
Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mardi 29 avril 2014 at 18:00:14

Artist: Hiroshi Kitadani
Title: We Go!
Source: One Piece
Tags: luffy ami opening
BPM: 176
Filesize: 16687kb
Play Time: 02:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ami's Easy (1,65 stars, 97 notes)
  2. Hard (4,42 stars, 199 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 377 notes)
  4. Normal (3,91 stars, 179 notes)
Download: Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go!
Download: Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go! (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I've always been a huge fan of One Piece, but since we don't have many map, I decided to create my own set of One Piece Map. I start with We Go, quite simple rythm to code I think.
It's my first map, so it's not perfect yet. But I would gladly recieve any help to improve it :)
-------------- About the mapping
Easy Ami's
Normal Heshu's
Hard HeShu's
Insane HeShu's
Total time of mapping : Over 10 day
Pending... wanna mod me for ranking ? :3
21/03/2014 : Insane remapping + Hitsound modifications
-------------- Special thanks to
Rezoons - Andrea - Jonathanfj - Irreversible
-------------- Infinite Thanks to
-Umi- (Timing) , sheela901 (mod), Ami (mod+map) , Shiro (Advices), ZLOdeuka (mod) , DnJeiser (mod) , Xebo (mod) ,YGOkid8 (test+help) , Kurai (information) Knotts and Tsuchimikado (mod), sjoy (mod), Shikinotsu (mod), 10crystalmask01 (mod), iNickel (mod), HelloSCV (mod), ChivaCookie (mod) and all people that have tested my map !
(Remember me to update that)
2013-09-14 19:11 HeShu: Je suis partant pour un mod4mod :)
2013-09-14 19:11 -Umi-: okok :3
2013-09-14 19:12 -Umi-: quel map ?
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: Ma facile et normal sont bouclée
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: C'est donc pour avoir un avis en plus du mod :3
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: t/154669
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: Je m'occupe de la tienne en même temps ;)
2013-09-14 19:13 -Umi-: ok je vais look ça
2013-09-14 19:15 -Umi-: je vois que tu commence le mapping
2013-09-14 19:15 HeShu: oui, après avoir jouée beaucoup je commence à vouloir créer un peu
2013-09-14 19:15 HeShu: je te donne mon avis ici ou je le poste sur ton topic ?
2013-09-14 19:16 -Umi-: bon je vais check les principaux point
2013-09-14 19:16 -Umi-: tu veux dire IRC ?
2013-09-14 19:17 -Umi-: bon bon y'a bcp bcp de chose à dire xD
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: Je veux dire sur le topic de ta map ^^
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: J'imagine qu'il y a beaucoup à dire, même après de multiples tests et modifications ^^
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: Pour la tienne, j'ai fait easy et normal, rien à dire, c'est nicke l:)
2013-09-14 19:18 -Umi-: oui tu fais comme celui d'avant ^^
2013-09-14 19:19 HeShu: ok ^^
2013-09-14 19:22 -Umi-: quand t'aura fini dis moi ^^ je prefere t'expliquer en jeu
2013-09-14 19:22 -Umi-: ça sera plus simple
2013-09-14 19:27 HeShu: il ne me reste plus que l'insane à voir :)
2013-09-14 19:30 HeShu: bon je poste et j'ai finit dans 2 minutes :)
2013-09-14 19:33 HeShu: je viens de poster
2013-09-14 19:33 HeShu: alors en quoi c'est pas bon chez moi ^^
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: bon alors d'abord on va parlais des choses général
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: parler*
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: premierement le kiai time tu vois ce que c'est
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: ?
2013-09-14 19:35 HeShu: oui, c'est pour marquer un évènement particulier, type refrain ou moment de la musique
2013-09-14 19:35 HeShu: J'en ai pas mis beaucoup et sporadiquement
2013-09-14 19:35 -Umi-: oui mais les tiens sont placé trés bizarrement
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: ils sont censé durée tout le refrain
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: et non pas jsute quelques seconde
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: je te consei de démarré
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: 01:16:211 -
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: 01:53:023 - et la fin ici
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: les 2 autre n'ont pas lieu d'etre
2013-09-14 19:39 -Umi-: ?
2013-09-14 19:39 HeShu: je vois :)
2013-09-14 19:39 HeShu: Je fesais les corrections en même temps ^^
2013-09-14 19:39 -Umi-: et donc quand tu map easy/normal tu dois pensais que c'est des joueur débutant qui vont play ces diff
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: faut eviter de superposer des notes et slider
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: comme ici par exemple
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: 00:42:808 (5,1) -
2013-09-14 19:41 -Umi-: tu aussi en easy et normal avoir toujours la meme distance entre chaque note
2013-09-14 19:41 -Umi-: dois
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: tu peux voir ça ici
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: quand tu selection une note
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: or la tu vois que la distance est pas du tout meme
2013-09-14 19:43 HeShu: Tu parle de la distance sur la ligne du temps ou en snap ?
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: en snap
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: 00:41:445 (1,2,3,4) - la tu as bien fait
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: l'écart entre chaque est de 0,8 plsu ou moins
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: mais l'écart ici est de 1,32
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: 00:42:808 (5,1) -
2013-09-14 19:45 -Umi-: et ça c'est pas acceptable en easy et normal
2013-09-14 19:46 -Umi-: il y un tuto pour les débutant mapper mais il est down depuis quelque temps je te l'aurai bien filé :/
2013-09-14 19:47 HeShu: Je me refais les alignement alors
2013-09-14 19:47 HeShu: oui le tuto de sushi est down :/
2013-09-14 19:47 -Umi-: ensuite dans ta easy
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: 00:28:492 (2,2,1) -
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: les long slider comme ça
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: ça parait fun a play en edit mais en faite ça l'est pas du tout
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: et en parlant des slider pour une easy ton SV : slidervelocity est bcp trop élévé
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-: il tourne autour de 0,80 1,10 en général pour les easy
2013-09-14 19:49 HeShu: de combien trop élevè ?
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-: tu peux regler ça ici
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-:
2013-09-14 19:50 -Umi-: 1,40 c'est limite pour une difficulté hard
2013-09-14 19:50 HeShu: Je vois :)
2013-09-14 19:50 -Umi-: je vais te donner une tranche pour chaque diff
2013-09-14 19:51 -Umi-: easy: 0,70/1,10 /// normal : 1,00/1,30 //// hard :1,40/1,70 //// insane : 1,60/2,00 ou plus
2013-09-14 19:52 -Umi-: essaye de rester dans cette tranche a chaque fois
2013-09-14 19:52 HeShu: je vais modifier ca du coup
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-: ensuite
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-:
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-: va ici
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: et décoche enable coutdown et letter box in breaks
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: et ça pour chaque diff
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: a moins que tu veuille garder le 1 2 3 mais qui ne fit pas du tout à mon avis
2013-09-14 19:56 HeShu: c'est décoché :)
2013-09-14 19:57 -Umi-: bon on va faire un tour dans le dossier maintenant
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: a propos du background
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: y'a uniquement 2 type de taille accepté
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: 1366x768 et 1024x768, les autre ne sont pas acceptable
2013-09-14 20:00 HeShu: au niveau du format : jpg ou png ?
2013-09-14 20:00 -Umi-: 2 deux sont accepté mais c'est mieux jpg moins lourd
2013-09-14 20:01 -Umi-: tu perdras juste un peu en qualité
2013-09-14 20:01 -Umi-: et en parlant de qualité la video c'est pas ça du tout x)
2013-09-14 20:02 HeShu: j'ai une vidéo de bonne qualité, mais l'upload ne la prends pas :/
2013-09-14 20:02 -Umi-: je peux t'en faire une si tu veux
2013-09-14 20:03 HeShu: j'ai la vidéo, je vais retenter ca de suite :)
2013-09-14 20:03 -Umi-: ok dis moi si ça marche
2013-09-14 20:04 HeShu: vidéo trop large, je vais baisser la résolution un peu d
2013-09-14 20:05 -Umi-: k
2013-09-14 20:10 HeShu: quoi que je fasse j'ai une vidéo de 11 mo :/
2013-09-14 20:10 -Umi-: C'est ok
2013-09-14 20:10 -Umi-: le poids total du dossier avec video ne dois pas faire plus de 24mo
2013-09-14 20:13 HeShu: l'up se fait :D
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: bon bah voila j'ai vu avec toi les choses principal maintenant c'est a toi de faire :3
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: y'a pas mal de chose a revoir avec ce que je t'ai dis coup
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: ah et regarde quelques ranked
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: map
2013-09-14 20:13 HeShu: je pourrais t'embeter demain pour avoir ton avis sur les modifications ? :3
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: si je suis la et dispo ok
2013-09-14 20:14 HeShu: super ^^

Little IRC about gerenal stuff, gl with your map o/
14:24 sheela901: Hello, can I mod your map?
14:24 sheela901: Vous etes francais
14:24 sheela901: :3
14:24 HeShu: with pleasure, but I'm actually applying modification on it :)
14:25 HeShu: in 30minutes it will be ok :)
14:25 sheela901: okay :3
14:25 HeShu: yes I'm french :)
14:25 sheela901: I' going to wait :3
14:25 HeShu: Tahnk you very much ^^
14:40 HeShu: almost finish :)
14:40 sheela901: okay
14:45 HeShu: good, now you can test easy and normal. Hard is only 25% made :)
14:46 sheela901: okay
14:46 HeShu: Thank you for helping ^^
14:46 sheela901: you're welcome
14:47 sheela901: so first, for me, the normal hasn't a background.
14:49 HeShu: oh, indeed. I upload a correction right now :)
14:50 HeShu: correction made
14:51 sheela901: okay
14:53 sheela901: In easy, remove 00:33:264 (7) and extend 00:32:582 (6) to 00:33:605 ?
14:53 sheela901: Sorry, let me retry
14:54 sheela901: Remove 00:33:264 (7) - and extend 00:32:582 (6) - to 00:33:605 -?
14:56 HeShu: Good idea
14:56 HeShu: I'm on it
14:56 sheela901: 00:50:307 (2) - It overlap itself. It's difficult to read.
14:56 sheela901: Tell me if I go too fast.
14:57 HeShu: It' not too fast at all :)
14:57 sheela901: Okay. 00:48:262 (7) - Move it down to one grid
14:58 HeShu: done
14:58 sheela901: 00:53:715 (1) - Move it somewhere else so that it won't overlap 00:54:397 (1) - ?
14:59 sheela901: 00:56:101 (1,2) - Don't get them overlap.
15:00 sheela901: 00:58:828 (1) - Remove the new combo and add it to 00:59:851 (2) -. It'll fit with the music
15:02 sheela901: and make it curvy like
15:04 sheela901: 01:05:986 (1) - Move it to 01:05:645 - ?
15:05 sheela901: 01:30:868 (2,3) - You made an error.
15:05 HeShu: you can continue :)
15:06 sheela901: 01:34:958 (3) - Make it curvy
15:07 sheela901: The kiai time should end at 01:36:662
15:07 sheela901: 01:36:662 -
15:07 sheela901: and the break should be more earlier
15:08 sheela901: 01:55:750 (1) - It's overlap by 01:54:387 (2) - . Move it somewhere else.
15:09 sheela901: 01:57:795 (1) - Remove two repeat so it fits the music
15:09 sheela901: or vocal
15:10 sheela901: 02:03:931 (5) - NC?
15:10 sheela901: 02:04:612 - Add note?
15:10 HeShu: NC? what' it means ?
15:10 sheela901: new combo
15:10 sheela901: :3
15:11 sheela901: 02:12:622 (10) - Move it to 02:12:793 -.
15:11 sheela901: 02:20:291 (1) - Remove NC?
15:12 HeShu: my my, you mod like a pro :D
15:12 sheela901: really? - 3-
15:13 HeShu: Yes, all information i need to improve my map, you give them to me :D
15:13 sheela901: Now normal time. 00:30:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try to make another pattern.
15:14 sheela901: 00:32:582 (8) - Move it to 00:32:412 -.
15:17 sheela901: 00:35:650 (2) - Try that. Move it to x:72 y:136. After, move the middle square one to x:192 y:8 and move the last square to x:344 y120
15:17 sheela901: and 00:36:673 (3) - move it to x:416 y:48
15:18 sheela901: 00:44:853 (6) - Add NC?
15:18 sheela901: 00:42:126 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think it's difficult for a normal
15:20 sheela901: 00:54:397 (1) - Like in easy, try to change it because it's overlap itself
15:20 sheela901: and that 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - won't overlap it
15:22 HeShu: For this I just add a new combo to make color go out
15:23 sheela901: Okay. 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try that. 00:53:374 - to 00:53:715 - Add a slider and remove 00:53:886 (4) - because the pattern of 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's not for a normal I think
15:24 sheela901: 01:05:304 (1) - Cool slider :3
15:25 HeShu: thank :3
15:26 sheela901: 01:12:121 (1) - Reduce the time of the slider to 01:15:530 - because it could tired the players. And add a note to 01:16:211 -.
15:27 sheela901: 01:29:675 (7) - NC?
15:27 sheela901: 01:31:550 (1) - Remove NC?
15:29 sheela901: and make it curvy like
15:30 sheela901: The kiai time should also end at 01:36:662 -
15:32 sheela901: 01:54:387 (2) - x:425 y:336 01:55:750 (3) - x:113 y:337 01:57:114 (4) - x:119 y:44 so they could be stack
15:32 sheela901: to each other
15:33 sheela901: 02:01:885 (3) - End it at 02:03:590 -
15:34 sheela901: It can be tricky for a normal and 02:03:931 (1) - move it to x:273 y:80
15:35 sheela901: 02:04:612 (3) - End it to 02:04:783 - and remove 02:04:953 (4) -
15:36 sheela901: 02:05:976 (7) - End it to 02:06:146 - and remove 02:06:317 (8) -
15:37 sheela901: 02:07:680 (4) - Make it curvyÉ
15:37 sheela901: *?
15:37 sheela901: 02:08:362 (1) - End it to 02:09:384 -
15:38 sheela901: 02:10:066 (1) - x:124 y:316
15:39 HeShu: seems I got some error with last slider, don't care about them. THey're all off time
15:40 sheela901: 02:18:928 (1,3) - I think there're out of the mapset
15:41 HeShu: you can refresh, I made all modification you suggested and it looks pretty well :
15:41 HeShu: :)
15:42 sheela901: Okay. I think the map have a lot of distance snap error. Open AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A) and check "Check distance snap".
15:44 HeShu: I'm gonna fix thoses errors :)
15:45 sheela901: I think that's all because hard is not finish
15:46 HeShu: hard is only begun
15:46 HeShu: I mostly focus on modding the two first difficulties today :)
15:46 sheela901: Should I check it now or should check I check later when you finish the map?
15:47 sheela901: ah okay
15:47 sheela901: PM me in-game or in the forums if you finish your hard.
15:47 sheela901: :3
15:48 HeShu: I think I will finish insane and hard tomorrow :)
15:48 HeShu: what do you think of the map in general, now it's fixed ?
15:48 sheela901: Wait
15:52 sheela901: Generally, I think you need to work in patterns that have overlap on easy and normal. Pattern with overlap can be hard to read.
15:58 sheela901: One more suggestion in easy. 00:33:946 (1) - Make a slider with three little square. The first little square at x:424 y:116, the second at x:494 y:210 and the last one at x:336 y:152 for a perfect circle and add a note to 00:35:991 -
15:58 HeShu: I think it will be easier after some mapping :)
15:59 sheela901: Yea
16:00 sheela901: So, I think I should stop here because I'm done.
16:00 HeShu: done, tired ?
16:01 sheela901: No, I couldn't find anything else
16:02 HeShu: Good news for me ^O^
16:02 sheela901: :3
16:03 sheela901: Should I post it in the forums?
16:03 HeShu: You help me so much, of course :D
Good Luck and star!
I can't do anything for you for the moment D:
But i hope this map will be rank soon !
Good luck HeShu :D


● BPM be rounded up to 176
● Delete OSB file
● BG size or 1024x768 or 800x600
● do sound a little quieter. may be 30%


00:30:537 (3) - new combo
00:59:851 (1) - x:256 y:32
01:02:237 (5) - new combo
01:53:023 (1) - can from now on use the soft better sound?
02:09:384 (3) - new combo


00:54:397 (1,1) - this jump is not needed here
01:16:552 (2,3) - ^spacing
01:19:961 (10) - add note
01:55:750 (3) - new combo
01:58:477 (5) - ^

oh.. done~ good luck.
After working on the rhythm
many pauses in the rhythm
change the style sliders

00:33:946 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - better to make a hitсircle
01:05:304 (1) - I do not like
01:17:234 - empty
01:18:597 - ^
02:02:397 (10) - I do not like
02:06:657 (1) - boring
02:18:928 (1,1,1,1,1) - here to make the jump

00:32:412 (8) - boring
00:54:397 (1) - I do not like
00:58:487 (5) - boring
01:05:304 (1) - I do not like
01:10:417 - empty
02:01:885 (3) - boring

Hitcircle size = 3
00:33:946 (1) - I do not like
00:50:307 (2) - ^

Sorry, i m bad speak english.
Good Luck!
Hey! :3
Hitsounds are too loud for this song.
Easy = normal, normal = hard and hard = insane? Lol!
I think sliders are too fast for easy, And slider tick rate 1 maybe?
OD -1, AR -1
00:32:582 (6,7,8,9) - I think, this is too hard for easy. <- Maybe this? Sliders are good for easy :3
00:33:946 (1) - I dont like this slider. <- ?
00:43:490 (1) - too short?
00:46:898 (4) - NC?
00:50:307 (2) - this slider isnt nice.
00:56:101 (3,4) - too hard?
01:05:645 (1) - Map this part
01:34:277 (1) - delete this
01:34:958 (2) - I think, this is better:
2. Break: map this part
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Make break.
02:09:384 (3) - more than 1 reversearrow isnt good for easy.

sliders are so fast QWQ
00:31:901 (6,7) - set (7) on a white tick.
00:35:650 (2) - set this on a big white tick.
00:54:397 (1) - this isnt good. see easy
00:58:487 (5) - no more than 1reverse arrow in easy/normal
01:00:532 (1) - ^
01:01:896 (3) - ^
01:03:259 (1) - ^
01:05:304 (1) - whats that? e.e
map the first break
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - make break

00:27:470 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - too hard for hard qww
00:33:946 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23) - ^
00:58:828 (1,2,3,4,5) - streams on hard? :c
01:00:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:01:896 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:03:259 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:05:304 (1) - What is this? e.e
map the first & second break
01:25:585 (10) - delete
01:53:023 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - make break

Good luck :3
Topic Starter
Changelog :

Due to wise advice there is a modification of map's difficulty :
Easy became Normal
Normal became Hard
Hard became Insane

Thanks everyone for your help and support !
Bonne map dans son ensemble et bien réalisé pour une première map, tu as vu revu les timings, ça se voit.
Bonne continuation =)
Bonne map sympa , le hard est un peu trop facile mais dans l'ensemble ca va.

Pour une première map en fait c'est génial :)
Heyn :)

M4M Alex Ferrari - Bara Bara Bere Bere


You Have to Map 80% from the Song , you start at 17% and you have at 01:37:003 a big break, start earlyer or fill out the Break :s..

[Ami´s Easy Difficult]

01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

01:08:031 (3) - Ctrl+G
01:13:655 (1) Spinner start at 01:13:485

[Normal Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:38:036 Remove Break
02:04:612 (1) Move to Y:216
02:03:590 Remove Break
02:17:905 ^

[Hard Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:53:374 (1) New Combo
00:54:397 (1) ^

01:05:304 (1) *_* What a Slider ! Love it <3
01:54:387 (2) New Combo
01:57:114 (2) New Combo

[Insane Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:33:946 (1) - New Combo
00:34:628 (1) - ^
00:35:309 (1) - ^

02:14:156 - Remove Break
02:18:246 - ^

Think about Some Spacing ._. it can interrupt playing when the Space between Hitcircles change in a Difficult (Use Distance Snap Tool)
May name the Modders who Helped you in beatmap Information :o , they will be proud if you do :)

:) Hope id helped you
Hello, here for the mod for mod. Most of these are just suggestions.

The title for this song should be "ウィーゴー!"

01:03:600 (2) - (Nazi) Move this to (281,227), 01:03:941 (3) Move this to (338, 295), 01:04:963 (4) Move this to sit on top of (2). 01:05:304 (1) Adjust this slider however you like to fit with this. Should look something like this
00:56:101 (1,2) - Replace these two with a repeating slider that lasts 3 ticks altogether. It's annoying to play that as it is now.
01:27:460 (2) - Move this two ticks forward and put a circle where it used to be.
01:28:993 (5) - Move one tick forward and make it a repeating slider.
01:30:016 (7) - Make this a repeating slider.
02:02:226 (6) - Move this circle to where it's exactly on top of the beginning of the slider.
02:21:314 (4) - There's no sound to match the circle with in the song so I don't think this circle is needed.

Overall this doesn't really feel like a hard. It seems to easy and could a normal. My suggestion to make this map harder is to replace the long sliders with multiple shorter ones.

00:33:946 (1) - This slider doesn't look too great. Maybe change it to make it look something similar to this?
Mess around with it a bit.

00:35:650 (2) - Timing sounds off here. Move two ticks forward and delete (3).
00:44:171 (5) - Fix this slider to make it more circular. As it is now your circle made with these sliders look off because of this one.
00:47:239 (4) - Move this one tick forward to match with the vocals.
00:53:034 (5) - Replace this with a slider that lasts three ticks and replace the slider at 00:53:374 with a circle.
01:00:532 (1) - Move this slider one tick forward. Same with 01:01:896 (3) and 01:03:259 (1).
01:12:121 (1) - This spinner doesn't match the rhythm of the song. You should move it to somewhere around 01:13:485 and end it around 01:15:700
01:19:620 (9) - Maybe turn this into a slider and fill in the few blank parts after it to match the vocals.
01:22:858 (1) - Move one tick forward
01:32:572 (1) - Move one tick back
01:53:023 - Lower the volume to around 30%. Play around with it a bit.
02:01:204 - Raise the volume here to around 70%. Go back to the original volume at 02:03:931
Hello! I'm going to mod your Insane :) EDIT: I noticed you updated the map like, a few seconds ago. so I'm going to change a few things! Newer edits will be in RED


00:59:186 This still isnt snapped!


00:54:056 This reverse slider seems odd. I'm not hearing how the reverse part matches the beat. I'm going to say, I HALF-take this comment back. I hear it, but it just seems a little weird in my opinion.

I still stand my ground with these though.
00:58:828 This stream of circles look too far away from each other for how fast you have to hit them. Maybe bunch them a LITTLE bit closer.

Same with the streams here 01:00:532 and here 01:01:896 and here 01:03:259

02:14:753 The start of this slider sounds better one tick forward.

Other than those, nice job. :) Good luck!
Topic Starter

Knotts wrote:

Hello, here for the mod for mod. Most of these are just suggestions.

The title for this song should be "ウィーゴー!" I didn't though about it, Thanks !

01:03:600 (2) - (Nazi) Move this to (281,227), 01:03:941 (3) Move this to (338, 295), 01:04:963 (4) Move this to sit on top of (2). 01:05:304 (1) Adjust this slider however you like to fit with this. Should look something like this good idea

00:56:101 (1,2) - Replace these two with a repeating slider that lasts 3 ticks altogether. It's annoying to play that as it is now. Indeed, changed
01:27:460 (2) - Move this two ticks forward and put a circle where it used to be. Modified
01:28:993 (5) - Move one tick forward and make it a repeating slider. I don't like to advance it from one tick, but the repeater is a good idea
01:30:016 (7) - Make this a repeating slider. Sweet :3
02:02:226 (6) - Move this circle to where it's exactly on top of the beginning of the slider. Done !
02:21:314 (4) - There's no sound to match the circle with in the song so I don't think this circle is needed. True, that's why I used a clap, in order to keep this pattern alive :)

Overall this doesn't really feel like a hard. It seems to easy and could a normal. My suggestion to make this map harder is to replace the long sliders with multiple shorter ones. I heard you, and I'm adding little slider instead of big one :3

00:33:946 (1) - This slider doesn't look too great. Maybe change it to make it look something similar to this?
Mess around with it a bit. Fixed !

00:35:650 (2) - Timing sounds off here. Move two ticks forward and delete (3). Done
00:44:171 (5) - Fix this slider to make it more circular. As it is now your circle made with these sliders look off because of this one. Done
00:47:239 (4) - Move this one tick forward to match with the vocals. I heard you
00:53:034 (5) - Replace this with a slider that lasts three ticks and replace the slider at 00:53:374 with a circle. Done
01:00:532 (1) - Move this slider one tick forward. Same with 01:01:896 (3) and 01:03:259 (1). I think it could be too hard to do that for player
01:12:121 (1) - This spinner doesn't match the rhythm of the song. You should move it to somewhere around 01:13:485 and end it around 01:15:700 Good idea !
01:19:620 (9) - Maybe turn this into a slider and fill in the few blank parts after it to match the vocals. I need to improve this whole part by the way :)
01:22:858 (1) - Move one tick forward ^
01:32:572 (1) - Move one tick back ^
01:53:023 - Lower the volume to around 30%. Play around with it a bit. Great Idea, I will think about it for all diffs :D
02:01:204 - Raise the volume here to around 70%. Go back to the original volume at 02:03:931 Great Idea, I will think about it for all diffs :D
Hi from extra rule
00:28:151 (4) - start on 00:28:322
00:29:515 (4) - start on 00:29:685
00:30:367 add a note
00:30:708 ^
00:33:946 (7) - NC
00:40:763 (6) - NC
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:55:420 add a note
00:56:783 (6) - NC
00:59:169 (5) - movo close to 00:59:084 (4) -
01:05:304 (1) - crazy 8-)
01:17:575 (6) - NC
01:24:392 (7) - NC
01:29:845 (5) - NC
02:02:056 (8) - NC
02:04:953 (5) - NC
02:16:201 (5) - NC
02:23:018 (1) - add fin
good luck 8-)
Topic Starter

sjoy wrote:

Hi from extra rule
00:28:151 (4) - start on 00:28:322
00:29:515 (4) - start on 00:29:685
00:30:367 add a note
00:30:708 ^
00:33:946 (7) - NC
00:40:763 (6) - NC
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:55:420 add a note
00:56:783 (6) - NC
00:59:169 (5) - movo close to 00:59:084 (4) -
01:05:304 (1) - crazy 8-)
01:17:575 (6) - NC
01:24:392 (7) - NC
01:29:845 (5) - NC
02:02:056 (8) - NC
02:04:953 (5) - NC
02:16:201 (5) - NC
02:23:018 (1) - add fin
good luck 8-)
What to say ? All perfect advice ! :'D
21:57 Shikinotsu: Salut !
21:57 HeShu: salut :)
21:59 Shikinotsu: Désolé de te déranger , mais jvoulais te proposer un truc
22:00 Shikinotsu: En fait j'ai moi aussi une map que j'ai tenter de faire. Malheur est-il que cette map ne me plait pas et que je ne trouve pourquoi
22:00 HeShu: Je t'écoute :)
22:00 Shikinotsu: Alors jvoulais te propsoer que je te donne un espece de mini mod sur ta map ( je sais pas modder donc bon ) et que tu me disais si tu prenais du plaisir a jouer mon insane
22:00 Shikinotsu: ^^
22:01 HeShu: Aucun problème, tout avis constructif est bienvenu sur ma map :)
22:01 HeShu: Pas besoin de mini-mod l'insane de ma map, il manque un bout à finir
22:01 HeShu: envoie le lien de la tienne :)
22:01 *Shikinotsu is listening to [ Else - Ariane]
22:02 *HeShu is editing [ Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go ! [Insane]]
22:02 HeShu: Ca c'est la mienne
22:04 Shikinotsu: Une chose qui est importante dans ta normal
22:05 Shikinotsu: C'est mieux de globalement garder un distance spacing constant
22:05 Shikinotsu: Jsais pas si ça s'applique a tout les cas , mais on m'as donner ça comme conseil ya pas longtemps
22:06 Shikinotsu: 00:50:648 (2,3) - tu devrais les mettre au même endroit
22:06 Shikinotsu: 00:52:011 (5,6,7,8) - Je pense que la distance entre les notes est trop importante pour une normal içi
22:07 Shikinotsu: 01:16:552 (1,2) - ^
22:08 Shikinotsu: A part ça je la trouve trés sympa et pas mal inventive
22:10 HeShu: Merci des conseils :)
22:10 Shikinotsu: pour la hard
22:10 Shikinotsu: 00:58:487 (4) - Tu devrais plutot mettre deux slider a deux repeat arrow
22:11 Shikinotsu:
22:11 Shikinotsu: Un truc dans le genre
22:11 Shikinotsu: alors la c'est qu'un avis personel
22:12 Shikinotsu: mais jsuis pas trop fan du slider super long a 01:05:304 (1) -
22:12 Shikinotsu: Jtrouve que ça casse quelque peu le rythme
22:12 Shikinotsu: alors que tu pourrais mapper plus dessus
22:12 HeShu: Je viens de voir pour le double répéteur, mais pas fan :/
22:12 HeShu: Ahh le fameux slider calamar ^^
22:12 HeShu: J'ai 50% d'appréciation dessus :)
22:13 Shikinotsu: ^^
22:13 Shikinotsu: 01:54:387 (1,1) -
22:14 HeShu: 50% adore, 50% n'aiment pas ^^
22:14 Shikinotsu: Tu devrais échanger de place ces deux slider dans la timing bar
22:14 Shikinotsu: Enfin
22:14 Shikinotsu: attends
22:14 HeShu: changer de place ? Que veux tu dire ?
22:15 Shikinotsu: Je trouve que ce a quatre long slider ralenti beaucoup la map comment c'est fait
22:15 Shikinotsu: Remarque non
22:15 Shikinotsu: Nevermind j'ai eu une idée en bois
22:15 HeShu: C'est une partie lente, les sliders ont cet interêt de le ralentir avec une vitesse 75% :)
22:16 Shikinotsu: 02:14:838 (1,2) - ces slider sont pas sur la timeline
22:16 Shikinotsu: enfin
22:16 Shikinotsu: ils sont unsnapped
22:16 Shikinotsu: tu devrais les faire finir sur le tick blanc juste avant
22:16 Shikinotsu: Pareil une bonne inventivité
22:17 HeShu: Mince ils se sont unspanned :(
22:18 Shikinotsu: tu devrais mettre une note ici :
22:18 Shikinotsu: aprés le 00:27:811 (3) -
22:18 Shikinotsu: sur la insane
22:18 Shikinotsu: ^
22:18 Shikinotsu: 00:29:174 (3) - ^
22:19 Shikinotsu: 00:35:309 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - selon moi ces stream sont en trop , c'est de l'overmapping
22:19 Shikinotsu: avant ils sont parfait
22:19 HeShu: Ca fait un auter effet ! Je vois ca de suite :3
22:20 Shikinotsu: 01:05:304 (1) - bah tu connais mon avis :D
22:20 HeShu: ca fait mieux sans, en effet :)
22:21 Shikinotsu: 01:25:244 (2,3,4) - le spacing est vraiment étrange içi
22:22 HeShu: modifié :)
22:24 Shikinotsu: 02:06:657 (1) - Pareil , trop d'arrow selon moi
22:25 Shikinotsu: et c'est tout ^^
22:25 Shikinotsu: Voila , j'éspere t'avoir aider
test play req from my queue

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Changelog :
00:00 19/09/2013 Mapping fully done, Now it's time to long for modding, bubbling and ranking. Real aventure starts now !
Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

  1. Try to keep you clap hitsounds consistent. Try using a pattern like hits for example:
00:39:400 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head, by adjusting to these settings:

and If your unsure how to remove the clap on the head,simply double-click on the head of the slider. You'll know it's been selected once it is highlighted in red. Add the finish and your done! ^^

00:42:808 (1) - Remove that finish, doesn't sound right here.
00:44:171 (3) - ^
00:44:853 (1) - Add a soft-finish to the head.
01:03:600 (2,4) - Looks slightly off on the stacking :S move 01:04:963 (4) - to the same coordinates as 2 on x:276 y:228.
01:07:349 (2) - Remove finish, or change finish to a clap?
01:10:076 (4) - ^
01:27:800 (1,3) - Remodel sliders, they look pretty dull imo :S I also dislike how their slightly curved inwards, towards each other.
01:31:891 (1) - Add soft-finish to the tail.
01:36:662 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head.
01:51:660 (2) - ^
02:03:931 (1) - ^
02:21:655 (2) - Reverse, I don't like how the flow leads back to the previous slider.
02:25:745 (2) - Just flip it horizontally ^^

Looks pretty good :P

  1. AR -1
  2. HP drain rate -1, none of these difficulty settings should be exceeding over 5.
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish
00:32:582 (2) - Change clap to finish ^^
00:33:264 (4) - Remove clap.
00:36:673 (1) - Way to far from the tail, why not place it under the tail instead?
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish
00:44:853 (1) - ^
00:48:943 (3) - ^ and a classic curved slider may look better imo, this slider really stands out (not much in a good way though :( )
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:59:851 (1) - Change clap to finish
01:02:237 (5) - NC
01:04:963 - ^
01:05:304 (10) - Add finish
01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here.
01:13:144 (7) - Add clap.
01:16:799 - Add finish and clap.
01:16:893 (2) - Add clap, what happened to this hitsound pattern??
01:17:404 (3) - Add clap on the tail.
01:18:257 (4) - Remove clap on the head.
01:18:257 - 01:20:131 Try this rhythm?

01:27:119 (1) - Add finish
01:27:119 - 01:36:322 Where are de claps?? :o
01:30:527 (3,4,5) - Looks too complicated, replace with 01:28:312 (3) - here.
01:39:048 (1) - Add finish on the tail.
01:56:432 (2,1) - Stack better.
02:01:204 (5) - Add finish on the head.
02:09:384 (1) - ^
02:10:748 (2,3,4,5) - Add finish on all or just 02:10:748 (2) - and 02:12:111 (4) - If your not into using finish hitsound that much :3
02:14:838 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:18:928 (1) - Add finish on the head.
02:23:018 (1) - ^

This diff looks so-so :/ hitsounds could use more work, and some of your objects don't match the rhythm very well.

  1. Circle size -1, now that's just mean :P
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish.
00:33:946 (1) - Remove clap on both ends, and add a finish to the head.
00:34:287 (2) - Remove clap on the tail, this hitsounds being overused now :S
00:34:628 (3) - Remove clap on both ends.
00:34:968 (4) - Remove clap on the tail
00:35:309 (5) - Remove clap on both ends.
00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to the tail.
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish to the head.
00:41:956 (1,2,3,4,5) - Remove clap on all of their tails.
00:44:853 (1) - Add finish.
00:48:943 (8) - ^
01:03:259 (1) - Reverse end please, I hate how it's tail is faces at the previous object >.<
01:05:304 (1,1) - Ass pretty as the slider is, you do know that THIS is a very bad overlap :( Consider remodeling it to something else, so that 01:10:076 (1) - is at least not under the slider.
01:10:758 (3) - Add finish.
01:11:951 (6) - ^
01:16:211 (1) - ^
01:20:302 (5) - Remove clap, not consistent.
01:20:642 (1,3) - Add claps
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - This type of flow is nice, but it doesn't work here I'm afraid :( sorry!
01:27:119 (1) - Add finish.
01:32:572 (1) - Add finish on the head.
01:33:936 (2) - ^
01:39:389 (3) - Add finish.
01:45:013 (1,2,1,2) - Move them more apart please, it's okay to break the DS a few times in this diff when it's necessary.
01:48:592 (4) - NC
01:48:592 (4,6,8) - Add claps
01:53:023 (1) - Add whistle to the head.
01:55:750 (1) - ^
01:58:477 (1) - ^
02:01:204 (6) - Add finish.
02:01:885 (3) - Doesn't fit here, should've been at 02:02:567 - 02:03:931 with a finish on the tail.
02:08:362 (1,1) - Add finish.
02:18:928 (1,2,3) - Change claps to finish on the head? Sounds better imo.

This diff definitely needs work, especially on the flow :(

  1. Circle size -1
00:31:219 (7,2) - Bad overlap, please fix.
00:33:946 - 00:35:139 sounds really over mapped. Try this rhythm?

00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to this tail
00:48:262 (6) - NC
01:00:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - Have them curved outwards instead.

....Hmm, sorry I'm going to have to stop my mod here. judging by the entire map, I suggest you consider re-mapping this diff. Re-check the flow and consistency in your patterns please! x.x

Hope this helps~!
hello, from my queue.
02:03:931 - 02:24:382 -->another kiai here

00:54:397 (1) - move to (376,52)
01:12:803 (2) - move to (272,160)

00:50:648 (2,3) - change to a slider?
01:11:610 (3) - delete and let 01:11:099 (2) end on 01:11:610
01:12:462 (5) - delete and let 01:11:951 (4) end on 01:12:462
01:28:993 (4) - delete and let 01:28:312 (3) end on 01:29:334
01:30:016 (2,3,4,5) - change to a long slider

01:45:013 (1) - move to (300,192)
01:46:377 (1) - move to (88,192)
02:07:680 (4) - end in 02:07:850

01:16:211 - 01:36:708 -->where is the kiai?
01:39:645 (4) - start delay to 01:39:730 and keep the end in 01:39:901
01:41:008 (4) - like ^
good luck
Topic Starter
I wanted mod, I got mod... I love you buddies (term that can be used for man and woman ^^)

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

  1. Try to keep you clap hitsounds consistent. Try using a pattern like hits for example:
I'm not yet used to this use of clap, but I will watch again all my clap to check them

00:39:400 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head, by adjusting to these settings:

and If your unsure how to remove the clap on the head,simply double-click on the head of the slider. You'll know it's been selected once it is highlighted in red. Add the finish and your done! ^^ Oh my... You just taught me how to make a better hitsound pattern !!! Bless you :D

00:42:808 (1) - Remove that finish, doesn't sound right here. Done
00:44:171 (3) - ^ Done
00:44:853 (1) - Add a soft-finish to the head. [Done]
01:03:600 (2,4) - Looks slightly off on the stacking :S move 01:04:963 (4) - to the same coordinates as 2 on x:276 y:228. Corrected the off stack
01:07:349 (2) - Remove finish, or change finish to a clap? Clap is great here
01:10:076 (4) - ^ ^
01:27:800 (1,3) - Remodel sliders, they look pretty dull imo :S I also dislike how their slightly curved inwards, towards each other. Imo I appreciate this form :)
01:31:891 (1) - Add soft-finish to the tail. Done
01:36:662 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head.Done
01:51:660 (2) - ^ Done
02:03:931 (1) - ^ Done
02:21:655 (2) - Reverse, I don't like how the flow leads back to the previous slider. Good Idea
02:25:745 (2) - Just flip it horizontally ^^ Obviously :)

Looks pretty good :P - I will tell Ami :D

  1. AR -1
  2. HP drain rate -1, none of these difficulty settings should be exceeding over 5.
I didn't knew about this one, thanks for the information !
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish Done
00:32:582 (2) - Change clap to finish ^^ Done
00:33:264 (4) - Remove clap. Done
00:36:673 (1) - Way to far from the tail, why not place it under the tail instead? I was afraid player would be confused If I do so. But since you point it out, under the tail would be ok :)
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish Done
00:44:853 (1) - ^ Done
00:48:943 (3) - ^ and a classic curved slider may look better imo, this slider really stands out (not much in a good way though :( ) I must agree, the whole slider style is curved, a broken one is a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out :D
00:52:011 (5) - NC Done
00:59:851 (1) - Change clap to finish Done
01:02:237 (5) - NC Done
01:04:963 - ^ Done
01:05:304 (10) - Add finish Done
01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here. Sorry I don't understand the 1/1 :s
01:13:144 (7) - Add clap. Done
01:16:799 - Add finish and clap. Done
01:16:893 (2) - Add clap, what happened to this hitsound pattern?? Sorry, I'm not yet used to hitsound :?
01:17:404 (3) - Add clap on the tail. Done
01:18:257 (4) - Remove clap on the head. Done
01:18:257 - 01:20:131 Try this rhythm?
Shall try :)
01:27:119 (1) - Add finish Done
01:27:119 - 01:36:322 Where are de claps?? :o Not used to add sound :?
01:30:527 (3,4,5) - Looks too complicated, replace with 01:28:312 (3) - here. I think it's quite simple pattern :s
01:39:048 (1) - Add finish on the tail. Done
01:56:432 (2,1) - Stack better. Done
02:01:204 (5) - Add finish on the head. Done
02:09:384 (1) - ^ Done
02:10:748 (2,3,4,5) - Add finish on all or just 02:10:748 (2) - and 02:12:111 (4) - If your not into using finish hitsound that much :3 Done
02:14:838 (1,2,3,4) - ^ Done
02:18:928 (1) - Add finish on the head. Done
02:23:018 (1) - ^ Done

This diff looks so-so :/ hitsounds could use more work, and some of your objects don't match the rhythm very well.
It's my first map, I'm already happy you didn't said it's horrible. But for sure I must improve it a lot !

  1. Circle size -1, now that's just mean :P
Humm... I'm used to small circle. This with low AR is quite balanced, don't you think ? :)
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish. Done
00:33:946 (1) - Remove clap on both ends, and add a finish to the head.Done
00:34:287 (2) - Remove clap on the tail, this hitsounds being overused now :S Done
00:34:628 (3) - Remove clap on both ends.Done
00:34:968 (4) - Remove clap on the tail Done
00:35:309 (5) - Remove clap on both ends. Done
00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to the tail. Done
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish to the head.Done
00:41:956 (1,2,3,4,5) - Remove clap on all of their tails. Done
00:44:853 (1) - Add finish. Done
00:48:943 (8) - ^ Done
01:03:259 (1) - Reverse end please, I hate how it's tail is faces at the previous object >.< Humm... no ?
01:05:304 (1,1) - Ass pretty as the slider is, you do know that THIS is a very bad overlap :( Consider remodeling it to something else, so that 01:10:076 (1) - is at least not under the slider. I will try to find a solution
01:10:758 (3) - Add finish. Done
01:11:951 (6) - ^ Done
01:16:211 (1) - ^ Done
01:20:302 (5) - Remove clap, not consistent. Done
01:20:642 (1,3) - Add claps Done
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - This type of flow is nice, but it doesn't work here I'm afraid :( sorry! For me it does follow the vocal and rythm
01:27:119 (1) - Add finish. Done
01:32:572 (1) - Add finish on the head. Done
01:33:936 (2) - ^ Done
01:39:389 (3) - Add finish. Done
01:45:013 (1,2,1,2) - Move them more apart please, it's okay to break the DS a few times in this diff when it's necessary. No ?
01:48:592 (4) - NC Done
01:48:592 (4,6,8) - Add claps Done
01:53:023 (1) - Add whistle to the head. Done
01:55:750 (1) - ^ Done
01:58:477 (1) - ^ Doesn't exist anymore
02:01:204 (6) - Add finish. Done
02:01:885 (3) - Doesn't fit here, should've been at 02:02:567 - 02:03:931 with a finish on the tail. I don't see your point
02:08:362 (1,1) - Add finish. Done
02:18:928 (1,2,3) - Change claps to finish on the head? Sounds better imo. No :)

  1. Circle size -1
Same than for hard diff
00:31:219 (7,2) - Bad overlap, please fix. Done
00:33:946 - 00:35:139 sounds really over mapped. Try this rhythm? [Insane]
  1. Circle size -1
00:31:219 (7,2) - Bad overlap, please fix.
00:33:946 - 00:35:139 sounds really over mapped. Try this rhythm? Actually it follows the vocal and the trumpet. A triplet here is to reinforce the music

00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to this tail Done
00:48:262 (6) - NC Done
01:00:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - Have them curved outwards instead. Done

....Hmm, sorry I'm going to have to stop my mod here. judging by the entire map, I suggest you consider re-mapping this diff. Re-check the flow and consistency in your patterns please! x.x
Hug :(

hoshisorakiseki wrote:

hello, from my queue.
02:03:931 - 02:24:382 -->another kiai here Not hot about an other Kiai once is good enough

00:54:397 (1) - move to (376,52) Fixed
01:12:803 (2) - move to (272,160) Fixed

00:50:648 (2,3) - change to a slider? Two circle is better here
01:11:610 (3) - delete and let 01:11:099 (2) end on 01:11:610 This match exactly the vocal, so I can't
01:12:462 (5) - delete and let 01:11:951 (4) end on 01:12:462 I agree with you
01:28:993 (4) - delete and let 01:28:312 (3) end on 01:29:334 Here also suit with the vocal here
01:30:016 (2,3,4,5) - change to a long slider As same with previous mod, I think here fit the music and the pattern. HOWEVER, if someone points it out again I shall modify it :)

01:45:013 (1) - move to (300,192) Fixed
01:46:377 (1) - move to (88,192) Fixed
02:07:680 (4) - end in 02:07:850 Fixed

01:16:211 - 01:36:708 -->where is the kiai? Forgot it...
01:39:645 (4) - start delay to 01:39:730 and keep the end in 01:39:901 ) Fixed
01:41:008 (4) - like ^ ) Fixed

good luck

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here. Sorry I don't understand the 1/1 :s

  1. Slider 7 is a 1/1 slider:
    Because it's 1 beat long.

  2. And a 1/1 slider with a reverse will look like slider 1 here:
    Has a turn on it.

  3. A 1/2 slider with a reverse will be this!
    Since half a beat will result in the object reaching to the red tick mark instead.

  4. And then 2/1 with a reverse would be slider 6.
    Since the slider is now 2 beats long.
Really its just some simple terms used to suggest what type of slider you should use.
Hope that clears things up a bit ^^'
Ok. my mod:


01:05:304 (1,2) - This flow is a bit uncomfortable...


00:50:648 (2,3) - flow is a bit uncomfortable...
01:11:099 (2,3) - ^
01:18:257 (4,1) - ^
01:30:016 (2,3,4) - ^

I mean this is not very good for easy/normal
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here. Sorry I don't understand the 1/1 :s

  1. Slider 7 is a 1/1 slider:
    Because it's 1 beat long.

  2. And a 1/1 slider with a reverse will look like slider 1 here:
    Has a turn on it.

  3. A 1/2 slider with a reverse will be this!
    Since half a beat will result in the object reaching to the red tick mark instead.

  4. And then 2/1 with a reverse would be slider 6.
    Since the slider is now 2 beats long.
Really its just some simple terms used to suggest what type of slider you should use.
Hope that clears things up a bit ^^'

Thank you for that explanation :D

iNickel wrote:

Ok. my mod:


01:05:304 (1,2) - This flow is a bit uncomfortable... Here we go from a linear to a triangle flow. It's quite simple and abordable for easy players


00:50:648 (2,3) - flow is a bit uncomfortable... Modded for better flow
01:11:099 (2,3) - ^ No ?
01:18:257 (4,1) - ^ No ?
01:30:016 (2,3,4) - ^ No

I mean this is not very good for easy/normal


  1. 02:03:931 - why don't you add kiai time?


nothing special


00:33:946 (1) - touching HP bar
00:59:851 (1) - delete NC
01:39:730 (1) - ^


00:40:081 (1) - delete NC
01:52:768 - useless green line
02:03:931 (1) - add finish
02:04:612 (3,6) - check slider
02:10:748 (2,3) - why u snapped in blue tick?


01:17:064 - add here fits nice wiht vocal (and add note 01:27:971 - here too)
01:43:139 (1) - i'd rather add some notes and sliders instead spinner here
01:51:319 (1,1) - delete these NC and 01:51:660 (4) - add NC
02:06:657 (1) - i don't recommend these many repeats on high diffs
02:15:349 (2) - 0.8x DS is better than 1.2x DS like you used previous

maybe you need more experience on mapping good luck~
ohai ~ M4M because PM

Pls find a better mp3!


General: Think about lowering the volume of your hits. The way they are now, it destroys the song a bit. The song becomes background and it shouldnt be like that.

Other stuff:
  1. 00:27:811 (2) - The flow isn't the best one. Even if it's easy, you shouldn't forget flow. (something like this: maybe?)
  2. rest seems fine.

  1. 00:28:492 (1) - strg + g for better flow
  2. 00:31:219 (3) - that sudden jump doesn't fit with normal. pls use consistent ds
  3. 00:33:946 (1) - nothing, actually. i just like that slider. pretty *Q*
  4. 00:42:126 (4) - you should add a finish, or a whistle or sth there. since there's an exaggeration in the song, too
  5. 00:45:535 (2) - strg + g for flow again
  6. 00:47:410 (4) - this circle doesnt fit and could be confusing for newly players. first your following the drum and beat and suddenly you follow the singer. that's not consistent and could confuse. IF you want to do it, you should do sth like that:
  7. 00:52:011 (1,2,3,4) - no jumping in normal pls!
  8. 01:18:257 (4,1) - this doesnt fit at all and isnt pretty and whatever. pls change it!
  9. 01:59:670 (1) - change clap to whistle. it fits better, because the part is quiet.
  10. 02:18:928 (1) - sth like this would look more interesting: (and then mirror it)
nice diff


  1. 00:32:242 - add a circle here and make a triangle? there's sound and it would look good
  2. 00:33:094 - ^
  3. 00:47:069 (4) - strg + g for better flow
  4. 01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - this plays boring. pls change
  5. rest seems fine.
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:



  1. 02:03:931 - why don't you add kiai time?
One is enought imo


nothing special


00:33:946 (1) - touching HP bar Fixed
00:59:851 (1) - delete NC It's new instrument, so new combo
01:39:730 (1) - ^ Fixed


00:40:081 (1) - delete NC Fixed
01:52:768 - useless green line True
02:03:931 (1) - add finish Done
02:04:612 (3,6) - check slider Done
02:10:748 (2,3) - why u snapped in blue tick?
Simple error


I remapped it completly :)

maybe you need more experience on mapping good luck~

ChivaCookie wrote:

ohai ~ M4M because PM

Pls find a better mp3! Even with a "better mp3" it would be same result due to 192kbps rule


General: Think about lowering the volume of your hits. The way they are now, it destroys the song a bit. The song becomes background and it shouldnt be like that. Actually sound are 50%, your sound configuration must have a problem

Other stuff:
  1. 00:27:811 (2) - The flow isn't the best one. Even if it's easy, you shouldn't forget flow. (something like this: maybe?)
  2. rest seems fine.


  1. 00:28:492 (1) - strg + g for better flow Yeah
  2. 00:31:219 (3) - that sudden jump doesn't fit with normal. pls use consistent ds It's barelly a jump imo X)
  3. 00:33:946 (1) - nothing, actually. i just like that slider. pretty *Q* Thanks buddy !
  4. 00:42:126 (4) - you should add a finish, or a whistle or sth there. since there's an exaggeration in the song, too Done
  5. 00:45:535 (2) - strg + g for flow again Done
  6. 00:47:410 (4) - this circle doesnt fit and could be confusing for newly players. first your following the drum and beat and suddenly you follow the singer. that's not consistent and could confuse. IF you want to do it, you should do sth like that: The whole part follow the singer imo
  7. 00:52:011 (1,2,3,4) - no jumping in normal pls! Little jump hurt no one <3
  8. 01:18:257 (4,1) - this doesnt fit at all and isnt pretty and whatever. pls change it! no T_T
  9. 01:59:670 (1) - change clap to whistle. it fits better, because the part is quiet. Done
  10. 02:18:928 (1) - sth like this would look more interesting: (and then mirror it) Great !

nice diff Thanks !


  1. 00:32:242 - add a circle here and make a triangle? there's sound and it would look good Done
  2. 00:33:094 - ^ Sweet Idea
  3. 00:47:069 (4) - strg + g for better flow Done
  4. 01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - this plays boring. pls change It gets quiter, this represent the calm part
  5. rest seems fine.
Great !


Insane completely remapped
Another mod just for your new insane difficulty :)

[Kaizoku no o]


Make sure to fix this. I don't know why it doesn't conflict with Easy. Maybe you used Easy to 'Save As New Difficulty...' ? Not sure about the Insane because it's no longer a part of the actual beatmap.


00:35:309 (5) I suggest making this the start of a new combo.

In-game i didnt notice this, but when I watched it through editor, I noticed that 00:35:309 (7,8,9,10) is a square like the first, but instead it's tilted. I think you should rotate it another 10-15 degrees. Whatever you do to this square, fix 00:48:943 (11) respectively.

01:08:372 This double-tapping bit here was confusing because of how sudden the move is. For a section like this, I suggest either taking out one note before the move, or making this a stream. I know that would require a little bit more remapping, but I'll leave it to you to decide what to do.

At 01:17:149 (3) This slider is on the Blue tick (on the timeline). I think I know what you were trying to do, but notice how the slider extends past where it should end in order to match the rhythm of one eighth note. It needs to be shortened to the white line on the timeline to match the rhythm. OTHERWISE you could just move it back on tick and have it be a regular eighth note rhythm.

02:02:567 This kind of sounds weird as all claps.

02:04:868 Regarding that slider at 01:17:149 (3) I think this slider should be dealt with the same way, either shortened to the white line, or moved back one tick to match a typical rhythm.

Lastly, the HP Drain/Note ratio. I think that, either the HP drain is too high, or there aren't enough notes for the HP drain to be forgiving enough. Understanding that this is Insane, it's up to you whether you want to change anything or not. Insane can be interpreted many ways.

Good luck again!
Topic Starter

Tsuchimikado wrote:

Another mod just for your new insane difficulty :)

[Kaizoku no o]


Make sure to fix this. I don't know why it doesn't conflict with Easy. Maybe you used Easy to 'Save As New Difficulty...' ? Not sure about the Insane because it's no longer a part of the actual beatmap.
If you update all map at once you don't have this problem :)


00:35:309 (5) I suggest making this the start of a new combo. Good idea

In-game i didnt notice this, but when I watched it through editor, I noticed that 00:35:309 (7,8,9,10) is a square like the first, but instead it's tilted. I think you should rotate it another 10-15 degrees. Whatever you do to this square, fix 00:48:943 (11) respectively. Done

01:08:372 This double-tapping bit here was confusing because of how sudden the move is. For a section like this, I suggest either taking out one note before the move, or making this a stream. I know that would require a little bit more remapping, but I'll leave it to you to decide what to do. I see your point. I turn last slider into two circle so player can get ready for double

At 01:17:149 (3) This slider is on the Blue tick (on the timeline). I think I know what you were trying to do, but notice how the slider extends past where it should end in order to match the rhythm of one eighth note. It needs to be shortened to the white line on the timeline to match the rhythm. OTHERWISE you could just move it back on tick and have it be a regular eighth note rhythm. Extended

02:02:567 This kind of sounds weird as all claps. Turned into a drum clap

02:04:868 Regarding that slider at 01:17:149 (3) I think this slider should be dealt with the same way, either shortened to the white line, or moved back one tick to match a typical rhythm. Extended

Lastly, the HP Drain/Note ratio. I think that, either the HP drain is too high, or there aren't enough notes for the HP drain to be forgiving enough. Understanding that this is Insane, it's up to you whether you want to change anything or not. Insane can be interpreted many ways. I think I will do a -1 because I want it to be a nice insae

Good luck again!
Bonsoir ! Réponse du M4M o/

Comme dit IG, je n'ai rien à dire concernant l'easy diff !

Normal :

01:16:552 (1,2) - C'est pas un peu violent comme jump pour une normal diff ? D:
01:18:768 (1) - Devrait être juste un peu plus loin vu que tu utilises le même espacement ici 01:11:099 (2,3) - alors que le timing est différent !
01:22:858 (1) - Le triple HS gache un peu, j'en aurait mit qu'un seul sur la dernière partie

Hard :

00:31:901 (2,3,4,5) - Le triangle ne va pas avec la voix je trouve, j'aurais supprimé le 4, et fait en sorte que le slider suive la voix, soit en reverse pour coller avec la baisse d'intonation, mais dans les deux cas en l'allongeant pour qu'il finisse 1/2 derrière 00:31:901 (2,3,4,5) -
01:12:462 (1,2,3) - C'est infime mais l'écart en Y n'est pas le même !
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - Sympathique mais vraiment trop simple / ennuyant pour du hard je pense !
01:27:800 (3) - Lève juste un chouia l'inclinaison pour suivre les circles précédents
01:29:675 (7) - Jusqu'à 01:31:550 (5) - C'est un peu pauvre je trouve ici par rapport aux paroles !
02:14:838 (1,2) - Pas symétrique !

Insane :

01:19:961 (3,7) - C'est normal qu'elles soient décalées ?
01:24:733 (1,2,3,1) - Le reverse slider sonne faux, je l'aurais supprimé, et j'aurais déplacé les 3 circles précédents de sorte qu'ils finissent 1/2 avant
le slider 01:25:755 (2) -
01:45:184 (1,3) - Tu peux rajouter un circle 1/2 avant :3
01:45:865 (5) - Raccourci le d'1/4 !
01:50:297 (1) - Alors pour ça, l'augmentation soudaine au x1.50 pour un slider aussi énorme, j'ai peur que n'importe qui se fasse avoir une fois si il ne le sait pas à l'avance, ce qui n'est pas fun !
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Là au contraire c'est trop simple pour de l'insane, mets un peu plus de distance entre les slider->circle !
01:55:068 (2) - Devrait être un chouillat plus haut pour suivre l'inclinaison
01:55:750 (1) - Tu devrais compliquer les chose ici, le vide se ressent par rapport au son
02:05:209 (3,4) - Ils sonnent mieux si tu les recule d'1/4

Sinooon dans toutes les diffs tu as des hitsound (souvent des claps) qui ne s’enchaînent pas, ça fais bizarre :o
Et euh voilà !

Bonne soirée o/
Topic Starter

Disgallion wrote:

Bonsoir ! Réponse du M4M o/

Comme dit IG, je n'ai rien à dire concernant l'easy diff !

Normal :

01:16:552 (1,2) - C'est pas un peu violent comme jump pour une normal diff ? D: Un piti jump lent ne fait pas mal :)
01:18:768 (1) - Devrait être juste un peu plus loin vu que tu utilises le même espacement ici 01:11:099 (2,3) - alors que le timing est différent ! fait
01:22:858 (1) - Le triple HS gache un peu, j'en aurait mit qu'un seul sur la dernière partie Ca colle à la musique :)

Hard :

00:31:901 (2,3,4,5) - Le triangle ne va pas avec la voix je trouve, j'aurais supprimé le 4, et fait en sorte que le slider suive la voix, soit en reverse pour coller avec la baisse d'intonation, mais dans les deux cas en l'allongeant pour qu'il finisse 1/2 derrière 00:31:901 (2,3,4,5) - fait
01:12:462 (1,2,3) - C'est infime mais l'écart en Y n'est pas le même !fait
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - Sympathique mais vraiment trop simple / ennuyant pour du hard je pense !fait
01:27:800 (3) - Lève juste un chouia l'inclinaison pour suivre les circles précédentsfait
01:29:675 (7) - Jusqu'à 01:31:550 (5) - C'est un peu pauvre je trouve ici par rapport aux paroles ! fait
02:14:838 (1,2) - Pas symétrique !fait

Insane :

01:19:961 (3,7) - C'est normal qu'elles soient décalées ?fait
01:24:733 (1,2,3,1) - Le reverse slider sonne faux, je l'aurais supprimé, et j'aurais déplacé les 3 circles précédents de sorte qu'ils finissent 1/2 avant
le slider 01:25:755 (2) - fait
01:45:184 (1,3) - Tu peux rajouter un circle 1/2 avant :3fait
01:45:865 (5) - Raccourci le d'1/4 !fait
01:50:297 (1) - Alors pour ça, l'augmentation soudaine au x1.50 pour un slider aussi énorme, j'ai peur que n'importe qui se fasse avoir une fois si il ne le sait pas à l'avance, ce qui n'est pas fun ! Comme discuté, le rythme baisse, ca compense à mon goût :)
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Là au contraire c'est trop simple pour de l'insane, mets un peu plus de distance entre les slider->circle ! fait
01:55:068 (2) - Devrait être un chouillat plus haut pour suivre l'inclinaison fait
01:55:750 (1) - Tu devrais compliquer les chose ici, le vide se ressent par rapport au son fait
02:05:209 (3,4) - Ils sonnent mieux si tu les recule d'1/4 fait

Sinooon dans toutes les diffs tu as des hitsound (souvent des claps) qui ne s’enchaînent pas, ça fais bizarre :o Ca il faut me les signaler pour m'aider :D
Et euh voilà !

Bonne soirée o/
Mushi Mushi :P coming from #Modreq


Looks good to me . Great job :D

01:30:868 (5) - I think it should end here 01:31:038 not here 01:31:209

00:35:309 (5) - I think is should end here 00:35:650 not here 00:35:480
01:13:485 (1) - make this spinner end here 01:15:871

Kaizoku no o
01:19:790 - add note here
01:20:131 - ^
01:30:698 - ^
01:30:868 - ^
01:31:038 - ^
01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe put some space between 01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5) and 01:36:322 (6,7,8)
01:38:622 (1) - move it to 01:38:708 , sounds much better

01:40:753 (3,4) - needs fix, sounds ugly. My suggestion:- Before:, After1: or After2: /// whatever sound better to you, imo they both kinda feet but mostly After1 i think

01:50:297 (1) - the slider end is on a random spot in timeline , edit the slider length a little :P
01:53:535 (2,3,4) - Doesn't sound right, move 01:53:620 (3) to 01:53:875 OR add 2 notes here for mini steam: 01:53:790 - 01:53:875 ! They both fit the rhythm
01:54:898 (2,3,4) - Same as above, move 01:54:983 (3) to 01:55:239 OR add 2 notes here for mini stream :01:55:154 - 01:55:239 ! - ^
01:56:261 (2,3,4) - ^ , Move 01:56:347 (3) - to 01:56:602 - OR add 2 notes here for a mini stream : 01:56:517 - 01:56:602 ! - ^
01:58:477 (4,5) - 2 Options i suggest here, Either remove 01:59:159 (5) OR remove both and add a slider at 01:58:477 until 01:59:499 !
01:59:670 (6,7,8) - Move them to 01:59:499 - 01:59:585 - 01:59:670 respectively and replace (8) with a slider until 01:59:840 ;)
02:06:231 (4) - Move to 02:06:146 - and make it one snap linger until 02:06:657
02:07:509 - Add a note here , the beat does not stop :D

I tried my best, hope i helped :D
Mushi Mushi awaaaayyyy
Topic Starter

Ntasuto wrote:

Mushi Mushi :P coming from #Modreq


Looks good to me . Great job :D Ami is happy :D

01:30:868 (5) - I think it should end here 01:31:038 not here 01:31:209 Both work indeed, but I prefer a long slider that suit the long vocal :)

00:35:309 (5) - I think is should end here 00:35:650 not here 00:35:480 It's better indeed
01:13:485 (1) - make this spinner end here 01:15:871 Thanks !

Kaizoku no o
01:19:790 - add note here yes
01:20:131 - ^ yes
01:30:698 - ^ yes
01:30:868 - ^ yes
01:31:038 - ^ yes
01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe put some space between 01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5) and 01:36:322 (6,7,8) For spacing I can't move it :/
01:38:622 (1) - move it to 01:38:708 , sounds much better Agree

01:40:753 (3,4) - needs fix, sounds ugly. My suggestion:- Before:, After1: or After2: /// whatever sound better to you, imo they both kinda feet but mostly After1 i think after 2 is better :D

01:50:297 (1) - the slider end is on a random spot in timeline , edit the slider length a little :P Fixed !
01:53:535 (2,3,4) - Doesn't sound right, move 01:53:620 (3) to 01:53:875 OR add 2 notes here for mini steam: 01:53:790 - 01:53:875 ! They both fit the rhythm Mini steam :3
01:54:898 (2,3,4) - Same as above, move 01:54:983 (3) to 01:55:239 OR add 2 notes here for mini stream :01:55:154 - 01:55:239 ! - ^ Mini steam :3
01:56:261 (2,3,4) - ^ , Move 01:56:347 (3) - to 01:56:602 - OR add 2 notes here for a mini stream : 01:56:517 - 01:56:602 ! - ^ Mini steam :3
01:58:477 (4,5) - 2 Options i suggest here, Either remove 01:59:159 (5) OR remove both and add a slider at 01:58:477 until 01:59:499 ! Mini steam :3
01:59:670 (6,7,8) - Move them to 01:59:499 - 01:59:585 - 01:59:670 respectively and replace (8) with a slider until 01:59:840 ;) Slider :)
02:06:231 (4) - Move to 02:06:146 - and make it one snap linger until 02:06:657 Done
02:07:509 - Add a note here , the beat does not stop :D Ninja beat O_o

I tried my best, hope i helped :D You helped me a lot my friend! Thanks :D
Mushi Mushi awaaaayyyy
The timing feels weird at parts, I'd suggest you find someone good in timing to help you with it.
The length of the last spinner is completely random in Normal, Hard and Kaizoku, with no good reason. Please standardize where it ends.

I think the problem here is that you're mapping too much by only following the drum beat at the start, which results in constant 1/1s or 1/2s that aren't fun to play. Try and map more to the voice and trumpet.
Another part which might be considered not fun to play is how the beats are placed, if you keep placing them in a constant pattern more then twice or so, it looks and plays really boring too.
For example, 00:27:470 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - is just the same beat over and over again, and placement is centered around the middle. Here's a small example of what I personally would do:

I'll put a * on the parts where I feel is too repetitive.

00:31:901 (2,3,4) - The beats here aren't 1/1 apart, (3) should be on 00:32:156, (4) starts on 00:32:412. The repeats sound kinda bad too, so maybe make (4) a long slider or a spinner?
*00:35:480 (6,7,8) - These beats feel overmapped, I don't hear what they are mapped to. Try making another pattern in this combo that doesn't keep going back to the point, too.
*00:39:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This part keeps going back to the center, so try using another shape. Try mapping to the voice here.
*00:49:966 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Also, the combo here is not of even length. I would remove NC on 00:50:648 (1).
*00:52:693 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) -
*00:54:738 (3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) -
00:59:169 (1) - From here on, it's not too bad, so you can use the rest of the map as a reference to what patterns feel overdone.
01:03:089 - The stack starts here, add a beat here.
01:08:372 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I can not hear what this stack is mapped to at all, and it feels a little overmapped. I would just follow the voice, but if not, then I think this should be made into a stream instead because splitting them into 2 stacks makes no sense imo, and (6) is too far from the first stack.
*01:19:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
01:30:868 - This sudden break in the combo feels really weird. Map this part out more, and with more than just plain notes.
01:35:299 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't know what this is mapped to, either, so same suggestion, try and take the voice into account. And stacking so many beats usually doesn't look very good. Position them out more.
01:38:963 (2,3) and 01:40:753 (3,4) - This is not very good at all. In the first combo, they are 1/1 yet put on each other, while the next combo is 1/4 but still spaced the same as the first. My suggestion is to not stack 01:39:730 (3) under (2), and shorten 01:40:753 (3) to the previous red tick.
02:06:231 (4) - Start this 1/4 earlier, on the red tick.

00:31:901 (2,3) - These two beats don't follow the music very well. There should be something on 00:32:156 and 00:32:412. I would suggest a slider:
00:41:956 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The spacing is really uneven, some sliders overlap the next one a little.
01:12:803 (3) - Remove one repeat and make it 1/4 longer, it fits the voice better.
01:22:347 (2,3,1) - This spacing is just wrong, (3) is much too close to (1). Same for the next few beats.
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