struggling how can a more experienced modder help?)
    *a ranked/approve section for our maps so we can see what our hard work actually has accomplised (also gives incentive to map because that could be one of the things people click on and tries a beatmap or two from it)

also - since either a BN is bound to join or one of us becomes one - shouldn't there be a few rules for them too? They just really can't camp here and just bubble/rank only our maps because that in-and-of itself will create issues for mappers who aren't part of this group and they try to get their maps ranked (if enough active mappers are here, they could do that and keep the title of BN fairly easy). That will just cause people to join and - in the end - we are back to where we were before the group

there is probably more things to add/improve on that no one has thought of yet. for some of these, you might think is dumb, but i am thinking if this gets to be like 20+ people having things like i mentioned would be nice
I think these suggestions are great to give people a little insight as to when and who to message about mods and assistance. In the list where it says our names you could just add something like spartancog95: Cup- Platter, anything but country music, 8-12pm EST.
Just responding with my thoughts on some of DS96's points:

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

since this group is sorta growing, why not add things like:
  • *the genre of music someone likes (some people only map/mod a specific genre)
    *what they are comfortable modding (lower diffs, higher diffs, only marathons, etc)
    *timezone/when to expect them on (some people are only on say before school/work or a random hour or two)
    *what type of mods do they do (only testplays, only editor, hitsounds, timing, etc) to better help us find what type of modder we are looking for
I agree with these points provided we have a diverse enough group of modders so that all areas are fairly representative. It would be unfair if, say, only one team member is active in a particular time zone, likes a particular type of map/music, or intends to give a certain type of mod, as this may create an unfairly high workload on that person. If the group can become large and diverse enough to accommodate this, it would a great resource to quickly locate the team member best suited to your request, but I'd try to avoid painting people into a certain category whilst the group is still small.

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

  • *having a color to the name to show how active someone is (i dont want this as a way to be used to punish each other, but to offer help if they are struggling with modding. without a way to help see who is struggling how can a more experienced modder help?)
Regarding modding activity, there was talk about a kind of modding history and/or mod leaderboard which indicate the most active modders - I've already voiced my opinion that I don't want this to become competitive as we should be working as a team. What I think might be a good idea though, is if we had a kind of "buddy" system, where a new and experienced modder could be paired up and allowed to mod maps together - this could be done through PM, Skype, or even via a screen-sharing application (which the modding group client supports functionality for) so that things can be pointed out directly in real-time. This might be a bit of extra work for the experienced modders initially, but with more people gaining experience, it will make the workload much more even further down the line, and mod quality will only improve = more maps ranked faster

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

  • *a ranked/approve section for our maps so we can see what our hard work actually has accomplised (also gives incentive to map because that could be one of the things people click on and tries a beatmap or two from it)
The current plan is for all newly-ranked/qualified maps that have been modded by at least one team member to be posted in the #announce channel

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

also - since either a BN is bound to join or one of us becomes one - shouldn't there be a few rules for them too? They just really can't camp here and just bubble/rank only our maps because that in-and-of itself will create issues for mappers who aren't part of this group and they try to get their maps ranked (if enough active mappers are here, they could do that and keep the title of BN fairly easy). That will just cause people to join and - in the end - we are back to where we were before the group
Obviously we want to present as an inclusive group that welcomes all modders and mappers, and treats everyone fairly, regardless of whether they are a member of the group or not. However, I don't know how BNs would feel about being told "you must bubble/rank" other maps, since they will be a BN first (so must uphold those commitments) and a member of our group second. At the end of the day, they have quotas to uphold, and it wouldn't be fair to jeopardize their position as a member of the BNG just because they "can't bubble/rank maps by team members". I'd like some more opinions on what the best course of action would be here.
Topic Starter
Just gonna leave my thoughts in blue.

JBHyperion wrote:

Just responding with my thoughts on some of DS96's points:

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

since this group is sorta growing, why not add things like:
  • *the genre of music someone likes (some people only map/mod a specific genre)
    *what they are comfortable modding (lower diffs, higher diffs, only marathons, etc)
    *timezone/when to expect them on (some people are only on say before school/work or a random hour or two)
    *what type of mods do they do (only testplays, only editor, hitsounds, timing, etc) to better help us find what type of modder we are looking for
I agree with these points provided we have a diverse enough group of modders so that all areas are fairly representative. It would be unfair if, say, only one team member is active in a particular time zone, likes a particular type of map/music, or intends to give a certain type of mod, as this may create an unfairly high workload on that person. If the group can become large and diverse enough to accommodate this, it would a great resource to quickly locate the team member best suited to your request, but I'd try to avoid painting people into a certain category whilst the group is still small. - I don't want a certain modder to mod based on the genre of music they like. For example, I tend to dislike songs using japanese language, however, I still mod these songs. It seems unfair to me that you can get out of modding just because you don't like a song, so I don't want to enforce this. What they are comfortable modding, I have agreed to do if people tell me (Hence why spartancog95 is listed as only modding cup-platter on the members list), but again, if someone is able to mod something, they should mod it, regardless of whether it's a strong point, if they don't, they won't improve. As for what kinds of mods they do, I was planning to do this if, for example, a modder who only does hitsounds came on the team, I would of course mention this, but as far as I know, everyone in the group can do normal modding, and so I didn't feel adding this was necessary.

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

  • *having a color to the name to show how active someone is (i dont want this as a way to be used to punish each other, but to offer help if they are struggling with modding. without a way to help see who is struggling how can a more experienced modder help?)
Regarding modding activity, there was talk about a kind of modding history and/or mod leaderboard which indicate the most active modders - I've already voiced my opinion that I don't want this to become competitive as we should be working as a team. What I think might be a good idea though, is if we had a kind of "buddy" system, where a new and experienced modder could be paired up and allowed to mod maps together - this could be done through PM, Skype, or even via a screen-sharing application (which the modding group client supports functionality for) so that things can be pointed out directly in real-time. This might be a bit of extra work for the experienced modders initially, but with more people gaining experience, it will make the workload much more even further down the line, and mod quality will only improve = more maps ranked faster - I like this idea JBH has put out, and I'll look into applying this. The colour of how active someone is, however, I don't really like, because as JBH mentioned, it could turn competitive (For example one modder making fun of another because they got a better colour, or something), so if I add a leaderboard, it will be a non-competitive one.

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

  • *a ranked/approve section for our maps so we can see what our hard work actually has accomplised (also gives incentive to map because that could be one of the things people click on and tries a beatmap or two from it)
The current plan is for all newly-ranked/qualified maps that have been modded by at least one team member to be posted in the #announce channel - What JBH said.

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

also - since either a BN is bound to join or one of us becomes one - shouldn't there be a few rules for them too? They just really can't camp here and just bubble/rank only our maps because that in-and-of itself will create issues for mappers who aren't part of this group and they try to get their maps ranked (if enough active mappers are here, they could do that and keep the title of BN fairly easy). That will just cause people to join and - in the end - we are back to where we were before the group
Obviously we want to present as an inclusive group that welcomes all modders and mappers, and treats everyone fairly, regardless of whether they are a member of the group or not. However, I don't know how BNs would feel about being told "you must bubble/rank" other maps, since they will be a BN first (so must uphold those commitments) and a member of our group second. At the end of the day, they have quotas to uphold, and it wouldn't be fair to jeopardize their position as a member of the BNG just because they "can't bubble/rank maps by team members". I'd like some more opinions on what the best course of action would be here. - BN's should, and will, be treated as normal modders. Just because someone is a BN, does not mean they are some super high ranking person who can only rank and bubble maps. BN's can do normal mods too, they are just more experienced modders. For ranking/bubbling maps, of course, a BN would be allowed, and should, rank people's maps from outside the group if they are ready for rank, and this goes back to rule 4 in a more advanced way.
Hopefully, these points I've made help to answer any concerns. Any more questions, feel free to ask.
Gonna just do mine in yellow (in remembrance to the pikachu kitty) EDIT : color change because it was hard to read

JBHyperion wrote:

Just responding with my thoughts on some of DS96's points:

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

since this group is sorta growing, why not add things like:
  • *the genre of music someone likes (some people only map/mod a specific genre)
    *what they are comfortable modding (lower diffs, higher diffs, only marathons, etc)
    *timezone/when to expect them on (some people are only on say before school/work or a random hour or two)
    *what type of mods do they do (only testplays, only editor, hitsounds, timing, etc) to better help us find what type of modder we are looking for
I agree with these points provided we have a diverse enough group of modders so that all areas are fairly representative. It would be unfair if, say, only one team member is active in a particular time zone, likes a particular type of map/music, or intends to give a certain type of mod, as this may create an unfairly high workload on that person. If the group can become large and diverse enough to accommodate this, it would a great resource to quickly locate the team member best suited to your request, but I'd try to avoid painting people into a certain category whilst the group is still small. - I don't want a certain modder to mod based on the genre of music they like. For example, I tend to dislike songs using japanese language, however, I still mod these songs. It seems unfair to me that you can get out of modding just because you don't like a song, so I don't want to enforce this. What they are comfortable modding, I have agreed to do if people tell me (Hence why spartancog95 is listed as only modding cup-platter on the members list), but again, if someone is able to mod something, they should mod it, regardless of whether it's a strong point, if they don't, they won't improve. As for what kinds of mods they do, I was planning to do this if, for example, a modder who only does hitsounds came on the team, I would of course mention this, but as far as I know, everyone in the group can do normal modding, and so I didn't feel adding this was necessary.
For the genre, i was going more along the lines of the issue i ran across modding one of your maps a while back mb (the techno one that gave me a headache and i think i could only mod a diff or two because of it). even trying to mod some nightcore songs does the same thing to me and i cant finish the mods on them. i like both nightcore and techno as genre's but i just cant mod some of them due to issues in the song (like if its too high pitched for nightcore)

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

  • *having a color to the name to show how active someone is (i dont want this as a way to be used to punish each other, but to offer help if they are struggling with modding. without a way to help see who is struggling how can a more experienced modder help?)
Regarding modding activity, there was talk about a kind of modding history and/or mod leaderboard which indicate the most active modders - I've already voiced my opinion that I don't want this to become competitive as we should be working as a team. What I think might be a good idea though, is if we had a kind of "buddy" system, where a new and experienced modder could be paired up and allowed to mod maps together - this could be done through PM, Skype, or even via a screen-sharing application (which the modding group client supports functionality for) so that things can be pointed out directly in real-time. This might be a bit of extra work for the experienced modders initially, but with more people gaining experience, it will make the workload much more even further down the line, and mod quality will only improve = more maps ranked faster - I like this idea JBH has put out, and I'll look into applying this. The colour of how active someone is, however, I don't really like, because as JBH mentioned, it could turn competitive (For example one modder making fun of another because they got a better colour, or something), so if I add a leaderboard, it will be a non-competitive one.
Well - if we can do a buddy system - maybe a color system for how well you can mod each difficulty? JBH did explain what i was trying to say with my original post. I'm just trying to help figure out a way so we can tell what areas each person can improve in. I know that there are people who cant mod salads but can mod the rest just fine, but people think they can mod salads because they are modding rains, cups and platters. yes, i want to get to the point where i can mod marathon/standalone difficulties ok, but i know i would need some assistance in learning how to understand the mappers idea in one map instead of a mapset. if people want to make fun of another because they dont have knowledge in a certain area, you already have rules set in place on how picking/bullying is dealt with. i dont care who someone is or what they do on the game, i feel that if they wont help someone learn how to improve, they arent really helping the group. yea, getting mods from them is nice (and the point of this group is to mod each others maps) but it does no good if <insert username> can only mod rains and no one is willing to help them learn how to mod the other difficulties. we wont be modding forever so we need to be able to pass our knowledge on and help out the next wave of modders out so they will be able to take our place when we leave and CtB modding/mapping. that - in essence - is what i was trying to get at by the color scheme, not trying to add any sort of competition

Hopefully, these points I've made help to answer any concerns. Any more questions, feel free to ask.
i will probably come up with more down the road mb, but this was just a quick thought i had about the group and things i have found out myself
Might just be me, but that yellow colour is seriously painful to read, sorry >.<

Edit: The light blue is much better, thanks. I'm away over the weekend so don't have time to continue this in detail, but I'll edit this post when I get back if I have any further comments (:

2nd Edit: Looks like I accidentally made a new post instead of editing this one, apologies (:

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

i dont care who someone is or what they do on the game, i feel that if they wont help someone learn how to improve, they arent really helping the group. yea, getting mods from them is nice (and the point of this group is to mod each others maps) but it does no good if <insert username> can only mod rains and no one is willing to help them learn how to mod the other difficulties. we wont be modding forever so we need to be able to pass our knowledge on and help out the next wave of modders out so they will be able to take our place when we leave and CtB modding/mapping. that - in essence - is what i was trying to get at by the color scheme, not trying to add any sort of competition
This struck pretty close to home with me as to the real purpose of the group. Sure, different people enjoy, prefer and are better at doing certain things more than others, and this is great - the more diverse our team can get the better, and we can all work to our strengths and further the goals of the group. However, it's important that everyone is provided with an equal a footing as possible with regards to their modding ability, with other things being left as preferences.

For example:
  1. choosing whether to mod a rock song or a dubstep song, low or high BPM should be allowed as a preference, and people should be free to prioritize (not to the exclusion of all others) these mods
  2. Only modding specific difficulties or song lengths, however (thinking long term, after people have gained experience) should be discouraged, as it doesn't bring people out of their comfort zone and they won't develop and grow as modders
As DS96 said, we (the founders) won't be around forever, and at some point, we'll have to hand over to a new group of CtB mappers and modders. What good will any work now be if by then no-one knows how to mod Rains, or no-one has the patience to mod a 3 minute song? Game over.
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

i dont care who someone is or what they do on the game, i feel that if they wont help someone learn how to improve, they arent really helping the group. yea, getting mods from them is nice (and the point of this group is to mod each others maps) but it does no good if <insert username> can only mod rains and no one is willing to help them learn how to mod the other difficulties. we wont be modding forever so we need to be able to pass our knowledge on and help out the next wave of modders out so they will be able to take our place when we leave and CtB modding/mapping. that - in essence - is what i was trying to get at by the color scheme, not trying to add any sort of competition
This struck pretty close to home with me as to the real purpose of the group. Sure, different people enjoy, prefer and are better at doing certain things more than others, and this is great - the more diverse our team can get the better, and we can all work to our strengths and further the goals of the group. However, it's important that everyone is provided with an equal a footing as possible with regards to their modding ability, with other things being left as preferences.

For example:
  1. choosing whether to mod a rock song or a dubstep song, low or high BPM should be allowed as a preference, and people should be free to prioritize (not to the exclusion of all others) these mods
  2. Only modding specific difficulties or song lengths, however (thinking long term, after people have gained experience) should be discouraged, as it doesn't bring people out of their comfort zone and they won't develop and grow as modders
As DS96 said, we (the founders) won't be around forever - You have too little faith in me :^), and at some point, we'll have to hand over to a new group of CtB mappers and modders. What good will any work now be if by then no-one knows how to mod Rains, or no-one has the patience to mod a 3 minute song? Game over.
This last part is very strong to me, and I agree entirely. Whilst I myself barely ever map songs longer than 2 minutes, I'm still willing to mod songs longer, and that's how it should be, because many mappers don't care how long a map is if they love the song enough, and these people should still be able to rank their maps.

Again, as for preferences, I'm entirely in agreement with JBH. Whilst a modder should be allowed to choose what he mods, this shouldn't mean the music that users don't like as much should be unrankable, as it is too difficult to get mods for. This is already happening right now, with songs that aren't japanese or instrumental being a lot rarer ranked, especially in the ctb specific mapsets, because many of our mappers and modders don't like this kind of music, but this takes away from the people who do. Feel free to have your opinion of a song, but unless you have a very strong reason to not mod it (For example, DragonSlayer96's example where he got headaches from listening to Move That Body), you should be able to mod it just fine.
Two weeks to go boys and girls. Took a few days off to sort out some rl stuff but back now (and still trying to average 30 mods a month ;))
Just came back and checked stuff from being sick..........I missed a lot .-. Will be doing catch up myself.
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Two weeks to go boys and girls. Took a few days off to sort out some rl stuff but back now (and still trying to average 30 mods a month ;))
You say that, I'm dead right now tbh, should hopefully fix my computer soon (tm) and I'll have to mod twice as much to catch up
Okay I'm currently at 32 mods for this month. A part of me wants to make it to 40, but another part of me just wants to take a little break and refresh myself for when the group starts properly.

Will probably do 8 more mods anyway but oh well
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Okay I'm currently at 32 mods for this month. A part of me wants to make it to 40, but another part of me just wants to take a little break and refresh myself for when the group starts properly.

Will probably do 8 more mods anyway but oh well
do 40 or you're out :^)
Topic Starter
Group is now functioning guys! All members have been modding in the past month and have easily proved that they can fit this groups requirements, and I feel we have enough members for now with the current requirements, so yeah! Keep in mind registration is still open, and always will be!
This is where we find out we've already all modded every CtB mapset currently in Pending and have nothing left to mod this month xD

On a side note, congrats to spartancog95 on winning the inaugural map of the month contest, and best of luck to anyone considering applying for the BNG! :D

just something else that could be added to be referenced to because there will be new modders joining the group. this can be a very useful guide for newer modders.
well, now at least I know where to find modders to mod my maps in the future lel :P
Topic Starter
So guys, we just passed 100 mods within the group! 3 hours before the end of the first month, too! (I'll be keeping track of how many mods are done each month on the first post, as well as other changes, so keep as lookout there).
Some interesting modding group statistics from this month for anyone who's interested:

  1. 1st - afk98, alienflybot and Razor Sharp, tied with 15 mods each

    1. A total of 102 CtB mods were posted by modding group members this month, which equates to 3.4 per day
    2. In recognition, a total of 118 kudosu were awarded to modding group members for these CtB mods
    3. The 15th and 20th of June both saw 7 mods completed in 24 hours
    4. The most modded map this month was Alestorm - You Are A Pirate, mapped by BoberOfDarkness, with 7 mods - this month's Map of the Month - The Living Tombstone - It's Been So Long, mapped by Tyrell received only 2 mods
    5. 4 modding group members each completed 3 different mods in one day - afk98, BoberOfDarkness, JBHyperion, and Razor Sharp
If anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:
Good job everyone, let's keep it up!

Edit: Corrected Rankings, I overlooked one of afb's mods, so it's a 3 way tie for 1st place lol
I think I have modded 15 maps in this month.

maybe it is a triple 1st lol
Ah, I see now. I didn't make the distinction between OjKd's and _Myle_'s versions of Jun's Song, so yeah, it's a three way tie for 1st xD

Good spot, I'll fix this in the post above.
Hoping to get beatmap of the month next month ;)
Going to try push a certain beatmap out to look good.

Either a secret i am making or i am making or the War map with me and JHB ;) when i get back to it

WildOne94 wrote:

Hoping to get beatmap of the month next month ;)
Going to try push a certain beatmap out to look good.

Either a secret i am making or i am making or the War map with me and JHB ;) when i get back to it
War can't win map of the month, it was uploaded in like, April lol, but OMG you're actually going to finish it? Hype!

Wild Baby should totally have won map of the month IMO though ;)
Topic Starter
Due to some inconveniences irl, I can't choose a map of the month this month, apologies to all mappers in the group.
Bummer, I was looking forward to this when I got back ):
Anything I can do to help, just let me know.

Edit: Some belated numbers and assorted modding group trivia now I'm back from holiday:

  1. 1st - alienflybot with 14 mods
  2. 2nd - - Magic Bomb - with 8 mods
  3. 3rd - JBHyperion with 5 mods

    1. A total of 42 CtB mods* were posted by modding group members this month, which equates to 1.35 per day
    2. In recognition, a total of 52 kudosu were awarded to modding group members for these CtB mods
    3. The 5th and 9th of July both saw 4 mods completed in 24 hours
    4. 5 maps tied for most modded this month, recieving 2 mods each: Kalafina - believe, mapped by CLSW, Shindou Kei - Hatsudou!! Love Beam, mapped by Tyrell, Nishiura Tomohito - Omoide no Teien, mapped by JBHyperion, Twin-Tails - Twintail Dreamer!, mapped by Frobe and Hatsune Miku - Kouon Chu Oniki Test, mapped by maciek0421
    5. This month's Map of the Month - Halozy - Moonlight feels right, mapped by JBHyperion received 1 mod
    6. 4 modding group members each completed 2 different mods in one day - alienflybot, BoberOfDarkness, JBHyperion, and Razor Sharp
*Note that afk98, who achieved the joint most mods in June, was absent for all of this month, and many other users (myself included) were on holiday for some or all of the month

If anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:
Let's try a little harder in August okay people? (^:

Edit: Updated with some missing mods - see p/4517130
Topic Starter
38 mods rip wow

we gotta get at least double that this month kk

also reason for me having so few was my computer was broken for half the month rip

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

38 mods rip wow

we gotta get at least double that this month kk

also reason for me having so few was my computer was broken for half the month rip
me for carry :^)

anyway im not going to mod soon so rip lolol

btw I should have 15 mods instead of 14. You probably missed Niji or Twintail Dreamer

alienflybot wrote:

btw I should have 15 mods instead of 14. You probably missed Niji or Twintail Dreamer
Nope, I have included both of those; are you counting this mod by chance? I can't accept it as a "modding group" mod since the mapset didn't contain any CtB difficulties ;)

alienflybot wrote:

me for carry :^)

anyway im not going to mod soon so rip lolol
rip carry, but MB told me he was going to do 25 mods this month so you can take a break :D
any maps of the month?

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

38 mods rip wow

we gotta get at least double that this month kk
Challenge accepted.

alienflybot wrote:

any maps of the month?

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Due to some inconveniences irl, I can't choose a map of the month this month, apologies to all mappers in the group.
I offered to help him pick something (since I won the month before, it wouldn't be fair for me to be eligible again) but he was busy with a mod. I'll poke him again tonight (:

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

38 mods rip wow
we gotta get at least double that this month kk
Challenge accepted.
Currently on about 50ish with 11 days to go, I reckon we can make it (^:
good luck :D
good luck there

sadly i cant help
Some more stats and assorted modding group trivia for August:

New members: [Sc4v4ng3r]
Departing members: alienflybot

  1. 1st - Absolute Zero with 34 mods
  2. 2nd - [Sc4v4ng3r] and JBHyperion with 12 mods each
  3. 3rd - BoberOfDarkness with 11 mods
  1. A total of 104 CtB mods were posted by modding group members this month, which equates to 3.3 per day
  2. In recognition, a total of 128 kudosu were awarded to modding group members for these CtB mods
  3. The 15th of August both saw 9 mods completed in 24 hours
  4. 2 maps tied for most modded this month, receiving 5 mods each: Nishiura Tomohito - Omoide no Teien, mapped by JBHyperion and Sporty-O - Let Me Hit It, mapped by koliron
  5. There was no Map of the Month for July due to holidays and some real life complications
  6. On the 20th of August, Absolute Zero completed 4 mods in 24 hours
If anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:
Keep up the good work in September everyone!

Edit: Updated with some missing mods - see p/4517130
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

If anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:
Keep up the good work in September everyone!

JBHyperion wrote:

[*]There was no Map of the Month this month due to holidays and some real life complications last month month
The word month was 20% of the words in this sentence! :^)

JBHyperion wrote:

[*]There was no Map of the Month for July due to holidays and some real life complications

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

The word month was 20% of the words in this sentence! :^)
What are you on about m8 that's not what I said, learn2mathpls (^:
Absolute Zero
brits don't have a mathematics system that reflects freedom like 'MURICA!
Oh damn absolute zero wrecked it ._.

And I didn't even knew I modded that much o.o

JBHyperion wrote:

learn2mathpls (^:
Lol screw maths, abuses humans' mind x.x
lol rarely lookin' ctb thread anymore, so good luck!
Absolute Zero
my name is not afk98, I deleted that identity long, long ago.
/me takes out icicle
pls change (creepy smile) :?:
Topic Starter
Ok, changed, and added Map of the Month (Slightly late, the maps were already decided, hence why the MotM is already qualified). Runners up were decided by another member, hence why one of my maps appears in the list.
Did some scrutinous checks since I'm back from my work trip and updated a few things that slipped under the radar:
  1. Total number of mods done in July - 42 (+4)
  2. Total number of mods done in August - 103 (+4)
Updated relevant stats on their respective entries, MB, feel free to update the top post as well.
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Did some scrutinous checks since I'm back from my work trip and updated a few things that slipped under the radar:
  1. Total number of mods done in July - 42 (+4)
  2. Total number of mods done in July - 103 (+4)
Updated relevant stats on their respective entries, MB, feel free to update the top post as well.
So there were 143 mods in July :^)

nah i get you, kk

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

JBHyperion wrote:

Did some scrutinous checks since I'm back from my work trip and updated a few things that slipped under the radar:
  1. Total number of mods done in July - 42 (+4)
  2. Total number of mods done in July - 103 (+4)
Updated relevant stats on their respective entries, MB, feel free to update the top post as well.
So there were 143 mods in July :^)

nah i get you, kk
Gah I'm still tired I guess; 103 should be for August, not July lol (edited post to fix)
Absolute Zero

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

JBHyperion wrote:

Did some scrutinous checks since I'm back from my work trip and updated a few things that slipped under the radar:
  1. Total number of mods done in July - 42 (+4)
  2. Total number of mods done in July - 103 (+4)
Updated relevant stats on their respective entries, MB, feel free to update the top post as well.
So there were 143 mods in July :^)

nah i get you, kk
Wouldn't that be 145 mods? (103+42)
Topic Starter

Absolute Zero wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

So there were 143 mods in July :^)

nah i get you, kk
Wouldn't that be 145 mods? (103+42)
Screw your maths :^)
A day late as I was away, but here are the stats and such for September:

New members: koliron
Departing members: OSUjaniaKATSURAda (inactivity)

  1. 1st - Absolute Zero with 23 mods
  2. 2nd - BoberOfDarkness with 22 mods
  3. 3rd - koliron with 10 mods
  1. A total of 96 CtB mods were posted by modding group members this month, which equates to 3.2 per day
  2. In recognition, a total of 116 kudosu were awarded to modding group members for these CtB mods
  3. The 15th of September saw 15 mods completed in 24 hours
  4. The most modded map this month was Pile - Aishiteru Banzai! (Prepro Piano Mix), mapped by koliron with 7 mods
  5. August's Map of the Month, Nishiura Tomohito - Omoide no Teien , mapped by JBHyperion received no mods, but achieved ranked status on the 17th of September
  6. On the 15th of September, BoberOfDarkness completed 11 mods in 24 hours
If anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:
Keep up the good work in October everyone!

Edit: Found missing mods for AZ and Sc4 on 06/09 and 21/09 respectively that kudosu had not been awarded for. Updated~

JBHyperion wrote:

  1. On the 15th of September, BoberOfDarkness completed 11 mods in 24 hours
lol, this is inhumane

koliron wrote:

JBHyperion wrote:

  1. On the 15th of September, BoberOfDarkness completed 11 mods in 24 hours
lol, this is inhumane
wtf me

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

koliron wrote:

  1. On the 15th of September, BoberOfDarkness completed 11 mods in 24 hours
lol, this is inhumane
wtf me
Can't Defeat Bober (^:
Thanks for map of the month (:
Really happy :D
A day late as I was away (again), but here are some stats and assorted interesting tidbits for October:

  1. 1st - koliron with 22 mods
  2. 2nd - JBHyperion with 20 mods
  3. 3rd - - Magic Bomb - with 16 mods
  1. A total of 97* CtB mods were posted by modding group members this month, which equates to 3.23 per day
  2. In recognition, a total of 123 kudosu were awarded to modding group members for these CtB mods
  3. The 7th, 12th, 17th and 27th of October saw 6 mods completed in 24 hours
  4. The most modded maps this month were Lia - My Soul, Your Beats! (TV Size), mapped by Jusenkyo and Nishiura Tomohito - Gundorada Workshop, mapped by JBHyperion with 5 mods each
  5. August's Map of the Month, BOSSFIGHT - Dr. Wily's Castle: Stage 1, mapped by WildOne94 received 6 mods, and bubbled status on the 26th of October
  6. On the 27th of October, - Magic Bomb - completed 6 mods in 24 hours
If anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:
Keep up the good work in November everyone!

Edit: Added a missing mod/kudosu from koliron on a CtB diff that was later removed
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

[*]The 27th of September saw 6 mods completed in 24 hours

[*]On the 27th of October, - Magic Bomb - completed 6 mods in 24 hours[/list]

If anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:
Keep up the good work in November everyone!
Firstly you should correct the first part ;)

Secondly tfw I was the only person who modded on the 27th rip
I knew I would miss something, but too lazy to write it all out from scratch each time orz
Absolute Zero
Oops, gotta mod 40 maps this month I guess
Topic Starter

Absolute Zero wrote:

Oops, gotta mod 40 maps this month I guess
Time for #outmodkoliron

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Time for #outmodkoliron
I tried this month, but lost out by one mod >.<
damn, I didnt won any title
Topic Starter
Note: Sorry to all mappers again, but I had not picked a map of the month this month due to various IRL things. Sorry, but tomorrow there will be a new map of the month, so don't worry! :D
Here are the numbers and other cool stuff from November, and omg they're actually on time for once what the hell:

Departing Members: DragonSlayer96 - inactivity

  1. 1st - JBHyperion with 18 mods
  2. 2nd - koliron with 16 mods
  3. 3rd - Absolute Zero and - Magic Bomb -with 12 mods each
  1. A total of 90 CtB mods were posted by modding group members this month, which equates to 3.0 per day
  2. In recognition, a total of 108 kudosu were awarded to modding group members for these CtB mods
  3. The 21st of November saw 7 mods completed in 24 hours
  4. The most modded maps this month were joeyclassic - seal.mp4, mapped by Ascendance and Nightwish - Last Of The Wilds, mapped by BoberOfDarkness with 7 mods each
  5. There was no Map of the Month for October, but September's Map of the Month, BOSSFIGHT - Dr. Wily's Castle: Stage 1, mapped by WildOne94 received 3 mods, and qualified status on the 23rd of November
  6. On the 17th of November, - Magic Bomb - completed 3 mods in 24 hours
If I missed anything or if anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:
Keep up the good work in December everyone, Christmas modding cheer for all :D

Edit: Updated most modded map of the month after spotting a tie between Bober and Ascendance's sets.
Topic Starter
I would like to point out that we've now passed 500 mods among all members, within 6 months, good job to everyone!

JBHyperion wrote:

  1. 1st - JBHyperion with 18 mods
  2. 2nd - koliron with 16 mods
Ouch x.x


koliron wrote:

JBHyperion wrote:

  1. 1st - JBHyperion with 18 mods
  2. 2nd - koliron with 16 mods
Ouch x.x

We finally did it Reddit (^:
Absolute Zero
back on the leaderboard boyz
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Keep up the good work in December everyone, Christmas modding cheer for all :D
As a christmas present to your loved ones, maybe show them osu, and force them to mod your maps despite the fact they don't even know what the game is yet :^)
No chances AZ, I will take modding serious this month, quality (as much I can ;_;) and quantity (but no like 16 in one day to dont make anyone jeallous)

JBHyperion wrote:

The most modded map this month was joeyclassic - seal.mp4, mapped by Ascendance with 7 mods
This time I owned this again, and again magic 16, heu

so the 16 is the number of mods on that :^)

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

The map of the month for November 2015 is Petit Rabbit's - Daydream cafe, a map by [Sc4v4ng3r]!
I got noticed by MB senpai hue
Oh and good job to everyone~

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

The map of the month for November 2015 is Petit Rabbit's - Daydream cafe, a map by [Sc4v4ng3r]!
I got noticed by MB senpai hue
Oh and good job to everyone~
pyon pyon~
pyon pyon~

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

The map of the month for November 2015 is Petit Rabbit's - Daydream cafe, a map by [Sc4v4ng3r]!
I got noticed by MB senpai hue
Oh and good job to everyone~
tfw still looking for that elusive 3rd win hue (^:

However there's probably gonna be a slight change to this format in that in future months, in that the map(s) of the month will be decided by team member vote rather than individual decision. This is hopefully going to tie in with the CtB Modding Association such that the winning map(s) each month will receive a guaranteed mod there which should help them on the way to ranking. Details of this are still being finalized, but hopefully MB and I will have worked something out with them soon. Will post here to let you know how it goes.

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

JBHyperion wrote:

The most modded map this month was joeyclassic - seal.mp4, mapped by Ascendance with 7 mods
This time I owned this again, and again magic 16, heu

so the 16 is the number of mods on that :^)
Only 7 were by modding group members, which is what I count. However this creates a tie, so I will update that accordingly, thanks for the catch.
Topic Starter
Ok so just an update to make sure people are aware, as JBH said, the map of the month from now on will be voted and decided by members. Only maps by members, or maps with gds by members, will be accepted as map of the month still, however now it will hopefully show more of the community outlook, rather than my own.

Simply forum pm me with 3 maps in order of best to least best, and I will add up scores and pick the maps accordingly. All pms must be sent to me before the end of the month.

I will also send this to all members through forum pm, as some may not actively read this thread.

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Only maps by members, or maps with gds by members, will be accepted as map of the month
This seems a bit unfair as it won't really give a chance for lesser known mappers who aren't a member of the group a chance at any spotlight like the modding academy did.

Zak wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Only maps by members, or maps with gds by members, will be accepted as map of the month
This seems a bit unfair as it won't really give a chance for lesser known mappers who aren't a member of the group a chance at any spotlight like the modding academy did.
Seconded. The maps open for consideration should be anything that received at least one mod by a modding group member in that particular month. This is the easiest way to ensure fairness and be inclusive to all mappers.
I understand trying to be fair to all mappers but this is about modding and not all mappers mod. There should be some requirement stating they mod or do something productive to the group or Ctb community.
Topic Starter

Zak wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Only maps by members, or maps with gds by members, will be accepted as map of the month
This seems a bit unfair as it won't really give a chance for lesser known mappers who aren't a member of the group a chance at any spotlight like the modding academy did.
I'm hestitant to allow this mostly because this feature was originally intended to congratulate modders of the group for great mapping ability as well, extending this outside of the group defeats the purpose of this even being part of the group, meaning it might as well be a seperate thread.
On an unrelated note, if anyone in the group is wishing to apply to join the BNG, applications will open at the beginning of January

JBHyperion wrote:

On an unrelated note, if anyone in the group is wishing to apply to join the BNG, applications will open at the beginning of January
welp, no chance, but I will try ;w;

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

welp, no chance, but I will try ;w;
Please, everyone has a chance. Just remain positive. /o/
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

welp, no chance, but I will try ;w;
Please, everyone has a chance. Just remain positive. /o/
Well you say everyone xddddd
Good luck guys

CtB needs more BNs

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

welp, no chance, but I will try ;w;
^ </3

koliron wrote:

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

welp, no chance, but I will try ;w;
^ </3
<//3 ^
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :D

New Members: klonoa</em>

1st - klonoa with 12 mods2nd - koliron with 10 mods3rd - Absolute Zero and Tyrellwith 9 mods eachMiscellaneous:
A total of 67 CtB mods were posted by modding group members this month, which equates to 2.16 per dayIn recognition, a total of 79 kudosu were awarded to modding group members for these CtB modsThe 19th of December saw 6 mods completed in 24 hoursThe most modded map this month was Petit Rabbit's - No Poi!, Guest Difficulties mapped by Kagari with 4 modsNovember's Map of the Month, Petit Rabbit's - Daydream cafe, mapped by Sc4v4ng3r and with Guest Difficulties by Kagari received 6 mods in totalOn the 10th of December, klonoa completed 3 mods in 24 hoursIf I missed anything or if anyone else has any more interesting stats, please let me know! (:

2015 was the most successful year for CtB mapping yet, but a new year means new challenges and opportunities, so let's keep up the good work and try to do even better in 2016! \:D/

Note to MB: Added a missing mod for koliron from October - p/4633076

JBHyperion wrote:

  1. The most modded map this month was Petit Rabbit's - No Poi!, Guest Difficulties mapped by Kagari with 4 mods
  2. November's Map of the Month, Petit Rabbit's - Daydream cafe, mapped by Sc4v4ng3r and with Guest Difficulties by Kagari received 6 mods in total
Ayyy I've been highlighted heuheuheu... thanks hyperion \ :D /

JBHyperion wrote:

  1. 1st - klonoa with 12 mods
  2. 2nd - koliron with 10 mods
Can we please refrain from pointless posting here? :c
Topic Starter
seeing as i've literally got 1 vote for map of the month so far i think i'll delay it until we get more votes lol
who is klonoa
I want to join :)
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