
Rin' - Asuka [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年12月15日 at 1:07:24

Artist: Rin'
Title: Asuka
Tags: Wafuu
BPM: 72
Filesize: 10878kb
Play Time: 04:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.4 stars, 541 notes)
  2. Normal (3.22 stars, 283 notes)
  3. Taiko (4.83 stars, 1082 notes)
Download: Rin' - Asuka
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Thanks for Blove/vivicat's BG~
who modded this map
Thank you~

Thanks LKs for time help~
Taiko mod:
16:20 <cmn_891127> : 求taiko mod……
16:21 <spboxer3> : 恩
16:22 <spboxer3> : 00:27:430 (1) - 這個結束在00:30:347 -
16:23 <cmn_891127> : 其实我感觉转的好不过瘾啊
16:23 <spboxer3> : 你不能夠因為是spinner所以把這個放到不適合的位置
16:23 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯
16:23 <spboxer3> : 00:35:347 (2) - what? 這應該是NC吧...
16:24 <spboxer3> : 00:34:513 (2) - ^
16:24 <cmn_891127> : 噗……各种颜色错误
16:24 <spboxer3> : 00:37:430 (1) - k會比較適合
16:24 <cmn_891127> : 嗯
16:25 <spboxer3> : 00:42:847 (1,2,3,4,1,1) - 改成ddkdddk/ddkdkdk or ddkkddk?
16:26 <spboxer3> : 00:47:847 (2,1,2) - ddk會比較適合 符合音高
16:26 <spboxer3> : 00:49:930 (3,1,1,1,2) - kdkkk 同樣的音高會比較合適
16:27 <cmn_891127> : ==00:44:097 (1) -
16:27 <spboxer3> : 00:54:097 (1) - spinner的問題 和前一個講的一樣
16:27 <cmn_891127> : 这个不要K么
16:27 <spboxer3> : 若是要K的話也是可以 那就ddkdk K吧
16:28 <spboxer3> : 00:43:263 (3) - 明顯的高音阿stress
16:28 <spboxer3> : 00:57:760 (2) - k 音高變化 所以認為
16:28 <spboxer3> : 00:59:856 (3) - d 同樣是音高問題
16:29 <spboxer3> : 00:59:856 (3,1,1,1,1,1) - 如果改的話我會建議ddkkkd
16:30 <spboxer3> : 或是你可以強調那兩個重音 所以變成ddkkKD
16:30 <spboxer3> : 01:03:385 (3) - 同樣的d會適合些 因為音高
16:31 <spboxer3> : 01:11:768 (3,4,5) - 不用ddk嗎? 感覺會適合些 一直打d會讓人有乏味的感覺
16:32 <spboxer3> : 01:16:841 (3) - d會好些 這一段節奏有音高變化 最明顯的就是這顆了
16:32 <spboxer3> : 01:19:709 (2,3,4,1) - [suggestion] ddk k 純粹手感會好些 聽起來也比較舒服[IMO]
16:33 <spboxer3> : 01:23:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - dkddkddkD?
16:34 <cmn_891127> : 终于歇会了……
16:35 <spboxer3> : 01:31:179 (3,4,1) - kdd會比ddk來的好些 試試看吧
16:36 <spboxer3> : 01:31:179 (3,4,1) - dkk k k d?聽起來適合些
16:36 <spboxer3> : 01:36:253 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
16:36 <cmn_891127> : 哎?复制错了
16:36 <spboxer3> : 這串的5連都有些乏味
16:37 <spboxer3> : 不如ddkdd/ddkkd來的好些
16:37 <spboxer3> : 恩
16:37 <spboxer3> : 01:34:709 (1,2,1,2,1) - 剛剛那個複製錯的
16:38 <spboxer3> : 01:38:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - dkkkkkkd?
16:40 <spboxer3> : 01:41:547 (2,3,4,1,1,2,1) - 1/3用的有些不合適 不如改成這樣?
16:40 <spboxer3> : 你那個1/3的排法和背景音不連續
16:41 <spboxer3> : 所以會讓人覺得有些違和
16:41 <spboxer3> : 01:44:966 - 這點加個note吧
16:42 <spboxer3> : 不然這段顯得空了些
16:42 <spboxer3> : 01:45:297 (6,7,1,1,1) - ddk k d明顯的比較符合音樂些
16:43 <spboxer3> : 01:48:827 (2) - 看你是要移到01:48:716 - 或是直接刪掉了吧
16:43 <spboxer3> : 01:49:488 (1,1,2,1) - 這個1/3我就認為適合
16:44 <spboxer3> : 01:52:356 (1,2,1,1,1,2) - 這個2,4連不適合 最重的音沒下到
16:45 <spboxer3> : 改成oooo oo或是直接ooo oo吧
16:45 <spboxer3> : 01:59:194 (5) - k 如果改了 那01:59:415 (1,2) - 改成dk會適合些
16:46 <spboxer3> : 02:08:018 (5,6) - kkd?
16:46 <spboxer3> : 02:09:782 (1,2,3) - ^
16:46 <spboxer3> : 02:11:547 (1,2,3) - ^
16:48 <spboxer3> : 02:14:415 (2,3,1,1,1) - kkd d D/kkd d K
16:49 <spboxer3> : 02:17:724 (1,2,1,1,2,1) - 這兩串有音高上的差異 你可以用ddk dkk來做出區分
16:49 <spboxer3> : 02:20:371 (3) - d會好些
16:49 <spboxer3> : 同樣和前面一樣的理由
16:50 <spboxer3> : 02:21:695 (2,3,4,5,1) - kdddk吧 02:21:695 (2) - 很明顯的比較高音 所以kdddk會比較適合些
16:50 <spboxer3> : 02:23:239 (2,3,4,1) - ddk k會好些
16:51 <spboxer3> : 02:27:430 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 同前面 我剛剛說的那段
16:51 <spboxer3> : 當然 你可以做些變化
16:51 <spboxer3> : 有些不明顯的音可以改成另外的音
16:52 <spboxer3> : 02:29:194 (9,10) - 這個擺錯位置了 02:29:415 - 這邊開始會好些
16:52 <spboxer3> : 02:33:385 (2) - 這個讓人感覺多餘了些
16:53 <spboxer3> : 就音樂來說 這個音實在太不明顯了
16:54 <spboxer3> : 如果你要留下來那我會建議你02:33:937 - 也加個note
16:54 <spboxer3> : 不對 位置錯了 是02:34:047 -
16:55 <spboxer3> : 02:38:018 - 到02:39:562 - 節奏錯誤了
16:56 <spboxer3> : 按照背景音 這樣才是正確的
16:58 <spboxer3> : 02:47:503 (3,4,1) - 其實這是o ooo (1/8 rhythm) 但是這BPM不允許用1/8(算是蠻尷尬的階段)
16:58 <spboxer3> : 所以我建議用oooo(1/6)來帶過
16:59 <spboxer3> : 02:56:547 (2,3,4,5,1,1,2) - ddkdkkk?這節奏好像比較適合些
16:59 <spboxer3> : 02:57:650 - 到02:58:091 - 期時可以加個短spinner ((stress
17:00 <spboxer3> : 03:10:665 (1,1,2,3,4) - k d d k d好像比較好些 至少不是都d
17:00 <spboxer3> : 03:13:974 (4) - 音高聽來用k會適合些
17:01 <spboxer3> : 03:15:296 (2,3,4) - ddk ((k的位置用來突顯重音變化
17:01 <spboxer3> : 如果剛剛那個改了 那03:15:738 (5) - 一樣要用k
17:02 <spboxer3> : 03:18:385 (1,2,1) - kdk會適合些 這種顫音通常都是由兩個音色做連續交換
17:03 <spboxer3> : 03:24:782 (1,1,2,3,4) - [suggestion] k d d k d/k d k k d
17:03 <spboxer3> : 喔不 那個大圓該留著 所以應該是
17:03 <spboxer3> : k d d k D/k d k k D
17:04 <spboxer3> : 03:27:429 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 串k阿... 我認為kkkkddd會比較好些 至少不會像串k那麼無趣
17:04 <spboxer3> : 03:29:194 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 同樣的ddddkkk/ddddkdk 看你決定吧
17:05 <spboxer3> : 03:48:606 (1) - spinner問題loool
17:05 <spboxer3> : 03:58:606 (1) - 這個k你忘記改了
17:05 <spboxer3> : k確實比較適合 但是你忘記放了
17:06 <spboxer3> : 04:07:356 (2,1,1,1,2) - d d k d d會好些
17:06 <spboxer3> : k 普面看完 哇...好長looool
17:06 <spboxer3> : 不要打我lol
17:06 <cmn_891127> : 噗
17:07 <spboxer3> : 那個...你的offset有點怪
17:07 <cmn_891127> : 我也觉得是
17:08 <spboxer3> : 01:11:547 - 這邊開始
17:08 <spboxer3> : 你的offset好像開始不準了

good luck~
Megurine Luka

the easiest diff must lower than 3 star ( i think ) if you want try - the AR

CS+1 maybe

just that
Topic Starter

frans_niko wrote:


the easiest diff must lower than 3 star ( i think ) if you want try - the AR

CS+1 maybe

just that
do some change, thanks
Taiko mod as requested

-remove letterbox during breaks
00:27:430 - dkdkdkddk too loud, set S:50% at the beginning of spinner and recover to 100% later
00:46:180 - ddkdd / ddkdk
01:36:474 - in the music the last musical note sounds higher so use D ddkdk D ddkdk ... etc
02:31:179 - 2-2 doesn't sound fitting the song wel... try kkddk k K K K K at 02:30:959 - ?
02:33:275 - dk according to music
02:49:488 - patterns 3 in a group (ddkdddk) doesn't fit a 1/4 based song. According to the melody try ddkdkkddd?
02:57:650 - try to emphasize the 1/2 melodic note? spinner -> 1/4 random stream which do not fit well
03:45:959 - same as 2:49, try sth else
03:48:606 - like the beginning make this softer
04:16:939 - try not to put the slider here because it's bugged (no slidertick shown), and 1/4 random stream does not fit with the gradually softer/ending music.

nice song, star
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

Taiko mod as requested

-remove letterbox during breaks
00:27:430 - dkdkdkddk too loud, set S:50% at the beginning of spinner and recover to 100% later
00:46:180 - ddkdd / ddkdk ddkdd
01:36:474 - in the music the last musical note sounds higher so use D ddkdk D ddkdk ... etc fixed
02:31:179 - 2-2 doesn't sound fitting the song wel... try kkddk k K K K K at 02:30:959 - ? fixed
02:33:275 - dk according to music fixed
02:49:488 - patterns 3 in a group (ddkdddk) doesn't fit a 1/4 based song. According to the melody try ddkdkkddd? fixed
02:57:650 - try to emphasize the 1/2 melodic note? spinner -> 1/4 random stream which do not fit well d d d K
03:45:959 - same as 2:49, try sth else kdkdkkddkdkdkkd
03:48:606 - like the beginning make this softer fixed
04:16:939 - try not to put the slider here because it's bugged (no slidertick shown), and 1/4 random stream does not fit with the gradually softer/ending music. D

nice song, star
Thanks for your modding~
meiikyuu's replacement :lol: max. drain time for her queue is 3:30 btw

Inconsistency in .osu's; Taiko audio lead-in is 0 while the others are 1000. Tags aren't in 2 of them (Don't tag people who just gave you bg?):

00:50:763 (1) - Move a little to the left so it doesn't touch the slider edge..if you feel like it
00:53:263 (4) - Finish at end to match bg music
00:55:763 - Delete kiai time, there are no notes; do this also in Hard
01:26:547 (2) - NC
01:52:135 (1) - Delete NC, put NC on 01:52:577 (2) -
02:40:885 (2) - Curve downwards so it doesn't cover anything
03:23:018 (1) - Delete spinner and map this part, would be nice imo
03:51:939 (1) - 04:16:106 (5) Ctrl + J this whole section or something so it's not an obvious copy & paste from the beginning

00:37:430 (1) - Finish
00:50:763 (1) - Finish at beginning
00:53:263 (5) - Finish at end?
01:21:253 (4,5) - Move so (5) is blanketing (3)?
01:25:665 (1) - Delete NC, feels a little useless
01:28:974 (1) - Change this color to red
01:36:253 (8) - NC, delete NC on 01:36:474 (1) -
01:38:018 (2) - NC, delete NC on 01:37:797 (1) -
01:38:680 (1) - Delete NC
01:51:474 (3) - Delete finish at beginning, kinda funny in a quiet part
01:52:135 (1) - Finish to fit bg music
02:15:076 (3) - Finish
02:22:135 (1) - Clap would sound pretty lol
02:29:194 (1) - Maybe delete NC
02:43:312 (1) - Clap
02:58:312 (1) - Finish
03:05:371 (1) - Clap
03:08:900 (1) - Delete spinner and map this part, like in Normal
03:10:665 (1) - Clap at beginning?
03:36:694 (7) - Clap
03:52:355 (1) - Again, maybe flip this whole last section so it's not a copy & paste from the beginning

Beautiful song! :cry: Good luck! <3
Topic Starter

LunarSakuya wrote:

meiikyuu's replacement :lol: max. drain time for her queue is 3:30 btw

Inconsistency in .osu's; Taiko audio lead-in is 0 while the others are 1000. Tags aren't in 2 of them (Don't tag people who just gave you bg?): fixed

00:50:763 (1) - Move a little to the left so it doesn't touch the slider edge..if you feel like it fixed
00:53:263 (4) - Finish at end to match bg music fixed
00:55:763 - Delete kiai time, there are no notes; do this also in Hard this Kiai is for the spring
01:26:547 (2) - NC
01:52:135 (1) - Delete NC, put NC on 01:52:577 (2) -
02:40:885 (2) - Curve downwards so it doesn't cover anything fixed
03:23:018 (1) - Delete spinner and map this part, would be nice imo
03:51:939 (1) - 04:16:106 (5) Ctrl + J this whole section or something so it's not an obvious copy & paste from the beginning fixed

00:37:430 (1) - Finish fixed
00:50:763 (1) - Finish at beginning fixed
00:53:263 (5) - Finish at end? fixed
01:21:253 (4,5) - Move so (5) is blanketing (3)? do some change
01:25:665 (1) - Delete NC, feels a little useless
01:28:974 (1) - Change this color to red fixed
01:36:253 (8) - NC, delete NC on 01:36:474 (1) -
01:38:018 (2) - NC, delete NC on 01:37:797 (1) -
01:38:680 (1) - Delete NC
01:51:474 (3) - Delete finish at beginning, kinda funny in a quiet part fixed
01:52:135 (1) - Finish to fit bg music whistle
02:15:076 (3) - Finish fixed
02:22:135 (1) - Clap would sound pretty lol
02:29:194 (1) - Maybe delete NC
02:43:312 (1) - Clap fixed
02:58:312 (1) - Finish fixed
03:05:371 (1) - Clap finish
03:08:900 (1) - Delete spinner and map this part, like in Normal
03:10:665 (1) - Clap at beginning? fixed
03:36:694 (7) - Clap fixed
03:52:355 (1) - Again, maybe flip this whole last section so it's not a copy & paste from the beginning fixed

Beautiful song! :cry: Good luck! <3
Thanks for your modding~
Mod for modding queue.

:idea: Should add easier difficulties. Your Normal is already 3.22 difficulty stars and 835 combo, which probably lies on the verge of being a legitimate Hard difficulty. A possible solution is to change Normal --> Hard and Hard --> Insane, and then add a ~1.5* Easy and a ~2.5* Normal.
:idea: I like you using hit sounds to add percussion to the music in osu! charts. Keep it up in the easier difficulties as mentioned above!

:idea: Spanning over 4 minutes and having 1080 combos, this map is perhaps more difficult than a number of 2000-series songs (Saitama, Koibumi and Taberuna for instance) in terms of stamina drain. Offer a breather period (where things should simplify and slow down) at the middle. See below for more.
:idea: Lacks Go-go Time. See below for more.
01:53:900 (1) - Start 1st Go-go time here
02:08:018 (5) - End 1st Go-go time here
02:08:018 (5,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2) - Simplify. A good time to offer a pause after 470-something hits. Can follow the above simplification.
02:58:312 (1) - Put 2nd Go-go time from here...
03:25:665 (1) - ...until here
03:33:606 (4,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2) - Example for the above simplification.

:!: The spread of notes and the interweaving routes making this map qualify as an Insane difficulty.
00:00:764 (1) - Almost silent both in slider and in music. A surprise for the uninformed.
00:30:763 to 00:30:972 - :?: Blank Kiai Time, just for the fireworks?
01:54:121 (2) - and similar: Replacing with two hit circles is a good alternative.
02:29:194 (1) - Give a break after this note...
02:43:312 (1) - ...until before this.
03:48:606 (1,1) - Could one whole spinner be considered?

:!: Overflow of sliders. Replace sliders with hit circles in later parts.
00:30:763 to 00:30:972 - :?: Blank Kiai Time, just for the fireworks?
01:03:606 (2) - Killer slider
01:04:488 (1,2) - and similar: Too little separation as Normal
01:18:606 (1,2) - and similar: I know this is for sound effect, but for the sake of playability, combine into one whole slider
01:38:900 (2) - and similar: Hyper-short returning sliders, startle at first sight for Normal players. Reshape.
:idea: If you decide to purge this as a new Hard then most of these can be retained.

Sorry, but can't star yet, since this map is not newcomer-friendly enough :(
Hi there

* No tags? That's a shame....
* Never silenced both slidertick and sliderslide
* Do not make sliderscorepoint.png looks transparent, or the players think that this cases was a bug
* You should add one more diff between Normal and Hard diff. So it makes the diff spread is good

01:23:900 (1) - Reverse it (Ctrl+R)? So the beginnners are able to see the head slider very clearly?
01:51:915 (4) - Don't put the circle behind sliderpath, or beginners will hard to read this while gameplay
02:27:429 (1) - Same issue as 01:23:900 (1)
02:49:488 (3) - Too much repeating slider can be confusing for beginners
02:56:547 (3) - ^
03:25:224 (1,2,3) - Overlapped by hitbursts, so beginners can't see the circle (sometimes beginners are slowly to read)
03:41:768 (3) - The head slider is almost offscreen
03:45:959 (1) - The tail slider is almost offscreen
03:57:356 (4) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar

* AR +2 please. Your current appraoch rate is makes me confuse while testing

01:16:621 (4,1) - Make a same distance spacing as 01:15:959 (3,4)? So the jump pattern looks balanced?
01:37:577 (3,1) - Swap new combo?
03:51:209 (1) - Really, this short spinners makes me suprised and unable to complete the spinner fast. Can you remove and replace with others?

Good luck
Topic Starter

tetsutaro wrote:

Mod for modding queue.

:idea: Should add easier difficulties. Your Normal is already 3.22 difficulty stars and 835 combo, which probably lies on the verge of being a legitimate Hard difficulty. A possible solution is to change Normal --> Hard and Hard --> Insane, and then add a ~1.5* Easy and a ~2.5* Normal.
:idea: I like you using hit sounds to add percussion to the music in osu! charts. Keep it up in the easier difficulties as mentioned above!

:idea: Spanning over 4 minutes and having 1080 combos, this map is perhaps more difficult than a number of 2000-series songs (Saitama, Koibumi and Taberuna for instance) in terms of stamina drain. Offer a breather period (where things should simplify and slow down) at the middle. See below for more.
:idea: Lacks Go-go Time. See below for more.
01:53:900 (1) - Start 1st Go-go time here
02:08:018 (5) - End 1st Go-go time here
02:08:018 (5,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2) - Simplify. A good time to offer a pause after 470-something hits. Can follow the above simplification.
02:58:312 (1) - Put 2nd Go-go time from here...
03:25:665 (1) - ...until here
03:33:606 (4,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2) - Example for the above simplification.

:!: The spread of notes and the interweaving routes making this map qualify as an Insane difficulty.
00:00:764 (1) - Almost silent both in slider and in music. A surprise for the uninformed.
00:30:763 to 00:30:972 - :?: Blank Kiai Time, just for the fireworks?
01:54:121 (2) - and similar: Replacing with two hit circles is a good alternative. fixed
02:29:194 (1) - Give a break after this note...
02:43:312 (1) - ...until before this.
03:48:606 (1,1) - Could one whole spinner be considered? fixed

:!: Overflow of sliders. Replace sliders with hit circles in later parts.
00:30:763 to 00:30:972 - :?: Blank Kiai Time, just for the fireworks?
01:03:606 (2) - Killer slider fixed
01:04:488 (1,2) - and similar: Too little separation as Normal
01:18:606 (1,2) - and similar: I know this is for sound effect, but for the sake of playability, combine into one whole slider
01:38:900 (2) - and similar: Hyper-short returning sliders, startle at first sight for Normal players. Reshape.
:idea: If you decide to purge this as a new Hard then most of these can be retained.

Sorry, but can't star yet, since this map is not newcomer-friendly enough :(
Thanks for your modding~

Leorda wrote:

Hi there

* No tags? That's a shame....
* Never silenced both slidertick and sliderslide
* Do not make sliderscorepoint.png looks transparent, or the players think that this cases was a bug
* You should add one more diff between Normal and Hard diff. So it makes the diff spread is good

01:23:900 (1) - Reverse it (Ctrl+R)? So the beginnners are able to see the head slider very clearly? fixed
01:51:915 (4) - Don't put the circle behind sliderpath, or beginners will hard to read this while gameplay fixed
02:27:429 (1) - Same issue as 01:23:900 (1) fixed
02:49:488 (3) - Too much repeating slider can be confusing for beginners
02:56:547 (3) - ^
03:25:224 (1,2,3) - Overlapped by hitbursts, so beginners can't see the circle (sometimes beginners are slowly to read) fixed
03:41:768 (3) - The head slider is almost offscreen fixed
03:45:959 (1) - The tail slider is almost offscreen fixed
03:57:356 (4) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar fixed

* AR +2 please. Your current appraoch rate is makes me confuse while testing fixed

01:16:621 (4,1) - Make a same distance spacing as 01:15:959 (3,4)? So the jump pattern looks balanced? fixed
01:37:577 (3,1) - Swap new combo?
03:51:209 (1) - Really, this short spinners makes me suprised and unable to complete the spinner fast. Can you remove and replace with others? fixed

Good luck
Thanks for your modding~
Rin' :3
Hi~ From my Queue
Almost Modding is Suggestion so you can ignore this

01:51:915 (4) - i think this note is hard to read for beginners ( just my opinion )

00:25:971 (4) - move slider 00:25:764 (4) - here ( this is hear and play better my guess )
01:23:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - making some jumps? ( looks boring )
01:41:547 (7) - NC
02:27:429 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - same as 01:23:900
02:50:371 (7) - add finish?
02:53:900 (1) - add finish start of slider
02:54:782 (4) - ^
03:23:900 (4) - ^
03:47:503 (1) - add clap?

lol nice mapset! :D
good luck with my star~
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:

Hi~ From my Queue
Almost Modding is Suggestion so you can ignore this

01:51:915 (4) - i think this note is hard to read for beginners ( just my opinion )

00:25:971 (4) - move slider 00:25:764 (4) - here ( this is hear and play better my guess )
01:23:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - making some jumps? ( looks boring )
01:41:547 (7) - NC fixed
02:27:429 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - same as 01:23:900
02:50:371 (7) - add finish? fixed
02:53:900 (1) - add finish start of slider fixed
02:54:782 (4) - ^
03:23:900 (4) - ^
03:47:503 (1) - add clap?

lol nice mapset! :D
good luck with my star~
thanks for your modding and star!~~~~~~~~
Hi ~
From my mod queue ~
Just some suggest ~

Normal :

01:50:591 (2,3,4) - I think this pattern look to hard for normal, 4 are hidden by 2
02:47:724 (2) - I think it's better if we see propely this slider
03:03:606 (3,1,2) - this pattern look too hard for normal

Taiko :

00:34:513 (2) - kat
01:27:209 (1,1) - d k sound better for me
01:27:760 (3) - kat
02:09:231 - add kat
02:13:973 (2) - wrong color
02:50:591 (4) - kat

good luck ~
Topic Starter

Kin wrote:

Hi ~
From my mod queue ~
Just some suggest ~

Normal :

01:50:591 (2,3,4) - I think this pattern look to hard for normal, 4 are hidden by 2
02:47:724 (2) - I think it's better if we see propely this slider
03:03:606 (3,1,2) - this pattern look too hard for normal

Taiko :

00:34:513 (2) - kat
01:27:209 (1,1) - d k sound better for me
01:27:760 (3) - kat
02:09:231 - add kat
02:13:973 (2) - wrong color
02:50:591 (4) - kat

good luck ~
Almost fixed.
Thank you, Kin~
Taiko mod req~ :3

  1. 00:40:763 (2) - k
  2. 00:45:347 (2) - d
  3. 00:49:513 (2) - d
  4. 01:03:606 (2) - k
  5. 01:10:003 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1) - kkd k d kkd
  6. 02:42:650 (2) - d
  7. 02:43:091 (2) - k
good song :) good luck!

02:57:650 (1,2) - xx
02:59:635 (4,5,1) - xxo
03:08:018 (1,1,2,3,1) - oxxxo
03:10:885 (1,2) - xx
03:32:944 (1) 到 03:39:782 (1) - 我在想这边一堆x会不会出问题

02:05:812 (6) - Ctrl+Shift+R 中心旋转-12°
02:51:253 (2) - 怎么看都应该是向下弯来的 :?
02:59:194 (4) - 向上弯?
03:26:988 (2) - 这个尾巴被combo数挡住了 :? 可能的解决方案

02:23:459 (3) - 求curve
02:59:635 (4) - ^
best normal ever!

Taiko Modreq~ <3

d = don
k = kat
re = remove

[Taiko General]
Kiai Time 怎么没放? :o

00:53:680 - k
00:58:974 - k
01:33:385 - k
01:34:268 - k
01:40:224 - k
01:43:091 - k
01:55:224 - k
02:50:371 - k
Topic Starter

ReySHeL wrote:

Taiko mod req~ :3
Hi, ReySHeL~

  1. 00:40:763 (2) - k fixed
  2. 00:45:347 (2) - d
  3. 00:49:513 (2) - d fixed
  4. 01:03:606 (2) - k fixed
  5. 01:10:003 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1) - kkd k d kkd
  6. 02:42:650 (2) - d fixed
  7. 02:43:091 (2) - k
good song :) good luck!
Thanks for your helpful modding~~~~

Banana wrote:


02:57:650 (1,2) - xx
02:59:635 (4,5,1) - xxo
03:08:018 (1,1,2,3,1) - oxxxo
03:10:885 (1,2) - xx
03:32:944 (1) 到 03:39:782 (1) - 我在想这边一堆x会不会出问题

02:05:812 (6) - Ctrl+Shift+R 中心旋转-12°
02:51:253 (2) - 怎么看都应该是向下弯来的 :?
02:59:194 (4) - 向上弯?
03:26:988 (2) - 这个尾巴被combo数挡住了 :? 可能的解决方案

02:23:459 (3) - 求curve
02:59:635 (4) - ^
best normal ever!


mintong89 wrote:

Taiko Modreq~ <3
Hi, mintong89~

d = don
k = kat
re = remove

[Taiko General]
Kiai Time 怎么没放? :o

00:53:680 - k
00:58:974 - k
01:33:385 - k fixed
01:34:268 - k
01:40:224 - k
01:43:091 - k
01:55:224 - k fixed
02:50:371 - k fixed
Thank you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
哈哈哈 妹妹你懂的 以下是不好好学习的产物

remove sliderscorepoint.png

03:04:268 (1) - 太靠边了
01:59:856 (1) - ^
01:51:915 (4,5) - 遮挡,放到01:50:591 (2) - 中间跟(3)成一条直线
03:19:488 (1,2) - 遮挡

02:44:635 (1,2,3,4,1) - 不好看,

01:45:738 (2,3,1) - 这个跟前面一样,改成1/6
Topic Starter

KayeSara wrote:

哈哈哈 妹妹你懂的 以下是不好好学习的产物

remove sliderscorepoint.png

03:04:268 (1) - 太靠边了
01:59:856 (1) - ^
01:51:915 (4,5) - 遮挡,放到01:50:591 (2) - 中间跟(3)成一条直线
03:19:488 (1,2) - 遮挡

02:44:635 (1,2,3,4,1) - 不好看,

01:45:738 (2,3,1) - 这个跟前面一样,改成1/6
Allllllllllll fixed!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
timing 有点慢测完之后直接给你了我没时间听了 你看看那里不对就自己调整

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