
Rabpit - Rainy Memory

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Hi! Saw you here

The BPM is 135 & the offset is 2100

Nice SB. Good luck :)
Topic Starter

iYiyo wrote:

Hi! Saw you here

The BPM is 135 & the offset is 2100

Nice SB. Good luck :)
Fast NM from me


OD: Maybe 3?


00:02:988 (2) - Maybe a Curve?
00:07:877 (1,2) - Same ^
00:16:322 (1) - Same ^
Useless Delete Them

00:49:211 (3) - Note Here
01:19:877 (5) - Same ^
I Dont know why but Delete the Marked IP Please

Same ^

01:45:655 (1) - Should start one tick Later (red One)
Delete Markered IP please

01:55:877 (1) - Delete Kiai Time here

Thats all


HP: Is Fine
CS: 4 (Because its a Norma)
AR: Maybe 4 or 5
OD: is Fine


00:13:655 (4,5) - Put a Note between them on the Red tick
00:20:322 (3) - Should start at 00:20:544 (3) - And Remove the Back Slider. Then Place a Note Here 00:21:211 (4) -
00:24:099 (4) - Maybe a Note here?
00:25:877 (3) - Same ^
00:35:433 (2) - Same ^ Or a Slider that Ends Here 00:35:877 (3) -
00:36:322 (3) - Set note here
00:44:988 - Remove Kiai Time here
00:47:433 (3) - After This Slider Put something like this There. V

01:00:322 (2) - Note again here
01:01:655 (5) - And here
01:14:544 (5) - Note here
01:23:433 (5) - Same ^
01:26:544 (4) - Remove this 3 inherited Points

01:41:655 (1) - Same ^

01:50:544 (4) - Note Here
01:54:099 (1,2) - Delete The 2 Markered Inherited Points.

01:55:877 (1) - Delete Kiai Time Here

Thats all For Normal


You place many Useless Inherited Points Try to Avoid that
And Try to make Curves for a good Flow.

Good Luck with your map
Normal modes

I'm not really into modding but I'll try
00:59:655 - here comes the music-_-
01:02:544 get one repeat and extend
01:14:988 reduce 01:47:433 - move - 01:47:655 reduce
here put the circle 01:00:322
01:10:988 do what would've been repulsed 01:11:433 and then put the circle 01:12:099
Topic Starter

wajinshu wrote:

Normal modes

I'm not really into modding but I'll try
00:59:655 - here comes the music-_- ОК
01:02:544 get one repeat and extendОК
01:14:988 reduce 01:47:433 - move - 01:47:655 reduceОК
here put the circle 01:00:322 ОК
01:10:988 do what would've been repulsed 01:11:433 and then put the circle 01:12:099Hm why?
Isnt offset 343?
1. You have problems with spacing. Try to use Distance Snap
00:01:211 (2,3) - this
00:11:433 (1,3) - this
00:14:544 (7,1) - this
00:18:544 (1,2) - this
00:24:322 (1,2) - this
This doesnt look OK. Try to make the sliders more similar to each other.
3. People dont like such long Kiai modes. Make a break here: 01:14:988 (1)
I could mode it better, if u will make smth with the map
P.S. And about the SB. I guess that leaf strunk`color shouldnt change. Dont u think so? :oops:
Good luck. :)
Topic Starter

ohyeahitsjustme wrote:

Isnt offset 343?
1. You have problems with spacing. Try to use Distance Snap Согласен
00:01:211 (2,3) - this 00:11:433 (1,3) - this
00:14:544 (7,1) - this
00:18:544 (1,2) - this
00:24:322 (1,2) - this
This doesnt look OK. Try to make the sliders more similar to each other.Ну что то в этом есть

3. People dont like such long Kiai modes. Make a break here: 01:14:988 (1) Что нибудь придумаю
I could mode it better, if u will make smth with the map
P.S. And about the SB. I guess that leaf strunk`color shouldnt change. Dont u think so? :oops:
Good luck. :)
Здесь тоже что нибудь придумаю
Some mod for you

Много лишних зеленых линий, лучше убрать

^ Тут вторая зеленая линия ничего не меняет -> не нужна

^ Тут ты один раз меняешь громкость на 50% (01:41:655 - вот здесь), а следующие зеленые линии ничего не делают -> не нужны
00:47:877 - По-моему, если поставить здесь ноту, то звучать будет лучше
00:50:544 (5) - Очень неаккуратная форма слайдера, сделай лучше такой, например
01:00:322 (2,3) - Слишком высокий ДС между ними, в изи и нормале должен быть фиксированным -> уменьши до 1 (Можешь чекнуть AiMod, там все эти моменты указаны)
01:19:877 - И здесь ноту лучше поставить
01:48:766 (1,2) - Слайдеры выглядят не лучшим образом (Попробуй 01:50:988 (2) - выгнуть в другую сторону)
То же самое, исправь косяки с ДС, которые показывает AiMod
00:19:433 (2,3) - Очень неприятный оверлап, попробуй развернуть 00:20:544 (3) - этот слайдер
00:45:655 (1,2,3) - Этот момент странно звучит, попробуй переделать его, например, так
Сложность в целом выглядит не очень опрятно, имеет смысл делать слайдеры более похожими друг на друга. Ну и бланкеты немного разнообразили бы карту, при этом улучшая флоу

Good luck with map! :)
Topic Starter

TheMefisto wrote:

Some mod for you

Много лишних зеленых линий, лучше убрать Окей

^ Тут вторая зеленая линия ничего не меняет -> не нужнаОкей

^ Тут ты один раз меняешь громкость на 50% (01:41:655 - вот здесь), а следующие зеленые линии ничего не делают -> не нужныОкей
00:47:877 - По-моему, если поставить здесь ноту, то звучать будет лучшеОкей
00:50:544 (5) - Очень неаккуратная форма слайдера, сделай лучше такой, напримерОкей
01:00:322 (2,3) - Слишком высокий ДС между ними, в изи и нормале должен быть фиксированным -> уменьши до 1 (Можешь чекнуть AiMod, там все эти моменты указаны)Окей
01:19:877 - И здесь ноту лучше поставитьОкей
01:48:766 (1,2) - Слайдеры выглядят не лучшим образом (Попробуй 01:50:988 (2) - выгнуть в другую сторону)Окей
То же самое, исправь косяки с ДС, которые показывает AiModОкей
00:19:433 (2,3) - Очень неприятный оверлап, попробуй развернуть 00:20:544 (3) - этот слайдерОкей
00:45:655 (1,2,3) - Этот момент странно звучит, попробуй переделать его, например, такОкей
Сложность в целом выглядит не очень опрятно, имеет смысл делать слайдеры более похожими друг на друга. Ну и бланкеты немного разнообразили бы карту, при этом улучшая флоу
Окей я попробую исправить это

Good luck with map! :)
Hi theree!
General : You should use 1/4 beat snap divisor
00:07:877 - I recommend you to use DS
00:10:099 (2,3,4) - These circles must be not near in the next slider try putting it lower or separate it
00:14:099 (3) - Avoid using these kind of slider's it sometimes bores the player
00:45:655 (1,2,3,4,5) - Use DS as well
00:49:210 - maybe move the slider a little bit far
00:54:988 (2,3,4,5) - I suggest to turn them into sliders
01:50:988 (2) - Dont overlap this with the previous
01:54:099 (1,2) - use DS
Normal :
00:20:544 (3) - move a little bit then reverse
00:21:877 (1,2) - make this a stack
01:45:877 (4,5,6,7) - Use DS
01:49:210 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Doesnt match with the sound
Thats all for now Goodluck! hope you like my modding :D
I am very bad at modding but since you pm me for one here goes . this are mostly suggestion so yeah here goes. just a note here i am bad at explaining thing too.
00:49:210 (6) - etend the repeat slider to 00:50:099? and start the nc at 00:50:544?
sorry i cant see any problem other than this.

-no prblem her either XD-

casey`s hard
General: well I strongly suggest to use the 1/4 snap advisor >< cause most of the note are kinda off.

00:08:544 - remove slider and place a note at 00:08:766? ( cause when i paly it i tend to following the piano part and considering you are mapping the piano part from ther start)
00:19:877- 00:21:210 - extend the first slider to 00:20:321 ? its kinda soft sound to place a note here and place a note at 00:20:655 ohh and remove the slider at 00:20:321
00:21:210 -00:21:877 - well the combo 5 here.....hmmm i can hear any note i suggest removing the slider and place a note at 00:21:877?
00:23:877 - well remove the note ?(well i did not hear any sound here )
00:25:655 - remove slider and place note at 00:25:877( well there no sound at 00:25:655 )
00:26:321 - move the note to 00:26:433
00:26:544 - move the note to 00:26:544
00:26:766 - move the note to 00:26:877 ?
so sorry i have to stop here cause the next part is all i suggesting moving note and such . so yeah move it some note to follow the rythm ><
I will come and check again for the hard map again cause now is mostly off beat ><.
forum pm me again once you thing is ready if you want.
i wish you good luck ^^.
( dont kudosu this post. )
Topic Starter

levesterz wrote:

I am very bad at modding but since you pm me for one here goes . this are mostly suggestion so yeah here goes. just a note here i am bad at explaining thing too.
00:49:210 (6) - etend the repeat slider to 00:50:099? and start the nc at 00:50:544?
sorry i cant see any problem other than this.

-no prblem her either XD-

casey`s hard
General: well I strongly suggest to use the 1/4 snap advisor >< cause most of the note are kinda off.

00:08:544 - remove slider and place a note at 00:08:766? ( cause when i paly it i tend to following the piano part and considering you are mapping the piano part from ther start)
00:19:877- 00:21:210 - extend the first slider to 00:20:321 ? its kinda soft sound to place a note here and place a note at 00:20:655 ohh and remove the slider at 00:20:321
00:21:210 -00:21:877 - well the combo 5 here.....hmmm i can hear any note i suggest removing the slider and place a note at 00:21:877?
00:23:877 - well remove the note ?(well i did not hear any sound here )
00:25:655 - remove slider and place note at 00:25:877( well there no sound at 00:25:655 )
00:26:321 - move the note to 00:26:433
00:26:544 - move the note to 00:26:544
00:26:766 - move the note to 00:26:877 ?
so sorry i have to stop here cause the next part is all i suggesting moving note and such . so yeah move it some note to follow the rythm ><
I will come and check again for the hard map again cause now is mostly off beat ><.
forum pm me again once you thing is ready if you want.
i wish you good luck ^^.
( dont kudosu this post. )
ok thanks


U have to use same DS ... Always !
And try to correct patterns cus ur map is curve a little ;-;


Same like normal
It looks better then normal but u can't stack circle on circle/slider NEVER on easy/normal diffs .

I like this song, maybe i will back to mod it if u will correct this ^. Good luck !
Hi There Again! Another mod for Casey's Hard
Casey's Hard
General : I found out that you have a separated hitsound try renaming the soft-hitclap10 -> soft-hitclap and the other don't need to put number's [unless you have many hitsounds
OD : 6 AR: 7.5
Change the slider velocity higher
Remove all the inherited timing point that only uses the hitsounds (you can ignore this if you want) except the kiai time
00:02:100 (1,1) - I dont prefer a spinner for this
00:06:544 -00:06:988 - Make that time a slider
00:10:099 - 00:10:544 - Same ^
00:11:655 (2) - it should be x:116 y:76 [this x and y is located at the right upper area of the edting mode]
00:13:877 (3,4) - - make this on the upper part of the previous slider
00:22:988 (3) - x:304 y:40
00:24:099 (2,3,4,5) - Make this jumps or separate it
00:27:655 (2,3) - Make this a slider
00:28:544 (6,1) - Same ^
00:35:655 (2) - dont overlap with the previous slider
00:36:766 (1,2,3,4,5) - It doesnt look good Maybe use a DS for this
00:44:322 (2) - put it on the upper of the slider
00:48:321 (5) - kinda weird slider change it
01:01:211 (1,2,3,4) - separate this 4 slider's from each other
01:08:322 (3) - x:224 y:224
01:09:433 (2) - Reverse this curve
01:11:877 (1,2,3) - Make this jumps
01:29:655 (1,2,3,4) - SAME ^
01:38:099 (1) - Remove this maintain the long break
01:40:322 (1,2,3) - Jumps again
01:49:210 (2) - place the slider on that time
01:52:322 (1,2) - Slider :D
I can make a GD for you [maybe hard or insane] when you fixed the hitsound (or maybe i'll just adjust the inherited timing points
That's all :D hope my mod helped you
Topic Starter

Jana Marie wrote:

Hi There Again! Another mod for Casey's Hard
Casey's Hard
General : I found out that you have a separated hitsound try renaming the soft-hitclap10 -> soft-hitclap and the other don't need to put number's [unless you have many hitsounds
OD : 6 AR: 7.5
Change the slider velocity higher
Remove all the inherited timing point that only uses the hitsounds (you can ignore this if you want) except the kiai time
00:02:100 (1,1) - I dont prefer a spinner for this
00:06:544 -00:06:988 - Make that time a slider
00:10:099 - 00:10:544 - Same ^
00:11:655 (2) - it should be x:116 y:76 [this x and y is located at the right upper area of the edting mode]
00:13:877 (3,4) - - make this on the upper part of the previous slider
00:22:988 (3) - x:304 y:40
00:24:099 (2,3,4,5) - Make this jumps or separate it
00:27:655 (2,3) - Make this a slider
00:28:544 (6,1) - Same ^
00:35:655 (2) - dont overlap with the previous slider
00:36:766 (1,2,3,4,5) - It doesnt look good Maybe use a DS for this
00:44:322 (2) - put it on the upper of the slider
00:48:321 (5) - kinda weird slider change it
01:01:211 (1,2,3,4) - separate this 4 slider's from each other
01:08:322 (3) - x:224 y:224
01:09:433 (2) - Reverse this curve
01:11:877 (1,2,3) - Make this jumps
01:29:655 (1,2,3,4) - SAME ^
01:38:099 (1) - Remove this maintain the long break
01:40:322 (1,2,3) - Jumps again
01:49:210 (2) - place the slider on that time
01:52:322 (1,2) - Slider :D
I can make a GD for you [maybe hard or insane] when you fixed the hitsound (or maybe i'll just adjust the inherited timing points
That's all :D hope my mod helped you
Big thanks ^_^
Random mod from #modreq (Maybe not that random but yeah)

Take note that this mod is specifically from Insane.

This song I absolutely love in deemo, so I'll galdly mod it :3


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ ) That SB though


Open for free candy
  1. 00:04:321 (1) - Filp and invert this slider so that it can blanket 00:04:988 (2) like so. Originally the slider overlaps were a bit unsightly, but with the blanket it looks better IMO. Of course, please fix the flow for 00:05:433 (3,4) accordingly if you choose to fix this.
  2. 00:07:433 (1,2) - I assumed that the past 3 sliders were following the hold piano note, so why is this part 2 notes? They could be a slider if you ask me, it follows the gist that the 3 sliders gives.
  3. 00:19:877 (2) - This is an interesting way to put these kinds of hump sliders. I thought this was how they made it? Of course, your method works fine too.
  4. 00:22:988 (5) - You want this to be a blanket of 00:22:544 (4)? It'll look like this. Also, please adjust 00:22:099 (3) to be exactly perpendicular to the timeline. After all, 00:22:544 (4) is perpendicular to the timeline too.
  5. Move 00:24:988 (3) - to (384,160), 00:25:433 (4) - to (460,56) and 00:25:877 (5) - to (316,60). Result should be this. It follows the flow of the sliders better like this IMO. \
  6. 00:28:321 (1) - Isn't exactly stacked on top of 00:27:655 (3). Apologies if this is a bit Nazi, but I'm really particular about the aesthetics of any map. ;-;
  7. 00:28:988 (4) - Move the end of the slider to (356,188) and 00:28:766 (3) to somewhere around (276,324). After that, 00:29:433 (5) can go to (400,148) so it kinda makes a complete flow.
  8. After ^^^, stack 00:29:877 (1) on top of the head of 00:29:433 (5) and move the other notes as necessary. Remember, these are suggestions, and you most definitely can reject them. It's purely based on opinion, and I'm giving mine in this case :D
  9. Blanket 00:30:544 (4) --- 00:30:321 (3)
  10. 00:31:210 (1) - If you did fix the above, then move this slider to stack over 00:30:321 (3)
  11. Then move 00:31:655 (2) - to (180,200) and it should be looking like this at the end.
  12. 00:32:544 (3) - This slider starts at 00:32:321 (3) if you intend on following the long pull of the double bass (Which I strongly encourage you to)
  13. 00:34:321 (5) - My suggestion for this part; The timeline and notes should look like this IMO. Note that note 7 in this case stacks over the head of 00:32:544 (4).
  14. If you did the above, then stacking should be in order for 00:36:321 (11).
  15. Applies if or if you didn't make the above change: 00:36:766 (12) - Blanket this over the end of 00:36:321 (11) and move 00:37:210 (13) accordingly.
  16. 00:40:988 (1,2,3,4) - These succession of sliders can make a very nice flow like this.Note that all the sliders are congruent to each other, just rotated slightly.
  17. 00:42:766 (1,2,3,4) - Make this shape a proper parallelogram by utilising the DS snap.
  18. 00:43:655 (1) - Blanket properly for 00:43:433 (4)
  19. 00:44:544 (3) - Slider ends are usually supposed to end on soft or silent ad-lib beats, so I'd rather you have this slider removed and have a note placed at 00:44:766 (4) so the player can "play" the sound.
  20. 00:44:988 (1) - Flip horizontally and vertically to complement the flow that 00:44:988 (2,3) is suggesting
  21. 00:46:988 (1,2) - In my experience (However short it may be) I kinda found out that players don't really appreciate 90 degrees sliders so much. So maybe have something like this?
  22. 00:47:877 (3) - It's up to you whether you want to follow the last two slider shapes, but I encourage you to do so here.
  23. 00:48:544 (1) - Slider starts at 00:48:321 (4), following the long violin pull in the BG
  24. 00:50:544 (3) - I can see that this isn't exactly congruent to 00:50:099 (2,4,5). It bothers me a little.
  25. 00:52:321 (2) Onwards - I edited this part a lot so it might be a bit hard to see, but here goes.
    Reference point of 00:52:321 (2) -1st Frame; RP of 00:53:210 (4) -2nd Frame; RP of 00:54:099 (7)3rd Frame; RP of 00:55:433 (13) - 4th Frame.
  26. Reason for change above^: I felt that the piano sounds were being undermined by the slider ends, and that notes were the best option to accentuate those sounds. So I changed the sliders to notes here.
  27. Independent of change above ^: 00:55:655 (14,1) - Blanket properly ples
  28. 00:58:988 (1) - Edit this slider as such so that the 01:00:321 (2) can fit in nicely like so.
  29. 01:01:210 (4) - Slider not really evenly spaced out from the rest.
  30. 01:07:433 (1,2,3) - It gets a bit boring here, esp. when this is the chorus. Why not have more notes/sliders in this part?
  31. 01:10:099 (1) - It's not a good idea to try to make a look here when you have too little time to work with. I'd rather use the tactic that you did for 00:19:877 (2).
  32. 01:13:210 (1) - Weird slider shape. Replace with simple curve/ elbow slider.
  33. From 01:13:210 (1) to 01:16:321 (3) - It's really slow here, with only two notes. Try spicing it up with some notes and/or sliders.
  34. 01:16:321 (3,4) - Not perfectly parallel to each other :(
  35. Move 01:19:655 (2) to (368,136) so the flow is smoother.
  36. As with ^, fix 01:20:321 (3) accordingly
  37. 01:21:433 (3) - Should be a curve slider, as with 01:21:877 (4) and all the other patterns you've made.
  38. 01:29:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part is weird. The middle notes don't follow anything, and it's very awkward for you to break away from the 1/2 beats to 1/4 beats so suddenly. I'd rather you have a pattern in this part that follows the piano 1/2 beat.
  39. 01:33:210 (1,2,3,4,5) - This can be a star like this. Note that note 3 is underneath 01:32:988 (5).
  40. 01:39:877 (1) - Evenly space it out from 01:39:210 (3,4)
  41. 01:41:210 (4) - This is another weird slider shape. It's awkward to have so many anchor points esp. when your slider seems just about straight.
  42. 01:52:655 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part is off of the music. The stream doesn't follow anything obvious, and it neglects the piano sound in the BG. I'd suggest something like this. Take note that note 7 stacks on top of 01:54:988 (1)
  43. As spinners can be led in with a held note, I'd suggest you put a note at 01:55:988 (2) and have the spinner start at 01:56:099 (1) and end at 02:02:544 (1) so the player can play the last violin sound AND the spinner too. :D

I am retarded, I left out the last screenshot. It's there now :3


  1. I absolutely love the song, and still do!
  2. I only saw the Insane diff, but I'm pretty sure it's a nice map!
  3. I hope you have success and cakes in your quest for mapping, and all the best for rank!
  4. If you have any question/queries about the mod, please feel free to PM me in the forums or in game! :)
Topic Starter

Abraxos wrote:

Random mod from #modreq (Maybe not that random but yeah)

Take note that this mod is specifically from Insane.

This song I absolutely love in deemo, so I'll galdly mod it :3


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ ) That SB though


Open for free candy
  1. 00:04:321 (1) - Filp and invert this slider so that it can blanket 00:04:988 (2) like so. Originally the slider overlaps were a bit unsightly, but with the blanket it looks better IMO. Of course, please fix the flow for 00:05:433 (3,4) accordingly if you choose to fix this.
  2. 00:07:433 (1,2) - I assumed that the past 3 sliders were following the hold piano note, so why is this part 2 notes? They could be a slider if you ask me, it follows the gist that the 3 sliders gives.
  3. 00:19:877 (2) - This is an interesting way to put these kinds of hump sliders. I thought this was how they made it? Of course, your method works fine too.
  4. 00:22:988 (5) - You want this to be a blanket of 00:22:544 (4)? It'll look like this. Also, please adjust 00:22:099 (3) to be exactly perpendicular to the timeline. After all, 00:22:544 (4) is perpendicular to the timeline too.
  5. Move 00:24:988 (3) - to (384,160), 00:25:433 (4) - to (460,56) and 00:25:877 (5) - to (316,60). Result should be this. It follows the flow of the sliders better like this IMO. \
  6. 00:28:321 (1) - Isn't exactly stacked on top of 00:27:655 (3). Apologies if this is a bit Nazi, but I'm really particular about the aesthetics of any map. ;-;
  7. 00:28:988 (4) - Move the end of the slider to (356,188) and 00:28:766 (3) to somewhere around (276,324). After that, 00:29:433 (5) can go to (400,148) so it kinda makes a complete flow.
  8. After ^^^, stack 00:29:877 (1) on top of the head of 00:29:433 (5) and move the other notes as necessary. Remember, these are suggestions, and you most definitely can reject them. It's purely based on opinion, and I'm giving mine in this case :D
  9. Blanket 00:30:544 (4) --- 00:30:321 (3)
  10. 00:31:210 (1) - If you did fix the above, then move this slider to stack over 00:30:321 (3)
  11. Then move 00:31:655 (2) - to (180,200) and it should be looking like this at the end.
  12. 00:32:544 (3) - This slider starts at 00:32:321 (3) if you intend on following the long pull of the double bass (Which I strongly encourage you to)
  13. 00:34:321 (5) - My suggestion for this part; The timeline and notes should look like this IMO. Note that note 7 in this case stacks over the head of 00:32:544 (4).
  14. If you did the above, then stacking should be in order for 00:36:321 (11).
  15. Applies if or if you didn't make the above change: 00:36:766 (12) - Blanket this over the end of 00:36:321 (11) and move 00:37:210 (13) accordingly.
  16. 00:40:988 (1,2,3,4) - These succession of sliders can make a very nice flow like this.Note that all the sliders are congruent to each other, just rotated slightly.
  17. 00:42:766 (1,2,3,4) - Make this shape a proper parallelogram by utilising the DS snap.
  18. 00:43:655 (1) - Blanket properly for 00:43:433 (4)
  19. 00:44:544 (3) - Slider ends are usually supposed to end on soft or silent ad-lib beats, so I'd rather you have this slider removed and have a note placed at 00:44:766 (4) so the player can "play" the sound.
  20. 00:44:988 (1) - Flip horizontally and vertically to complement the flow that 00:44:988 (2,3) is suggesting
  21. 00:46:988 (1,2) - In my experience (However short it may be) I kinda found out that players don't really appreciate 90 degrees sliders so much. So maybe have something like this?
  22. 00:47:877 (3) - It's up to you whether you want to follow the last two slider shapes, but I encourage you to do so here.
  23. 00:48:544 (1) - Slider starts at 00:48:321 (4), following the long violin pull in the BG
  24. 00:50:544 (3) - I can see that this isn't exactly congruent to 00:50:099 (2,4,5). It bothers me a little.
  25. 00:52:321 (2) Onwards - I edited this part a lot so it might be a bit hard to see, but here goes.
    Reference point of 00:52:321 (2) -1st Frame; RP of 00:53:210 (4) -2nd Frame; RP of 00:54:099 (7)3rd Frame; RP of 00:55:433 (13) - 4th Frame.
  26. Reason for change above^: I felt that the piano sounds were being undermined by the slider ends, and that notes were the best option to accentuate those sounds. So I changed the sliders to notes here.
  27. Independent of change above ^: 00:55:655 (14,1) - Blanket properly ples
  28. 00:58:988 (1) - Edit this slider as such so that the 01:00:321 (2) can fit in nicely like so.
  29. 01:01:210 (4) - Slider not really evenly spaced out from the rest.
  30. 01:07:433 (1,2,3) - It gets a bit boring here, esp. when this is the chorus. Why not have more notes/sliders in this part?
  31. 01:10:099 (1) - It's not a good idea to try to make a look here when you have too little time to work with. I'd rather use the tactic that you did for 00:19:877 (2).
  32. 01:13:210 (1) - Weird slider shape. Replace with simple curve/ elbow slider.
  33. From 01:13:210 (1) to 01:16:321 (3) - It's really slow here, with only two notes. Try spicing it up with some notes and/or sliders.
  34. 01:16:321 (3,4) - Not perfectly parallel to each other :(
  35. Move 01:19:655 (2) to (368,136) so the flow is smoother.
  36. As with ^, fix 01:20:321 (3) accordingly
  37. 01:21:433 (3) - Should be a curve slider, as with 01:21:877 (4) and all the other patterns you've made.
  38. 01:29:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part is weird. The middle notes don't follow anything, and it's very awkward for you to break away from the 1/2 beats to 1/4 beats so suddenly. I'd rather you have a pattern in this part that follows the piano 1/2 beat.
  39. 01:33:210 (1,2,3,4,5) - This can be a star like this. Note that note 3 is underneath 01:32:988 (5).
  40. 01:39:877 (1) - Evenly space it out from 01:39:210 (3,4)
  41. 01:41:210 (4) - This is another weird slider shape. It's awkward to have so many anchor points esp. when your slider seems just about straight.
  42. 01:52:655 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part is off of the music. The stream doesn't follow anything obvious, and it neglects the piano sound in the BG. I'd suggest something like this. Take note that note 7 stacks on top of 01:54:988 (1)
  43. As spinners can be led in with a held note, I'd suggest you put a note at 01:55:988 (2) and have the spinner start at 01:56:099 (1) and end at 02:02:544 (1) so the player can play the last violin sound AND the spinner too. :D

I am retarded, I left out the last screenshot. It's there now :3


  1. I absolutely love the song, and still do!
  2. I only saw the Insane diff, but I'm pretty sure it's a nice map!
  3. I hope you have success and cakes in your quest for mapping, and all the best for rank!
  4. If you have any question/queries about the mod, please feel free to PM me in the forums or in game! :)
Isshiki Kaname
Topic Starter

fizzn1 wrote:

Suggested GD in PM by me.
Rabpit - Rainy Memory (shmiklak) [fizzn1's Normal].osu
Thanks ^_^
Isshiki Kaname
UPDATE: I did derped on my GD diff and setted AR 9.
So please change ar to 8 and rename diff into fizzn1's hard
Topic Starter

fizzn1 wrote:

UPDATE: I did derped on my GD diff and setted AR 9.
So please change ar to 8 and rename diff into fizzn1's hard
Hi, saw your map in #modreq and liked the song so i'll take a look.


I usually don't have this section cause I don't care about metadata as much but you should add the creator of your second guest difficulty to the tags.


  1. 00:04:321 - 00:04:766 - 00:05:210 - this is an overuse of additive hitsounds, remove these. If you look at when you use it, you're always using it at every second downbeat which looks really good as this hitsound is very dominant as he has an own pitch and should be used sparingly to not overrule the melody
  1. Adding the S20-Clap to 00:19:877 - and 00:23:433 - too would feel fine to me
  1. 00:19:877 (4,5) - There are no pianosounds on 00:20:321 - and 00:20:766 - therefore I'd map this as an 3/2-repeatslider:
  1. 00:26:988 - The hitsound is too loud in my opinion and I would also choose a different hitsound as there is nothing drumrelated in this song
  1. 00:32:322 (1) - Make this a single as there's no pianosound on 00:32:766 -
  1. 00:34:099 (2) - You're ignoring the pianosound on 00:34:988 - even though he's part of the phrase around 00:35:433 and 00:35:655 . I'd suggest you to map it like this to get the nice lead-in for the descending phrase.
  1. 00:37:655 (1) - this spinner seems awfully long(7s!) and there isn't even that much recovery time after it. I think you could end it on 00:41:210 - and make a small break from there until 00:44:766 - where you can place a single. Another option I prefer over the long spinner is to put some more circles after 00:37:211 (6) - like this
  1. 00:48:771 - there is only a barely audible pianosound on this sliderend and it's in the left hand of the pianist so you might consider making 00:48:321 (5) - a circle. Would be fine as it is as well I think but both would work so just look what you like more
  1. 00:50:988 - ignoring this note is bad, you can either make a descent like you did at 00:36:322 (4,5,6) or make 00:50:544 (1) a repeatslider
  1. 00:51:877 (2) - As you correctly noticed this is a very epic moment of the song and put a finish on it but what comes after it is really weird so I'll try and explain a bit more detailed:
The sound from your finish starts at 00:51:877 and is held until roughly 00:53:655 . So far everything is fine. However there is an ascending run from 00:52:544 to 00:55:433 and you seem to be very confused about what to map. As you can't map the whole run you have to pick off the characteristic points which are the beats and most of all the end. Which is why you totally can't skip on mapping 00:55:433 especially since there's also the start of the following string section. You have big multitude of things you can do here, depending on whether you rather want to accentuate the finish or the run.
In the end it boils down to something like this though:
Choice 1:

Choice 2:

I think this doesn't work with the ranking criteria for Easy-Diffs though so you might try to do a workaround like this:

which is somewhat decent I think.

  1. 00:56:766 (3) - remove this note, it creates more tension for the incoming part
  1. 00:57:655 (5) - Shorten this to one repeat for the following change so it ends on 00:58:544 - and remove the claps
  1. 00:59:433 (1) - This slider is completely off, the melody is on 00:59:655 - , therefore you should make a repeatslider starting at 00:58:988 - that includes this tick: Add a finish to the sliderstart.
  1. 01:00:766 (2) - The hitsounds are bad here. If you want to use some, the soft hitwhistle is better than this! Using the hitnormal is fine too.
  1. 01:01:655 (3) - The hitsounds on this one are completely exaggerated. I'd recommend using the default soft-hitnormal with additional drum-hitwhistle or none at all due to the very low volume of the actual drumsound in the song. If you add the clap you should tune its volume down to like 35%.
  1. 01:02:544 (4,5) - This phrase is exactly as the one above 00:59:433 (1) -, apply the same changes
  1. 01:04:322 (6) - I'd recommend using an additional from the drumset here over the soft-hitwhistle as the drumsound is even stronger than on 01:01:655 (3) - . Either finish or clap, both seem fine but Clap seems better as you already use it on 01:05:211 (1) - and it is the exact same sound
  1. 01:05:655 - Here's a very audible pianosound you should map. You can either bind over with a slider from 01:04:322 (6) - to 01:05:210 - and make this a single or you shorten 01:05:211 (1) - and make it end on 01:05:655 -
  1. Old story, there are sounds on 01:06:099 - 01:06:766 - 01:07:433 - therefore you should map these and since this is an easy-diff use a repeatslider so the newbs don't have to hit on the redtick. This is also why making 01:05:211 (1) - a repeatslider is not an option.
  1. 01:05:211 (1) - There's a very strong drumsound here yet you got no hitsound on it. Add one.
  1. 01:08:766 - Add a drum-hitwhistle on the sliderend
  1. 01:10:099 - No sound at this sliderend so either make the slider a single or extend it to 01:10:544 -
  1. 01:10:988 (1) - turn it into a single on 01:10:988 and a 3/2 slider starting at 01:11:433 , ending at 01:12:766 -
  1. 01:13:211 (2) - adding your C20 soft-hitclap ontop of the finish would seem fine for me
  1. 01:14:099 (3) - The volume is too low to make hitwhistles a good choice for this slider if you ask me. If you want to use hitwhistles for accentuation I'd recommend using the actual strong parts of the melody like this note: 01:16:766 -
  1. 01:14:988 (1) - Repeat on 01:15:655 - instead of 01:15:877 - , end it on 01:16:321 - and add a slider from 01:16:766 to 01:17:210
I will just stop this mod now cause the map has the same problems all the way through and it's a hassle to point them out every single time like I did up to now.
First thing is:
Not mapping to the music. Try to listen more carefully. Mapping Easy-Diff doesn't mean that you are not allowed to include redticks even though they should be on sliderrepeats only. Listening on a slower tempo(50 or 75%) it is easily noticeable if a hitnormal-hitsound doesn't align with a note and this happens a lot on your sliders.
Second thing is:
Be careful with your hitsounds. They should never get dominant over the music. If you map drumsounds, the hitsounds you apply to them should refer to the type of sound used in the song.

I'd like you to check all your difficulties for these two things personally and edit them accordingly before you ask people for further mods as I could easily map an entire difficulty for this song during the time I need to mod your Easy-Diff due to the fact that I find something being off every few seconds.
Also take your time to understand the reasoning of it as it will help you to avoid such stuff in the future.
You can ask me for a recheck if you think you're done.

I didn't check your other diffs due to the assumption that they have similar flaws, especially the Insane-Diffs as you're probably unable to playtest it yourself.

Now looking at the guest diffs. The more flawed it is the more brief I'm trying to be.

fizzn1's Hard

AR8 seems to be rather fast, I think AR7 would be more appropriate for song with such a slow speed.
You're trying to include the punctual scratchy percussion which is an okay thing but you should not ignore the melody to do this. The melody is the main thing in this song, the scratchy percussion just a bonus you can try to fit in on top of it.

To give you just two examples:
00:00:766 (2) -
00:05:210 (4) -
Now you may say that the melody is on the sliderticks but that means that you have to hitsound the sliderticks accordingly(which you didn't and I think it is a bad solution unless you're making sliderart) and you have to put the sliders in the correct spots.

To give you a clue of what I mean:
The notes at 00:00:322 - 00:00:766 - 00:01:210 - 00:01:655 - 00:02:099 - build a phrase, a small melody that sounds like it could be finished.
The last tone is held until 00:03:877 - and the notes played inbetween there are of noticeable lower pitch and just a lead-in for the next part of the melody.
If you want to make a reasonable slider you should try to take one phrase like that and build the whole slider around it like this:

As you can tell this plays awfully boring and is only used in Easy-Diffs of faster songs most of the time but in terms of representing the song it still makes more sense than what you did there. As you want to put the interesting parts in the foreground and the not so interesting parts in the background it would also make much more sense to put such a boring long slider for something like the lead-in I talked about.

To just list some more notes:
00:05:655 -
00:20:544 -
00:28:544 -
00:28:988 -
00:30:321 -
00:44:766 - <- biggest crime
01:19:210 -
01:42:321 -
01:44:099 -
01:45:877 -

On the other hand you are mapping some ticks without any sound - sometimes it goes hand in hand but often it doesn't:
00:07:210 -
00:10:321 -
00:17:210 -
00:26:544 (5) -
01:19:433 -
01:42:099 (2) -
01:52:988 (5) - all the blueticks
There's absolutely no sound there, therefore this should not be a repeatslider.

You should totally look out for these very basic thing if you don't want people to ask you for a complete remap and I didn't even list all of the spots as I just skimmed through your map once to look for them.

Casey's Hard

You're overmapping too much. It's fine to map a few ticks that don't have a well audible sound in the song but you should do it sparingly and only if it makes sense it terms of rhythm. You have to be careful with it and my impression is that you weren't.

Regarding these sliders:
00:06:099 (1) -
00:09:655 (1) -

They don't fit. If you listen on 50% speed you can easily notice that the scratch percussion is on the big white tick, the following red tick and the bluetick after the next whitetick. However if you include that last bluetick and do something like this:

It plays rather unintuitively and on top of it it is really confusing if you map the scratchy percussion accurately there but completely ignore it at 00:07:877 (1,2) - and 00:02:099 (3,1) - . As it is pretty much impossible to fit in at these two spots decently I'd just leave these scratchy percussions be and not map them.

00:11:655 (2) - Stick to the melody
00:12:988 (1,2,3) - Really bad overmap, stick to the melody
00:17:877 (1) - stick to the melody
00:18:766 (2,4) - stick to the melody
00:21:433 (4) - include big drumhits like the one in the middle of this slider
00:22:322 (2) - stick to the melody
00:24:988 (1) - stick to the melody

I think you get me.
As a plus, even though it is faulty in rhythm the circles are arranged nicely in terms of curving and flow.

Long post, short story:
You all have to try harder to stick to the actual song on each single difficulty of this mapset. You can turn your hitsoundvolume to 0% and let the map play to easily identify notes that have nothing to do with the song, especially on the higher difficulties(this also includes sliderends, even they should relate to a sound).
Way to go guys but I hope you can make it.

If anything I wrote is unclear to you feel free to poke me ingame.
Oh and I forgot but please please respond to mods properly.
Modding is a lot of work and it feels kind of disrespecting if you just say "thanks" and don't give feedback on what you changed and what you didn't change and why.
Adress each single suggestion/critique like you did in this post: p/4507768

If it is a very basic mod due to the map being not good like I did for your guest diffs a general reply is fine of course. Your guest mappers should respond to the mods for their guest diffs individually, even your "top secret" guest mapper as it is completely pointless to mod otherwise.
Topic Starter

Endaris wrote:

Hi, saw your map in #modreq and liked the song so i'll take a look.


I usually don't have this section cause I don't care about metadata as much but you should add the creator of your second guest difficulty to the tags.


  1. 00:04:321 - 00:04:766 - 00:05:210 - this is an overuse of additive hitsounds, remove these. If you look at when you use it, you're always using it at every second downbeat which looks really good as this hitsound is very dominant as he has an own pitch and should be used sparingly to not overrule the melodyOK
  1. Adding the S20-Clap to 00:19:877 - and 00:23:433 - too would feel fine to meOK
  1. 00:19:877 (4,5) - There are no pianosounds on 00:20:321 - and 00:20:766 - therefore I'd map this as an 3/2-repeatslider:OK
  1. 00:26:988 - The hitsound is too loud in my opinion and I would also choose a different hitsound as there is nothing drumrelated in this songOK
  1. 00:32:322 (1) - Make this a single as there's no pianosound on 00:32:766 - OK
  1. 00:34:099 (2) - You're ignoring the pianosound on 00:34:988 - even though he's part of the phrase around 00:35:433 and 00:35:655 . I'd suggest you to map it like this to get the nice lead-in for the descending phrase.
  1. 00:37:655 (1) - this spinner seems awfully long(7s!) and there isn't even that much recovery time after it. I think you could end it on 00:41:210 - and make a small break from there until 00:44:766 - where you can place a single. Another option I prefer over the long spinner is to put some more circles after 00:37:211 (6) - like thisOK
  1. 00:48:771 - there is only a barely audible pianosound on this sliderend and it's in the left hand of the pianist so you might consider making 00:48:321 (5) - a circle. Would be fine as it is as well I think but both would work so just look what you like moreOK
  1. 00:50:988 - ignoring this note is bad, you can either make a descent like you did at 00:36:322 (4,5,6) or make 00:50:544 (1) a repeatsliderOK
  1. 00:51:877 (2) - As you correctly noticed this is a very epic moment of the song and put a finish on it but what comes after it is really weird so I'll try and explain a bit more detailed:OK
The sound from your finish starts at 00:51:877 and is held until roughly 00:53:655 . So far everything is fine. However there is an ascending run from 00:52:544 to 00:55:433 and you seem to be very confused about what to map. As you can't map the whole run you have to pick off the characteristic points which are the beats and most of all the end. Which is why you totally can't skip on mapping 00:55:433 especially since there's also the start of the following string section. You have big multitude of things you can do here, depending on whether you rather want to accentuate the finish or the run.
In the end it boils down to something like this though:
Choice 1:

Choice 2:

I think this doesn't work with the ranking criteria for Easy-Diffs though so you might try to do a workaround like this:

which is somewhat decent I think.

  1. 00:56:766 (3) - remove this note, it creates more tension for the incoming partOK
  1. 00:57:655 (5) - Shorten this to one repeat for the following change so it ends on 00:58:544 - and remove the claps
  1. 00:59:433 (1) - This slider is completely off, the melody is on 00:59:655 - , therefore you should make a repeatslider starting at 00:58:988 - that includes this tick: Add a finish to the sliderstart.
  1. 01:00:766 (2) - The hitsounds are bad here. If you want to use some, the soft hitwhistle is better than this! Using the hitnormal is fine too.
  1. 01:01:655 (3) - The hitsounds on this one are completely exaggerated. I'd recommend using the default soft-hitnormal with additional drum-hitwhistle or none at all due to the very low volume of the actual drumsound in the song. If you add the clap you should tune its volume down to like 35%.
  1. 01:02:544 (4,5) - This phrase is exactly as the one above 00:59:433 (1) -, apply the same changes
  1. 01:04:322 (6) - I'd recommend using an additional from the drumset here over the soft-hitwhistle as the drumsound is even stronger than on 01:01:655 (3) - . Either finish or clap, both seem fine but Clap seems better as you already use it on 01:05:211 (1) - and it is the exact same sound
  1. 01:05:655 - Here's a very audible pianosound you should map. You can either bind over with a slider from 01:04:322 (6) - to 01:05:210 - and make this a single or you shorten 01:05:211 (1) - and make it end on 01:05:655 -
  1. Old story, there are sounds on 01:06:099 - 01:06:766 - 01:07:433 - therefore you should map these and since this is an easy-diff use a repeatslider so the newbs don't have to hit on the redtick. This is also why making 01:05:211 (1) - a repeatslider is not an option.
  1. 01:05:211 (1) - There's a very strong drumsound here yet you got no hitsound on it. Add one.
  1. 01:08:766 - Add a drum-hitwhistle on the sliderend
  1. 01:10:099 - No sound at this sliderend so either make the slider a single or extend it to 01:10:544 -
  1. 01:10:988 (1) - turn it into a single on 01:10:988 and a 3/2 slider starting at 01:11:433 , ending at 01:12:766 -
  1. 01:13:211 (2) - adding your C20 soft-hitclap ontop of the finish would seem fine for me
  1. 01:14:099 (3) - The volume is too low to make hitwhistles a good choice for this slider if you ask me. If you want to use hitwhistles for accentuation I'd recommend using the actual strong parts of the melody like this note: 01:16:766 -
  1. 01:14:988 (1) - Repeat on 01:15:655 - instead of 01:15:877 - , end it on 01:16:321 - and add a slider from 01:16:766 to 01:17:210
I will just stop this mod now cause the map has the same problems all the way through and it's a hassle to point them out every single time like I did up to now.
First thing is:
Not mapping to the music. Try to listen more carefully. Mapping Easy-Diff doesn't mean that you are not allowed to include redticks even though they should be on sliderrepeats only. Listening on a slower tempo(50 or 75%) it is easily noticeable if a hitnormal-hitsound doesn't align with a note and this happens a lot on your sliders.
Second thing is:
Be careful with your hitsounds. They should never get dominant over the music. If you map drumsounds, the hitsounds you apply to them should refer to the type of sound used in the song.

I'd like you to check all your difficulties for these two things personally and edit them accordingly before you ask people for further mods as I could easily map an entire difficulty for this song during the time I need to mod your Easy-Diff due to the fact that I find something being off every few seconds.
Also take your time to understand the reasoning of it as it will help you to avoid such stuff in the future.
You can ask me for a recheck if you think you're done.
OK for everything

I didn't check your other diffs due to the assumption that they have similar flaws, especially the Insane-Diffs as you're probably unable to playtest it yourself.

Now looking at the guest diffs. The more flawed it is the more brief I'm trying to be.

fizzn1's Hard

AR8 seems to be rather fast, I think AR7 would be more appropriate for song with such a slow speed.
You're trying to include the punctual scratchy percussion which is an okay thing but you should not ignore the melody to do this. The melody is the main thing in this song, the scratchy percussion just a bonus you can try to fit in on top of it.OK

To give you just two examples:
00:00:766 (2) -
00:05:210 (4) -
Now you may say that the melody is on the sliderticks but that means that you have to hitsound the sliderticks accordingly(which you didn't and I think it is a bad solution unless you're making sliderart) and you have to put the sliders in the correct spots.

To give you a clue of what I mean:
The notes at 00:00:322 - 00:00:766 - 00:01:210 - 00:01:655 - 00:02:099 - build a phrase, a small melody that sounds like it could be finished.
The last tone is held until 00:03:877 - and the notes played inbetween there are of noticeable lower pitch and just a lead-in for the next part of the melody.
If you want to make a reasonable slider you should try to take one phrase like that and build the whole slider around it like this:
As you can tell this plays awfully boring and is only used in Easy-Diffs of faster songs most of the time but in terms of representing the song it still makes more sense than what you did there. As you want to put the interesting parts in the foreground and the not so interesting parts in the background it would also make much more sense to put such a boring long slider for something like the lead-in I talked about.

To just list some more notes:
00:05:655 -
00:20:544 -
00:28:544 -
00:28:988 -
00:30:321 -
00:44:766 - <- biggest crime
01:19:210 -
01:42:321 -
01:44:099 -
01:45:877 -

On the other hand you are mapping some ticks without any sound - sometimes it goes hand in hand but often it doesn't:
00:07:210 -
00:10:321 -
00:17:210 -
00:26:544 (5) -
01:19:433 -
01:42:099 (2) -
01:52:988 (5) - all the blueticks
There's absolutely no sound there, therefore this should not be a repeatslider.

You should totally look out for these very basic thing if you don't want people to ask you for a complete remap and I didn't even list all of the spots as I just skimmed through your map once to look for them.

Casey's Hard

You're overmapping too much. It's fine to map a few ticks that don't have a well audible sound in the song but you should do it sparingly and only if it makes sense it terms of rhythm. You have to be careful with it and my impression is that you weren't.

Regarding these sliders:
00:06:099 (1) -
00:09:655 (1) -

They don't fit. If you listen on 50% speed you can easily notice that the scratch percussion is on the big white tick, the following red tick and the bluetick after the next whitetick. However if you include that last bluetick and do something like this:

It plays rather unintuitively and on top of it it is really confusing if you map the scratchy percussion accurately there but completely ignore it at 00:07:877 (1,2) - and 00:02:099 (3,1) - . As it is pretty much impossible to fit in at these two spots decently I'd just leave these scratchy percussions be and not map them.

00:11:655 (2) - Stick to the melody
00:12:988 (1,2,3) - Really bad overmap, stick to the melody
00:17:877 (1) - stick to the melody
00:18:766 (2,4) - stick to the melody
00:21:433 (4) - include big drumhits like the one in the middle of this slider
00:22:322 (2) - stick to the melody
00:24:988 (1) - stick to the melody

I think you get me.
As a plus, even though it is faulty in rhythm the circles are arranged nicely in terms of curving and flow.

Long post, short story:
You all have to try harder to stick to the actual song on each single difficulty of this mapset. You can turn your hitsoundvolume to 0% and let the map play to easily identify notes that have nothing to do with the song, especially on the higher difficulties(this also includes sliderends, even they should relate to a sound).
Way to go guys but I hope you can make it.

If anything I wrote is unclear to you feel free to poke me ingame.
I am so lasy write OK for everything, but I take into bigest part of your mod. And BIG THANKS ;)
Мод, как и обещал. Извини, что долго

  • Аимод в порядке, в тайминге проблем не чувствую, вроде хорошо все.
    fizzn1's Hard, я думаю, стоит переименовать в fizzn1's Advanced. Мапсет тогда будет симпотнее выглядеть, да и не тянет эта дифа на хард :roll:
  • Это у нас самая простая дифа в мапсете, нужно учитывать, что она для совсем новичков сделана, а некоторые моменты в этой дифе читаются не так хорошо, как следовало бы. Вот смотри:
    00:04:321 (1) - Разбей вот так, звучание не меняется, а читается на порядок проще
    00:10:099 (2,3,4) - лучше избежать тройных стаков на таких уровнях сложности. Разбей, как в аналогичном моменте
    00:36:322 (4,5,6) вот тут и далее
    00:49:210 (7) - нет, ну это вообще жутко для изика. Убери эти реверсы, сделай простой слайдер аналогичной длинны на шкале времени, но без реверсов, повторюсь
    Ну и пара косметических изменений
    01:48:766 (1,2) - эта вот штука выглядит не очень. Хочешь сделать красиво - сделай как-нибудь вот так
    01:00:766 (2,3) - эта штука выглядит не очень красиво. Может передвинуть как-то так? (Дальше тоже переставить в соответствии с дистанс снепом)
  • 00:25:210 (2,3) - Нет-нет-нет-нет-нет-нет-нет. Стак убирай, это не хард, это вторая по сложности дифа в сете. К тому же это единичный момент, лучше убрать
    01:14:988 (1,2) - такс, что тут у нас? Лучше поменять на вот такое
    01:16:321 (3,4,5,6) - тут нахлесты какие-то сомнительные. До этого момента таких явных не было. Я бы посоветовал флоу поменять
    01:45:210 (4,5,6,7,8) - вот чем-то мне этот момент не нравится. Не знаю, что с ним можно сделать, но он мне просто не нравится :roll:

Casey's Hard безумно крут, Инсейн не смотрел. Будет время, на оставшиеся сложности мод сделаю, пока так
Надеюсь увидеть этот битмап ранкнутам, удачи. Хочется верить, что хоть как-то помог ;)
Topic Starter

ZinaMarina wrote:

Мод, как и обещал. Извини, что долго

  • Аимод в порядке, в тайминге проблем не чувствую, вроде хорошо все.
    fizzn1's Hard, я думаю, стоит переименовать в fizzn1's Advanced. Мапсет тогда будет симпотнее выглядеть, да и не тянет эта дифа на хард :roll: Ладненько
  • Это у нас самая простая дифа в мапсете, нужно учитывать, что она для совсем новичков сделана, а некоторые моменты в этой дифе читаются не так хорошо, как следовало бы. Вот смотри:
    00:04:321 (1) - Разбей вот так, звучание не меняется, а читается на порядок проще Ладненько
    00:10:099 (2,3,4) - лучше избежать тройных стаков на таких уровнях сложности. Разбей, как в аналогичном моменте
    00:36:322 (4,5,6) вот тут и далееЛадненько
    00:49:210 (7) - нет, ну это вообще жутко для изика. Убери эти реверсы, сделай простой слайдер аналогичной длинны на шкале времени, но без реверсов, повторюсьЛадненько
    Ну и пара косметических изменений
    01:48:766 (1,2) - эта вот штука выглядит не очень. Хочешь сделать красиво - сделай как-нибудь вот так Ладненько
    01:00:766 (2,3) - эта штука выглядит не очень красиво. Может передвинуть как-то так? (Дальше тоже переставить в соответствии с дистанс снепом)Ладненько
  • 00:25:210 (2,3) - Нет-нет-нет-нет-нет-нет-нет. Стак убирай, это не хард, это вторая по сложности дифа в сете. К тому же это единичный момент, лучше убратьЛадненько
    01:14:988 (1,2) - такс, что тут у нас? Лучше поменять на вот такое Ладненько
    01:16:321 (3,4,5,6) - тут нахлесты какие-то сомнительные. До этого момента таких явных не было. Я бы посоветовал флоу поменятьЛадненько
    01:45:210 (4,5,6,7,8) - вот чем-то мне этот момент не нравится. Не знаю, что с ним можно сделать, но он мне просто не нравится :roll: Ну чё нить придумаю

Casey's Hard безумно крут, Инсейн не смотрел. Будет время, на оставшиеся сложности мод сделаю, пока так
Надеюсь увидеть этот битмап ранкнутам, удачи. Хочется верить, что хоть как-то помог ;)
Hello~! As requested from my queue


There's 2 .osb files, delete one of them

00:22:099 (1,2) - ctrl+g better rhythm
00:28:322 (1,2) - I can't hear any rhythm delete these 2 sliders and NC this 00:30:544 (3) -
00:12:766 (2,3) - spacing error
00:18:544 (3,4) - ^
00:45:655 (2,3) - ^
00:57:210 (3,4) - ^
01:05:211 (1,2) - ^
01:09:211 (2,3) - ^
01:46:988 (2,3) - ^
00:04:321 (1) - remove NC
00:05:655 (2) - add NC
00:10:988 (4,1) - switch NC
00:19:877 (4) - NC
00:22:099 (1) - remove NC
00:23:433 (2) - NC here
00:30:544 (3) - ^
00:34:099 (2) - ^
00:48:321 (6) - ^
00:50:544 (1) - remove NC
00:51:877 (4) - NC
00:56:988 - missing note
01:08:321 (1) - remove NC
01:09:655 (3) - NC
01:23:877 (2) - ^
01:25:655 (3) - ^
01:48:766 (1,2) - overlap
00:23:433 (2,1) - The spin should be atleast 2 beats far from the circle (unrankable issue)

00:00:322 (1,2,3) - same shape please
00:19:433 (2,3) - ctrl+g
00:20:765 (3) - If you did this ^ make this slider long to 00:21:433 -
00:24:099 (1) - move this to 00:24:099 - and add a circle here 00:24:766 -
00:40:766 (7,1) - same as easy
00:58:988 (1) - this slider should end here 00:59:655 -
01:06:544 (4) - move this to 01:06:766 -
01:08:321 (1,2) - bad flow
01:47:655 (6,7) - fix blanket

please check your aimod for spacing errors

There's alot problems

Just follow what I said in easy and normal and apply it to all diffs

Good luck
Lily Bread
hi,m4m from #modreqs.

check AImod.many DS issues here.
easy diff should obay DS forever.

OD3 is too high.change OD to 2.

00:36:322 (4,5,6) - they should go to right ,not left ,because - 00:34:099 (2) - will overlap them a little.
01:04:321 - i suggest this:
because - 01:06:766 (2) - is at a 1/2,and - 01:06:099 - is a down beat.

change OD to 3 or 4.

same as easy diff,normal diff should obay DS forever.check AImod.

since you have an advanced diff,i suggest you use CS3 in Normal diff.(only a suggest.if you change,you will have a lot of work to do.)

00:21:877 (1) - delete it.
00:52:766 (1,2,3) - they don't follow any way is:
(picture's time is - 00:53:433 -)

01:05:655 - i suggest this:

01:10:988 - ^
01:46:544 - ^

[fizzn1's Advanced]
00:03:433 (3,4) - bad overlap here.move 4 away.
00:36:321 (4,5) - they don't follow any music.i suggest you follow the piano here.
there are many objects that don't follow any music.i don't know which should i point out.i suggest you use 75% speed to listen to the music ,that can help you fit the music well.

[Casey's Hard]
00:24:988 - i suggest this:
at a hard diff,short sliders and single circle at 1/2 is quite OK,but in many places you didn't follow any music here.i suggest you use 75% speed to listen to the music ,that can help you fit the music well.

[casey's Insane]
change AR to 8 or 8.5 ,OD to 7.

my available map:

choose one you like to mod.^^
Topic Starter

KASUM1 wrote:

Hello~! As requested from my queue


There's 2 .osb files, delete one of them

00:22:099 (1,2) - ctrl+g better rhythm
00:28:322 (1,2) - I can't hear any rhythm delete these 2 sliders and NC this 00:30:544 (3) -
00:12:766 (2,3) - spacing error
00:18:544 (3,4) - ^
00:45:655 (2,3) - ^
00:57:210 (3,4) - ^
01:05:211 (1,2) - ^
01:09:211 (2,3) - ^
01:46:988 (2,3) - ^
00:04:321 (1) - remove NC
00:05:655 (2) - add NC
00:10:988 (4,1) - switch NC
00:19:877 (4) - NC
00:22:099 (1) - remove NC
00:23:433 (2) - NC here
00:30:544 (3) - ^
00:34:099 (2) - ^
00:48:321 (6) - ^
00:50:544 (1) - remove NC
00:51:877 (4) - NC
00:56:988 - missing note
01:08:321 (1) - remove NC
01:09:655 (3) - NC
01:23:877 (2) - ^
01:25:655 (3) - ^
01:48:766 (1,2) - overlap
00:23:433 (2,1) - The spin should be atleast 2 beats far from the circle (unrankable issue)

00:00:322 (1,2,3) - same shape please
00:19:433 (2,3) - ctrl+g
00:20:765 (3) - If you did this ^ make this slider long to 00:21:433 -
00:24:099 (1) - move this to 00:24:099 - and add a circle here 00:24:766 -
00:40:766 (7,1) - same as easy
00:58:988 (1) - this slider should end here 00:59:655 -
01:06:544 (4) - move this to 01:06:766 -
01:08:321 (1,2) - bad flow
01:47:655 (6,7) - fix blanket

please check your aimod for spacing errors

There's alot problems

Just follow what I said in easy and normal and apply it to all diffs

Good luck
Big thanks
Topic Starter

Lily Bread wrote:

hi,m4m from #modreqs.

check AImod.many DS issues here.
easy diff should obay DS forever.

OD3 is too high.change OD to 2.

00:36:322 (4,5,6) - they should go to right ,not left ,because - 00:34:099 (2) - will overlap them a little.
01:04:321 - i suggest this:
because - 01:06:766 (2) - is at a 1/2,and - 01:06:099 - is a down beat.

change OD to 3 or 4.

same as easy diff,normal diff should obay DS forever.check AImod.

since you have an advanced diff,i suggest you use CS3 in Normal diff.(only a suggest.if you change,you will have a lot of work to do.)

00:21:877 (1) - delete it.
00:52:766 (1,2,3) - they don't follow any way is:
(picture's time is - 00:53:433 -)

01:05:655 - i suggest this:

01:10:988 - ^
01:46:544 - ^

[fizzn1's Advanced]
00:03:433 (3,4) - bad overlap here.move 4 away.
00:36:321 (4,5) - they don't follow any music.i suggest you follow the piano here.
there are many objects that don't follow any music.i don't know which should i point out.i suggest you use 75% speed to listen to the music ,that can help you fit the music well.

[Casey's Hard]
00:24:988 - i suggest this:
at a hard diff,short sliders and single circle at 1/2 is quite OK,but in many places you didn't follow any music here.i suggest you use 75% speed to listen to the music ,that can help you fit the music well.

[casey's Insane]
change AR to 8 or 8.5 ,OD to 7.

my available map:

choose one you like to mod.^^
Big thanks
Hi i think your map is ready for ranking, except that im not a beatmap nominator. But i hope your map gets ranked :D
Here's a star!
Topic Starter

mcwc2307 wrote:

Hi i think your map is ready for ranking, except that im not a beatmap nominator. But i hope your map gets ranked :D
Here's a star!
Oh big thanks for star ^_^
I also made a video on youtube on this map! Hope it gets more popular from it!

Link : ...
Topic Starter

mcwc2307 wrote:

I also made a video on youtube on this map! Hope it gets more popular from it!

Link : ...
It is great! Big thanks!
Gonna give this a star, looks perfect so far.
Topic Starter

LittlePigRMX wrote:

Gonna give this a star, looks perfect so far.
Oh thanks ^_^
00:02:988 (2) - Really don't like this slider shape, perhaps copy 00:00:322 (1) - instead?
00:28:322 (1) - Remove nc.
00:30:544 (3) - Stack on the sliderend of 00:28:322 (1).
01:22:099 (1) - Mapped to nothing? Remove. Put a break here instead perhaps.

00:30:099 (2) - Remove repeat, it makes no sense and doesn't fit the music.
00:39:433 (1) - nc
00:52:766 (1,2,3,4) - So many overlaps, try to avoid them here.
01:08:321 (1,2) - Fix overlap.

fizzn1's Advanced
00:01:210 - You miss a clear note here.
00:03:877 - ^
00:04:321 - ^
00:03:433 (3,4) - Fix the overlap here.
00:06:099 (5,1,2) - Fix the spacing here.
00:07:877 (3,4) - Avoid the overlap here.
00:08:321 (4,1) - ^

Casey's Hard
00:09:655 (1,2) - Try blanketing these.
00:16:766 (2,3,4,5,6) - Even out the spacing here and try to create a pattern, perhaps a diamond.
00:21:433 (4) - Mapped to nothing, remove.
00:46:322 (5,1) - Fix overlap.
00:47:655 (2,3,4,5) - Make a pattern with these, current one doesn't look nice.

casey's Insane
Fix capitals in the difficulty name, should be "Casey's Insane".
00:03:877 (4,1,2,3) - Very odd spacing that doesn't make much sense to emphasis at all, just keep it even here.
00:12:766 (4) - Just make this a hitcircle. No need for a slider here.
00:52:766 (3) - This slider end is not even timed to any beat at all? Fix this.
00:52:766 (3,4) - Avoid the overlap here.

This map needs a bit more work to be ranked, hopefully with a lot of hard work and determination, you can make it there! 8-)
Isshiki Kaname
Given 4 stars. Just because of my friendship with shmiklak.
Topic Starter

fizzn1 wrote:

Given 4 stars. Just because of my friendship with shmiklak.
Topic Starter
Crimmi's mod:
2015-10-03 20:06 Crimmi: Hello
2015-10-03 20:06 shmiklak: hi!
2015-10-03 20:06 shmiklak: whats up?
2015-10-03 20:06 Crimmi: Do you mind if I IRC modded your map?
2015-10-03 20:06 shmiklak: well ok
2015-10-03 20:07 shmiklak: what my beatmap you mod?
2015-10-03 20:07 Crimmi: Okay first of all in easy, try and use a spacing of 1.2x
2015-10-03 20:08 Crimmi: It'll look a little more neater imo
2015-10-03 20:09 shmiklak: okay
2015-10-03 20:11 Crimmi: So if you did that, you'll have better blankets like this
2015-10-03 20:11 Crimmi: So apply spacing while you can on that diff.
2015-10-03 20:13 Crimmi: 00:37:655 (1) - This spinner a bit too long, plus newer players won't be able to recover since the the next beat is right after it. So what I would suggest is something like this:
2015-10-03 20:15 shmiklak: ok
2015-10-03 20:21 Crimmi: just let me know when everything is applied
2015-10-03 20:22 shmiklak: all aplied
2015-10-03 20:22 shmiklak: but don't uploaded
2015-10-03 20:24 Crimmi: 01:20:321 - 01:23:433 surely you could map this part
2015-10-03 20:25 shmiklak: that's ok?
2015-10-03 20:26 Crimmi: yea
2015-10-03 20:32 Crimmi: hmm k, everything else is fine.
2015-10-03 20:33 shmiklak: Is it all?
2015-10-03 20:34 Crimmi: In easy and normal, yea.

Thank you for applying at the #modreqsea. Feel free to ignore or reject any parts of this mod that you deem unfit and vice versa.

General (Metadata, Timing, etc.)


  1. Explained in "IRC Mod"

IRC Mod.
2015-10-03 11:05 Crimmi: Hello
2015-10-03 11:06 shmiklak: hi!
2015-10-03 11:06 shmiklak: whats up?
2015-10-03 11:06 Crimmi: Do you mind if I IRC modded your map?
2015-10-03 11:06 shmiklak: well ok
2015-10-03 11:07 shmiklak: what my beatmap you mod?
2015-10-03 11:07 Crimmi: Okay first of all in easy, try and use a spacing of 1.2x
2015-10-03 11:08 Crimmi: It'll look a little more neater imo
2015-10-03 11:09 shmiklak: okay
2015-10-03 11:11 Crimmi: So if you did that, you'll have better blankets like this
2015-10-03 11:11 Crimmi: So apply spacing while you can on that diff.
2015-10-03 11:13 Crimmi: 00:37:655 (1) - This spinner a bit too long, plus newer players won't be able to recover since the the next beat is right after it. So what I would suggest is something like this:
2015-10-03 11:15 shmiklak: ok
2015-10-03 11:21 Crimmi: just let me know when everything is applied
2015-10-03 11:21 shmiklak: all aplied
2015-10-03 11:22 shmiklak: but don't uploaded
2015-10-03 11:23 Crimmi: 01:20:321 - 01:23:433 surely you could map this part
2015-10-03 11:25 shmiklak: that's ok?
2015-10-03 11:25 Crimmi: yea
2015-10-03 11:32 Crimmi: hmm k, everything else is fine.
2015-10-03 11:33 shmiklak: Is it all?
2015-10-03 11:34 Crimmi: In easy and normal, yea but it needs some work imo.

fizzn1's Advanced

  1. 00:02:099 (4,1) - I don't see the meaning of this jump, even in a calm song such as this, it's not needed.
  2. 00:41:433 (2,3,4,5) - Double check your spacing on these sliders.
  3. 00:51:877 (1) - Add a finish here since there is a cymbal heard.
  4. 00:58:544 (1,2) - First, remove new combo from (1), then you should add it at (2), removing the whistle from it and adding a finish.
  5. 01:04:988 (x) - Here you missed a good placement.
  6. 01:18:766 (6) - Make this a curved slider if you want to blanket (6).

This set just needs a bit more polish and work on it before this could get ranked but I encourage you to keep going.
Ender Lain
Helllo :)

Here we go

it seems everything looks perfect,But.

[fizzn1's Advanced]00:45:655 (2) - Set the position of this note like this

Good Luck
Your map is not ready to be ranked yet, better not call BN (IMO)
Casey's Hard:

 Сделайте AR7, нынешний слишком трудный для такого хардика. Размер кружков - 4. Это же хардос, а не экстра, зачем 4,5?

Casey's Insane:

 00:02:988 (2) - 00:03:877 (4) - Тяжело читать паттерн, вот так вот примерно стоит сделать

 00:04:988 (2) - Начало слайдера совсем немного приопустить, конец поднять и полевее

 00:05:433 (3) - 00:05:655 (4) - Нужно больше спейсинга на этих двух нотах

 00:06:544 (6) - Чуть выше

 00:06:988 (1) - 00:07:877 (3) - Вот так будет гораздо приятнее играть

 00:16:766 (3) - 00:17:877 (1) - Неровный паттерн вообще. Стоит переделать

 00:26:988 (1) - Пусть начинается прямо в той самой точке, где конец прошлого слайдера

 00:28:321 (1) - 00:29:433 (5) -

 00:48:321 (1) - Думаю и так понятно. Покрасивее, плиз :)

 00:49:877 (2) - Стоит добавить тут ноту. Без неё крайне трудно читать

 00:52:766 (3) - 00:53:210 (4) -

 00:53:655 (1) - 00:54:766 (6) - Звезда неровная :/

 01:00:766 (3) - Хитсаунд либо не к месту, либо следующие два такие же сделайте

 01:04:766 (2) - 01:05:210 (3) -

 01:08:321 (3) - Тут лучше два обычных кружка, перебор слайдеров у вас

 Дальше всё отлично :D
Topic Starter

envy111x wrote:

Casey's Hard:

 Сделайте AR7, нынешний слишком трудный для такого хардика. Размер кружков - 4. Это же хардос, а не экстра, зачем 4,5?

Casey's Insane:

 00:02:988 (2) - 00:03:877 (4) - Тяжело читать паттерн, вот так вот примерно стоит сделать

 00:04:988 (2) - Начало слайдера совсем немного приопустить, конец поднять и полевее

 00:05:433 (3) - 00:05:655 (4) - Нужно больше спейсинга на этих двух нотах

 00:06:544 (6) - Чуть выше

 00:06:988 (1) - 00:07:877 (3) - Вот так будет гораздо приятнее играть

 00:16:766 (3) - 00:17:877 (1) - Неровный паттерн вообще. Стоит переделать

 00:26:988 (1) - Пусть начинается прямо в той самой точке, где конец прошлого слайдера

 00:28:321 (1) - 00:29:433 (5) -

 00:48:321 (1) - Думаю и так понятно. Покрасивее, плиз :)

 00:49:877 (2) - Стоит добавить тут ноту. Без неё крайне трудно читать

 00:52:766 (3) - 00:53:210 (4) -

 00:53:655 (1) - 00:54:766 (6) - Звезда неровная :/

 01:00:766 (3) - Хитсаунд либо не к месту, либо следующие два такие же сделайте

 01:04:766 (2) - 01:05:210 (3) -

 01:08:321 (3) - Тут лучше два обычных кружка, перебор слайдеров у вас

 Дальше всё отлично :D
Большое спасибо! Большую часть твоих слов я взял во внимание, но были моменты в которых я сомневался, в частности про  01:00:766 (3) Ну как то не красиво без него звучит
I am a very beginner at modding. Maybe my suggestions are not very useful but I've tried my best ;)

I think Easy and Normal are fine so the suggestions are my opinion. If you like them you can change it.


  • without 1/2 tacts:
  1. 00:35:433 (3) - change it into a 1 tacts slider - In my opinion you should not use 1/2 tacts at Easy. I think like this it fits better at Easy.
  2. 01:00:766 (2) (3) - delete (2) and (3) and place a 1 tact slider at 01:00:766 and at 01:01:655 - the same reason like above ^^
  3. 01:14:099 (4) - delete it and place a circle at 01:14:544 - ^^
  4. 01:47:655 (3) - delete it and place a 1 tact slider - ^^
  5. 01:47:655 (3) - ^the same here - ^^
  6. 01:43:877 (3) - delete it and place a 1 tact slider + an arrow (= 2 tacts) - I think like this it fits a bit better

  1. 01:01:655 - place a 1/2 tact slider + an arrow (= 1 tact) - I like it more but without it it's also ok
  2. 00:20:544 (3) - change the hitsound: mark whistle - I think it sounds better
  3. the same at: 00:24:099 (1) (2) (4) 00:38:544 (2) 00:39:433 (1) (3) 00:49:877 (5) 01:06:988 (5) 01:12:321 (4)
  4. 01:47:655 (6) & 01:50:544 (2) (4) - change the hitsound: use your custom clap here
  5. 01:54:099 - add a timing point and change the volume of the audio to 30%
  6. 01:54:988 - ^use here 20%

At Advanced I think you should change something( I like Easy and Normal much more than this one)

fizzn1's Advanced
  1. 00:36:321 (4) (5) (6) - delete them and place 3x 1/2 tact slider, something like this:
  2. 00:38:099 (1) (2) (3) - delete them and place a 2 tacts slider at 00:37:655 (start new combo). Place circles at 00:39:210 ; 00:39:433 at the same position and also at 00:40:099 , 00:40:321 at the same position
  3. 00:41:210 (1) - delete the circle and mark the whole combo at this time and move them 1/2 tact back. Place circles at 00:40:988 (start here a new combo) and at 00:44:544. Now delete (2) (3) (4) of the new combo and place a 1/2 tact slider+ 2 arrows ( = 1 1/2 tacts ) at 00:41:210 and also at 00:42:099
  4. 01:11:433 (4) (5) - delete them and place at this time a 1/2 tact slider + 2 arrows( = 1 1/2 tacts)
  5. 01:38:988 (4) - delete it and place a 2 tacts slider at this time and place a circle at 01:40:321. Something like this:

I've enjoyed listen to this song. I hope it will be ranked soon :)
Topic Starter

DominikWW wrote:

I am a very beginner at modding. Maybe my suggestions are not very useful but I've tried my best ;)

I think Easy and Normal are fine so the suggestions are my opinion. If you like them you can change it.


  • without 1/2 tacts:
  1. 00:35:433 (3) - change it into a 1 tacts slider - In my opinion you should not use 1/2 tacts at Easy. I think like this it fits better at Easy.
  2. 01:00:766 (2) (3) - delete (2) and (3) and place a 1 tact slider at 01:00:766 and at 01:01:655 - the same reason like above ^^
  3. 01:14:099 (4) - delete it and place a circle at 01:14:544 - ^^
  4. 01:47:655 (3) - delete it and place a 1 tact slider - ^^
  5. 01:47:655 (3) - ^the same here - ^^
  6. 01:43:877 (3) - delete it and place a 1 tact slider + an arrow (= 2 tacts) - I think like this it fits a bit better

  1. 01:01:655 - place a 1/2 tact slider + an arrow (= 1 tact) - I like it more but without it is also ok
  2. 00:20:544 (3) - change the hitsound: mark whistle - I think it sounds better
  3. the same at: 00:24:099 (1) (2) (4) , 00:38:544 (2) , 00:39:433 (1) (3) , 00:49:877 (5) , 01:06:988 (5) , 01:12:321 (4)
  4. 01:47:655 (6) , 01:50:544 (2) (4) - change the hitsound: use your custom clap here
  5. 01:54:099 - add a timing point and change the volume of the audio to 30%
  6. 01:54:988 - ^use here 20%

At Advanced I think you should change something( I like Easy and Normal much more than this one)

fizzn1's Advanced
  1. 00:36:321 (4) (5) (6) - delete them and place 3x 1/2 tact slider, something like this:
  2. 00:38:099 (1) (2) (3) - delete them and place a 2 tacts slider at 00:37:655 ( start new combo). Place circles at 00:39:210 , 00:39:433 at the same position and also at 00:40:099 , 00:40:321 at the same position
  3. 00:41:210 (1) - delete the circle and mark the whole combo at this time and move them 1/2 tact back. Place circles at 00:40:988 ( start here a new combo) and at 00:44:544. Now delete (2) (3) (4) of the new combo and place a 1/2 tact slider+ 2 arrows ( = 1 1/2 tacts ) at 00:41:210 and also at 00:42:099
  4. 01:11:433 (4) (5) - delete them and place at this time a 1/2 tact slider + 2 arrows( = 1 1/2 tacts)
  5. 01:38:988 (4) - delete it and place a 2 tacts slider at this time and place a circle at 01:40:321. Something like this:

I've enjoyed listen to this song. I hope it will be ranked soon :)
I will look your mod tomorow. Big thanks :)
P o M u T a

  1. GOOD SB!!!
  2. add tag 'piano'
  3. not need tag 'Instrumental' it's genre. if you will rank, not need this tag.
  4. piano part, try add whistle hitsound! more good imo.
  5. 00:00:322 - preview point? I think.
  1. 00:05:655 (2) - 1grid down (x:164) so, (1,2) Parallel seems better.
  2. 00:27:877 (1) - it's unrankable issue 'because easy diff'. spinner end and this note between haven't 1000ms. so, delete this.
  3. 00:37:655 (1) - not spinner better? so, ^ problem.
  4. 01:26:544 (3) - add finish slider end!
  5. 01:41:655 (1) - add finish slider end!
  1. 00:26:988 (1) - too close spacing!
  2. 00:45:655 (1) - not need NC imo :)
  3. 00:51:433 (2) - add finish slider end!
  4. 00:55:433 (4) - overlaps (6). so, slider reverse point more up better.
  5. 01:48:099 (7) - add finish slider end.
  6. 01:54:099 (1) - add finish.
[fizzn1's Advanced]
  1. creative slider! good.
  2. 00:35:897 (3) - move (4) head? so, bit close spacing now.
  3. 00:07:877 (3) - add clap slider end?
[Casey's Hard]
  1. 00:48:099 (4) - bit up. so, (2) overlaps.
  2. 01:43:099 - why breaktime :D? try map!
[Casey's Insane]
  1. 00:51:877 (1) - add finish!
good luck :)
Topic Starter

P o M u T a wrote:


  1. GOOD SB!!!
  2. add tag 'piano'
  3. not need tag 'Instrumental' it's genre. if you will rank, not need this tag.
  4. piano part, try add whistle hitsound! more good imo.
  5. 00:00:322 - preview point? I think.
  1. 00:05:655 (2) - 1grid down (x:164) so, (1,2) Parallel seems better.
  2. 00:27:877 (1) - it's unrankable issue 'because easy diff'. spinner end and this note between haven't 1000ms. so, delete this.
  3. 00:37:655 (1) - not spinner better? so, ^ problem.
  4. 01:26:544 (3) - add finish slider end!
  5. 01:41:655 (1) - add finish slider end!
  1. 00:26:988 (1) - too close spacing!
  2. 00:45:655 (1) - not need NC imo :)
  3. 00:51:433 (2) - add finish slider end!
  4. 00:55:433 (4) - overlaps (6). so, slider reverse point more up better.
  5. 01:48:099 (7) - add finish slider end.
  6. 01:54:099 (1) - add finish.
[fizzn1's Advanced]
  1. creative slider! good.
  2. 00:35:897 (3) - move (4) head? so, bit close spacing now.
  3. 00:07:877 (3) - add clap slider end?
[Casey's Hard]
  1. 00:48:099 (4) - bit up. so, (2) overlaps.
  2. 01:43:099 - why breaktime :D? try map!
[Casey's Insane]
  1. 00:51:877 (1) - add finish!
good luck :)
Thanks ^_^
small mod~

this map has multiple timing:
BPM=135, Offset=342
BPM=130, Offset=114,119
BPM=122.5, Offset=115,042
maybe use 01:40:321 as timing point? I think it is the same one used in Deemo.

00:07:877 (1) - make it like this?

00:37:655 (1,2,3) - this looks better imo (just rotate the slider 120 and 240 degrees for first and second slider, respectively)

01:48:766 (1) - move the last point a bit to the left for a better blanket

00:30:099 (2) - move to x:128 y:224
01:10:988 (2) - move last point a bit down (about 2 small grids)

that's all i can mod xd
Topic Starter

Ster wrote:

small mod~

this map has multiple timing:
BPM=135, Offset=342
BPM=130, Offset=114,119
BPM=122.5, Offset=115,042
maybe use 01:40:321 as timing point? I think it is the same one used in Deemo.

00:07:877 (1) - make it like this?

00:37:655 (1,2,3) - this looks better imo (just rotate the slider 120 and 240 degrees for first and second slider, respectively)

01:48:766 (1) - move the last point a bit to the left for a better blanket

00:30:099 (2) - move to x:128 y:224
01:10:988 (2) - move last point a bit down (about 2 small grids)

that's all i can mod xd


The overall mapset is pretty good. I liked the song but you should consider these suggest to avoid unrankable issues:

  1. Multiple .osb Files: There should only be one .osb file in a folder (this folder has 2).
  2. Unnecessary kiai times: I found really unreasonable to place a 1 second kiai that goes from 00:58:988 to here 00:59:433. It would make more sense if the only kiai be this one 01:41:655 to 01:48:766
  3. Check Display epilepsy warning on all diffs: as long as when players start the song the leave appears so suddenly.
  4. Improper name to Insane difficulty: As long as the insane is a collab, you should name it different. The most common example is "Collab Insane" but you can mix your usernames to name it too. What about Caseylak's Insane or Shmikasey's Insane. :)
  5. Add these info into tags as you don't have any:
    l Deemo: as long as this song was featured by it. Supported by this website.
    l Rayark selection Vol. 1: because this is the album where the song was taken.
The main problem that resides in this difficulty is the current DS. The distance among the notes isn't enough and make overlap objects over this easy difficulty which make and unrankable issue. I highly suggest to increse the DS to 1.2x and re-place all the objects.
  1. 00:07:877 (1) This slider looks really creepy imo. Try yo make something more symmetric. Like this.
  2. 00:19:877 (4) Set NC over this object to have consistency with the Nc'ing pattern you manage in this section. Consider doing the same here 00:36:322 (4) and here 00:49:210 (7)
  3. 00:41:655 (1) The way you set this object with NC breaks the consistency so consider removing the NC on this object. Consider doing the same over this object 00:50:544 (1)
  4. In this section 00:50:544 until here 00:58:988 it would have played nicer you combined the combo colors to yellow and orange to match with the current bg.
  5. 01:02:544 (4) This slider should be extended to here 01:03:877 and the reverse should go in the red tick as long as this part is the same as this one 00:58:988 (1) It should follow like this.
  6. 01:07:433 (2) Replace this spinner into two circles that go over the red and white tick. 01:07:877 This white big tick is a strong beat and shouldn't be set as a downbeat.
  7. 01:08:322 (1) Remove NC here because this (1) slider breaks the NC'ing pattern you managed over this section. Consider doing the same with this object 01:23:877 (1)
  8. 01:47:655 (3) Remove the reverse of this slider as long as there's no beat to emphasize over the red tick.
  9. 01:54:099 (1) Place this object here x=236|y=44 to make an intuitive flow with the previous slider.
This difficulty plays well but there are some inconsistencies with the Distance Snap of some objects. Also there are some random NC sliders that might confuse players as long as they use the same combo colors.
  1. Some examples of them are these ones 00:20:544 (3,1) - 00:02:988 (4,1) - 00:23:433 (3,1) - 00:39:433 (1,2) - etc
  2. 00:22:321 (2) The same shape for this slider looks very monotonous and doesn't flow good. It would make more sense if it were like this.
  3. 00:26:988 (1) The reverse of this slider doesn't play good as long as there's no beat to emphasize here 00:27:433 So consider remove it.
  4. 00:41:211 (1,1) Unrankable issue here. You must give at least, 2 white ticks of difference between a spinner and a note.
  5. 01:03:211 (8) This slider is missing of claps. As same as this one 01:06:099 (4)
  6. 01:50:988 (3,4) Try to avoid this kind of notable overlaps among notes as long as it looks untidy.
fizzn1's Advanced
This difficulty has some problems that make it really hard to play:
  1. AR 7 is too high for this difficulty that looks more like a Normal. AR6 would have made more sense here.
  2. 00:11:433 (5) Slider shape like this might confuse players as long as the BPM is bit low. Try something less curvy itself like this. Do the same with the same kind of slider shapes.
  3. 00:12:766 (2) The same resides over this. If players aren't aware of this slider wave, they might get problems of reading them and it will lead to get a sliderbreak. Try something more intuitive and flow like this. Consider doing something similar with this one 00:17:210 (4)
  4. 00:23:433 (1) This 1/1 slider doesn't play good and make and awkward rhythm, it would make sense if you place a circle 00:24:321 to keep the flow.
  5. 00:31:433 (2,3) This kinds of overlaps might confuse players as long as you're breaking the DS here. Try to keep DS consistent in this diff to make better flows and patterns.
  6. 00:38:766 (2) Two reverses in a slider is a lot. Consider making something more perceptive.
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:


The overall mapset is pretty good. I liked the song but you should consider these suggest to avoid unrankable issues:

  1. Multiple .osb Files: There should only be one .osb file in a folder (this folder has 2).
  2. Unnecessary kiai times: I found really unreasonable to place a 1 second kiai that goes from 00:58:988 to here 00:59:433. It would make more sense if the only kiai be this one 01:41:655 to 01:48:766
  3. Check Display epilepsy warning on all diffs: as long as when players start the song the leave appears so suddenly.
  4. Improper name to Insane difficulty: As long as the insane is a collab, you should name it different. The most common example is "Collab Insane" but you can mix your usernames to name it too. What about Caseylak's Insane or Shmikasey's Insane. :)
  5. Add these info into tags as you don't have any:
    l Deemo: as long as this song was featured by it. Supported by this website.
    l Rayark selection Vol. 1: because this is the album where the song was taken.
The main problem that resides in this difficulty is the current DS. The distance among the notes isn't enough and make overlap objects over this easy difficulty which make and unrankable issue. I highly suggest to increse the DS to 1.2x and re-place all the objects.
  1. 00:07:877 (1) This slider looks really creepy imo. Try yo make something more symmetric. Like this.
  2. 00:19:877 (4) Set NC over this object to have consistency with the Nc'ing pattern you manage in this section. Consider doing the same here 00:36:322 (4) and here 00:49:210 (7)
  3. 00:41:655 (1) The way you set this object with NC breaks the consistency so consider removing the NC on this object. Consider doing the same over this object 00:50:544 (1)
  4. In this section 00:50:544 until here 00:58:988 it would have played nicer you combined the combo colors to yellow and orange to match with the current bg.
  5. 01:02:544 (4) This slider should be extended to here 01:03:877 and the reverse should go in the red tick as long as this part is the same as this one 00:58:988 (1) It should follow like this.
  6. 01:07:433 (2) Replace this spinner into two circles that go over the red and white tick. 01:07:877 This white big tick is a strong beat and shouldn't be set as a downbeat.
  7. 01:08:322 (1) Remove NC here because this (1) slider breaks the NC'ing pattern you managed over this section. Consider doing the same with this object 01:23:877 (1)
  8. 01:47:655 (3) Remove the reverse of this slider as long as there's no beat to emphasize over the red tick.
  9. 01:54:099 (1) Place this object here x=236|y=44 to make an intuitive flow with the previous slider.
This difficulty plays well but there are some inconsistencies with the Distance Snap of some objects. Also there are some random NC sliders that might confuse players as long as they use the same combo colors.
  1. Some examples of them are these ones 00:20:544 (3,1) - 00:02:988 (4,1) - 00:23:433 (3,1) - 00:39:433 (1,2) - etc
  2. 00:22:321 (2) The same shape for this slider looks very monotonous and doesn't flow good. It would make more sense if it were like this.
  3. 00:26:988 (1) The reverse of this slider doesn't play good as long as there's no beat to emphasize here 00:27:433 So consider remove it.
  4. 00:41:211 (1,1) Unrankable issue here. You must give at least, 2 white ticks of difference between a spinner and a note.
  5. 01:03:211 (8) This slider is missing of claps. As same as this one 01:06:099 (4)
  6. 01:50:988 (3,4) Try to avoid this kind of notable overlaps among notes as long as it looks untidy.
fizzn1's Advanced
This difficulty has some problems that make it really hard to play:
  1. AR 7 is too high for this difficulty that looks more like a Normal. AR6 would have made more sense here.
  2. 00:11:433 (5) Slider shape like this might confuse players as long as the BPM is bit low. Try something less curvy itself like this. Do the same with the same kind of slider shapes.
  3. 00:12:766 (2) The same resides over this. If players aren't aware of this slider wave, they might get problems of reading them and it will lead to get a sliderbreak. Try something more intuitive and flow like this. Consider doing something similar with this one 00:17:210 (4)
  4. 00:23:433 (1) This 1/1 slider doesn't play good and make and awkward rhythm, it would make sense if you place a circle 00:24:321 to keep the flow.
  5. 00:31:433 (2,3) This kinds of overlaps might confuse players as long as you're breaking the DS here. Try to keep DS consistent in this diff to make better flows and patterns.
  6. 00:38:766 (2) Two reverses in a slider is a lot. Consider making something more perceptive.
Ok, thanks I look it later.
Hello.I'm coming without your invite.Ok,I just request for M4M.
This is my mod.

  1. 00:41:655 (2) - This is a blanket?If it is,it isn't hold it completely.
  2. 01:05:433 - After here,a little noise.
  3. 01:23:877 (4) - Its shape is a little strange.You could fix it.
  4. 01:26:544 (6) - ∧
  5. 01:45:211 (4) - and 01:45:877 (1) - could change each other.
  6. Between 01:46:988 - and 01:47:655 - could make a slider,and set a circle in 01:48:099 -
  1. 00:01:210 (2) - blanket
  2. 00:13:655 (4,5,6) - In normal nearly have 3 hits like this three.
  3. 00:25:877 - In normal there nearly have stack like this.
  4. 00:38:988 (3,4,1) - 3 hits.
  5. 01:00:766 (3,4,5) - ∧
  6. 01:08:321 (1) - Too close to 01:07:433 (5) -
  7. 01:24:766 (2,3) - round it into 01:24:766 (2) - is vertical.
  8. 01:54:099 (1) - Make it not in the slider.
  1. 00:39:433 (3) - A little close to 00:39:877 (4) -
  1. 00:17:433 (5) - Move it near to x:420,y:284
  2. 00:17:655 (6) - Move it near to x:344,y:248
  3. 00:18:544 (1,2,3,4) - Beats are strange.In 00:19:433 - should add a note.
    There are some strange beats in this diff.You could check them.
  4. 00:19:211 (4) - blanket
  5. 00:21:433 (4) - ∧
  6. 00:25:877 (8) - Add NC.
  7. 00:26:988 (1) - Remove NC.
    About NC and blanket,there are some wrong.You could check them.
  1. 00:04:321 (1) - Distance is wrong.You could move it to stack with 00:03:877 (4) - .
  2. 00:06:099 (5) - Could more close to 00:05:655 (4) - .
  3. 00:31:210 (1,2,3) - Beats are wrong.Change their order into (3,1,2)
    Check the beats is important.
I think your map must be better.And I like your storyboard.
Good luck for rank.
If you're free,could you mod my map?My map's link is .
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