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Topic Starter

ohad1881 wrote:

m4m reverse here!
00:12:823-remove NC
00:30:898-remove NC
00:31:643-NC here
01:03:693-this is just ugly change it
01:13:010-remove NC
normal- :)
00:07:792-remove NC
00:08:538-NC here
00:25:494-try this
00:04:066-remove NC
00:35:929-dont flow well with the others try roundy slider
01:01:271-put a circle here for blanket
01:08:724-put a circle here and stack it with the end of 4
00:04:066-REMOVE NC
00:23:631 2-ctrl g
00:24:376 4-ctrl g
Sorry,I don't want to amend all of your suggestions.Anyway,THX for your mod :)

00:44:314(1) 你确定要在这个EASY里用这个反跳么,我觉得DS1.0挺好的……
01:01:457(1,2) 节奏好像真的不怎么对诶……因为中间故意留的空拍的原因么?


00:26:239 好顶赞的反跳!
01:06:302 可以被摆放到一个更好的位置,遮罩或者不要。



  1. 00:01:830 (2) - 移到224,156附近貌似手感更好
  2. 00:03:693 (3) - 然后可以用这个跟上面的做个blanket
  3. 00:04:811 (2,3) - 总是一种方向跟弧度的滑条略显单调,试试这样,顺便把后面的滑条也改一下。
  4. 00:17:295 (1,2,3,4) - 建议其中一对改成直的或者折线,增加点变化。
  5. 00:18:786 (5) - 摆在顺着前一个滑条flow的地方比较好,顺便就做了一个小跳,现在这样感觉怪怪的
  6. 00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 做个形状比较好吧,随便乱摆了一个 =w=
  7. 00:21:022 (3,4) - 这两个考虑改成直的然后让尾巴跟之前两个弯的blanket起来?
  8. 00:28:662 (3) - 减小点弧度
  9. 00:38:165 (5) - 逼死强迫症系列,建议blanket?
  10. 00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 这种跳总是让我想起2012或者竹取。。总之是很老套的梗。。 相比之下后面的00:48:041

    (1,2,3,4) 就更加现代化,建议换梗。。【其实不换也不是什么大问题
  11. 00:50:277 (1,2,3,4) - 考虑下做成两两平行但是不在一条直线上?然后也不要总是摆成直角啥的。。
  12. 00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 两组的大小变一下然后加个旋转?
  13. 01:02:016 (3,4,5) - 这个梗改成这样试试?
  14. 01:17:854 (1,2,3,4) - 2 改到120,88,4改到392,88,之前的形状感觉挺乱的。。
  15. 01:19:159 (1,2,3,4,5) - 改成这种顺序不知道你喜不喜欢

  1. 00:20:277 (3,4,5,6) - 同样把一对改成直的或者折线的增加点花样
  2. 00:50:090 (1) - 建议跟之前这个00:48:413 (3)的blanket保持一致
  3. 01:02:016 (2) - 01:03:693 (2) - 01:04:997 (5) - 01:13:103 (9) - 01:14:687 (4) - 跟要blanket的物件拉远一点
  4. 01:16:177 (2) - 前半段的弧线建议拉好一点,然后中间用个红点,比如这样
  5. 01:16:923 (4) - 同上,我拉了一个这样的
  6. 01:27:171 (5) - 448,132



Good luck XD
刚刚那个是从你的M4M QUEUE来的 =w=


Topic Starter

qxqd_1993 wrote:


00:44:314(1) 你确定要在这个EASY里用这个反跳么,我觉得DS1.0挺好的…… 1.0偏远了……
01:01:457(1,2) 节奏好像真的不怎么对诶……因为中间故意留的空拍的原因么?


00:26:239 好顶赞的反跳!这……是合适还是不合适呢?
01:06:302 可以被摆放到一个更好的位置,遮罩或者不要。如果为了美观拉开距离,会有点远的还是算了


谢谢你的摸图,在eznm细节方面上做的很赞 :)
Topic Starter

Remilia_CO wrote:


  1. 00:01:830 (2) - 移到224,156附近貌似手感更好 good
  2. 00:03:693 (3) - 然后可以用这个跟上面的做个blanket 不错哎
  3. 00:04:811 (2,3) - 总是一种方向跟弧度的滑条略显单调,试试这样,顺便把后面的滑条也改一下。
  4. 00:17:295 (1,2,3,4) - 建议其中一对改成直的或者折线,增加点变化。理由同上,这个梗选一组变成直线滑条就不好看了
  5. 00:18:786 (5) - 摆在顺着前一个滑条flow的地方比较好,顺便就做了一个小跳,现在这样感觉怪怪的 确实有点怪,把他移到上面去感觉好点了
  6. 00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 做个形状比较好吧,随便乱摆了一个 =w= good
  7. 00:21:022 (3,4) - 这两个考虑改成直的然后让尾巴跟之前两个弯的blanket起来?赞!
  8. 00:28:662 (3) - 减小点弧度 感觉好点了
  9. 00:38:165 (5) - 逼死强迫症系列,建议blanket?好吧,试着包的远了点
  10. 00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 这种跳总是让我想起2012或者竹取。。总之是很老套的梗。。 相比之下后面的00:48:041

    (1,2,3,4) 就更加现代化,建议换梗。。【其实不换也不是什么大问题 我想给人一种从老梗过渡到新梗的感觉(被打死)
  11. 00:50:277 (1,2,3,4) - 考虑下做成两两平行但是不在一条直线上?然后也不要总是摆成直角啥的。这里整体性比较强,不大好改。况且虽然是老梗,却是我这张图想到的第一个梗,很舍不得改这里
  12. 00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 两组的大小变一下然后加个旋转?之前有人提醒过旋转,但这部分remap之后我没有保留,果然还是转下比较好
  13. 01:02:016 (3,4,5) - 这个梗改成这样试试?不错哎
  14. 01:17:854 (1,2,3,4) - 2 改到120,88,4改到392,88,之前的形状感觉挺乱的。。好的修复了
  15. 01:19:159 (1,2,3,4,5) - 改成这种顺序不知道你喜不喜欢 一般般感觉没有太大提升

  1. 00:20:277 (3,4,5,6) - 同样把一对改成直的或者折线的增加点花样 怎么说,有点难办,这样图就不整齐了,泡泡告诉我要尽量保持一组滑条弧度的统一性。这里改直折线的有点违和
  2. 00:50:090 (1) - 建议跟之前这个00:48:413 (3)的blanket保持一致 好的
  3. 01:02:016 (2) - 01:03:693 (2) - 01:04:997 (5) - 01:13:103 (9) - 01:14:687 (4) - 跟要blanket的物件拉远一点 blanket间距不一对吧,试着改一波吧
  4. 01:16:177 (2) - 前半段的弧线建议拉好一点,然后中间用个红点,比如这样
  5. 01:16:923 (4) - 同上,我拉了一个这样的 拉的比我好XD
  6. 01:27:171 (5) - 448,132做了类似拉间距的调整



Good luck XD

00:30:339 (4,5,6) - 包好

00:43:941 (4,5,6,7) - 做个形状出来,比如467构成一个30-60-90的直角三角形,然后6到4,5的距离一样,5到6,7的距离一样,看图

00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5) - 想到一个梗,不知道你喜不喜欢,右边直接翻转过去就行

00:10:774 (4) - 往上放到高过前一个滑条顶端的位置
Hey just check :3

The metadata should be Ishida Youko - COLORFUL BOX(TV Size)

And I have a suggestion for hard diff : 00:06:302(3)- Snap from 1/4 to 1/2 I mean to remove the repeat and add a note after the slider but place the note on 407|273 for a jump cuz a diff without jumps and stream ( some stream =/ ) is not an hard diff and to follow the vocal and instruments much better

Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

Remilia_CO wrote:


00:30:339 (4,5,6) - 包好


00:43:941 (4,5,6,7) - 做个形状出来,比如467构成一个30-60-90的直角三角形,然后6到4,5的距离一样,5到6,7的距离一样,看图

00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5) - 想到一个梗,不知道你喜不喜欢,右边直接翻转过去就行

00:10:774 (4) - 往上放到高过前一个滑条顶端的位置fixed

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Hey just check :3

The metadata should be Ishida Youko - COLORFUL BOX(TV Size)Ok,I'll fix it later.

And I have a suggestion for hard diff : 00:06:302(3)- Snap from 1/4 to 1/2 I mean to remove the repeat and add a note after the slider but place the note on 407|273 for a jump cuz a diff without jumps and stream ( some stream =/ ) is not an hard diff and to follow the vocal and instruments much better Nice idea !but the distance maybe confusing so I decide to add a circle and stack on the next slider that's good

Good Luck ~
[ Zzz ]
Hi~ zj0924 ( My modding queue t/142356/start=150 )

  1. 00:39:097 (1,2) - Swap NC
  2. 00:42:078 (1,2) - Same
  3. 00:49:904 - Add Circle 00:49:904 - Same
  4. 01:00:712 (4,1) - Swap NC
  5. 01:02:389 (4) - Add Whistle 01:03:320 - Add Clap
  6. 01:04:625 (2) - Add Whistle 01:06:302 (4) - Change Whistle > Clap :3
  7. 01:11:146 (3) - 01:15:618 (2) - Remove the green line
  8. 01:11:519 (3,5) - Whistle Change Clap
  9. 01:13:010 (1) - Finish Change Clap
  10. 01:13:941 (3) - Add Whistle
  11. 01:15:246 - Add Clap
  12. 01:15:618 (2,3) - Correct
  13. 01:21:954 - Add Clap

  1. 00:19:531 (2) - Delete Circle
  2. 00:20:836 - Add Circle , Clap
  3. 00:23:817 - Same
  4. 00:24:749 (6) - 00:24:562 - Here , Add Clap
  5. 00:32:016 - Add Clap
  6. 00:42:451 (2) - Add Whistle
  7. 01:02:761 - Add Finish
  8. 01:03:320 (5) - Finish Change Clap :3
  9. 01:20:463 - Add Clap
  10. 01:24:562 (3,5) - Add Clap ( End )

  1. 00:06:302 - Clap > Whistle Change
  2. 00:18:041 (3) - Delete Clap
  3. 00:26:053 - Add Clap
  4. 00:31:085 (9) - Delete Clap
  5. 00:32:761 - 00:33:507 - Add Clap
  6. 00:37:233 (2,4) - Whistle Change Clap :3

Good Luck~
Topic Starter

[ Zzz ] wrote:

Hi~ zj0924 ( My modding queue t/142356/start=150 )

  1. 00:39:097 (1,2) - Swap NC
  2. 00:42:078 (1,2) - Same
  3. 00:49:904 - Add Circle 00:49:904 - Same
  4. 01:00:712 (4,1) - Swap NC
  5. 01:02:389 (4) - Add Whistle 01:03:320 - Add Clap
  6. 01:04:625 (2) - Add Whistle 01:06:302 (4) - Change Whistle > Clap :3
  7. 01:11:146 (3) - 01:15:618 (2) - Remove the green line
  8. 01:11:519 (3,5) - Whistle Change Clap
  9. 01:13:010 (1) - Finish Change Clap
  10. 01:13:941 (3) - Add Whistle
  11. 01:15:246 - Add Clap
  12. 01:15:618 (2,3) - Correct
  13. 01:21:954 - Add Clap

  1. 00:19:531 (2) - Delete Circle
  2. 00:20:836 - Add Circle , Clap
  3. 00:23:817 - Same
  4. 00:24:749 (6) - 00:24:562 - Here , Add Clap
  5. 00:32:016 - Add Clap
  6. 00:42:451 (2) - Add Whistle
  7. 01:02:761 - Add Finish
  8. 01:03:320 (5) - Finish Change Clap :3
  9. 01:20:463 - Add Clap
  10. 01:24:562 (3,5) - Add Clap ( End )
great mod all fixed.Thanks For Your Mod :)
Nerova Riuz GX
Hi, From my Queue

要不要把Preview設在線上? 00:54:749 - 或是 00:55:028 - (如果你非常要求要從人聲開始)


00:00:525 (1) - 或許換成兩個HC? 打起來感覺不一樣。
00:21:767 (5) - 三連打?
00:33:693 (5) - ^
00:40:960 (2) - 試著移動讓整個物件都在Grid裡面。
00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 這整串的跳好像不是那麼必要? 如果因為某些原因一定要這樣子放的話,一次就夠了,第二次換別的樣式吧。
00:54:003 (2,3) - 考慮看看把這兩個換成一個滑條? 如果不要的話,也請把這兩個點的距離再拉大點。
01:23:817 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 試試看,把2和6去掉,變成一個HC和兩個三連,可能會好點(?)

00:09:656 (1) - 可以考慮下一個再NC
01:04:997 (7) - NC
01:05:929 (1) - continue combo

00:00:525 (1) - 同Insane,考慮下換成兩個HC
00:09:842 (1) - 滑條開頭再往下一點點?
00:56:798 (2) - 往左邊一點點。推薦x=252 y=60

加油! 我很期待!
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

业界良心啊!b站都封了,不想去爱奇艺看广告,只能手机上看布丁动画 :o
01:05:556 (8) - 保持跟之前那个滑条blanket的距离相同吧
Topic Starter

Remilia_CO wrote:

01:05:556 (8) - 保持跟之前那个滑条blanket的距离相同吧
嗯修复了 :)
Topic Starter

Nerova Riuz GX wrote:

Hi, From my Queue

要不要把Preview設在線上? 00:54:749 - 或是 00:55:028 - (如果你非常要求要從人聲開始)
這個音樂檔的結尾好像稍稍奇怪了點啊......貌似是被切掉了......要不要考慮換一個? 暂时不打算换,绿线都要调整了


00:00:525 (1) - 或許換成兩個HC? 打起來感覺不一樣。感觉滑条没问题啊,sorry
00:21:767 (5) - 三連打?
00:33:693 (5) - ^ 大众向图,不打算加难度
00:40:960 (2) - 試著移動讓整個物件都在Grid裡面。
00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 這整串的跳好像不是那麼必要? 如果因為某些原因一定要這樣子放的話,一次就夠了,第二次換別的樣式吧。这里整体性比较强,有点不好改
00:54:003 (2,3) - 考慮看看把這兩個換成一個滑條? 如果不要的話,也請把這兩個點的距離再拉大點。试着拉远了点,滑条不是很合适
01:23:817 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 試試看,把2和6去掉,變成一個HC和兩個三連,可能會好點(?) overmap,和前面一样会有点单调,我试着把排列和flow在调整下

00:09:656 (1) - 可以考慮下一個再NC
01:04:997 (7) - NC
01:05:929 (1) - continue combo NC全修复

00:00:525 (1) - 同Insane,考慮下換成兩個HC
00:09:842 (1) - 滑條開頭再往下一點點?
00:56:798 (2) - 往左邊一點點。推薦x=252 y=60 空间问题全部修复

加油! 我很期待!
谢谢你的mod :)
Topic Starter

gorgonzoler wrote:

不急的,学业要紧,osu神马的慢慢来 ;)
request from my Queue


  • 00:02:575 (1) - no NC
    00:07:047 (1,1) - ^
    00:25:494 (2) - Try use this?
    00:42:078 (1) - ^
    01:14:500 (3) - (4)Stack
    01:24:376 (2) - Remove


  • 00:15:991 (1) - Finish
    00:18:972 (6) - ^
    00:21:767 (7,8) - Try use this? (8) add Finish
    00:24:935 (8) - Finish
    00:27:916 (1) - ^
    00:33:879 (1) - ^
    00:39:097 (1) - vol 75%
    00:39:842 (3) - Finish
    00:45:805 (3) - ^
    00:47:295 (3) - ^
    00:57:730 (5) - ^
    01:00:712 (5) - ^
    01:06:674 (3) - ^
    01:09:656 (7) - ^
    01:11:146 (5) -


  • 00:11:053 (5) - add Circle
    00:15:991 (1) - Finish
    00:18:972 (6) - ^
    00:21:954 (6) - ^
    00:24:935 (6) - ^
    00:30:898 (6) - ^
    00:38:165 (5) - ^
    00:44:500 (7) - 1/2 Slider
    00:55:121 (2) - Ctrl G
    00:56:612 (2) - ^
    00:57:730 (5) - Finish
    01:00:712 (6) - Finish
    01:01:457 (2) - Try use this?
    01:13:382 (1) - 1/2 Slider
    01:16:364 (3) - Ctrl J →Ctrl H →Ctrl G →move x352 y56
    01:27:544 (1) - End at 01:28:662
Good luck~ :)

Hi there, coming from either your or my request/queue or m4m, whatever. Be so kind to answer to my mod and tell my why you denied suggestions.

Suggestion, no change neccessary
Rather important change
Not so important change/small note or opinion
(copy paste end | HistoryTag: ~ Sploosh ~)

■ Your mp3 has a rather low quality (128kbit/s). You probably want to look for a better version with max 192kbit/s.
■ Imo, you should add a Kiai Toggle off on 01:18:600 and on again on 01:24:562 since that late middle part is kinda slow and weak
Preview Point is unsnapped
■ Lots and lots of NCs are really off and dont belong on which object they are. Try to keep it consistent with the NCing, dont just randomly double or halve it depending on where you are in the song
■ Try to avoid pixel-touches like this here:

00:04:811 (2,3) - These could be a tiny bit more round so that it at least looks like it'd be a blanket
■ 00:27:916 (1,2) - Blanket can and should be improved
■ 00:48:786 (1,2,3,4) - Add just a little bit more spacing so that they dont touch at their ends
■ 00:50:277 (1,2,3,4) - ^
■ 01:08:165 (1,2,3) - I think this is kinda boring and too repetitive for what the song does. Would be great if you could rearrange this pattern
■ 01:13:382 (1,2,3) - This spacing is kinda troublesome. 1->2 and 2->3 have the same spacing, but different rhythms (one is 1/1, one is 1/2). You maybe want to space 2->3 less
01:17:854 (1,2,3,4) - How about this? It'd go well with the decreasing power of the vocals

■ 00:22:326 (8,1,2) - Move these slightly so that they dont touch
■ 01:13:941 (2,4) - Note for the next time you're mapping: Try to avoid this. They're rather ugly and might be confusing to read, since you have something appear under the Slider youve just played

■ Technically there's nothing wrong with this diff, but, in my opinion, it lacks aesthetics. Some objects are not properly aligned with another object or blankets dont look too good. You maybe want to take a look over that if youve got some free time

■ Halt everything you're doing now. You WILL have to remap some parts.
In general, in Normal and Easy you want to have a consistent spacing throughout the entire difficulty. This means; If you used 1.0 as you standard spacing, then only use 1.0 DS. Dont use 1.1, dont use 0.9 etc. Only one general spacing is allowed.

As an example, it applies for these objects:
■ 00:00:525 (1,1,2) - 1.3 -> 0.8
■ 00:04:811 (2,3,1) - 1.0 -> 0.6
■ 00:06:674 (2,1,2,1) - 1.0 -> 1.1

Please respace them so that they meet the standard 1.0 spacing

■ 00:24:562 (6,7,1) - I think stacking them like this is a bad idea. The player might not know stacks yet and he suddenly has to play one, coming from another Circle.
■ 00:26:053 (3) - I dont think that you should skip this beat. It's pretty strong and should be mapped. You could remove the repeat from the Slider before and add a second Slider to fit in
■ 00:30:712 (5) - The downbeat here should also not be skipped. A loud/stong sound like this in the middle of the Slider shouldnt be a thing
■ 00:42:078 (1) - See 26:053
■ 00:58:475 (1) - ^
■ 01:10:401 (2) - ^
■ 01:20:836 (1) - ^

■ I think it wouldve been much better if you went with a lower SV but higher general DS here. 1.10SV and 0.7 DS doesnt feel right

■ 00:13:755 (2) - spacing error
00:26:239 (4) - That's a polarity error and the player surely wont be able to see that on his first try. Take a look at this video and try to change it:
01:19:159 (1,2) - ^
■ 01:27:544 (1) - Should start on the red tick before that

Yauxo wrote:

■ Your mp3 has a rather low quality (128kbit/s). You probably want to look for a better version with max 192kbit/s.

  1. This song's album doesn't have tv size in title so delete tv size from title and add to tags instead ?, <<< This is the only websites about this song that I can find and they don't have tv size in title
  2. Change artist to " Yoko Ishida " ? I guess this is the correct one
  3. End kiai here 01:18:600 - ?
  1. 00:01:084 (1) - Ctrl+G ? better flow imo
  2. 00:08:538 (2) - NC this instead of 00:08:351 (1) -
  3. 00:16:550 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe place like this would make the flow a bit better
  4. 00:18:972 (6) - NC this instead of 00:19:531 (1) -
  5. 00:20:649 (2) - Ctrl+G so you get symmetry flow which flow great when combine with 00:21:022 (3,4) - imo
  6. 00:19:904 (3,4) - Aesthetic- stack at tail ?
  7. 00:20:649 (2,6) - Aesthetic-stack at head ?
  8. 00:21:954 (6) - NC this instead of 00:22:513 (1) -
  9. 00:24:935 (6) - NC this instead of 00:25:494 (1) -
  10. 00:26:239 (3) - NC
  11. 00:30:898 (6) - NC this instead of 00:31:457 (1) -
  12. 00:31:457 (1,2,3,4,1) - This might flow better imo
  13. 00:33:879 (6) - NC this instead of 00:34:438 (1) -
    looks like you focus on vocal when it come to nc which sound okay but you might get the inconsistent NC problem so I recommend follow the downbeat in the music (big white tick ) is the best here so try NC every big white tick here
  14. 01:08:165 (1) - Clap head ?
  15. 01:08:538 (2) - Whistle head and tail ?
  16. 01:08:910 (3) - Clap head ? (copy- paste hitsound mods to other diffs )
  17. 01:20:090 (6) - Stack this at 01:19:159 (1) - would make the flow a bit more smooth imo
  1. 00:55:867 (4) - Ctrl+G ? I think the jumps here 00:55:494 (3,4) - feel a bit too sudden
  2. 01:22:140 (4,5) - Seems a bit confuse for hard when (5) is stacked at (4) tail imo when I first play this I didn't notice the (5) place there so I just move my cursor (6) directly

    I think flow and spacing can be improved a bit here
  • Spacing kinda inconsistent you should use 1.0x ds for every notes in this diff
  1. 00:42:078 (1,2) - Placing like this is a bit confusing for normal imo
  2. 00:24:562 (6,7,1) - Placing like this is a bit confusing for normal imo

    imo this diff really can be improved a lot on spacing and flow
    well you can try fix the thing I mention above so this diff can play a bit better
  • 1.10x SV seems a bit too much here imo or if you want to use that you can increase your main ds to 0.8x ds so the notes will spaced just like in kiai which looks better than the part before kiai
  1. 00:36:115 (4,1) - This really looks hard to play for beginner imo
Good luck :)
Topic Starter

-Maruk- wrote:

request from my Queue


  • 00:02:575 (1) - no NC no,finish needs nc
    00:07:047 (1,1) - ^
    00:25:494 (2) - Try use this?
    00:42:078 (1) - ^ ok
    01:14:500 (3) - (4)Stack ok
    01:24:376 (2) - Remove I removed 1


  • 00:15:991 (1) - Finish
    00:18:972 (6) - ^
    00:21:767 (7,8) - Try use this? (8) add Finish no thanks
    00:24:935 (8) - Finish
    00:27:916 (1) - ^
    00:33:879 (1) - ^ fixed
    00:39:097 (1) - vol 75%
    00:39:842 (3) - Finish
    00:45:805 (3) - ^
    00:47:295 (3) - ^
    00:57:730 (5) - ^
    01:00:712 (5) - ^
    01:06:674 (3) - ^
    01:09:656 (7) - ^
    01:11:146 (5) - ah,maybe I don't want to add these finishes


  • 00:11:053 (5) - add Circle no thanks
    00:15:991 (1) - Finish
    00:18:972 (6) - ^
    00:21:954 (6) - ^
    00:24:935 (6) - ^
    00:30:898 (6) - ^
    00:38:165 (5) - ^fixed most of them
    00:44:500 (7) - 1/2 Slider why?
    00:55:121 (2) - Ctrl G ok
    00:56:612 (2) - ^ fine as it is
    00:57:730 (5) - Finish ok
    01:00:712 (6) - Finish
    01:01:457 (2) - Try use this? good
    01:13:382 (1) - 1/2 Sliderfine as it is
    01:16:364 (3) - Ctrl J →Ctrl H →Ctrl G →move x352 y56 looks great
    01:27:544 (1) - End at 01:28:662 fine as it is
Good luck~ :)
Thanks for modding :)
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:

Hi there, coming from either your or my request/queue or m4m, whatever. Be so kind to answer to my mod and tell my why you denied suggestions.

Suggestion, no change neccessary
Rather important change
Not so important change/small note or opinion
(copy paste end | HistoryTag: ~ Sploosh ~)

■ Your mp3 has a rather low quality (128kbit/s). You probably want to look for a better version with max 192kbit/s.
■ Imo, you should add a Kiai Toggle off on 01:18:600 and on again on 01:24:562 since that late middle part is kinda slow and weak fixed
Preview Point is unsnapped fixed
■ Lots and lots of NCs are really off and dont belong on which object they are. Try to keep it consistent with the NCing, dont just randomly double or halve it depending on where you are in the song I'm not good at NC :o
■ Try to avoid pixel-touches like this here: ok

00:04:811 (2,3) - These could be a tiny bit more round so that it at least looks like it'd be a blanketfixed
■ 00:27:916 (1,2) - Blanket can and should be improvedfixed
■ 00:48:786 (1,2,3,4) - Add just a little bit more spacing so that they dont touch at their ends
■ 00:50:277 (1,2,3,4) - ^ You are certainly attentive but I don't think it will effect cuz just touch really really a bit……
■ 01:08:165 (1,2,3) - I think this is kinda boring and too repetitive for what the song does. Would be great if you could rearrange this pattern.Maybe,but I'm lazy to rearrange the better pattern.fine as it is.
■ 01:13:382 (1,2,3) - This spacing is kinda troublesome. 1->2 and 2->3 have the same spacing, but different rhythms (one is 1/1, one is 1/2). You maybe want to space 2->3 less Though distance is same,but 2->3 has a reverse flow to increase distance imo
01:17:854 (1,2,3,4) - How about this? It'd go well with the decreasing power of the vocalsYou really understand me.AWESOME!

■ 00:22:326 (8,1,2) - Move these slightly so that they dont touchfixed
■ 01:13:941 (2,4) - Note for the next time you're mapping: Try to avoid this. They're rather ugly and might be confusing to read, since you have something appear under the Slider youve just played.That's my mapping style for this map,though maybe looks bad,I think it's okay

■ Technically there's nothing wrong with this diff, but, in my opinion, it lacks aesthetics. Some objects are not properly aligned with another object or blankets dont look too good. You maybe want to take a look over that if youve got some free time.OK,I'll improve it

■ Halt everything you're doing now. You WILL have to remap some parts.
In general, in Normal and Easy you want to have a consistent spacing throughout the entire difficulty. This means; If you used 1.0 as you standard spacing, then only use 1.0 DS. Dont use 1.1, dont use 0.9 etc. Only one general spacing is allowed.

As an example, it applies for these objects:
■ 00:00:525 (1,1,2) - 1.3 -> 0.8
■ 00:04:811 (2,3,1) - 1.0 -> 0.6
■ 00:06:674 (2,1,2,1) - 1.0 -> 1.1

Please respace them so that they meet the standard 1.0 spacingUR right.Honestly,I made this diff without seeing any ranking rules so I modify a lot then had this kind of DS problems.already fixed!THX :)

■ 00:24:562 (6,7,1) - I think stacking them like this is a bad idea. The player might not know stacks yet and he suddenly has to play one, coming from another Circle.fixed
■ 00:26:053 (3) - I dont think that you should skip this beat. It's pretty strong and should be mapped. You could remove the repeat from the Slider before and add a second Slider to fit infixed
■ 00:30:712 (5) - The downbeat here should also not be skipped. A loud/stong sound like this in the middle of the Slider shouldnt be a thingfixed
■ 00:42:078 (1) - See 26:053
■ 00:58:475 (1) - ^
■ 01:10:401 (2) - ^
■ 01:20:836 (1) - ^ur right.I used to repeat twice but others said that's unranked so i removed a reverse.

■ I think it wouldve been much better if you went with a lower SV but higher general DS here. 1.10SV and 0.7 DS doesnt feel right

■ 00:13:755 (2) - spacing errorfixed
00:26:239 (4) - That's a polarity error and the player surely wont be able to see that on his first try. Take a look at this video and try to change it:
01:19:159 (1,2) - ^I looked into the dictionary but I still don't know what is that mean in osu since you point out my problem.THX :)
■ 01:27:544 (1) - Should start on the red tick before thatfixed
Great Mod THX :)
Topic Starter

CelsiusLK wrote:


Yauxo wrote:

■ Your mp3 has a rather low quality (128kbit/s). You probably want to look for a better version with max 192kbit/s.

  1. This song's album doesn't have tv size in title so delete tv size from title and add to tags instead ?, <<< This is the only websites about this song that I can find and they don't have tv size in title I guess this is the correct one since many guys told this,I decide to correct it soonXD
  2. Change artist to " Yoko Ishida " ? same as above
  3. End kiai here 01:18:600 - ?yeah
  1. 00:01:084 (1) - Ctrl+G ? better flow imo no thanks
  2. 00:08:538 (2) - NC this instead of 00:08:351 (1) - fixed
  3. 00:16:550 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe place like this would make the flow a bit better I prefer mine sorry
  4. 00:18:972 (6) - NC this instead of 00:19:531 (1) -
  5. 00:20:649 (2) - Ctrl+G so you get symmetry flow which flow great when combine with 00:21:022 (3,4) - imo AWESOME
  6. 00:19:904 (3,4) - Aesthetic- stack at tail ?
  7. 00:20:649 (2,6) - Aesthetic-stack at head ? yes all fixed
  8. 00:21:954 (6) - NC this instead of 00:22:513 (1) -
  9. 00:24:935 (6) - NC this instead of 00:25:494 (1) -
  10. 00:26:239 (3) - NC
  11. 00:30:898 (6) - NC this instead of 00:31:457 (1) -
  12. 00:31:457 (1,2,3,4,1) - This might flow better imo no thanks
  13. 00:33:879 (6) - NC this instead of 00:34:438 (1) - NC all fixed
    looks like you focus on vocal when it come to nc which sound okay but you might get the inconsistent NC problem so I recommend follow the downbeat in the music (big white tick ) is the best here so try NC every big white tick here Thank You :)
  14. 01:08:165 (1) - Clap head ?
  15. 01:08:538 (2) - Whistle head and tail ?
  16. 01:08:910 (3) - Clap head ? (copy- paste hitsound mods to other diffs )sound effects all fixed
  17. 01:20:090 (6) - Stack this at 01:19:159 (1) - would make the flow a bit more smooth imo great and I rotate to make sure that won't out of bound
  1. 00:55:867 (4) - Ctrl+G ? I think the jumps here 00:55:494 (3,4) - feel a bit too sudden ur right really hard to modify here so I amend your suggestion.
  2. 01:22:140 (4,5) - Seems a bit confuse for hard when (5) is stacked at (4) tail imo when I first play this I didn't notice the (5) place there so I just move my cursor (6) directly yes and I make some changes here thx for reminding me

    I think flow and spacing can be improved a bit here
  • Spacing kinda inconsistent you should use 1.0x ds for every notes in this diff already fixed :)
  1. 00:42:078 (1,2) - Placing like this is a bit confusing for normal imo
  2. 00:24:562 (6,7,1) - Placing like this is a bit confusing for normal imo all fixed

    imo this diff really can be improved a lot on spacing and flow
    well you can try fix the thing I mention above so this diff can play a bit better
  • 1.10x SV seems a bit too much here imo or if you want to use that you can increase your main ds to 0.8x ds so the notes will spaced just like in kiai which looks better than the part before kiai okay
  1. 00:36:115 (4,1) - This really looks hard to play for beginner imo
Good luck :)
Awesome mod THX
Careful with blankets!
Use approach circles to guide you how to do a blanket
just follow the approach circle outline


00:12:823 (1) - Fix blanket
01:21:954 (4,1) - ^


00:49:531 (4,5) - fix blanket


00:11:333 (1,2) - blanket fix
00:31:457 (1,2) - ^
00:45:432 (2,3) - ^
00:46:923 (2,3) - ^
00:50:463 (2) - move note to same position as slider end 00:51:767 (2) -
01:02:761 (4) - blanket
Topic Starter

Asfano wrote:

Careful with blankets!
Use approach circles to guide you how to do a blanket
just follow the approach circle outline


00:12:823 (1) - Fix blanket
01:21:954 (4,1) - ^


00:49:531 (4,5) - fix blanket


00:11:333 (1,2) - blanket fix
00:31:457 (1,2) - ^
00:45:432 (2,3) - ^
00:46:923 (2,3) - ^
00:50:463 (2) - move note to same position as slider end 00:51:767 (2) -
01:02:761 (4) - blanket
So you just concentrate on my blanking problems?Most of them are all ok.You are so captious and I don't think that hurts :|
hehe...thx anyway
Megurine Luka


00:01:084 (1,2,1) - 其实我不太建议最开始三个完全overlap。因为新手对approaching circle的敏感度不高,一般直接上手这种梗就是miss
00:14:314 (3) - NC,和之前的步调保持一致
00:18:972 (1) - 这个fin下的有点莫名,建议改成clap
00:32:016 (3) - 不要惧怕于红线啊...这里明显走白线太别扭。想要压低难度的话不如这样

00:36:115 (4) - 稍微包好点

00:43:941 (2) - add a circle
00:45:059 (4) - 可以考虑N个C
00:50:277 (2) - 换个地方吧,和之前的slider摆一起看实在没啥美感
01:17:109 (3) - 调整下形状

00:20:277 (3) - 开头加个whistle
00:21:767 (6) - 如果是我我会把这个note放在00:21:581,然后加个whistle
00:23:258 (3,5,6) - 头上加whistle。这个节奏其实跟着鼓点蛮好下的,效果应该也不错,可以试试
00:29:221 (1) - ^
00:29:966 (3) - ^
00:30:712 (5) - ^
00:32:202 (1,2) - 可以考虑头上都加个fin或者default whistle
00:36:861 (1,2,3,4) - 尽量摆个菱形
00:42:078 (1) - 这里的whistle是漏了吗
00:57:730 (6) - 尾巴的fin有点太突然,建议删除,或者放到头上
01:00:712 (4) - ^

00:32:948 (5) - 尾巴可以更靠右一点,使00:32:202 (3,4,5) - 的摆正幅度差不太多
00:42:078 (1,2,3,4,5) - 顺序上我觉得这样更好点?

00:24:003 (3) - 最好开口向上
01:00:339 (4,5,1) - 做个正三角?

hi i m gorgonzoler from my queue for m4m quest.
如果照我map这个难度的话,估计就是ar-1 cs-1了,ds略小,所以AR看起来有些花……建议kial time 前面的ds 稍微加大……ctrl + shift + s也行
00:17:109 - 这里缺一个有点难受
00:20:090 - ^
00:58:103 - 还是加上吧,估计新手会提前按下下面的(1)

00:08:538 (1,2) - 节奏上ctrl + g 效果更好的样子,看到前面normal的标准应该感觉这样可以
00:27:357 (4) - 真想来个折返

00:51:581 (1,2,3) - 这个梗感觉还是由里往外打更好看一些。2,3 分别ctrl+g
01:13:941 (2,3) - 我感觉还是让两个blanket比较好,因为有可能会读到4的末尾滑条。
insane 感觉自己略欠火候,还是先不摸了。总之这个摸稍微看了一下上面的摸,你有的没改,也刻意回避了下(我也不知道有没有撞车)
总之在快升学考试的时候还开queue 我真作死Orz,不过总算把这个疙瘩放下了。
hi :)
from My Modding Queues M4M

red: unrankable issue.
blue: maybe unrankable issue,Highly recommended.
bold: should fix.


  1. Romanised Artist ''Ishida Youko''


  1. 00:05:556 - missing Clap. ur pattern add Finish
  2. 00:08:538 (3) - ^
  3. 00:20:463 (2,3) - design suggestion
    [img] [/img]
  4. 00:44:314 - why? Vol100% lol 50~60 better
  5. 00:45:805 - ^
  6. 00:47:295 (1) - Rem NC
  7. 01:26:053 (1) - ^


  1. 00:05:556 - missing Clap
  2. 00:09:842 - Finish
  3. 00:11:333 - ^
  4. 00:12:823 - ^
  5. 00:14:314 - ^
  6. 00:15:991 - ^
  7. 00:21:767 (6) - move to 00:21:581 - add clap
  8. 00:54:749 - In this section your hitsound use is very inconsistent. There seems to be no pattern as to where you use Finish. Please revise this to have more consistent hitsound pattern.
  9. 01:24:190 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I want to a different form,Too linear....


  1. 00:18:041 - missing Clap
  2. 00:21:767 (7) - 00:21:954 - This sound must not be ignored
  3. 00:28:662 (3) - blanket
  4. 00:30:898 (8,9) - 00:30:898 - 1/1 slider here
  5. 00:33:879 - same as Easy,Very noisy
  6. 00:36:861 - ^
  7. 00:38:724 - ^
  8. 00:39:097 - ^
    00:54:562 (4) - stack to 00:54:376 (3) -
  9. 01:12:451 (7) - Here there is no need blanket move to x72 y240


  1. 00:10:774 (3,4,5,1) - looks Bad distant 00:10:774 (3) - move to x372 y256
  2. 00:15:991 - Meaning that lower the volume here?
  3. 00:26:239 (1,2) - symmetry
  4. 00:27:357 - Also it does not make sense to raise the volume here
  5. 00:27:916 - lower volume
  6. 00:31:457 (2,3,4,5,1) - Do adjust
  7. 00:32:202 - same as Hard Very noisy...Thereafter, please volume confirmation
  8. 00:34:438 (1) - rem NC
  9. 00:42:078 (1,2,3,4) - 00:45:059 (1,2,3,4) - I do not know the difference between these two distance
  10. 00:49:904 (4,1,2,3,4) - Why did you miss this piano?
  11. 00:57:730 (1) - 01:02:016 (4) - 01:02:761 (6) - 01:04:997 (1) - 01:07:047 (1,2) - 01:15:618 (1,2,3) - Missing Body sampleset Drum
  12. 00:55:494 (3) - Bad flow It would be to fast to something like this
  13. 01:09:656 (6) - Missing whistle
    01:24:935 - add Clap 01:25:121 - 01:25:494 - Delete sound 01:25:494 - also missing body Finish
    01:26:798 - whistle
    01:27:171 (4) - Clap

Placement is too straight in Normal & Hard
There is a need to improve :?

gl :)

mod time: 1.5hour
Topic Starter

Megurine Luka wrote:



00:01:084 (1,2,1) - 其实我不太建议最开始三个完全overlap。因为新手对approaching circle的敏感度不高,一般直接上手这种梗就是miss 你说得对,不过这是mug不能只靠看,还要靠听,熟悉了就好了
00:14:314 (3) - NC,和之前的步调保持一致 这里没有nc啊 00:11:333 (3) -
00:18:972 (1) - 这个fin下的有点莫名,建议改成clap 好的
00:32:016 (3) - 不要惧怕于红线啊...这里明显走白线太别扭。想要压低难度的话不如这样 首先会有从白线到红线的违和感,其次如果是为了vocal,之后那个单点到后面的白线又会产生违和感,我觉得只会加难度不过这里节奏确实挺无聊的,让你产生了这种感觉,这里我会试着调整下的,我的改法

00:36:115 (4) - 稍微包好点 好的

00:43:941 (2) - add a circle 没必要
00:45:059 (4) - 可以考虑N个C 没必要XD
00:50:277 (2) - 换个地方吧,和之前的slider摆一起看实在没啥美感 DS限制放在这我觉得挺好
01:17:109 (3) - 调整下形状 好的

00:20:277 (3) - 开头加个whistle fixed
00:21:767 (6) - 如果是我我会把这个note放在00:21:581,然后加个whistle fixed
00:23:258 (3,5,6) - 头上加whistle。这个节奏其实跟着鼓点蛮好下的,效果应该也不错,可以试试fixed
00:29:221 (1) - ^
00:29:966 (3) - ^
00:30:712 (5) - ^all fixed
00:32:202 (1,2) - 可以考虑头上都加个fin或者default whistle whistle
00:36:861 (1,2,3,4) - 尽量摆个菱形 好的
00:42:078 (1) - 这里的whistle是漏了吗
00:57:730 (6) - 尾巴的fin有点太突然,建议删除,或者放到头上
01:00:712 (4) - ^ all fixed
Normal摸得很棒 :) 谢谢
00:32:948 (5) - 尾巴可以更靠右一点,使00:32:202 (3,4,5) - 的摆正幅度差不太多
00:42:078 (1,2,3,4,5) - 顺序上我觉得这样更好点?这样太远了,改成1243了滑条忘记看了,不错[/color]

00:24:003 (3) - 最好开口向上 是的
01:00:339 (4,5,1) - 做个正三角?

摸得不错啊,如果能再多帮我找些问题那就更好了,看你心情吧,如果学业忙那就算了 8-)
Topic Starter

gorgonzoler wrote:

hi i m gorgonzoler from my queue for m4m quest.
如果照我map这个难度的话,估计就是ar-1 cs-1了,ds略小,所以AR看起来有些花……建议kial time 前面的ds 稍微加大……ctrl + shift + s也行
00:17:109 - 这里缺一个有点难受
00:20:090 - ^ 不,我是故意空出来的,没必要都填上
00:58:103 - 还是加上吧,估计新手会提前按下下面的(1)好的

00:08:538 (1,2) - 节奏上ctrl + g 效果更好的样子,看到前面normal的标准应该感觉这样可以 算了
00:27:357 (4) - 真想来个折返

00:51:581 (1,2,3) - 这个梗感觉还是由里往外打更好看一些。2,3 分别ctrl+g 很棒
01:13:941 (2,3) - 我感觉还是让两个blanket比较好,因为有可能会读到4的末尾滑条。
insane 感觉自己略欠火候,还是先不摸了。总之这个摸稍微看了一下上面的摸,你有的没改,也刻意回避了下(我也不知道有没有撞车)
总之在快升学考试的时候还开queue 我真作死Orz,不过总算把这个疙瘩放下了。
谢谢你的摸图和星星 :) 话说我摸了你的图,可你还没给我kudosu喔,别忘了哟XD
Topic Starter

-Nanaka- wrote:

hi :)
from My Modding Queues M4M

red: unrankable issue.
blue: maybe unrankable issue,Highly recommended.
bold: should fix.


  1. Romanised Artist ''Ishida Youko''OK!


  1. 00:05:556 - missing Clap. ur pattern add Finish fixed
  2. 00:08:538 (3) - ^ no thanks
  3. 00:20:463 (2,3) - design suggestion I reordered this part
    [img] [/img]
  4. 00:44:314 - why? Vol100% lol 50~60 betterto emphasize the whistle now turn to 75%
  5. 00:45:805 - ^
  6. 00:47:295 (1) - Rem NC ok
  7. 01:26:053 (1) - ^ok


  1. 00:05:556 - missing Clap ?not missing
  2. 00:09:842 - Finish
  3. 00:11:333 - ^
  4. 00:12:823 - ^
  5. 00:14:314 - ^
  6. 00:15:991 - ^ all fixed
  7. 00:21:767 (6) - move to 00:21:581 - add clap Great!
  8. 00:54:749 - In this section your hitsound use is very inconsistent. There seems to be no pattern as to where you use Finish. Please revise this to have more consistent hitsound pattern. OK fixed
  9. 01:24:190 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I want to a different form,Too linear....maybe,I'll reorder it[/*:m]


  1. 00:18:041 - missing Clap いいえ
  2. 00:21:767 (7) - 00:21:954 - This sound must not be ignoredはい
  3. 00:28:662 (3) - blanket 素晴らしい!
  4. 00:30:898 (8,9) - 00:30:898 - 1/1 slider here はい
  5. 00:33:879 - same as Easy,Very noisy
  6. 00:36:861 - ^75%
  7. 00:38:724 - ^75%
  8. 00:39:097 - ^ 50%
    00:54:562 (4) - stack to 00:54:376 (3) - いい感じ
  9. 01:12:451 (7) - Here there is no need blanket move to x72 y240 GReat 


  1. 00:10:774 (3,4,5,1) - looks Bad distant 00:10:774 (3) - move to x372 y256 Awesome
  2. 00:15:991 - Meaning that lower the volume here?
  3. 00:26:239 (1,2) - symmetry oops.not symmetry that will ruin the flow I adjust kinda here
  4. 00:27:357 - Also it does not make sense to raise the volume hereyes
  5. 00:27:916 - lower volume?already too low...
  6. 00:31:457 (2,3,4,5,1) - Do adjust ok I make it more accurate thx
  7. 00:32:202 - same as Hard Very noisy...Thereafter, please volume confirmationI will rearrange it soon
  8. 00:34:438 (1) - rem NC ok
  9. 00:42:078 (1,2,3,4) - 00:45:059 (1,2,3,4) - I do not know the difference between these two distance 00:42:078 (1,2,3,4) - is the third time the vocal appears, and I use a jump to emphasize it,the latter is just for symmetry .You are right the former is so distant I should reedit it,thx!
  10. 00:49:904 (4,1,2,3,4) - Why did you miss this piano?No thanks I prefer drum that prepares for the jumpy note.
  11. 00:57:730 (1) - 01:02:016 (4) - 01:02:761 (6) - 01:04:997 (1) - 01:07:047 (1,2) - 01:15:618 (1,2,3) - Missing Body sampleset DrumI used to hear some weird sound on those sliders but I don't know how to remove it and I don't know what is sampleset until I find a tutorial then I understand what you mean.These sliders even don't need any drum sampleset auto is ok.Thank you very much :)
  12. 00:55:494 (3) - Bad flow It would be to fast to something like this thx and I have done sth to fix it
  13. 01:09:656 (6) - Missing whistle ok
    01:24:935 - add Clap 01:25:121 - 01:25:494 - Delete sound 01:25:494 - also missing body Finish sounds cool
    01:26:798 - whistle
    01:27:171 (4) - Clap
all fixed
Placement is too straight in Normal & Hard
There is a need to improve :?

gl :)

mod time: 1.5hour
"missing" means "remove" in your mod right?XD I misunderstand it when I first read this(thinking you suggest me to add ,not erase)XD.
Your mod really helps me a lot since I remap several times and really hard to find problem.However,you did it.My map looks nicer than before.If you have some problems plz pm me for mod or help,I'll do anything I can do for you:)
-Nanaka-さん、本当にありがとうございました! :)
Kamio Misuzu
一点小建议,no kds
00:50:090 (1,2,3,4) - slider好点吧,前面节奏比较紧密,这里不适宜突然松懈。而且鼓音最好还是不要无视。排列的话我也没具体想,只是单纯说一下节奏
00:21:395 (4,1) - 要不要改折返?容易误读

00:44:686 - 加note,鼓音
01:23:910 (2) - 删掉

说一点个人看法,note的摆放没什么多说的,就是按flow来。主要slider。感觉不太美观。刚做图的时候可能驾驭不好弧度和角度。给你两个建议:下一张图试试多用用微弯的slider,比如00:23:258 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这几个给人感觉就挺好的,初做的时候也少用红色锚点那种slider,除非曲子给人感觉比较硬。短slider可以考虑直slider。另外,摆slider的时候你把首尾连起来看一下,尽量少放与水平或垂直夹角超过45°的,15°——30°感觉不错。像00:00:525 (1,1) - 这种接近45°的slider,放多了会给人杂乱的感觉。00:15:991 (1) - 00:24:376 (4) - 这种就相对美观多了。个人看法,仅供参考,GL~
Topic Starter

Kamio Misuzu wrote:

一点小建议,no kds
00:50:090 (1,2,3,4) - slider好点吧,前面节奏比较紧密,这里不适宜突然松懈。而且鼓音最好还是不要无视。排列的话我也没具体想,只是单纯说一下节奏 这里主要是强调电钢琴吧,不知道前面紧密了这里一下子松懈行不行,但是不打算改
00:21:395 (4,1) - 要不要改折返?容易误读 确实容易误读,改了

00:44:686 - 加note,鼓音 好的
01:23:910 (2) - 删掉 你是对的,一开始我并不打算加这个,只是为了加难度所以才弄上去的,后来这块真的比较难动了,暂时不改了

说一点个人看法,note的摆放没什么多说的,就是按flow来。主要slider。感觉不太美观。刚做图的时候可能驾驭不好弧度和角度。给你两个建议:下一张图试试多用用微弯的slider,比如00:23:258 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这几个给人感觉就挺好的,初做的时候也少用红色锚点那种slider,除非曲子给人感觉比较硬。短slider可以考虑直slider。另外,摆slider的时候你把首尾连起来看一下,尽量少放与水平或垂直夹角超过45°的,15°——30°感觉不错。像00:00:525 (1,1) - 这种接近45°的slider,放多了会给人杂乱的感觉。00:15:991 (1) - 00:24:376 (4) - 这种就相对美观多了。个人看法,仅供参考,GL~
谢谢你的建议 :)
Eto... TV Size?

00:10:774 (2,3) - blanket
00:12:264 (4,1) - ^
00:15:618 (5) - There isn't anything here in the music, suggest remove this note
00:21:954 (1,2) - Make 2 a direct flip of 1
00:30:898 (1,2) - blanket
00:31:643 (2,3) - ^
00:32:761 (3,1,2) - ^
00:34:625 (2,3) - ^
00:37:606 (2) - Remove the reverse, and extend it to the next white line, that way the rhythm works better
00:39:097 (3,1,2) - Highly suggested to remove weird slider shapes, they look very unappealing, especially in Easy
00:54:749 (1,2,3) - blanket
01:03:693 (1) - Weird slider shape not recommended in Easy

For the most part, the Easy was ok. But there were places where flow was very fumbled, blankets were botched, weird slider shapes were used. I highly suggest you take a look deep into your Easy and make sure the map is simple enough yet flows nicely for Easy players. Make sure its kept neat too!

00:02:202 (2,3) - blanket
00:05:184 (3,4) - ^
00:08:538 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - would be nice if this area had more circular flow
00:15:246 (6,1) - Blanket is too tight, suggest you don't blanket here
00:15:991 (1,2,3,4) - This part of the Normal seems to suggest you're mapping to vocal, so why did you map the instruments in the beginning here?
00:24:935 (1,2) - Suggest adding a hitcircle between these 2 sliders
00:27:916 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1) - Pattern here is too big for Normal players to keep up
00:48:041 (1,2,1) - Don't bother using blanketting here, the notes are too close too each other. Suggest having simple slider to slider flow
00:55:121 (2,3) - blanket
00:58:475 (2,3) - too close for blanket

One thing about your Normal that confuses me is the variation of note density. Why are there more notes at some places and less notes at others when they clearly require the same emphasis? Suggestion from me is that you don't emphasize every single note with a beat, you can choose to ignore some and not map them. At the same time, try not to have tight blankets, they look very unappealing and don't really go well with the map.

00:01:084 (1,2,3) - 1-3 stack is very weird looking
00:06:302 (3,1) - blanket
00:09:842 (1,2) - ^
00:11:333 (1,2) - ^
00:12:264 (3,1) - ^
00:15:805 (6,1) - ^
00:45:432 (2,3) - ^
00:51:767 (2,3) - ^
00:53:631 (1,2,3,4) - Try having a equilateral triangle here
00:55:867 (4,5) - blanket
00:57:357 (8,1) - ^
01:00:339 (8,1) - ^
01:01:457 (2,3) - ^
01:02:761 (5,1) - ^
01:03:693 (1,2) - ^
01:04:811 (3,4) - ^
01:12:264 (7,8,1) - Make distance of 7-8 equate to 8-1, also try a polygon as well
01:21:581 (3,4,6) - blanket

I can see that your Hard is much more refined that your other difficulties, which is great! The Hard just requires some blanket fixing and its ready to go!

00:00:525 (1,1) - blanket
00:15:059 (3,1) - ^
00:25:867 (2,2) - Looks kinda ugly how they intersect, shift one of those away
00:32:202 (1,2,3,4,5) - I believe 5 isn't directly in the center, please recheck (400|198)
00:34:438 (2,1,1) - This pattern may be too repetitive
00:55:494 (3,1) - Ugly intersection, shift 4 and 1 away
01:01:457 (3) - Ugly slider shape, you should try to refine it
01:18:413 (4,5) - blanket?
01:19:531 (3,6) - ^

Really great improvement from your ENH spread, this Insane is relatively well done!

One thing to note about the mapset, I'm pretty sure the NC in the mapsets are irregular, please recheck that as well. Otherwise, I've completed my job here!

Thank you for visiting my queue~
  1. 00:01:088 - correct offset.
  2. Insane diff has different video offset
  3. Combo color are inconsistent. should unify them unless it was intentional
  4. Easy and normal diff's SV are really extreme imo. you might want to consider lowering them.
  1. HP OD too high imo. should use -1 for better spread with normal
  2. 00:01:084 (1,2,1) - don't stack like this in an easy diff. new players can't play stacked notes
  3. 00:05:928 - should add a circle here. the gap 00:05:184 (2,3) - feels really awkward
  4. 00:24:939 (3,4) - too many 3/2 gaps that it's really hard to play
  5. 00:33:884 (1,2) - I never mod blankets
  6. 00:34:629 (2,3) - ^
  7. 00:37:610 (2) - this guy should be like this to map the cymbal at 00:38:169 -
  8. 00:39:101 (3) - NC should start here
  9. 00:49:908 - 00:51:399 - should be mapped. awkward to play just with these two 00:48:790 (1,2) -
  10. 01:01:461 (5) - looks like you're putting nc on vocals so you missed it here
  11. 01:08:169 (3,4,1,2) - could use better shapes here. they are almost touching
  12. 01:15:064 (4) - you can do this to avoid using 1/2 slider
  1. 00:09:282 - map this drum please. the gap is really akward
  2. 00:39:097 - double green line
  3. 01:03:507 (7,1) - should keep the flow going from 01:02:761 (5,6) - instead of stacking here.
  4. 01:10:401 (2,3) - could use better shape. yours look like this because of the overlap
  5. 01:20:836 (1,2) - ^
  6. 01:26:798 (3,4) - don't stack. this is really hard to play
  1. 00:09:283 (2) - consider moving it a bit to the right for better spacing.
  2. 00:38:165 (5,1,2,3,4,1) - I would never do this for 161 bpm hard diff
  3. 00:44:128 (7,8) - move it a little to the right so they don't touch 00:43:569 (6) - in game
  4. 00:49:344 - if you map this vocal, 00:49:531 (2,1) - will be more intuitive to play imo
  5. 00:54:189 - consider mapping this.
  6. 01:10:774 (4,5,6) - the flow doesn't feel natural cuz of the random jump here
  1. Perhaps AR 8.3~8.5. I don't see a lot of patterns that require higher AR to be played proprely
  2. 00:30:712 (5,1) - could move it a bit to the left. too close with 00:30:339 (4) - imo
  3. 00:31:643 (3,4,5,1) - try something like this
  4. 00:54:189 - you could add a triple here. this gap is really awkward like I said in hard diff
  5. 01:09:469 (5) - I don't think this clap fits
  6. 01:12:264 (4) - should add NC to separate these from 1/1 pattern 01:11:146 (1,2,3) -
  7. 01:13:009 - this finish belongs to 01:12:636 -
  8. 01:13:568 - should map this. 01:13:382 (1,2,3) -kinda challenging spacing here
  9. 01:22:885 (5) - NC for strong beat
  10. 01:22:885 (5,6) - this stack feels out of place and does't play good imo.
  11. 01:25:121 (2) - this clap doesn't fit imo

Easy and Normal diff can be improved imo. mostly the SV is the problem for me...
Topic Starter

Estellia- wrote:

Eto... TV Size?

00:10:774 (2,3) - blanket
00:12:264 (4,1) - ^
00:15:618 (5) - There isn't anything here in the music, suggest remove this noteI think it's good.
00:21:954 (1,2) - Make 2 a direct flip of 1
00:30:898 (1,2) - blanket
00:31:643 (2,3) - ^
00:32:761 (3,1,2) - ^
00:34:625 (2,3) - ^
00:37:606 (2) - Remove the reverse, and extend it to the next white line, that way the rhythm works better
00:39:097 (3,1,2) - Highly suggested to remove weird slider shapes, they look very unappealing, especially in Easy
00:54:749 (1,2,3) - blanket
01:03:693 (1) - Weird slider shape not recommended in Easy

For the most part, the Easy was ok. But there were places where flow was very fumbled, blankets were botched, weird slider shapes were used. I highly suggest you take a look deep into your Easy and make sure the map is simple enough yet flows nicely for Easy players. Make sure its kept neat too!Ok,sounds reasonable.I remapped it and now seems better than before XD

00:02:202 (2,3) - blanket
00:05:184 (3,4) - ^
00:08:538 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - would be nice if this area had more circular flow
00:15:246 (6,1) - Blanket is too tight, suggest you don't blanket here
00:15:991 (1,2,3,4) - This part of the Normal seems to suggest you're mapping to vocal, so why did you map the instruments in the beginning here? to add variety XD
00:24:935 (1,2) - Suggest adding a hitcircle between these 2 sliders
00:27:916 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1) - Pattern here is too big for Normal players to keep up
00:48:041 (1,2,1) - Don't bother using blanketting here, the notes are too close too each other. Suggest having simple slider to slider flow
00:55:121 (2,3) - blanket
00:58:475 (2,3) - too close for blanket

One thing about your Normal that confuses me is the variation of note density. Why are there more notes at some places and less notes at others when they clearly require the same emphasis? Suggestion from me is that you don't emphasize every single note with a beat, you can choose to ignore some and not map them. At the same time, try not to have tight blankets, they look very unappealing and don't really go well with the map. You are right,there is no emphasis on downbeat in my nm,so I remapped and improved a lot,looks fine now XD
Sorry for not replying EZ&NM cuz I remapped them due to the high sv flow and spacing.Thank you for your suggestions
00:01:084 (1,2,3) - 1-3 stack is very weird looking fixed
00:06:302 (3,1) - blanket
00:09:842 (1,2) - ^
00:11:333 (1,2) - ^
00:12:264 (3,1) - ^
00:15:805 (6,1) - ^
00:45:432 (2,3) - ^
00:51:767 (2,3) - ^
00:53:631 (1,2,3,4) - Try having a equilateral triangle here fixed
00:55:867 (4,5) - blanket
00:57:357 (8,1) - ^
01:00:339 (8,1) - ^
01:01:457 (2,3) - ^
01:02:761 (5,1) - ^
01:03:693 (1,2) - ^
01:04:811 (3,4) - ^
01:12:264 (7,8,1) - Make distance of 7-8 equate to 8-1, also try a polygon as well fixed
01:21:581 (3,4,6) - blanket blanket all fixed

I can see that your Hard is much more refined that your other difficulties, which is great! The Hard just requires some blanket fixing and its ready to go! THX :)

00:00:525 (1,1) - blanket
00:15:059 (3,1) - ^ No,thanks.There's no need to blanket:?
00:25:867 (2,2) - Looks kinda ugly how they intersect, shift one of those away okay,but It's hard to do some adjustments
00:32:202 (1,2,3,4,5) - I believe 5 isn't directly in the center, please recheck (400|198) fixed~I amended No Dap's suggestion of pattern that's cool
00:34:438 (2,1,1) - This pattern may be too repetitive no,that's a special pattern to fit the rhythm imo ;)
00:55:494 (3,1) - Ugly intersection, shift 4 and 1 away maybe,but it will ruin the flow
01:01:457 (3) - Ugly slider shape, you should try to refine it that's okay
01:18:413 (4,5) - blanket?
01:19:531 (3,6) - ^ ok

Really great improvement from your ENH spread, this Insane is relatively well done! THX :)

One thing to note about the mapset, I'm pretty sure the NC in the mapsets are irregular, please recheck that as well. Otherwise, I've completed my job here!Yes,I'm poor at NC maybe need to ask sb for NC help :cry:

Thank you for visiting my queue~
Thx for your attentive mod :)REALLY high quality NM mod I've ever seen :)
Topic Starter

No Dap wrote:

  1. 00:01:088 - correct offset. fixed~
  2. Insane diff has different video offset fixed~
  3. Combo color are inconsistent. should unify them unless it was intentional It was intentional because i have different bg :)
  4. Easy and normal diff's SV are really extreme imo. you might want to consider lowering them. Right,I remapped these two diffs
  1. HP OD too high imo. should use -1 for better spread with normal fixed~
  2. 00:01:084 (1,2,1) - don't stack like this in an easy diff. new players can't play stacked notes fixed~
  3. 00:05:928 - should add a circle here. the gap 00:05:184 (2,3) - feels really awkward use a slider instead and there won't have any strange gaps XD
  4. 00:24:939 (3,4) - too many 3/2 gaps that it's really hard to play fixed~
  5. 00:33:884 (1,2) - I never mod blankets
  6. 00:34:629 (2,3) - ^ fixed~
  7. 00:37:610 (2) - this guy should be like this to map the cymbal at 00:38:169 - fixed~
  8. 00:39:101 (3) - NC should start here
  9. 00:49:908 - 00:51:399 - should be mapped. awkward to play just with these two 00:48:790 (1,2) - fixed~
  10. 01:01:461 (5) - looks like you're putting nc on vocals so you missed it here fixed~
  11. 01:08:169 (3,4,1,2) - could use better shapes here. they are almost touching fixed~
  12. 01:15:064 (4) - you can do this to avoid using 1/2 slider fixed~
  1. 00:09:282 - map this drum please. the gap is really akward fixed~
  2. 00:39:097 - double green line fixed~
  3. 01:03:507 (7,1) - should keep the flow going from 01:02:761 (5,6) - instead of stacking here. right,fixed~
  4. 01:10:401 (2,3) - could use better shape. yours look like this because of the overlap ok
  5. 01:20:836 (1,2) - ^
  6. 01:26:798 (3,4) - don't stack. this is really hard to play
  1. 00:09:283 (2) - consider moving it a bit to the right for better spacing.ok
  2. 00:38:165 (5,1,2,3,4,1) - I would never do this for 161 bpm hard diff but really hard to change
  3. 00:44:128 (7,8) - move it a little to the right so they don't touch 00:43:569 (6) - in game fixed~
  4. 00:49:344 - if you map this vocal, 00:49:531 (2,1) - will be more intuitive to play imo redid this part
  5. 00:54:189 - consider mapping thanks
  6. 01:10:774 (4,5,6) - the flow doesn't feel natural cuz of the random jump here redid this part
  1. Perhaps AR 8.3~8.5. I don't see a lot of patterns that require higher AR to be played proprely fixed~8.5
  2. 00:30:712 (5,1) - could move it a bit to the left. too close with 00:30:339 (4) - imo fixed~
  3. 00:31:643 (3,4,5,1) - try something like this Great!
  4. 00:54:189 - you could add a triple here. this gap is really awkward like I said in hard diff Right!fixed~
  5. 01:09:469 (5) - I don't think this clap fits fixed~change to whistle XD~
  6. 01:12:264 (4) - should add NC to separate these from 1/1 pattern 01:11:146 (1,2,3) - fixed~
  7. 01:13:009 - this finish belongs to 01:12:636 - fixed~
  8. 01:13:568 - should map this. 01:13:382 (1,2,3) -kinda challenging spacing here yes,I made a big adjustment
  9. 01:22:885 (5) - NC for strong beat fixed~
  10. 01:22:885 (5,6) - this stack feels out of place and does't play good imo.right,but really hard to decide where should it is placed
  11. 01:25:121 (2) - this clap doesn't fit imo fixed~

Easy and Normal diff can be improved imo. mostly the SV is the problem for me...
Really awesome mod.It seems that every suggestion is useful to me and I finally find the problem that I neglected.Deserve to be called No Dap XD.I 've already remapped EZ&NM and lower sv that really improves a lot.If you are free,plz have a look on my map again.Thank you very much :)
rank pls

Topic Starter

Nekomata wrote:

rank pls

Thx Nekomata :)
Topic Starter

SoGa wrote:

原来大家都用IRC,我真是out of date了,赶紧去搞一个来XD :)

combo colour请保持一致
00:32:202 - 减小一些音量(降低5-10),在大背景下有些突兀。
01:06:674 (3) - add finish?
01:15:618 - ^

00:01:084 (1,2,3) - 建议间距增加到0.8?有点卡手
00:48:786 (1,2,3,4) - 用“编辑”菜单里的“旋转”或“翻转”重新做一个对称的出来。另外最好不让滑条互相重叠触碰。

00:38:724 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 间距可以增加一些

00:27:357 (4) - 前后的distance snap不一致
00:18:972 (1,2) - 00:42:823 (3,4) - 00:59:221 (3,4) - 这几对滑条的的弧度不一致,感觉就有些随机。
建议把图做成比较有段落感,一段里相近的部分,节奏保持一致,比如00:09:841 - 00:15:990 - 这里做的就比较有感觉。

Good luck~!
Topic Starter

Flower wrote:


combo colour请保持一致 请问一定要保持一致吗?由于我采用了不同的BG,希望能和背景更搭,所以选取不同的color,如果这个理由不影响rank,我希望能够坚持自己的观点 :)
00:32:202 - 减小一些音量(降低5-10),在大背景下有些突兀。好的,已降至50%
01:06:674 (3) - add finish? 脑子里想着三连,把finish忘了XD
01:15:618 - ^ all fixed

00:01:084 (1,2,3) - 建议间距增加到0.8?有点卡手 确实,已拉大距离了
00:48:786 (1,2,3,4) - 用“编辑”菜单里的“旋转”或“翻转”重新做一个对称的出来。另外最好不让滑条互相重叠触碰。之前有个老外也说到这个,我还不以为然(以为真的只碰了一点,有什么影响XD)现在也理解了为了谱面美观。已改,之后一定更加注意细节方面的问题!

00:38:724 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 间距可以增加一些 确实有点挤了,已修复

00:27:357 (4) - 前后的distance snap不一致 oops,大调整时疏忽了……
00:18:972 (1,2) - 00:42:823 (3,4) - 00:59:221 (3,4) - 这几对滑条的的弧度不一致,感觉就有些随机。之前为了调整DS,就无脑把对称的滑条拉不对称了,坏毛病一定改掉XD
建议把图做成比较有段落感,一段里相近的部分,节奏保持一致,比如00:09:841 - 00:15:990 - 这里做的就比较有感觉。怎么说呢,这首歌有些相同旋律的地方我一开始是打算做一样的,但是想到重复有些枯燥。就考虑在某些相近的地方下不同的节奏,增加趣味性我认为图不仅要有整体性,还要有一定变化,否则感觉会很无聊……不知道我的想法对不对,只是一些个人看法,如果不对请谅解 :)

Good luck~!
没关系的,能够百忙之中抽出空来看我的图并给出一些建议已经很满足了。再次感谢 :)
00:00:525 (1) - 删了包括所有的难度
00:11:333 (1) - 可以向右下移一点
00:35:742 (2) - 摆到中间
00:39:097 (1) - 如果用减速的话0.5更明显
00:20:277 (1) - 去nc
00:21:954 (5) - nc
00:23:258 (1) - 去nc
那谁都泡了 你也加油哇

300th post :) :) :) :)
Topic Starter

Kagamine Ren wrote:

那谁都泡了 你也加油哇

300th post :) :) :) :)
Adol是我兄弟,我现在再帮他摸图,感觉有些间距问题。我会和他一起rank的!顺便感谢ren姥爷的300贴 :)


  1. 個人認為這個combo colour不太適合@@
  1. 00:07:046 (1) - 用clap?
  2. 00:34:625 (2,3) - 試試這樣
  3. 00:37:605 (2) - 形狀怪怪的~_~
  4. 00:40:587 (2,1) - 這兒很難掌握 00:40:587 (2) 的滑條向上了然後又要住下去接00:42:077 (1)
  5. 01:05:929 (3) - clap
  1. 00:03:693 (4,1) - 為何不放下一格==
  2. 00:14:314 (4) - 多彎點會更好
  3. 00:24:003 (5,6) - 這樣就可以了
  4. 00:56:985 (5,1) - 這flow... QAQ
  1. ok o3o
  1. 00:20:649 (2,1) - stack
  2. 00:23:258 (1,4) - ^
  3. 00:36:488 (2,3,1) - 建議00:36:861 (1)跟00:36:488 (2,3) 分開,因為是NC
  4. 00:40:960 (2,3) - 放得太低了@@
M4M for Flower~



00:17:482 (2,3) - These sliders are off by 4 pixels on the y axis. You can check by ctrl + g any one slider and compare y axes.
00:18:972 (1) - This slider is uneven, should be a perfectly evenly curved slider imo.
00:20:463 (2,3) - Because 3 is a straight slider, the 2 slider should have a y equal on both sides when you ctrl + g.
00:21:953 (1) - I almost feel the same way about this slider, but then you'd get a pretty lame typical structure seen in a lot of maps.
00:30:898 (1,2,3) - Something about this is unsettling in terms of rhythm. Have you considered following the vocals for this part? A timeline like this perhaps:
00:34:624 (5) - Start this here 00:34:624 (5) - here and extend the slider by a 1/4 beat.
00:36:861 (1,2) - Maybe a timeline like this:
00:40:587 (2) - Slider looks ugly.
00:48:785 (1,2) - Blanket could be fixed.
01:03:693 (1) - Slider look ugly.
01:09:282 (4) - I think this should be a 1/4 repeat slider. Rhythmically sounds better.
01:14:314 (3,4,1) - For newer players, I think having 3 different length sliders in a row can be somewhat confusing.

For the most part, it looks nice. I feel as it should be CS 2, but that'd require some more remapping and CS 3 is okay anyways.


00:00:525 (1) - I think this can be omitted.
00:03:693 (4) - Unsure if placement is intentional but is stacking it over the previous 2 bad?
00:05:183 (3) - Should be another short slider. Rhythmically sounds better. In fact, it'll match with 00:27:916 (1,2) - so why not?
00:21:022 (5,6) - Remove the 6 and repeat the 5. Yes you'd have to remap the next section and bring it closer but it rhythmically sounds better this way (to me at least),
00:22:512 - Should add a note here. In fact, it'll match with 00:27:916 (1,2) - so why not?
00:24:003 (6) - This slider can end on a red tick and repeat like how you did here 00:29:965 (6) - Again, sure you'd have to remap but it sounds rhythmically better ;w;
00:45:059 (1,2,3,4) - I think you should follow the same rhythm you had before.
00:58:475 (2) - Change for 2 sliders.
01:03:693 (1,2,3,4) - This seems a little cluttered and slightly unattractive. It plays fine, but looking at it doesn't seem so pleasing.
01:17:854 (1) - Two sliders.

This also looks pretty decent. My only concern is the overuse of "connectivity" with the distance snap the notes have. Like, they're all almost connected and it feels kinda boring to me, but that's just me. I think it's fine for the most part as well.


00:32:202 (1) - The volume level here seems a little dramatic.
00:38:817 (2) - This note doesn't belong here.
00:50:090 (1) - Consider how a timeline like this feels because I think it sounds better with a few more beats
00:53:631 (1,2,3) - I think these can be spaced a little more for dramatic effect. Just a tad like 1.2
01:06:302 (7) - This can be brought down a little more and not be centered within the following slider. Might be confusing to players, and to me, it looks more aesthetically pleasing this way.

Overall, I really liked this map. Very well done! Nice flow and blankets all around.


00:24:376 (4) - Unsure if this is intentional but can be stacked against the previous note.
00:32:202 (1,2,3,4) - I think the spacing for each consecutive slider can be increased for effect because the vocals increase.
00:35:928 (3) - NC
00:38:817 (2) - Don't think this note is sounded in the music.
00:44:314 (3,4,5) - This here could be a pattern instead of stacking.
00:44:686 (5,1,2,3,4) - Something about the flow here is killed with the spacing differences.
00:48:041 (1,2,3,4,1) - Could add varied space jumps (small ones, nothing huge) to add excitement and variety.
00:48:786 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This is very problematic for me. Seems very lazily mapped and symmetrical. And the last bits are almost overmapped in comparison to how the map has been flowing so far. (not that it IS overmapped, but in comparison.)
01:15:991 (2) - This could be two single notes instead of slider to keep with the vocal rhythm.
01:16:736 (1,2) - These two could just be a single slider instead.
01:24:003 (3) - Stream starts here not 01:23:817 -

Again for the most part, it seems pretty well mapped. Just one single section I think can be better mapped. Unfortunately I cannot provide an alternate solution because this sort of mapping is not my forte.

All in all, I believe there are some rhythmic issues (as in, could be sounded better rhythmically) that would require some remapping, and I know remapping sucks but I almost feel like it'll be better that way. Blankets look clean, flow is relevant for the most part. I do like this mapset. :D

Good luck! It's almost there!
Topic Starter

z1085684963 wrote:

00:00:525 (1) - 删了包括所有的难度 ok
00:11:333 (1) - 可以向右下移一点 好的
00:35:742 (2) - 摆到中间 我的想法是前面的vocal反差大,之后这边比较平稳所以不用反向flow,抱歉
00:39:097 (1) - 如果用减速的话0.5更明显 滑条太短了
00:20:277 (1) - 去nc
00:21:954 (5) - nc
00:23:258 (1) - 去nc
all fixed
谢谢你的摸图 :)
From Flower's queue~

  1. 01:24:562~01:29:034- this kiai-time is unnecessary, imo
  1. 00:12:823 (1,2) - for easy, good flow is very important. you can make better flow like 00:11:333 (3,4) - at this part.
    why not move 00:13:755 (2) - to x:320 y:172 ?
  2. 00:20:462 (2,3,1) - in this case, symmetrical pattern looks good. rotate 00:21:954 (1) - 6 degrees clock-wise like this
  3. 00:21:953 (1,2) - I prefer symmetrical pattern, too
  4. 00:31:643 (2,3) - ^
  5. 00:33:879 (1,2) - I think you don't need to make blanket for good flow and good looking
  6. 00:39:096~ I suggest to use custom soft-hitsound2 not 1 like other-diffs. soft-hitwhistle2(bell sound) is more suitable for this part
  7. 00:47:295 (2) - Ctrl+J. upward slider is better flow, imo
  8. 00:51:767 (1) - why not add whistle? (the same for normal)
  1. 00:02:202 (2,4) - stack correctly. move 00:03:692 (4) - to x:412 y:152
  2. 00:09:841 (1,2) - not good flow against 00:09:282 (2) - and 00:10:774 (3) - . for normal, good flow is important, too.
    u~m how about downward pattern?
  3. 00:24:375- it is better to follow this sound by whistle in the same way as other part
  4. 00:32:201 (1,2) - not good looking. your normal diff consists of almost curved sliders. so how about parallel for accent like this?
  5. 00:29:779 (5,6) - not good flow. in this case, move 00:29:965 (6) - over 00:29:780 (5) - or make 00:29:965 (6) - upward slider for smoother cursor moving
  6. 00:55:494 (3,4,5) - confusing pattern because closely-spaced notes and not good flow. in this case, use playfield widely, so you can make better flow and player can do playing comfortable
  7. 01:23:444 (6,1) - for normal, don't change spacing
  1. 00:39:096~ 100% is too loud hitsound volume...
  2. 00:39:097 (1,2,3) - symmetircal pattern is better looking. rotate 00:39:469 (2) - 5 degrees anti-clockwise
  3. 00:40:587 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. add whistle to the following like insane. that sounds good~
  5. 01:06:302 (7,1) - this overlapping is hard to see
  6. 01:12:077- add a note. or increase spacing between 01:11:146 (5,6) - . come to beat 01:12:077 by wrong...
  7. 01:19:159 (1,2,3) - I prefer to the follwoing like 01:17:854 (1,2) - and 01:20:836 (1,2) -
  1. 00:33:506- clap
  2. 00:39:842 (3,1) - I suggest to make jump pattern like 00:44:686 (5,1) -
  3. 00:55:121- 00:57:729- unnecessary inherited points
  4. 01:12:264~ why change volume to 50%? 75% is no problem, imo
especially easy and normal, you should consider smoother cursor moving. make better flow for beginner player~
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Chaoslitz wrote:


  1. 個人認為這個combo colour不太適合@@
  1. 00:07:046 (1) - 用clap?我覺得挺好
  2. 00:34:625 (2,3) - 試試這樣 不錯喲
  3. 00:37:605 (2) - 形狀怪怪的~_~ 改成正常波浪了
  4. 00:40:587 (2,1) - 這兒很難掌握 00:40:587 (2) 的滑條向上了然後又要住下去接00:42:077 (1)這片重新搞了
  5. 01:05:929 (3) - clap 修復
  1. 00:03:693 (4,1) - 為何不放下一格==我瞎了這個都沒發現……多謝!
  2. 00:14:314 (4) - 多彎點會更好
  3. 00:24:003 (5,6) - 這樣就可以了 之前我是這樣做的,改回來吧
  4. 00:56:985 (5,1) - 這flow... QAQ是的慘不忍睹QAQ已改動

  1. ok o3o
  1. 00:20:649 (2,1) - stack
  2. 00:23:258 (1,4) - ^ all fixed
  3. 00:36:488 (2,3,1) - 建議00:36:861 (1)跟00:36:488 (2,3) 分開,因為是NC 說得對,已改
  4. 00:40:960 (2,3) - 放得太低了@@這是remap之前少數保留下來的一部分,如果往上面的前面距離就太近了,不怎麼方便改,會影響整體性。 :(
謝謝你的摸圖 :)
Topic Starter

Kroytz wrote:

M4M for Flower~



00:17:482 (2,3) - These sliders are off by 4 pixels on the y axis. You can check by ctrl + g any one slider and compare y axes. fixed
00:18:972 (1) - This slider is uneven, should be a perfectly evenly curved slider imo.fixed
00:20:463 (2,3) - Because 3 is a straight slider, the 2 slider should have a y equal on both sides when you ctrl + g. I reordered this part and give up blanketing cuz that will make beginner play hard with the flow
00:21:953 (1) - I almost feel the same way about this slider, but then you'd get a pretty lame typical structure seen in a lot of maps.fixed
00:30:898 (1,2,3) - Something about this is unsettling in terms of rhythm. Have you considered following the vocals for this part? A timeline like this perhaps: No,thanks I want to simplify the rhythm
00:34:624 (5) - Start this here 00:34:624 (5) - here and extend the slider by a 1/4 beat.fixed
00:36:861 (1,2) - Maybe a timeline like this: No,thanks
00:40:587 (2) - Slider looks ugly.fixed
00:48:785 (1,2) - Blanket could be fixed.fixed
01:03:693 (1) - Slider look ugly.I don't think so,just like a telephone XD
01:09:282 (4) - I think this should be a 1/4 repeat slider. Rhythmically sounds better. No,thanks,1/4 slider is prohibited in EZ
01:14:314 (3,4,1) - For newer players, I think having 3 different length sliders in a row can be somewhat confusing.I made a circular flow to make player concentrate on AR,that won't be too confusing

For the most part, it looks nice. I feel as it should be CS 2, but that'd require some more remapping and CS 3 is okay anyways.


00:00:525 (1) - I think this can be omitted.fixed
00:03:693 (4) - Unsure if placement is intentional but is stacking it over the previous 2 bad?reordered this part and give up blanket
00:05:183 (3) - Should be another short slider. Rhythmically sounds better. In fact, it'll match with 00:27:916 (1,2) - so why not?
00:21:022 (5,6) - Remove the 6 and repeat the 5. Yes you'd have to remap the next section and bring it closer but it rhythmically sounds better this way (to me at least),
00:22:512 - Should add a note here. In fact, it'll match with 00:27:916 (1,2) - so why not?fixed
00:24:003 (6) - This slider can end on a red tick and repeat like how you did here 00:29:965 (6) - Again, sure you'd have to remap but it sounds rhythmically better ;w;fixed
00:45:059 (1,2,3,4) - I think you should follow the same rhythm you had before.I want to follow the piano,plz listen carefully and you can feel it XD
00:58:475 (2) - Change for 2 sliders.used a reverse slider
01:03:693 (1,2,3,4) - This seems a little cluttered and slightly unattractive. It plays fine, but looking at it doesn't seem so pleasing.fixed
01:17:854 (1) - Two sliders.No thanks

This also looks pretty decent. My only concern is the overuse of "connectivity" with the distance snap the notes have. Like, they're all almost connected and it feels kinda boring to me, but that's just me. I think it's fine for the most part as well.


00:32:202 (1) - The volume level here seems a little dramatic.loud or quiet?I adjusted to 50% 75% is a bit loud imo
00:38:817 (2) - This note doesn't belong here. fixed
00:50:090 (1) - Consider how a timeline like this feels because I think it sounds better with a few more beats you are right,too easy,but overmap isn't a good choice in such a quiet rhythm imo,so I used sliders instead and made a special pattern here
00:53:631 (1,2,3) - I think these can be spaced a little more for dramatic effect. Just a tad like 1.2fixed
01:06:302 (7) - This can be brought down a little more and not be centered within the following slider. Might be confusing to players, and to me, it looks more aesthetically pleasing this way. Right,I used to think putting it centered is aesthetic.actually,you are right and now I changed my opinionfixed

Overall, I really liked this map. Very well done! Nice flow and blankets all around.


00:24:376 (4) - Unsure if this is intentional but can be stacked against the previous note.fixed
00:32:202 (1,2,3,4) - I think the spacing for each consecutive slider can be increased for effect because the vocals increase.
00:35:928 (3) - NCfixed
00:38:817 (2) - Don't think this note is sounded in the music.yes,but a insane diff needs some overmapping
00:44:314 (3,4,5) - This here could be a pattern instead of stacking.fixed
00:44:686 (5,1,2,3,4) - Something about the flow here is killed with the spacing differences.Yes,I ve realized this problem because following pattern won't be reomved after my remapping that make the spacing confusing here , fixed~
00:48:041 (1,2,3,4,1) - Could add varied space jumps (small ones, nothing huge) to add excitement and thanks there's no need
00:48:786 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This is very problematic for me. Seems very lazily mapped and symmetrical. And the last bits are almost overmapped in comparison to how the map has been flowing so far. (not that it IS overmapped, but in comparison.)I don't think it's overmap I just want to emphasize the drum.As you said,the rhythm here in hard is quite simple,I don't think it's wise to follow it in insane,only follow the drum that will have a chance on jump notes and won't feel unnatural when the jumps begin.
01:15:991 (2) - This could be two single notes instead of slider to keep with the vocal rhythm.but it will ruin the consistency...
01:16:736 (1,2) - These two could just be a single slider sliders on jump plz,really weird
01:24:003 (3) - Stream starts here not 01:23:817 - no thanks I used a circular flow to prevent something uncomfortable happen in overmapping

Again for the most part, it seems pretty well mapped. Just one single section I think can be better mapped. Unfortunately I cannot provide an alternate solution because this sort of mapping is not my forte.

All in all, I believe there are some rhythmic issues (as in, could be sounded better rhythmically) that would require some remapping, and I know remapping sucks but I almost feel like it'll be better that way. Blankets look clean, flow is relevant for the most part. I do like this mapset. :D

Good luck! It's almost there!
Anyway,THX for your nice modding :)
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From Flower's queue~

  1. 01:24:562~01:29:034- this kiai-time is unnecessary, imofixed
  1. 00:12:823 (1,2) - for easy, good flow is very important. you can make better flow like 00:11:333 (3,4) - at this part.
    why not move 00:13:755 (2) - to x:320 y:172 ?fixed
  2. 00:20:462 (2,3,1) - in this case, symmetrical pattern looks good. rotate 00:21:954 (1) - 6 degrees clock-wise like this
  3. 00:21:953 (1,2) - I prefer symmetrical pattern, toofixed
  4. 00:31:643 (2,3) - ^fixed
  5. 00:33:879 (1,2) - I think you don't need to make blanket for good flow and good lookingfixed
  6. 00:39:096~ I suggest to use custom soft-hitsound2 not 1 like other-diffs. soft-hitwhistle2(bell sound) is more suitable for this partfixed
  7. 00:47:295 (2) - Ctrl+J. upward slider is better flow, imo no thanks I ctrl+h slider to make good flow
  8. 00:51:767 (1) - why not add whistle? (the same for normal)add finish 50%
  1. 00:02:202 (2,4) - stack correctly. move 00:03:692 (4) - to x:412 y:152 reordered
  2. 00:09:841 (1,2) - not good flow against 00:09:282 (2) - and 00:10:774 (3) - . for normal, good flow is important, too.
    u~m how about downward pattern?fixed
  3. 00:24:375- it is better to follow this sound by whistle in the same way as other partfixed
  4. 00:32:201 (1,2) - not good looking. your normal diff consists of almost curved sliders. so how about parallel for accent like this?
  5. 00:29:779 (5,6) - not good flow. in this case, move 00:29:965 (6) - over 00:29:780 (5) - or make 00:29:965 (6) - upward slider for smoother cursor movingfixed
  6. 00:55:494 (3,4,5) - confusing pattern because closely-spaced notes and not good flow. in this case, use playfield widely, so you can make better flow and player can do playing comfortablefixed
  7. 01:23:444 (6,1) - for normal, don't change spacingfixed
  1. 00:39:096~ 100% is too loud hitsound volume...fixed
  2. 00:39:097 (1,2,3) - symmetircal pattern is better looking. rotate 00:39:469 (2) - 5 degrees anti-clockwisefixed
  3. 00:40:587 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. add whistle to the following like insane. that sounds good~fixed
  5. 01:06:302 (7,1) - this overlapping is hard to seefixed
  6. 01:12:077- add a note. or increase spacing between 01:11:146 (5,6) - . come to beat 01:12:077 by wrong...fixed
  7. 01:19:159 (1,2,3) - I prefer to the follwoing like 01:17:854 (1,2) - and 01:20:836 (1,2) - fixed
  1. 00:33:506- clapfixed
  2. 00:39:842 (3,1) - I suggest to make jump pattern like 00:44:686 (5,1) - No,I don't want to jump at the beginning
  3. 00:55:121- 00:57:729- unnecessary inherited pointsfixed
  4. 01:12:264~ why change volume to 50%? 75% is no problem, imo

especially easy and normal, you should consider smoother cursor moving. make better flow for beginner player~
~Good Luck~
Most of the problems have been mentioned by previous modder. Thx for your nice modding
ありがとうございました :)
Adol Christin


  1. 可以考虑加一、两套音效,分别把slidertick换成你的whistle和clap。当你在Easy、Normal使用长滑条,中间节奏空了的时候,加两根绿线,让slidertick的音效来填补之。听起来会比较舒服。
  2. 虽然我并不反对复杂滑条,但很久以前有人跟我说过,Normal难度滑条弧度用一样的会比较好看。(这点对Easy同样适用)
  3. 关于你在低潮用默认clap这点,我个人观点是:默认音效比现有的SC1更突出,这样显得低潮反而比高潮更响,不太合适。
  4. 调整所有的Preview Point,使它们压在kiai的开头上。


  1. 我比较看重前后节奏一致的。相同的音乐(节奏)就要用相同(至少相似)的节奏下法。所以像00:15:990到00:30:711中的这几个部分,相近的音乐,物件节奏相差这么大,显然是不合适的。
  2. 很久
  3. 00:40:587 (2) - 换成finish?(应用于全难度)
  4. 00:48:785 (1) - 同上。也可以选择不改,但所有难度相同位置的音效请统一。
  5. 00:48:785 (1,2) - 像这种,长滑条零距离包裹一个圈,会不会太难看了。
  6. 00:51:767 (1) - 不推荐spinner,这个转盘有点短,easy的话反应稍微慢点就gg了。
  7. 00:56:239 (3,4) - 如果是我的话折返会放在单点的前面,用折返点去压重音是比较常见的用法。就像00:59:221 (3) - 一样。
  8. 01:01:457 (2,3,4) - 这个节奏的话,中间那个圈会不会比较难读?
  9. 01:15:059 (4) - 这里的尾上应该是finish?
  10. 01:20:090 (3) - Finish?


  1. 00:30:898 (1) - 头上finish?
  2. 00:48:786 (1,2) - 记得我第一篇mod有写过:这里的节奏最好填满,用1/2。
  3. 00:51:767 (1) - 同Easy。这里也填满的比较好。
  4. 00:56:239 (4,5) - 同Easy,折返点压重音。
  5. 01:10:215 (1,2,3) - 作为Normal我觉得这里密过头了。


  1. 00:44:314 (8) - 折返一下,听起来会比较丰满。
  2. 00:48:785 - 确定这里的绿线没有用错?应该是SC1吧
  3. 00:48:786 (1) - finish?
  4. 01:19:158 (1,2) - 建议单点在滑条前,这里vocal没说是不用尾压重音就不能跟吧。。。
  5. 01:22:699 (5,6) - 强调重音没问题,但同时反flow和拉大间距,多少还是有些卡手的。
  6. 00:51:767 (2) - finish
  7. 在我看来hard没什么大碍。


  1. 00:03:320 (2,3) - 我个人不喜欢这个叠。建议把滑条换个跟1垂直的方向,不叠。会比较爽。
  2. 00:10:774 (3,4,5,1) - 试试把三个单点连着滑条头做成三角,感觉你现在的flow挺合适这么做。(其实这算是抄的梗啦)
  3. 00:48:786 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 一个十字可以,连续两个感觉略单调。我觉得可以跟hard一样,在前4个滑条结束和加个圈,然后后4根滑条跟电钢琴。
  4. 00:54:749 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 虽然我不讨厌,但连续8根1/2。想着都不太合适吧。
    jonathan刚刚rank掉的 这张图,就是张堆了大量1/2节奏的图。想不出梗的话可以稍微看看。


Hi from my queue

  1. 00:42:077 (1) - This slider is not suitable for Easy diff, should be fix
  2. 01:03:693 (1) - ^
  1. 00:48:786 (1) - Remove NC
  2. 01:09:282 (4,5) - Change to 1/2 slider
  3. 01:12:264 (5,6) - ^
  1. 00:04:810 (2,3) - try blanket
  2. 00:35:929 (2) - Ctrl+G? better flow
  3. 01:07:792 (4) - ^
  1. 00:04:066 (1) - Ctrl+G
  2. 00:25:494 (1) - Remove NC
  3. 00:34:438 (1) - ^
  4. 00:35:183 (1) - ^
  5. 00:35:928 (1) - ^
  6. 00:54:189 - 00:54:282 - Add note / 00:54:376 (3,4) - change to 1/2slider? sounds better
Topic Starter
Thank you adol and fuyuyu-
fixed some small problems :)
IRC modded in Insane diff, Here is the log:
2015-03-15 21:19 Fycho: ACTION is editing [ Ishida Youko - COLORFUL BOX [Insane]]
2015-03-15 21:19 zj0924: 好的
2015-03-15 21:20 Fycho: 我的网络不够好 很有可能中途掉线
2015-03-15 21:20 zj0924: 没事的
2015-03-15 21:22 Fycho: .
2015-03-15 21:22 Fycho: 用AR8.7或者ar9?
2015-03-15 21:22 zj0924: 额
2015-03-15 21:22 Fycho: 中间有些跳还是蛮大
2015-03-15 21:22 zj0924: 之前是这样想的
2015-03-15 21:22 zj0924: 我是ar9
2015-03-15 21:22 zj0924: 然后有modder说改到8.7
2015-03-15 21:22 zj0924: 我也改了
2015-03-15 21:22 zj0924: 感觉不错
2015-03-15 21:23 Fycho: 你现在是8.5
2015-03-15 21:23 zj0924: 然后nodap说改到8.0-8.5
2015-03-15 21:23 zj0924: 我只能改了
2015-03-15 21:23 zj0924: 现在觉得好像是有点慢了
2015-03-15 21:23 zj0924: 嗯
2015-03-15 21:24 zj0924: 8.5是最低底线了
2015-03-15 21:24 zj0924: 我这方面不是很懂
2015-03-15 21:24 Fycho: 我建议8.8
2015-03-15 21:24 Fycho: 8或者.7
2015-03-15 21:24 Fycho: 或者8.7
2015-03-15 21:24 zj0924: 好的
2015-03-15 21:24 zj0924: 8.7
2015-03-15 21:24 zj0924: 改
2015-03-15 21:25 Fycho: 00:06:674 (3) - clap?
2015-03-15 21:25 Fycho: 把whistle去掉
2015-03-15 21:26 Fycho: 00:19:531 (2) - 去whistle
2015-03-15 21:26 zj0924: 稍等
2015-03-15 21:26 zj0924: thx
2015-03-15 21:26 zj0924: 不过我觉得whistle也行
2015-03-15 21:26 zj0924: 先don da 再da don
2015-03-15 21:26 Fycho: 00:19:531 (2) - 去whistle
2015-03-15 21:27 zj0924: 嗯
2015-03-15 21:27 zj0924: 00:22:513 (2) - 这个要去吗?
2015-03-15 21:27 Fycho: 去
2015-03-15 21:27 Fycho: 类似的一并
2015-03-15 21:27 Fycho: 因为曲子里不是地鼓音
2015-03-15 21:27 zj0924: 嗯好的
2015-03-15 21:28 zj0924: 是的
2015-03-15 21:28 Fycho: 00:35:183 (4) - add nc
2015-03-15 21:29 Fycho: 00:37:233 (2,4) - clap
2015-03-15 21:30 zj0924: 00:31:457 (2) - 这个也去掉了
2015-03-15 21:30 zj0924: clap修复
2015-03-15 21:30 zj0924: 请问为什么要nc
2015-03-15 21:30 zj0924: 好的
2015-03-15 21:30 Fycho: 因为一根大白线nc一次啊
2015-03-15 21:31 zj0924: 对哦……我现在这个滑条开头没在打白线上……疏忽了
2015-03-15 21:31 zj0924: THX
2015-03-15 21:32 Fycho: 这倒没必要
2015-03-15 21:32 Fycho: 反正是跟人声
2015-03-15 21:32 zj0924: 好的
2015-03-15 21:33 Fycho: 00:39:097 (1) - nc去掉
2015-03-15 21:33 Fycho: 加在00:39:842 (3) -
2015-03-15 21:34 zj0924: 想问一下一定要一直跟着大白线吗
2015-03-15 21:34 Fycho: 00:40:587 (1) - nc去掉
2015-03-15 21:34 Fycho: 对
2015-03-15 21:34 zj0924: 可不可以根据vocal来nc呢
2015-03-15 21:34 Fycho: nc跟着大白线来
2015-03-15 21:34 Fycho: 人声的话具有随机性
2015-03-15 21:34 zj0924: 就是无脑全根大白鲜?
2015-03-15 21:34 zj0924: 那我看到很多图里面是不是因为读图梗加了nc?
2015-03-15 21:34 zj0924: 我nc比较弱
2015-03-15 21:35 zj0924: 之前完全是跟vocal
2015-03-15 21:35 zj0924: 其实我这里有个对称
2015-03-15 21:35 zj0924: 为了读图所以就这样下了
2015-03-15 21:36 zj0924: 如果nc感觉怪怪的看上去
2015-03-15 21:37 Fycho: 因为NC是跟着韵律乐理来的
2015-03-15 21:37 Fycho: 歌词 vocal是随机的
2015-03-15 21:37 zj0924: 好吧既然这么说那我后面一串都得改了
2015-03-15 21:38 Fycho: 00:39:841 - 这歌为是finish
2015-03-15 21:38 Fycho: 这个位置*
2015-03-15 21:38 Fycho: 也不是无脑全是大白线
2015-03-15 21:38 Fycho: 具体的地方具体看阿爸
2015-03-15 21:38 Fycho: 看吧*
2015-03-15 21:38 zj0924: 00:44:314 (3) - 那这里要不要nc?
2015-03-15 21:38 zj0924: 我觉得nc会很怪
2015-03-15 21:39 zj0924: 我是这么想的,这是整首歌比较低潮的地方
2015-03-15 21:39 zj0924: 鼓声不明显所以vocal占主导
2015-03-15 21:39 Fycho: 00:43:941 (1) - add clap
2015-03-15 21:39 zj0924: 00:09:841 (1) - 像这里就不是大白线下nc
2015-03-15 21:40 Fycho: 虽然不明显 但是节奏还在
2015-03-15 21:40 Fycho: 鼓点的规律性
2015-03-15 21:40 zj0924: 好吧
2015-03-15 21:40 zj0924: 00:43:941 (1) - 这里为什么要clap,我是隔两拍下clap
2015-03-15 21:41 Fycho: 那个clap没必要 音乐里反正也没
2015-03-15 21:41 zj0924: 00:43:196 (2,5) -
2015-03-15 21:41 zj0924: 00:43:196 (2) - 00:44:686 (5) - 这里有clap了所以我没下
2015-03-15 21:41 Fycho: 00:54:376 (3) - 最好加个nc
2015-03-15 21:42 Fycho: 这里容易误读
2015-03-15 21:42 Fycho: 00:54:003 (2,3,4) - 这个间距
2015-03-15 21:42 zj0924: 间距是不是有些问题呢?
2015-03-15 21:43 zj0924: nc我加了XD
2015-03-15 21:43 Fycho: 01:03:226 - 这里可以加个circle
2015-03-15 21:43 Fycho: 做个压滑条尾的三连
2015-03-15 21:43 Fycho: 音乐里有音
2015-03-15 21:46 zj0924: 有道理
2015-03-15 21:46 zj0924: 稍等
2015-03-15 21:46 zj0924: 这样?
2015-03-15 21:46 zj0924: 等下我知道了
2015-03-15 21:46 zj0924: 错了……
2015-03-15 21:47 zj0924:是这样吗压滑条尾?
2015-03-15 21:47 zj0924: 其实吧我觉得如果要三连不如把这里填满了
2015-03-15 21:54 Fycho: 三连
2015-03-15 21:55 Fycho: 后面不用
2015-03-15 21:55 zj0924: 好的
2015-03-15 21:55 zj0924: 刚才这样试了下确实有点急
2015-03-15 21:55 Fycho: 01:03:413 - 这里不要加东西
2015-03-15 21:56 zj0924: 嗯
2015-03-15 21:56 Fycho: 01:06:487 (1) - 去nc
2015-03-15 21:56 zj0924: 我一开始觉得包围圈一下子距离不一样了想着全填满了……
2015-03-15 21:56 Fycho: 01:11:519 (2) - clap
2015-03-15 21:57 Fycho: 01:18:226 (3,4) - clap加这两
2015-03-15 21:59 zj0924: 好的
2015-03-15 21:59 zj0924: 全部修复了
2015-03-15 21:59 zj0924: 01:12:264 (1) - 这里要clap吗?
2015-03-15 21:59 Fycho: 要
2015-03-15 21:59 Fycho: kiai里鼓点音效别断
2015-03-15 21:59 Fycho: 2,4clap
2015-03-15 21:59 zj0924: 嗯已经加了
2015-03-15 22:00 zj0924: 哪个2,4?
2015-03-15 22:01 Fycho: 第二根白线和第四根白线上的clap
2015-03-15 22:02 zj0924: 呃具体时间……
2015-03-15 22:02 zj0924: 不是很明白XD
2015-03-15 22:04 Fycho: 大白线是第一跟白线的话
2015-03-15 22:04 Fycho: 那么第二根就是大白线后面那根
2015-03-15 22:04 Fycho: 四根白线一小节
2015-03-15 22:04 Fycho: 每小节第一根白线是大白线
2015-03-15 22:04 Fycho: 也是长白线
2015-03-15 22:05 Fycho: 01:11:519 (2) - 这里是第二根白线 clap就别空着
2015-03-15 22:05 zj0924: 噢噢我知道了是指整首歌所有的2,4都clap是吗?
2015-03-15 22:08 Fycho: 对
2015-03-15 22:09 zj0924: 好的
2015-03-15 22:09 zj0924: 那低潮部分我只在2下clap4不下clap可以吗因为没有音
2015-03-15 22:10 zj0924: 嗯
2015-03-15 22:20 Fycho: 01:18:226 (3) - clap
2015-03-15 22:20 Fycho: 01:23:444 (2) - 头上clap
2015-03-15 22:20 Fycho: 主要是为了配合曲子里的鼓
2015-03-15 22:20 zj0924: 稍等
2015-03-15 22:21 zj0924: allfixed XD
2015-03-15 22:21 zj0924: 其实我音效问题还挺多的XD
2015-03-15 22:23 Fycho: 不是大问题
2015-03-15 22:23 zj0924: 嗯(⊙_⊙)
2015-03-15 22:23 Fycho: 都是小问题 可以锦上添花
2015-03-15 22:23 zj0924: 谢谢
2015-03-15 22:35 Fycho: 今天懒了 其他diff我明天写forum上去
2015-03-15 22:36 zj0924: 好的好的
2015-03-15 22:36 zj0924: 我给kdXD
2015-03-15 22:36 zj0924: 我把hard类似的nc也修复了
2015-03-15 22:36 zj0924: 多谢

will do others tomorrow.
Topic Starter
多谢fycho大大 :) :)
  1. 我觉得preview time 位置莫名听着难受,00:54:748 如何
  2. 00:39:841 应该是一个音乐的分界点才对,你这里为什么有滑条尾,跟vocal也不要跟着跟着打击感都美丽
  3. 01:07:047 (2) - 你前面这里是1/1,这里是2/1。。
  4. 01:15:990 (1) - 我觉得这里2/1的意义不明,既不是大白线bgm里面也没有
  5. 01:18:600 (1,2) - ^节奏不明,这里bgm里面有bass音你可以选择跟一下
  1. 00:27:916 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1) - 会不会太长
  1. 00:21:954 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 太密,建议加一些1/1
  2. 00:50:090 (1,1,1,1) - hard这样没问题?
  1. 00:32:202 (1,2,3,4) - 难受,建议四方
  2. 00:38:164 这个绿线是不是有问题
  3. 00:38:165 (1) - 我觉得这里应该blanket 00:37:978 (4) - flow会更舒服
  4. 01:03:226 (6) - 反正我肯定会打错
  5. 01:11:146 (1,2,3) - 突然降低密度玩家肯定不适应
  6. 01:27:544 (1) - 01:27:450开始
Topic Starter

Alex Li wrote:

  1. 我觉得preview time 位置莫名听着难受,00:54:748 如何 Adol也让我kial头上,一开始我只是想直接听到vocal所以才这么放的,既然都觉得违和就改吧XD
  2. 00:39:841 应该是一个音乐的分界点才对,你这里为什么有滑条尾,跟vocal也不要跟着跟着打击感都美丽 说的没错,重音神马的尽量放滑条头或者单点。可这是EZ,个人觉得很难调配,没有1/2节拍,既要表现出这个音,又要放头上……我觉得有些难改
  3. 01:07:047 (2) - 你前面这里是1/1,这里是2/1。。嘘,竟然被发现了,我以为没人注意到的呢,那就统一下吧XD等下,我这么做是有原因的,因为01:06:674 (1) - 没有vocal所以才故意这样的,新手也是会注意vocal的,还是不改了
  4. 01:15:990 (1) - 我觉得这里2/1的意义不明,既不是大白线bgm里面也没有 跟vocal但是不允许1/2节奏,出此下策只能用滑条带过,请理解这是ez难度,有些时候比nm还难做……
  5. 01:18:600 (1,2) - ^节奏不明,这里bgm里面有bass音你可以选择跟一下你的想法不错,可是这样clap就听不见了。我觉得两个都可以,避免一改动全身就算了吧
  1. 00:27:916 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1) - 会不会太长不是很懂,怎么长了?XD
  1. 00:21:954 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 太密,建议加一些1/1 确实密了,调整了间距但还是保持1/2滑条
  2. 00:50:090 (1,1,1,1) - hard这样没问题?如果影响rank的话改就是了,但是可以的话希望做一个梗
  1. 00:32:202 (1,2,3,4) - 难受,建议四方没有打算四方,打算滑条尾之后以一个极小的角度来接下一个滑条,修正了
  2. 00:38:164 这个绿线是不是有问题oops,确实有点问题,不应该在这里减速
  3. 00:38:165 (1) - 我觉得这里应该blanket 00:37:978 (4) - flow会更舒服 嗯,之前右边是左右相反的,这个滑条忘记改回来了,多谢
  4. 01:03:226 (6) - 反正我肯定会打错 其实一开始不是这样的,fycho让我改成这样,其实我也会打错,那就任性一回改回来XD
  5. 01:11:146 (1,2,3) - 突然降低密度玩家肯定不适应 那试着拉远一点,我想给玩家之后地三角形拉大的感觉。由于这里是remap之前的部分,有些还留着,所以很难改
  6. 01:27:544 (1) - 01:27:450开始这个感觉影响不大XD
祝早日qua THX
很厉害啊,其实我自己都找不出什么问题了……谢谢你的mod :)
Another IRC modding, fixed offset and gave some hitsounds/placement/ suggestions on each diff.
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: Insane 00:39:842 (1) - finish head
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: 00:39:469 (7) - whistle head
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: 00:45:804 (5) - finish hea
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: d
2015-03-17 12:23 zj0924: 之前改了下metadata,gamu说是ISHIDA YOKO,然后就重新传了XD
2015-03-17 12:23 zj0924: ok我看下
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: general东西我没看,就我所知offset有问题
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: 需要+10
2015-03-17 12:24 zj0924: 真的吗……
2015-03-17 12:25 zj0924: 音效修复了
2015-03-17 12:25 Fycho: 加6吧
2015-03-17 12:25 Fycho: offset
2015-03-17 12:25 zj0924: ok
2015-03-17 12:25 Fycho: offset1090,所有绿线+红线一起+6
2015-03-17 12:26 zj0924: 话说offset怎么才能测准……我是ctrl+d单点然后看左上角偏移来调的感觉就是调不准
2015-03-17 12:26 Fycho: 01:03:232 - 这里没加circle?
2015-03-17 12:26 Fycho: offset靠耳朵听
2015-03-17 12:27 zj0924: 是这样的这里比较难动……如果按之前的三连我觉得打起来很违和
2015-03-17 12:27 Fycho: 01:22:890 (1) -
2015-03-17 12:27 Fycho: 这里结尾应该在红线上
2015-03-17 12:27 Fycho: 不是蓝线
2015-03-17 12:28 Fycho: 01:23:915 (2) - 这个去掉?overmap了
2015-03-17 12:29 zj0924: 我知道是overmap但是这里整体性比较强不大方便改XD
2015-03-17 12:29 zj0924: 稍等我先调下offset
2015-03-17 12:29 Fycho: 所有diff都要调
2015-03-17 12:29 Fycho: 调完告诉我再继续
2015-03-17 12:31 zj0924: 好的稍等片刻
2015-03-17 12:33 Fycho: gamu有说大写的理由吗
2015-03-17 12:33 zj0924: 稍等
2015-03-17 12:36 zj0924: 那个有没有快一点的方法调整绿线的offset,我现在是一个一个加6感觉会失误……
2015-03-17 12:36 Fycho: 当然有啊
2015-03-17 12:36 Fycho: F6
2015-03-17 12:36 Fycho: 选中所有绿线
2015-03-17 12:37 Fycho: 就像选择文件一样,先点第一个,再按住shift点最后一个
2015-03-17 12:37 zj0924: en
2015-03-17 12:37 Fycho: 红线绿线可以一起选,然后左边填6
2015-03-17 12:37 zj0924: 我ctrl+a了
2015-03-17 12:37 Fycho: 别忘记点move
2015-03-17 12:38 zj0924: zhongwenshurufa meile dengxia
2015-03-17 12:40 zj0924: 回来了
2015-03-17 12:40 zj0924: 超赞啊!这方法感谢感谢XD
2015-03-17 12:41 zj0924: ok全部调整完毕
2015-03-17 12:41 Fycho: hard
2015-03-17 12:41 zj0924: ok
2015-03-17 12:41 Fycho: 00:07:606 (2,3) - 这跳在hard太突然了
2015-03-17 12:42 zj0924: 是吗
2015-03-17 12:42 zj0924: 那我只能放弃对称了咯?
2015-03-17 12:42 Fycho: 00:07:792 (3) - 放到236,276
2015-03-17 12:42 Fycho: 或者别跳 正常摆一个
2015-03-17 12:43 Fycho: 00:08:351 (4) - 也要相应的移动一下
2015-03-17 12:43 zj0924: 好滴
2015-03-17 12:44 zj0924: 我把00:08:357 (4) - 放00:07:053 (1) - 滑条尾怎么样
2015-03-17 12:44 Fycho: 00:35:743 (1) - 这个叠在00:35:929 (2) - 的头上?
2015-03-17 12:45 Fycho: 随意
2015-03-17 12:45 zj0924: 稍等
2015-03-17 12:46 zj0924: 嗯不错
2015-03-17 12:51 Fycho: 00:50:835 (1) - 00:51:208 (1) -
2015-03-17 12:51 zj0924: 00:39:475 (6) - 这里要whistle吗?
2015-03-17 12:51 Fycho: 这种滑条头被滑条身体完全重叠遮挡是unrankable的
2015-03-17 12:52 zj0924: 好吧……
2015-03-17 12:52 zj0924: 我想做个梗的失败了……
2015-03-17 12:53 Fycho: 这种还unreadable
00:51:581 (2,1) -
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:08:04
zj0924 13:08:1zj0924 13:09:01
zj0924 13:09:23
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:09:44
Hard AR7.5或者8
zj0924 13:09:44
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:09:52
有些跳 间距 低AR比较难读
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:10:13

(*・ω・)杏璃 13:10:18
zj0924 13:10:37
zj0924 13:11:03
zj0924 13:11:09
zj0924 13:11:12
zj0924 13:11:27
zj0924 13:15:10
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:16:02
00:51:581 (2) - 和00:52:326 (2) - 滑条头叠在一起
zj0924 13:20:02
zj0924 13:20:44
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:22:52
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:22:56
zj0924 13:23:17
zj0924 13:23:19
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:23:22
zj0924 13:23:25
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:23:27
zj0924 13:24:41
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:27:17
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:27:19
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:27:34
如果按照人声来的话00:48:041 (1,2,1) - 这里的NC就不平均了
zj0924 13:28:06
zj0924 13:28:15
zj0924 13:29:35
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:29:46
01:09:656 (6) - finish头上
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:29:52
别忘记 先加finish再改这个nv
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:29:54
zj0924 13:31:56
01:12:643 (1) - 这里也改了
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:33:02
Easy01:00:339 (4) - 滑条尾巴finish
zj0924 13:33:43
zj0924 13:35:08
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:35:18
zj0924 13:35:26
zj0924 13:35:30
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:35:48
zj0924 13:36:18
zj0924 13:36:46
zj0924 13:36:54
zj0924 13:37:02
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:37:19
zj0924 13:37:44
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:37:46
下面是general/metadata check
zj0924 13:37:59
zj0924 13:38:06
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:38:41
zj0924 13:39:23
zj0924 13:39:37
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:39:53
zj0924 13:40:02
zj0924 13:40:11
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:40:24
zj0924 13:40:33
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:42:34
zj0924 13:42:42
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:02:07
Insane 00:38:822 (3) - 去掉?
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:02:56
insane 这两根绿线有1ms误差
zj0924 14:03:21
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:03:26
我觉得这第一根绿线可以去掉 没用
zj0924 14:03:35
zj0924 14:04:07
zj0924 14:04:12
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:04:45
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:04:50
zj0924 14:05:11
zj0924 14:05:18
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:13:49
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:13:55
zj0924 14:14:05
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:14:21
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:14:25
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:14:50
然后 点的timing里面的全部重新对齐
zj0924 14:14:54
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:14:55
然后保存 再上传
zj0924 14:14:59
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:15:56
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:16:19
zj0924 14:16:23
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:16:26
zj0924 14:16:29
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:16:37
00:33:698 -
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:16:45
所有diff的每一根绿线 都不要差1ms

About Artist:

Gamu wrote:

About Metadata:
Her official blog and official website are using "YOKO ISHIDA", but i gave priority to "ISHIDA YOKO" of this CD jacket. Also alacat is agreed with me.
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

Another IRC modding, fixed offset and gave some hitsounds/placement/ suggestions on each diff.
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: Insane 00:39:842 (1) - finish head
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: 00:39:469 (7) - whistle head
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: 00:45:804 (5) - finish hea
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: d
2015-03-17 12:23 zj0924: 之前改了下metadata,gamu说是ISHIDA YOKO,然后就重新传了XD
2015-03-17 12:23 zj0924: ok我看下
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: general东西我没看,就我所知offset有问题
2015-03-17 12:23 Fycho: 需要+10
2015-03-17 12:24 zj0924: 真的吗……
2015-03-17 12:25 zj0924: 音效修复了
2015-03-17 12:25 Fycho: 加6吧
2015-03-17 12:25 Fycho: offset
2015-03-17 12:25 zj0924: ok
2015-03-17 12:25 Fycho: offset1090,所有绿线+红线一起+6
2015-03-17 12:26 zj0924: 话说offset怎么才能测准……我是ctrl+d单点然后看左上角偏移来调的感觉就是调不准
2015-03-17 12:26 Fycho: 01:03:232 - 这里没加circle?
2015-03-17 12:26 Fycho: offset靠耳朵听
2015-03-17 12:27 zj0924: 是这样的这里比较难动……如果按之前的三连我觉得打起来很违和
2015-03-17 12:27 Fycho: 01:22:890 (1) -
2015-03-17 12:27 Fycho: 这里结尾应该在红线上
2015-03-17 12:27 Fycho: 不是蓝线
2015-03-17 12:28 Fycho: 01:23:915 (2) - 这个去掉?overmap了
2015-03-17 12:29 zj0924: 我知道是overmap但是这里整体性比较强不大方便改XD
2015-03-17 12:29 zj0924: 稍等我先调下offset
2015-03-17 12:29 Fycho: 所有diff都要调
2015-03-17 12:29 Fycho: 调完告诉我再继续
2015-03-17 12:31 zj0924: 好的稍等片刻
2015-03-17 12:33 Fycho: gamu有说大写的理由吗
2015-03-17 12:33 zj0924: 稍等
2015-03-17 12:36 zj0924: 那个有没有快一点的方法调整绿线的offset,我现在是一个一个加6感觉会失误……
2015-03-17 12:36 Fycho: 当然有啊
2015-03-17 12:36 Fycho: F6
2015-03-17 12:36 Fycho: 选中所有绿线
2015-03-17 12:37 Fycho: 就像选择文件一样,先点第一个,再按住shift点最后一个
2015-03-17 12:37 zj0924: en
2015-03-17 12:37 Fycho: 红线绿线可以一起选,然后左边填6
2015-03-17 12:37 zj0924: 我ctrl+a了
2015-03-17 12:37 Fycho: 别忘记点move
2015-03-17 12:38 zj0924: zhongwenshurufa meile dengxia
2015-03-17 12:40 zj0924: 回来了
2015-03-17 12:40 zj0924: 超赞啊!这方法感谢感谢XD
2015-03-17 12:41 zj0924: ok全部调整完毕
2015-03-17 12:41 Fycho: hard
2015-03-17 12:41 zj0924: ok
2015-03-17 12:41 Fycho: 00:07:606 (2,3) - 这跳在hard太突然了
2015-03-17 12:42 zj0924: 是吗
2015-03-17 12:42 zj0924: 那我只能放弃对称了咯?
2015-03-17 12:42 Fycho: 00:07:792 (3) - 放到236,276
2015-03-17 12:42 Fycho: 或者别跳 正常摆一个
2015-03-17 12:43 Fycho: 00:08:351 (4) - 也要相应的移动一下
2015-03-17 12:43 zj0924: 好滴
2015-03-17 12:44 zj0924: 我把00:08:357 (4) - 放00:07:053 (1) - 滑条尾怎么样
2015-03-17 12:44 Fycho: 00:35:743 (1) - 这个叠在00:35:929 (2) - 的头上?
2015-03-17 12:45 Fycho: 随意
2015-03-17 12:45 zj0924: 稍等
2015-03-17 12:46 zj0924: 嗯不错
2015-03-17 12:51 Fycho: 00:50:835 (1) - 00:51:208 (1) -
2015-03-17 12:51 zj0924: 00:39:475 (6) - 这里要whistle吗?
2015-03-17 12:51 Fycho: 这种滑条头被滑条身体完全重叠遮挡是unrankable的
2015-03-17 12:52 zj0924: 好吧……
2015-03-17 12:52 zj0924: 我想做个梗的失败了……
2015-03-17 12:53 Fycho: 这种还unreadable
00:51:581 (2,1) -
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:08:04
zj0924 13:08:1zj0924 13:09:01
zj0924 13:09:23
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:09:44
Hard AR7.5或者8
zj0924 13:09:44
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:09:52
有些跳 间距 低AR比较难读
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:10:13

(*・ω・)杏璃 13:10:18
zj0924 13:10:37
zj0924 13:11:03
zj0924 13:11:09
zj0924 13:11:12
zj0924 13:11:27
zj0924 13:15:10
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:16:02
00:51:581 (2) - 和00:52:326 (2) - 滑条头叠在一起
zj0924 13:20:02
zj0924 13:20:44
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:22:52
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:22:56
zj0924 13:23:17
zj0924 13:23:19
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:23:22
zj0924 13:23:25
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:23:27
zj0924 13:24:41
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:27:17
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:27:19
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:27:34
如果按照人声来的话00:48:041 (1,2,1) - 这里的NC就不平均了
zj0924 13:28:06
zj0924 13:28:15
zj0924 13:29:35
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:29:46
01:09:656 (6) - finish头上
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:29:52
别忘记 先加finish再改这个nv
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:29:54
zj0924 13:31:56
01:12:643 (1) - 这里也改了
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:33:02
Easy01:00:339 (4) - 滑条尾巴finish
zj0924 13:33:43
zj0924 13:35:08
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:35:18
zj0924 13:35:26
zj0924 13:35:30
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:35:48
zj0924 13:36:18
zj0924 13:36:46
zj0924 13:36:54
zj0924 13:37:02
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:37:19
zj0924 13:37:44
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:37:46
下面是general/metadata check
zj0924 13:37:59
zj0924 13:38:06
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:38:41
zj0924 13:39:23
zj0924 13:39:37
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:39:53
zj0924 13:40:02
zj0924 13:40:11
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:40:24
zj0924 13:40:33
(*・ω・)杏璃 13:42:34
zj0924 13:42:42
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:02:07
Insane 00:38:822 (3) - 去掉?
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:02:56
insane 这两根绿线有1ms误差
zj0924 14:03:21
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:03:26
我觉得这第一根绿线可以去掉 没用
zj0924 14:03:35
zj0924 14:04:07
zj0924 14:04:12
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:04:45
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:04:50
zj0924 14:05:11
zj0924 14:05:18
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:13:49
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:13:55
zj0924 14:14:05
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:14:21
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:14:25
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:14:50
然后 点的timing里面的全部重新对齐
zj0924 14:14:54
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:14:55
然后保存 再上传
zj0924 14:14:59
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:15:56
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:16:19
zj0924 14:16:23
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:16:26
zj0924 14:16:29
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:16:37
00:33:698 -
(*・ω・)杏璃 14:16:45
所有diff的每一根绿线 都不要差1ms

About Artist:

Gamu wrote:

About Metadata:
Her official blog and official website are using "YOKO ISHIDA", but i gave priority to "ISHIDA YOKO" of this CD jacket. Also alacat is agreed with me.
I'm Really thankful for your attentive suggestions and great patience :)
THX for bubble!
Please change OD to 6.5 on Hard and CS to 4.0 on Normal for more balanced settings

Let me know~
Topic Starter

Kodora wrote:

Please change OD to 6.5 on Hard and CS to 4.0 on Normal for more balanced settings

Let me know~
OD:6.5 HD
CS:4.0 NM
All fixed~ :)
Adol Christin
All fine now. Qualified!
Abe Nana
rip kodora……
Topic Starter
Waiting for DQ :cry:

-Chata- wrote:

rest in peace

but anyways gratz!
Sorry, have to disqualify due to same songs in qualified Q.Q ( about 20 mins ago)

Never mind ... :(
Sorry for my blindness, I swear other one was pending when I've checked qwq

Let's wait until kankun's one will moved out of qualified first :v

Kodora wrote:

Sorry for my blindness, I swear other one was pending when I've checked qwq

Let's wait until kankun's one will moved out of qualified first :v
proof why we need faster automated qualified section again and not "hur you are not supposed to play qualified maps the moment they get qualified"-system with ~1 hour delay
Adol Christin

Restore a bubble icon here.

To next bn, don't qualify this until goes out of qualified category, and there is a map nearly being qualified that needs to be noticed:
I will check this map soon as I owe you an M4M from my queue, please be patient.
Topic Starter

xxdeathx wrote:

I will check this map soon as I owe you an M4M from my queue, please be patient.
Thx death~
Mapper changed a few patterns & hitsounds, bubble repaired.

Fycho wrote:

To next bn, don't qualify this until goes out of qualified category, and there is a map nearly being qualified that needs to be noticed:
If xxdeathx qualified your map then please keep a ticket in mind so that I can come at any time. Otherwise I will be responsible to rank the map.

  1. Maybe you can add 500-1000 ms audio lead-in.
Easy and Normal are fine, but imo Normal is a little harder than it needs to be because it uses a lot of 1/2 rhythms while Easy is all 1/1 or 2/1. I don't think spread is unacceptable though.

  1. 00:15:065 (3) - Try angling it between both circles:
  1. 00:19:535 (2) - unsnapped
  2. 00:23:637 (2) - 00:24:382 (4) - consider ctrl-G for each for each of these for easier play
  3. 00:48:606 (4,1) - It's bad flow for slider to point against the direction it came from, so I recommend changing the circles more like
  4. 01:22:146 (2,3) - Since this is a slow part, it fits better to lower the object density, by deleting 01:22:518 (3) - and extending the slider to 01:22:518 since the current slider end doesn't sound good in the slow part.
Poke Fycho to repair the bubble, poke me to rank when the other map gets ranked or DQed and be careful of
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

Mapper changed a few patterns & hitsounds, bubble repaired.
Sorry,Fycho.I have to pop the bubble due to the low quality mp3.Well,death already popped it XD.
Kodora reminded me that a 128kbps may potentially get DQ so I replaced with Adol‘s mp3(with his permission)
I adjusted the offset(video included),Timing&Inherited&Preview points and resnapped all of the notes.Meanwhile,the problems mentioned by death have been fixed mostly.Sorry for bubbling over and over again.Such foolish thing could be avoided if I considered carefully.
I'll ask you for rebubble when I think it's fine and plz recheck my map whether there still exists some problems before rebubble.THX~

Flower wrote:

If xxdeathx qualified your map then please keep a ticket in mind so that I can come at any time. Otherwise I will be responsible to rank the map.
THX,Flower~plz keep in mind that I owe you one,too.If you need some mods,don't hesitate to ask me for help and I'll try my best :)

xxdeathx wrote:


  1. Maybe you can add 500-1000 ms audio lead-in.Sure,1000ms is fine for me.I failed to add "audio lead in"in song setup until I opened.osu file and finally find it lol
Easy and Normal are fine, but imo Normal is a little harder than it needs to be because it uses a lot of 1/2 rhythms while Easy is all 1/1 or 2/1. I don't think spread is unacceptable though.Thx for reminding me that but it's really troublesome to rearrange these things.I 'll pay attention to this problem in the future.

  1. 00:15:065 (3) - Try angling it between both circles:Sure,fixed
  1. 00:19:535 (2) - unsnapped Oops,my fault,fixed~
  2. 00:23:637 (2) - 00:24:382 (4) - consider ctrl-G for each for each of these for easier play I struggled for a long time here.Oval flow can make a smooth feeling,but I feel kinda crowded cuz 00:22:658 (4,5) - flows kinda fast and if ctrl+g the oval flow00:23:031 (1,2) - is very slow imo.That doesn't fit.Eventually, I decide to ctrl+g00:24:149 (4) - only,that's fine for me,thx for your suggestion.
  3. 00:48:606 (4,1) - It's bad flow for slider to point against the direction it came from, so I recommend changing the circles more like AWESOME!I LIKE IT~THX :)
  4. 01:22:146 (2,3) - Since this is a slow part, it fits better to lower the object density, by deleting 01:22:518 (3) - and extending the slider to 01:22:518 since the current slider end doesn't sound good in the slow part.You've got a point there.I think your method is very reasonable here.Using a 1/1slider is more suitable for slowing down,Well Done!
Poke Fycho to repair the bubble, poke me to rank when the other map gets ranked or DQed and be careful of
OK,but at the moment, I want to improve my map again and again in order to reach the acme of perfection.Since it is my first map,speed ranking makes no sense for me.I'm really thankful to DQ because it gave me another opportunity to improve my map.
By the way,Adol is my friend and he will be afk for half a year from Easter,He is badly in need of ranking his map in order not to leave any regret.If our maps get ready to rank at the same time,plz rank his first :D
Anyway,THX for modding.Your suggestions are so useful that I have to accept all of them. I'll keep moving and develop my mapping skill in order to make a better map. :)
Updated~replaced with new mp3 and improved some flows&patterns in insane diff :)
Adol Christin
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:

不客气。只要没原则性问题,不会被dq的。另外,丑话说前头,如果kunka的图出狱了,你的图还没泡或者没有准备好rank,我就不客气地去找BN rank了……
所以请你尽快吧 :D
bubble fix
Topic Starter

SoGa wrote:

谢了~其实之前已经q了,但是有人做一样的歌比我先rank了,所以无奈被dq :o
  1. 00:36:634 (1) - I guess you can add a finish here
  2. 00:45:018 (2,3,4) - These three circles seems a messy, could you please rearrange them like:; 00:46:508 (2,3,4) - as well, the smaller spacing makes them looks not good.
  3. 00:45:577 (5) - seems you miss the finish on head, don't forget to apply this to other diffs too.
  4. 01:25:732 (7,1) - not sure if this spacing is on purpose, it's better to keep 1.2x here like 01:25:453 (4,5,6) -
  1. 00:25:267 (2) - miss whistle on tail imo
  2. 00:25:640 (3) - whistle on head
  3. 00:49:863 (1,2,3,4) - could you make a parallelogram here? the shape are kinda random now, which looks not good when playing.
There are still some unsnapped green lines like 00:36:633 - 00:37:937 - etc by 1ms, please check them and fix.
still need to wait a week due to: qualified.
why so many people mapping this omg
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

  1. 00:36:634 (1) - I guess you can add a finish here Hesitated for a while,finally decided to add finish and adjusted vol to 50%,fine now~
  2. 00:45:018 (2,3,4) - These three circles seems a messy, could you please rearrange them like:; 00:46:508 (2,3,4) - as well, the smaller spacing makes them looks not good.Of course,rearranged it already and ctrl+g 00:45:018 (2,3) -~
  3. 00:45:577 (5) - seems you miss the finish on head, don't forget to apply this to other diffs too.oops,cuz I remapped this part and forgot to add finish XD,Fixed hard as well
  4. 01:25:732 (7,1) - not sure if this spacing is on purpose, it's better to keep 1.2x here like 01:25:453 (4,5,6) - In fact,I did this on purpose in order that player will adapt for the flow speed of previous slider.At last,I found the distance between 01:25:081 (3,4) - is a bit far.I adjust the distance and keep 1.2x,looks fine now
  1. 00:25:267 (2) - miss whistle on tail imo
  2. 00:25:640 (3) - whistle on headsure,all fixed
  3. 00:49:863 (1,2,3,4) - could you make a parallelogram here? the shape are kinda random now, which looks not good when playing.OK,It seems that I was a little casual that time.Fixed
There are still some unsnapped green lines like 00:36:633 - 00:37:937 - etc by 1ms, please check them and fix.Damn it...I swear I fixed them all and checked many times.However,the fact proves that I was so careless...THX~All fixed~
Thanks Fycho (飞球)for helping to improve my map again.Really appreciate it :)
still need to wait a week due to: qualified.

Kodora wrote:

why so many people mapping this omg
Never mind Kodora.I fixed some minor problems that Fycho mentioned above :D
Since we have to wait AGAIN, bubble fix #2

I really hope that other BNs wanna give some priority to this map, since it had to be ranked first.
rechecked and everything is fine to me, here we go.
where is ed2 :( :(
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

rechecked and everything is fine to me, here we go.

Mei wrote:

where is ed2 :( :(
Thx~现在在做第二张图……如果有大神gd的话,会考虑开个白箱全集的,一个人做完所有难度比较累 :D
Adol Christin
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:

thx~你现在是afk了吗?游戏里都不见人影,以后私信联系 :D
Kamio Misuzu
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