19:19 TheGrimOfCrazy: Hello
19:19 TheGrimOfCrazy: Irre asked me to do an irc mod with you
19:19 TheGrimOfCrazy: so im just going to point out some things
19:20 TheGrimOfCrazy: and then yeah
19:20 TheGrimOfCrazy: Tell me when you are ready
19:21 captin1: hey
19:21 TheGrimOfCrazy: ok
19:21 TheGrimOfCrazy: I'll start with white
19:22 TheGrimOfCrazy: first part is snapping
19:22 TheGrimOfCrazy: 01:39:719 (4) - this should be on 1/6
19:23 TheGrimOfCrazy: you can then do this with it or anything in spacing that will help it
http://grab.by/rTF019:23 TheGrimOfCrazy: ok hi again
19:24 TheGrimOfCrazy: we're going to start with snaps
19:24 TheGrimOfCrazy: 01:39:719 (4) - this should be on 1/6
19:24 TheGrimOfCrazy:
http://grab.by/rTF0 do this or make it a 1/6 slider
19:25 captin1: did the slider
19:25 TheGrimOfCrazy: ok
19:27 captin1: 00:46:750 - these are 1/6 as well, right? just listened a bit better
19:27 TheGrimOfCrazy: yes
19:27 TheGrimOfCrazy: i was trying to find it and lost it haha
19:28 captin1: hah
19:28 TheGrimOfCrazy: 01:49:000 (2) -
19:29 TheGrimOfCrazy: 1/6
19:29 captin1: yea
19:29 TheGrimOfCrazy: 01:50:313 (7) - ending snapped on wrong beat
19:30 TheGrimOfCrazy: oh wait I see what you're doing
19:30 TheGrimOfCrazy: nvm on that one
19:30 captin1: heh ok
19:31 TheGrimOfCrazy: 01:53:313 (2,3,4) - just before i get back to snapping this feels a bit awkward
19:32 captin1: hm ok
19:33 TheGrimOfCrazy: 02:10:844 (2,3,4,5,6) - pretty sure this is 1/6
19:35 TheGrimOfCrazy: 02:23:031 (2,3,4,5) - same here
19:35 captin1: I agree with the second one, not sure about the first
19:36 TheGrimOfCrazy: first is a bit confusing since the piano fades out
19:36 TheGrimOfCrazy: but its ghe same rhythm i think
19:36 TheGrimOfCrazy: also for the second one you could try something like this
http://grab.by/rTFo19:36 captin1: I think the drums are 1/4 though
19:37 TheGrimOfCrazy: the drums aren't 1/4 there
19:37 TheGrimOfCrazy: they're like... 1/8
19:37 captin1: haha
19:37 TheGrimOfCrazy: the trumpets though
19:37 TheGrimOfCrazy: let me check
19:38 TheGrimOfCrazy: 1/2
19:38 TheGrimOfCrazy: 1/6 piano probably your best option
19:39 TheGrimOfCrazy: how did they miss all of this 1/6
19:40 captin1: dunno, eh
19:40 TheGrimOfCrazy: 02:22:563 (1) - also because of this slider being completely horizontal it plays awkwardly with the red nodes
19:40 captin1: ok
19:41 captin1: I hear drum notes on 1/4 from 02:10:844 - to 02:11:125 - and then there it goes to 1/8, personally
19:42 captin1: so I still think my 1/4 stream is what fits best, plus it would play the way I would like it to
19:42 TheGrimOfCrazy: hmmm
19:43 captin1: would mean I'm skipping the 1/8 at the end of it, but I doubt anyone will notice and I'd really prefer to not have a 1/6 stream there
19:43 TheGrimOfCrazy: you could also swing it
19:44 TheGrimOfCrazy:
http://grab.by/rTFO this may seem wierd looking at it
19:44 TheGrimOfCrazy: but try it
19:45 TheGrimOfCrazy: oh i just snapped it wrong in that image
19:46 TheGrimOfCrazy: no nvm its good it starts 1/4
19:46 TheGrimOfCrazy: but try it just for a second and see what you think if not able keep the 1/4 stream I guess
19:48 TheGrimOfCrazy: or go as far as to use this
http://grab.by/rTG619:49 TheGrimOfCrazy:
http://grab.by/rTGc tese are my best options because even if it does have a slider end on 1/4 it doesn't seem odd when hearing because its as if the slider is swiping with the piano or drums
19:49 TheGrimOfCrazy: instead of you tappping to drums which are actually on 1/8
19:49 captin1: 02:11:219 - I feel like there's something missing here with those though
19:49 captin1: if I shortened slider to 02:10:656 - like you have, and then have 3 slider jumps I think I would like that more
19:50 TheGrimOfCrazy: ok
19:50 TheGrimOfCrazy: that would definately work
19:50 TheGrimOfCrazy: go for it
19:51 TheGrimOfCrazy: ok im going to go on to red
19:51 TheGrimOfCrazy: see if theres anything we need to snap there
19:51 TheGrimOfCrazy: 00:18:625 (2) -
19:51 TheGrimOfCrazy: 1/6
19:52 TheGrimOfCrazy: 00:46:750 (1,2,3) - 1.6 change to slider
19:52 TheGrimOfCrazy: 1/6*
19:53 TheGrimOfCrazy: 01:39:719 (4) - 1/6
19:54 TheGrimOfCrazy: 01:49:000 (1,2,3) - 1/6 change to slider
19:55 TheGrimOfCrazy: ok thats all for red
19:55 TheGrimOfCrazy: time for blue
19:55 captin1: kk
19:55 TheGrimOfCrazy: you getting all of this?
19:55 TheGrimOfCrazy: ok
19:56 TheGrimOfCrazy: pretty solid normal you're good
19:57 captin1: cool
19:57 TheGrimOfCrazy: welp thats all going to go post irc log
19:57 captin1: ok
19:58 TheGrimOfCrazy:
http://osu.ppy.sh/forum/p/2676420#p267642019:58 TheGrimOfCrazy: ok good luck
19:58 captin1: thanks man
19:59 TheGrimOfCrazy: mhm
20:00 TheGrimOfCrazy: kind of sucks to find unspaped stuff after bubble but it wasn't serious unsnapped things so it will probably be back to bubble after
20:00 captin1: yeah
20:00 captin1: there's so much going on in the bgm that it's easy to miss
20:02 captin1: huh one more odd one
20:02 captin1: 00:18:719 (1) - is this 1/12? lol
20:03 captin1: starting on the blue tick
20:03 TheGrimOfCrazy: let me check
20:03 TheGrimOfCrazy: what diff
20:03 captin1: white
20:04 TheGrimOfCrazy: wtf
20:04 captin1: lol
20:04 TheGrimOfCrazy: 00:19:157 should be here?
20:05 TheGrimOfCrazy: 00:19:157
20:05 captin1: the repeat slider before it
20:05 captin1: is the question
20:05 TheGrimOfCrazy: oic
20:05 TheGrimOfCrazy: but uhh
20:06 TheGrimOfCrazy: thats 1/12
20:06 captin1: yeah haha
20:06 captin1: just wanted to be sure
20:06 TheGrimOfCrazy: but look
20:06 TheGrimOfCrazy: 00:19:157 (1) -
20:06 TheGrimOfCrazy: that should be on grey tick before white line
20:06 TheGrimOfCrazy: > _>
20:07 captin1: not if it's with the bass note, which is on white
20:07 captin1: trumpet is a bit off yeah
20:07 TheGrimOfCrazy: gg
20:08 TheGrimOfCrazy: place a circle here on top of 3 00:27:750
20:08 TheGrimOfCrazy: place a circle here on top of 3 00:27:750
20:09 TheGrimOfCrazy: 1/6
20:09 TheGrimOfCrazy: it's swing
20:09 captin1: yeah
20:09 TheGrimOfCrazy: im going to add this to the previous log on thread just so changes can be seen if you dont mind
20:09 TheGrimOfCrazy: but let me check for more i guess
20:09 captin1: that's fine
20:13 TheGrimOfCrazy: nothing else to see directly
20:13 TheGrimOfCrazy: so i guess everything is fine now
20:13 captin1: cool
20:13 captin1: tiara bgm too strong
20:14 TheGrimOfCrazy: if there is something its so invisible it won't affect anything
20:14 TheGrimOfCrazy: invisible?
20:14 TheGrimOfCrazy: indistinguishable