
Weird Al - Polkamon sb (should I?)

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Yeah, I'm bored.

Should I go and draw every one of the Pokémon mentioned in the song and make them dance around and all that? I'm not particularly interested in mapping the song... I'm just bored and this would be time-consuming enough to keep me occupied for a while. :P
Draw them all? I could see just using existing images, but if you're going to do that much drawing, I'd say you could find something more productive to do.
Think of it this way; if you put the effort into drawing all of the ones mentioned in the song (which isn't THAT many), you'll get higher ratings! Actually, you'd get praise for actually putting in the effort. And, it'd be epic. Up to you, though. I say go ahead if you feel like it.

Besides, I vaguely remember this song as a kid... oh God, I feel old now. Entirely whether you feel up to it.
ALL 151 would be too much wasted effort, I agree with LH on that one, but however many are mentioned in the song, that might be good. Hell, you could mix it up a bit, and draw the pokemon with features of osu! players that those pokemon remind you of, or something. That'd be neat, too.
You can also use the old sprites from pokemon red and stuff :D
Will this get some animation inspiration? :P
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