
Rin' - Asuka [Osu|Taiko]

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Taiko mod:
16:20 <cmn_891127> : 求taiko mod……
16:21 <spboxer3> : 恩
16:22 <spboxer3> : 00:27:430 (1) - 這個結束在00:30:347 -
16:23 <cmn_891127> : 其实我感觉转的好不过瘾啊
16:23 <spboxer3> : 你不能夠因為是spinner所以把這個放到不適合的位置
16:23 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯
16:23 <spboxer3> : 00:35:347 (2) - what? 這應該是NC吧...
16:24 <spboxer3> : 00:34:513 (2) - ^
16:24 <cmn_891127> : 噗……各种颜色错误
16:24 <spboxer3> : 00:37:430 (1) - k會比較適合
16:24 <cmn_891127> : 嗯
16:25 <spboxer3> : 00:42:847 (1,2,3,4,1,1) - 改成ddkdddk/ddkdkdk or ddkkddk?
16:26 <spboxer3> : 00:47:847 (2,1,2) - ddk會比較適合 符合音高
16:26 <spboxer3> : 00:49:930 (3,1,1,1,2) - kdkkk 同樣的音高會比較合適
16:27 <cmn_891127> : ==00:44:097 (1) -
16:27 <spboxer3> : 00:54:097 (1) - spinner的問題 和前一個講的一樣
16:27 <cmn_891127> : 这个不要K么
16:27 <spboxer3> : 若是要K的話也是可以 那就ddkdk K吧
16:28 <spboxer3> : 00:43:263 (3) - 明顯的高音阿stress
16:28 <spboxer3> : 00:57:760 (2) - k 音高變化 所以認為
16:28 <spboxer3> : 00:59:856 (3) - d 同樣是音高問題
16:29 <spboxer3> : 00:59:856 (3,1,1,1,1,1) - 如果改的話我會建議ddkkkd
16:30 <spboxer3> : 或是你可以強調那兩個重音 所以變成ddkkKD
16:30 <spboxer3> : 01:03:385 (3) - 同樣的d會適合些 因為音高
16:31 <spboxer3> : 01:11:768 (3,4,5) - 不用ddk嗎? 感覺會適合些 一直打d會讓人有乏味的感覺
16:32 <spboxer3> : 01:16:841 (3) - d會好些 這一段節奏有音高變化 最明顯的就是這顆了
16:32 <spboxer3> : 01:19:709 (2,3,4,1) - [suggestion] ddk k 純粹手感會好些 聽起來也比較舒服[IMO]
16:33 <spboxer3> : 01:23:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - dkddkddkD?
16:34 <cmn_891127> : 终于歇会了……
16:35 <spboxer3> : 01:31:179 (3,4,1) - kdd會比ddk來的好些 試試看吧
16:36 <spboxer3> : 01:31:179 (3,4,1) - dkk k k d?聽起來適合些
16:36 <spboxer3> : 01:36:253 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
16:36 <cmn_891127> : 哎?复制错了
16:36 <spboxer3> : 這串的5連都有些乏味
16:37 <spboxer3> : 不如ddkdd/ddkkd來的好些
16:37 <spboxer3> : 恩
16:37 <spboxer3> : 01:34:709 (1,2,1,2,1) - 剛剛那個複製錯的
16:38 <spboxer3> : 01:38:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - dkkkkkkd?
16:40 <spboxer3> : 01:41:547 (2,3,4,1,1,2,1) - 1/3用的有些不合適 不如改成這樣?
16:40 <spboxer3> : 你那個1/3的排法和背景音不連續
16:41 <spboxer3> : 所以會讓人覺得有些違和
16:41 <spboxer3> : 01:44:966 - 這點加個note吧
16:42 <spboxer3> : 不然這段顯得空了些
16:42 <spboxer3> : 01:45:297 (6,7,1,1,1) - ddk k d明顯的比較符合音樂些
16:43 <spboxer3> : 01:48:827 (2) - 看你是要移到01:48:716 - 或是直接刪掉了吧
16:43 <spboxer3> : 01:49:488 (1,1,2,1) - 這個1/3我就認為適合
16:44 <spboxer3> : 01:52:356 (1,2,1,1,1,2) - 這個2,4連不適合 最重的音沒下到
16:45 <spboxer3> : 改成oooo oo或是直接ooo oo吧
16:45 <spboxer3> : 01:59:194 (5) - k 如果改了 那01:59:415 (1,2) - 改成dk會適合些
16:46 <spboxer3> : 02:08:018 (5,6) - kkd?
16:46 <spboxer3> : 02:09:782 (1,2,3) - ^
16:46 <spboxer3> : 02:11:547 (1,2,3) - ^
16:48 <spboxer3> : 02:14:415 (2,3,1,1,1) - kkd d D/kkd d K
16:49 <spboxer3> : 02:17:724 (1,2,1,1,2,1) - 這兩串有音高上的差異 你可以用ddk dkk來做出區分
16:49 <spboxer3> : 02:20:371 (3) - d會好些
16:49 <spboxer3> : 同樣和前面一樣的理由
16:50 <spboxer3> : 02:21:695 (2,3,4,5,1) - kdddk吧 02:21:695 (2) - 很明顯的比較高音 所以kdddk會比較適合些
16:50 <spboxer3> : 02:23:239 (2,3,4,1) - ddk k會好些
16:51 <spboxer3> : 02:27:430 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 同前面 我剛剛說的那段
16:51 <spboxer3> : 當然 你可以做些變化
16:51 <spboxer3> : 有些不明顯的音可以改成另外的音
16:52 <spboxer3> : 02:29:194 (9,10) - 這個擺錯位置了 02:29:415 - 這邊開始會好些
16:52 <spboxer3> : 02:33:385 (2) - 這個讓人感覺多餘了些
16:53 <spboxer3> : 就音樂來說 這個音實在太不明顯了
16:54 <spboxer3> : 如果你要留下來那我會建議你02:33:937 - 也加個note
16:54 <spboxer3> : 不對 位置錯了 是02:34:047 -
16:55 <spboxer3> : 02:38:018 - 到02:39:562 - 節奏錯誤了
16:56 <spboxer3> : 按照背景音 這樣才是正確的
16:58 <spboxer3> : 02:47:503 (3,4,1) - 其實這是o ooo (1/8 rhythm) 但是這BPM不允許用1/8(算是蠻尷尬的階段)
16:58 <spboxer3> : 所以我建議用oooo(1/6)來帶過
16:59 <spboxer3> : 02:56:547 (2,3,4,5,1,1,2) - ddkdkkk?這節奏好像比較適合些
16:59 <spboxer3> : 02:57:650 - 到02:58:091 - 期時可以加個短spinner ((stress
17:00 <spboxer3> : 03:10:665 (1,1,2,3,4) - k d d k d好像比較好些 至少不是都d
17:00 <spboxer3> : 03:13:974 (4) - 音高聽來用k會適合些
17:01 <spboxer3> : 03:15:296 (2,3,4) - ddk ((k的位置用來突顯重音變化
17:01 <spboxer3> : 如果剛剛那個改了 那03:15:738 (5) - 一樣要用k
17:02 <spboxer3> : 03:18:385 (1,2,1) - kdk會適合些 這種顫音通常都是由兩個音色做連續交換
17:03 <spboxer3> : 03:24:782 (1,1,2,3,4) - [suggestion] k d d k d/k d k k d
17:03 <spboxer3> : 喔不 那個大圓該留著 所以應該是
17:03 <spboxer3> : k d d k D/k d k k D
17:04 <spboxer3> : 03:27:429 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 串k阿... 我認為kkkkddd會比較好些 至少不會像串k那麼無趣
17:04 <spboxer3> : 03:29:194 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 同樣的ddddkkk/ddddkdk 看你決定吧
17:05 <spboxer3> : 03:48:606 (1) - spinner問題loool
17:05 <spboxer3> : 03:58:606 (1) - 這個k你忘記改了
17:05 <spboxer3> : k確實比較適合 但是你忘記放了
17:06 <spboxer3> : 04:07:356 (2,1,1,1,2) - d d k d d會好些
17:06 <spboxer3> : k 普面看完 哇...好長looool
17:06 <spboxer3> : 不要打我lol
17:06 <cmn_891127> : 噗
17:07 <spboxer3> : 那個...你的offset有點怪
17:07 <cmn_891127> : 我也觉得是
17:08 <spboxer3> : 01:11:547 - 這邊開始
17:08 <spboxer3> : 你的offset好像開始不準了

good luck~
Megurine Luka

the easiest diff must lower than 3 star ( i think ) if you want try - the AR

CS+1 maybe

just that
Topic Starter

frans_niko wrote:


the easiest diff must lower than 3 star ( i think ) if you want try - the AR

CS+1 maybe

just that
do some change, thanks
Taiko mod as requested

-remove letterbox during breaks
00:27:430 - dkdkdkddk too loud, set S:50% at the beginning of spinner and recover to 100% later
00:46:180 - ddkdd / ddkdk
01:36:474 - in the music the last musical note sounds higher so use D ddkdk D ddkdk ... etc
02:31:179 - 2-2 doesn't sound fitting the song wel... try kkddk k K K K K at 02:30:959 - ?
02:33:275 - dk according to music
02:49:488 - patterns 3 in a group (ddkdddk) doesn't fit a 1/4 based song. According to the melody try ddkdkkddd?
02:57:650 - try to emphasize the 1/2 melodic note? spinner -> 1/4 random stream which do not fit well
03:45:959 - same as 2:49, try sth else
03:48:606 - like the beginning make this softer
04:16:939 - try not to put the slider here because it's bugged (no slidertick shown), and 1/4 random stream does not fit with the gradually softer/ending music.

nice song, star
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

Taiko mod as requested

-remove letterbox during breaks
00:27:430 - dkdkdkddk too loud, set S:50% at the beginning of spinner and recover to 100% later
00:46:180 - ddkdd / ddkdk ddkdd
01:36:474 - in the music the last musical note sounds higher so use D ddkdk D ddkdk ... etc fixed
02:31:179 - 2-2 doesn't sound fitting the song wel... try kkddk k K K K K at 02:30:959 - ? fixed
02:33:275 - dk according to music fixed
02:49:488 - patterns 3 in a group (ddkdddk) doesn't fit a 1/4 based song. According to the melody try ddkdkkddd? fixed
02:57:650 - try to emphasize the 1/2 melodic note? spinner -> 1/4 random stream which do not fit well d d d K
03:45:959 - same as 2:49, try sth else kdkdkkddkdkdkkd
03:48:606 - like the beginning make this softer fixed
04:16:939 - try not to put the slider here because it's bugged (no slidertick shown), and 1/4 random stream does not fit with the gradually softer/ending music. D

nice song, star
Thanks for your modding~
meiikyuu's replacement :lol: max. drain time for her queue is 3:30 btw

Inconsistency in .osu's; Taiko audio lead-in is 0 while the others are 1000. Tags aren't in 2 of them (Don't tag people who just gave you bg?):

00:50:763 (1) - Move a little to the left so it doesn't touch the slider edge..if you feel like it
00:53:263 (4) - Finish at end to match bg music
00:55:763 - Delete kiai time, there are no notes; do this also in Hard
01:26:547 (2) - NC
01:52:135 (1) - Delete NC, put NC on 01:52:577 (2) -
02:40:885 (2) - Curve downwards so it doesn't cover anything
03:23:018 (1) - Delete spinner and map this part, would be nice imo
03:51:939 (1) - 04:16:106 (5) Ctrl + J this whole section or something so it's not an obvious copy & paste from the beginning

00:37:430 (1) - Finish
00:50:763 (1) - Finish at beginning
00:53:263 (5) - Finish at end?
01:21:253 (4,5) - Move so (5) is blanketing (3)?
01:25:665 (1) - Delete NC, feels a little useless
01:28:974 (1) - Change this color to red
01:36:253 (8) - NC, delete NC on 01:36:474 (1) -
01:38:018 (2) - NC, delete NC on 01:37:797 (1) -
01:38:680 (1) - Delete NC
01:51:474 (3) - Delete finish at beginning, kinda funny in a quiet part
01:52:135 (1) - Finish to fit bg music
02:15:076 (3) - Finish
02:22:135 (1) - Clap would sound pretty lol
02:29:194 (1) - Maybe delete NC
02:43:312 (1) - Clap
02:58:312 (1) - Finish
03:05:371 (1) - Clap
03:08:900 (1) - Delete spinner and map this part, like in Normal
03:10:665 (1) - Clap at beginning?
03:36:694 (7) - Clap
03:52:355 (1) - Again, maybe flip this whole last section so it's not a copy & paste from the beginning

Beautiful song! :cry: Good luck! <3
Topic Starter

LunarSakuya wrote:

meiikyuu's replacement :lol: max. drain time for her queue is 3:30 btw

Inconsistency in .osu's; Taiko audio lead-in is 0 while the others are 1000. Tags aren't in 2 of them (Don't tag people who just gave you bg?): fixed

00:50:763 (1) - Move a little to the left so it doesn't touch the slider edge..if you feel like it fixed
00:53:263 (4) - Finish at end to match bg music fixed
00:55:763 - Delete kiai time, there are no notes; do this also in Hard this Kiai is for the spring
01:26:547 (2) - NC
01:52:135 (1) - Delete NC, put NC on 01:52:577 (2) -
02:40:885 (2) - Curve downwards so it doesn't cover anything fixed
03:23:018 (1) - Delete spinner and map this part, would be nice imo
03:51:939 (1) - 04:16:106 (5) Ctrl + J this whole section or something so it's not an obvious copy & paste from the beginning fixed

00:37:430 (1) - Finish fixed
00:50:763 (1) - Finish at beginning fixed
00:53:263 (5) - Finish at end? fixed
01:21:253 (4,5) - Move so (5) is blanketing (3)? do some change
01:25:665 (1) - Delete NC, feels a little useless
01:28:974 (1) - Change this color to red fixed
01:36:253 (8) - NC, delete NC on 01:36:474 (1) -
01:38:018 (2) - NC, delete NC on 01:37:797 (1) -
01:38:680 (1) - Delete NC
01:51:474 (3) - Delete finish at beginning, kinda funny in a quiet part fixed
01:52:135 (1) - Finish to fit bg music whistle
02:15:076 (3) - Finish fixed
02:22:135 (1) - Clap would sound pretty lol
02:29:194 (1) - Maybe delete NC
02:43:312 (1) - Clap fixed
02:58:312 (1) - Finish fixed
03:05:371 (1) - Clap finish
03:08:900 (1) - Delete spinner and map this part, like in Normal
03:10:665 (1) - Clap at beginning? fixed
03:36:694 (7) - Clap fixed
03:52:355 (1) - Again, maybe flip this whole last section so it's not a copy & paste from the beginning fixed

Beautiful song! :cry: Good luck! <3
Thanks for your modding~
Mod for modding queue.

:idea: Should add easier difficulties. Your Normal is already 3.22 difficulty stars and 835 combo, which probably lies on the verge of being a legitimate Hard difficulty. A possible solution is to change Normal --> Hard and Hard --> Insane, and then add a ~1.5* Easy and a ~2.5* Normal.
:idea: I like you using hit sounds to add percussion to the music in osu! charts. Keep it up in the easier difficulties as mentioned above!

:idea: Spanning over 4 minutes and having 1080 combos, this map is perhaps more difficult than a number of 2000-series songs (Saitama, Koibumi and Taberuna for instance) in terms of stamina drain. Offer a breather period (where things should simplify and slow down) at the middle. See below for more.
:idea: Lacks Go-go Time. See below for more.
01:53:900 (1) - Start 1st Go-go time here
02:08:018 (5) - End 1st Go-go time here
02:08:018 (5,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2) - Simplify. A good time to offer a pause after 470-something hits. Can follow the above simplification.
02:58:312 (1) - Put 2nd Go-go time from here...
03:25:665 (1) - ...until here
03:33:606 (4,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2) - Example for the above simplification.

:!: The spread of notes and the interweaving routes making this map qualify as an Insane difficulty.
00:00:764 (1) - Almost silent both in slider and in music. A surprise for the uninformed.
00:30:763 to 00:30:972 - :?: Blank Kiai Time, just for the fireworks?
01:54:121 (2) - and similar: Replacing with two hit circles is a good alternative.
02:29:194 (1) - Give a break after this note...
02:43:312 (1) - ...until before this.
03:48:606 (1,1) - Could one whole spinner be considered?

:!: Overflow of sliders. Replace sliders with hit circles in later parts.
00:30:763 to 00:30:972 - :?: Blank Kiai Time, just for the fireworks?
01:03:606 (2) - Killer slider
01:04:488 (1,2) - and similar: Too little separation as Normal
01:18:606 (1,2) - and similar: I know this is for sound effect, but for the sake of playability, combine into one whole slider
01:38:900 (2) - and similar: Hyper-short returning sliders, startle at first sight for Normal players. Reshape.
:idea: If you decide to purge this as a new Hard then most of these can be retained.

Sorry, but can't star yet, since this map is not newcomer-friendly enough :(
Hi there

* No tags? That's a shame....
* Never silenced both slidertick and sliderslide
* Do not make sliderscorepoint.png looks transparent, or the players think that this cases was a bug
* You should add one more diff between Normal and Hard diff. So it makes the diff spread is good

01:23:900 (1) - Reverse it (Ctrl+R)? So the beginnners are able to see the head slider very clearly?
01:51:915 (4) - Don't put the circle behind sliderpath, or beginners will hard to read this while gameplay
02:27:429 (1) - Same issue as 01:23:900 (1)
02:49:488 (3) - Too much repeating slider can be confusing for beginners
02:56:547 (3) - ^
03:25:224 (1,2,3) - Overlapped by hitbursts, so beginners can't see the circle (sometimes beginners are slowly to read)
03:41:768 (3) - The head slider is almost offscreen
03:45:959 (1) - The tail slider is almost offscreen
03:57:356 (4) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar

* AR +2 please. Your current appraoch rate is makes me confuse while testing

01:16:621 (4,1) - Make a same distance spacing as 01:15:959 (3,4)? So the jump pattern looks balanced?
01:37:577 (3,1) - Swap new combo?
03:51:209 (1) - Really, this short spinners makes me suprised and unable to complete the spinner fast. Can you remove and replace with others?

Good luck
Topic Starter

tetsutaro wrote:

Mod for modding queue.

:idea: Should add easier difficulties. Your Normal is already 3.22 difficulty stars and 835 combo, which probably lies on the verge of being a legitimate Hard difficulty. A possible solution is to change Normal --> Hard and Hard --> Insane, and then add a ~1.5* Easy and a ~2.5* Normal.
:idea: I like you using hit sounds to add percussion to the music in osu! charts. Keep it up in the easier difficulties as mentioned above!

:idea: Spanning over 4 minutes and having 1080 combos, this map is perhaps more difficult than a number of 2000-series songs (Saitama, Koibumi and Taberuna for instance) in terms of stamina drain. Offer a breather period (where things should simplify and slow down) at the middle. See below for more.
:idea: Lacks Go-go Time. See below for more.
01:53:900 (1) - Start 1st Go-go time here
02:08:018 (5) - End 1st Go-go time here
02:08:018 (5,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2) - Simplify. A good time to offer a pause after 470-something hits. Can follow the above simplification.
02:58:312 (1) - Put 2nd Go-go time from here...
03:25:665 (1) - ...until here
03:33:606 (4,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2) - Example for the above simplification.

:!: The spread of notes and the interweaving routes making this map qualify as an Insane difficulty.
00:00:764 (1) - Almost silent both in slider and in music. A surprise for the uninformed.
00:30:763 to 00:30:972 - :?: Blank Kiai Time, just for the fireworks?
01:54:121 (2) - and similar: Replacing with two hit circles is a good alternative. fixed
02:29:194 (1) - Give a break after this note...
02:43:312 (1) - ...until before this.
03:48:606 (1,1) - Could one whole spinner be considered? fixed

:!: Overflow of sliders. Replace sliders with hit circles in later parts.
00:30:763 to 00:30:972 - :?: Blank Kiai Time, just for the fireworks?
01:03:606 (2) - Killer slider fixed
01:04:488 (1,2) - and similar: Too little separation as Normal
01:18:606 (1,2) - and similar: I know this is for sound effect, but for the sake of playability, combine into one whole slider
01:38:900 (2) - and similar: Hyper-short returning sliders, startle at first sight for Normal players. Reshape.
:idea: If you decide to purge this as a new Hard then most of these can be retained.

Sorry, but can't star yet, since this map is not newcomer-friendly enough :(
Thanks for your modding~

Leorda wrote:

Hi there

* No tags? That's a shame....
* Never silenced both slidertick and sliderslide
* Do not make sliderscorepoint.png looks transparent, or the players think that this cases was a bug
* You should add one more diff between Normal and Hard diff. So it makes the diff spread is good

01:23:900 (1) - Reverse it (Ctrl+R)? So the beginnners are able to see the head slider very clearly? fixed
01:51:915 (4) - Don't put the circle behind sliderpath, or beginners will hard to read this while gameplay fixed
02:27:429 (1) - Same issue as 01:23:900 (1) fixed
02:49:488 (3) - Too much repeating slider can be confusing for beginners
02:56:547 (3) - ^
03:25:224 (1,2,3) - Overlapped by hitbursts, so beginners can't see the circle (sometimes beginners are slowly to read) fixed
03:41:768 (3) - The head slider is almost offscreen fixed
03:45:959 (1) - The tail slider is almost offscreen fixed
03:57:356 (4) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar fixed

* AR +2 please. Your current appraoch rate is makes me confuse while testing fixed

01:16:621 (4,1) - Make a same distance spacing as 01:15:959 (3,4)? So the jump pattern looks balanced? fixed
01:37:577 (3,1) - Swap new combo?
03:51:209 (1) - Really, this short spinners makes me suprised and unable to complete the spinner fast. Can you remove and replace with others? fixed

Good luck
Thanks for your modding~
Rin' :3
Hi~ From my Queue
Almost Modding is Suggestion so you can ignore this

01:51:915 (4) - i think this note is hard to read for beginners ( just my opinion )

00:25:971 (4) - move slider 00:25:764 (4) - here ( this is hear and play better my guess )
01:23:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - making some jumps? ( looks boring )
01:41:547 (7) - NC
02:27:429 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - same as 01:23:900
02:50:371 (7) - add finish?
02:53:900 (1) - add finish start of slider
02:54:782 (4) - ^
03:23:900 (4) - ^
03:47:503 (1) - add clap?

lol nice mapset! :D
good luck with my star~
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:

Hi~ From my Queue
Almost Modding is Suggestion so you can ignore this

01:51:915 (4) - i think this note is hard to read for beginners ( just my opinion )

00:25:971 (4) - move slider 00:25:764 (4) - here ( this is hear and play better my guess )
01:23:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - making some jumps? ( looks boring )
01:41:547 (7) - NC fixed
02:27:429 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - same as 01:23:900
02:50:371 (7) - add finish? fixed
02:53:900 (1) - add finish start of slider fixed
02:54:782 (4) - ^
03:23:900 (4) - ^
03:47:503 (1) - add clap?

lol nice mapset! :D
good luck with my star~
thanks for your modding and star!~~~~~~~~
Hi ~
From my mod queue ~
Just some suggest ~

Normal :

01:50:591 (2,3,4) - I think this pattern look to hard for normal, 4 are hidden by 2
02:47:724 (2) - I think it's better if we see propely this slider
03:03:606 (3,1,2) - this pattern look too hard for normal

Taiko :

00:34:513 (2) - kat
01:27:209 (1,1) - d k sound better for me
01:27:760 (3) - kat
02:09:231 - add kat
02:13:973 (2) - wrong color
02:50:591 (4) - kat

good luck ~
Topic Starter

Kin wrote:

Hi ~
From my mod queue ~
Just some suggest ~

Normal :

01:50:591 (2,3,4) - I think this pattern look to hard for normal, 4 are hidden by 2
02:47:724 (2) - I think it's better if we see propely this slider
03:03:606 (3,1,2) - this pattern look too hard for normal

Taiko :

00:34:513 (2) - kat
01:27:209 (1,1) - d k sound better for me
01:27:760 (3) - kat
02:09:231 - add kat
02:13:973 (2) - wrong color
02:50:591 (4) - kat

good luck ~
Almost fixed.
Thank you, Kin~
Taiko mod req~ :3

  1. 00:40:763 (2) - k
  2. 00:45:347 (2) - d
  3. 00:49:513 (2) - d
  4. 01:03:606 (2) - k
  5. 01:10:003 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1) - kkd k d kkd
  6. 02:42:650 (2) - d
  7. 02:43:091 (2) - k
good song :) good luck!

02:57:650 (1,2) - xx
02:59:635 (4,5,1) - xxo
03:08:018 (1,1,2,3,1) - oxxxo
03:10:885 (1,2) - xx
03:32:944 (1) 到 03:39:782 (1) - 我在想这边一堆x会不会出问题

02:05:812 (6) - Ctrl+Shift+R 中心旋转-12°
02:51:253 (2) - 怎么看都应该是向下弯来的 :?
02:59:194 (4) - 向上弯?
03:26:988 (2) - 这个尾巴被combo数挡住了 :? 可能的解决方案

02:23:459 (3) - 求curve
02:59:635 (4) - ^
best normal ever!

Taiko Modreq~ <3

d = don
k = kat
re = remove

[Taiko General]
Kiai Time 怎么没放? :o

00:53:680 - k
00:58:974 - k
01:33:385 - k
01:34:268 - k
01:40:224 - k
01:43:091 - k
01:55:224 - k
02:50:371 - k
Topic Starter

ReySHeL wrote:

Taiko mod req~ :3
Hi, ReySHeL~

  1. 00:40:763 (2) - k fixed
  2. 00:45:347 (2) - d
  3. 00:49:513 (2) - d fixed
  4. 01:03:606 (2) - k fixed
  5. 01:10:003 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1) - kkd k d kkd
  6. 02:42:650 (2) - d fixed
  7. 02:43:091 (2) - k
good song :) good luck!
Thanks for your helpful modding~~~~

Banana wrote:


02:57:650 (1,2) - xx
02:59:635 (4,5,1) - xxo
03:08:018 (1,1,2,3,1) - oxxxo
03:10:885 (1,2) - xx
03:32:944 (1) 到 03:39:782 (1) - 我在想这边一堆x会不会出问题

02:05:812 (6) - Ctrl+Shift+R 中心旋转-12°
02:51:253 (2) - 怎么看都应该是向下弯来的 :?
02:59:194 (4) - 向上弯?
03:26:988 (2) - 这个尾巴被combo数挡住了 :? 可能的解决方案

02:23:459 (3) - 求curve
02:59:635 (4) - ^
best normal ever!


mintong89 wrote:

Taiko Modreq~ <3
Hi, mintong89~

d = don
k = kat
re = remove

[Taiko General]
Kiai Time 怎么没放? :o

00:53:680 - k
00:58:974 - k
01:33:385 - k fixed
01:34:268 - k
01:40:224 - k
01:43:091 - k
01:55:224 - k fixed
02:50:371 - k fixed
Thank you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
哈哈哈 妹妹你懂的 以下是不好好学习的产物

remove sliderscorepoint.png

03:04:268 (1) - 太靠边了
01:59:856 (1) - ^
01:51:915 (4,5) - 遮挡,放到01:50:591 (2) - 中间跟(3)成一条直线
03:19:488 (1,2) - 遮挡

02:44:635 (1,2,3,4,1) - 不好看,

01:45:738 (2,3,1) - 这个跟前面一样,改成1/6
Topic Starter

KayeSara wrote:

哈哈哈 妹妹你懂的 以下是不好好学习的产物

remove sliderscorepoint.png

03:04:268 (1) - 太靠边了
01:59:856 (1) - ^
01:51:915 (4,5) - 遮挡,放到01:50:591 (2) - 中间跟(3)成一条直线
03:19:488 (1,2) - 遮挡

02:44:635 (1,2,3,4,1) - 不好看,

01:45:738 (2,3,1) - 这个跟前面一样,改成1/6
Allllllllllll fixed!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
timing 有点慢测完之后直接给你了我没时间听了 你看看那里不对就自己调整


※ Notice

red is unrankable issue.
blue is recommended to fix.
Black is just suggestion.


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. Inconsistent Title/ArtistUnicode. It must be fixed.


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap each other could space them farther apart. yep. It's just suggest and nazi. you can ignore this par)
  1. 00:49:097 (3,1) - move to x:488,y:248 to avoid overlaps?
  2. 01:10:665 (2,1) - move to x:366,y:96

  3. 04:11:939 (1) - move to x:24,y:248
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 03:04:488 - clap? (bell sound)
    if you used my recommend hitsound. you may to add "soft-slidertick3" because 03:18:606 - need used bell sound too.

  2. 03:51:939 - to 04:16:939 - about hitsound: soft-hitclap.wav it's fine, but this it's pretty more for me
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 02:38:900 (2,3) - [minor] Umm... I guess you will try to make symmetrical pattern. so move that to x208,y308


  • Hitsound
    (For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 03:15:076 (4,5) - it's a bit odd/noise when I test it. bell sound not suitable for this part, and you haven't used bell sound at preview part .
  2. 03:17:724 - remove this whistle (maybe change to slider tail)...

  3. 03:29:415 (4) - same as 03:15:076 (4,5) -

(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:46:597 (4) - (optional) rotate this -20 ∘and move 00:47:847 (1) - to x:200,y:104? try to make flow better.

  2. 01:09:782 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - (suggestion) make decreasing spacing with pitch.

  3. 01:27:430 (1,1,2,3,1,2) - actually, It's not a pretty flow. 這麼說吧,我認為01:28:091 (1,2) - reverse selection 會比較好 第一,是因為讓這五個note作出繞圈的感覺 會比01:27:871 (3,1) - 這種折點來的好些 第二,可以聽到01:28:091 (1,2) - 的音調是(1)比較高, (2)比較低 而現在的排法卻剛好與音調相反
    因此我認為把(1,2) reverse會比較好

  4. 02:15:076 (3) - (bug/nazi) unsnap note (1ms away from the right position.)

  5. 01:38:018 (2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Umm... make a curve stream? straight stream (horizontal 180∘) is rigid pattern for player

  6. 02:02:724 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - make a bit rotate? It's rigid pattern for player too.

  7. 02:38:018 (1,2,3) - odd hitpoint for melody, follow music rhythm ↓

  8. 03:00:959 (4,1) - (nazi) because of make clean pattern. try to make stack for those slider.

吐嘈下... 01:54:121 (2,3,4) - 這梗怎麼絕響了


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. 03:48:606 - add x1.5 green line? 可以看出後頭的note全部擠在一團了 使用1.5倍會讓BPM前後變化看的出來 卻又不會讓後頭的note全部擠在一起, 當然的 如果你改了那後頭的03:51:522 - 也必須是x1.5
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 03:22:135 (1,2,3,1,2) - kkddk? 03:22:135 - & 03:22:577 - 對03:22:356 - 相對音高較高

  2. 03:23:900 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 說實話 我寧願用kkddkdd來代過 03:23:900 - 與03:24:341 - 重音使用同樣的音符打起來會比較順一點

  3. 03:41:216 (1) - move to 03:41:327 - will be better. 在03:41:216 - 沒有明顯的音符, 而後者卻有很重的重音 相比之下後者會好的更多

  4. 03:44:746 (1) - ^

看來LKs timing已經到了... 記得去改

call me back when you fix my mod~ but please reply my mod post and used 2 color to reply it
Blue: you accept my mod item
Red: you deny my mod item and please reply the reason.
^ 一定要用兩種顏色改 不然我不recheck喔 >_>
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

timing 有点慢测完之后直接给你了我没时间听了 你看看那里不对就自己调整


spboxer3 wrote:

※ Notice

red is unrankable issue.
blue is recommended to fix.
Black is just suggestion.


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. Inconsistent Title/ArtistUnicode. It must be fixed. fixed


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap each other could space them farther apart. yep. It's just suggest and nazi. you can ignore this par)
  1. 00:49:097 (3,1) - move to x:488,y:248 to avoid overlaps? fixed
  2. 01:10:665 (2,1) - move to x:366,y:96 fixed, x:336...

  3. 04:11:939 (1) - move to x:24,y:248 fixed
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 03:04:488 - clap? (bell sound) fixed
    if you used my recommend hitsound. you may to add "soft-slidertick3" because 03:18:606 - need used bell sound too. add Storyboard Sound Samples

  2. 03:51:939 - to 04:16:939 - about hitsound: soft-hitclap.wav it's fine, but this it's pretty more for me fixed, and [Hard] is same
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 02:38:900 (2,3) - [minor] Umm... I guess you will try to make symmetrical pattern. so move that to x208,y308 no, since the distance spacing, and the asymmetry is barely visible, you know, it is no grid when you are playing


  • Hitsound
    (For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 03:15:076 (4,5) - it's a bit odd/noise when I test it. bell sound not suitable for this part, and you haven't used bell sound at preview part . fixed
  2. 03:17:724 - remove this whistle (maybe change to slider tail)... change to slider tail, and same as 01:59:194 (1) -

  3. 03:29:415 (4) - same as 03:15:076 (4,5) - fixed

(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:46:597 (4) - (optional) rotate this -20 ∘and move 00:47:847 (1) - to x:200,y:104? try to make flow better. fixed, 04:07:772 (4,1,2) - same

  2. 01:09:782 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - (suggestion) make decreasing spacing with pitch. fixed

  3. 01:27:430 (1,1,2,3,1,2) - actually, It's not a pretty flow. 這麼說吧,我認為01:28:091 (1,2) - reverse selection 會比較好 第一,是因為讓這五個note作出繞圈的感覺 會比01:27:871 (3,1) - 這種折點來的好些 第二,可以聽到01:28:091 (1,2) - 的音調是(1)比較高, (2)比較低 而現在的排法卻剛好與音調相反
    因此我認為把(1,2) reverse會比較好 fixed

  4. 02:15:076 (3) - (bug/nazi) unsnap note (1ms away from the right position.) fixed

  5. 01:38:018 (2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Umm... make a curve stream? straight stream (horizontal 180∘) is rigid pattern for player fixed

  6. 02:02:724 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - make a bit rotate? It's rigid pattern for player too. fixed

  7. 02:38:018 (1,2,3) - odd hitpoint for melody, follow music rhythm ↓
  8. 03:00:959 (4,1) - (nazi) because of make clean pattern. try to make stack for those slider. no, i like it~~~~~

吐嘈下... 01:54:121 (2,3,4) - 這梗怎麼絕響了 不知道啊……的确打起来不顺手


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. 03:48:606 - add x1.5 green line? 可以看出後頭的note全部擠在一團了 使用1.5倍會讓BPM前後變化看的出來 卻又不會讓後頭的note全部擠在一起, 當然的 如果你改了那後頭的03:51:522 - 也必須是x1.5 fixed
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 03:22:135 (1,2,3,1,2) - kkddk? 03:22:135 - & 03:22:577 - 對03:22:356 - 相對音高較高 fixed

  2. 03:23:900 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 說實話 我寧願用kkddkdd來代過 03:23:900 - 與03:24:341 - 重音使用同樣的音符打起來會比較順一點 fixed

  3. 03:41:216 (1) - move to 03:41:327 - will be better. 在03:41:216 - 沒有明顯的音符, 而後者卻有很重的重音 相比之下後者會好的更多 fixed

  4. 03:44:746 (1) - ^ fixed

看來LKs timing已經到了... 記得去改 fixed

call me back when you fix my mod~ but please reply my mod post and used 2 color to reply it
Blue: you accept my mod item
Red: you deny my mod item and please reply the reason.
^ 一定要用兩種顏色改 不然我不recheck喔 >_>
Red: you deny my mod item and please reply the reason.
Green: you accept my mod item
Blue: not fix as you suggest, but do something instead of it

※ Notice

red is unrankable issue.
blue is recommended to fix.
Black is just suggestion.


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. unsnap kiai timing line: 00:55:763 -
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
01:23:900 (1) - ,02:27:429 (1) - 當老闆作了三點式slider有沒有對當初畫圓劃這麼久感到很心酸阿 ((stress

  1. you must resnap all note


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. unsnap kiai timing line: 00:55:763 -
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 03:46:179 (2,3,4) - move to x256,y102.


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. volume it's too low. please used Normal hitsound and 50%.
  2. remove letterbox during break
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. resnap all note

  2. 01:49:488 (1,1,2,1) - Err... 這個不要用1/3 把1/3用在01:52:577 - 到01:53:018 - 之間吧 那01:52:466 (2) - 就刪了 於是整段變成這樣:
    從01:52:135 (1) - 開始
recheck log
01:58 spboxer3:
01:58 spboxer3: 搞定了沒?
01:59 cmn_891127: 馬上~
02:00 cmn_891127: 圈圈都要改啊……
02:01 spboxer3: 什麼圈圈
02:01 spboxer3: 我不是槓掉了?
02:01 cmn_891127: 01:23:900 (1) - ,02:27:429 (1) - 當老闆作了三點式slider有沒有對當初畫圓劃這麼久感到很心酸阿
02:01 cmn_891127: ((stress
02:01 cmn_891127: 啊
02:01 spboxer3: 那個是吐嘈阿
02:01 cmn_891127: 因为下面红字了……
02:01 spboxer3: ...
02:02 cmn_891127: 哦天哪 26unsnap
02:02 spboxer3: 恩
02:02 spboxer3: Taiko更多吧
02:03 cmn_891127: 03:46:179 (2,3,4) - move to x256,y102.这个是为了stack错位
02:03 spboxer3: = = stack錯位
02:04 cmn_891127: 唔……没拼错……就是堆在一起除了最后一个都会错位嘛
02:04 spboxer3: 根本沒差好嗎
02:04 spboxer3: 怎麼老是有人喜歡手動調整stack...
02:05 spboxer3: 這個調成3吧... 那個錯位說實話影響不大
02:06 spboxer3: 至於要不要改看你吧...反正是nazi
02:08 spboxer3: 話說...
02:08 cmn_891127: 嗯
02:08 spboxer3: Taiko的kiai為什麼這麼...
02:08 spboxer3: 只有第一段?
02:09 cmn_891127: 这是一个bug
02:09 cmn_891127: 上次改时间的错误结果
02:09 spboxer3: 於是...?
02:09 spboxer3: 你本來要怎麼做??
02:09 cmn_891127: 没有kiai
02:10 spboxer3: 你確實是加了kiai
02:10 spboxer3: 所以把kiai拿掉吧~
02:10 cmn_891127: 嗯嗯~~
02:16 spboxer3: [Taiko] 01:15:297 (1,1,2,3,1,1) - 這個
02:16 spboxer3: 聽起來怪怪的
02:17 spboxer3: 等等喔
02:18 spboxer3: 改成kd dkdd
02:18 cmn_891127: 好了
02:18 spboxer3: 01:18:165 (2,3,4,5,1) - 在我打起來的感覺/聽起來的感覺 kkkkd會比ddddk更適合
02:19 cmn_891127: kkddk呢
02:19 spboxer3: 可
02:20 spboxer3: 01:18:827 (1,2,3) - (3)的位置應該有所轉變 鼓音比其他地方明顯重了些
02:22 spboxer3: 01:34:709 (2,1,2) - ddk
02:22 spboxer3: 01:35:591 (2,3,1) - kdd
02:23 spboxer3: 01:36:804 (1) - & 01:37:687 (1) - 給我的感覺反倒是刪掉比較好
02:23 spboxer3: 這段的重點是後頭的k k
02:24 spboxer3: 可是ddkdk這樣的排法就沒辦法突顯那兩個k了
02:25 spboxer3: 01:38:238 (2,3,1,1,1) - 如果要改的話這個就維持現在這樣就好了 做出個過門
02:25 cmn_891127: 嗯,都改了
02:26 spboxer3: 01:38:900 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ddkkkkkkd
02:26 spboxer3: 後頭的鼓聲是從01:39:121 - 才開始的
02:26 spboxer3: 所以前頭用d 這地方分開來
02:27 cmn_891127: 嗯
02:28 spboxer3: 01:40:003 (2,3) - k k? 01:39:782 (1) - 因為這地方用d了 而音樂上(2,3)和(1)聽起來是有些微差別的
02:29 cmn_891127: 嗯
02:29 cmn_891127: 01:39:782 (1,2,3) - ddk
02:29 spboxer3: 可以
02:30 spboxer3: 01:49:488 (1,1,2,1) - 這個1/3改了嗎0.0? 有需要給意見嗎?
02:31 cmn_891127: kdd k
02:31 cmn_891127: 或者kkd k?
02:33 spboxer3: 要不要試試看像這樣的? (1)是01:49:488 - 當然 用3+1的方式也是不錯的
02:33 spboxer3: 只是給個參考而已 喜歡就用 不喜歡 看看就好:3
02:33 cmn_891127: 啊,后面复制的我也改完了~
02:33 spboxer3: ok :3
02:34 spboxer3: 知道為什麼01:52:577 - 到01:53:018 - 我說用1/3嗎?
02:34 spboxer3: 01:52:871 - 這邊有個1/3的音
02:35 cmn_891127: 01:49:488 (1,2,1) - 还是用的kkd
02:35 spboxer3: 好
02:35 cmn_891127: 01:52:577 (1,1,2,1) - kddk
02:35 cmn_891127: 1.3
02:35 cmn_891127: 1/3
02:36 spboxer3: 沒問題
02:38 spboxer3: 01:54:121 (1,1,2,3,1,2) - 關於這個2+4的 我認為01:54:341 - 這個位置應該有物件 有個很重的鼓點在這
02:38 spboxer3: 而我建議的排法是像這樣的:x xxx xxxx xx
02:38 spboxer3: 開始點在01:53:900 -
02:38 spboxer3: 你覺得如何?
02:39 spboxer3: 01:59:415 (1,1,1,2,3,1) - 這個2+4也有同樣的情況
02:40 cmn_891127: 唔,那还是直接用3+3好了
02:41 spboxer3: 好~
02:41 spboxer3: 02:28:311 (1,1) - 這兩個音效交換怎麼樣?
02:41 spboxer3: 02:27:429 (1,1,1) - 與 02:28:311 (1,1,2) - 聽起來是對應的
02:43 cmn_891127: 我觉得02:28:753 (2,1) - 这两个交换还好……
02:44 spboxer3: 你也可以維持現狀~ 其實現在的也不錯 :3
02:44 cmn_891127: 嗯,现状
02:45 spboxer3: 02:30:297 - 到02:43:312 - 這段真是崩潰...
02:45 spboxer3: solo根本無法timing 233
02:46 cmn_891127: 唔,这段根本没节奏……
02:46 spboxer3: 02:59:636 (4) - 這個k?
02:47 cmn_891127: 02:59:194 (2) - 那这个也k
02:48 spboxer3: 03:25:444 (1) - 漏了?
02:48 spboxer3: NC是k 但是音效沒有
02:50 spboxer3: 03:40:003 (1,2,3,1,1,1) - 2+4 ->1+5? 因為:
02:50 cmn_891127: 额,的确漏了
02:50 spboxer3: 03:40:224 - 有鼓音 所以1+5的排法會比較好些
02:50 cmn_891127: 好
02:53 spboxer3: 03:45:518 (3) - 這個k了嗎0.0?
02:54 spboxer3: ... 他不是很久了阿
02:54 cmn_891127: okey
02:54 spboxer3: 03:47:613 - add don
02:55 cmn_891127: 嗯嗯
02:56 spboxer3: 04:09:023 (2,1,2) - ddk感覺會比較順點?
02:56 spboxer3: 04:10:689 (2) - 這個用d
02:56 spboxer3: end
02:57 spboxer3: 上傳吧 :3
02:57 cmn_891127: 04:09:023 (2,1,2) - dkd
02:57 cmn_891127: 后面的d,好的~
02:57 spboxer3: 好
02:58 cmn_891127: 唔,也不好,ddd吧
02:58 spboxer3: 這個不錯
02:59 cmn_891127: 顺利通过11
02:59 spboxer3: www
03:00 spboxer3: [Normal]: 00:57:424 (1,2) -
03:00 spboxer3: 看一下>_>
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:


※ Notice

red is unrankable issue.
blue is recommended to fix.
Black is just suggestion.


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. unsnap kiai timing line: 00:55:763 -
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
01:23:900 (1) - ,02:27:429 (1) - 當老闆作了三點式slider有沒有對當初畫圓劃這麼久感到很心酸阿 ((stress

  1. you must resnap all note


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. unsnap kiai timing line: 00:55:763 -
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 03:46:179 (2,3,4) - move to x256,y102.


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. volume it's too low. please used Normal hitsound and 50%.
  2. remove letterbox during break
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. resnap all note

  2. 01:49:488 (1,1,2,1) - Err... 這個不要用1/3 把1/3用在01:52:577 - 到01:53:018 - 之間吧 那01:52:466 (2) - 就刪了 於是整段變成這樣:
    從01:52:135 (1) - 開始
All fixed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi cmn_891127~ Randomly checking bubble here, and found these issues:


-> ...are you sure about using the kanji for Asuka for song's title? Because this is what I got orz:
(also imo the title would be more beautiful if it's put in 00:30:758 or 00:57:430 and colored light yellow/gold, if you want to change it just tell me :3)
-> All of your soft-hitnormals (soft-hitnormal1, soft-hitnormal2, soft-hitnormal3) has a ~10ms delay on it's start:
In gameplay I can hear the soft-hitnormal sounds quite late compared to the others, orz... I've removed the delay here, should sound better now (:
-> Regarding to the issue above, I rechecked the timing and I got:
  1. 02:58:305 - New timing section (offset 178305 - the metronome resets there, also the song got moved by -7ms)
  2. Offset 228608 -> 228599
(it's highly recommended to resnap your inherit sections, especially kiai, after doing this (: )


-> Remove lead-in here? It's not necessary considering your starting point orz...

  1. 00:53:258 (4) - New combo to beautify this part?
  2. 01:38:018 (1) - Definitely can be made better orz:
  3. 01:53:018 (2) - Hmm, your idea to add a gradual volume increase here is good, but imo it'll be better if you're using 30 -> 50 -> 70 (instead of 50 -> 60 -> 70)
  4. 02:49:488 (3) - For me it's better if you change this into a circle and then start the repeating 1/4 sliders on 02:49:709 instead (as the 1/4s actually get distinct there), however just skip this if you can't find a good position xD
  5. 04:14:439 (4) - Again, new combo here to beautify the map?

  1. 01:07:135 (4,5,1) - ...well I much prefer something like this though, it'll form a fun to play circular movement (and it fits the song a lot better compared to static stacking imo) :
  2. 01:22:135 (x) - The vocal is quite strong here to abandon imo, add note here and start spinner 1/8 after?
  3. 01:53:238 (6) - Whistle on slider's body with lowered volume might fit here, your call though :3
  4. 02:06:253 (1) - Same as 01:22:135, add note here and start spinner 1/8 after?
  5. 02:25:665 (1) - Same as above
  6. 02:47:613 (3,4) -'s actually repeating 1/8 here, but 1/4 lands on beat as well (:
  7. 02:52:025 (4,5) - Same as above
  8. 03:08:900 (1) - Same here about the spinner...
...also remove the lead-in on Taiko as well, it's not necessary orz >_<
Mapping overall is great, though~
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Hi cmn_891127~ Randomly checking bubble here, and found these issues:


-> ...are you sure about using the kanji for Asuka for song's title? Because this is what I got orz: I try to fix it, but it doesn't work...
(also imo the title would be more beautiful if it's put in 00:30:758 or 00:57:430 and colored light yellow/gold, if you want to change it just tell me :3)
Really good~
-> All of your soft-hitnormals (soft-hitnormal1, soft-hitnormal2, soft-hitnormal3) has a ~10ms delay on it's start:
In gameplay I can hear the soft-hitnormal sounds quite late compared to the others, orz... I've removed the delay here, should sound better now (:
All changed to new hitsound
-> Regarding to the issue above, I rechecked the timing and I got:
  1. 02:58:305 - New timing section (offset 178305 - the metronome resets there, also the song got moved by -7ms)
  2. Offset 228608 -> 228599
(it's highly recommended to resnap your inherit sections, especially kiai, after doing this (: )
not add new red line here, but @00:57:424, this red line put forward 6ms, and the lasted red line is also


-> Remove lead-in here? It's not necessary considering your starting point orz... fixed

  1. 00:53:258 (4) - New combo to beautify this part? fixed
  2. 01:38:018 (1) - Definitely can be made better orz: fixed
  3. 01:53:018 (2) - Hmm, your idea to add a gradual volume increase here is good, but imo it'll be better if you're using 30 -> 50 -> 70 (instead of 50 -> 60 -> 70) fixed
  4. 02:49:488 (3) - For me it's better if you change this into a circle and then start the repeating 1/4 sliders on 02:49:709 instead (as the 1/4s actually get distinct there), however just skip this if you can't find a good position xD I reverse the slider before, and cut (3)
  5. 04:14:439 (4) - Again, new combo here to beautify the map? fixed

  1. 01:07:135 (4,5,1) - ...well I much prefer something like this though, it'll form a fun to play circular movement (and it fits the song a lot better compared to static stacking imo) : similar, but a bit change
  2. 01:22:135 (x) - The vocal is quite strong here to abandon imo, add note here and start spinner 1/8 after? add a note, but remove NC of spinner
  3. 01:53:238 (6) - Whistle on slider's body with lowered volume might fit here, your call though :3 Really good, 30%
  4. 02:06:253 (1) - Same as 01:22:135, add note here and start spinner 1/8 after? add a note, but remove NC of spinner
  5. 02:25:665 (1) - Same as above add a note, but remove NC of spinner
  6. 02:47:613 (3,4) -'s actually repeating 1/8 here, but 1/4 lands on beat as well (: not change
  7. 02:52:025 (4,5) - Same as above not change
  8. 03:08:900 (1) - Same here about the spinner... add a note, but remove NC of spinner
...also remove the lead-in on Taiko as well, it's not necessary orz >_<
Mapping overall is great, though~
Thank you, Niva~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(don't kudosu this)
...uhm, about title color, it can only be changed by Admin/BAT orz... I've changed the timing and color, I hope you like it (:


-> A new timing section in 02:58:306 here is definitely required, yes, as I've said before it's because the metronome resets here (however because you already changed offset before, just simply add a new timing section without further modification xD)


  1. 00:30:758 (1) - Inherit section can only be stacked with timing section if they're used to change slider speed orz... Here, the inherit section isn't used to change slider speed so it shouldn't be here (just set kiai and S:C1 50% on the red line~)

  1. 00:30:758 (1) - Same as Normal
...when placing the new timing section, once again I remind that red line and green line can't be stacked together if not for slider speed change, orz >_<


EDIT : All good now~ However I can't rank because of timing change orz ._.

Rebubbled ~
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

(don't kudosu this)
...uhm, about title color, it can only be changed by Admin/BAT orz... I've changed the timing and color, I hope you like it (:


-> A new timing section in 02:58:306 here is definitely required, yes, as I've said before it's because the metronome resets here (however because you already changed offset before, just simply add a new timing section without further modification xD)
change the green line to red


  1. 00:30:758 (1) - Inherit section can only be stacked with timing section if they're used to change slider speed orz... Here, the inherit section isn't used to change slider speed so it shouldn't be here (just set kiai and S:C1 50% on the red line~) fixed

  1. 00:30:758 (1) - Same as Normal fixed
...when placing the new timing section, once again I remind that red line and green line can't be stacked together if not for slider speed change, orz >_< mark~

  1. Silence both slidertick and sliderslide sound is unrankable, they sounds fine for me though, I'll discuss with other members too see if this could be a exception
  2. Add some tags like "Wafuu"(和風)?
  3. PreviewTime should move 57222 to 57424 since you changed timing right?

  1. 00:27:527 (1) - End this spinner with soft custom sound1 seems better
  2. 01:18:600 (1) - Hmm, it's not recommended use unusual spacing in the easiest diff. Change it if possible
  3. 03:18:606 - The SB sound sounds too loud here, try reduce 80 to 60

  1. 00:27:527 (1) - Soft custom1?
  2. 01:22:185 (2), 02:06:302 (2), 02:25:714 (2), 03:08:949 (2) - Add NC to those spinner just in case

  1. 00:54:091 (2) - Spinner, NC in case of any issue
Call me back
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:


  1. Silence both slidertick and sliderslide sound is unrankable, they sounds fine for me though, I'll discuss with other members too see if this could be a exception no change here
  2. Add some tags like "Wafuu"(和風)? added
  3. PreviewTime should move 57222 to 57424 since you changed timing right? fixed

  1. 00:27:527 (1) - End this spinner with soft custom sound1 seems better fixed
  2. 01:18:600 (1) - Hmm, it's not recommended use unusual spacing in the easiest diff. Change it if possible I use such pattern extensive in this diff. If changing all of them, I think it is indeed equivalent to remapping...and unusual spacing is not the hardest part in this diff, since breaking tail is more difficult than it, if you really want to get full combo.
  3. 03:18:606 - The SB sound sounds too loud here, try reduce 80 to 60 fixed

  1. 00:27:527 (1) - Soft custom1? Okey
  2. 01:22:185 (2), 02:06:302 (2), 02:25:714 (2), 03:08:949 (2) - Add NC to those spinner just in case
    In the wiki - Ranking Criteria, I see "Generally, a spinner and the next object after a spinner should both have New Combo markers. You can remove one of the New Combos if the spinner belongs to the same musical thought as some objects around it (1), (2), but use sparingly." I remove the NC of spinner in the second case, so I don't change them.

  1. 00:54:091 (2) - Spinner, NC in case of any issue fixed
Call me back
Thank you, Breeze~
有跟其他人商量了下, 虽然你的slidertick和slide不是完全静音, 但是他们说听不到跟静音就没区别了:s
所以还是得换一个能听到的才行,tick和slide可以静音一个, 另外一个就换个吧
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

有跟其他人商量了下, 虽然你的slidertick和slide不是完全静音, 但是他们说听不到跟静音就没区别了:s
所以还是得换一个能听到的才行,tick和slide可以静音一个, 另外一个就换个吧
Alright, rebubbled

Breeze wrote:

Alright, rebubbled
Hm.. Breeze? Have you forgot the icon?

Edit: Thanks Gonzvlo.
Nyaruko Cthulhu
你沒給微風kd daijobu? 恭喜啦~
Gratz :)
I really enjoyed everything about this. Thanks.
Congratz cmn :3
恭喜rank :)
恭喜 :D
Megurine Luka
\ 好歌好圖 /

恭喜RANK :oops:
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

你沒給微風kd daijobu? 恭喜啦~
Thank you for ranking!~~
@mintong89, ReySHeL, Noxient, Konei, wantuole, Beren, Megurine Luka, Azure
一个10分一刷新变成了9.5耶 (顺便吐槽签名
In overal, nice map.
The use of hitsounds to add percussion on normal difficulty takes some time getting used to, but in the end it's a nice touch :p
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