Make sure changes improve your map.
BlueThere were some parts I would have done differently. A lot of this is only opinion.
00:16:568 (1) - End with whistle
00:21:068 (2,3) - The angle here is not ideal, but it works for what you are trying to do. no change is necessary.
00:27:068 (3,4) - A weird alignment. It looks better if 4 was placed where 3 is pointing.
rotated 3 to point at 4 instead00:34:568 (1) - Whistle
00:35:505 - Add note here. Better flow. Spacing doesn't matter as much.
00:38:318 (1) - I think this looks better with the curve pointing up instead. Now beatwise, there's a strong beat 1/2th earlier. I think it sounds better if it started on the previous beat but you would sacrifice a bit of the look for the better rhythm. I'm not sure you should go that route or not.
00:39:068 (2,3,4) - Very small, but turn grid snap off to get these spacings exactly equal.
00:42:068 (1,2,1) - The gaps are shorter than previous parts of the song. Previous patterns are distances from other objects and this is very close. You can adjust so that the gaps resemble the rest of the song.
I see what you mean, however I'm not exactly sure how to correct this well, I'll keep it in mind and maybe something will come to me later but for now no change00:44:505 (2) - I think you could create a much better pattern if this were extended by 1/2th (follows vocals). The pattern you have is decent though.
01:01:568 (2) - Use a more defined curve to match the other sliders in this section. It's slightly too flat.
01:04:568 (3) - This ends too close to 2 >.< I'm not sure what to suggest to make it better though.
I think I figured out what to do here01:15:630 (1) - add more of a curve? (1,2,3,4) - Kind of boring IMO. It doesn't carry much flow. I came up with this Incorporates more of the rhythm and the object here 01:48:255 - is avoided. I didn't like the transition into the next combo. If you don't remap, still try to make it go into the next combo better.
I didn't remap like that, however I did rearrange a bit so that it flows better01:54:255 (4) - end with whistle.
02:06:818 (3) - You used a more complex rhythm here, but not in the first section. Maybe go complex for both sections?
02:11:318 (1,2,3,4) - This is so much better than what you did here 01:09:068 (1,2,3,4) -. I like the angles.
RedYour maps have a trend of getting better the further into the song it gets. Why is that?
cause I have no idea what I'm doing usually, I figure it out as I go00:25:755 (2) - Move to x 332 y 64?
00:37:755 (1) - Use a slighter curve here. It will fit better IMO.
00:44:130 (2,3,4,5) - Transitions awkwardly. I like it better when there is just a note here 00:44:786 - for the vocals. It's cleaner and reduces the confusion through here.
00:46:380 (8,1) - Picking up the triple after the gap is unintuitive. I see you did a similar pattern later in the song but that one was much more intuitive. For some reason the way the next pattern is placed is unintuitive. I think it's because in the other pattern you lead into it with a slider.
ah, did that then00:47:318 (5,6) - I think these should be further apart.
00:58:568 (4,5,6) - Ugly- use a different pattern.
00:59:318 - Whistle to be consistent with next pattern
00:59:880 (1) - whistle on body/redtick doesn't sound good. Only have whistle on end.
01:05:318 (7,1) - Too close.
01:07:755 (2,3) - space closer to 1.20 with grid snap off so that 3,4 spacing doesn't look so small.
01:34:193 (1) - feels so slow, and kills my feel for the beat. Splitting up into a 1/2th slider and a note flows so much better IMO. (Note: it may be my framerate making it feel slower. I realized the sliders in general feel sluggish).
no I agree01:36:818 (1) - ^ similar issues
01:55:005 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not very interesting IMO. ?
02:02:130 (1) - whistle on end instead of start
WhiteVery fun jumps in this difficulty. <3
<300:17:505 - I feel these two sounds should be represented in the map somehow.
I like the minimalist intro as it is00:34:568 (1,2,3,4,5) - weird pattern, but works I guess. stacking the middle notes looks better than making that shape IMO. I suggest increasing the spacing of 00:35:318 (4,5) - and use more complex linear sliders. What do you think?
I think the stacked notes are good, however the 4,5 is fine as it is00:46:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This plays very nicely.
yay >//<00:50:130 (1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3) - The spacing and velocity changes make this so awkward to play. Please use more 1.3 snap here.
01:03:068 (2,3,1) - I suggest using equal spacing here for more intuitive flow.
01:05:318 (4,5,1) - ^
This is designed with the odd rhythm in mind, so no change for now01:07:380 - Please add a note here. This gap is making it really difficult to hit the next part correctly. when there is a note here I can hit the next part perfectly fine.
01:34:005 (1,2) - Kind of randomly placed. Don't you think?
01:41:880 (3,4) - I feel this spacing should be larger. This flows badly.
01:43:380 (3,4) - ^
01:45:818 (1,2) - Randomly placed... doesn't look good. I think it looks slightly better if it's a mirror of 01:47:130 (2,3) - Make sure the correct notes stack.
01:48:818 (1) - Bad overlap with the purple slider. If the purple slider was further away, I would suggest stacking on the end of it. i'm not sure how that would affect the flow.
I think the stack works, so I went with it01:53:318 (2,3,4) - too large. It feels like an unfitting change in flow. 1.5/1.7 is better flow IMO.
02:03:443 (6) - end whistle?
02:04:568 (2) - whistle
02:05:130 (1) - I think it would look better if this were placed inward rather than outward.