
B or lower rank: Just a fancy way to say "Song Failed"?

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I know I really don't consider a song passed until I get at least an A, but I was wondering if anyone else thought the same way.
Depends of a map. For example, getting B on the Cry for Eternity would be great. Don't you think?
osu! is one of the hardest exams in the world.
Seriously a 92% and still just a B? We'll ace any other test.
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tolliken wrote:

Depends of a map. For example, getting B on the Cry for Eternity would be great. Don't you think?
Well for others a B might be fine, but I consider it a blemish no matter the song or difficulty. If I can't A, S, or SS rank it, I might as well have not tried. Sudden Death mode is my best friend and my most hated enemy here, as are the keyboard and mouse I use.
what you consider a score is all up to you. Sometimes, I need an SS, or else I feel I've let myself down :P
F m L_old

kriers wrote:

what you consider a score is all up to you. Sometimes, I need an SS, or else I feel I've let myself down :P
SS is like achievement for me, which never happens :(

-Athena- wrote:

osu! is one of the hardest exams in the world.
Seriously a 92% and still just a B? We'll ace any other test.
Lol, that's true! :)

Also, why the hell can't i get something like, ta-da-dums, PLATINUM SS mark, in real life? :?:

F m L wrote:

kriers wrote:

what you consider a score is all up to you. Sometimes, I need an SS, or else I feel I've let myself down :P
SS is like achievement for me, which never happens :(


if i am on my way of getting a B on a song i dont even finish it, i have 2 B's in total right now.
I don't care :3 I enjoy B ranks more than A, cause A looks ugly with green. /greatlogic

If the map is harder than my skillevel i am happy to pass it with B.
i decided not to rank my score if acc is 97% or less (average maps with dt or so)
except for approved map ,then i can accept C
Just FC everything

bomber34 wrote:

I don't care :3 I enjoy B ranks more than A, cause A looks ugly with green. /greatlogic

If the map is harder than my skillevel i am happy to pass it with B.
then make the A blue, and the B green \:D/

for me, it depends on the song difficulty. sometimes I am just happy to pass a map, while I get mad on other maps for not being able to do that well.
F m L_old

silmarilen wrote:

45 is nothing
So the thread seems to be split into people who actually play difficult maps well and those who never go above hard / easy insanes.

Frankly I'd be ecstatic if I C/D ranked [Four Dimensions] but you know, you stick to your [hard] diffs if you consider <B a fail.
Sup A Noob
I probably have the most recorded A's in the world right now.
I generally dislike getting anything less than S
I will pass with A if I enjoy the song and map enough to replay it several times
so.. yeah I guess B = fail for me

Cho wrote:

So the thread seems to be split into people who actually play difficult maps well and those who never go above hard / easy insanes.

Frankly I'd be ecstatic if I C/D ranked [Four Dimensions] but you know, you stick to your [hard] diffs if you consider <B a fail.
i dont get it, are you saying people who dont want to get B's dont play harder insanes?
I believe I "failed" this map
Minty Gum
Well, I'd rather play a map that's a bit hard for me and get a C or B than play a map that's too easy for me and get an A/S/SS. I find maps that are challenging for me a lot more entertaining than easy maps where I'm half asleep while playing. It's also nice to start out with a C on a difficult map and come back a month later and improve it to a B, then an A, etc.

silmarilen wrote:

Cho wrote:

So the thread seems to be split into people who actually play difficult maps well and those who never go above hard / easy insanes.

Frankly I'd be ecstatic if I C/D ranked [Four Dimensions] but you know, you stick to your [hard] diffs if you consider <B a fail.
i dont get it, are you saying people who dont want to get B's dont play harder insanes?
No, I said the majority of people who don't want to get <B's don't, and funnily enough if you look at the profiles of OP etc. I wasn't saying that out of nowhere.

thelewa wrote:

Just FC everything
Fucking C.

Other than that, I'd like to improve everything to S or SS, but hell, I suck at streams.
S/SS→ Good Work, companion
A→ Good
B→ Decent
C→ Bad
D→ You couldn't do any worser
1x100 1x miss → Mukku style song failed
0x100 1x miss → Lewa style song failed
Anything else → song failed
1x100 FC → sucky
0x100 FC → pass
I'll take anything that isn't a D due to my general low accuracy and stream speed.
Which leads to me saying "YEEEEEAHHHHH I GOT C ON NATIVE FAITH"

I think that you should be proud of yourself for any achievement, regardless of how well other people are doing.

what is a B
SS = good
S = not bad
A= bad
the rest isnt worth mentioning.
Sincerely, I don't really care. I'm playing for fun, not for being Cookiezi.
I like getting B and C ranks because it means I'm playing something right at my skill level. I guess because of this I'm always disappointed to run across maps with really high HP drain because it's just not possible to get C (or sometimes even B) without dying from the lack of 300s. Those maps are probably made by the people who think an A is bad. :P

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I probably have the most recorded A's in the world right now.

Person I will not name would like to speak with you.

i probably have the lowest number of SS in da world right now
I have really bad accuracy, so B's are what I get the most.So I have to be satisfied with it for now. If the song is like AR9 then i get A's more(I like fast maps better)
As you can see my last 24hr ;-;

I'm not the kind of person to retry a Map more than 3 times to get that S or A, If I can't do it within my first three times, then i'll just go back to it after I improve.

SS - I can't believe I did that, this will never happen again.
S - I think I got better
A - That 1 Miss :/
B - Eh, I'll take it
C- This map is too hard for me :/
D - I only get these on No fail runs, so I don't really care for it.

sCam wrote:

SS - I can't believe I did that, this will never happen again.

sCam wrote:

S - I think I got better
if i would S any val map then maybe

sCam wrote:

A - That 1 Miss :/
happens pretty often to me

sCam wrote:

B - Eh, I'll take it
no ( just very few exception)

sCam wrote:

C- This map is too hard for me :/
D - I only get these on No fail runs, so I don't really care for it.
C - I only get these on No fail runs, so I don't really care for it
D - This map is too hard for me :/

wow 8-)
i cant remember ever having a D on a legit run, C is too hard for me, those insane approved maps and stuff (with no fail), B means its too hard for me.
This B for me worths as much as some SS of mine

I think it mostly depends from how much the song is hard at all.....generally i try SS'ing "Hard" maps, instead when i'm going on Insanes i try FCing them giving not too much care on x100s.
To make a summary: B & C = nofail runs on songs too hard for me , A = idiotic misses , S = slider breaks or misstimed pressing due to tension, SS = i aim at them

PS: consider that i play mostly Hard diffs
To me, B's are OK if I ever play a approved beatmap. The only map I would ever consider a B an achievment is the insane map on Cyo Mateyo.

Pichu0102 wrote:

I know I really don't consider a song passed until I get at least an A, but I was wondering if anyone else thought the same way.
Why? B isn't even in your profile. You can get #1 with 0 SS, 0 S and 0 A's. Haha. =D

For me:

SS - Yeah, I'm playing Easy maps ang get SS. Nothing special.
S - happens often.
A - happens often. When I get an A, I try to get an S
B - In most cases maps that are harder than the ones I usually play. I'll take it.
C - Must be some record wihle playing the first few times.
D - same as C.
If we are saying what our different ranks are:

SS - Rofl Lewa is gonna be pissed at me this time.
S - Eh the usual
B - Most likely trying a song that isn't possible to FC with HD HR or screwing around with DT
C - Tag 4
D - Never happens.
Shohei Ohtani
Considering I play with Suddendeath, I don't really get Bs or lower that often
Sup A Noob


xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I probably have the most recorded A's in the world right now.

Person I will not name would like to speak with you.

Oh f-

I actually do wonder how many B's I have.


SS - Lolwat ok
S - Lol ok
A - Ok
B - Ok
C - Ok
D - Hmm... Ok

No really, that's the amount of shit I give to ranks.
SS - My curse has been lifted!
S - it hasn't, damn that 1x 100.
A - That didn't count.

I like the way this is going.

kriers wrote:

1x100 1x miss → Mukku style song failed
0x100 1x miss → Lewa style song failed
Anything else → song failed
1x100 FC → sucky
0x100 FC → pass

tolliken wrote:

-Athena- wrote:

osu! is one of the hardest exams in the world.
Seriously a 92% and still just a B? We'll ace any other test.
Lol, that's true! :)

Also, why the hell can't i get something like, ta-da-dums, PLATINUM SS mark, in real life? :?:
You can, but you have to blind yourself so you can play on Hidden.

Also for me:

SS Rank - Jumping for joy
S Rank - Yeah I expected it.
A Rank - I'll work on it.
B Rank - Damn, I'm so bad at this.
C Rank - Oh god why didn't I just quit halfway through...
D Rank - I need to stop using No Fail.
Amefuri Koneko
If I get below 90% accuracy it's a fail for me, 91-93% not very satisfying too. Don't really care about rank and few combobreakers if accuracy is high.
Yeah. B-ranks in this case make you someone special. =D
I don't consider a lower rank a fail if the map is hard. Difficulty is a larger factor for me. Mainly due to the fact that 500 S ranks on easy/normal ranks won't help you improve and get higher ranks on harder songs.

Besides, that feeling of progress when you improve upon your old ranked score by any respectable margin is amazing.
Kanye West
anything below S is failing
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