
Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mardi 29 avril 2014 at 18:00:14

Artist: Hiroshi Kitadani
Title: We Go!
Source: One Piece
Tags: luffy ami opening
BPM: 176
Filesize: 16687kb
Play Time: 02:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ami's Easy (1,65 stars, 97 notes)
  2. Hard (4,42 stars, 199 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 377 notes)
  4. Normal (3,91 stars, 179 notes)
Download: Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go!
Download: Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go! (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I've always been a huge fan of One Piece, but since we don't have many map, I decided to create my own set of One Piece Map. I start with We Go, quite simple rythm to code I think.
It's my first map, so it's not perfect yet. But I would gladly recieve any help to improve it :)
-------------- About the mapping
Easy Ami's
Normal Heshu's
Hard HeShu's
Insane HeShu's
Total time of mapping : Over 10 day
Pending... wanna mod me for ranking ? :3
21/03/2014 : Insane remapping + Hitsound modifications
-------------- Special thanks to
Rezoons - Andrea - Jonathanfj - Irreversible
-------------- Infinite Thanks to
-Umi- (Timing) , sheela901 (mod), Ami (mod+map) , Shiro (Advices), ZLOdeuka (mod) , DnJeiser (mod) , Xebo (mod) ,YGOkid8 (test+help) , Kurai (information) Knotts and Tsuchimikado (mod), sjoy (mod), Shikinotsu (mod), 10crystalmask01 (mod), iNickel (mod), HelloSCV (mod), ChivaCookie (mod) and all people that have tested my map !
(Remember me to update that)
2013-09-14 19:11 HeShu: Je suis partant pour un mod4mod :)
2013-09-14 19:11 -Umi-: okok :3
2013-09-14 19:12 -Umi-: quel map ?
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: Ma facile et normal sont bouclée
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: C'est donc pour avoir un avis en plus du mod :3
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: t/154669
2013-09-14 19:13 HeShu: Je m'occupe de la tienne en même temps ;)
2013-09-14 19:13 -Umi-: ok je vais look ça
2013-09-14 19:15 -Umi-: je vois que tu commence le mapping
2013-09-14 19:15 HeShu: oui, après avoir jouée beaucoup je commence à vouloir créer un peu
2013-09-14 19:15 HeShu: je te donne mon avis ici ou je le poste sur ton topic ?
2013-09-14 19:16 -Umi-: bon je vais check les principaux point
2013-09-14 19:16 -Umi-: tu veux dire IRC ?
2013-09-14 19:17 -Umi-: bon bon y'a bcp bcp de chose à dire xD
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: Je veux dire sur le topic de ta map ^^
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: J'imagine qu'il y a beaucoup à dire, même après de multiples tests et modifications ^^
2013-09-14 19:18 HeShu: Pour la tienne, j'ai fait easy et normal, rien à dire, c'est nicke l:)
2013-09-14 19:18 -Umi-: oui tu fais comme celui d'avant ^^
2013-09-14 19:19 HeShu: ok ^^
2013-09-14 19:22 -Umi-: quand t'aura fini dis moi ^^ je prefere t'expliquer en jeu
2013-09-14 19:22 -Umi-: ça sera plus simple
2013-09-14 19:27 HeShu: il ne me reste plus que l'insane à voir :)
2013-09-14 19:30 HeShu: bon je poste et j'ai finit dans 2 minutes :)
2013-09-14 19:33 HeShu: je viens de poster
2013-09-14 19:33 HeShu: alors en quoi c'est pas bon chez moi ^^
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: bon alors d'abord on va parlais des choses général
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: parler*
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: premierement le kiai time tu vois ce que c'est
2013-09-14 19:34 -Umi-: ?
2013-09-14 19:35 HeShu: oui, c'est pour marquer un évènement particulier, type refrain ou moment de la musique
2013-09-14 19:35 HeShu: J'en ai pas mis beaucoup et sporadiquement
2013-09-14 19:35 -Umi-: oui mais les tiens sont placé trés bizarrement
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: ils sont censé durée tout le refrain
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: et non pas jsute quelques seconde
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: je te consei de démarré
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: 01:16:211 -
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: 01:53:023 - et la fin ici
2013-09-14 19:36 -Umi-: les 2 autre n'ont pas lieu d'etre
2013-09-14 19:39 -Umi-: ?
2013-09-14 19:39 HeShu: je vois :)
2013-09-14 19:39 HeShu: Je fesais les corrections en même temps ^^
2013-09-14 19:39 -Umi-: et donc quand tu map easy/normal tu dois pensais que c'est des joueur débutant qui vont play ces diff
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: faut eviter de superposer des notes et slider
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: comme ici par exemple
2013-09-14 19:40 -Umi-: 00:42:808 (5,1) -
2013-09-14 19:41 -Umi-: tu aussi en easy et normal avoir toujours la meme distance entre chaque note
2013-09-14 19:41 -Umi-: dois
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: tu peux voir ça ici
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: quand tu selection une note
2013-09-14 19:42 -Umi-: or la tu vois que la distance est pas du tout meme
2013-09-14 19:43 HeShu: Tu parle de la distance sur la ligne du temps ou en snap ?
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: en snap
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: 00:41:445 (1,2,3,4) - la tu as bien fait
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: l'écart entre chaque est de 0,8 plsu ou moins
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: mais l'écart ici est de 1,32
2013-09-14 19:44 -Umi-: 00:42:808 (5,1) -
2013-09-14 19:45 -Umi-: et ça c'est pas acceptable en easy et normal
2013-09-14 19:46 -Umi-: il y un tuto pour les débutant mapper mais il est down depuis quelque temps je te l'aurai bien filé :/
2013-09-14 19:47 HeShu: Je me refais les alignement alors
2013-09-14 19:47 HeShu: oui le tuto de sushi est down :/
2013-09-14 19:47 -Umi-: ensuite dans ta easy
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: 00:28:492 (2,2,1) -
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: les long slider comme ça
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: ça parait fun a play en edit mais en faite ça l'est pas du tout
2013-09-14 19:48 -Umi-: et en parlant des slider pour une easy ton SV : slidervelocity est bcp trop élévé
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-: il tourne autour de 0,80 1,10 en général pour les easy
2013-09-14 19:49 HeShu: de combien trop élevè ?
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-: tu peux regler ça ici
2013-09-14 19:49 -Umi-:
2013-09-14 19:50 -Umi-: 1,40 c'est limite pour une difficulté hard
2013-09-14 19:50 HeShu: Je vois :)
2013-09-14 19:50 -Umi-: je vais te donner une tranche pour chaque diff
2013-09-14 19:51 -Umi-: easy: 0,70/1,10 /// normal : 1,00/1,30 //// hard :1,40/1,70 //// insane : 1,60/2,00 ou plus
2013-09-14 19:52 -Umi-: essaye de rester dans cette tranche a chaque fois
2013-09-14 19:52 HeShu: je vais modifier ca du coup
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-: ensuite
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-:
2013-09-14 19:53 -Umi-: va ici
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: et décoche enable coutdown et letter box in breaks
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: et ça pour chaque diff
2013-09-14 19:54 -Umi-: a moins que tu veuille garder le 1 2 3 mais qui ne fit pas du tout à mon avis
2013-09-14 19:56 HeShu: c'est décoché :)
2013-09-14 19:57 -Umi-: bon on va faire un tour dans le dossier maintenant
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: a propos du background
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: y'a uniquement 2 type de taille accepté
2013-09-14 19:58 -Umi-: 1366x768 et 1024x768, les autre ne sont pas acceptable
2013-09-14 20:00 HeShu: au niveau du format : jpg ou png ?
2013-09-14 20:00 -Umi-: 2 deux sont accepté mais c'est mieux jpg moins lourd
2013-09-14 20:01 -Umi-: tu perdras juste un peu en qualité
2013-09-14 20:01 -Umi-: et en parlant de qualité la video c'est pas ça du tout x)
2013-09-14 20:02 HeShu: j'ai une vidéo de bonne qualité, mais l'upload ne la prends pas :/
2013-09-14 20:02 -Umi-: je peux t'en faire une si tu veux
2013-09-14 20:03 HeShu: j'ai la vidéo, je vais retenter ca de suite :)
2013-09-14 20:03 -Umi-: ok dis moi si ça marche
2013-09-14 20:04 HeShu: vidéo trop large, je vais baisser la résolution un peu d
2013-09-14 20:05 -Umi-: k
2013-09-14 20:10 HeShu: quoi que je fasse j'ai une vidéo de 11 mo :/
2013-09-14 20:10 -Umi-: C'est ok
2013-09-14 20:10 -Umi-: le poids total du dossier avec video ne dois pas faire plus de 24mo
2013-09-14 20:13 HeShu: l'up se fait :D
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: bon bah voila j'ai vu avec toi les choses principal maintenant c'est a toi de faire :3
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: y'a pas mal de chose a revoir avec ce que je t'ai dis coup
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: ah et regarde quelques ranked
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: map
2013-09-14 20:13 HeShu: je pourrais t'embeter demain pour avoir ton avis sur les modifications ? :3
2013-09-14 20:13 -Umi-: si je suis la et dispo ok
2013-09-14 20:14 HeShu: super ^^

Little IRC about gerenal stuff, gl with your map o/
14:24 sheela901: Hello, can I mod your map?
14:24 sheela901: Vous etes francais
14:24 sheela901: :3
14:24 HeShu: with pleasure, but I'm actually applying modification on it :)
14:25 HeShu: in 30minutes it will be ok :)
14:25 sheela901: okay :3
14:25 HeShu: yes I'm french :)
14:25 sheela901: I' going to wait :3
14:25 HeShu: Tahnk you very much ^^
14:40 HeShu: almost finish :)
14:40 sheela901: okay
14:45 HeShu: good, now you can test easy and normal. Hard is only 25% made :)
14:46 sheela901: okay
14:46 HeShu: Thank you for helping ^^
14:46 sheela901: you're welcome
14:47 sheela901: so first, for me, the normal hasn't a background.
14:49 HeShu: oh, indeed. I upload a correction right now :)
14:50 HeShu: correction made
14:51 sheela901: okay
14:53 sheela901: In easy, remove 00:33:264 (7) and extend 00:32:582 (6) to 00:33:605 ?
14:53 sheela901: Sorry, let me retry
14:54 sheela901: Remove 00:33:264 (7) - and extend 00:32:582 (6) - to 00:33:605 -?
14:56 HeShu: Good idea
14:56 HeShu: I'm on it
14:56 sheela901: 00:50:307 (2) - It overlap itself. It's difficult to read.
14:56 sheela901: Tell me if I go too fast.
14:57 HeShu: It' not too fast at all :)
14:57 sheela901: Okay. 00:48:262 (7) - Move it down to one grid
14:58 HeShu: done
14:58 sheela901: 00:53:715 (1) - Move it somewhere else so that it won't overlap 00:54:397 (1) - ?
14:59 sheela901: 00:56:101 (1,2) - Don't get them overlap.
15:00 sheela901: 00:58:828 (1) - Remove the new combo and add it to 00:59:851 (2) -. It'll fit with the music
15:02 sheela901: and make it curvy like
15:04 sheela901: 01:05:986 (1) - Move it to 01:05:645 - ?
15:05 sheela901: 01:30:868 (2,3) - You made an error.
15:05 HeShu: you can continue :)
15:06 sheela901: 01:34:958 (3) - Make it curvy
15:07 sheela901: The kiai time should end at 01:36:662
15:07 sheela901: 01:36:662 -
15:07 sheela901: and the break should be more earlier
15:08 sheela901: 01:55:750 (1) - It's overlap by 01:54:387 (2) - . Move it somewhere else.
15:09 sheela901: 01:57:795 (1) - Remove two repeat so it fits the music
15:09 sheela901: or vocal
15:10 sheela901: 02:03:931 (5) - NC?
15:10 sheela901: 02:04:612 - Add note?
15:10 HeShu: NC? what' it means ?
15:10 sheela901: new combo
15:10 sheela901: :3
15:11 sheela901: 02:12:622 (10) - Move it to 02:12:793 -.
15:11 sheela901: 02:20:291 (1) - Remove NC?
15:12 HeShu: my my, you mod like a pro :D
15:12 sheela901: really? - 3-
15:13 HeShu: Yes, all information i need to improve my map, you give them to me :D
15:13 sheela901: Now normal time. 00:30:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try to make another pattern.
15:14 sheela901: 00:32:582 (8) - Move it to 00:32:412 -.
15:17 sheela901: 00:35:650 (2) - Try that. Move it to x:72 y:136. After, move the middle square one to x:192 y:8 and move the last square to x:344 y120
15:17 sheela901: and 00:36:673 (3) - move it to x:416 y:48
15:18 sheela901: 00:44:853 (6) - Add NC?
15:18 sheela901: 00:42:126 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think it's difficult for a normal
15:20 sheela901: 00:54:397 (1) - Like in easy, try to change it because it's overlap itself
15:20 sheela901: and that 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - won't overlap it
15:22 HeShu: For this I just add a new combo to make color go out
15:23 sheela901: Okay. 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try that. 00:53:374 - to 00:53:715 - Add a slider and remove 00:53:886 (4) - because the pattern of 00:53:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's not for a normal I think
15:24 sheela901: 01:05:304 (1) - Cool slider :3
15:25 HeShu: thank :3
15:26 sheela901: 01:12:121 (1) - Reduce the time of the slider to 01:15:530 - because it could tired the players. And add a note to 01:16:211 -.
15:27 sheela901: 01:29:675 (7) - NC?
15:27 sheela901: 01:31:550 (1) - Remove NC?
15:29 sheela901: and make it curvy like
15:30 sheela901: The kiai time should also end at 01:36:662 -
15:32 sheela901: 01:54:387 (2) - x:425 y:336 01:55:750 (3) - x:113 y:337 01:57:114 (4) - x:119 y:44 so they could be stack
15:32 sheela901: to each other
15:33 sheela901: 02:01:885 (3) - End it at 02:03:590 -
15:34 sheela901: It can be tricky for a normal and 02:03:931 (1) - move it to x:273 y:80
15:35 sheela901: 02:04:612 (3) - End it to 02:04:783 - and remove 02:04:953 (4) -
15:36 sheela901: 02:05:976 (7) - End it to 02:06:146 - and remove 02:06:317 (8) -
15:37 sheela901: 02:07:680 (4) - Make it curvyÉ
15:37 sheela901: *?
15:37 sheela901: 02:08:362 (1) - End it to 02:09:384 -
15:38 sheela901: 02:10:066 (1) - x:124 y:316
15:39 HeShu: seems I got some error with last slider, don't care about them. THey're all off time
15:40 sheela901: 02:18:928 (1,3) - I think there're out of the mapset
15:41 HeShu: you can refresh, I made all modification you suggested and it looks pretty well :
15:41 HeShu: :)
15:42 sheela901: Okay. I think the map have a lot of distance snap error. Open AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A) and check "Check distance snap".
15:44 HeShu: I'm gonna fix thoses errors :)
15:45 sheela901: I think that's all because hard is not finish
15:46 HeShu: hard is only begun
15:46 HeShu: I mostly focus on modding the two first difficulties today :)
15:46 sheela901: Should I check it now or should check I check later when you finish the map?
15:47 sheela901: ah okay
15:47 sheela901: PM me in-game or in the forums if you finish your hard.
15:47 sheela901: :3
15:48 HeShu: I think I will finish insane and hard tomorrow :)
15:48 HeShu: what do you think of the map in general, now it's fixed ?
15:48 sheela901: Wait
15:52 sheela901: Generally, I think you need to work in patterns that have overlap on easy and normal. Pattern with overlap can be hard to read.
15:58 sheela901: One more suggestion in easy. 00:33:946 (1) - Make a slider with three little square. The first little square at x:424 y:116, the second at x:494 y:210 and the last one at x:336 y:152 for a perfect circle and add a note to 00:35:991 -
15:58 HeShu: I think it will be easier after some mapping :)
15:59 sheela901: Yea
16:00 sheela901: So, I think I should stop here because I'm done.
16:00 HeShu: done, tired ?
16:01 sheela901: No, I couldn't find anything else
16:02 HeShu: Good news for me ^O^
16:02 sheela901: :3
16:03 sheela901: Should I post it in the forums?
16:03 HeShu: You help me so much, of course :D
Good Luck and star!
I can't do anything for you for the moment D:
But i hope this map will be rank soon !
Good luck HeShu :D


● BPM be rounded up to 176
● Delete OSB file
● BG size or 1024x768 or 800x600
● do sound a little quieter. may be 30%


00:30:537 (3) - new combo
00:59:851 (1) - x:256 y:32
01:02:237 (5) - new combo
01:53:023 (1) - can from now on use the soft better sound?
02:09:384 (3) - new combo


00:54:397 (1,1) - this jump is not needed here
01:16:552 (2,3) - ^spacing
01:19:961 (10) - add note
01:55:750 (3) - new combo
01:58:477 (5) - ^

oh.. done~ good luck.
After working on the rhythm
many pauses in the rhythm
change the style sliders

00:33:946 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - better to make a hitсircle
01:05:304 (1) - I do not like
01:17:234 - empty
01:18:597 - ^
02:02:397 (10) - I do not like
02:06:657 (1) - boring
02:18:928 (1,1,1,1,1) - here to make the jump

00:32:412 (8) - boring
00:54:397 (1) - I do not like
00:58:487 (5) - boring
01:05:304 (1) - I do not like
01:10:417 - empty
02:01:885 (3) - boring

Hitcircle size = 3
00:33:946 (1) - I do not like
00:50:307 (2) - ^

Sorry, i m bad speak english.
Good Luck!
Hey! :3
Hitsounds are too loud for this song.
Easy = normal, normal = hard and hard = insane? Lol!
I think sliders are too fast for easy, And slider tick rate 1 maybe?
OD -1, AR -1
00:32:582 (6,7,8,9) - I think, this is too hard for easy. <- Maybe this? Sliders are good for easy :3
00:33:946 (1) - I dont like this slider. <- ?
00:43:490 (1) - too short?
00:46:898 (4) - NC?
00:50:307 (2) - this slider isnt nice.
00:56:101 (3,4) - too hard?
01:05:645 (1) - Map this part
01:34:277 (1) - delete this
01:34:958 (2) - I think, this is better:
2. Break: map this part
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Make break.
02:09:384 (3) - more than 1 reversearrow isnt good for easy.

sliders are so fast QWQ
00:31:901 (6,7) - set (7) on a white tick.
00:35:650 (2) - set this on a big white tick.
00:54:397 (1) - this isnt good. see easy
00:58:487 (5) - no more than 1reverse arrow in easy/normal
01:00:532 (1) - ^
01:01:896 (3) - ^
01:03:259 (1) - ^
01:05:304 (1) - whats that? e.e
map the first break
01:53:023 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - make break

00:27:470 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - too hard for hard qww
00:33:946 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23) - ^
00:58:828 (1,2,3,4,5) - streams on hard? :c
01:00:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:01:896 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:03:259 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:05:304 (1) - What is this? e.e
map the first & second break
01:25:585 (10) - delete
01:53:023 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - make break

Good luck :3
Topic Starter
Changelog :

Due to wise advice there is a modification of map's difficulty :
Easy became Normal
Normal became Hard
Hard became Insane

Thanks everyone for your help and support !
Bonne map dans son ensemble et bien réalisé pour une première map, tu as vu revu les timings, ça se voit.
Bonne continuation =)
Bonne map sympa , le hard est un peu trop facile mais dans l'ensemble ca va.

Pour une première map en fait c'est génial :)
Heyn :)

M4M Alex Ferrari - Bara Bara Bere Bere


You Have to Map 80% from the Song , you start at 17% and you have at 01:37:003 a big break, start earlyer or fill out the Break :s..

[Ami´s Easy Difficult]

01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

01:08:031 (3) - Ctrl+G
01:13:655 (1) Spinner start at 01:13:485

[Normal Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:38:036 Remove Break
02:04:612 (1) Move to Y:216
02:03:590 Remove Break
02:17:905 ^

[Hard Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:53:374 (1) New Combo
00:54:397 (1) ^

01:05:304 (1) *_* What a Slider ! Love it <3
01:54:387 (2) New Combo
01:57:114 (2) New Combo

[Insane Difficult]
01:36:662 set Volume to 50
02:03:931 set Volume to 75
02:20:973 set Volume to 100

00:33:946 (1) - New Combo
00:34:628 (1) - ^
00:35:309 (1) - ^

02:14:156 - Remove Break
02:18:246 - ^

Think about Some Spacing ._. it can interrupt playing when the Space between Hitcircles change in a Difficult (Use Distance Snap Tool)
May name the Modders who Helped you in beatmap Information :o , they will be proud if you do :)

:) Hope id helped you
Hello, here for the mod for mod. Most of these are just suggestions.

The title for this song should be "ウィーゴー!"

01:03:600 (2) - (Nazi) Move this to (281,227), 01:03:941 (3) Move this to (338, 295), 01:04:963 (4) Move this to sit on top of (2). 01:05:304 (1) Adjust this slider however you like to fit with this. Should look something like this
00:56:101 (1,2) - Replace these two with a repeating slider that lasts 3 ticks altogether. It's annoying to play that as it is now.
01:27:460 (2) - Move this two ticks forward and put a circle where it used to be.
01:28:993 (5) - Move one tick forward and make it a repeating slider.
01:30:016 (7) - Make this a repeating slider.
02:02:226 (6) - Move this circle to where it's exactly on top of the beginning of the slider.
02:21:314 (4) - There's no sound to match the circle with in the song so I don't think this circle is needed.

Overall this doesn't really feel like a hard. It seems to easy and could a normal. My suggestion to make this map harder is to replace the long sliders with multiple shorter ones.

00:33:946 (1) - This slider doesn't look too great. Maybe change it to make it look something similar to this?
Mess around with it a bit.

00:35:650 (2) - Timing sounds off here. Move two ticks forward and delete (3).
00:44:171 (5) - Fix this slider to make it more circular. As it is now your circle made with these sliders look off because of this one.
00:47:239 (4) - Move this one tick forward to match with the vocals.
00:53:034 (5) - Replace this with a slider that lasts three ticks and replace the slider at 00:53:374 with a circle.
01:00:532 (1) - Move this slider one tick forward. Same with 01:01:896 (3) and 01:03:259 (1).
01:12:121 (1) - This spinner doesn't match the rhythm of the song. You should move it to somewhere around 01:13:485 and end it around 01:15:700
01:19:620 (9) - Maybe turn this into a slider and fill in the few blank parts after it to match the vocals.
01:22:858 (1) - Move one tick forward
01:32:572 (1) - Move one tick back
01:53:023 - Lower the volume to around 30%. Play around with it a bit.
02:01:204 - Raise the volume here to around 70%. Go back to the original volume at 02:03:931
Hello! I'm going to mod your Insane :) EDIT: I noticed you updated the map like, a few seconds ago. so I'm going to change a few things! Newer edits will be in RED


00:59:186 This still isnt snapped!


00:54:056 This reverse slider seems odd. I'm not hearing how the reverse part matches the beat. I'm going to say, I HALF-take this comment back. I hear it, but it just seems a little weird in my opinion.

I still stand my ground with these though.
00:58:828 This stream of circles look too far away from each other for how fast you have to hit them. Maybe bunch them a LITTLE bit closer.

Same with the streams here 01:00:532 and here 01:01:896 and here 01:03:259

02:14:753 The start of this slider sounds better one tick forward.

Other than those, nice job. :) Good luck!
Topic Starter

Knotts wrote:

Hello, here for the mod for mod. Most of these are just suggestions.

The title for this song should be "ウィーゴー!" I didn't though about it, Thanks !

01:03:600 (2) - (Nazi) Move this to (281,227), 01:03:941 (3) Move this to (338, 295), 01:04:963 (4) Move this to sit on top of (2). 01:05:304 (1) Adjust this slider however you like to fit with this. Should look something like this good idea

00:56:101 (1,2) - Replace these two with a repeating slider that lasts 3 ticks altogether. It's annoying to play that as it is now. Indeed, changed
01:27:460 (2) - Move this two ticks forward and put a circle where it used to be. Modified
01:28:993 (5) - Move one tick forward and make it a repeating slider. I don't like to advance it from one tick, but the repeater is a good idea
01:30:016 (7) - Make this a repeating slider. Sweet :3
02:02:226 (6) - Move this circle to where it's exactly on top of the beginning of the slider. Done !
02:21:314 (4) - There's no sound to match the circle with in the song so I don't think this circle is needed. True, that's why I used a clap, in order to keep this pattern alive :)

Overall this doesn't really feel like a hard. It seems to easy and could a normal. My suggestion to make this map harder is to replace the long sliders with multiple shorter ones. I heard you, and I'm adding little slider instead of big one :3

00:33:946 (1) - This slider doesn't look too great. Maybe change it to make it look something similar to this?
Mess around with it a bit. Fixed !

00:35:650 (2) - Timing sounds off here. Move two ticks forward and delete (3). Done
00:44:171 (5) - Fix this slider to make it more circular. As it is now your circle made with these sliders look off because of this one. Done
00:47:239 (4) - Move this one tick forward to match with the vocals. I heard you
00:53:034 (5) - Replace this with a slider that lasts three ticks and replace the slider at 00:53:374 with a circle. Done
01:00:532 (1) - Move this slider one tick forward. Same with 01:01:896 (3) and 01:03:259 (1). I think it could be too hard to do that for player
01:12:121 (1) - This spinner doesn't match the rhythm of the song. You should move it to somewhere around 01:13:485 and end it around 01:15:700 Good idea !
01:19:620 (9) - Maybe turn this into a slider and fill in the few blank parts after it to match the vocals. I need to improve this whole part by the way :)
01:22:858 (1) - Move one tick forward ^
01:32:572 (1) - Move one tick back ^
01:53:023 - Lower the volume to around 30%. Play around with it a bit. Great Idea, I will think about it for all diffs :D
02:01:204 - Raise the volume here to around 70%. Go back to the original volume at 02:03:931 Great Idea, I will think about it for all diffs :D
Hi from extra rule
00:28:151 (4) - start on 00:28:322
00:29:515 (4) - start on 00:29:685
00:30:367 add a note
00:30:708 ^
00:33:946 (7) - NC
00:40:763 (6) - NC
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:55:420 add a note
00:56:783 (6) - NC
00:59:169 (5) - movo close to 00:59:084 (4) -
01:05:304 (1) - crazy 8-)
01:17:575 (6) - NC
01:24:392 (7) - NC
01:29:845 (5) - NC
02:02:056 (8) - NC
02:04:953 (5) - NC
02:16:201 (5) - NC
02:23:018 (1) - add fin
good luck 8-)
Topic Starter

sjoy wrote:

Hi from extra rule
00:28:151 (4) - start on 00:28:322
00:29:515 (4) - start on 00:29:685
00:30:367 add a note
00:30:708 ^
00:33:946 (7) - NC
00:40:763 (6) - NC
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:55:420 add a note
00:56:783 (6) - NC
00:59:169 (5) - movo close to 00:59:084 (4) -
01:05:304 (1) - crazy 8-)
01:17:575 (6) - NC
01:24:392 (7) - NC
01:29:845 (5) - NC
02:02:056 (8) - NC
02:04:953 (5) - NC
02:16:201 (5) - NC
02:23:018 (1) - add fin
good luck 8-)
What to say ? All perfect advice ! :'D
21:57 Shikinotsu: Salut !
21:57 HeShu: salut :)
21:59 Shikinotsu: Désolé de te déranger , mais jvoulais te proposer un truc
22:00 Shikinotsu: En fait j'ai moi aussi une map que j'ai tenter de faire. Malheur est-il que cette map ne me plait pas et que je ne trouve pourquoi
22:00 HeShu: Je t'écoute :)
22:00 Shikinotsu: Alors jvoulais te propsoer que je te donne un espece de mini mod sur ta map ( je sais pas modder donc bon ) et que tu me disais si tu prenais du plaisir a jouer mon insane
22:00 Shikinotsu: ^^
22:01 HeShu: Aucun problème, tout avis constructif est bienvenu sur ma map :)
22:01 HeShu: Pas besoin de mini-mod l'insane de ma map, il manque un bout à finir
22:01 HeShu: envoie le lien de la tienne :)
22:01 *Shikinotsu is listening to [ Else - Ariane]
22:02 *HeShu is editing [ Hiroshi Kitadani - We Go ! [Insane]]
22:02 HeShu: Ca c'est la mienne
22:04 Shikinotsu: Une chose qui est importante dans ta normal
22:05 Shikinotsu: C'est mieux de globalement garder un distance spacing constant
22:05 Shikinotsu: Jsais pas si ça s'applique a tout les cas , mais on m'as donner ça comme conseil ya pas longtemps
22:06 Shikinotsu: 00:50:648 (2,3) - tu devrais les mettre au même endroit
22:06 Shikinotsu: 00:52:011 (5,6,7,8) - Je pense que la distance entre les notes est trop importante pour une normal içi
22:07 Shikinotsu: 01:16:552 (1,2) - ^
22:08 Shikinotsu: A part ça je la trouve trés sympa et pas mal inventive
22:10 HeShu: Merci des conseils :)
22:10 Shikinotsu: pour la hard
22:10 Shikinotsu: 00:58:487 (4) - Tu devrais plutot mettre deux slider a deux repeat arrow
22:11 Shikinotsu:
22:11 Shikinotsu: Un truc dans le genre
22:11 Shikinotsu: alors la c'est qu'un avis personel
22:12 Shikinotsu: mais jsuis pas trop fan du slider super long a 01:05:304 (1) -
22:12 Shikinotsu: Jtrouve que ça casse quelque peu le rythme
22:12 Shikinotsu: alors que tu pourrais mapper plus dessus
22:12 HeShu: Je viens de voir pour le double répéteur, mais pas fan :/
22:12 HeShu: Ahh le fameux slider calamar ^^
22:12 HeShu: J'ai 50% d'appréciation dessus :)
22:13 Shikinotsu: ^^
22:13 Shikinotsu: 01:54:387 (1,1) -
22:14 HeShu: 50% adore, 50% n'aiment pas ^^
22:14 Shikinotsu: Tu devrais échanger de place ces deux slider dans la timing bar
22:14 Shikinotsu: Enfin
22:14 Shikinotsu: attends
22:14 HeShu: changer de place ? Que veux tu dire ?
22:15 Shikinotsu: Je trouve que ce a quatre long slider ralenti beaucoup la map comment c'est fait
22:15 Shikinotsu: Remarque non
22:15 Shikinotsu: Nevermind j'ai eu une idée en bois
22:15 HeShu: C'est une partie lente, les sliders ont cet interêt de le ralentir avec une vitesse 75% :)
22:16 Shikinotsu: 02:14:838 (1,2) - ces slider sont pas sur la timeline
22:16 Shikinotsu: enfin
22:16 Shikinotsu: ils sont unsnapped
22:16 Shikinotsu: tu devrais les faire finir sur le tick blanc juste avant
22:16 Shikinotsu: Pareil une bonne inventivité
22:17 HeShu: Mince ils se sont unspanned :(
22:18 Shikinotsu: tu devrais mettre une note ici :
22:18 Shikinotsu: aprés le 00:27:811 (3) -
22:18 Shikinotsu: sur la insane
22:18 Shikinotsu: ^
22:18 Shikinotsu: 00:29:174 (3) - ^
22:19 Shikinotsu: 00:35:309 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - selon moi ces stream sont en trop , c'est de l'overmapping
22:19 Shikinotsu: avant ils sont parfait
22:19 HeShu: Ca fait un auter effet ! Je vois ca de suite :3
22:20 Shikinotsu: 01:05:304 (1) - bah tu connais mon avis :D
22:20 HeShu: ca fait mieux sans, en effet :)
22:21 Shikinotsu: 01:25:244 (2,3,4) - le spacing est vraiment étrange içi
22:22 HeShu: modifié :)
22:24 Shikinotsu: 02:06:657 (1) - Pareil , trop d'arrow selon moi
22:25 Shikinotsu: et c'est tout ^^
22:25 Shikinotsu: Voila , j'éspere t'avoir aider
test play req from my queue

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Changelog :
00:00 19/09/2013 Mapping fully done, Now it's time to long for modding, bubbling and ranking. Real aventure starts now !
Ello! ^^ A random mod has arrived!

  1. Try to keep you clap hitsounds consistent. Try using a pattern like hits for example:
00:39:400 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head, by adjusting to these settings:

and If your unsure how to remove the clap on the head,simply double-click on the head of the slider. You'll know it's been selected once it is highlighted in red. Add the finish and your done! ^^

00:42:808 (1) - Remove that finish, doesn't sound right here.
00:44:171 (3) - ^
00:44:853 (1) - Add a soft-finish to the head.
01:03:600 (2,4) - Looks slightly off on the stacking :S move 01:04:963 (4) - to the same coordinates as 2 on x:276 y:228.
01:07:349 (2) - Remove finish, or change finish to a clap?
01:10:076 (4) - ^
01:27:800 (1,3) - Remodel sliders, they look pretty dull imo :S I also dislike how their slightly curved inwards, towards each other.
01:31:891 (1) - Add soft-finish to the tail.
01:36:662 (1) - Add soft-finish to the head.
01:51:660 (2) - ^
02:03:931 (1) - ^
02:21:655 (2) - Reverse, I don't like how the flow leads back to the previous slider.
02:25:745 (2) - Just flip it horizontally ^^

Looks pretty good :P

  1. AR -1
  2. HP drain rate -1, none of these difficulty settings should be exceeding over 5.
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish
00:32:582 (2) - Change clap to finish ^^
00:33:264 (4) - Remove clap.
00:36:673 (1) - Way to far from the tail, why not place it under the tail instead?
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish
00:44:853 (1) - ^
00:48:943 (3) - ^ and a classic curved slider may look better imo, this slider really stands out (not much in a good way though :( )
00:52:011 (5) - NC
00:59:851 (1) - Change clap to finish
01:02:237 (5) - NC
01:04:963 - ^
01:05:304 (10) - Add finish
01:11:099 (2) - Change to a 1/1 slider, a mini-slider looks silly here.
01:13:144 (7) - Add clap.
01:16:799 - Add finish and clap.
01:16:893 (2) - Add clap, what happened to this hitsound pattern??
01:17:404 (3) - Add clap on the tail.
01:18:257 (4) - Remove clap on the head.
01:18:257 - 01:20:131 Try this rhythm?

01:27:119 (1) - Add finish
01:27:119 - 01:36:322 Where are de claps?? :o
01:30:527 (3,4,5) - Looks too complicated, replace with 01:28:312 (3) - here.
01:39:048 (1) - Add finish on the tail.
01:56:432 (2,1) - Stack better.
02:01:204 (5) - Add finish on the head.
02:09:384 (1) - ^
02:10:748 (2,3,4,5) - Add finish on all or just 02:10:748 (2) - and 02:12:111 (4) - If your not into using finish hitsound that much :3
02:14:838 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:18:928 (1) - Add finish on the head.
02:23:018 (1) - ^

This diff looks so-so :/ hitsounds could use more work, and some of your objects don't match the rhythm very well.

  1. Circle size -1, now that's just mean :P
00:25:765 (1) - Add finish.
00:33:946 (1) - Remove clap on both ends, and add a finish to the head.
00:34:287 (2) - Remove clap on the tail, this hitsounds being overused now :S
00:34:628 (3) - Remove clap on both ends.
00:34:968 (4) - Remove clap on the tail
00:35:309 (5) - Remove clap on both ends.
00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to the tail.
00:39:400 (1) - Add finish to the head.
00:41:956 (1,2,3,4,5) - Remove clap on all of their tails.
00:44:853 (1) - Add finish.
00:48:943 (8) - ^
01:03:259 (1) - Reverse end please, I hate how it's tail is faces at the previous object >.<
01:05:304 (1,1) - Ass pretty as the slider is, you do know that THIS is a very bad overlap :( Consider remodeling it to something else, so that 01:10:076 (1) - is at least not under the slider.
01:10:758 (3) - Add finish.
01:11:951 (6) - ^
01:16:211 (1) - ^
01:20:302 (5) - Remove clap, not consistent.
01:20:642 (1,3) - Add claps
01:21:665 (1,1,1,1) - This type of flow is nice, but it doesn't work here I'm afraid :( sorry!
01:27:119 (1) - Add finish.
01:32:572 (1) - Add finish on the head.
01:33:936 (2) - ^
01:39:389 (3) - Add finish.
01:45:013 (1,2,1,2) - Move them more apart please, it's okay to break the DS a few times in this diff when it's necessary.
01:48:592 (4) - NC
01:48:592 (4,6,8) - Add claps
01:53:023 (1) - Add whistle to the head.
01:55:750 (1) - ^
01:58:477 (1) - ^
02:01:204 (6) - Add finish.
02:01:885 (3) - Doesn't fit here, should've been at 02:02:567 - 02:03:931 with a finish on the tail.
02:08:362 (1,1) - Add finish.
02:18:928 (1,2,3) - Change claps to finish on the head? Sounds better imo.

This diff definitely needs work, especially on the flow :(

  1. Circle size -1
00:31:219 (7,2) - Bad overlap, please fix.
00:33:946 - 00:35:139 sounds really over mapped. Try this rhythm?

00:35:991 (1) - Add finish to this tail
00:48:262 (6) - NC
01:00:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - Have them curved outwards instead.

....Hmm, sorry I'm going to have to stop my mod here. judging by the entire map, I suggest you consider re-mapping this diff. Re-check the flow and consistency in your patterns please! x.x

Hope this helps~!
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