
Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mardi 29 avril 2014 at 18:00:14

Artist: Hiroshi Kitadani
Title: We Go!
Source: One Piece
Tags: luffy ami opening
BPM: 176
Filesize: 16687kb
Play Time: 02:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ami's Easy (1,65 stars, 97 notes)
  2. Hard (4,42 stars, 199 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 377 notes)
  4. Normal (3,91 stars, 179 notes)
Download: Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go!
Download: Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go! (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I've always been a huge fan of One Piece, but since we don't have many map, I decided to create my own set of One Piece Map. I start with We Go, quite simple rythm to code I think.
It's my first map, so it's not perfect yet. But I would gladly recieve any help to improve it :)
-------------- About the mapping
Easy Ami's
Normal Heshu's
Hard HeShu's
Insane HeShu's
Total time of mapping : Over 10 day
Pending... wanna mod me for ranking ? :3
21/03/2014 : Insane remapping + Hitsound modifications
-------------- Special thanks to
Rezoons - Andrea - Jonathanfj - Irreversible
-------------- Infinite Thanks to
-Umi- (Timing) , sheela901 (mod), Ami (mod+map) , Shiro (Advices), ZLOdeuka (mod) , DnJeiser (mod) , Xebo (mod) ,YGOkid8 (test+help) , Kurai (information) Knotts and Tsuchimikado (mod), sjoy (mod), Shikinotsu (mod), 10crystalmask01 (mod), iNickel (mod), HelloSCV (mod), ChivaCookie (mod) and all people that have tested my map !
(Remember me to update that)
2013-09-14 19:11 HeShu: Je suis partant pour un mod4mod :)
2013-09-14 19:11 -Umi-: okok :3
2013-09-14 19:12 -Umi-: quel map ?
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: Ma facile et normal sont bouclée
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: C'est donc pour avoir un avis en plus du mod :3
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: t/154669
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: Je m'occupe de la tienne en même temps ;)
2013-09-14 19:13 -Umi-: ok je vais look ça
2013-09-14 19:15 -Umi-: je vois que tu commence le mapping
2013-09-14 19:15 HeShu: oui, après avoir jouée beaucoup je commence à vouloir créer un peu
2013-09-14 19:15 HeShu: je te donne mon avis ici ou je le poste sur ton topic ?
2013-09-14 19:16 -Umi-: bon je vais check les principaux point
2013-09-14 19:16 -Umi-: tu veux dire IRC ?
2013-09-14 19:17 -Umi-: bon bon y'a bcp bcp de chose à dire xD
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: Je veux dire sur le topic de ta map ^^
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: J'imagine qu'il y a beaucoup à dire, même après de multiples tests et modifications ^^
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: Pour la tienne, j'ai fait easy et normal, rien à dire, c'est nicke l:)
2013-09-14 19:18 -Umi-: oui tu fais comme celui d'avant ^^
2013-09-14 19:19 HeShu: ok ^^
2013-09-14 19:22 -Umi-: quand t'aura fini dis moi ^^ je prefere t'expliquer en jeu
2013-09-14 19:22 -Umi-: ça sera plus simple
2013-09-14 19:27 HeShu: il ne me reste plus que l'insane à voir :)
2013-09-14 19:30 HeShu: bon je poste et j'ai finit dans 2 minutes :)
2013-09-14 19:33 HeShu: je viens de poster
2013-09-14 19:33 HeShu: alors en quoi c'est pas bon chez moi ^^
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: bon alors d'abord on va parlais des choses général
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: parler*
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: premierement le kiai time tu vois ce que c'est
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: ?
2013-09-14 19:35 HeShu: oui, c'est pour marquer un évènement particulier, type refrain ou moment de la musique
2013-09-14 19:35 HeShu: J'en ai pas mis beaucoup et sporadiquement
2013-09-14 19:35 -Umi-: oui mais les tiens sont placé trés bizarrement
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: ils sont censé durée tout le refrain
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: et non pas jsute quelques seconde
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: je te consei de démarré
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: 01:16:211 -
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: 01:53:023 - et la fin ici
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: les 2 autre n'ont pas lieu d'etre
2013-09-14 19:39 -Umi-: ?
2013-09-14 19:39 HeShu: je vois :)
2013-09-14 19:39 HeShu: Je fesais les corrections en même temps ^^
2013-09-14 19:39 -Umi-: et donc quand tu map easy/normal tu dois pensais que c'est des joueur débutant qui vont play ces diff
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: faut eviter de superposer des notes et slider
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: comme ici par exemple
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: 00:42:808 (5,1) -
2013-09-14 19:41 -Umi-: tu aussi en easy et normal avoir toujours la meme distance entre chaque note
2013-09-14 19:41 -Umi-: dois
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: tu peux voir ça ici
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: quand tu selection une note
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: or la tu vois que la distance est pas du tout meme
2013-09-14 19:43 HeShu: Tu parle de la distance sur la ligne du temps ou en snap ?
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: en snap
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: 00:41:445 (1,2,3,4) - la tu as bien fait
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: l'écart entre chaque est de 0,8 plsu ou moins
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: mais l'écart ici est de 1,32
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: 00:42:808 (5,1) -
2013-09-14 19:45 -Umi-: et ça c'est pas acceptable en easy et normal
2013-09-14 19:46 -Umi-: il y un tuto pour les débutant mapper mais il est down depuis quelque temps je te l'aurai bien filé :/
2013-09-14 19:47 HeShu: Je me refais les alignement alors
2013-09-14 19:47 HeShu: oui le tuto de sushi est down :/
2013-09-14 19:47 -Umi-: ensuite dans ta easy
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: 00:28:492 (2,2,1) -
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: les long slider comme ça
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: ça parait fun a play en edit mais en faite ça l'est pas du tout
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: et en parlant des slider pour une easy ton SV : slidervelocity est bcp trop élévé
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-: il tourne autour de 0,80 1,10 en général pour les easy
2013-09-14 19:49 HeShu: de combien trop élevè ?
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-: tu peux regler ça ici
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-:
2013-09-14 19:50 -Umi-: 1,40 c'est limite pour une difficulté hard
2013-09-14 19:50 HeShu: Je vois :)
2013-09-14 19:50 -Umi-: je vais te donner une tranche pour chaque diff
2013-09-14 19:51 -Umi-: easy: 0,70/1,10 /// normal : 1,00/1,30 //// hard :1,40/1,70 //// insane : 1,60/2,00 ou plus
2013-09-14 19:52 -Umi-: essaye de rester dans cette tranche a chaque fois
2013-09-14 19:52 HeShu: je vais modifier ca du coup
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-: ensuite
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-:
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-: va ici
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: et décoche enable coutdown et letter box in breaks
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: et ça pour chaque diff
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: a moins que tu veuille garder le 1 2 3 mais qui ne fit pas du tout à mon avis
2013-09-14 19:56 HeShu: c'est décoché :)
2013-09-14 19:57 -Umi-: bon on va faire un tour dans le dossier maintenant
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: a propos du background
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: y'a uniquement 2 type de taille accepté
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: 1366x768 et 1024x768, les autre ne sont pas acceptable
2013-09-14 20:00 HeShu: au niveau du format : jpg ou png ?
2013-09-14 20:00 -Umi-: 2 deux sont accepté mais c'est mieux jpg moins lourd
2013-09-14 20:01 -Umi-: tu perdras juste un peu en qualité
2013-09-14 20:01 -Umi-: et en parlant de qualité la video c'est pas ça du tout x)
2013-09-14 20:02 HeShu: j'ai une vidéo de bonne qualité, mais l'upload ne la prends pas :/
2013-09-14 20:02 -Umi-: je peux t'en faire une si tu veux
2013-09-14 20:03 HeShu: j'ai la vidéo, je vais retenter ca de suite :)
2013-09-14 20:03 -Umi-: ok dis moi si ça marche
2013-09-14 20:04 HeShu: vidéo trop large, je vais baisser la résolution un peu d
2013-09-14 20:05 -Umi-: k
2013-09-14 20:10 HeShu: quoi que je fasse j'ai une vidéo de 11 mo :/
2013-09-14 20:10 -Umi-: C'est ok
2013-09-14 20:10 -Umi-: le poids total du dossier avec video ne dois pas faire plus de 24mo
2013-09-14 20:13 HeShu: l'up se fait :D
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: bon bah voila j'ai vu avec toi les choses principal maintenant c'est a toi de faire :3
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: y'a pas mal de chose a revoir avec ce que je t'ai dis coup
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: ah et regarde quelques ranked
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: map
2013-09-14 20:13 HeShu: je pourrais t'embeter demain pour avoir ton avis sur les modifications ? :3
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: si je suis la et dispo ok
2013-09-14 20:14 HeShu: super ^^

Little IRC about gerenal stuff, gl with your map o/
14:24 sheela901: Hello, can I mod your map?
14:24 sheela901: Vous etes francais
14:24 sheela901: :3
14:24 HeShu: with pleasure, but I'm actually applying modification on it :)
14:25 HeShu: in 30minutes it will be ok :)
14:25 sheela901: okay :3
14:25 HeShu: yes I'm french :)
14:25 sheela901: I' going to wait :3
14:25 HeShu: Tahnk you very much ^^
14:40 HeShu: almost finish :)
14:40 sheela901: okay
14:45 HeShu: good, now you can test easy and normal. Hard is only 25% made :)
14:46 sheela901: okay
14:46 HeShu: Thank you for helping ^^
14:46 sheela901: you're welcome
14:47 sheela901: so first, for me, the normal hasn't a background.
14:49 HeShu: oh, indeed. I upload a correction right now :)
14:50 HeShu: correction made
14:51 sheela901: okay
14:53 sheela901: In easy, remove 00:33:264 (7) and extend 00:32:582 (6) to 00:33:605 ?
14:53 sheela901: Sorry, let me retry
14:54 sheela901: Remove 00:33:264 (7) - and extend 00:32:582 (6) - to 00:33:605 -?
14:56 HeShu: Good idea
14:56 HeShu: I'm on it
14:56 sheela901: 00:50:307 (2) - It overlap itself. It's difficult to read.
14:56 sheela901: Tell me if I go too fast.
14:57 HeShu: It' not too fast at all :)
14:57 sheela901: Okay. 00:48:262 (7) - Move it down to one grid
14:58 HeShu: done
14:58 sheela901: 00:53:715 (1) - Move it somewhere else so that it won't overlap 00:54:397 (1) - ?
14:59 sheela901: 00:56:101 (1,2) - Don't get them overlap.
15:00 sheela901: 00:58:828 (1) - Remove the new combo and add it to 00:59:851 (2) -. It'll fit with the music
15:02 sheela901: and make it curvy like
15:04 sheela901: 01:05:986 (1) - Move it to 01:05:645 - ?
15:05 sheela901: 01:30:868 (2,3) - You made an error.
15:05 HeShu: you can continue :)
15:06 sheela901: 01:34:958 (3) - Make it curvy
15:07 sheela901: The kiai time should end at 01:36:662
15:07 sheela901: 01:36:662 -
15:07 sheela901: and the break should be more earlier
15:08 sheela901: 01:55:750 (1) - It's overlap by 01:54:387 (2) - . Move it somewhere else.
15:09 sheela901: 01:57:795 (1) - Remove two repeat so it fits the music
15:09 sheela901: or vocal
15:10 sheela901: 02:03:931 (5) - NC?
15:10 sheela901: 02:04:612 - Add note?
15:10 HeShu: NC? what' it means ?
15:10 sheela901: new combo
15:10 sheela901: :3
15:11 sheela901: 02:12:622 (10) - Move it to 02:12:793 -.
15:11 sheela901: 02:20:291 (1) - Remove NC?
15:12 HeShu: my my, you mod like a pro :D
15:12 sheela901: really? - 3-
15:13 HeShu: Yes, all information i need to improve my map, you give them to me :D
15:13 sheela901: Now normal time. 00:30:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try to make another pattern.
15:14 sheela901: 00:32:582 (8) - Move it to 00:32:412 -.
15:17 sheela901: 00:35:650 (2) - Try that. Move it to x:72 y:136. After, move the middle square one to x:192 y:8 and move the last square to x:344 y120
15:17 sheela901: and 00:36:673 (3) - move it to x:416 y:48
15:18 sheela901: 00:44:853 (6) - Add NC?
15:18 sheela901: 00:42:126 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think it's difficult for a normal
15:20 sheela901: 00:54:397 (1) - Like in easy, try to change it because it's overlap itself
15:20 sheela901: and that 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - won't overlap it
15:22 HeShu: For this I just add a new combo to make color go out
15:23 sheela901: Okay. 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try that. 00:53:374 - to 00:53:715 - Add a slider and remove 00:53:886 (4) - because the pattern of 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's not for a normal I think
15:24 sheela901: 01:05:304 (1) - Cool slider :3
15:25 HeShu: thank :3
15:26 sheela901: 01:12:121 (1) - Reduce the time of the slider to 01:15:530 - because it could tired the players. And add a note to 01:16:211 -.
15:27 sheela901: 01:29:675 (7) - NC?
15:27 sheela901: 01:31:550 (1) - Remove NC?
15:29 sheela901: and make it curvy like
15:30 sheela901: The kiai time should also end at 01:36:662 -
15:32 sheela901: 01:54:387 (2) - x:425 y:336 01:55:750 (3) - x:113 y:337 01:57:114 (4) - x:119 y:44 so they could be stack
15:32 sheela901: to each other
15:33 sheela901: 02:01:885 (3) - End it at 02:03:590 -
15:34 sheela901: It can be tricky for a normal and 02:03:931 (1) - move it to x:273 y:80
15:35 sheela901: 02:04:612 (3) - End it to 02:04:783 - and remove 02:04:953 (4) -
15:36 sheela901: 02:05:976 (7) - End it to 02:06:146 - and remove 02:06:317 (8) -
15:37 sheela901: 02:07:680 (4) - Make it curvyÉ
15:37 sheela901: *?
15:37 sheela901: 02:08:362 (1) - End it to 02:09:384 -
15:38 sheela901: 02:10:066 (1) - x:124 y:316
15:39 HeShu: seems I got some error with last slider, don't care about them. THey're all off time
15:40 sheela901: 02:18:928 (1,3) - I think there're out of the mapset
15:41 HeShu: you can refresh, I made all modification you suggested and it looks pretty well :
15:41 HeShu: :)
15:42 sheela901: Okay. I think the map have a lot of distance snap error. Open AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A) and check "Check distance snap".
15:44 HeShu: I'm gonna fix thoses errors :)
15:45 sheela901: I think that's all because hard is not finish
15:46 HeShu: hard is only begun
15:46 HeShu: I mostly focus on modding the two first difficulties today :)
15:46 sheela901: Should I check it now or should check I check later when you finish the map?
15:47 sheela901: ah okay
15:47 sheela901: PM me in-game or in the forums if you finish your hard.
15:47 sheela901: :3
15:48 HeShu: I think I will finish insane and hard tomorrow :)
15:48 HeShu: what do you think of the map in general, now it's fixed ?
15:48 sheela901: Wait
15:52 sheela901: Generally, I think you need to work in patterns that have overlap on easy and normal. Pattern with overlap can be hard to read.
15:58 sheela901: One more suggestion in easy. 00:33:946 (1) - Make a slider with three little square. The first little square at x:424 y:116, the second at x:494 y:210 and the last one at x:336 y:152 for a perfect circle and add a note to 00:35:991 -
15:58 HeShu: I think it will be easier after some mapping :)
15:59 sheela901: Yea
16:00 sheela901: So, I think I should stop here because I'm done.
16:00 HeShu: done, tired ?
16:01 sheela901: No, I couldn't find anything else
16:02 HeShu: Good news for me ^O^
16:02 sheela901: :3
16:03 sheela901: Should I post it in the forums?
16:03 HeShu: You help me so much, of course :D
Good Luck and star!
I can't do anything for you for the moment D:
But i hope this map will be rank soon !
Good luck HeShu :D


● BPM be rounded up to 176
● Delete OSB file
● BG size or 1024x768 or 800x600
● do sound a little quieter. may be 30%


00:30:537 (3) - new combo
00:59:851 (1) - x:256 y:32
01:02:237 (5) - new combo
01:53:023 (1) - can from now on use the soft better sound?
02:09:384 (3) - new combo


00:54:397 (1,1) - this jump is not needed here
01:16:552 (2,3) - ^spacing
01:19:961 (10) - add note
01:55:750 (3) - new combo
01:58:477 (5) - ^

oh.. done~ good luck.
After working on the rhythm
many pauses in the rhythm
change the style sliders

00:33:946 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - better to make a hitсircle
01:05:304 (1) - I do not like
01:17:234 - empty
01:18:597 - ^
02:02:397 (10) - I do not like
02:06:657 (1) - boring
02:18:928 (1,1,1,1,1) - here to make the jump

00:32:412 (8) - boring
00:54:397 (1) - I do not like
00:58:487 (5) - boring
01:05:304 (1) - I do not like
01:10:417 - empty
02:01:885 (3) - boring

Hitcircle size = 3
00:33:946 (1) - I do not like
00:50:307 (2) - ^

Sorry, i m bad speak english.
Good Luck!
Hey! :3
Hitsounds are too loud for this song.
Easy = normal, normal = hard and hard = insane? Lol!
I think sliders are too fast for easy, And slider tick rate 1 maybe?
OD -1, AR -1
00:32:582 (6,7,8,9) - I think, this is too hard for easy. <- Maybe this? Sliders are good for easy :3
00:33:946 (1) - I dont like this slider. <- ?
00:43:490 (1) - too short?
00:46:898 (4) - NC?
00:50:307 (2) - this slider isnt nice.
00:56:101 (3,4) - too hard?
01:05:645 (1) - Map this part
01:34:277 (1) - delete this
01:34:958 (2) - I think, this is better:
2. Break: map this part
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Make break.
02:09:384 (3) - more than 1 reversearrow isnt good for easy.

sliders are so fast QWQ
00:31:901 (6,7) - set (7) on a white tick.
00:35:650 (2) - set this on a big white tick.
00:54:397 (1) - this isnt good. see easy
00:58:487 (5) - no more than 1reverse arrow in easy/normal
01:00:532 (1) - ^
01:01:896 (3) - ^
01:03:259 (1) - ^
01:05:304 (1) - whats that? e.e
map the first break
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - make break

00:27:470 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - too hard for hard qww
00:33:946 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23) - ^
00:58:828 (1,2,3,4,5) - streams on hard? :c
01:00:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:01:896 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:03:259 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:05:304 (1) - What is this? e.e
map the first & second break
01:25:585 (10) - delete
01:53:023 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - make break

Good luck :3
Topic Starter
Changelog :

Due to wise advice there is a modification of map's difficulty :
Easy became Normal
Normal became Hard
Hard became Insane

Thanks everyone for your help and support !
Bonne map dans son ensemble et bien réalisé pour une première map, tu as vu revu les timings, ça se voit.
Bonne continuation =)
Bonne map sympa , le hard est un peu trop facile mais dans l'ensemble ca va.

Pour une première map en fait c'est génial :)
Heyn :)

M4M Alex Ferrari - Bara Bara Bere Bere


You Have to Map 80% from the Song , you start at 17% and you have at 01:37:003 a big break, start earlyer or fill out the Break :s..

[Ami´s Easy Difficult]

01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

01:08:031 (3) - Ctrl+G
01:13:655 (1) Spinner start at 01:13:485

[Normal Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:38:036 Remove Break
02:04:612 (1) Move to Y:216
02:03:590 Remove Break
02:17:905 ^

[Hard Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:53:374 (1) New Combo
00:54:397 (1) ^

01:05:304 (1) *_* What a Slider ! Love it <3
01:54:387 (2) New Combo
01:57:114 (2) New Combo

[Insane Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:33:946 (1) - New Combo
00:34:628 (1) - ^
00:35:309 (1) - ^

02:14:156 - Remove Break
02:18:246 - ^

Think about Some Spacing ._. it can interrupt playing when the Space between Hitcircles change in a Difficult (Use Distance Snap Tool)
May name the Modders who Helped you in beatmap Information :o , they will be proud if you do :)

:) Hope id helped you
Hello, here for the mod for mod. Most of these are just suggestions.

The title for this song should be "ウィーゴー!"

01:03:600 (2) - (Nazi) Move this to (281,227), 01:03:941 (3) Move this to (338, 295), 01:04:963 (4) Move this to sit on top of (2). 01:05:304 (1) Adjust this slider however you like to fit with this. Should look something like this
00:56:101 (1,2) - Replace these two with a repeating slider that lasts 3 ticks altogether. It's annoying to play that as it is now.
01:27:460 (2) - Move this two ticks forward and put a circle where it used to be.
01:28:993 (5) - Move one tick forward and make it a repeating slider.
01:30:016 (7) - Make this a repeating slider.
02:02:226 (6) - Move this circle to where it's exactly on top of the beginning of the slider.
02:21:314 (4) - There's no sound to match the circle with in the song so I don't think this circle is needed.

Overall this doesn't really feel like a hard. It seems to easy and could a normal. My suggestion to make this map harder is to replace the long sliders with multiple shorter ones.

00:33:946 (1) - This slider doesn't look too great. Maybe change it to make it look something similar to this?
Mess around with it a bit.

00:35:650 (2) - Timing sounds off here. Move two ticks forward and delete (3).
00:44:171 (5) - Fix this slider to make it more circular. As it is now your circle made with these sliders look off because of this one.
00:47:239 (4) - Move this one tick forward to match with the vocals.
00:53:034 (5) - Replace this with a slider that lasts three ticks and replace the slider at 00:53:374 with a circle.
01:00:532 (1) - Move this slider one tick forward. Same with 01:01:896 (3) and 01:03:259 (1).
01:12:121 (1) - This spinner doesn't match the rhythm of the song. You should move it to somewhere around 01:13:485 and end it around 01:15:700
01:19:620 (9) - Maybe turn this into a slider and fill in the few blank parts after it to match the vocals.
01:22:858 (1) - Move one tick forward
01:32:572 (1) - Move one tick back
01:53:023 - Lower the volume to around 30%. Play around with it a bit.
02:01:204 - Raise the volume here to around 70%. Go back to the original volume at 02:03:931
Hello! I'm going to mod your Insane :) EDIT: I noticed you updated the map like, a few seconds ago. so I'm going to change a few things! Newer edits will be in RED


00:59:186 This still isnt snapped!


00:54:056 This reverse slider seems odd. I'm not hearing how the reverse part matches the beat. I'm going to say, I HALF-take this comment back. I hear it, but it just seems a little weird in my opinion.

I still stand my ground with these though.
00:58:828 This stream of circles look too far away from each other for how fast you have to hit them. Maybe bunch them a LITTLE bit closer.

Same with the streams here 01:00:532 and here 01:01:896 and here 01:03:259

02:14:753 The start of this slider sounds better one tick forward.

Other than those, nice job. :) Good luck!
Topic Starter

Knotts wrote:

Hello, here for the mod for mod. Most of these are just suggestions.

The title for this song should be "ウィーゴー!" I didn't though about it, Thanks !

01:03:600 (2) - (Nazi) Move this to (281,227), 01:03:941 (3) Move this to (338, 295), 01:04:963 (4) Move this to sit on top of (2). 01:05:304 (1) Adjust this slider however you like to fit with this. Should look something like this good idea

00:56:101 (1,2) - Replace these two with a repeating slider that lasts 3 ticks altogether. It's annoying to play that as it is now. Indeed, changed
01:27:460 (2) - Move this two ticks forward and put a circle where it used to be. Modified
01:28:993 (5) - Move one tick forward and make it a repeating slider. I don't like to advance it from one tick, but the repeater is a good idea
01:30:016 (7) - Make this a repeating slider. Sweet :3
02:02:226 (6) - Move this circle to where it's exactly on top of the beginning of the slider. Done !
02:21:314 (4) - There's no sound to match the circle with in the song so I don't think this circle is needed. True, that's why I used a clap, in order to keep this pattern alive :)

Overall this doesn't really feel like a hard. It seems to easy and could a normal. My suggestion to make this map harder is to replace the long sliders with multiple shorter ones. I heard you, and I'm adding little slider instead of big one :3

00:33:946 (1) - This slider doesn't look too great. Maybe change it to make it look something similar to this?
Mess around with it a bit. Fixed !

00:35:650 (2) - Timing sounds off here. Move two ticks forward and delete (3). Done
00:44:171 (5) - Fix this slider to make it more circular. As it is now your circle made with these sliders look off because of this one. Done
00:47:239 (4) - Move this one tick forward to match with the vocals. I heard you
00:53:034 (5) - Replace this with a slider that lasts three ticks and replace the slider at 00:53:374 with a circle. Done
01:00:532 (1) - Move this slider one tick forward. Same with 01:01:896 (3) and 01:03:259 (1). I think it could be too hard to do that for player
01:12:121 (1) - This spinner doesn't match the rhythm of the song. You should move it to somewhere around 01:13:485 and end it around 01:15:700 Good idea !
01:19:620 (9) - Maybe turn this into a slider and fill in the few blank parts after it to match the vocals. I need to improve this whole part by the way :)
01:22:858 (1) - Move one tick forward ^
01:32:572 (1) - Move one tick back ^
01:53:023 - Lower the volume to around 30%. Play around with it a bit. Great Idea, I will think about it for all diffs :D
02:01:204 - Raise the volume here to around 70%. Go back to the original volume at 02:03:931 Great Idea, I will think about it for all diffs :D
Hi from extra rule
00:28:151 (4) - start on 00:28:322
00:29:515 (4) - start on 00:29:685
00:30:367 add a note
00:30:708 ^
00:33:946 (7) - NC
00:40:763 (6) - NC
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:55:420 add a note
00:56:783 (6) - NC
00:59:169 (5) - movo close to 00:59:084 (4) -
01:05:304 (1) - crazy 8-)
01:17:575 (6) - NC
01:24:392 (7) - NC
01:29:845 (5) - NC
02:02:056 (8) - NC
02:04:953 (5) - NC
02:16:201 (5) - NC
02:23:018 (1) - add fin
good luck 8-)
Topic Starter

sjoy wrote:

Hi from extra rule
00:28:151 (4) - start on 00:28:322
00:29:515 (4) - start on 00:29:685
00:30:367 add a note
00:30:708 ^
00:33:946 (7) - NC
00:40:763 (6) - NC
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:55:420 add a note
00:56:783 (6) - NC
00:59:169 (5) - movo close to 00:59:084 (4) -
01:05:304 (1) - crazy 8-)
01:17:575 (6) - NC
01:24:392 (7) - NC
01:29:845 (5) - NC
02:02:056 (8) - NC
02:04:953 (5) - NC
02:16:201 (5) - NC
02:23:018 (1) - add fin
good luck 8-)
What to say ? All perfect advice ! :'D
21:57 Shikinotsu: Salut !
21:57 HeShu: salut :)
21:59 Shikinotsu: Désolé de te déranger , mais jvoulais te proposer un truc
22:00 Shikinotsu: En fait j'ai moi aussi une map que j'ai tenter de faire. Malheur est-il que cette map ne me plait pas et que je ne trouve pourquoi
22:00 HeShu: Je t'écoute :)
22:00 Shikinotsu: Alors jvoulais te propsoer que je te donne un espece de mini mod sur ta map ( je sais pas modder donc bon ) et que tu me disais si tu prenais du plaisir a jouer mon insane
22:00 Shikinotsu: ^^
22:01 HeShu: Aucun problème, tout avis constructif est bienvenu sur ma map :)
22:01 HeShu: Pas besoin de mini-mod l'insane de ma map, il manque un bout à finir
22:01 HeShu: envoie le lien de la tienne :)
22:01 *Shikinotsu is listening to [ Else - Ariane]
22:02 *HeShu is editing [ Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go ! [Insane]]
22:02 HeShu: Ca c'est la mienne
22:04 Shikinotsu: Une chose qui est importante dans ta normal
22:05 Shikinotsu: C'est mieux de globalement garder un distance spacing constant
22:05 Shikinotsu: Jsais pas si ça s'applique a tout les cas , mais on m'as donner ça comme conseil ya pas longtemps
22:06 Shikinotsu: 00:50:648 (2,3) - tu devrais les mettre au même endroit
22:06 Shikinotsu: 00:52:011 (5,6,7,8) - Je pense que la distance entre les notes est trop importante pour une normal içi
22:07 Shikinotsu: 01:16:552 (1,2) - ^
22:08 Shikinotsu: A part ça je la trouve trés sympa et pas mal inventive
22:10 HeShu: Merci des conseils :)
22:10 Shikinotsu: pour la hard
22:10 Shikinotsu: 00:58:487 (4) - Tu devrais plutot mettre deux slider a deux repeat arrow
22:11 Shikinotsu:
22:11 Shikinotsu: Un truc dans le genre
22:11 Shikinotsu: alors la c'est qu'un avis personel
22:12 Shikinotsu: mais jsuis pas trop fan du slider super long a 01:05:304 (1) -
22:12 Shikinotsu: Jtrouve que ça casse quelque peu le rythme
22:12 Shikinotsu: alors que tu pourrais mapper plus dessus
22:12 HeShu: Je viens de voir pour le double répéteur, mais pas fan :/
22:12 HeShu: Ahh le fameux slider calamar ^^
22:12 HeShu: J'ai 50% d'appréciation dessus :)
22:13 Shikinotsu: ^^
22:13 Shikinotsu: 01:54:387 (1,1) -
22:14 HeShu: 50% adore, 50% n'aiment pas ^^
22:14 Shikinotsu: Tu devrais échanger de place ces deux slider dans la timing bar
22:14 Shikinotsu: Enfin
22:14 Shikinotsu: attends
22:14 HeShu: changer de place ? Que veux tu dire ?
22:15 Shikinotsu: Je trouve que ce a quatre long slider ralenti beaucoup la map comment c'est fait
22:15 Shikinotsu: Remarque non
22:15 Shikinotsu: Nevermind j'ai eu une idée en bois
22:15 HeShu: C'est une partie lente, les sliders ont cet interêt de le ralentir avec une vitesse 75% :)
22:16 Shikinotsu: 02:14:838 (1,2) - ces slider sont pas sur la timeline
22:16 Shikinotsu: enfin
22:16 Shikinotsu: ils sont unsnapped
22:16 Shikinotsu: tu devrais les faire finir sur le tick blanc juste avant
22:16 Shikinotsu: Pareil une bonne inventivité
22:17 HeShu: Mince ils se sont unspanned :(
22:18 Shikinotsu: tu devrais mettre une note ici :
22:18 Shikinotsu: aprés le 00:27:811 (3) -
22:18 Shikinotsu: sur la insane
22:18 Shikinotsu: ^
22:18 Shikinotsu: 00:29:174 (3) - ^
22:19 Shikinotsu: 00:35:309 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - selon moi ces stream sont en trop , c'est de l'overmapping
22:19 Shikinotsu: avant ils sont parfait
22:19 HeShu: Ca fait un auter effet ! Je vois ca de suite :3
22:20 Shikinotsu: 01:05:304 (1) - bah tu connais mon avis :D
22:20 HeShu: ca fait mieux sans, en effet :)
22:21 Shikinotsu: 01:25:244 (2,3,4) - le spacing est vraiment étrange içi
22:22 HeShu: modifié :)
22:24 Shikinotsu: 02:06:657 (1) - Pareil , trop d'arrow selon moi
22:25 Shikinotsu: et c'est tout ^^
22:25 Shikinotsu: Voila , j'éspere t'avoir aider
test play req from my queue

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Changelog :
00:00 19/09/2013 Mapping fully done, Now it's time to long for modding, bubbling and ranking. Real aventure starts now !
Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

  1. Try to keep you clap hitsounds consistent. Try using a pattern like hits for example:
00:39:400 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head, by adjusting to these settings:

and If your unsure how to remove the clap on the head,simply double-click on the head of the slider. You'll know it's been selected once it is highlighted in red. Add the finish and your done! ^^

00:42:808 (1) - Remove that finish, doesn't sound right here.
00:44:171 (3) - ^
00:44:853 (1) - Add a soft-finish to the head.
01:03:600 (2,4) - Looks slightly off on the stacking :S move 01:04:963 (4) - to the same coordinates as 2 on x:276 y:228.
01:07:349 (2) - Remove finish, or change finish to a clap?
01:10:076 (4) - ^
01:27:800 (1,3) - Remodel sliders, they look pretty dull imo :S I also dislike how their slightly curved inwards, towards each other.
01:31:891 (1) - Add soft-finish to the tail.
01:36:662 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head.
01:51:660 (2) - ^
02:03:931 (1) - ^
02:21:655 (2) - Reverse, I don't like how the flow leads back to the previous slider.
02:25:745 (2) - Just flip it horizontally ^^

Looks pretty good :P

  1. AR -1
  2. HP drain rate -1, none of these difficulty settings should be exceeding over 5.
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish
00:32:582 (2) - Change clap to finish ^^
00:33:264 (4) - Remove clap.
00:36:673 (1) - Way to far from the tail, why not place it under the tail instead?
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish
00:44:853 (1) - ^
00:48:943 (3) - ^ and a classic curved slider may look better imo, this slider really stands out (not much in a good way though :( )
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:59:851 (1) - Change clap to finish
01:02:237 (5) - NC
01:04:963 - ^
01:05:304 (10) - Add finish
01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here.
01:13:144 (7) - Add clap.
01:16:799 - Add finish and clap.
01:16:893 (2) - Add clap, what happened to this hitsound pattern??
01:17:404 (3) - Add clap on the tail.
01:18:257 (4) - Remove clap on the head.
01:18:257 - 01:20:131 Try this rhythm?

01:27:119 (1) - Add finish
01:27:119 - 01:36:322 Where are de claps?? :o
01:30:527 (3,4,5) - Looks too complicated, replace with 01:28:312 (3) - here.
01:39:048 (1) - Add finish on the tail.
01:56:432 (2,1) - Stack better.
02:01:204 (5) - Add finish on the head.
02:09:384 (1) - ^
02:10:748 (2,3,4,5) - Add finish on all or just 02:10:748 (2) - and 02:12:111 (4) - If your not into using finish hitsound that much :3
02:14:838 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:18:928 (1) - Add finish on the head.
02:23:018 (1) - ^

This diff looks so-so :/ hitsounds could use more work, and some of your objects don't match the rhythm very well.

  1. Circle size -1, now that's just mean :P
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish.
00:33:946 (1) - Remove clap on both ends, and add a finish to the head.
00:34:287 (2) - Remove clap on the tail, this hitsounds being overused now :S
00:34:628 (3) - Remove clap on both ends.
00:34:968 (4) - Remove clap on the tail
00:35:309 (5) - Remove clap on both ends.
00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to the tail.
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish to the head.
00:41:956 (1,2,3,4,5) - Remove clap on all of their tails.
00:44:853 (1) - Add finish.
00:48:943 (8) - ^
01:03:259 (1) - Reverse end please, I hate how it's tail is faces at the previous object >.<
01:05:304 (1,1) - Ass pretty as the slider is, you do know that THIS is a very bad overlap :( Consider remodeling it to something else, so that 01:10:076 (1) - is at least not under the slider.
01:10:758 (3) - Add finish.
01:11:951 (6) - ^
01:16:211 (1) - ^
01:20:302 (5) - Remove clap, not consistent.
01:20:642 (1,3) - Add claps
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - This type of flow is nice, but it doesn't work here I'm afraid :( sorry!
01:27:119 (1) - Add finish.
01:32:572 (1) - Add finish on the head.
01:33:936 (2) - ^
01:39:389 (3) - Add finish.
01:45:013 (1,2,1,2) - Move them more apart please, it's okay to break the DS a few times in this diff when it's necessary.
01:48:592 (4) - NC
01:48:592 (4,6,8) - Add claps
01:53:023 (1) - Add whistle to the head.
01:55:750 (1) - ^
01:58:477 (1) - ^
02:01:204 (6) - Add finish.
02:01:885 (3) - Doesn't fit here, should've been at 02:02:567 - 02:03:931 with a finish on the tail.
02:08:362 (1,1) - Add finish.
02:18:928 (1,2,3) - Change claps to finish on the head? Sounds better imo.

This diff definitely needs work, especially on the flow :(

  1. Circle size -1
00:31:219 (7,2) - Bad overlap, please fix.
00:33:946 - 00:35:139 sounds really over mapped. Try this rhythm?

00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to this tail
00:48:262 (6) - NC
01:00:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - Have them curved outwards instead.

....Hmm, sorry I'm going to have to stop my mod here. judging by the entire map, I suggest you consider re-mapping this diff. Re-check the flow and consistency in your patterns please! x.x

Hope this helps~!
hello, from my queue.
02:03:931 - 02:24:382 -->another kiai here

00:54:397 (1) - move to (376,52)
01:12:803 (2) - move to (272,160)

00:50:648 (2,3) - change to a slider?
01:11:610 (3) - delete and let 01:11:099 (2) end on 01:11:610
01:12:462 (5) - delete and let 01:11:951 (4) end on 01:12:462
01:28:993 (4) - delete and let 01:28:312 (3) end on 01:29:334
01:30:016 (2,3,4,5) - change to a long slider

01:45:013 (1) - move to (300,192)
01:46:377 (1) - move to (88,192)
02:07:680 (4) - end in 02:07:850

01:16:211 - 01:36:708 -->where is the kiai?
01:39:645 (4) - start delay to 01:39:730 and keep the end in 01:39:901
01:41:008 (4) - like ^
good luck
Topic Starter
I wanted mod, I got mod... I love you buddies (term that can be used for man and woman ^^)

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

  1. Try to keep you clap hitsounds consistent. Try using a pattern like hits for example:
I'm not yet used to this use of clap, but I will watch again all my clap to check them

00:39:400 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head, by adjusting to these settings:

and If your unsure how to remove the clap on the head,simply double-click on the head of the slider. You'll know it's been selected once it is highlighted in red. Add the finish and your done! ^^ Oh my... You just taught me how to make a better hitsound pattern !!! Bless you :D

00:42:808 (1) - Remove that finish, doesn't sound right here. Done
00:44:171 (3) - ^ Done
00:44:853 (1) - Add a soft-finish to the head. [Done]
01:03:600 (2,4) - Looks slightly off on the stacking :S move 01:04:963 (4) - to the same coordinates as 2 on x:276 y:228. Corrected the off stack
01:07:349 (2) - Remove finish, or change finish to a clap? Clap is great here
01:10:076 (4) - ^ ^
01:27:800 (1,3) - Remodel sliders, they look pretty dull imo :S I also dislike how their slightly curved inwards, towards each other. Imo I appreciate this form :)
01:31:891 (1) - Add soft-finish to the tail. Done
01:36:662 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head.Done
01:51:660 (2) - ^ Done
02:03:931 (1) - ^ Done
02:21:655 (2) - Reverse, I don't like how the flow leads back to the previous slider. Good Idea
02:25:745 (2) - Just flip it horizontally ^^ Obviously :)

Looks pretty good :P - I will tell Ami :D

  1. AR -1
  2. HP drain rate -1, none of these difficulty settings should be exceeding over 5.
I didn't knew about this one, thanks for the information !
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish Done
00:32:582 (2) - Change clap to finish ^^ Done
00:33:264 (4) - Remove clap. Done
00:36:673 (1) - Way to far from the tail, why not place it under the tail instead? I was afraid player would be confused If I do so. But since you point it out, under the tail would be ok :)
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish Done
00:44:853 (1) - ^ Done
00:48:943 (3) - ^ and a classic curved slider may look better imo, this slider really stands out (not much in a good way though :( ) I must agree, the whole slider style is curved, a broken one is a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out :D
00:52:011 (5) - NC Done
00:59:851 (1) - Change clap to finish Done
01:02:237 (5) - NC Done
01:04:963 - ^ Done
01:05:304 (10) - Add finish Done
01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here. Sorry I don't understand the 1/1 :s
01:13:144 (7) - Add clap. Done
01:16:799 - Add finish and clap. Done
01:16:893 (2) - Add clap, what happened to this hitsound pattern?? Sorry, I'm not yet used to hitsound :?
01:17:404 (3) - Add clap on the tail. Done
01:18:257 (4) - Remove clap on the head. Done
01:18:257 - 01:20:131 Try this rhythm?
Shall try :)
01:27:119 (1) - Add finish Done
01:27:119 - 01:36:322 Where are de claps?? :o Not used to add sound :?
01:30:527 (3,4,5) - Looks too complicated, replace with 01:28:312 (3) - here. I think it's quite simple pattern :s
01:39:048 (1) - Add finish on the tail. Done
01:56:432 (2,1) - Stack better. Done
02:01:204 (5) - Add finish on the head. Done
02:09:384 (1) - ^ Done
02:10:748 (2,3,4,5) - Add finish on all or just 02:10:748 (2) - and 02:12:111 (4) - If your not into using finish hitsound that much :3 Done
02:14:838 (1,2,3,4) - ^ Done
02:18:928 (1) - Add finish on the head. Done
02:23:018 (1) - ^ Done

This diff looks so-so :/ hitsounds could use more work, and some of your objects don't match the rhythm very well.
It's my first map, I'm already happy you didn't said it's horrible. But for sure I must improve it a lot !

  1. Circle size -1, now that's just mean :P
Humm... I'm used to small circle. This with low AR is quite balanced, don't you think ? :)
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish. Done
00:33:946 (1) - Remove clap on both ends, and add a finish to the head.Done
00:34:287 (2) - Remove clap on the tail, this hitsounds being overused now :S Done
00:34:628 (3) - Remove clap on both ends.Done
00:34:968 (4) - Remove clap on the tail Done
00:35:309 (5) - Remove clap on both ends. Done
00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to the tail. Done
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish to the head.Done
00:41:956 (1,2,3,4,5) - Remove clap on all of their tails. Done
00:44:853 (1) - Add finish. Done
00:48:943 (8) - ^ Done
01:03:259 (1) - Reverse end please, I hate how it's tail is faces at the previous object >.< Humm... no ?
01:05:304 (1,1) - Ass pretty as the slider is, you do know that THIS is a very bad overlap :( Consider remodeling it to something else, so that 01:10:076 (1) - is at least not under the slider. I will try to find a solution
01:10:758 (3) - Add finish. Done
01:11:951 (6) - ^ Done
01:16:211 (1) - ^ Done
01:20:302 (5) - Remove clap, not consistent. Done
01:20:642 (1,3) - Add claps Done
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - This type of flow is nice, but it doesn't work here I'm afraid :( sorry! For me it does follow the vocal and rythm
01:27:119 (1) - Add finish. Done
01:32:572 (1) - Add finish on the head. Done
01:33:936 (2) - ^ Done
01:39:389 (3) - Add finish. Done
01:45:013 (1,2,1,2) - Move them more apart please, it's okay to break the DS a few times in this diff when it's necessary. No ?
01:48:592 (4) - NC Done
01:48:592 (4,6,8) - Add claps Done
01:53:023 (1) - Add whistle to the head. Done
01:55:750 (1) - ^ Done
01:58:477 (1) - ^ Doesn't exist anymore
02:01:204 (6) - Add finish. Done
02:01:885 (3) - Doesn't fit here, should've been at 02:02:567 - 02:03:931 with a finish on the tail. I don't see your point
02:08:362 (1,1) - Add finish. Done
02:18:928 (1,2,3) - Change claps to finish on the head? Sounds better imo. No :)

  1. Circle size -1
Same than for hard diff
00:31:219 (7,2) - Bad overlap, please fix. Done
00:33:946 - 00:35:139 sounds really over mapped. Try this rhythm? [Insane]
  1. Circle size -1
00:31:219 (7,2) - Bad overlap, please fix.
00:33:946 - 00:35:139 sounds really over mapped. Try this rhythm? Actually it follows the vocal and the trumpet. A triplet here is to reinforce the music

00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to this tail Done
00:48:262 (6) - NC Done
01:00:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - Have them curved outwards instead. Done

....Hmm, sorry I'm going to have to stop my mod here. judging by the entire map, I suggest you consider re-mapping this diff. Re-check the flow and consistency in your patterns please! x.x
Hug :(

hoshisorakiseki wrote:

hello, from my queue.
02:03:931 - 02:24:382 -->another kiai here Not hot about an other Kiai once is good enough

00:54:397 (1) - move to (376,52) Fixed
01:12:803 (2) - move to (272,160) Fixed

00:50:648 (2,3) - change to a slider? Two circle is better here
01:11:610 (3) - delete and let 01:11:099 (2) end on 01:11:610 This match exactly the vocal, so I can't
01:12:462 (5) - delete and let 01:11:951 (4) end on 01:12:462 I agree with you
01:28:993 (4) - delete and let 01:28:312 (3) end on 01:29:334 Here also suit with the vocal here
01:30:016 (2,3,4,5) - change to a long slider As same with previous mod, I think here fit the music and the pattern. HOWEVER, if someone points it out again I shall modify it :)

01:45:013 (1) - move to (300,192) Fixed
01:46:377 (1) - move to (88,192) Fixed
02:07:680 (4) - end in 02:07:850 Fixed

01:16:211 - 01:36:708 -->where is the kiai? Forgot it...
01:39:645 (4) - start delay to 01:39:730 and keep the end in 01:39:901 ) Fixed
01:41:008 (4) - like ^ ) Fixed

good luck

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here. Sorry I don't understand the 1/1 :s

  1. Slider 7 is a 1/1 slider:
    Because it's 1 beat long.

  2. And a 1/1 slider with a reverse will look like slider 1 here:
    Has a turn on it.

  3. A 1/2 slider with a reverse will be this!
    Since half a beat will result in the object reaching to the red tick mark instead.

  4. And then 2/1 with a reverse would be slider 6.
    Since the slider is now 2 beats long.
Really its just some simple terms used to suggest what type of slider you should use.
Hope that clears things up a bit ^^'
Ok. my mod:


01:05:304 (1,2) - This flow is a bit uncomfortable...


00:50:648 (2,3) - flow is a bit uncomfortable...
01:11:099 (2,3) - ^
01:18:257 (4,1) - ^
01:30:016 (2,3,4) - ^

I mean this is not very good for easy/normal
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here. Sorry I don't understand the 1/1 :s

  1. Slider 7 is a 1/1 slider:
    Because it's 1 beat long.

  2. And a 1/1 slider with a reverse will look like slider 1 here:
    Has a turn on it.

  3. A 1/2 slider with a reverse will be this!
    Since half a beat will result in the object reaching to the red tick mark instead.

  4. And then 2/1 with a reverse would be slider 6.
    Since the slider is now 2 beats long.
Really its just some simple terms used to suggest what type of slider you should use.
Hope that clears things up a bit ^^'

Thank you for that explanation :D

iNickel wrote:

Ok. my mod:


01:05:304 (1,2) - This flow is a bit uncomfortable... Here we go from a linear to a triangle flow. It's quite simple and abordable for easy players


00:50:648 (2,3) - flow is a bit uncomfortable... Modded for better flow
01:11:099 (2,3) - ^ No ?
01:18:257 (4,1) - ^ No ?
01:30:016 (2,3,4) - ^ No

I mean this is not very good for easy/normal


  1. 02:03:931 - why don't you add kiai time?


nothing special


00:33:946 (1) - touching HP bar
00:59:851 (1) - delete NC
01:39:730 (1) - ^


00:40:081 (1) - delete NC
01:52:768 - useless green line
02:03:931 (1) - add finish
02:04:612 (3,6) - check slider
02:10:748 (2,3) - why u snapped in blue tick?


01:17:064 - add here fits nice wiht vocal (and add note 01:27:971 - here too)
01:43:139 (1) - i'd rather add some notes and sliders instead spinner here
01:51:319 (1,1) - delete these NC and 01:51:660 (4) - add NC
02:06:657 (1) - i don't recommend these many repeats on high diffs
02:15:349 (2) - 0.8x DS is better than 1.2x DS like you used previous

maybe you need more experience on mapping good luck~
ohai ~ M4M because PM

Pls find a better mp3!


General: Think about lowering the volume of your hits. The way they are now, it destroys the song a bit. The song becomes background and it shouldnt be like that.

Other stuff:
  1. 00:27:811 (2) - The flow isn't the best one. Even if it's easy, you shouldn't forget flow. (something like this: maybe?)
  2. rest seems fine.

  1. 00:28:492 (1) - strg + g for better flow
  2. 00:31:219 (3) - that sudden jump doesn't fit with normal. pls use consistent ds
  3. 00:33:946 (1) - nothing, actually. i just like that slider. pretty *Q*
  4. 00:42:126 (4) - you should add a finish, or a whistle or sth there. since there's an exaggeration in the song, too
  5. 00:45:535 (2) - strg + g for flow again
  6. 00:47:410 (4) - this circle doesnt fit and could be confusing for newly players. first your following the drum and beat and suddenly you follow the singer. that's not consistent and could confuse. IF you want to do it, you should do sth like that:
  7. 00:52:011 (1,2,3,4) - no jumping in normal pls!
  8. 01:18:257 (4,1) - this doesnt fit at all and isnt pretty and whatever. pls change it!
  9. 01:59:670 (1) - change clap to whistle. it fits better, because the part is quiet.
  10. 02:18:928 (1) - sth like this would look more interesting: (and then mirror it)
nice diff


  1. 00:32:242 - add a circle here and make a triangle? there's sound and it would look good
  2. 00:33:094 - ^
  3. 00:47:069 (4) - strg + g for better flow
  4. 01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - this plays boring. pls change
  5. rest seems fine.
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:



  1. 02:03:931 - why don't you add kiai time?
One is enought imo


nothing special


00:33:946 (1) - touching HP bar Fixed
00:59:851 (1) - delete NC It's new instrument, so new combo
01:39:730 (1) - ^ Fixed


00:40:081 (1) - delete NC Fixed
01:52:768 - useless green line True
02:03:931 (1) - add finish Done
02:04:612 (3,6) - check slider Done
02:10:748 (2,3) - why u snapped in blue tick?
Simple error


I remapped it completly :)

maybe you need more experience on mapping good luck~

ChivaCookie wrote:

ohai ~ M4M because PM

Pls find a better mp3! Even with a "better mp3" it would be same result due to 192kbps rule


General: Think about lowering the volume of your hits. The way they are now, it destroys the song a bit. The song becomes background and it shouldnt be like that. Actually sound are 50%, your sound configuration must have a problem

Other stuff:
  1. 00:27:811 (2) - The flow isn't the best one. Even if it's easy, you shouldn't forget flow. (something like this: maybe?)
  2. rest seems fine.


  1. 00:28:492 (1) - strg + g for better flow Yeah
  2. 00:31:219 (3) - that sudden jump doesn't fit with normal. pls use consistent ds It's barelly a jump imo X)
  3. 00:33:946 (1) - nothing, actually. i just like that slider. pretty *Q* Thanks buddy !
  4. 00:42:126 (4) - you should add a finish, or a whistle or sth there. since there's an exaggeration in the song, too Done
  5. 00:45:535 (2) - strg + g for flow again Done
  6. 00:47:410 (4) - this circle doesnt fit and could be confusing for newly players. first your following the drum and beat and suddenly you follow the singer. that's not consistent and could confuse. IF you want to do it, you should do sth like that: The whole part follow the singer imo
  7. 00:52:011 (1,2,3,4) - no jumping in normal pls! Little jump hurt no one <3
  8. 01:18:257 (4,1) - this doesnt fit at all and isnt pretty and whatever. pls change it! no T_T
  9. 01:59:670 (1) - change clap to whistle. it fits better, because the part is quiet. Done
  10. 02:18:928 (1) - sth like this would look more interesting: (and then mirror it) Great !

nice diff Thanks !


  1. 00:32:242 - add a circle here and make a triangle? there's sound and it would look good Done
  2. 00:33:094 - ^ Sweet Idea
  3. 00:47:069 (4) - strg + g for better flow Done
  4. 01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - this plays boring. pls change It gets quiter, this represent the calm part
  5. rest seems fine.
Great !


Insane completely remapped
Another mod just for your new insane difficulty :)

[Kaizoku no o]


Make sure to fix this. I don't know why it doesn't conflict with Easy. Maybe you used Easy to 'Save As New Difficulty...' ? Not sure about the Insane because it's no longer a part of the actual beatmap.


00:35:309 (5) I suggest making this the start of a new combo.

In-game i didnt notice this, but when I watched it through editor, I noticed that 00:35:309 (7,8,9,10) is a square like the first, but instead it's tilted. I think you should rotate it another 10-15 degrees. Whatever you do to this square, fix 00:48:943 (11) respectively.

01:08:372 This double-tapping bit here was confusing because of how sudden the move is. For a section like this, I suggest either taking out one note before the move, or making this a stream. I know that would require a little bit more remapping, but I'll leave it to you to decide what to do.

At 01:17:149 (3) This slider is on the Blue tick (on the timeline). I think I know what you were trying to do, but notice how the slider extends past where it should end in order to match the rhythm of one eighth note. It needs to be shortened to the white line on the timeline to match the rhythm. OTHERWISE you could just move it back on tick and have it be a regular eighth note rhythm.

02:02:567 This kind of sounds weird as all claps.

02:04:868 Regarding that slider at 01:17:149 (3) I think this slider should be dealt with the same way, either shortened to the white line, or moved back one tick to match a typical rhythm.

Lastly, the HP Drain/Note ratio. I think that, either the HP drain is too high, or there aren't enough notes for the HP drain to be forgiving enough. Understanding that this is Insane, it's up to you whether you want to change anything or not. Insane can be interpreted many ways.

Good luck again!
Topic Starter

Tsuchimikado wrote:

Another mod just for your new insane difficulty :)

[Kaizoku no o]


Make sure to fix this. I don't know why it doesn't conflict with Easy. Maybe you used Easy to 'Save As New Difficulty...' ? Not sure about the Insane because it's no longer a part of the actual beatmap.
If you update all map at once you don't have this problem :)


00:35:309 (5) I suggest making this the start of a new combo. Good idea

In-game i didnt notice this, but when I watched it through editor, I noticed that 00:35:309 (7,8,9,10) is a square like the first, but instead it's tilted. I think you should rotate it another 10-15 degrees. Whatever you do to this square, fix 00:48:943 (11) respectively. Done

01:08:372 This double-tapping bit here was confusing because of how sudden the move is. For a section like this, I suggest either taking out one note before the move, or making this a stream. I know that would require a little bit more remapping, but I'll leave it to you to decide what to do. I see your point. I turn last slider into two circle so player can get ready for double

At 01:17:149 (3) This slider is on the Blue tick (on the timeline). I think I know what you were trying to do, but notice how the slider extends past where it should end in order to match the rhythm of one eighth note. It needs to be shortened to the white line on the timeline to match the rhythm. OTHERWISE you could just move it back on tick and have it be a regular eighth note rhythm. Extended

02:02:567 This kind of sounds weird as all claps. Turned into a drum clap

02:04:868 Regarding that slider at 01:17:149 (3) I think this slider should be dealt with the same way, either shortened to the white line, or moved back one tick to match a typical rhythm. Extended

Lastly, the HP Drain/Note ratio. I think that, either the HP drain is too high, or there aren't enough notes for the HP drain to be forgiving enough. Understanding that this is Insane, it's up to you whether you want to change anything or not. Insane can be interpreted many ways. I think I will do a -1 because I want it to be a nice insae

Good luck again!
Bonsoir ! Réponse du M4M o/

Comme dit IG, je n'ai rien à dire concernant l'easy diff !

Normal :

01:16:552 (1,2) - C'est pas un peu violent comme jump pour une normal diff ? D:
01:18:768 (1) - Devrait être juste un peu plus loin vu que tu utilises le même espacement ici 01:11:099 (2,3) - alors que le timing est différent !
01:22:858 (1) - Le triple HS gache un peu, j'en aurait mit qu'un seul sur la dernière partie

Hard :

00:31:901 (2,3,4,5) - Le triangle ne va pas avec la voix je trouve, j'aurais supprimé le 4, et fait en sorte que le slider suive la voix, soit en reverse pour coller avec la baisse d'intonation, mais dans les deux cas en l'allongeant pour qu'il finisse 1/2 derrière 00:31:901 (2,3,4,5) -
01:12:462 (1,2,3) - C'est infime mais l'écart en Y n'est pas le même !
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - Sympathique mais vraiment trop simple / ennuyant pour du hard je pense !
01:27:800 (3) - Lève juste un chouia l'inclinaison pour suivre les circles précédents
01:29:675 (7) - Jusqu'à 01:31:550 (5) - C'est un peu pauvre je trouve ici par rapport aux paroles !
02:14:838 (1,2) - Pas symétrique !

Insane :

01:19:961 (3,7) - C'est normal qu'elles soient décalées ?
01:24:733 (1,2,3,1) - Le reverse slider sonne faux, je l'aurais supprimé, et j'aurais déplacé les 3 circles précédents de sorte qu'ils finissent 1/2 avant
le slider 01:25:755 (2) -
01:45:184 (1,3) - Tu peux rajouter un circle 1/2 avant :3
01:45:865 (5) - Raccourci le d'1/4 !
01:50:297 (1) - Alors pour ça, l'augmentation soudaine au x1.50 pour un slider aussi énorme, j'ai peur que n'importe qui se fasse avoir une fois si il ne le sait pas à l'avance, ce qui n'est pas fun !
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Là au contraire c'est trop simple pour de l'insane, mets un peu plus de distance entre les slider->circle !
01:55:068 (2) - Devrait être un chouillat plus haut pour suivre l'inclinaison
01:55:750 (1) - Tu devrais compliquer les chose ici, le vide se ressent par rapport au son
02:05:209 (3,4) - Ils sonnent mieux si tu les recule d'1/4

Sinooon dans toutes les diffs tu as des hitsound (souvent des claps) qui ne s’enchaînent pas, ça fais bizarre :o
Et euh voilà !

Bonne soirée o/
Topic Starter

Disgallion wrote:

Bonsoir ! Réponse du M4M o/

Comme dit IG, je n'ai rien à dire concernant l'easy diff !

Normal :

01:16:552 (1,2) - C'est pas un peu violent comme jump pour une normal diff ? D: Un piti jump lent ne fait pas mal :)
01:18:768 (1) - Devrait être juste un peu plus loin vu que tu utilises le même espacement ici 01:11:099 (2,3) - alors que le timing est différent ! fait
01:22:858 (1) - Le triple HS gache un peu, j'en aurait mit qu'un seul sur la dernière partie Ca colle à la musique :)

Hard :

00:31:901 (2,3,4,5) - Le triangle ne va pas avec la voix je trouve, j'aurais supprimé le 4, et fait en sorte que le slider suive la voix, soit en reverse pour coller avec la baisse d'intonation, mais dans les deux cas en l'allongeant pour qu'il finisse 1/2 derrière 00:31:901 (2,3,4,5) - fait
01:12:462 (1,2,3) - C'est infime mais l'écart en Y n'est pas le même !fait
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - Sympathique mais vraiment trop simple / ennuyant pour du hard je pense !fait
01:27:800 (3) - Lève juste un chouia l'inclinaison pour suivre les circles précédentsfait
01:29:675 (7) - Jusqu'à 01:31:550 (5) - C'est un peu pauvre je trouve ici par rapport aux paroles ! fait
02:14:838 (1,2) - Pas symétrique !fait

Insane :

01:19:961 (3,7) - C'est normal qu'elles soient décalées ?fait
01:24:733 (1,2,3,1) - Le reverse slider sonne faux, je l'aurais supprimé, et j'aurais déplacé les 3 circles précédents de sorte qu'ils finissent 1/2 avant
le slider 01:25:755 (2) - fait
01:45:184 (1,3) - Tu peux rajouter un circle 1/2 avant :3fait
01:45:865 (5) - Raccourci le d'1/4 !fait
01:50:297 (1) - Alors pour ça, l'augmentation soudaine au x1.50 pour un slider aussi énorme, j'ai peur que n'importe qui se fasse avoir une fois si il ne le sait pas à l'avance, ce qui n'est pas fun ! Comme discuté, le rythme baisse, ca compense à mon goût :)
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Là au contraire c'est trop simple pour de l'insane, mets un peu plus de distance entre les slider->circle ! fait
01:55:068 (2) - Devrait être un chouillat plus haut pour suivre l'inclinaison fait
01:55:750 (1) - Tu devrais compliquer les chose ici, le vide se ressent par rapport au son fait
02:05:209 (3,4) - Ils sonnent mieux si tu les recule d'1/4 fait

Sinooon dans toutes les diffs tu as des hitsound (souvent des claps) qui ne s’enchaînent pas, ça fais bizarre :o Ca il faut me les signaler pour m'aider :D
Et euh voilà !

Bonne soirée o/
Mushi Mushi :P coming from #Modreq


Looks good to me . Great job :D

01:30:868 (5) - I think it should end here 01:31:038 not here 01:31:209

00:35:309 (5) - I think is should end here 00:35:650 not here 00:35:480
01:13:485 (1) - make this spinner end here 01:15:871

Kaizoku no o
01:19:790 - add note here
01:20:131 - ^
01:30:698 - ^
01:30:868 - ^
01:31:038 - ^
01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe put some space between 01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5) and 01:36:322 (6,7,8)
01:38:622 (1) - move it to 01:38:708 , sounds much better

01:40:753 (3,4) - needs fix, sounds ugly. My suggestion:- Before:, After1: or After2: /// whatever sound better to you, imo they both kinda feet but mostly After1 i think

01:50:297 (1) - the slider end is on a random spot in timeline , edit the slider length a little :P
01:53:535 (2,3,4) - Doesn't sound right, move 01:53:620 (3) to 01:53:875 OR add 2 notes here for mini steam: 01:53:790 - 01:53:875 ! They both fit the rhythm
01:54:898 (2,3,4) - Same as above, move 01:54:983 (3) to 01:55:239 OR add 2 notes here for mini stream :01:55:154 - 01:55:239 ! - ^
01:56:261 (2,3,4) - ^ , Move 01:56:347 (3) - to 01:56:602 - OR add 2 notes here for a mini stream : 01:56:517 - 01:56:602 ! - ^
01:58:477 (4,5) - 2 Options i suggest here, Either remove 01:59:159 (5) OR remove both and add a slider at 01:58:477 until 01:59:499 !
01:59:670 (6,7,8) - Move them to 01:59:499 - 01:59:585 - 01:59:670 respectively and replace (8) with a slider until 01:59:840 ;)
02:06:231 (4) - Move to 02:06:146 - and make it one snap linger until 02:06:657
02:07:509 - Add a note here , the beat does not stop :D

I tried my best, hope i helped :D
Mushi Mushi awaaaayyyy
Topic Starter

Ntasuto wrote:

Mushi Mushi :P coming from #Modreq


Looks good to me . Great job :D Ami is happy :D

01:30:868 (5) - I think it should end here 01:31:038 not here 01:31:209 Both work indeed, but I prefer a long slider that suit the long vocal :)

00:35:309 (5) - I think is should end here 00:35:650 not here 00:35:480 It's better indeed
01:13:485 (1) - make this spinner end here 01:15:871 Thanks !

Kaizoku no o
01:19:790 - add note here yes
01:20:131 - ^ yes
01:30:698 - ^ yes
01:30:868 - ^ yes
01:31:038 - ^ yes
01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe put some space between 01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5) and 01:36:322 (6,7,8) For spacing I can't move it :/
01:38:622 (1) - move it to 01:38:708 , sounds much better Agree

01:40:753 (3,4) - needs fix, sounds ugly. My suggestion:- Before:, After1: or After2: /// whatever sound better to you, imo they both kinda feet but mostly After1 i think after 2 is better :D

01:50:297 (1) - the slider end is on a random spot in timeline , edit the slider length a little :P Fixed !
01:53:535 (2,3,4) - Doesn't sound right, move 01:53:620 (3) to 01:53:875 OR add 2 notes here for mini steam: 01:53:790 - 01:53:875 ! They both fit the rhythm Mini steam :3
01:54:898 (2,3,4) - Same as above, move 01:54:983 (3) to 01:55:239 OR add 2 notes here for mini stream :01:55:154 - 01:55:239 ! - ^ Mini steam :3
01:56:261 (2,3,4) - ^ , Move 01:56:347 (3) - to 01:56:602 - OR add 2 notes here for a mini stream : 01:56:517 - 01:56:602 ! - ^ Mini steam :3
01:58:477 (4,5) - 2 Options i suggest here, Either remove 01:59:159 (5) OR remove both and add a slider at 01:58:477 until 01:59:499 ! Mini steam :3
01:59:670 (6,7,8) - Move them to 01:59:499 - 01:59:585 - 01:59:670 respectively and replace (8) with a slider until 01:59:840 ;) Slider :)
02:06:231 (4) - Move to 02:06:146 - and make it one snap linger until 02:06:657 Done
02:07:509 - Add a note here , the beat does not stop :D Ninja beat O_o

I tried my best, hope i helped :D You helped me a lot my friend! Thanks :D
Mushi Mushi awaaaayyyy
The timing feels weird at parts, I'd suggest you find someone good in timing to help you with it.
The length of the last spinner is completely random in Normal, Hard and Kaizoku, with no good reason. Please standardize where it ends.

I think the problem here is that you're mapping too much by only following the drum beat at the start, which results in constant 1/1s or 1/2s that aren't fun to play. Try and map more to the voice and trumpet.
Another part which might be considered not fun to play is how the beats are placed, if you keep placing them in a constant pattern more then twice or so, it looks and plays really boring too.
For example, 00:27:470 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - is just the same beat over and over again, and placement is centered around the middle. Here's a small example of what I personally would do:

I'll put a * on the parts where I feel is too repetitive.

00:31:901 (2,3,4) - The beats here aren't 1/1 apart, (3) should be on 00:32:156, (4) starts on 00:32:412. The repeats sound kinda bad too, so maybe make (4) a long slider or a spinner?
*00:35:480 (6,7,8) - These beats feel overmapped, I don't hear what they are mapped to. Try making another pattern in this combo that doesn't keep going back to the point, too.
*00:39:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This part keeps going back to the center, so try using another shape. Try mapping to the voice here.
*00:49:966 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Also, the combo here is not of even length. I would remove NC on 00:50:648 (1).
*00:52:693 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) -
*00:54:738 (3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) -
00:59:169 (1) - From here on, it's not too bad, so you can use the rest of the map as a reference to what patterns feel overdone.
01:03:089 - The stack starts here, add a beat here.
01:08:372 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I can not hear what this stack is mapped to at all, and it feels a little overmapped. I would just follow the voice, but if not, then I think this should be made into a stream instead because splitting them into 2 stacks makes no sense imo, and (6) is too far from the first stack.
*01:19:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
01:30:868 - This sudden break in the combo feels really weird. Map this part out more, and with more than just plain notes.
01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't know what this is mapped to, either, so same suggestion, try and take the voice into account. And stacking so many beats usually doesn't look very good. Position them out more.
01:38:963 (2,3) and 01:40:753 (3,4) - This is not very good at all. In the first combo, they are 1/1 yet put on each other, while the next combo is 1/4 but still spaced the same as the first. My suggestion is to not stack 01:39:730 (3) under (2), and shorten 01:40:753 (3) to the previous red tick.
02:06:231 (4) - Start this 1/4 earlier, on the red tick.

00:31:901 (2,3) - These two beats don't follow the music very well. There should be something on 00:32:156 and 00:32:412. I would suggest a slider:
00:41:956 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The spacing is really uneven, some sliders overlap the next one a little.
01:12:803 (3) - Remove one repeat and make it 1/4 longer, it fits the voice better.
01:22:347 (2,3,1) - This spacing is just wrong, (3) is much too close to (1). Same for the next few beats.
Hi! m4m :D

All diffs
  1. You can add bookmarks (ctrl+B) on a timeline on the very first note, just to easy navigate
I tryed to fix timing problems at the song ending, but I haven't look at beggining yet. but here is what I've done:

  1. 02:02:397 - I'd move slider (3) forward 1 snap on 1/2 divisor, and place one circle before (on the place where the slider is now)
Kaizoku no o
  1. The beginning: u could reach perfect symmetry by moving notes :) not necessary ~
  2. 00:48:943(1) - Placing this circle ruins square :D and this new combo is necessary?
  3. 01:17:149(3) - I don't like place for this slider, you should move it back on 1/4 beat snapping, or 1 forward on 1/6 (better back on 1/4 I think)
  4. 02:21:655 - why last slider on the same place as 6? :)
You did this good so far, it should be marked as ranked soon :)
Topic Starter

Jinxy wrote:

The timing feels weird at parts, I'd suggest you find someone good in timing to help you with it. The timing already have been checked twice, and once by a great mapper :)
The length of the last spinner is completely random in Normal, Hard and Kaizoku, with no good reason. Please standardize where it ends. I take care of it

I think the problem here is that you're mapping too much by only following the drum beat at the start, which results in constant 1/1s or 1/2s that aren't fun to play. Try and map more to the voice and trumpet. Actually I maped over drum, bass, and trumpet using vocal for empty space :/
Another part which might be considered not fun to play is how the beats are placed, if you keep placing them in a constant pattern more then twice or so, it looks and plays really boring too. I personally like when a pattern appears more than twice
For example, 00:27:470 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - is just the same beat over and over again, and placement is centered around the middle. Here's a small example of what I personally would do: The point of the pattern is to exist six time as the bass rythm

I'll put a * on the parts where I feel is too repetitive.

00:31:901 (2,3,4) - The beats here aren't 1/1 apart, (3) should be on 00:32:156, (4) starts on 00:32:412. The repeats sound kinda bad too, so maybe make (4) a long slider or a spinner? With slider it's more alive
*00:35:480 (6,7,8) - These beats feel overmapped, I don't hear what they are mapped to. Try making another pattern in this combo that doesn't keep going back to the point, too. It fit the drums
*00:39:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This part keeps going back to the center, so try using another shape. Try mapping to the voice here. Improved
*00:49:966 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Also, the combo here is not of even length. I would remove NC on 00:50:648 (1). Add new combo instead
*00:52:693 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - I like it
*00:54:738 (3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - i like it not too hard here
00:59:169 (1) - From here on, it's not too bad, so you can use the rest of the map as a reference to what patterns feel overdone. :)
01:03:089 - The stack starts here, add a beat here. Done
01:08:372 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I can not hear what this stack is mapped to at all, and it feels a little overmapped. I would just follow the voice, but if not, then I think this should be made into a stream instead because splitting them into 2 stacks makes no sense imo, and (6) is too far from the first stack. Drums here
*01:19:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Modded previously
01:30:868 - This sudden break in the combo feels really weird. Map this part out more, and with more than just plain notes. Modded previously
01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't know what this is mapped to, either, so same suggestion, try and take the voice into account. And stacking so many beats usually doesn't look very good. Position them out more. Drums and bass again
01:38:963 (2,3) and 01:40:753 (3,4) - This is not very good at all. In the first combo, they are 1/1 yet put on each other, while the next combo is 1/4 but still spaced the same as the first. My suggestion is to not stack 01:39:730 (3) under (2), and shorten 01:40:753 (3) to the previous red tick. Modded previously
02:06:231 (4) - Start this 1/4 earlier, on the red tick. Modded previously

00:31:901 (2,3) - These two beats don't follow the music very well. There should be something on 00:32:156 and 00:32:412. I would suggest a slider: This as been fixed by a previous mod :)
00:41:956 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The spacing is really uneven, some sliders overlap the next one a little. Fixed
01:12:803 (3) - Remove one repeat and make it 1/4 longer, it fits the voice better. Fixed
01:22:347 (2,3,1) - This spacing is just wrong, (3) is much too close to (1). Same for the next few beats. This as been fixed by a previous mod :)

WujekGrzyb wrote:

Hi! m4m :D

All diffs
  1. You can add bookmarks (ctrl+B) on a timeline on the very first note, just to easy navigate Never thought about it !
I tryed to fix timing problems at the song ending, but I haven't look at beggining yet. but here is what I've done:

Since you are the second person saying that I will ask for a third timming check :/

  1. 02:02:397 - I'd move slider (3) forward 1 snap on 1/2 divisor, and place one circle before (on the place where the slider is now) Good Idea!
Kaizoku no o
  1. The beginning: u could reach perfect symmetry by moving notes :) not necessary ~ Achieved !
  2. 00:48:943(1) - Placing this circle ruins square :D and this new combo is necessary? Modified
  3. 01:17:149(3) - I don't like place for this slider, you should move it back on 1/4 beat snapping, or 1 forward on 1/6 (better back on 1/4 I think) I will change it :)
  4. 02:21:655 - why last slider on the same place as 6? :) Because I like it ? :)
You did this good so far, it should be marked as ranked soon :) Thanks !
m4m <3


00:29:174 it should be like this since this is easy you really need to perfect blanket,pattern,hitsound and overlapping so the appearance for the diff is pretty neat for beginners.. you should snap the next notes after you do this
00:33:946 why antijump? snap it and place to 128|48 so it has banket
00:44:853 - 00:46:217 i dont like the overlap of this 2 notes i suggest just make a blanket here
00:50:988 fix your blanket this didnt have overlap so i think this is blanket then snap the next notes
00:59:510 delete nc then add the nc on 00:59:851
01:10:076 why is this unsnapped? this is very annoying for easy specially the note is too close to the slider.. you should snap this and snap the next notes
01:31:891 make this curve
02:03:931 this timing point (green) why isnt this a kiai time? i am totally sure this should be a kiai time


00:33:605 this note isnt really much covered by the slider 00:33:946
00:46:898 whstle isnt really needed add the whistle on the next note
00:51:329 just blanket this with 00:50:818
00:57:124 you could try your fancy sliders here instead of the curve one it could do much better
01:00:873 im really sure you missed nc here because the nc pattern on the upcoming notes
01:39:048 - 01:39:730 really bad overlap just blanket this it would be fine
01:47:911 add clap in slider head you do this in before sliders
01:59:670 why did you make this curve now it looks aweful :/
02:05:124 no fancy slider? i suggest copy 00:39:400 and paste it then curve it a little bit and shorten


00:32:071 this slider is too close to the note you can still snap it somewhere else that didnt touch the note
01:00:532 not really fan of 2 repeat-slider specially in insane and hard its too hard to catch
01:58:477 what happen with this slider?
02:02:567 rather having this looooong slider repeat you can add streams too!

Im blown by this slider formations <3 specially 01:05:304 so majestic!


its all good!
There's no need for any kind of complex timing here.
Offset is 545 and BPM is 176,000. Also add a section with same BPM at 00:27:135 - to reset the metronome.
Topic Starter

YunoFanatic wrote:

m4m <3


00:29:174 it should be like this since this is easy you really need to perfect blanket,pattern,hitsound and overlapping so the appearance for the diff is pretty neat for beginners.. you should snap the next notes after you do this I can't do that du to snapping distance
00:33:946 why antijump? snap it and place to 128|48 so it has banket Done
00:44:853 - 00:46:217 i dont like the overlap of this 2 notes i suggest just make a blanket here No T_T
00:50:988 fix your blanket this didnt have overlap so i think this is blanket then snap the next notes Fixed
00:59:510 delete nc then add the nc on 00:59:851 No
01:10:076 why is this unsnapped? this is very annoying for easy specially the note is too close to the slider.. you should snap this and snap the next notes Here it's snapped
01:31:891 make this curve Already curvy
02:03:931 this timing point (green) why isnt this a kiai time? i am totally sure this should be a kiai time One is enough


00:33:605 this note isnt really much covered by the slider 00:33:946 Fixed
00:46:898 whstle isnt really needed add the whistle on the next note No
00:51:329 just blanket this with 00:50:818 You love blanket, don't you ?
00:57:124 you could try your fancy sliders here instead of the curve one it could do much better Too much fancy make it common
01:00:873 im really sure you missed nc here because the nc pattern on the upcoming notes Fixed
01:39:048 - 01:39:730 really bad overlap just blanket this it would be fine There is no overlap here O_o
01:47:911 add clap in slider head you do this in before sliders Done
01:59:670 why did you make this curve now it looks aweful :/ Because it's curvy after and that i can't make triplet for normal diff
02:05:124 no fancy slider? i suggest copy 00:39:400 and paste it then curve it a little bit and shorten Too much fancy make it common


00:32:071 this slider is too close to the note you can still snap it somewhere else that didnt touch the note I want perfect triangle here
01:00:532 not really fan of 2 repeat-slider specially in insane and hard its too hard to catch But that's the point :3
01:58:477 what happen with this slider? It follows the vocal change :)
02:02:567 rather having this looooong slider repeat you can add streams too! No stream for hard :o

Im blown by this slider formations <3 specially 01:05:304 so majestic! Thanks !


its all good!
( =`・ω・´) Rakuen 楽園 (Mod/GD/M4M)

+1 star for M4M as mentioned in queue

Easy is good but other diffs needed to be improved a little more ;)
For Normal, Iard and Insane diff, please follow more cover instead of vocal, so it helps your map to get ranked faster
Your map is likely old maps style, try to refer to songs around the BPM of this song and see how mappers get ranked with their maps

02:03:953 - KIAI starts here
02:10:771 - KIAI off here

[Ami's Easy]
00:25:772 (1) - Move the tail of the sldier a little bit up and DS (distance snap), refer image below:

00:27:135 - Whistle
00:30:544 (1,2,3,1) - Please use 1.0x DS if possible
01:07:362 (2,3,4) - DS
01:43:498 (3) - Avoid stacking with 01:45:544 (2) -
01:53:044 - Break starts here
02:03:953 - KIAI?
02:03:953 - Fix timing point
02:20:998 - ^
02:19:635 (2) - Avoid stacking with 02:21:680 (2) - because there's a reverse slide

Put some hitsounds, mainly claps
Don't keep changing your DS (distance snap)
Use 1/2 on mapping if possible, avoid 1/4
Change grid size to Tiny
00:27:475 - Clap
00:27:561 (1) - Move to white tick
00:30:203 - Clap
00:30:885 - ^
00:32:930 (3) - Press G and change the grid size to "Tiny" and stack with the tail of 00:33:953 (1) -
00:33:612 (5) - Avoid stacking circle on slider
00:36:680 (1) - Remove NC and stack to the tail (hold shift and move if you cant stack perfectly)
00:42:305 - Make spinner starts here
00:44:862 (1) - Too far from middle after a spinner, change to a circle or remove it or move more to middle
01:11:112 (2) - Change to long slider instead of short reverse
01:11:623 (3) - Delete this and extend the slider to here
01:15:544 - Make spinner stops here and add note 01:16:225 -
01:16:566 (1,2) - Don't make jumps, follow DS (use a constant DS and less mentionable change)
01:17:419 (3) - DS
01:18:271 (4,1) - ^
01:22:873 (1) - Change to a slider instead of short reverse
01:26:453 - Make spinner stops here or 01:26:794 -
01:27:135 (1) - Too far from middle after a spinner
01:34:975 (3) - Blanket
01:36:680 (4) - Stack perfectly
01:47:930 (1) - Don't point reverse arrow side on previous note
01:53:044 (1) - I prefer original slider with 3 white points
01:54:407 (2) - ^
01:53:044 (1,2,1,2,3) - Constant DS
01:59:691 (1) - Change to 1 slider
02:02:078 (6) - Delete this circle and make 02:02:248 (7) - stack on 02:02:419 (8) - , follow DS
02:07:362 (3,4) - It's close to HP bar, move down a little if possible
02:09:407 (1) - DS
02:09:407 (1) - Change to 2 sliders
02:10:771 (2,3,4,5) - Make the direction same as 02:14:862 (1,2,3,4) - , the first set goes anticlockwise so follow by 2nd set too
02:27:816 - Extend spinner to here so it follows the vocal

Add some hitsounds
00:25:772 (1) - Delete this and put something here 00:27:135 - , make it constant of where it starts on all difficulties
00:35:998 (1) - Stack this perfectly
00:55:430 (3) - Not good for the flow, don't reverse too many times instead, change to 2 sliders
01:00:544 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - ^
01:04:294 (2) - Stack on 01:02:930 (4) -
01:10:089 (1,2) - Change to 2 circles which placed at the middle of previous slider (either stacking or not), time circles here 01:10:089 - and 01:10:430 -
01:12:816 (3) - Don't reverse too many times
01:20:998 (2) - Stack perfectly with tail of 01:21:680 (1) - , hold shift and move
01:59:862 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Constant spacing
02:27:816 - Extend spinner to here

[Kaizoku no o]
^ Change to "Kaizoku no ou"
It's really hard to mod for this diff, I suggest a remap and add more notes if you would like to do it
Other diffs are using soft sampleset, so try to follow too for this diff
00:25:772 (1) - Same as hard diffs, delete and starts 00:27:135 -
00:32:589 (4,1) - This pattern is not good
00:57:135 (1,2,3,1) - Make these sliders stop at red tick, it's hard to be played, refer these sliders 02:03:953 (1,2,3,4) - (applies to other same patterned sliders too)
01:21:339 (9) - Stack this perfectly
01:36:339 (6,7,8) - Don't stack
01:38:725 (1) - Make the ed of slider stick to 01:38:981 (2) -
02:19:038 (1) - Move to white tick
02:25:941 - Make a spinner here and stops 02:27:816 -

Have to work more to get ranked >.o /
Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:

( =`・ω・´) Rakuen 楽園 (Mod/GD/M4M)

+1 star for M4M as mentioned in queue

Easy is good but other diffs needed to be improved a little more ;)
For Normal, Iard and Insane diff, please follow more cover instead of vocal, so it helps your map to get ranked faster
Your map is likely old maps style, try to refer to songs around the BPM of this song and see how mappers get ranked with their maps

02:03:953 - KIAI starts here
02:10:771 - KIAI off here

I disagree with an other Kiai

[Ami's Easy]
00:25:772 (1) - Move the tail of the sldier a little bit up and DS (distance snap), refer image below:
00:27:135 - Whistle Done
00:30:544 (1,2,3,1) - Please use 1.0x DS if possibleDone
01:07:362 (2,3,4) - DS Done
01:43:498 (3) - Avoid stacking with 01:45:544 (2) - Done
01:53:044 - Break starts here I don't see the problem
02:03:953 - KIAI? Nope
02:03:953 - Fix timing point Done
02:20:998 - ^ Done
02:19:635 (2) - Avoid stacking with 02:21:680 (2) - because there's a reverse slide Done

Put some hitsounds, mainly claps I would welcome your help :)
Don't keep changing your DS (distance snap) Fixed at 1x
Use 1/2 on mapping if possible, avoid 1/4 Some rythms have to be 1/4 imo
Change grid size to Tiny Done
00:27:475 - Clap Done
00:27:561 (1) - Move to white tick Done
00:30:203 - Clap Done
00:30:885 - ^ Done
00:32:930 (3) - Press G and change the grid size to "Tiny" and stack with the tail of 00:33:953 (1) - Done
00:33:612 (5) - Avoid stacking circle on slider This one is pretty imo
00:36:680 (1) - Remove NC and stack to the tail (hold shift and move if you cant stack perfectly) Done
00:42:305 - Make spinner starts here Done
00:44:862 (1) - Too far from middle after a spinner, change to a circle or remove it or move more to middle Done
01:11:112 (2) - Change to long slider instead of short reverse Short reverse fit the vocals
01:11:623 (3) - Delete this and extend the slider to here ^
01:15:544 - Make spinner stops here and add note 01:16:225 - Done
01:16:566 (1,2) - Don't make jumps, follow DS (use a constant DS and less mentionable change) Done
01:17:419 (3) - DS Done
01:18:271 (4,1) - ^ Done
01:22:873 (1) - Change to a slider instead of short reverse Short reverse is needed for rythm
01:26:453 - Make spinner stops here or 01:26:794 - Done
01:27:135 (1) - Too far from middle after a spinner Done
01:34:975 (3) - Blanket Done
01:36:680 (4) - Stack perfectly Done
01:47:930 (1) - Don't point reverse arrow side on previous note Done
01:53:044 (1) - I prefer original slider with 3 white pointsDone
01:54:407 (2) - ^ Done
01:53:044 (1,2,1,2,3) - Constant DS Done
01:59:691 (1) - Change to 1 slider Done
02:02:078 (6) - Delete this circle and make 02:02:248 (7) - stack on 02:02:419 (8) - , follow DS
02:07:362 (3,4) - It's close to HP bar, move down a little if possible
02:09:407 (1) - DS Done
02:09:407 (1) - Change to 2 sliders Nope
02:10:771 (2,3,4,5) - Make the direction same as 02:14:862 (1,2,3,4) - , the first set goes anticlockwise so follow by 2nd set too Done
02:27:816 - Extend spinner to here so it follows the vocal I reduced it because a too long spinner is not fair (score) for normal versus spin master

Add some hitsounds
00:25:772 (1) - Delete this and put something here 00:27:135 - , make it constant of where it starts on all difficulties All diff start on this spinner, so I will keep it
00:35:998 (1) - Stack this perfectly Done
00:55:430 (3) - Not good for the flow, don't reverse too many times instead, change to 2 sliders Sliders do not sound good :/
01:00:544 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - ^ Good as it is
01:04:294 (2) - Stack on 01:02:930 (4) - Done
01:10:089 (1,2) - Change to 2 circles which placed at the middle of previous slider (either stacking or not), time circles here 01:10:089 - and 01:10:430 - I did that before... and got modded T_T
01:12:816 (3) - Don't reverse too many times It's hard. twice is ok I think
01:20:998 (2) - Stack perfectly with tail of 01:21:680 (1) - , hold shift and move Done
01:59:862 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Constant spacing Can't do better :s
02:27:816 - Extend spinner to here Nope

[Kaizoku no o]
^ Change to "Kaizoku no ou" Done
It's really hard to mod for this diff, I suggest a remap and add more notes if you would like to do it I prefer heavy mod
Other diffs are using soft sampleset, so try to follow too for this diff Done
00:25:772 (1) - Same as hard diffs, delete and starts 00:27:135 - Nope
00:32:589 (4,1) - This pattern is not good Fixed
00:57:135 (1,2,3,1) - Make these sliders stop at red tick, it's hard to be played, refer these sliders 02:03:953 (1,2,3,4) - (applies to other same patterned sliders too) Done
01:21:339 (9) - Stack this perfectly Done
01:36:339 (6,7,8) - Don't stack Done
01:38:725 (1) - Make the ed of slider stick to 01:38:981 (2) - Done
02:19:038 (1) - Move to white tick Done
02:25:941 - Make a spinner here and stops 02:27:816 - Nope

Have to work more to get ranked >.o /
- Jelly -
Kaizoku no ou
00:32:589 (1) - 00:34:294 (2,4,) - 00:36:680 (2) - 加上clap 00:35:487 (2,4) - 去掉clap 这样感觉听起来更舒服点
01:04:464 - 前面做了个5连这里不加有点难受。
00:52:703 (1) - 00:53:385 (1) - 00:54:066 (1) - 加clap
00:57:135 (1,2,3) - 00:59:180 (1) - 滑条头部加Clap
01:01:225 (1) - ^
00:59:862 - 之后这段没有音效有点单薄
01:13:839 (1) - finish
02:02:609 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - 音量减小点,或者可以做个渐变
02:26:112 - 再做个转盘 到02:28:498结束,加finish音效

排版有点像老图,这种图的排版我不懂orz 抱歉。

00:32:078 (3) - 做一个弧度,blanket 会好看点
00:54:578 (1) - 跟着节奏比较好 00:54:407开始
01:12:816 (3) - 折返次数有点多。
01:59:862 (2,3,4,5,6) - 对称做仔细
02:03:953 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这几个排的不好看

01:05:657 (1) - 这转盘太长了,前面再做点东西
01:11:623 (3,4) - normal不适合节奏这么变化,直接对在白线上吧

Ami's Easy
00:30:203 (4) - 节奏不要变化,去掉这个

这类的图我是真的见得不多 orz...音效有点薄弱。clap建议多加一些。
最后祝rank ._. :)
Topic Starter
多谢 :)

- Jelly - wrote:

Kaizoku no ou
00:32:589 (1) - 00:34:294 (2,4,) - 00:36:680 (2) - 加上clap 00:35:487 (2,4) - 去掉clap 这样感觉听起来更舒服点谢谢
01:04:464 - 前面做了个5连这里不加有点难受。没事儿
00:52:703 (1) - 00:53:385 (1) - 00:54:066 (1) - 加clap谢谢
00:57:135 (1,2,3) - 00:59:180 (1) - 滑条头部加Clap 谢谢
01:01:225 (1) - ^ 谢谢
00:59:862 - 之后这段没有音效有点单薄 我要安静的段
01:13:839 (1) - finish 谢谢
02:02:609 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - 音量减小点,或者可以做个渐变 谢谢
02:26:112 - 再做个转盘 到02:28:498结束,加finish音效 谢谢

排版有点像老图,这种图的排版我不懂orz 抱歉。啊啊,多人告诉我:你的orz为2008orz一样

CS-1 我不会
00:32:078 (3) - 做一个弧度,blanket 会好看点 我最喜欢不用blanket在这儿
00:54:578 (1) - 跟着节奏比较好 00:54:407开始 不对,在00:54:578 他开始唱歌
01:12:816 (3) - 折返次数有点多。
01:59:862 (2,3,4,5,6) - 对称做仔细 谢谢!
02:03:953 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这几个排的不好看

01:05:657 (1) - 这转盘太长了,前面再做点东西 没事儿
01:11:623 (3,4) - normal不适合节奏这么变化,直接对在白线上吧
结尾问题同hard一样,最后跟ins一样做到曲子完没办法-我需要这个圆 :o

Ami's Easy
00:30:203 (4) - 节奏不要变化,去掉这个

这类的图我是真的见得不多 orz...音效有点薄弱。clap建议多加一些。
最后祝rank ._. :) 谢谢!!!
能用中文mod真是太好了,我i英语无比差劲QAQ 啊啊啊,我觉得你的英语不错
Hi! :) Sorry it took awhile, but here's your re-check!

[Ami's Easy]
AR +1
00:25:772 (1) - Change the whistle on the tail to a finish, by double-clicking the tail on the timeline, like this:

00:29:180 (3,1) - ?

*You'l need to move 00:31:907 (2) - more down and to the right, but it shouldn't be too hard :)
00:33:271 (3) - Remove.
00:33:953 (1) - Place finish on the head and tail.
00:39:407 (1) - Change whistle no the tail to a finish.
00:48:271 (1) - Place finish on the tail.
00:59:862 (2) - Change whistle to finish on the head.
01:05:316 (1) - ^
01:22:703 - Need to add a note here for consistency.
01:38:044 (1) - Pretty much flip 01:36:680 (1) - and use it here like this:

01:51:680 (2) - Change whistle to finish on the head.
02:03:953 - Add Kai time here, and change volume on this timing point to 50% like the rest please.
02:20:998 - Is where Kai will end, and adjust volume to 40%
02:21:680 (2) - Add finish on the reverse.

Definitely looks better then before, but could still use a bit of work with the rhythm. :) Hitsounding stills need some fixing though...I'll get onto that sometime later.

00:25:772 (1) - Remove clap.
00:27:475 (1) - Too close to the previous spinner,move it to 00:27:816 and remove 00:28:157 (2) -
00:31:566 - Rhythm suggestion:
Your pretty much switching 00:32:589 (2,3,4) - with 00:31:566 (1) - and expanding the slider as well. This slider fits better at 00:32:589 because it matches the long hold on the 'ta'i in the lyrics if you listen carefully.
00:33:953 (1) - Switch whistle with a finish on the head.
00:36:680 (2) - Remove clap,not needed.
00:44:862 (1) - To close to the previous spinner...try removing it, and pulling the spinner's end to this point with a finish. That way, the space at 00:45:203 will help give time for players to react.
00:48:953 (3) - Switch whistle with a finish on the head.
00:59:862 (1) - Add finish
01:16:566 (2,3) - Remove finish, use them sparingly.
01:36:680 (4) - Remove clap.
02:03:953 - 02:20:998 Add Kai?

CS +1?
00:33:953 (1) - Finish on the head,clap on the tail instead.
00:48:953 (3) - Remove clap.
00:59:862 (3) - Add finish
01:05:316 (1) - ^ on the head.
01:05:316 (1,1) - ...Didn't I say to fix this on the previous mod?
01:20:316 (5) - Move to 01:20:146 so it follows the vocals.
01:34:635 (3) - Remove clap on the tail?
01:56:964-Add note?
02:03:953 - 02:20:998 Add Kai?
02:08:385 (1) - Tail should end either at 02:09:407 or 02:10:089.
02:12:135 (2) - Reversing the selection (Ctrl + G) Creates a better effect with the sliders, sincethey're 2/1 beats apart.
02:16:225 (2) - ^

Rhythm's ehh improved a bit.
Not yet

Hope this helps~! ^^
Topic Starter
Oh my.... Let's go for a huge mod :)

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Hi! :) Sorry it took awhile, but here's your re-check!

[Ami's Easy]
AR +1 I want to keep a low AR for an easy
00:25:772 (1) - Change the whistle on the tail to a finish, by double-clicking the tail on the timeline, like this:
00:29:180 (3,1) - ?

*You'l need to move 00:31:907 (2) - more down and to the right, but it shouldn't be too hard :) done
00:33:271 (3) - Remove. No, it's according to lyrics when he make a "Ah"
00:33:953 (1) - Place finish on the head and tail. done
00:39:407 (1) - Change whistle no the tail to a finish. done
00:48:271 (1) - Place finish on the tail. done
00:59:862 (2) - Change whistle to finish on the head. done
01:05:316 (1) - ^ done
01:22:703 - Need to add a note here for consistency. True
01:38:044 (1) - Pretty much flip 01:36:680 (1) - and use it here like this:
Modifications made :)
01:51:680 (2) - Change whistle to finish on the head. done
02:03:953 - Add Kai time here, and change volume on this timing point to 50% like the rest please. No kiai
02:20:998 - Is where Kai will end, and adjust volume to 40% ^
02:21:680 (2) - Add finish on the reverse. done

Definitely looks better then before, but could still use a bit of work with the rhythm. :) Hitsounding stills need some fixing though...I'll get onto that sometime later. Thanks !

00:25:772 (1) - Remove clap. done
00:27:475 (1) - Too close to the previous spinner,move it to 00:27:816 and remove 00:28:157 (2) - I think it's good for normal
00:31:566 - Rhythm suggestion:
Your pretty much switching 00:32:589 (2,3,4) - with 00:31:566 (1) - and expanding the slider as well. This slider fits better at 00:32:589 because it matches the long hold on the 'ta'i in the lyrics if you listen carefully. You're right, but I tried an other rythm instead :)
00:33:953 (1) - Switch whistle with a finish on the head.done
00:36:680 (2) - Remove clap,not needed. done
00:44:862 (1) - To close to the previous spinner...try removing it, and pulling the spinner's end to this point with a finish. That way, the space at 00:45:203 will help give time for players to react. same as above
00:48:953 (3) - Switch whistle with a finish on the head. Done
00:59:862 (1) - Add finish Done
01:16:566 (2,3) - Remove finish, use them sparingly. I think the 3 finish here fits
01:36:680 (4) - Remove clap. Done
02:03:953 - 02:20:998 Add Kai? No

CS +1? No
00:33:953 (1) - Finish on the head,clap on the tail instead. done
00:48:953 (3) - Remove clap. Done
00:59:862 (3) - Add finish Done
01:05:316 (1) - ^ on the head. Done
01:05:316 (1,1) - ...Didn't I say to fix this on the previous mod? And didn't I said I would not ? ^^
01:20:316 (5) - Move to 01:20:146 so it follows the vocals. You're right
01:34:635 (3) - Remove clap on the tail? done
01:56:964-Add note? right again !
02:03:953 - 02:20:998 Add Kai? No
02:08:385 (1) - Tail should end either at 02:09:407 or 02:10:089. I don't think so
02:12:135 (2) - Reversing the selection (Ctrl + G) Creates a better effect with the sliders, sincethey're 2/1 beats apart. Done
02:16:225 (2) - ^ DOne

Rhythm's ehh improved a bit.
Not yet I'm waiting for it ^^

Hope this helps~! ^^[/color]

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Hi! :) Sorry it took awhile, but here's your re-check!
01:05:316 (1,1) - ...Didn't I say to fix this on the previous mod? And didn't I said I would not ? ^^ Umm okay. How about removing objects 01:10:089 (1,2) - since there's no vocals on that part?
Sorry, I'm just really desperate in seeing that bad overlap be removed. :( Overlaps are one of the most worst and obvious mistakes to see on a map
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Hi! :) Sorry it took awhile, but here's your re-check!
01:05:316 (1,1) - ...Didn't I say to fix this on the previous mod? And didn't I said I would not ? ^^ Umm okay. How about removing objects 01:10:089 (1,2) - since there's no vocals on that part?
Sorry, I'm just really desperate in seeing that bad overlap be removed. :( Overlaps are one of the most worst and obvious mistakes to see on a map
IRC fixed :)
Hello~ m4m request

[Ami's Easy]

00:42:816 (1,2) - change distance like (3) plz

00:49:635 (3) - avoid overlapping with (2)


00:42:135 (4,1) - delete (4) and move (1) to 00:42:135

00:58:839 (1) - delete nc?

01:25:260 (1) - I think this spinner is unnecessary.. sliders&circles are better

02:03:953 - how about adding kiai time in this timing? :)


circle size 4 is better for hard diff

00:58:498 (1) - delete nc and 00:59:862 (3) -nc ,01:00:544 (1) - delete nc <<just my think !

01:05:316 (1) - WOOWWW HOW TO MAKE IT?

01:12:816 (3,1) - These notes are too close.. I recommend deleting one reverse on (3)

[Kaizoku no ou]

00:52:703 (1) ~ you used too many NC. Change them plz

01:25:260 (1) - extend to 01:25:600 -

That's all~ good luck :)
Hi from your M4M

I think that should have another KIAI: 02:03:953

In the Easy:
00:25:772 (1) - Please could put this note like this:

00:27:475 - Should be a note here because the Singer continue singing
00:28:839 -^
00:30:203 - ^
00:31:566 - ^
00:44:862 (1) - Add finish at the beginning of slider
00:50:657 (1,3,2,1,3,2,4,2,4) - these clap don't have rhythm! if you want a normal rhythm need use a note White(clap) after wait a note White but without use the clap and after at the following note White add a clap, a rhythm like the choir with the whistles


But real problema are yours slider longer they occupied three note White
01:13:498 (1) - it should end : 01:15:885
01:16:225 (1) - Move to 01:16:225 of course there will three notes empty
01:27:475 - Should have a note here

In the Normal:
00:28:498 (1) - Remove combo
01:05:657 (1) - Please don't use like this the spiral like a filler please remove and add circles and sliders
01:34:975 (3) - the repeating of slider is out flow

In the Hard:
00:49:975 (1,2,3) - These drums are out flow
01:00:544 (1,3,1) - Their repeating are longer
01:05:316 (1) - Oh my god this slider honestly I think that it look weird I only feel that is filler please remove
01:57:135 (2) - New combo
01:57:475 (1) - Remove combo

In the Insane:
00:29:862 (2,2,3) - I think that you should change them by a slider and beginning with a note White and end with red
00:35:487 (2,3,4,5) - This change of rhythm is a bit weird
02:02:609 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Holy steam tell me you can do this difficulty in SS

Honestly I think that the hard and Insane need more work

Good luck :)
Topic Starter

[Navy] wrote:

Hello~ m4m request

[Ami's Easy]

00:42:816 (1,2) - change distance like (3) plz DS perfect, no

00:49:635 (3) - avoid overlapping with (2) Done


00:42:135 (4,1) - delete (4) and move (1) to 00:42:135 Done

00:58:839 (1) - delete nc? No, lyrics come again

01:25:260 (1) - I think this spinner is unnecessary.. sliders&circles are better I think it fits the lyrics

02:03:953 - how about adding kiai time in this timing? :) No kiai at the end :)


circle size 4 is better for hard diff Will not change it

00:58:498 (1) - delete nc and 00:59:862 (3) -nc ,01:00:544 (1) - delete nc <<just my think ! Better indeed

01:05:316 (1) - WOOWWW HOW TO MAKE IT? Thanks ! :)

01:12:816 (3,1) - These notes are too close.. I recommend deleting one reverse on (3) No

[Kaizoku no ou]

00:52:703 (1) ~ you used too many NC. Change them plz Fixed

01:25:260 (1) - extend to 01:25:600 - No

That's all~ good luck :)

pife1 wrote:

Hi from your M4M

I think that should have another KIAI: 02:03:953 No kiai at the end :)

In the Easy:
00:25:772 (1) - Please could put this note like this:

00:27:475 - Should be a note here because the Singer continue singing It's bassed on bass, so no
00:28:839 -^ ^
00:30:203 - ^ ^
00:31:566 - ^ ^
00:44:862 (1) - Add finish at the beginning of slider Done
00:50:657 (1,3,2,1,3,2,4,2,4) - these clap don't have rhythm! if you want a normal rhythm need use a note White(clap) after wait a note White but without use the clap and after at the following note White add a clap, a rhythm like the choir with the whistles There is no problem here


But real problema are yours slider longer they occupied three note White
01:13:498 (1) - it should end : 01:15:885 No
01:16:225 (1) - Move to 01:16:225 of course there will three notes empty ^
01:27:475 - Should have a note here No

In the Normal:
00:28:498 (1) - Remove combo No, it fits the Tomarenaii
01:05:657 (1) - Please don't use like this the spiral like a filler please remove and add circles and sliders It fells right to me
01:34:975 (3) - the repeating of slider is out flow ?

In the Hard:
00:49:975 (1,2,3) - These drums are out flow listen to lyrics : A-I-E, three note, three drums
01:00:544 (1,3,1) - Their repeating are longer Fits the music
01:05:316 (1) - Oh my god this slider honestly I think that it look weird I only feel that is filler please remove So you missed the squid form. Definitly will not remove
01:57:135 (2) - New combo Done
01:57:475 (1) - Remove combo Done

In the Insane:
00:29:862 (2,2,3) - I think that you should change them by a slider and beginning with a note White and end with red No
00:35:487 (2,3,4,5) - This change of rhythm is a bit weird Welcome to insane
02:02:609 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Holy steam tell me you can do this difficulty in SS ^

Honestly I think that the hard and Insane need more work

Good luck :)
Salut ^^,

Voilà mon mod comme promis:

  1. Pourquoi ne pas mapper jusqu'au bout? Il te manque à peine 10 secondes et en plus c'est cette partie qui est surement la plus épique alors ça fait bizarre de la voir pas mappée.
  2. Normal HP-1 et OD-1 pour équilibrer avec la hard et la easy.
[Ami's Easy]
  1. I refuse to mod people who don't respond to the mod and since i didn't see you responding to any. I'm not modding this.
  1. 00:33:953 (1) - Je ne comprend pas l'intéret du grand slider ici. Il y a énormément de rythme ici qui passe à la trappe à cause de ça. Ce genre de gros slider n'est que rarement utilisée à la place d'un spinner lorsqu'un son est maintenue pendant longtemps donc voir un slider pareil ici ça fait très random. Voila un exemple de rythme que tu aurais pu utiliser:
  2. 00:36:680 (5) - Remplace la note par un slider de longueur 2 temps? Tu suis la voix et vu que cette note est maintenue pendant 2 temps il vaut mieux mettre un slider ça correspondra mieux à la chanson.
  3. 00:39:407 (1) - Comme pour 00:33:953. Pourquoi pas:
  4. 00:47:419 (4) - Remplace par un slider jusqu'à 00:47:930? Puisque c'est jusque là que la note est maintenue dans la musique.
  5. 01:05:657 (1) - Pourquoi un spinner ici. Tu pourrais très bien mappé cette partie là puisqu'il y a beaucoup de vocals et d'instru. Rien ne justifie un spinner ici. Comparé à, par exemple 01:13:498 (1), qui lui est très bien justifié puisqu'il suit la voix qui maintien un son. D'ailleurs t'aurais très bien pu mettre a la place du spinner un de tes random long slider ici ça serait passé sans problème!
  6. 01:17:248 - ajoute une note ici. Le trou de 3/2 entre les notes est très complexe à joué pour une normal et est en général à éviter s'il n'est pas bien justifié par la musique. Ce qui n'est pas le cas ici car la voix chante une note ici donc il en faut une!
    01:22:873 (1) - Interdiction aux 1/4 dans une normal! Même en slider avec reverse. Et l'excuse du "mais je veux suivre la voix parfaitement ne tiens pas" car tu ne respectes pas du tout cette règle à de nombreux endroits de la map (genre 00:57:135 (5) et tout les autres longs sliders par exemple). D'ailleurs tu n'as pas mis le 1/4 à 01:59:691 (1).
    01:27:135 (1,2) - Utilise plutôt ce rythme, ça concorde beaucoup mieux:
  7. 01:30:032 (2,3,4) - Ta diff à tellement peu de 1/2 que ça fait vraiment bizarre de voir ça. Ca créé un énorme pic de difficulté qui est plutôt désagréable à jouer. Reregarde le début de ta map qui n'a quasiment aucun 1/2 et tu verras qu'il y a beaucoup de 1/2 dans les vocals que tu as justement skippé alors mieux vaut faire pareil ici et changele rythme afin de rendre le pattern plus simple.
  8. 01:32:589 (1) - Commence le 1/2 beat plus tôt car c'est là que le chanteur commence à crié (ralenti la chanson si tu me croit pas)
  9. 01:34:294 (1,2,3,4) - Alors là ca ne suit pas du tout la voix bizarrement alors que tu la suit depuis le début. Fait plutôt ça:
  10. 02:03:953 (1,2,3,1) - La musique répète 2 fois la même chose et tu utilises 2 rythme radicalement différent. Pourquoi? Retire le slider et utilise un rythme similaire à 02:03:953 (1,2,3). Je ne te dis pas de forcement utilisé le même mais au moins un truc qui ressemble.
  11. 02:21:680 (5) - Rajoutes une fleche? Le chanteur fini la note à 02:22:703.
  12. 02:25:430 - Rajoute une note ici ainsi qu'à 02:25:771. Bizarrement tu l'as fait dans la insane mais pas ici. C'est vraiment bizarre pourtant c'est des notes puissantes et qui doivent être jouées.
  1. 00:32:589 (2,1) - Overlap pas très joli.
  2. 00:41:453 (2) - Ta donné une forme un peu bizarre à ton slider. Il a l'air un peu "cassé" au bout. Essaye de donné une forme plus arrondie.
  3. 00:48:953 (3) - Pas très joli. Les sliders à 3 points font automatiquement de belles courbes donc essaye de les utilisés au plus possible dans ce genre de cas.
  4. 00:53:044 (4) - ^ (etc....)
  5. 02:06:510 (1,2) - Mauvais sapcing (x0.87 au lieu de x1.0)
  6. 01:39:748 (2) - Bouge la note à x=244 y=80 pour la double blanket.
  7. 01:43:328 (4) - Cette fois le slider est bien justifié musicalement, félicitation! Par contre utilise un slider a 3 points, c'est bien plus joli:
  1. 00:58:839 (1,1) - Il y a un NC de trop ici. Le combos de longueurs 1 sont en général assez rare dans les normal et ne sont là que si il y a quelque chose de particulier dans la chanson ce qui n'est pas le cas ici.
  1. 00:29:862 - Pourquoi pas de note ici? La voix chante une note comme pour 00:29:691 (6,1,2,3,4).
  2. 00:32:589 (4) - Commence le slider 1/2 beat plus tôt. C'est là que le chanteur commence à crier.
  3. 00:35:998 (1) - Rajoute une flèche à la fin du slider car le chanteur maintien la note finale pendant ces 2 beats.
  4. 00:41:964 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Ce rtyhme ne suit vraiment rien. J'ai beau écouté je vois vraiment pas pourquoi t'as fait ça. Ici c'est plus l'endroit pour mettre un spinner comme en normal.
  5. 00:44:862 (1,2,3) - Pourquoi il n'y a pas de note sur les 1/2 entre les notes déja mise? Tu as plutôt l'habitude de les mettre comme pour 00:49:975 (1,2,3) ou 00:29:691 (6,1,2,3,4). Mieux vaut avoir une logique de mapping constant ou la map parait random.
  6. 00:49:294 - Met un slider de longueur 1/2 ici? Pourquoi ignorer ces notes très puissante? Surtout que tu as déja montré que tu suivais quelquefois l'instru lorsqu'il n'y avait pas de voix.
  7. 01:00:544 (3,5,7) - Si tu écoutes bien tu entendras que ces sliders commencent 1/2 beat trop tôt. La voix commence sur le red tick!
  8. 01:05:316 (1) - Ok, le slider est joli je suis d'accord mais ce n'est pas "on créé le pattern et on essaye de le faire coller au rythme de la musique d'une façon ou d'une autre" mais c'est "on utilise le rythme de la musique et ses contraintes pour créé les patterns donc ton slider, aussi joli soit it, n'a rien à faire ici et tu dois mapper cet endroit normalement.
  9. 01:35:998 (5) - Comme pour 00:35:998.
  10. 01:45:203 (2,2) - C'était bien parti, tes gros sliders commençaient à être justifié par la musique mais non tu as recraqué! Donc retire-les et utilises le vrai rythme. Et si jamais tu persistes a les garder au moins transforme les en slider a 3 points ce sera vachement plus joli et fait les terminer 1/2 beat plus tard car écoute bien la musique c'est là qu'ils doivent terminer.
  11. 01:59:691 - Non mais là t'as le droit d'utiliser 1/4 alors vas-y! Fait un triplet!
  12. 02:08:385 (1) - Retire le spinner et mappe cette partie-là. Le spinner n'a rien à faire ici.
  13. 02:19:975 - Rajoute une note ici.
  14. 02:25:430 - Rajoute les 2 notes de fin.
  1. 00:32:078 (3) - Courbe le sldier pour éviter l'overlap pas très esthétique et faire une blanket à la place.
  2. 01:03:271 (7) - Oriente ce slider dans le sens opposé ca fera plus joli pour le pattern et ça donnera un bien meilleur flow.
  3. 01:39:407 (3,4) - Pourquoi un spacing si petit (x0.86)?
  4. 01:41:794 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 01:53:044 (1,1) - Le stack est pas bon.
  6. 01:58:498 (4) - La forme bizarroïde de ce slider n'est pas du tout justifié. Fait un slider normal ici.
  1. 01:35:998 (5) - Tu avais mis un NC à 00:35:998 qui est un endroit complètement identique dans la musique.
  1. Le titre de la diff est vraiment bizarre. Pourquoi ne pas l'apeller insane tout simplement?
  1. Trop de problème de rythme, je ne peux pas là.
  1. 01:50:316 (1) - Ok, cette fois le placement du slider est bien justifié. Malheureusement c'est totalement unrankable car l’accélération est violente et injustifiée. On sent qu'elle est là juste pour pouvoir casé le slider et rien d'autre ce qui n'est pas bon.
Bon, au cas où tu ne l'est pas compris ton défaut majeur c'est le !!!!!RYTHME!!!!! Tu dois créé tes patterns en fonction de la musique et non créé tes pattern d'abord et essayer de les faire coller quelque part après cela pose sinon de nombreux problème. Je te conseille vraiment de revoir completement le rythme utilisé dans toutes tes diffs car il est vraiment chaotique à certains moment. Je pense avoir corrigé le plus gros de la normal et hard mais il reste encore quelques problèmes plus mineurs. Quand à la insane elle est bourée de problème de rythme, serieux recheck là mais au ralenti (75% et 50%) et tu verras.

Sinon j'ai pas check les hitsounds mais de ce que j'ai entendu il pourraient vraiment être amélioré. Notamment les finish qui sont un peu random a certains passage et qui manquent à d'autres.

Aussi fait attention à tes sliders. Lorsque tu veux faire une forme simple utilise els slider à 3 points c'est essentiel!!!!!!

Sinon pour les pattern c'est très inconsistant. La hard a de bons pattern, la normal alterne entre des bons pattern et du random mais je suppose que les bons patterns sont du remapping et que le reste est ce qui reste de la diff avant qu'elle soit moddée. Et la insane c'est à peu près pareil.

En tout cas je te conseille vraiment de retravaillé ces points. Je ne pense pas que ta map est prête pour les BAT mais si tu doutes encore tu peux toujours demander à gabe par exemple (ou a un autre bat) de faire un testpaly rapide.

Bon, en espérant que ça t'as aidé et pas découragé :)
Topic Starter
Ohhhh le bon gros bébé !
Bon tu imagine bien que je vais moddé ma map par petit bout pour ne rien rater comme toi ^^

rezoons wrote:

Salut ^^,

Voilà mon mod comme promis:

  1. Pourquoi ne pas mapper jusqu'au bout? Il te manque à peine 10 secondes et en plus c'est cette partie qui est surement la plus épique alors ça fait bizarre de la voir pas mappée. Honnêtement, je suis très embêté avec la fin de ma map, je ne sais pas trop quoi en faire. Mais je vais y réfléchir
  2. Normal HP-1 et OD-1 pour équilibrer avec la hard et la easy.
Plop de fait !

[Ami's Easy]
  1. I refuse to mod people who don't respond to the mod and since i didn't see you responding to any. I'm not modding this.
Bon, un mod en moins à faire ^^

  1. 00:33:953 (1) - Je ne comprend pas l'intéret du grand slider ici. Il y a énormément de rythme ici qui passe à la trappe à cause de ça. Ce genre de gros slider n'est que rarement utilisée à la place d'un spinner lorsqu'un son est maintenue pendant longtemps donc voir un slider pareil ici ça fait très random. Voila un exemple de rythme que tu aurais pu utiliser:
    Très bon point
  2. 00:36:680 (5) - Remplace la note par un slider de longueur 2 temps? Tu suis la voix et vu que cette note est maintenue pendant 2 temps il vaut mieux mettre un slider ça correspondra mieux à la chanson. bonne idée
  3. 00:39:407 (1) - Comme pour 00:33:953. Pourquoi pas:
    Je le trouve bon celui là
  4. 00:47:419 (4) - Remplace par un slider jusqu'à 00:47:930? Puisque c'est jusque là que la note est maintenue dans la musique. Bonne idée
  5. 01:05:657 (1) - Pourquoi un spinner ici. Tu pourrais très bien mappé cette partie là puisqu'il y a beaucoup de vocals et d'instru. Rien ne justifie un spinner ici. Comparé à, par exemple 01:13:498 (1), qui lui est très bien justifié puisqu'il suit la voix qui maintien un son. D'ailleurs t'aurais très bien pu mettre a la place du spinner un de tes random long slider ici ça serait passé sans problème! Oh, feignant que je suis... je vais mapper tout ca !
  6. 01:17:248 - ajoute une note ici. Le trou de 3/2 entre les notes est très complexe à joué pour une normal et est en général à éviter s'il n'est pas bien justifié par la musique. Ce qui n'est pas le cas ici car la voix chante une note ici donc il en faut une! Oh, rajouté :)
    01:22:873 (1) - Interdiction aux 1/4 dans une normal! Même en slider avec reverse. Et l'excuse du "mais je veux suivre la voix parfaitement ne tiens pas" car tu ne respectes pas du tout cette règle à de nombreux endroits de la map (genre 00:57:135 (5) et tout les autres longs sliders par exemple). D'ailleurs tu n'as pas mis le 1/4 à 01:59:691 (1). Je veux bien que ce soit interdit, mais j'ai rien de mieux pour cette partie
    01:27:135 (1,2) - Utilise plutôt ce rythme, ça concorde beaucoup mieux:
    Je préfère mon rythme
  7. 01:30:032 (2,3,4) - Ta diff à tellement peu de 1/2 que ça fait vraiment bizarre de voir ça. Ca créé un énorme pic de difficulté qui est plutôt désagréable à jouer. Reregarde le début de ta map qui n'a quasiment aucun 1/2 et tu verras qu'il y a beaucoup de 1/2 dans les vocals que tu as justement skippé alors mieux vaut faire pareil ici et changele rythme afin de rendre le pattern plus simple.Je trouve qu'un pic de difficulté est toujours nécessaire. Je ne peux pas prendre toutes les vocals en compte toujours, je fais des erreurs après tout :o
  8. 01:32:589 (1) - Commence le 1/2 beat plus tôt car c'est là que le chanteur commence à crié (ralenti la chanson si tu me croit pas) Fait
  9. 01:34:294 (1,2,3,4) - Alors là ca ne suit pas du tout la voix bizarrement alors que tu la suit depuis le début. Fait plutôt ça:
    Je ne suis pas que la voix, mais les drums et la basse aussi
  10. 02:03:953 (1,2,3,1) - La musique répète 2 fois la même chose et tu utilises 2 rythme radicalement différent. Pourquoi? Retire le slider et utilise un rythme similaire à 02:03:953 (1,2,3). Je ne te dis pas de forcement utilisé le même mais au moins un truc qui ressemble.Parce que je n'aime pas trop me répéter dans mon mappage
  11. 02:21:680 (5) - Rajoutes une fleche? Le chanteur fini la note à 02:22:703. Oui !
  12. 02:25:430 - Rajoute une note ici ainsi qu'à 02:25:771. Bizarrement tu l'as fait dans la insane mais pas ici. C'est vraiment bizarre pourtant c'est des notes puissantes et qui doivent être jouées.
Je m'en occuperais
  1. 00:32:589 (2,1) - Overlap pas très joli. reglé
  2. 00:41:453 (2) - Ta donné une forme un peu bizarre à ton slider. Il a l'air un peu "cassé" au bout. Essaye de donné une forme plus arrondie. modifié
  3. 00:48:953 (3) - Pas très joli. Les sliders à 3 points font automatiquement de belles courbes donc essaye de les utilisés au plus possible dans ce genre de cas.réglé
  4. 00:53:044 (4) - ^ (etc....) réglé
  5. 02:06:510 (1,2) - Mauvais sapcing (x0.87 au lieu de x1.0) fait
  6. 01:39:748 (2) - Bouge la note à x=244 y=80 pour la double blanket. Fait
  7. 01:43:328 (4) - Cette fois le slider est bien justifié musicalement, félicitation! Par contre utilise un slider a 3 points, c'est bien plus joli:
  1. 00:58:839 (1,1) - Il y a un NC de trop ici. Le combos de longueurs 1 sont en général assez rare dans les normal et ne sont là que si il y a quelque chose de particulier dans la chanson ce qui n'est pas le cas ici.

  1. 00:29:862 - Pourquoi pas de note ici? La voix chante une note comme pour 00:29:691 (6,1,2,3,4).
  2. 00:32:589 (4) - Commence le slider 1/2 beat plus tôt. C'est là que le chanteur commence à crier.
  3. 00:35:998 (1) - Rajoute une flèche à la fin du slider car le chanteur maintien la note finale pendant ces 2 beats.
  4. 00:41:964 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Ce rtyhme ne suit vraiment rien. J'ai beau écouté je vois vraiment pas pourquoi t'as fait ça. Ici c'est plus l'endroit pour mettre un spinner comme en normal.
  5. 00:44:862 (1,2,3) - Pourquoi il n'y a pas de note sur les 1/2 entre les notes déja mise? Tu as plutôt l'habitude de les mettre comme pour 00:49:975 (1,2,3) ou 00:29:691 (6,1,2,3,4). Mieux vaut avoir une logique de mapping constant ou la map parait random.
  6. 00:49:294 - Met un slider de longueur 1/2 ici? Pourquoi ignorer ces notes très puissante? Surtout que tu as déja montré que tu suivais quelquefois l'instru lorsqu'il n'y avait pas de voix.
  7. 01:00:544 (3,5,7) - Si tu écoutes bien tu entendras que ces sliders commencent 1/2 beat trop tôt. La voix commence sur le red tick!
  8. 01:05:316 (1) - Ok, le slider est joli je suis d'accord mais ce n'est pas "on créé le pattern et on essaye de le faire coller au rythme de la musique d'une façon ou d'une autre" mais c'est "on utilise le rythme de la musique et ses contraintes pour créé les patterns donc ton slider, aussi joli soit it, n'a rien à faire ici et tu dois mapper cet endroit normalement.
  9. 01:35:998 (5) - Comme pour 00:35:998.
  10. 01:45:203 (2,2) - C'était bien parti, tes gros sliders commençaient à être justifié par la musique mais non tu as recraqué! Donc retire-les et utilises le vrai rythme. Et si jamais tu persistes a les garder au moins transforme les en slider a 3 points ce sera vachement plus joli et fait les terminer 1/2 beat plus tard car écoute bien la musique c'est là qu'ils doivent terminer.
  11. 01:59:691 - Non mais là t'as le droit d'utiliser 1/4 alors vas-y! Fait un triplet!
  12. 02:08:385 (1) - Retire le spinner et mappe cette partie-là. Le spinner n'a rien à faire ici.
  13. 02:19:975 - Rajoute une note ici.
  14. 02:25:430 - Rajoute les 2 notes de fin.
  1. 00:32:078 (3) - Courbe le sldier pour éviter l'overlap pas très esthétique et faire une blanket à la place.
  2. 01:03:271 (7) - Oriente ce slider dans le sens opposé ca fera plus joli pour le pattern et ça donnera un bien meilleur flow.
  3. 01:39:407 (3,4) - Pourquoi un spacing si petit (x0.86)?
  4. 01:41:794 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 01:53:044 (1,1) - Le stack est pas bon.
  6. 01:58:498 (4) - La forme bizarroïde de ce slider n'est pas du tout justifié. Fait un slider normal ici.
  1. 01:35:998 (5) - Tu avais mis un NC à 00:35:998 qui est un endroit complètement identique dans la musique.
  1. Le titre de la diff est vraiment bizarre. Pourquoi ne pas l'apeller insane tout simplement?
  1. Trop de problème de rythme, je ne peux pas là.
  1. 01:50:316 (1) - Ok, cette fois le placement du slider est bien justifié. Malheureusement c'est totalement unrankable car l’accélération est violente et injustifiée. On sent qu'elle est là juste pour pouvoir casé le slider et rien d'autre ce qui n'est pas bon.
Bon, au cas où tu ne l'est pas compris ton défaut majeur c'est le !!!!!RYTHME!!!!! Tu dois créé tes patterns en fonction de la musique et non créé tes pattern d'abord et essayer de les faire coller quelque part après cela pose sinon de nombreux problème. Je te conseille vraiment de revoir completement le rythme utilisé dans toutes tes diffs car il est vraiment chaotique à certains moment. Je pense avoir corrigé le plus gros de la normal et hard mais il reste encore quelques problèmes plus mineurs. Quand à la insane elle est bourée de problème de rythme, serieux recheck là mais au ralenti (75% et 50%) et tu verras.

Sinon j'ai pas check les hitsounds mais de ce que j'ai entendu il pourraient vraiment être amélioré. Notamment les finish qui sont un peu random a certains passage et qui manquent à d'autres.

Aussi fait attention à tes sliders. Lorsque tu veux faire une forme simple utilise els slider à 3 points c'est essentiel!!!!!!

Sinon pour les pattern c'est très inconsistant. La hard a de bons pattern, la normal alterne entre des bons pattern et du random mais je suppose que les bons patterns sont du remapping et que le reste est ce qui reste de la diff avant qu'elle soit moddée. Et la insane c'est à peu près pareil.

En tout cas je te conseille vraiment de retravaillé ces points. Je ne pense pas que ta map est prête pour les BAT mais si tu doutes encore tu peux toujours demander à gabe par exemple (ou a un autre bat) de faire un testpaly rapide.

Bon, en espérant que ça t'as aidé et pas découragé :)
Hi HeShu

Topic Starter
And let's go for revival and modding again :D
Topic Starter

-Man wrote:

Hi HeShu

Sorry sir, I don't understand what you mean by "Fix", be more precise
Topic Starter

HeShu wrote:

Ohhhh le bon gros bébé !
Bon tu imagine bien que je vais moddé ma map par petit bout pour ne rien rater comme toi ^^

rezoons wrote:

Salut ^^,

Voilà mon mod comme promis:

  1. Pourquoi ne pas mapper jusqu'au bout? Il te manque à peine 10 secondes et en plus c'est cette partie qui est surement la plus épique alors ça fait bizarre de la voir pas mappée. Honnêtement, je suis très embêté avec la fin de ma map, je ne sais pas trop quoi en faire. Mais je vais y réfléchir
  2. Normal HP-1 et OD-1 pour équilibrer avec la hard et la easy.
Plop de fait !

[Ami's Easy]
  1. I refuse to mod people who don't respond to the mod and since i didn't see you responding to any. I'm not modding this.
Bon, un mod en moins à faire ^^

  1. 00:33:953 (1) - Je ne comprend pas l'intéret du grand slider ici. Il y a énormément de rythme ici qui passe à la trappe à cause de ça. Ce genre de gros slider n'est que rarement utilisée à la place d'un spinner lorsqu'un son est maintenue pendant longtemps donc voir un slider pareil ici ça fait très random. Voila un exemple de rythme que tu aurais pu utiliser:
    Très bon point
  2. 00:36:680 (5) - Remplace la note par un slider de longueur 2 temps? Tu suis la voix et vu que cette note est maintenue pendant 2 temps il vaut mieux mettre un slider ça correspondra mieux à la chanson. bonne idée
  3. 00:39:407 (1) - Comme pour 00:33:953. Pourquoi pas:
    Je le trouve bon celui là
  4. 00:47:419 (4) - Remplace par un slider jusqu'à 00:47:930? Puisque c'est jusque là que la note est maintenue dans la musique. Bonne idée
  5. 01:05:657 (1) - Pourquoi un spinner ici. Tu pourrais très bien mappé cette partie là puisqu'il y a beaucoup de vocals et d'instru. Rien ne justifie un spinner ici. Comparé à, par exemple 01:13:498 (1), qui lui est très bien justifié puisqu'il suit la voix qui maintien un son. D'ailleurs t'aurais très bien pu mettre a la place du spinner un de tes random long slider ici ça serait passé sans problème! Oh, feignant que je suis... je vais mapper tout ca !
  6. 01:17:248 - ajoute une note ici. Le trou de 3/2 entre les notes est très complexe à joué pour une normal et est en général à éviter s'il n'est pas bien justifié par la musique. Ce qui n'est pas le cas ici car la voix chante une note ici donc il en faut une! Oh, rajouté :)
    01:22:873 (1) - Interdiction aux 1/4 dans une normal! Même en slider avec reverse. Et l'excuse du "mais je veux suivre la voix parfaitement ne tiens pas" car tu ne respectes pas du tout cette règle à de nombreux endroits de la map (genre 00:57:135 (5) et tout les autres longs sliders par exemple). D'ailleurs tu n'as pas mis le 1/4 à 01:59:691 (1). Je veux bien que ce soit interdit, mais j'ai rien de mieux pour cette partie
    01:27:135 (1,2) - Utilise plutôt ce rythme, ça concorde beaucoup mieux:
    Je préfère mon rythme
  7. 01:30:032 (2,3,4) - Ta diff à tellement peu de 1/2 que ça fait vraiment bizarre de voir ça. Ca créé un énorme pic de difficulté qui est plutôt désagréable à jouer. Reregarde le début de ta map qui n'a quasiment aucun 1/2 et tu verras qu'il y a beaucoup de 1/2 dans les vocals que tu as justement skippé alors mieux vaut faire pareil ici et changele rythme afin de rendre le pattern plus simple.Je trouve qu'un pic de difficulté est toujours nécessaire. Je ne peux pas prendre toutes les vocals en compte toujours, je fais des erreurs après tout :o
  8. 01:32:589 (1) - Commence le 1/2 beat plus tôt car c'est là que le chanteur commence à crié (ralenti la chanson si tu me croit pas) Fait
  9. 01:34:294 (1,2,3,4) - Alors là ca ne suit pas du tout la voix bizarrement alors que tu la suit depuis le début. Fait plutôt ça:
    Je ne suis pas que la voix, mais les drums et la basse aussi
  10. 02:03:953 (1,2,3,1) - La musique répète 2 fois la même chose et tu utilises 2 rythme radicalement différent. Pourquoi? Retire le slider et utilise un rythme similaire à 02:03:953 (1,2,3). Je ne te dis pas de forcement utilisé le même mais au moins un truc qui ressemble.Parce que je n'aime pas trop me répéter dans mon mappage
  11. 02:21:680 (5) - Rajoutes une fleche? Le chanteur fini la note à 02:22:703. Oui !
  12. 02:25:430 - Rajoute une note ici ainsi qu'à 02:25:771. Bizarrement tu l'as fait dans la insane mais pas ici. C'est vraiment bizarre pourtant c'est des notes puissantes et qui doivent être jouées.
Je m'en occuperais
  1. 00:32:589 (2,1) - Overlap pas très joli. reglé
  2. 00:41:453 (2) - Ta donné une forme un peu bizarre à ton slider. Il a l'air un peu "cassé" au bout. Essaye de donné une forme plus arrondie. modifié
  3. 00:48:953 (3) - Pas très joli. Les sliders à 3 points font automatiquement de belles courbes donc essaye de les utilisés au plus possible dans ce genre de cas.réglé
  4. 00:53:044 (4) - ^ (etc....) réglé
  5. 02:06:510 (1,2) - Mauvais sapcing (x0.87 au lieu de x1.0) fait
  6. 01:39:748 (2) - Bouge la note à x=244 y=80 pour la double blanket. Fait
  7. 01:43:328 (4) - Cette fois le slider est bien justifié musicalement, félicitation! Par contre utilise un slider a 3 points, c'est bien plus joli:
  1. 00:58:839 (1,1) - Il y a un NC de trop ici. Le combos de longueurs 1 sont en général assez rare dans les normal et ne sont là que si il y a quelque chose de particulier dans la chanson ce qui n'est pas le cas ici.

  1. 00:29:862 - Pourquoi pas de note ici? La voix chante une note comme pour 00:29:691 (6,1,2,3,4). ok
  2. 00:32:589 (4) - Commence le slider 1/2 beat plus tôt. C'est là que le chanteur commence à crier. ok
  3. 00:35:998 (1) - Rajoute une flèche à la fin du slider car le chanteur maintien la note finale pendant ces 2 beats. oui
  4. 00:41:964 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Ce rtyhme ne suit vraiment rien. J'ai beau écouté je vois vraiment pas pourquoi t'as fait ça. Ici c'est plus l'endroit pour mettre un spinner comme en normal. en effet
  5. 00:44:862 (1,2,3) - Pourquoi il n'y a pas de note sur les 1/2 entre les notes déja mise? Tu as plutôt l'habitude de les mettre comme pour 00:49:975 (1,2,3) ou 00:29:691 (6,1,2,3,4). Mieux vaut avoir une logique de mapping constant ou la map parait random. Je suis d'accord
  6. 00:49:294 - Met un slider de longueur 1/2 ici? Pourquoi ignorer ces notes très puissante? Surtout que tu as déja montré que tu suivais quelquefois l'instru lorsqu'il n'y avait pas de voix. Tout à fait d'accord
  7. 01:00:544 (3,5,7) - Si tu écoutes bien tu entendras que ces sliders commencent 1/2 beat trop tôt. La voix commence sur le red tick! Très bien entendu :O
  8. 01:05:316 (1) - Ok, le slider est joli je suis d'accord mais ce n'est pas "on créé le pattern et on essaye de le faire coller au rythme de la musique d'une façon ou d'une autre" mais c'est "on utilise le rythme de la musique et ses contraintes pour créé les patterns donc ton slider, aussi joli soit it, n'a rien à faire ici et tu dois mapper cet endroit normalement. Non je garderais mon calamard
  9. 01:35:998 (5) - Comme pour 00:35:998. Oui
  10. 01:45:203 (2,2) - C'était bien parti, tes gros sliders commençaient à être justifié par la musique mais non tu as recraqué! Donc retire-les et utilises le vrai rythme. Et si jamais tu persistes a les garder au moins transforme les en slider a 3 points ce sera vachement plus joli et fait les terminer 1/2 beat plus tard car écoute bien la musique c'est là qu'ils doivent terminer. 3points mon général !
  11. 01:59:691 - Non mais là t'as le droit d'utiliser 1/4 alors vas-y! Fait un triplet! Triplet !
  12. 02:08:385 (1) - Retire le spinner et mappe cette partie-là. Le spinner n'a rien à faire ici. Bien compris
  13. 02:19:975 - Rajoute une note ici. Oui
  14. 02:25:430 - Rajoute les 2 notes de fin. Oui
  1. 00:32:078 (3) - Courbe le sldier pour éviter l'overlap pas très esthétique et faire une blanket à la place. Remappé
  2. 01:03:271 (7) - Oriente ce slider dans le sens opposé ca fera plus joli pour le pattern et ça donnera un bien meilleur flow. Moddifié
  3. 01:39:407 (3,4) - Pourquoi un spacing si petit (x0.86)? Je trouve que ca colle bien à cette partie
  4. 01:41:794 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
  5. 01:53:044 (1,1) - Le stack est pas bon. good
  6. 01:58:498 (4) - La forme bizarroïde de ce slider n'est pas du tout justifié. Fait un slider normal ici. Ca colle au petit vibrato du chanteur
  1. 01:35:998 (5) - Tu avais mis un NC à 00:35:998 qui est un endroit complètement identique dans la musique.
  1. Le titre de la diff est vraiment bizarre. Pourquoi ne pas l'apeller insane tout simplement?
  1. Trop de problème de rythme, je ne peux pas là.
  1. 01:50:316 (1) - Ok, cette fois le placement du slider est bien justifié. Malheureusement c'est totalement unrankable car l’accélération est violente et injustifiée. On sent qu'elle est là juste pour pouvoir casé le slider et rien d'autre ce qui n'est pas bon.
Bon, au cas où tu ne l'est pas compris ton défaut majeur c'est le !!!!!RYTHME!!!!! Tu dois créé tes patterns en fonction de la musique et non créé tes pattern d'abord et essayer de les faire coller quelque part après cela pose sinon de nombreux problème. Je te conseille vraiment de revoir completement le rythme utilisé dans toutes tes diffs car il est vraiment chaotique à certains moment. Je pense avoir corrigé le plus gros de la normal et hard mais il reste encore quelques problèmes plus mineurs. Quand à la insane elle est bourée de problème de rythme, serieux recheck là mais au ralenti (75% et 50%) et tu verras.

Sinon j'ai pas check les hitsounds mais de ce que j'ai entendu il pourraient vraiment être amélioré. Notamment les finish qui sont un peu random a certains passage et qui manquent à d'autres.

Aussi fait attention à tes sliders. Lorsque tu veux faire une forme simple utilise els slider à 3 points c'est essentiel!!!!!!

Sinon pour les pattern c'est très inconsistant. La hard a de bons pattern, la normal alterne entre des bons pattern et du random mais je suppose que les bons patterns sont du remapping et que le reste est ce qui reste de la diff avant qu'elle soit moddée. Et la insane c'est à peu près pareil.

En tout cas je te conseille vraiment de retravaillé ces points. Je ne pense pas que ta map est prête pour les BAT mais si tu doutes encore tu peux toujours demander à gabe par exemple (ou a un autre bat) de faire un testpaly rapide.

Bon, en espérant que ça t'as aidé et pas découragé :)
Topic Starter
Huge modding of hitsound + Kiai added + Hitsound volume and style modified for consistence
50=>40% and 70% => 60%
alright lets see

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

I would like you to reconsider your normal sample slider whistle usage. Some times it might fit the song to a certain degree, but most of the time its just added noise and feels vastly unnecessary. I'd suggest you remove all of them and leave the emphasis to slider starts/ends
im also a bit iffy about the timing at some places, see if you can get a good timer to verify this

[Ami's Easy]
00:42:816 (1,2) - avoid the overlap here, make it look like 00:43:498 (2,3)
00:59:862 (2) - NC here instead of 00:59:521 (1)
01:12:816 (2) - stack this on 01:10:089 (4) for a better reverse effect
01:22:703 (3) - missed a clap
01:33:953 (1,2) - form it like this for a cleaner pattern: 01:46:907 (4,5) - the blanketing here can be done better
01:53:044 - add a note here, or drag the break to start here, the effect would be better (use soft sample if you add a note)
02:25:089 (1,2,3,4,5) - i think its better if you flip this vertically so 02:25:771 (2) will not be partially blocked. remember to adjust distance spacing

clap patterns are a bit messy, remember that claps sounds best if you keep them on the 2/4th white line in each measure
00:28:498 (1) - NC is not needed
00:57:135 (5) - use a 3 point slider here, would look better compared to 4 points
01:01:907 (1,2,3) - i would map this like 01:04:975 (1,2,3), mostly because there is not much emphasis on 01:01:907
01:07:362 (1,2) - this may confuse some players due to its larger spacing and partial overlap, ctrl+g on 01:08:044 (2) and readjust spacing on this pattern
01:11:112 (2,3) - how bout this rhythm instead: 01:22:873 (1) - don't use 1/4 sliders on a normal; its not only hard to read but also poses problems in taiko conversions
01:30:544 (3,4) - try a rhythm like this: 01:43:328 (4) - the blanket here could be done better
01:50:316 (1) - remove the finish on this, doesnt really fit imo
02:05:146 (1) - remove NC
02:09:407 (1) - multiple repeats might raise some confusion for players at this level, better to split this into 2 normal sliders
02:21:680 (5) - ^

00:32:419 (4,5,6) - this pattern is very hard to read under this AR, either remove the middle note or use normal spacing
00:54:407 - add a note here feels better, try stacking on top of 00:54:578 (1)
00:59:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this section plays really bad, mostly because there is an ambiguous number of repeats, forcing players to read approach circles instead of following the actual song. Might want to remap it to something less confusing
01:10:089 (1,3) - these two sliders can also be mapped with a simpler rhythm (e.g. circles on white line or 1/1 sliders), it will just be easier to follow and more appropriate for a hard
01:26:112 (5) - make this turn the other way would flow better 01:33:953 (2) - NC here instead of 01:32:589 (1)
01:43:328 (2) - this sounds better if you ended it at 01:44:691
01:59:691 (5) - add NC here, combo number gets a bit big
02:08:725 (6,7,8) - map it with this rhythm instead: 02:25:430 (1,2) - might want to have some symmetry here

01:00:203 (2,3,4) - use normal spacing here would be more appropriate
01:03:612 (4,5,6) - same here, its easy to misread this as 1/2 spaced
01:08:385 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - this doesnt really work here; first of all the stream is following nothing in the music, which makes it incredibly hard to hit properly, and the slider is skipping over a lot of strong beats in the music. suggesting a remap here with a more appropriate rhythm
01:14:862 - this is actually a good place to put a stream instead of the spinner, basically from 01:14:862 up until the start of the kiai to make up for deleting the previous stream
01:27:475 (2) - this doesnt really flow that well, i would move it more to the left
01:29:095 - add a note here to follow the same rhythm as 01:27:731 (3)
01:33:271 (1) - remove this NC and add it on 01:33:953 (2); then remove NC on 01:34:294 (1) as well
01:38:725 (1,2) - one more repeat on 01:38:725 (1), and start 01:38:981 (2) at 01:39:066
01:50:316 (1) - although this give a cool visual effect, it is incredibly hard to follow the slider properly at this SV; keep the sv below 1.25x (you can resize the slider via ctrl+shift+s to keep it snapped)
01:53:555 (2,2,2) - these should all have an extra repeat to catch the vocals
02:02:609 (1) - unsnapped circle and green line
02:09:066 (5) - make this into a 1/2 slider to catch the sound at 02:09:237

I hate to say this, but even if you applied everything i said, the map still needs more work to be deemed as rankable by today's standards. You might want to consider remapping some parts of your diffs, especially sliders with old beizer curves and some rhythms that are hard to read/play. Also get play tests from people who do not map/mod; player opinion is valuable and sometimes are worth more than a mod like this. You can use the channel #modhelp in game to find some others to try your map as well, and if you have any questions feel free to pm me. Good Luck ><
Topic Starter

Erm... I know what my week-end will be used for :(
Hm. Don't give up, after you fixed the stuff he mentioned, we can try to make it look a bit more clean. Jonathan; also consider that it's his first map, and personally I wouldn't say mods help too much. It's just the map being like this. Let's just try our best to polish it as good as we can, and then give it a try!

01:09:237 (11) - Insane; make this one nicer already xD
Topic Starter
Since you gaved me an huge mod ( :) ) I will mod little by little !
We go !

jonathanlfj wrote:

alright lets see

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

I did change it, looks better now !
I would like you to reconsider your normal sample slider whistle usage. Some times it might fit the song to a certain degree, but most of the time its just added noise and feels vastly unnecessary. I'd suggest you remove all of them and leave the emphasis to slider starts/ends
I don't know how to use them, so deleting them is the easiest way to deal with them
im also a bit iffy about the timing at some places, see if you can get a good timer to verify this
Already checked by - Umi - and Shiro (page 1 and 3)

[Ami's Easy]
00:42:816 (1,2) - avoid the overlap here, make it look like 00:43:498 (2,3) Done
00:59:862 (2) - NC here instead of 00:59:521 (1) Done
01:12:816 (2) - stack this on 01:10:089 (4) for a better reverse effect Done
01:22:703 (3) - missed a clap Fixed
01:33:953 (1,2) - form it like this for a cleaner pattern: I did my best
01:46:907 (4,5) - the blanketing here can be done better Fixed
01:53:044 - add a note here, or drag the break to start here, the effect would be better (use soft sample if you add a note) I made a blanket
02:25:089 (1,2,3,4,5) - i think its better if you flip this vertically so 02:25:771 (2) will not be partially blocked. remember to adjust distance spacing Changed

clap patterns are a bit messy, remember that claps sounds best if you keep them on the 2/4th white line in each measure
00:28:498 (1) - NC is not needed Fixed
00:57:135 (5) - use a 3 point slider here, would look better compared to 4 points Done
01:01:907 (1,2,3) - i would map this like 01:04:975 (1,2,3), mostly because there is not much emphasis on 01:01:907 It's the characters presentation opening, it does need emphasis imo
01:07:362 (1,2) - this may confuse some players due to its larger spacing and partial overlap, ctrl+g on 01:08:044 (2) and readjust spacing on this pattern Done
01:11:112 (2,3) - how bout this rhythm instead: Modified and added a reverse-flow end
01:22:873 (1) - don't use 1/4 sliders on a normal; its not only hard to read but also poses problems in taiko conversions Modified and gived it an anchor form, ugh ugh ~~
01:30:544 (3,4) - try a rhythm like this: Had to fully remap the pattern
01:43:328 (4) - the blanket here could be done better Fixed
01:50:316 (1) - remove the finish on this, doesnt really fit imo Done
02:05:146 (1) - remove NC Done
02:09:407 (1) - multiple repeats might raise some confusion for players at this level, better to split this into 2 normal sliders Done
02:21:680 (5) - ^ Done

00:32:419 (4,5,6) - this pattern is very hard to read under this AR, either remove the middle note or use normal spacing Done
00:54:407 - add a note here feels better, try stacking on top of 00:54:578 (1) done
00:59:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this section plays really bad, mostly because there is an ambiguous number of repeats, forcing players to read approach circles instead of following the actual song. Might want to remap it to something less confusing Done
01:10:089 (1,3) - these two sliders can also be mapped with a simpler rhythm (e.g. circles on white line or 1/1 sliders), it will just be easier to follow and more appropriate for a hard modified
01:26:112 (5) - make this turn the other way would flow better True
01:33:953 (2) - NC here instead of 01:32:589 (1) Done
01:43:328 (2) - this sounds better if you ended it at 01:44:691 True
01:59:691 (5) - add NC here, combo number gets a bit big Done
02:08:725 (6,7,8) - map it with this rhythm instead: Done
02:25:430 (1,2) - might want to have some symmetry here Done

01:00:203 (2,3,4) - use normal spacing here would be more appropriate Done
01:03:612 (4,5,6) - same here, its easy to misread this as 1/2 spaced Done
01:08:385 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - this doesnt really work here; first of all the stream is following nothing in the music, which makes it incredibly hard to hit properly, and the slider is skipping over a lot of strong beats in the music. suggesting a remap here with a more appropriate rhythm Done
01:14:862 - this is actually a good place to put a stream instead of the spinner, basically from 01:14:862 up until the start of the kiai to make up for deleting the previous stream I think it's my most beautifull stream <3
01:27:475 (2) - this doesnt really flow that well, i would move it more to the left Fixed
01:29:095 - add a note here to follow the same rhythm as 01:27:731 (3) Done
01:33:271 (1) - remove this NC and add it on 01:33:953 (2); then remove NC on 01:34:294 (1) as well Done
01:38:725 (1,2) - one more repeat on 01:38:725 (1), and start 01:38:981 (2) at 01:39:066 done
01:50:316 (1) - although this give a cool visual effect, it is incredibly hard to follow the slider properly at this SV; keep the sv below 1.25x (you can resize the slider via ctrl+shift+s to keep it snapped) Remapped <3
01:53:555 (2,2,2) - these should all have an extra repeat to catch the vocals Done
02:02:609 (1) - unsnapped circle and green line Corrected
02:09:066 (5) - make this into a 1/2 slider to catch the sound at 02:09:237 Done

I hate to say this, but even if you applied everything i said, the map still needs more work to be deemed as rankable by today's standards. You might want to consider remapping some parts of your diffs, especially sliders with old beizer curves and some rhythms that are hard to read/play. Also get play tests from people who do not map/mod; player opinion is valuable and sometimes are worth more than a mod like this. You can use the channel #modhelp in game to find some others to try your map as well, and if you have any questions feel free to pm me. Good Luck ><
Ugh :o
Ohhh sweet lord this modding is done, let's make it modded and played :D
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

Hm. Don't give up, after you fixed the stuff he mentioned, we can try to make it look a bit more clean. Jonathan; also consider that it's his first map, and personally I wouldn't say mods help too much. It's just the map being like this. Let's just try our best to polish it as good as we can, and then give it a try!

01:09:237 (11) - Insane; make this one nicer already xD
This part will be heavily modded and remapped but you're right <3


Some testing occured :

Name: Passed ; Name: Failed; Name: Relax or can't spec
mathis72700,Barhunga, giver07,LoxxedSecretpipe,Lancelot, Septembre, Mao-sama, Endemic, Kouhai, theNightRabbit, Tsuchimikadoi, Myself, Ef - Funatari, Ayu (Insane)
Blissfullyoshi, PhilanorUltra,xRow3,Lancelot,Nikeas, Yostel (Normal)
Metal,PhilanorUltraxRow3,PetiaTvorog,Lancelot (Easy)

No big problem, Mao-sama, Kouhaii, TheNightRabbit, Tsuchimikadoi and myself passed the spine streams. I think it's legit for top tier player and crazy streamers :)

According to Yostel the insane auto-convert is great to play

Septembre : 01:13:498 Spine stream should have less spin Without spine it wouldn't be a spin stream
Tsuchimikado : 00:39:407 (1,2,3) should be nearer Looks better indeed
Ef - Funatari : The offset may be wrong No, already time modded and BAT approved
Lancelot & Secretpipe : Oldschool and insane just a quicker hard This feeling is because I DO map like old fashion, but with modern tool. (proud of it <3)
Ayu : Timing of + random pattern + CS4 instead Timing is not off (checked twice), pattern aren't random and No CS 4 on my map, be an aimer not a speeder.
PetiaTvorog : Easy is great
Giver07: CS4 one insane would be better. Old style of mapping so old cs style :)
; But good map (Insane)
xRow3: Liked very much easy and normal
Barhunga : Bigger circles and higher AR to be like modern map. ^ ; But well beat mapped <3
PhilanorUltra: Liked it and want to SS it
mathis72700: Hitsound should not cover that much instru, so we don't loose rythm It's 40%, can't go lower :(
Blissfullyoshi : Normal have illegal slider (unrakable), and map screwed up ( :o )

Personal modification :
00:35:316 Ligned it with (4)
Hello ^^

Insane only as you requested

00:45:544 (5) - distance snap this like the previous notes. its a bit too close
00:59:862 (1,2) - ugly overlap and the spacing does not match the timeline note snap. nothing special sounds to put it so close.Also the next notes have less time apart and they are spaced further. so it is a bit confusing.
01:27:135 (1,2,3,4) - this kinda breaks the flow. :/ - make it more convenient like this maybe : 01:31:907 (10,1) - blanket it better( don't let it touch) . my OCD sense it tingling :P
01:38:725 (1,2) - looks so sudden, coz the rest of the map is not mapped that style. 2 options i suggest. put put it closer so it touched like the rest of the 1/4 notes or at least ctrl+g
01:50:316 (1,1) - ugly overlap and breaks the flow . make it more appealing and fix the flow
02:09:237 (6) - sounds wrong. 02:09:833 - the reverse point here doesn't match the beat. 1/4 randomness :/ i suggest you split it like this. this is the correct rhythm imo, : 02:23:044 (1) - could make it end here : 02:24:748 - so you could add a note here : 02:25:089 - to match the 3 final beats ;)

1 more thing. go easy on the color combo. looks kinda random ( long, short combo colors out of the blue.) try re arranging it. i cant post it , since it requires imo to change from the beginning and it would keep going like domino one after another. :P

Wish you good luck ;)
Feel free to always ask my in IRC

Topic Starter

Ntasuto wrote:

Hello ^^

Insane only as you requested

00:45:544 (5) - distance snap this like the previous notes. its a bit too close Fixed
00:59:862 (1,2) - ugly overlap and the spacing does not match the timeline note snap. nothing special sounds to put it so close.Also the next notes have less time apart and they are spaced further. so it is a bit confusing. Fixed!
01:27:135 (1,2,3,4) - this kinda breaks the flow. :/ - make it more convenient like this maybe : Great idea
01:31:907 (10,1) - blanket it better( don't let it touch) . my OCD sense it tingling :P Done !
01:38:725 (1,2) - looks so sudden, coz the rest of the map is not mapped that style. 2 options i suggest. put put it closer so it touched like the rest of the 1/4 notes or at least ctrl+g Took last solution and fixed alignment
01:50:316 (1,1) - ugly overlap and breaks the flow . make it more appealing and fix the flow They were no other way... kill the squid :'(
02:09:237 (6) - sounds wrong. 02:09:833 - the reverse point here doesn't match the beat. 1/4 randomness :/ i suggest you split it like this. this is the correct rhythm imo, : It's not matched to the beat, but the inflexion of the singer voice. On the reverse you can clearly hear the singer lowering the "AhhhAhhh" tone.
02:23:044 (1) - could make it end here : 02:24:748 - so you could add a note here : 02:25:089 - to match the 3 final beats ;) For me the end of the circle is a beat :3

1 more thing. go easy on the color combo. looks kinda random ( long, short combo colors out of the blue.) try re arranging it. i cant post it , since it requires imo to change from the beginning and it would keep going like domino one after another. :P7
In fact all combo are based on a modification. The only exception is the spine streams in order to make it more beautifull and easier to read :3

Wish you good luck ;)
Feel free to always ask my in IRC


Thank you !!
I got pulled in for a test play for a Normal diff and see this horrible thing. Just going to do a quick mod of normal so the mapper knows how to fix it.

First off, please get a better video. The current one looks pixelated.

Seriously 8 spinners with a 1 white tick between it and the next note is pretty evil to beginniners and makes a fairly boring/annoying map overall
00:32:589 (2) - blanket the end of 00:31:566 (1) or don't attempt a blanket like shape at all
00:33:271 (3) - blanket the end of 00:32:589 (2) better (imperfect)
Not going to mention too many more blanketing fixes, but you really need to fix these blankets
00:54:748 (1) - unrankable slider (not allowed to have unreadable wiggles like in the intro)
00:58:839 (1) - make this blanket the end of 00:57:135 (5) or don't have them interact at all
01:00:885 (1,1) - these might look nicer if they blanket each other
01:28:328 (5,6) - while you might be aiming for symmetry overlapping the middle of the slider like that looks terrible imo
01:42:475 (2,4) - another unneeded overlap
02:05:146 (1,1) - ^

I feel like I might be overreacting a bit, but the spinners are really getting to me. Adding on a bad video + bad blankets + overlaps, this map just makes me an unhappy player.
Topic Starter

blissfulyoshi wrote:

I got pulled in for a test play for a Normal diff and see this horrible thing. Just going to do a quick mod of normal so the mapper knows how to fix it.

First off, please get a better video. The current one looks pixelated.
Hard to get a better one, I did try before but the video size outweighted the 20mo limit. I'm actually at 16,668mo and I doubt 3mo would change a lot

Seriously 8 spinners with a 1 white tick between it and the next note is pretty evil to beginniners and makes a fairly boring/annoying map overall
00:32:589 (2) - blanket the end of 00:31:566 (1) or don't attempt a blanket like shape at all did my best to improve it
00:33:271 (3) - blanket the end of 00:32:589 (2) better (imperfect) did my best to improve it
Not going to mention too many more blanketing fixes, but you really need to fix these blankets did my best to improve it
00:54:748 (1) - unrankable slider (not allowed to have unreadable wiggles like in the intro) Remapped
00:58:839 (1) - make this blanket the end of 00:57:135 (5) or don't have them interact at all Fixed
01:00:885 (1,1) - these might look nicer if they blanket each other done
01:28:328 (5,6) - while you might be aiming for symmetry overlapping the middle of the slider like that looks terrible imo Ctrl+J and it's better
01:42:475 (2,4) - another unneeded overlap Needed to give the feeling of closing the blanket imo
02:05:146 (1,1) - ^ Fixed

I feel like I might be overreacting a bit, but the spinners are really getting to me. Adding on a bad video + bad blankets + overlaps, this map just makes me an unhappy player.
That's why I ask for test/mod. In the end it's my first map is "screwing it" seems normal since i'm beginning in mapping
Here we go \o/ j'essaie de moder suite à ta demande. et je vais faire un peu la hard.

  1. CS5, vraiment nécessaire ? Je préférerai CS4
  2. 00:27:816 (2) - courber le slider ? pour rendre le flow plus naturel
  3. 00:32:419 (4) - la forme de ce slider peut être améliorée
  4. 00:32:419 (4,5) - le changement de spacing se lit plutôt mal
  5. 00:33:953 (1,2,3,4) - tu peux mieux jouer avec les courbes des sliders, ça se joue mieux
  6. 00:44:862 (1,2,3,4,5) - tu peux avoir beaucoup plus de précision ici! soit aligne, soit donne un effet courbé, pas un mix imprécis entre les deux x)
    même le spacing imprécis se ressent visuellement
  7. 01:05:316 (2) - tu m as bien fait rire ici, je m attendais pas à ça ^^ très joli slider ! mais infernal à jouer :x
  8. Complètement suggestif
    01:12:816 (3) - enlève 1 répétition
    01:13:583 (1) - supprime le spinner, remplace par :
    ça fits beaucoup mieux la musique et c'est plus sympa pour arriver au kiai. (est ce adapté à la dif?)
  9. 01:25:260 - gros problème de rythme ici, écoutes à vitesse 25%
  10. Je vais m'arrêter là car la suite est un peu trop old map à mon goût, j'arriverai pas à modder :x
Tout de même, dans l'ensemble, je trouve que tu te focalises trop sur les vocals, ce qui donne un manque de fluidité au niveau gameplay. Essaie d'écouter les instrus pour faire des liaisons (drums par exemple)
Sinon t'as fait du gros boulot sur les sliders :D lol (peut être un peu trop ? :3)

Hésite pas à mp si besoin !
Tari and Kocari's Modding Queue

Here as requested sorry it took so long to get back to you but I will do my best Senpai :D


00:25:772 (1) - Long slider seems really weird and throws things off maybe try it with a spinner starting at the same place and ending at the same place. What ever floats your boat is what I'm really after. And considering this note placed next to it right after 00:27:816 (2) seems really weird and like throws off the dimension of the notes shape
00:57:816 (4,5,1) - Make sure that sequence right there is perfectly lined together or it will look strange when playing through that
01:10:771 (1,2) - Possibly just try to move those 2 notes apart instead of having them stacked like that seems really delayed to the next note but again you just sit at the same place for like a second of 2
01:16:907 (1) - ^ (Move up 1 unit)
01:29:862 (3) - Move it a bit to match the previous slider and don't worry about if they are touching or not doesn't really throw off the dimension of that sequence at all so NP :)
01:31:907 (1) - Possible have that curve a bit instead of straightening it out because it also kind of far away wraps around the next note
01:36:680 (1) - Have this arc a little more to match
01:42:135 (1,3) - Have those 2 notes more symmetrical to each other
02:05:998 (3) - Move that note a NorthEast a little to make them perfect with each other
02:13:157 (1,1,2,3) - My little sequence but yours is good too
Nothing else out of the blue so easy seems FINE TO ME! :)


00:48:612 (2) - Move it down a little more to bring it in the center of slider
01:17:419 (4) - That note should be on a white tick because red throws off the rhythm considering the previous notes before that are on white ticks as well
so change that to a white tick slider and just move things around and you should be good
01:22:873 (1,2,3,4) - Why note have it like this because before the 2 notes on a normal difficulty like that seems quite hard
01:30:032 (2) - Again like before why note have it like this
01:47:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Sequence seems a bit challenging to hit notes and time those for a normal difficulty so this is what I revised it to be
02:25:771 (2,1) - Why note add a spinner like this
Nothing else out of the ordinary so normal successful!


Just wanted to start off by saying how about changing the Circle Size to 4?
00:36:680 - Break should start around here because the continuation of that repeat slider doesn't go with anything in the song
00:47:760 (5) - Try to move that note a little more spaced out it is a hard difficulty and people wouldn't expect a note to be that close because if they doubletime and the notes are that close they would generally hit it sooner than expected because it's still going off with the same color sequence
01:03:100 (2,3,4,5,6) - Why not try something like this out
01:05:316 (2) - Love the shape of that :o
01:21:339 (3,1,2,1) - Try something like this because that (2) note was a blanketed weirdly so this looks better because it repeats the same pattern
01:22:703 (1,2,1,2,1) - Hard to show you my sequence so I'll break it down into 2-3 pictures and again this didn't use distance snapper so I just went with it for this one during the song next is and 01:25:430 (2,3,4) - should be spread out in the center like this using distance snapper
01:34:635 (2) - Move this a little bit to the left and arc curve a little bit for symmetry like this
01:34:464 (2) - Like before have a note here possibly
01:42:987 (1) - Why not put that note in the center of the slider nothing is being effected so why not?
02:25:941 - Put a slider here ending here 02:27:816 like before

Insane wasn't my specialty so I stopped there. Other than that One Piece sure has quite a song in it :) Hope I did well modding for you and thanks again for asking I tried my best :)
Topic Starter
Time to MOD and remmap! Yearrr !

I wiill both treat you in the same post to save room here. Jethh, tu sera au milieu du mod de Kacori, sur le hard.

Let's have fun <3

Kocari wrote:

Tari and Kocari's Modding Queue

Here as requested sorry it took so long to get back to you but I will do my best Senpai :D
You're the best <3


00:25:772 (1) - Long slider seems really weird and throws things off maybe try it with a spinner starting at the same place and ending at the same place. What ever floats your boat is what I'm really after. And considering this note placed next to it right after 00:27:816 (2) seems really weird and like throws off the dimension of the notes shape True, now it's a spinner with a slider on the trumpet instead
00:57:816 (4,5,1) - Make sure that sequence right there is perfectly lined together or it will look strange when playing through that Sure it is now
01:10:771 (1,2) - Possibly just try to move those 2 notes apart instead of having them stacked like that seems really delayed to the next note but again you just sit at the same place for like a second of 2 humm... I moved it
01:16:907 (1) - ^ (Move up 1 unit) Checked symmetry
01:29:862 (3) - Move it a bit to match the previous slider and don't worry about if they are touching or not doesn't really throw off the dimension of that sequence at all so NP :) Remmaped
01:31:907 (1) - Possible have that curve a bit instead of straightening it out because it also kind of far away wraps around the next note Remmaped
01:36:680 (1) - Have this arc a little more to match I prefer it this way :3
01:42:135 (1,3) - Have those 2 notes more symmetrical to each other done
02:05:998 (3) - Move that note a NorthEast a little to make them perfect with each other Done
02:13:157 (1,1,2,3) - My little sequence but yours is good too Everyone have different taste :3
Nothing else out of the blue so easy seems FINE TO ME! :)
Also get rid of three overlapping I didn't noticed before O_o


00:48:612 (2) - Move it down a little more to bring it in the center of slider Done
01:17:419 (4) - That note should be on a white tick because red throws off the rhythm considering the previous notes before that are on white ticks as well
so change that to a white tick slider and just move things around and you should be good Better on the actual way
01:22:873 (1,2,3,4) - Why note have it like this because before the 2 notes on a normal difficulty like that seems quite hard It's not hard to catch it for beginner, got it tested, no fail on it
01:30:032 (2) - Again like before why note have it like this ^
01:47:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Sequence seems a bit challenging to hit notes and time those for a normal difficulty so this is what I revised it to be I do'nt agree, it looks hard but it's easy, just need to have a 1 tick rythm. No trick, no combo breaking
02:25:771 (2,1) - Why note add a spinner like this Because it's two strong trumpet sound, not a long drum roll
Nothing else out of the ordinary so normal successful!


Just wanted to start off by saying how about changing the Circle Size to 4?
00:36:680 - Break should start around here because the continuation of that repeat slider doesn't go with anything in the song Agree
00:47:760 (5) - Try to move that note a little more spaced out it is a hard difficulty and people wouldn't expect a note to be that close because if they doubletime and the notes are that close they would generally hit it sooner than expected because it's still going off with the same color sequence Fixed
01:03:100 (2,3,4,5,6) - Why not try something like this out Remap
01:05:316 (2) - Love the shape of that :o <3
01:21:339 (3,1,2,1) - Try something like this because that (2) note was a blanketed weirdly so this looks better because it repeats the same pattern
01:22:703 (1,2,1,2,1) - Hard to show you my sequence so I'll break it down into 2-3 pictures and again this didn't use distance snapper so I just went with it for this one during the song next is and 01:25:430 (2,3,4) - should be spread out in the center like this using distance snapper Remapped
01:34:635 (2) - Move this a little bit to the left and arc curve a little bit for symmetry like this
01:34:464 (2) - Like before have a note here possibly
01:42:987 (1) - Why not put that note in the center of the slider nothing is being effected so why not? You're right
02:25:941 - Put a slider here ending here 02:27:816 like before Same as before

Insane wasn't my specialty so I stopped there. Other than that One Piece sure has quite a song in it :) Hope I did well modding for you and thanks again for asking I tried my best :)

Jethh wrote:

Here we go \o/ j'essaie de moder suite à ta demande. et je vais faire un peu la hard.

  1. CS5, vraiment nécessaire ? Je préférerai CS4 ... Je crois que CS 5 était une mauvaise idée après tout. CS4 pour la hard !
  2. 00:27:816 (2) - courber le slider ? pour rendre le flow plus naturel Remappé
  3. 00:32:419 (4) - la forme de ce slider peut être améliorée Remap
  4. 00:32:419 (4,5) - le changement de spacing se lit plutôt mal Remap
  5. 00:33:953 (1,2,3,4) - tu peux mieux jouer avec les courbes des sliders, ça se joue mieux
  6. 00:44:862 (1,2,3,4,5) - tu peux avoir beaucoup plus de précision ici! soit aligne, soit donne un effet courbé, pas un mix imprécis entre les deux x)
    même le spacing imprécis se ressent visuellement Remap :D
  7. 01:05:316 (2) - tu m as bien fait rire ici, je m attendais pas à ça ^^ très joli slider ! mais infernal à jouer :x <3
  8. Complètement suggestif
    01:12:816 (3) - enlève 1 répétition Fait + déplacement du spinner
    01:13:583 (1) - supprime le spinner, remplace par :
    ça fits beaucoup mieux la musique et c'est plus sympa pour arriver au kiai. (est ce adapté à la dif?)Non adapté, on garde le spinner
  9. 01:25:260 - gros problème de rythme ici, écoutes à vitesse 25% En effêt, remappé
  10. Je vais m'arrêter là car la suite est un peu trop old map à mon goût, j'arriverai pas à modder :x

Tout de même, dans l'ensemble, je trouve que tu te focalises trop sur les vocals, ce qui donne un manque de fluidité au niveau gameplay. Essaie d'écouter les instrus pour faire des liaisons (drums par exemple)
Sinon t'as fait du gros boulot sur les sliders :D lol (peut être un peu trop ? :3)

Hésite pas à mp si besoin !
Thanks for all your help and modding !!!! :)
Hey, i've finished the playtest of ur map
so, here it is !

Easy =
Normal =
Hard =

sorry, i didnt post the image. got some problem with the screenshot :o
so,far so good,tho. but if i may suggest, try more to synchronize the map with the song, so it gets better :)
at some point :
Hard :
(1) 01:05:316 whats this ? this one too long and awkward for a hard diff. try to separate it to pieces and follow the song rhytm
(2) the Slider at 01:35:998 it ended at 01:37:362 try to decrease the slider end at 01:36:680 it sounds better
(3) 01:37:703 and 01:40:089 empty ? try to fill the emptiness with objects/sliders Hard diff players intent to get bored if there's an empty space while the music still on at the background.

well, thats all i can help. hope this one will be helpful :) :)
Topic Starter

Sylpheria wrote:

Hey, i've finished the playtest of ur map
so, here it is !

Easy =
Normal =
Hard =

sorry, i didnt post the image. got some problem with the screenshot :o
so,far so good,tho. but if i may suggest, try more to synchronize the map with the song, so it gets better :)
at some point :
Hard :
(1) 01:05:316 whats this ? this one too long and awkward for a hard diff. try to separate it to pieces and follow the song rhytm
That's called a slider with awesome shape. Before they were a spinner, but since I was asked to fill it, I filled it with my imagination <3
(2) the Slider at 01:35:998 it ended at 01:37:362 try to decrease the slider end at 01:36:680 it sounds better
"Gooooo" finish on 01:37:362 so no
(3) 01:37:703 and 01:40:089 empty ? try to fill the emptiness with objects/sliders Hard diff players intent to get bored if there's an empty space while the music still on at the background.
First is a break, second filled

well, thats all i can help. hope this one will be helpful :) :)
Thanks for testing :)
04:20 toybot: :o
04:20 toybot: sorry for noob play, i suck at osu standard xD
04:21 HeShu: No problem ^^
04:21 toybot: 00:30:544 (5,6) -
04:21 HeShu: (put no fail for the insane thought ;))
04:21 toybot: are you in edit
04:21 HeShu: yep
04:22 toybot: how about make 5 a 1/2 beat slider and 6 regular circle instead
04:22 toybot: it plays much better especially when single tap
04:23 HeShu: Right
04:24 toybot: 00:35:998 (1) - how about make this blanket the shape of (5)?
04:24 toybot: like this
04:26 HeShu: Nice
04:27 toybot: 00:47:589 - add a note here? it just feels awkward to wait for one whole beat for some reason
04:27 toybot: if you do that, stack the note ontop of (1)
04:27 -GN: ping
04:27 HeShu: It don't sound right imo
04:27 HeShu: pong
04:28 toybot: but theres a note there in the music
04:28 toybot: it shouldnt sound wrong
04:30 HeShu: The not is a prolongation of the singer vibrato
04:30 HeShu: if something added it should be a slider
04:31 toybot: no, theres a solid beat
04:31 toybot: its the piano
04:32 HeShu: The whole sequence is based on the vocal, I can't put the piano inside. It's a no
04:33 toybot: k
04:33 toybot: 00:47:760 (5) - and this is just for beat?
04:34 toybot: 01:11:794 (3) - oh and also missing a clap
04:34 HeShu: 5 is mostly to take 4 following. 4 ending on red tick, I need to recover the second half of the red tick
04:35 HeShu: starting on white feels not natural imo
04:35 HeShu: thanks for 01;11
04:37 toybot: hmm k
04:38 toybot: 01:18:782 (1) - add a finish? its kind of strong
04:39 HeShu: I agree
04:41 toybot: best slide
04:42 HeShu: Thank you toybot <3
04:42 toybot: 01:18:782 (1) - 01:30:203 (1) - it feels like there could be more finishes here
04:43 HeShu: Since I don't know how to "choose" finish, I prefer the simpliest hitsound
04:44 toybot: hmmk
04:45 toybot: 01:25:771 (1) - finish
04:45 toybot: 01:28:328 (3) - finish on head
04:45 toybot: those are really only the ones that are a must
04:46 HeShu: Thank you
04:47 toybot: 01:37:532 - add a break?
04:48 HeShu: I added it... but it always goes away :o
04:49 toybot: :o
04:49 toybot: huh
04:49 toybot: 02:21:680 (4) - ctrl+g
04:49 Lust: you can manually add one in the .osu
04:49 Lust: dont remember how because i havent done it in awhile
04:50 Lust: but im sure you can figure it out
04:50 toybot: break the law ;;;
04:51 toybot: ok im in insane now
04:51 toybot: 01:14:947 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and this is really overmapped....
04:52 Lust: look at you toybot
04:52 Lust: being helpful on the low
04:52 toybot: ikr
04:52 HeShu: I was asked by Jonathan to cover it by streams instead of a spinner
04:52 toybot: drum ends, so why is stream continued tho?
04:53 HeShu: To follow the voice
04:54 toybot: a spinner would follow the voice, unless the voice is 1/4th beats all the time
04:54 Lust: g'morning ike
04:55 BeatofIke: morning =_=
04:55 HeShu: I will try to keep it :3
04:55 HeShu: Good morning beatoflke
04:55 toybot: hmm k
04:55 toybot: just telling you its kind of yeah
04:56 toybot: 01:39:066 (2) - what
04:56 HeShu: Following the last guitar riff not
04:57 toybot: ??
04:57 toybot: but why does it end on blue tick? it is not good ;;
04:57 toybot: 01:39:407 - shorten it to end here
05:00 HeShu: ^My bad I took the wrong slider. Got it shortened
05:00 toybot: ah k
05:01 toybot: 02:02:589 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - make the volume of this stream to 50%, 60% is too loud
05:02 toybot: 01:59:691 (5) - oh yeah nc this btw, 9 combo feels too long of a combo in this pace of song
05:05 HeShu: Both agree above
05:07 toybot: 02:13:328 - 02:17:419 - add breaks like you did in hard?
05:08 toybot: and thats it
05:09 HeShu: :D
05:09 HeShu: Now post the savelog so you can got your kudos :D

Good luck on rank! It still needs polish, but doing good :p
Yo, testplay from my queue 8-)


00:31:566 (1) - You've overused the nodes on this slider. Please don't do this, unless there is a unique rattling-like sound of some sort (You can often find these types of sliders in DnB or Dub step sort of music).
00:39:407 (1) - ^ Same issue as a bove, and forgot to add a finish on the head.
01:27:475 (2,3,4) - Sounds really off, why the random triplet here? Please remap this part.
01:30:032 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ Remap.

Rhythm isn't completely bad, but you still should try to make it sound consistent.


Still needs a lot of fixing, but hey it's playable at least.

Didn't pass this diff, there's a lot of things that's wrong here. Please consider remapping, and focus on fixing the rhythm and flow.

Good luck.
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Yo, testplay from my queue 8-)


00:31:566 (1) - You've overused the nodes on this slider. Please don't do this, unless there is a unique rattling-like sound of some sort (You can often find these types of sliders in DnB or Dub step sort of music). Vibrato = nodes for me :)
00:39:407 (1) - ^ Same issue as a bove, and forgot to add a finish on the head. ^ + fixed
01:27:475 (2,3,4) - Sounds really off, why the random triplet here? Please remap this part. To (1) DE(2) Ki(3) Nai(4), because it follows the music
01:30:032 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ Remap. No

Rhythm isn't completely bad, but you still should try to make it sound consistent.


Still needs a lot of fixing, but hey it's playable at least. Your opinion :)

Didn't pass this diff, there's a lot of things that's wrong here. Please consider remapping, and focus on fixing the rhythm and flow.Your opinion :)

Good luck.
Thanks for testing :)

About some complaining about the hard rythm : if it's not following the music, how can i perfect hidden it ?
My test
J'ai pas finit de créer ma premiere map mais...


00:27:731 & 00:27:816 ( 2 , 3 )
00:27:987 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel )
00:29:073 & 00:29:159 ( 2 , 3 )
Remplace la fin du slider ( 1 ) de 00:29:009 à 00:28:988
00:29:350 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel )
00:30:032 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel )
00:30:714 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel )
00:50:828 ( 2 , 3 ) Tu peux mettre un slider peut être
00:54:578 Tu pourais commencer un stream 1/4 jusqu'au slider
00:56:027 Tripets 1/4 entre les deux sliders :D
01:01:055 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel )
01:03:100 & 01:03:612 Une stream de 7 combo au lieu des Triplets?
01:30:032 Fin du slider
01:43:328 Début du slider ( 7 ) 01:44:862 Fin
01:54:237 Fait quelque chose come ça ou comme ça? ( 1/8 )
01:15:643 Place ton slider correctement
01:24:549 & 01:24:634 ( 3 , 4 ) meme chose pour 02:05:913
Essais de bien placer le combo avec les sons que tu veux nous fair entendre.
Topic Starter

Lancelot wrote:

J'ai pas finit de créer ma premiere map mais...


00:27:731 & 00:27:816 ( 2 , 3 ) No,don't follow the bass
00:27:987 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel ) No,don't follow the bass
00:29:073 & 00:29:159 ( 2 , 3 ) No,don't follow the bass
Remplace la fin du slider ( 1 ) de 00:29:009 à 00:28:988 No,don't follow the bass
00:29:350 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel ) No,don't follow the bass
00:30:032 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel ) No,don't follow the bass
00:30:714 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel ) No,don't follow the bass
00:50:828 ( 2 , 3 ) Tu peux mettre un slider peut être No
00:54:578 Tu pourais commencer un stream 1/4 jusqu'au slider no
00:56:027 Tripets 1/4 entre les deux sliders :D Ne suit pas le rythme
01:01:055 Ajouer un beat ( Optionel ) Sur un 1/16 ?! Non O_o
01:03:100 & 01:03:612 Une stream de 7 combo au lieu des Triplets? Non
01:30:032 Fin du slider Non
01:43:328 Début du slider ( 7 ) 01:44:862 Fin Remmaped
01:54:237 Fait quelque chose come ça ou comme ça? ( 1/8 ) Non
01:15:643 Place ton slider correctement Fait
01:24:549 & 01:24:634 ( 3 , 4 ) meme chose pour 02:05:913 ?
Essais de bien placer le combo avec les sons que tu veux nous fair entendre.

Merci :D
Topic Starter
jumping around waiting for any more mod or a bubble :o

  1. Fix the diff spread Options, you use HP 4 on normal and hard, this is not really good. Go for something more consistent like 2/2/2, 4/5/4, 6/7/6, 7/8/7
  2. You might wanna use some Combo Colors, it's better to have some imo :P
  3. Why not mapping until the end? I think it's not really finished where you end your diffs!
  4. The hitsounds.... they're not really appealing, almost noisy. . . . I can't hitsound at all X__X I'll help you different with it, I think.
[Ami's Easy]

00:30:544 (1) - Sehr fragwürdiger flow hier o.o Versuch 00:30:544 (1) - den slider als Verbindung zwischen 00:29:180 (2,2) - zu nehmen, auch wenn das "pattern" verloren geht.
01:33:953 (1,2,3) - Nicht schön gemacht.
01:40:089 (4) - ^
02:03:953 (1,2,3) - Etwas sehr laut mit den finishes.. Denkst du es gibt was passenderes?
02:27:816 (5) - NC

Die Easy ist okay, aber es scheint ne ältere diff zu sein (denk ich?), weil ich schon viel besseres von dir gesehen habe. Vielleicht schaust du nochmal durch und hast ne bessere Idee, aber wie gesagt, es ist ok.


00:29:862 (1) - Rotate this one a bit to get a better Transition which feels more natural to Play. If possible by 10°. Adjust the next things as well, so they won't look odd, please.
00:31:566 (1) - DS
00:35:316 (3) - I suggest a NC for the new stanza and the strong beat.
00:36:680 (1) - I don't really like this stack in a normal, and it's overlap is quite weird too, could you possibly just place it as the DS tells you to do?
00:42:135 (1) - Not enough recovery time, please let it end earlier!
00:46:907 (3) - Not sure how confused normal Player will be, I mean it Ends pretty harsh on a red tick and stuff. I'd go for regular 1/1 here.
00:50:316 - This beat is really strong, it should be covered by a clickable Action. At the Moment you let a slider end on it and this effects get lost. You can do something cool with 1/2 I think. If you Need some more help with that I can help you, but try to get it yourself for now~
00:58:839 (1) - Not proper made blanket, also the flow goes nuts here. Not really sure how to solve it, because the stuff seems to be connected, but it should be fixed. 00:57:135 (6) - Maybe try another, more creative shape with this one? It might solve the Problem.
01:01:907 (1) - Basically same flow Problem as above.
01:00:885 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3) - However; the rhythm in this part is pretty broke. Of course you follow the vocals, and I like this but it's not always a good solution to do this in a lower diff, since, in my opinion, it's really important to get an ongoing rhythm with the lessest interruptions as possible. Try to connect the vocals with sliders, it helps.
01:05:998 (1,2,1,2) - DS
01:10:771 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think the same goes for here, the 1/2 is pretty awkward to Play I think.
01:13:498 (1) - Recovery time.
01:17:419 (4) - ?
01:18:271 (5,1,2) - :( Rhythm.. explained above why this is not good
01:22:362 - Yeah...
01:25:260 (1) - ^
01:28:328 (5) - I think this stack is unreadable as well; look, you've got so much space you can use, why stacking it ? Especially in a normal diff, this is just a no-go.
X_X The rest of the kiai Needs some rework as well on the rhythm.
01:45:032 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This seems pretty cool tho.. I think if it's clearly in the song and Standing there alone it works..

When are you online? In the higher diffs you got way more possibilities for rhythm, but I'm pretty strict in normal etc, we Need to rework single parts a bit, and it's not meant to be offensive, I just want to help you so you can make solid easy / normal maps within not too much time. But try to fix what you can already, maybe the suggestions above already help you for the rest.


Hard is actually pretty okay to Play~

Just some things.

00:50:657 (4) - The pattern before doesn't really compliment this slider here, it doesn't really look professional I think .. what about this? it is a jump yes but it has a pretty cool flow imo.
00:54:407 (1,2,3,4) - Try to adjust the spacing a bit, couldn't read it at first and kept missing here because the rhythm is really awkward here.. (maybe make a new rhythm then new placing xD) I'm sure you can follow something else here?
01:00:203 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try to space it a bit more, i felt really stopped while playing it
.01:02:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
01:05:316 (2) - xDD
01:10:089 (1) - don't use so many repeats :O That doesn't Sound good at all.
01:12:816 (3) - Try this rhyth mhere, it sounds way more elegant.
01:21:850 (1,2) - How on earth should this be readable, heshu pls. EVERYONE would except slider 2 on this spot: 01:22:362 - so, -1 repeat and shift 01:22:532 (2) - back.
01:35:998 (4) - Try to get a blanket so it doesn't overlap
01:39:066 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Again in this part, you should decide what you follow and not just Change your pattern, first it was instrumental, then vocals, it's inconsistent D:
02:18:953 (1,2,3,4) - I see that this pattern is nice but how is it related to the song?
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:


  1. Fix the diff spread Options, you use HP 4 on normal and hard, this is not really good. Go for something more consistent like 2/2/2, 4/5/4, 6/7/6, 7/8/7 Done
  2. You might wanna use some Combo Colors, it's better to have some imo :P Rainbow >_<
  3. Why not mapping until the end? I think it's not really finished where you end your diffs! Will be done since it's not the first time requested
  4. The hitsounds.... they're not really appealing, almost noisy. . . . I can't hitsound at all X__X I'll help you different with it, I think.
Can't help it, I followed Andrea an Rezoons's advices, can't do better

[Ami's Easy]

Since she seems to don't care anymore since long, I will take care of the mod

00:30:544 (1) - Sehr fragwürdiger flow hier o.o Versuch 00:30:544 (1) - den slider als Verbindung zwischen 00:29:180 (2,2) - zu nehmen, auch wenn das "pattern" verloren geht. Fixed
01:33:953 (1,2,3) - Nicht schön gemacht. Fixed
01:40:089 (4) - ^ Fixed
02:03:953 (1,2,3) - Etwas sehr laut mit den finishes.. Denkst du es gibt was passenderes? It's ok for me
02:27:816 (5) - NC Fixed

Die Easy ist okay, aber es scheint ne ältere diff zu sein (denk ich?), weil ich schon viel besseres von dir gesehen habe. Vielleicht schaust du nochmal durch und hast ne bessere Idee, aber wie gesagt, es ist ok. Yep, sadly she seems to don't give a damn anymore <_<


00:29:862 (1) - Rotate this one a bit to get a better Transition which feels more natural to Play. If possible by 10°. Adjust the next things as well, so they won't look odd, please. Done
00:31:566 (1) - DS Done
00:35:316 (3) - I suggest a NC for the new stanza and the strong beat. Done
00:36:680 (1) - I don't really like this stack in a normal, and it's overlap is quite weird too, could you possibly just place it as the DS tells you to do?
00:42:135 (1) - Not enough recovery time, please let it end earlier! Remmaped
00:46:907 (3) - Not sure how confused normal Player will be, I mean it Ends pretty harsh on a red tick and stuff. I'd go for regular 1/1 here. remapped
00:50:316 - This beat is really strong, it should be covered by a clickable Action. At the Moment you let a slider end on it and this effects get lost. You can do something cool with 1/2 I think. If you Need some more help with that I can help you, but try to get it yourself for now~ Help ?
00:58:839 (1) - Not proper made blanket, also the flow goes nuts here. Not really sure how to solve it, because the stuff seems to be connected, but it should be fixed. 00:57:135 (6) - Maybe try another, more creative shape with this one? It might solve the Problem.
01:01:907 (1) - Basically same flow Problem as above. remapped
01:00:885 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3) - However; the rhythm in this part is pretty broke. Of course you follow the vocals, and I like this but it's not always a good solution to do this in a lower diff, since, in my opinion, it's really important to get an ongoing rhythm with the lessest interruptions as possible. Try to connect the vocals with sliders, it helps. remapped
01:05:998 (1,2,1,2) - DS remapped
01:10:771 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think the same goes for here, the 1/2 is pretty awkward to Play I think. remapped
[from there
01:13:498 (1) - Recovery time.
01:17:419 (4) - ?
01:18:271 (5,1,2) - :( Rhythm.. explained above why this is not good
01:22:362 - Yeah...
01:25:260 (1) - ^
01:28:328 (5) - I think this stack is unreadable as well; look, you've got so much space you can use, why stacking it ? Especially in a normal diff, this is just a no-go.
X_X The rest of the kiai Needs some rework as well on the rhythm.
to there : Remap]
01:45:032 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This seems pretty cool tho.. I think if it's clearly in the song and Standing there alone it works.. What do you mean ?

When are you online? In the higher diffs you got way more possibilities for rhythm, but I'm pretty strict in normal etc, we Need to rework single parts a bit, and it's not meant to be offensive, I just want to help you so you can make solid easy / normal maps within not too much time. But try to fix what you can already, maybe the suggestions above already help you for the rest.


Hard is actually pretty okay to Play~ (positive opinion ~~)

Just some things.

00:50:657 (4) - The pattern before doesn't really compliment this slider here, it doesn't really look professional I think .. what about this? it is a jump yes but it has a pretty cool flow imo. Beware, I got your permission to put a jump in hard ^^
00:54:407 (1,2,3,4) - Try to adjust the spacing a bit, couldn't read it at first and kept missing here because the rhythm is really awkward here.. (maybe make a new rhythm then new placing xD) I'm sure you can follow something else here? Done
01:00:203 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try to space it a bit more, i felt really stopped while playing it If I space more I'm DS out :/
.01:02:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ ^
01:05:316 (2) - xDD He loves you too !
01:10:089 (1) - don't use so many repeats :O That doesn't Sound good at all. Fixed
01:12:816 (3) - Try this rhyth mhere, it sounds way more elegant. Fixed
01:21:850 (1,2) - How on earth should this be readable, heshu pls. EVERYONE would except slider 2 on this spot: 01:22:362 - so, -1 repeat and shift I know my map too well lol. Fixed
01:22:532 (2) - back. Modified
01:35:998 (4) - Try to get a blanket so it doesn't overlap Blankettt
01:39:066 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Again in this part, you should decide what you follow and not just Change your pattern, first it was instrumental, then vocals, it's inconsistent D: Vocal or trumpet the rythm stay the same for me 1234,1234,1234 :)
02:18:953 (1,2,3,4) - I see that this pattern is nice but how is it related to the song?
1 - Tip Ich
Middle Ni
End Sun
2 - Shine
3 - Yoooooooooooon
4 - weeeeeeeee

Now, time to go under a rock and drink hot cocoa to celebrate a whold time for this remmap XD

And since everyone seems to complain about my insane, I seriously start to consider dropping the diff to save the map. :?
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